
2974 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
import json
import re
import shutil
2021-05-15 20:57:05 +00:00
from pathlib import Path
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
Generate godot compat for dual build generate compat generate compat Update ci.yml Update binding_generator.py generate compat generate compat lint python files Update compat_generator.py update docs Update binding_generator.py Update module_converter.py also collect defines Add module converter file that converts module based projects to godot_compat Update ci.yml update docs Update compat_generator.py lint python files generate compat generate compat generate compat generate compat Update ci.yml fix path issue when caling from outside Update binding_generator.py update to also take missing classes/structs Update binding_generator.py Generate godot compat for dual build generate compat generate compat Update ci.yml Update binding_generator.py generate compat generate compat lint python files Update compat_generator.py update docs Update binding_generator.py Update module_converter.py also collect defines Add module converter file that converts module based projects to godot_compat Update ci.yml update docs Update compat_generator.py lint python files generate compat generate compat generate compat generate compat Update ci.yml fix path issue when caling from outside Add support for build profiles. Allow enabling or disabling specific classes (which will not be built). Allow forwarding from `ClassDB` to `ClassDBSingleton` to support enumerations update to also take missing classes/structs Update binding_generator.py update update naming of files add godot mappings. update and run output_header_mapping.json Update README.md make godot_compat work without a file generated fix the test Update binding_generator.py Update binding_generator.py Update binding_generator.py use files from include too Update README.md lint lint lint Update CMakeLists.txt update to use all. fix linting a bit update wip fix posix path Update CMakeLists.txt Update binding_generator.py add using namespace godot; everywhere to includes fix includes Try fixes. generate new include files 123 Update binding_generator.py Update binding_generator.py Update binding_generator.py Update binding_generator.py update fix GODOT_MODULE_COMPAT fix manual includes to match. Update godot.hpp Update color_names.inc.hpp
2024-03-15 08:57:36 +00:00
from compat_generator import map_header_files
from header_matcher import match_headers
2020-06-17 19:12:57 +00:00
def generate_mod_version(argcount, const=False, returns=False):
s = """
#define MODBIND$VER($RETTYPE m_name$ARG) \\
virtual $RETVAL _##m_name($FUNCARGS) $CONST override; \\
sproto = str(argcount)
if returns:
sproto += "R"
s = s.replace("$RETTYPE", "m_ret, ")
s = s.replace("$RETVAL", "m_ret")
s = s.replace("$RETTYPE", "")
s = s.replace("$RETVAL", "void")
if const:
sproto += "C"
s = s.replace("$CONST", "const")
s = s.replace("$CONST", "")
s = s.replace("$VER", sproto)
argtext = ""
funcargs = ""
for i in range(argcount):
if i > 0:
funcargs += ", "
argtext += ", m_type" + str(i + 1)
funcargs += "m_type" + str(i + 1) + " arg" + str(i + 1)
if argcount:
s = s.replace("$ARG", argtext)
s = s.replace("$FUNCARGS", funcargs)
s = s.replace("$ARG", "")
s = s.replace("$FUNCARGS", funcargs)
return s
def generate_wrappers(target):
max_versions = 12
txt = """
for i in range(max_versions + 1):
txt += "\n/* Module Wrapper " + str(i) + " Arguments */\n"
txt += generate_mod_version(i, False, False)
txt += generate_mod_version(i, False, True)
txt += generate_mod_version(i, True, False)
txt += generate_mod_version(i, True, True)
txt += "\n#endif\n"
with open(target, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
def generate_virtual_version(argcount, const=False, returns=False):
s = """#define GDVIRTUAL$VER($RET m_name $ARG)\\
::godot::StringName _gdvirtual_##m_name##_sn = #m_name;\\
template <bool required>\\
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool _gdvirtual_##m_name##_call($CALLARGS) $CONST {\\
if (::godot::internal::gdextension_interface_object_has_script_method(_owner, &_gdvirtual_##m_name##_sn)) { \\
GDExtensionCallError ce;\\
::godot::Variant ret;\\
2024-03-05 14:30:59 +00:00
::godot::internal::gdextension_interface_object_call_script_method(_owner, &_gdvirtual_##m_name##_sn, $CALLSIARGPASS, &ret, &ce);\\
if (ce.error == GDEXTENSION_CALL_OK) {\\
return true;\\
if (required) {\\
ERR_PRINT_ONCE("Required virtual method " + get_class() + "::" + #m_name + " must be overridden before calling.");\\
return false;\\
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool _gdvirtual_##m_name##_overridden() const {\\
return ::godot::internal::gdextension_interface_object_has_script_method(_owner, &_gdvirtual_##m_name##_sn); \\
_FORCE_INLINE_ static ::godot::MethodInfo _gdvirtual_##m_name##_get_method_info() {\\
::godot::MethodInfo method_info;\\
method_info.name = #m_name;\\
method_info.flags = $METHOD_FLAGS;\\
return method_info;\\
sproto = str(argcount)
method_info = ""
if returns:
sproto += "R"
s = s.replace("$RET", "m_ret,")
s = s.replace("$RVOID", "(void)r_ret;") # If required, may lead to uninitialized errors
method_info += "method_info.return_val = ::godot::GetTypeInfo<m_ret>::get_class_info();\\\n"
method_info += "\t\tmethod_info.return_val_metadata = ::godot::GetTypeInfo<m_ret>::METADATA;"
s = s.replace("$RET ", "")
s = s.replace("\t\t\t$RVOID\\\n", "")
if const:
sproto += "C"
s = s.replace("$CONST", "const")
s = s.replace("$METHOD_FLAGS", "::godot::METHOD_FLAG_VIRTUAL | ::godot::METHOD_FLAG_CONST")
s = s.replace("$CONST ", "")
s = s.replace("$METHOD_FLAGS", "::godot::METHOD_FLAG_VIRTUAL")
s = s.replace("$VER", sproto)
argtext = ""
callargtext = ""
callsiargs = ""
callsiargptrs = ""
if argcount > 0:
argtext += ", "
callsiargs = f"::godot::Variant vargs[{argcount}] = {{ "
callsiargptrs = f"\t\t\tconst ::godot::Variant *vargptrs[{argcount}] = {{ "
for i in range(argcount):
if i > 0:
argtext += ", "
callargtext += ", "
callsiargs += ", "
callsiargptrs += ", "
argtext += f"m_type{i + 1}"
callargtext += f"m_type{i + 1} arg{i + 1}"
callsiargs += f"::godot::Variant(arg{i + 1})"
callsiargptrs += f"&vargs[{i}]"
if method_info:
method_info += "\\\n\t\t"
method_info += f"method_info.arguments.push_back(::godot::GetTypeInfo<m_type{i + 1}>::get_class_info());\\\n"
method_info += f"\t\tmethod_info.arguments_metadata.push_back(::godot::GetTypeInfo<m_type{i + 1}>::METADATA);"
if argcount:
callsiargs += " };\\\n"
callsiargptrs += " };"
s = s.replace("$CALLSIARGS", callsiargs + callsiargptrs)
s = s.replace("$CALLSIARGPASS", f"(const GDExtensionConstVariantPtr *)vargptrs, {argcount}")
s = s.replace("\t\t\t$CALLSIARGS\\\n", "")
s = s.replace("$CALLSIARGPASS", "nullptr, 0")
if returns:
if argcount > 0:
callargtext += ", "
callargtext += "m_ret &r_ret"
s = s.replace("$CALLSIRET", "r_ret = ::godot::VariantCaster<m_ret>::cast(ret);")
s = s.replace("\t\t\t\t$CALLSIRET\\\n", "")
s = s.replace(" $ARG", argtext)
s = s.replace("$CALLARGS", callargtext)
if method_info:
s = s.replace("$FILL_METHOD_INFO", method_info)
s = s.replace("\t\t$FILL_METHOD_INFO\\\n", method_info)
return s
def generate_virtuals(target):
max_versions = 12
for i in range(max_versions + 1):
txt += f"/* {i} Arguments */\n\n"
txt += generate_virtual_version(i, False, False)
txt += generate_virtual_version(i, False, True)
txt += generate_virtual_version(i, True, False)
txt += generate_virtual_version(i, True, True)
txt += "#endif // GDEXTENSION_GDVIRTUAL_GEN_H\n"
with open(target, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
def get_file_list(api_filepath, output_dir, headers=False, sources=False, profile_filepath=""):
api = {}
files = []
with open(api_filepath, encoding="utf-8") as api_file:
api = json.load(api_file)
2020-06-17 19:12:57 +00:00
build_profile = parse_build_profile(profile_filepath, api)
core_gen_folder = Path(output_dir) / "gen" / "include" / "godot_cpp" / "core"
include_gen_folder = Path(output_dir) / "gen" / "include" / "godot_cpp"
source_gen_folder = Path(output_dir) / "gen" / "src"
files.append(str((core_gen_folder / "ext_wrappers.gen.inc").as_posix()))
files.append(str((core_gen_folder / "gdvirtual.gen.inc").as_posix()))
for builtin_class in api["builtin_classes"]:
if is_pod_type(builtin_class["name"]):
if is_included_type(builtin_class["name"]):
header_filename = include_gen_folder / "variant" / (camel_to_snake(builtin_class["name"]) + ".hpp")
source_filename = source_gen_folder / "variant" / (camel_to_snake(builtin_class["name"]) + ".cpp")
if headers:
if sources:
for engine_class in api["classes"]:
# Generate code for the ClassDB singleton under a different name.
2021-08-31 15:29:13 +00:00
if engine_class["name"] == "ClassDB":
engine_class["name"] = "ClassDBSingleton"
engine_class["alias_for"] = "ClassDB"
header_filename = include_gen_folder / "classes" / (camel_to_snake(engine_class["name"]) + ".hpp")
source_filename = source_gen_folder / "classes" / (camel_to_snake(engine_class["name"]) + ".cpp")
2020-02-02 19:47:45 +00:00
if headers:
if sources and is_class_included(engine_class["name"], build_profile):
for native_struct in api["native_structures"]:
struct_name = native_struct["name"]
if struct_name == "ObjectID":
snake_struct_name = camel_to_snake(struct_name)
header_filename = include_gen_folder / "classes" / (snake_struct_name + ".hpp")
if headers:
2020-02-02 19:47:45 +00:00
if headers:
for path in [
include_gen_folder / "variant" / "builtin_types.hpp",
include_gen_folder / "variant" / "builtin_binds.hpp",
include_gen_folder / "variant" / "utility_functions.hpp",
include_gen_folder / "variant" / "variant_size.hpp",
include_gen_folder / "variant" / "builtin_vararg_methods.hpp",
include_gen_folder / "classes" / "global_constants.hpp",
include_gen_folder / "classes" / "global_constants_binds.hpp",
2023-07-26 22:16:46 +00:00
include_gen_folder / "core" / "version.hpp",
2020-02-02 19:47:45 +00:00
if sources:
utility_functions_source_path = source_gen_folder / "variant" / "utility_functions.cpp"
return files
def print_file_list(api_filepath, output_dir, headers=False, sources=False, profile_filepath=""):
print(*get_file_list(api_filepath, output_dir, headers, sources, profile_filepath), sep=";", end=None)
def parse_build_profile(profile_filepath, api):
if profile_filepath == "":
return {}
print("Using feature build profile: " + profile_filepath)
with open(profile_filepath, encoding="utf-8") as profile_file:
profile = json.load(profile_file)
api_dict = {}
parents = {}
children = {}
for engine_class in api["classes"]:
api_dict[engine_class["name"]] = engine_class
parent = engine_class.get("inherits", "")
child = engine_class["name"]
parents[child] = parent
if parent == "":
children[parent] = children.get(parent, [])
# Parse methods dependencies
deps = {}
reverse_deps = {}
for name, engine_class in api_dict.items():
ref_cls = set()
for method in engine_class.get("methods", []):
rtype = method.get("return_value", {}).get("type", "")
args = [a["type"] for a in method.get("arguments", [])]
if rtype in api_dict:
elif is_enum(rtype) and get_enum_class(rtype) in api_dict:
for arg in args:
if arg in api_dict:
elif is_enum(arg) and get_enum_class(arg) in api_dict:
deps[engine_class["name"]] = set(filter(lambda x: x != name, ref_cls))
for acls in ref_cls:
if acls == name:
reverse_deps[acls] = reverse_deps.get(acls, set())
included = []
front = list(profile.get("enabled_classes", []))
if front:
# These must always be included
while front:
cls = front.pop()
if cls in included:
parent = parents.get(cls, "")
if parent:
for rcls in deps.get(cls, set()):
if rcls in included or rcls in front:
excluded = []
front = list(profile.get("disabled_classes", []))
while front:
cls = front.pop()
if cls in excluded:
front += children.get(cls, [])
for rcls in reverse_deps.get(cls, set()):
if rcls in excluded or rcls in front:
if included and excluded:
"WARNING: Cannot specify both 'enabled_classes' and 'disabled_classes' in build profile. 'disabled_classes' will be ignored."
return {
"enabled_classes": included,
"disabled_classes": excluded,
def scons_emit_files(target, source, env):
profile_filepath = env.get("build_profile", "")
if profile_filepath and not Path(profile_filepath).is_absolute():
profile_filepath = str((Path(env.Dir("#").abspath) / profile_filepath).as_posix())
files = [env.File(f) for f in get_file_list(str(source[0]), target[0].abspath, True, True, profile_filepath)]
env.Clean(target, files)
env["godot_cpp_gen_dir"] = target[0].abspath
return files, source
def scons_generate_bindings(target, source, env):
2022-03-20 16:19:27 +00:00
"32" if "32" in env["arch"] else "64",
Generate godot compat for dual build generate compat generate compat Update ci.yml Update binding_generator.py generate compat generate compat lint python files Update compat_generator.py update docs Update binding_generator.py Update module_converter.py also collect defines Add module converter file that converts module based projects to godot_compat Update ci.yml update docs Update compat_generator.py lint python files generate compat generate compat generate compat generate compat Update ci.yml fix path issue when caling from outside Update binding_generator.py update to also take missing classes/structs Update binding_generator.py Generate godot compat for dual build generate compat generate compat Update ci.yml Update binding_generator.py generate compat generate compat lint python files Update compat_generator.py update docs Update binding_generator.py Update module_converter.py also collect defines Add module converter file that converts module based projects to godot_compat Update ci.yml update docs Update compat_generator.py lint python files generate compat generate compat generate compat generate compat Update ci.yml fix path issue when caling from outside Add support for build profiles. Allow enabling or disabling specific classes (which will not be built). Allow forwarding from `ClassDB` to `ClassDBSingleton` to support enumerations update to also take missing classes/structs Update binding_generator.py update update naming of files add godot mappings. update and run output_header_mapping.json Update README.md make godot_compat work without a file generated fix the test Update binding_generator.py Update binding_generator.py Update binding_generator.py use files from include too Update README.md lint lint lint Update CMakeLists.txt update to use all. fix linting a bit update wip fix posix path Update CMakeLists.txt Update binding_generator.py add using namespace godot; everywhere to includes fix includes Try fixes. generate new include files 123 Update binding_generator.py Update binding_generator.py Update binding_generator.py Update binding_generator.py update fix GODOT_MODULE_COMPAT fix manual includes to match. Update godot.hpp Update color_names.inc.hpp
2024-03-15 08:57:36 +00:00
2022-03-20 16:19:27 +00:00
return None
2020-02-02 19:47:45 +00:00
Generate godot compat for dual build generate compat generate compat Update ci.yml Update binding_generator.py generate compat generate compat lint python files Update compat_generator.py update docs Update binding_generator.py Update module_converter.py also collect defines Add module converter file that converts module based projects to godot_compat Update ci.yml update docs Update compat_generator.py lint python files generate compat generate compat generate compat generate compat Update ci.yml fix path issue when caling from outside Update binding_generator.py update to also take missing classes/structs Update binding_generator.py Generate godot compat for dual build generate compat generate compat Update ci.yml Update binding_generator.py generate compat generate compat lint python files Update compat_generator.py update docs Update binding_generator.py Update module_converter.py also collect defines Add module converter file that converts module based projects to godot_compat Update ci.yml update docs Update compat_generator.py lint python files generate compat generate compat generate compat generate compat Update ci.yml fix path issue when caling from outside Add support for build profiles. Allow enabling or disabling specific classes (which will not be built). Allow forwarding from `ClassDB` to `ClassDBSingleton` to support enumerations update to also take missing classes/structs Update binding_generator.py update update naming of files add godot mappings. update and run output_header_mapping.json Update README.md make godot_compat work without a file generated fix the test Update binding_generator.py Update binding_generator.py Update binding_generator.py use files from include too Update README.md lint lint lint Update CMakeLists.txt update to use all. fix linting a bit update wip fix posix path Update CMakeLists.txt Update binding_generator.py add using namespace godot; everywhere to includes fix includes Try fixes. generate new include files 123 Update binding_generator.py Update binding_generator.py Update binding_generator.py Update binding_generator.py update fix GODOT_MODULE_COMPAT fix manual includes to match. Update godot.hpp Update color_names.inc.hpp
2024-03-15 08:57:36 +00:00
def generate_bindings(
api_filepath, use_template_get_node, bits="64", precision="single", output_dir=".", godot_repo=""
api = None
target_dir = Path(output_dir) / "gen"
2021-05-15 20:57:05 +00:00
with open(api_filepath, encoding="utf-8") as api_file:
api = json.load(api_file)
shutil.rmtree(target_dir, ignore_errors=True)
real_t = "double" if precision == "double" else "float"
print("Built-in type config: " + real_t + "_" + bits)
2022-03-20 16:19:27 +00:00
generate_global_constants(api, target_dir)
2023-07-26 22:16:46 +00:00
generate_version_header(api, target_dir)
generate_global_constant_binds(api, target_dir)
generate_builtin_bindings(api, target_dir, real_t + "_" + bits)
generate_engine_classes_bindings(api, target_dir, use_template_get_node)
generate_utility_functions(api, target_dir)
Generate godot compat for dual build generate compat generate compat Update ci.yml Update binding_generator.py generate compat generate compat lint python files Update compat_generator.py update docs Update binding_generator.py Update module_converter.py also collect defines Add module converter file that converts module based projects to godot_compat Update ci.yml update docs Update compat_generator.py lint python files generate compat generate compat generate compat generate compat Update ci.yml fix path issue when caling from outside Update binding_generator.py update to also take missing classes/structs Update binding_generator.py Generate godot compat for dual build generate compat generate compat Update ci.yml Update binding_generator.py generate compat generate compat lint python files Update compat_generator.py update docs Update binding_generator.py Update module_converter.py also collect defines Add module converter file that converts module based projects to godot_compat Update ci.yml update docs Update compat_generator.py lint python files generate compat generate compat generate compat generate compat Update ci.yml fix path issue when caling from outside Add support for build profiles. Allow enabling or disabling specific classes (which will not be built). Allow forwarding from `ClassDB` to `ClassDBSingleton` to support enumerations update to also take missing classes/structs Update binding_generator.py update update naming of files add godot mappings. update and run output_header_mapping.json Update README.md make godot_compat work without a file generated fix the test Update binding_generator.py Update binding_generator.py Update binding_generator.py use files from include too Update README.md lint lint lint Update CMakeLists.txt update to use all. fix linting a bit update wip fix posix path Update CMakeLists.txt Update binding_generator.py add using namespace godot; everywhere to includes fix includes Try fixes. generate new include files 123 Update binding_generator.py Update binding_generator.py Update binding_generator.py Update binding_generator.py update fix GODOT_MODULE_COMPAT fix manual includes to match. Update godot.hpp Update color_names.inc.hpp
2024-03-15 08:57:36 +00:00
if godot_repo != "":
generate_compat_includes(godot_repo, target_dir)
"ClassDB": "ClassDBSingleton",
builtin_classes = []
# Key is class name, value is boolean where True means the class is refcounted.
engine_classes = {}
# Type names of native structures
native_structures = []
singletons = []
def generate_builtin_bindings(api, output_dir, build_config):
global builtin_classes
Nativescript 1.1 implemented instance binding data usage This commit changes the way C++ wrapper classes work. Previously, wrapper classes were merely wrapper *interfaces*. They used the `this` pointer to store the actual foreign Godot Object. With the NativeScript 1.1 extension it is now possible to have low-overhead language binding data attached to Objects. The C++ bindings use that feature to implement *proper* wrappers and enable regular C++ inheritance usage that way. Some things might still be buggy and untested, but the C++ SimpleDemo works with those changes. new and free change, custom free will crash engine, be wary fix exporting of non-object types fix free() crash with custom resources added type tags and safe object casting fix global type registration order fix cast_to changed build system to be more self contained updated .gitignore use typeid() for type tags now fix indentation in bindings generator remove accidentally added files fix gitignore Fixed up registering tool and updated godot_headers Fix crash when calling String::split/split_floats Was casting to the wrong object type. Also adds parse_ints function to String with the same logic Better warning/error macros Change gitignore so we get our gen folders New documentation based on nativescript 1.1 Fixed GODOT_SUBCLASS macro Preventing crash when function returned null ptr Adds needed include <typeinfo> Solves this issue #168 due to not having the include of typeinfo Fix compile error of 'WARN_PRINT' and 'ERR_PRINT'. cannot pass non-trivial object of type 'godot::String' to variadic function; expected type from format string was 'char *' [-Wnon-pod-varargs] update vector3::distance_to Remove godot_api.json as its now in the godot_headers submodule (api.json)
2018-02-11 14:50:01 +00:00
core_gen_folder = Path(output_dir) / "include" / "godot_cpp" / "core"
include_gen_folder = Path(output_dir) / "include" / "godot_cpp" / "variant"
source_gen_folder = Path(output_dir) / "src" / "variant"
core_gen_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
include_gen_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
source_gen_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
generate_wrappers(core_gen_folder / "ext_wrappers.gen.inc")
generate_virtuals(core_gen_folder / "gdvirtual.gen.inc")
# Store types beforehand.
for builtin_api in api["builtin_classes"]:
if is_pod_type(builtin_api["name"]):
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
builtin_sizes = {}
for size_list in api["builtin_class_sizes"]:
if size_list["build_configuration"] == build_config:
for size in size_list["sizes"]:
builtin_sizes[size["name"]] = size["size"]
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
# Create a file for Variant size, since that class isn't generated.
variant_size_filename = include_gen_folder / "variant_size.hpp"
with variant_size_filename.open("+w", encoding="utf-8") as variant_size_file:
variant_size_source = []
add_header("variant_size.hpp", variant_size_source)
variant_size_source.append(f"#ifndef {header_guard}")
variant_size_source.append(f"#define {header_guard}")
variant_size_source.append(f'#define GODOT_CPP_VARIANT_SIZE {builtin_sizes["Variant"]}')
variant_size_source.append(f"#endif // ! {header_guard}")
for builtin_api in api["builtin_classes"]:
if is_pod_type(builtin_api["name"]):
if is_included_type(builtin_api["name"]):
2017-09-11 19:34:20 +00:00
size = builtin_sizes[builtin_api["name"]]
header_filename = include_gen_folder / (camel_to_snake(builtin_api["name"]) + ".hpp")
source_filename = source_gen_folder / (camel_to_snake(builtin_api["name"]) + ".cpp")
# Check used classes for header include
used_classes = set()
fully_used_classes = set()
class_name = builtin_api["name"]
if "constructors" in builtin_api:
for constructor in builtin_api["constructors"]:
if "arguments" in constructor:
for argument in constructor["arguments"]:
if is_included(argument["type"], class_name):
if "default_value" in argument and argument["type"] != "Variant":
if "methods" in builtin_api:
for method in builtin_api["methods"]:
if "arguments" in method:
for argument in method["arguments"]:
if is_included(argument["type"], class_name):
if "default_value" in argument and argument["type"] != "Variant":
if "return_type" in method:
if is_included(method["return_type"], class_name):
if "members" in builtin_api:
for member in builtin_api["members"]:
if is_included(member["type"], class_name):
if "indexing_return_type" in builtin_api:
if is_included(builtin_api["indexing_return_type"], class_name):
if "operators" in builtin_api:
for operator in builtin_api["operators"]:
if "right_type" in operator:
if is_included(operator["right_type"], class_name):
for type_name in fully_used_classes:
if type_name in used_classes:
2017-09-11 19:34:20 +00:00
used_classes = list(used_classes)
fully_used_classes = list(fully_used_classes)
with header_filename.open("w+", encoding="utf-8") as header_file:
header_file.write(generate_builtin_class_header(builtin_api, size, used_classes, fully_used_classes))
with source_filename.open("w+", encoding="utf-8") as source_file:
source_file.write(generate_builtin_class_source(builtin_api, size, used_classes, fully_used_classes))
# Create a header with all builtin types for convenience.
builtin_header_filename = include_gen_folder / "builtin_types.hpp"
with builtin_header_filename.open("w+", encoding="utf-8") as builtin_header_file:
builtin_header = []
add_header("builtin_types.hpp", builtin_header)
2017-09-11 19:34:20 +00:00
builtin_header.append("#ifndef GODOT_CPP_BUILTIN_TYPES_HPP")
builtin_header.append("#define GODOT_CPP_BUILTIN_TYPES_HPP")
2017-09-11 19:34:20 +00:00
for builtin in builtin_classes:
2021-08-19 17:47:56 +00:00
builtin_header.append(f"#include <godot_cpp/variant/{camel_to_snake(builtin)}.hpp>")
builtin_header.append("#endif // ! GODOT_CPP_BUILTIN_TYPES_HPP")
2017-09-11 19:34:20 +00:00
2017-09-11 19:34:20 +00:00
# Create a header with bindings for builtin types.
builtin_binds_filename = include_gen_folder / "builtin_binds.hpp"
with builtin_binds_filename.open("w+", encoding="utf-8") as builtin_binds_file:
builtin_binds = []
add_header("builtin_binds.hpp", builtin_binds)
builtin_binds.append("#ifndef GODOT_CPP_BUILTIN_BINDS_HPP")
builtin_binds.append("#define GODOT_CPP_BUILTIN_BINDS_HPP")
builtin_binds.append("#include <godot_cpp/variant/builtin_types.hpp>")
for builtin_api in api["builtin_classes"]:
if is_included_type(builtin_api["name"]):
if "enums" in builtin_api:
for enum_api in builtin_api["enums"]:
builtin_binds.append("#endif // ! GODOT_CPP_BUILTIN_BINDS_HPP")
# Create a header to implement all builtin class vararg methods and be included in "variant.hpp".
builtin_vararg_methods_header = include_gen_folder / "builtin_vararg_methods.hpp"
def generate_builtin_class_vararg_method_implements_header(builtin_classes):
result = []
add_header("builtin_vararg_methods.hpp", result)
result.append(f"#ifndef {header_guard}")
result.append(f"#define {header_guard}")
for builtin_api in builtin_classes:
2024-06-24 17:20:55 +00:00
if "methods" not in builtin_api:
class_name = builtin_api["name"]
for method in builtin_api["methods"]:
if not method["is_vararg"]:
result += make_varargs_template(
method, "is_static" in method and method["is_static"], class_name, False, False, True
result.append(f"#endif // ! {header_guard}")
return "\n".join(result)
def generate_builtin_class_header(builtin_api, size, used_classes, fully_used_classes):
result = []
class_name = builtin_api["name"]
snake_class_name = camel_to_snake(class_name).upper()
header_guard = f"GODOT_CPP_{snake_class_name}_HPP"
add_header(f"{snake_class_name.lower()}.hpp", result)
Nativescript 1.1 implemented instance binding data usage This commit changes the way C++ wrapper classes work. Previously, wrapper classes were merely wrapper *interfaces*. They used the `this` pointer to store the actual foreign Godot Object. With the NativeScript 1.1 extension it is now possible to have low-overhead language binding data attached to Objects. The C++ bindings use that feature to implement *proper* wrappers and enable regular C++ inheritance usage that way. Some things might still be buggy and untested, but the C++ SimpleDemo works with those changes. new and free change, custom free will crash engine, be wary fix exporting of non-object types fix free() crash with custom resources added type tags and safe object casting fix global type registration order fix cast_to changed build system to be more self contained updated .gitignore use typeid() for type tags now fix indentation in bindings generator remove accidentally added files fix gitignore Fixed up registering tool and updated godot_headers Fix crash when calling String::split/split_floats Was casting to the wrong object type. Also adds parse_ints function to String with the same logic Better warning/error macros Change gitignore so we get our gen folders New documentation based on nativescript 1.1 Fixed GODOT_SUBCLASS macro Preventing crash when function returned null ptr Adds needed include <typeinfo> Solves this issue #168 due to not having the include of typeinfo Fix compile error of 'WARN_PRINT' and 'ERR_PRINT'. cannot pass non-trivial object of type 'godot::String' to variadic function; expected type from format string was 'char *' [-Wnon-pod-varargs] update vector3::distance_to Remove godot_api.json as its now in the godot_headers submodule (api.json)
2018-02-11 14:50:01 +00:00
result.append(f"#ifndef {header_guard}")
result.append(f"#define {header_guard}")
Nativescript 1.1 implemented instance binding data usage This commit changes the way C++ wrapper classes work. Previously, wrapper classes were merely wrapper *interfaces*. They used the `this` pointer to store the actual foreign Godot Object. With the NativeScript 1.1 extension it is now possible to have low-overhead language binding data attached to Objects. The C++ bindings use that feature to implement *proper* wrappers and enable regular C++ inheritance usage that way. Some things might still be buggy and untested, but the C++ SimpleDemo works with those changes. new and free change, custom free will crash engine, be wary fix exporting of non-object types fix free() crash with custom resources added type tags and safe object casting fix global type registration order fix cast_to changed build system to be more self contained updated .gitignore use typeid() for type tags now fix indentation in bindings generator remove accidentally added files fix gitignore Fixed up registering tool and updated godot_headers Fix crash when calling String::split/split_floats Was casting to the wrong object type. Also adds parse_ints function to String with the same logic Better warning/error macros Change gitignore so we get our gen folders New documentation based on nativescript 1.1 Fixed GODOT_SUBCLASS macro Preventing crash when function returned null ptr Adds needed include <typeinfo> Solves this issue #168 due to not having the include of typeinfo Fix compile error of 'WARN_PRINT' and 'ERR_PRINT'. cannot pass non-trivial object of type 'godot::String' to variadic function; expected type from format string was 'char *' [-Wnon-pod-varargs] update vector3::distance_to Remove godot_api.json as its now in the godot_headers submodule (api.json)
2018-02-11 14:50:01 +00:00
result.append("#include <godot_cpp/core/defs.hpp>")
Nativescript 1.1 implemented instance binding data usage This commit changes the way C++ wrapper classes work. Previously, wrapper classes were merely wrapper *interfaces*. They used the `this` pointer to store the actual foreign Godot Object. With the NativeScript 1.1 extension it is now possible to have low-overhead language binding data attached to Objects. The C++ bindings use that feature to implement *proper* wrappers and enable regular C++ inheritance usage that way. Some things might still be buggy and untested, but the C++ SimpleDemo works with those changes. new and free change, custom free will crash engine, be wary fix exporting of non-object types fix free() crash with custom resources added type tags and safe object casting fix global type registration order fix cast_to changed build system to be more self contained updated .gitignore use typeid() for type tags now fix indentation in bindings generator remove accidentally added files fix gitignore Fixed up registering tool and updated godot_headers Fix crash when calling String::split/split_floats Was casting to the wrong object type. Also adds parse_ints function to String with the same logic Better warning/error macros Change gitignore so we get our gen folders New documentation based on nativescript 1.1 Fixed GODOT_SUBCLASS macro Preventing crash when function returned null ptr Adds needed include <typeinfo> Solves this issue #168 due to not having the include of typeinfo Fix compile error of 'WARN_PRINT' and 'ERR_PRINT'. cannot pass non-trivial object of type 'godot::String' to variadic function; expected type from format string was 'char *' [-Wnon-pod-varargs] update vector3::distance_to Remove godot_api.json as its now in the godot_headers submodule (api.json)
2018-02-11 14:50:01 +00:00
# Special cases.
if class_name == "String":
result.append("#include <godot_cpp/variant/char_string.hpp>")
result.append("#include <godot_cpp/variant/char_utils.hpp>")
2023-07-07 13:26:55 +00:00
result.append("#include <godot_cpp/classes/global_constants.hpp>")
Nativescript 1.1 implemented instance binding data usage This commit changes the way C++ wrapper classes work. Previously, wrapper classes were merely wrapper *interfaces*. They used the `this` pointer to store the actual foreign Godot Object. With the NativeScript 1.1 extension it is now possible to have low-overhead language binding data attached to Objects. The C++ bindings use that feature to implement *proper* wrappers and enable regular C++ inheritance usage that way. Some things might still be buggy and untested, but the C++ SimpleDemo works with those changes. new and free change, custom free will crash engine, be wary fix exporting of non-object types fix free() crash with custom resources added type tags and safe object casting fix global type registration order fix cast_to changed build system to be more self contained updated .gitignore use typeid() for type tags now fix indentation in bindings generator remove accidentally added files fix gitignore Fixed up registering tool and updated godot_headers Fix crash when calling String::split/split_floats Was casting to the wrong object type. Also adds parse_ints function to String with the same logic Better warning/error macros Change gitignore so we get our gen folders New documentation based on nativescript 1.1 Fixed GODOT_SUBCLASS macro Preventing crash when function returned null ptr Adds needed include <typeinfo> Solves this issue #168 due to not having the include of typeinfo Fix compile error of 'WARN_PRINT' and 'ERR_PRINT'. cannot pass non-trivial object of type 'godot::String' to variadic function; expected type from format string was 'char *' [-Wnon-pod-varargs] update vector3::distance_to Remove godot_api.json as its now in the godot_headers submodule (api.json)
2018-02-11 14:50:01 +00:00
if class_name == "PackedStringArray":
result.append("#include <godot_cpp/variant/string.hpp>")
if class_name == "PackedColorArray":
result.append("#include <godot_cpp/variant/color.hpp>")
if class_name == "PackedVector2Array":
result.append("#include <godot_cpp/variant/vector2.hpp>")
if class_name == "PackedVector3Array":
result.append("#include <godot_cpp/variant/vector3.hpp>")
2024-05-06 19:09:35 +00:00
if class_name == "PackedVector4Array":
result.append("#include <godot_cpp/variant/vector4.hpp>")
if is_packed_array(class_name):
result.append("#include <godot_cpp/core/error_macros.hpp>")
result.append("#include <initializer_list>")
2021-11-01 09:08:47 +00:00
if class_name == "Array":
result.append("#include <godot_cpp/variant/array_helpers.hpp>")
if class_name == "Callable":
result.append("#include <godot_cpp/variant/callable_custom.hpp>")
for include in fully_used_classes:
2022-09-15 07:33:07 +00:00
if include == "TypedArray":
result.append("#include <godot_cpp/variant/typed_array.hpp>")
result.append(f"#include <godot_cpp/{get_include_path(include)}>")
if len(fully_used_classes) > 0:
result.append("#include <gdextension_interface.h>")
result.append("namespace godot {")
for type_name in used_classes:
if is_struct_type(type_name):
result.append(f"struct {type_name};")
result.append(f"class {type_name};")
2017-09-11 19:34:20 +00:00
if len(used_classes) > 0:
Nativescript 1.1 implemented instance binding data usage This commit changes the way C++ wrapper classes work. Previously, wrapper classes were merely wrapper *interfaces*. They used the `this` pointer to store the actual foreign Godot Object. With the NativeScript 1.1 extension it is now possible to have low-overhead language binding data attached to Objects. The C++ bindings use that feature to implement *proper* wrappers and enable regular C++ inheritance usage that way. Some things might still be buggy and untested, but the C++ SimpleDemo works with those changes. new and free change, custom free will crash engine, be wary fix exporting of non-object types fix free() crash with custom resources added type tags and safe object casting fix global type registration order fix cast_to changed build system to be more self contained updated .gitignore use typeid() for type tags now fix indentation in bindings generator remove accidentally added files fix gitignore Fixed up registering tool and updated godot_headers Fix crash when calling String::split/split_floats Was casting to the wrong object type. Also adds parse_ints function to String with the same logic Better warning/error macros Change gitignore so we get our gen folders New documentation based on nativescript 1.1 Fixed GODOT_SUBCLASS macro Preventing crash when function returned null ptr Adds needed include <typeinfo> Solves this issue #168 due to not having the include of typeinfo Fix compile error of 'WARN_PRINT' and 'ERR_PRINT'. cannot pass non-trivial object of type 'godot::String' to variadic function; expected type from format string was 'char *' [-Wnon-pod-varargs] update vector3::distance_to Remove godot_api.json as its now in the godot_headers submodule (api.json)
2018-02-11 14:50:01 +00:00
result.append(f"class {class_name} {{")
result.append(f"\tstatic constexpr size_t {snake_class_name}_SIZE = {size};")
result.append(f"\tuint8_t opaque[{snake_class_name}_SIZE] = {{}};")
Nativescript 1.1 implemented instance binding data usage This commit changes the way C++ wrapper classes work. Previously, wrapper classes were merely wrapper *interfaces*. They used the `this` pointer to store the actual foreign Godot Object. With the NativeScript 1.1 extension it is now possible to have low-overhead language binding data attached to Objects. The C++ bindings use that feature to implement *proper* wrappers and enable regular C++ inheritance usage that way. Some things might still be buggy and untested, but the C++ SimpleDemo works with those changes. new and free change, custom free will crash engine, be wary fix exporting of non-object types fix free() crash with custom resources added type tags and safe object casting fix global type registration order fix cast_to changed build system to be more self contained updated .gitignore use typeid() for type tags now fix indentation in bindings generator remove accidentally added files fix gitignore Fixed up registering tool and updated godot_headers Fix crash when calling String::split/split_floats Was casting to the wrong object type. Also adds parse_ints function to String with the same logic Better warning/error macros Change gitignore so we get our gen folders New documentation based on nativescript 1.1 Fixed GODOT_SUBCLASS macro Preventing crash when function returned null ptr Adds needed include <typeinfo> Solves this issue #168 due to not having the include of typeinfo Fix compile error of 'WARN_PRINT' and 'ERR_PRINT'. cannot pass non-trivial object of type 'godot::String' to variadic function; expected type from format string was 'char *' [-Wnon-pod-varargs] update vector3::distance_to Remove godot_api.json as its now in the godot_headers submodule (api.json)
2018-02-11 14:50:01 +00:00
result.append("\tfriend class Variant;")
if class_name == "String":
result.append("\tfriend class StringName;")
Nativescript 1.1 implemented instance binding data usage This commit changes the way C++ wrapper classes work. Previously, wrapper classes were merely wrapper *interfaces*. They used the `this` pointer to store the actual foreign Godot Object. With the NativeScript 1.1 extension it is now possible to have low-overhead language binding data attached to Objects. The C++ bindings use that feature to implement *proper* wrappers and enable regular C++ inheritance usage that way. Some things might still be buggy and untested, but the C++ SimpleDemo works with those changes. new and free change, custom free will crash engine, be wary fix exporting of non-object types fix free() crash with custom resources added type tags and safe object casting fix global type registration order fix cast_to changed build system to be more self contained updated .gitignore use typeid() for type tags now fix indentation in bindings generator remove accidentally added files fix gitignore Fixed up registering tool and updated godot_headers Fix crash when calling String::split/split_floats Was casting to the wrong object type. Also adds parse_ints function to String with the same logic Better warning/error macros Change gitignore so we get our gen folders New documentation based on nativescript 1.1 Fixed GODOT_SUBCLASS macro Preventing crash when function returned null ptr Adds needed include <typeinfo> Solves this issue #168 due to not having the include of typeinfo Fix compile error of 'WARN_PRINT' and 'ERR_PRINT'. cannot pass non-trivial object of type 'godot::String' to variadic function; expected type from format string was 'char *' [-Wnon-pod-varargs] update vector3::distance_to Remove godot_api.json as its now in the godot_headers submodule (api.json)
2018-02-11 14:50:01 +00:00
result.append("\tstatic struct _MethodBindings {")
2017-09-11 19:34:20 +00:00
result.append("\t\tGDExtensionTypeFromVariantConstructorFunc from_variant_constructor;")
if "constructors" in builtin_api:
for constructor in builtin_api["constructors"]:
result.append(f'\t\tGDExtensionPtrConstructor constructor_{constructor["index"]};')
if builtin_api["has_destructor"]:
result.append("\t\tGDExtensionPtrDestructor destructor;")
2017-09-11 19:34:20 +00:00
if "methods" in builtin_api:
for method in builtin_api["methods"]:
result.append(f'\t\tGDExtensionPtrBuiltInMethod method_{method["name"]};')
2017-09-11 19:34:20 +00:00
if "members" in builtin_api:
for member in builtin_api["members"]:
result.append(f'\t\tGDExtensionPtrSetter member_{member["name"]}_setter;')
result.append(f'\t\tGDExtensionPtrGetter member_{member["name"]}_getter;')
if "indexing_return_type" in builtin_api:
result.append("\t\tGDExtensionPtrIndexedSetter indexed_setter;")
result.append("\t\tGDExtensionPtrIndexedGetter indexed_getter;")
2017-06-19 00:03:59 +00:00
if "is_keyed" in builtin_api and builtin_api["is_keyed"]:
result.append("\t\tGDExtensionPtrKeyedSetter keyed_setter;")
result.append("\t\tGDExtensionPtrKeyedGetter keyed_getter;")
result.append("\t\tGDExtensionPtrKeyedChecker keyed_checker;")
if "operators" in builtin_api:
for operator in builtin_api["operators"]:
if "right_type" in operator:
f'\t\tGDExtensionPtrOperatorEvaluator operator_{get_operator_id_name(operator["name"])}_{operator["right_type"]};'
result.append(f'\t\tGDExtensionPtrOperatorEvaluator operator_{get_operator_id_name(operator["name"])};')
result.append("\t} _method_bindings;")
result.append("\tstatic void init_bindings();")
result.append("\tstatic void _init_bindings_constructors_destructor();")
result.append(f"\t{class_name}(const Variant *p_variant);")
f"\t_FORCE_INLINE_ GDExtensionTypePtr _native_ptr() const {{ return const_cast<uint8_t (*)[{snake_class_name}_SIZE]>(&opaque); }}"
copy_constructor_index = -1
if "constructors" in builtin_api:
for constructor in builtin_api["constructors"]:
method_signature = f"\t{class_name}("
if "arguments" in constructor:
method_signature += make_function_parameters(
constructor["arguments"], include_default=True, for_builtin=True
if len(constructor["arguments"]) == 1 and constructor["arguments"][0]["type"] == class_name:
copy_constructor_index = constructor["index"]
method_signature += ");"
# Move constructor.
result.append(f"\t{class_name}({class_name} &&p_other);")
# Special cases.
if class_name == "String" or class_name == "StringName" or class_name == "NodePath":
if class_name == "StringName":
result.append(f"\t{class_name}(const char *p_from, bool p_static = false);")
result.append(f"\t{class_name}(const char *p_from);")
result.append(f"\t{class_name}(const wchar_t *p_from);")
result.append(f"\t{class_name}(const char16_t *p_from);")
result.append(f"\t{class_name}(const char32_t *p_from);")
if class_name == "Callable":
result.append("\tCallable(CallableCustom *p_custom);")
result.append("\tCallableCustom *get_custom() const;")
if "constants" in builtin_api:
axis_constants_count = 0
for constant in builtin_api["constants"]:
# Special case: Vector3.Axis is the only enum in the bindings.
# It's technically not supported by Variant but works for direct access.
if class_name == "Vector3" and constant["name"].startswith("AXIS"):
if axis_constants_count == 0:
result.append("\tenum Axis {")
result.append(f'\t\t{constant["name"]} = {constant["value"]},')
axis_constants_count += 1
if axis_constants_count == 3:
result.append(f'\tstatic const {correct_type(constant["type"])} {constant["name"]};')
if builtin_api["has_destructor"]:
Nativescript 1.1 implemented instance binding data usage This commit changes the way C++ wrapper classes work. Previously, wrapper classes were merely wrapper *interfaces*. They used the `this` pointer to store the actual foreign Godot Object. With the NativeScript 1.1 extension it is now possible to have low-overhead language binding data attached to Objects. The C++ bindings use that feature to implement *proper* wrappers and enable regular C++ inheritance usage that way. Some things might still be buggy and untested, but the C++ SimpleDemo works with those changes. new and free change, custom free will crash engine, be wary fix exporting of non-object types fix free() crash with custom resources added type tags and safe object casting fix global type registration order fix cast_to changed build system to be more self contained updated .gitignore use typeid() for type tags now fix indentation in bindings generator remove accidentally added files fix gitignore Fixed up registering tool and updated godot_headers Fix crash when calling String::split/split_floats Was casting to the wrong object type. Also adds parse_ints function to String with the same logic Better warning/error macros Change gitignore so we get our gen folders New documentation based on nativescript 1.1 Fixed GODOT_SUBCLASS macro Preventing crash when function returned null ptr Adds needed include <typeinfo> Solves this issue #168 due to not having the include of typeinfo Fix compile error of 'WARN_PRINT' and 'ERR_PRINT'. cannot pass non-trivial object of type 'godot::String' to variadic function; expected type from format string was 'char *' [-Wnon-pod-varargs] update vector3::distance_to Remove godot_api.json as its now in the godot_headers submodule (api.json)
2018-02-11 14:50:01 +00:00
method_list = []
Nativescript 1.1 implemented instance binding data usage This commit changes the way C++ wrapper classes work. Previously, wrapper classes were merely wrapper *interfaces*. They used the `this` pointer to store the actual foreign Godot Object. With the NativeScript 1.1 extension it is now possible to have low-overhead language binding data attached to Objects. The C++ bindings use that feature to implement *proper* wrappers and enable regular C++ inheritance usage that way. Some things might still be buggy and untested, but the C++ SimpleDemo works with those changes. new and free change, custom free will crash engine, be wary fix exporting of non-object types fix free() crash with custom resources added type tags and safe object casting fix global type registration order fix cast_to changed build system to be more self contained updated .gitignore use typeid() for type tags now fix indentation in bindings generator remove accidentally added files fix gitignore Fixed up registering tool and updated godot_headers Fix crash when calling String::split/split_floats Was casting to the wrong object type. Also adds parse_ints function to String with the same logic Better warning/error macros Change gitignore so we get our gen folders New documentation based on nativescript 1.1 Fixed GODOT_SUBCLASS macro Preventing crash when function returned null ptr Adds needed include <typeinfo> Solves this issue #168 due to not having the include of typeinfo Fix compile error of 'WARN_PRINT' and 'ERR_PRINT'. cannot pass non-trivial object of type 'godot::String' to variadic function; expected type from format string was 'char *' [-Wnon-pod-varargs] update vector3::distance_to Remove godot_api.json as its now in the godot_headers submodule (api.json)
2018-02-11 14:50:01 +00:00
if "methods" in builtin_api:
for method in builtin_api["methods"]:
vararg = method["is_vararg"]
if vararg:
2024-03-27 12:54:05 +00:00
result.append("\ttemplate <typename... Args>")
method_signature = "\t"
if "is_static" in method and method["is_static"]:
method_signature += "static "
if "return_type" in method:
2024-03-27 12:54:05 +00:00
method_signature += f'{correct_type(method["return_type"])}'
if not method_signature.endswith("*"):
method_signature += " "
method_signature += "void "
method_signature += f'{method["name"]}('
method_arguments = []
if "arguments" in method:
method_arguments = method["arguments"]
method_signature += make_function_parameters(
method_arguments, include_default=True, for_builtin=True, is_vararg=vararg
method_signature += ")"
if method["is_const"]:
method_signature += " const"
method_signature += ";"
# Special cases.
if class_name == "String":
result.append("\tstatic String utf8(const char *p_from, int64_t p_len = -1);")
result.append("\tError parse_utf8(const char *p_from, int64_t p_len = -1);")
result.append("\tstatic String utf16(const char16_t *p_from, int64_t p_len = -1);")
"\tError parse_utf16(const char16_t *p_from, int64_t p_len = -1, bool p_default_little_endian = true);"
result.append("\tCharString utf8() const;")
result.append("\tCharString ascii() const;")
result.append("\tChar16String utf16() const;")
result.append("\tChar32String utf32() const;")
result.append("\tCharWideString wide_string() const;")
result.append("\tstatic String num_real(double p_num, bool p_trailing = true);")
2024-01-10 13:30:24 +00:00
result.append("\tError resize(int64_t p_size);")
if "members" in builtin_api:
for member in builtin_api["members"]:
if f'get_{member["name"]}' not in method_list:
result.append(f'\t{correct_type(member["type"])} get_{member["name"]}() const;')
if f'set_{member["name"]}' not in method_list:
result.append(f'\tvoid set_{member["name"]}({type_for_parameter(member["type"])}value);')
if "operators" in builtin_api:
for operator in builtin_api["operators"]:
if is_valid_cpp_operator(operator["name"]):
if "right_type" in operator:
f'\t{correct_type(operator["return_type"])} operator{get_operator_cpp_name(operator["name"])}({type_for_parameter(operator["right_type"])}p_other) const;'
f'\t{correct_type(operator["return_type"])} operator{get_operator_cpp_name(operator["name"])}() const;'
# Copy assignment.
if copy_constructor_index >= 0:
result.append(f"\t{class_name} &operator=(const {class_name} &p_other);")
# Move assignment.
result.append(f"\t{class_name} &operator=({class_name} &&p_other);")
# Special cases.
if class_name == "String":
2022-11-20 08:44:54 +00:00
result.append("\tString &operator=(const char *p_str);")
result.append("\tString &operator=(const wchar_t *p_str);")
result.append("\tString &operator=(const char16_t *p_str);")
result.append("\tString &operator=(const char32_t *p_str);")
result.append("\tbool operator==(const char *p_str) const;")
result.append("\tbool operator==(const wchar_t *p_str) const;")
result.append("\tbool operator==(const char16_t *p_str) const;")
result.append("\tbool operator==(const char32_t *p_str) const;")
result.append("\tbool operator!=(const char *p_str) const;")
result.append("\tbool operator!=(const wchar_t *p_str) const;")
result.append("\tbool operator!=(const char16_t *p_str) const;")
result.append("\tbool operator!=(const char32_t *p_str) const;")
result.append("\tString operator+(const char *p_str);")
result.append("\tString operator+(const wchar_t *p_str);")
result.append("\tString operator+(const char16_t *p_str);")
result.append("\tString operator+(const char32_t *p_str);")
result.append("\tString operator+(char32_t p_char);")
result.append("\tString &operator+=(const String &p_str);")
result.append("\tString &operator+=(char32_t p_char);")
result.append("\tString &operator+=(const char *p_str);")
result.append("\tString &operator+=(const wchar_t *p_str);")
result.append("\tString &operator+=(const char32_t *p_str);")
2024-01-10 13:30:24 +00:00
result.append("\tconst char32_t &operator[](int64_t p_index) const;")
result.append("\tchar32_t &operator[](int64_t p_index);")
2022-11-20 08:44:54 +00:00
result.append("\tconst char32_t *ptr() const;")
result.append("\tchar32_t *ptrw();")
2021-11-01 09:08:47 +00:00
if class_name == "Array":
result.append("\ttemplate <typename... Args>")
result.append("\tstatic Array make(Args... p_args) {")
result.append("\t\treturn helpers::append_all(Array(), p_args...);")
2021-11-01 09:08:47 +00:00
if is_packed_array(class_name):
return_type = correct_type(builtin_api["indexing_return_type"])
if class_name == "PackedByteArray":
2021-09-08 18:11:12 +00:00
return_type = "uint8_t"
elif class_name == "PackedInt32Array":
2021-09-08 18:11:12 +00:00
return_type = "int32_t"
elif class_name == "PackedFloat32Array":
2021-09-08 18:11:12 +00:00
return_type = "float"
2024-01-10 13:30:24 +00:00
result.append(f"\tconst {return_type} &operator[](int64_t p_index) const;")
result.append(f"\t{return_type} &operator[](int64_t p_index);")
result.append(f"\tconst {return_type} *ptr() const;")
result.append(f"\t{return_type} *ptrw();")
iterators = """
struct Iterator {
_FORCE_INLINE_ $TYPE &operator*() const {
return *elem_ptr;
_FORCE_INLINE_ $TYPE *operator->() const { return elem_ptr; }
_FORCE_INLINE_ Iterator &operator++() {
return *this;
_FORCE_INLINE_ Iterator &operator--() {
return *this;
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator==(const Iterator &b) const { return elem_ptr == b.elem_ptr; }
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator!=(const Iterator &b) const { return elem_ptr != b.elem_ptr; }
Iterator($TYPE *p_ptr) { elem_ptr = p_ptr; }
Iterator() {}
Iterator(const Iterator &p_it) { elem_ptr = p_it.elem_ptr; }
$TYPE *elem_ptr = nullptr;
struct ConstIterator {
_FORCE_INLINE_ const $TYPE &operator*() const {
return *elem_ptr;
_FORCE_INLINE_ const $TYPE *operator->() const { return elem_ptr; }
_FORCE_INLINE_ ConstIterator &operator++() {
return *this;
_FORCE_INLINE_ ConstIterator &operator--() {
return *this;
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator==(const ConstIterator &b) const { return elem_ptr == b.elem_ptr; }
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator!=(const ConstIterator &b) const { return elem_ptr != b.elem_ptr; }
ConstIterator(const $TYPE *p_ptr) { elem_ptr = p_ptr; }
ConstIterator() {}
ConstIterator(const ConstIterator &p_it) { elem_ptr = p_it.elem_ptr; }
const $TYPE *elem_ptr = nullptr;
_FORCE_INLINE_ Iterator begin() {
return Iterator(ptrw());
_FORCE_INLINE_ Iterator end() {
return Iterator(ptrw() + size());
_FORCE_INLINE_ ConstIterator begin() const {
return ConstIterator(ptr());
_FORCE_INLINE_ ConstIterator end() const {
return ConstIterator(ptr() + size());
result.append(iterators.replace("$TYPE", return_type))
init_list = """
_FORCE_INLINE_ $CLASS(std::initializer_list<$TYPE> p_init) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(resize(p_init.size()) != 0);
size_t i = 0;
for (const $TYPE &element : p_init) {
set(i++, element);
result.append(init_list.replace("$TYPE", return_type).replace("$CLASS", class_name))
2021-09-16 07:21:40 +00:00
if class_name == "Array":
2024-01-10 13:30:24 +00:00
result.append("\tconst Variant &operator[](int64_t p_index) const;")
result.append("\tVariant &operator[](int64_t p_index);")
result.append("\tvoid set_typed(uint32_t p_type, const StringName &p_class_name, const Variant &p_script);")
result.append("\tvoid _ref(const Array &p_from) const;")
2021-11-18 03:05:14 +00:00
if class_name == "Dictionary":
result.append("\tconst Variant &operator[](const Variant &p_key) const;")
result.append("\tVariant &operator[](const Variant &p_key);")
2021-11-18 03:05:14 +00:00
if class_name == "String":
result.append("bool operator==(const char *p_chr, const String &p_str);")
result.append("bool operator==(const wchar_t *p_chr, const String &p_str);")
result.append("bool operator==(const char16_t *p_chr, const String &p_str);")
result.append("bool operator==(const char32_t *p_chr, const String &p_str);")
result.append("bool operator!=(const char *p_chr, const String &p_str);")
result.append("bool operator!=(const wchar_t *p_chr, const String &p_str);")
result.append("bool operator!=(const char16_t *p_chr, const String &p_str);")
result.append("bool operator!=(const char32_t *p_chr, const String &p_str);")
result.append("String operator+(const char *p_chr, const String &p_str);")
result.append("String operator+(const wchar_t *p_chr, const String &p_str);")
result.append("String operator+(const char16_t *p_chr, const String &p_str);")
result.append("String operator+(const char32_t *p_chr, const String &p_str);")
result.append("String operator+(char32_t p_char, const String &p_str);")
result.append("String itos(int64_t p_val);")
result.append("String uitos(uint64_t p_val);")
result.append("String rtos(double p_val);")
result.append("String rtoss(double p_val);")
result.append("} // namespace godot")
result.append(f"#endif // ! {header_guard}")
return "\n".join(result)
def generate_builtin_class_source(builtin_api, size, used_classes, fully_used_classes):
result = []
class_name = builtin_api["name"]
snake_class_name = camel_to_snake(class_name)
enum_type_name = f"GDEXTENSION_VARIANT_TYPE_{snake_class_name.upper()}"
add_header(f"{snake_class_name}.cpp", result)
result.append(f"#include <godot_cpp/variant/{snake_class_name}.hpp>")
result.append("#include <godot_cpp/core/binder_common.hpp>")
result.append("#include <godot_cpp/godot.hpp>")
# Only used since the "fully used" is included in header already.
for include in used_classes:
result.append(f"#include <godot_cpp/{get_include_path(include)}>")
if len(used_classes) > 0:
result.append("#include <godot_cpp/core/builtin_ptrcall.hpp>")
result.append("#include <utility>")
result.append("namespace godot {")
result.append(f"{class_name}::_MethodBindings {class_name}::_method_bindings;")
result.append(f"void {class_name}::_init_bindings_constructors_destructor() {{")
f"\t_method_bindings.from_variant_constructor = internal::gdextension_interface_get_variant_to_type_constructor({enum_type_name});"
if "constructors" in builtin_api:
for constructor in builtin_api["constructors"]:
f'\t_method_bindings.constructor_{constructor["index"]} = internal::gdextension_interface_variant_get_ptr_constructor({enum_type_name}, {constructor["index"]});'
if builtin_api["has_destructor"]:
f"\t_method_bindings.destructor = internal::gdextension_interface_variant_get_ptr_destructor({enum_type_name});"
result.append(f"void {class_name}::init_bindings() {{")
# StringName's constructor internally uses String, so it constructor must be ready !
if class_name == "StringName":
result.append("\tStringName _gde_name;")
if "methods" in builtin_api:
for method in builtin_api["methods"]:
# TODO: Add error check for hash mismatch.
result.append(f'\t_gde_name = StringName("{method["name"]}");')
f'\t_method_bindings.method_{method["name"]} = internal::gdextension_interface_variant_get_ptr_builtin_method({enum_type_name}, _gde_name._native_ptr(), {method["hash"]});'
if "members" in builtin_api:
for member in builtin_api["members"]:
result.append(f'\t_gde_name = StringName("{member["name"]}");')
f'\t_method_bindings.member_{member["name"]}_setter = internal::gdextension_interface_variant_get_ptr_setter({enum_type_name}, _gde_name._native_ptr());'
f'\t_method_bindings.member_{member["name"]}_getter = internal::gdextension_interface_variant_get_ptr_getter({enum_type_name}, _gde_name._native_ptr());'
if "indexing_return_type" in builtin_api:
f"\t_method_bindings.indexed_setter = internal::gdextension_interface_variant_get_ptr_indexed_setter({enum_type_name});"
f"\t_method_bindings.indexed_getter = internal::gdextension_interface_variant_get_ptr_indexed_getter({enum_type_name});"
if "is_keyed" in builtin_api and builtin_api["is_keyed"]:
f"\t_method_bindings.keyed_setter = internal::gdextension_interface_variant_get_ptr_keyed_setter({enum_type_name});"
f"\t_method_bindings.keyed_getter = internal::gdextension_interface_variant_get_ptr_keyed_getter({enum_type_name});"
f"\t_method_bindings.keyed_checker = internal::gdextension_interface_variant_get_ptr_keyed_checker({enum_type_name});"
if "operators" in builtin_api:
for operator in builtin_api["operators"]:
if "right_type" in operator:
if operator["right_type"] == "Variant":
right_type_variant_type = "GDEXTENSION_VARIANT_TYPE_NIL"
right_type_variant_type = (
f'\t_method_bindings.operator_{get_operator_id_name(operator["name"])}_{operator["right_type"]} = internal::gdextension_interface_variant_get_ptr_operator_evaluator(GDEXTENSION_VARIANT_OP_{get_operator_id_name(operator["name"]).upper()}, {enum_type_name}, {right_type_variant_type});'
f'\t_method_bindings.operator_{get_operator_id_name(operator["name"])} = internal::gdextension_interface_variant_get_ptr_operator_evaluator(GDEXTENSION_VARIANT_OP_{get_operator_id_name(operator["name"]).upper()}, {enum_type_name}, GDEXTENSION_VARIANT_TYPE_NIL);'
copy_constructor_index = -1
result.append(f"{class_name}::{class_name}(const Variant *p_variant) {{")
result.append("\t_method_bindings.from_variant_constructor(&opaque, p_variant->_native_ptr());")
if "constructors" in builtin_api:
for constructor in builtin_api["constructors"]:
method_signature = f"{class_name}::{class_name}("
if "arguments" in constructor:
method_signature += make_function_parameters(
constructor["arguments"], include_default=False, for_builtin=True
method_signature += ") {"
method_call = (
f'\tinternal::_call_builtin_constructor(_method_bindings.constructor_{constructor["index"]}, &opaque'
if "arguments" in constructor:
if len(constructor["arguments"]) == 1 and constructor["arguments"][0]["type"] == class_name:
copy_constructor_index = constructor["index"]
method_call += ", "
arguments = []
for argument in constructor["arguments"]:
(encode, arg_name) = get_encoded_arg(
argument["meta"] if "meta" in argument else None,
result += encode
method_call += ", ".join(arguments)
method_call += ");"
# Move constructor.
result.append(f"{class_name}::{class_name}({class_name} &&p_other) {{")
2021-11-18 03:05:14 +00:00
if needs_copy_instead_of_move(class_name) and copy_constructor_index >= 0:
f"\tinternal::_call_builtin_constructor(_method_bindings.constructor_{copy_constructor_index}, &opaque, &p_other);"
2021-11-18 03:05:14 +00:00
result.append("\tstd::swap(opaque, p_other.opaque);")
if builtin_api["has_destructor"]:
result.append(f"{class_name}::~{class_name}() {{")
method_list = []
if "methods" in builtin_api:
for method in builtin_api["methods"]:
if "is_vararg" in method and method["is_vararg"]:
# Done in the header because of the template.
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
method_signature = make_signature(class_name, method, for_builtin=True)
2024-03-27 12:54:05 +00:00
result.append(method_signature + " {")
method_call = "\t"
is_ref = False
if "return_type" in method:
return_type = method["return_type"]
if is_enum(return_type):
method_call += f"return ({get_gdextension_type(correct_type(return_type))})internal::_call_builtin_method_ptr_ret<int64_t>("
elif is_pod_type(return_type) or is_variant(return_type):
method_call += f"return internal::_call_builtin_method_ptr_ret<{get_gdextension_type(correct_type(return_type))}>("
elif is_refcounted(return_type):
method_call += f"return Ref<{return_type}>::_gde_internal_constructor(internal::_call_builtin_method_ptr_ret_obj<{return_type}>("
is_ref = True
method_call += f"return internal::_call_builtin_method_ptr_ret_obj<{return_type}>("
method_call += "internal::_call_builtin_method_ptr_no_ret("
method_call += f'_method_bindings.method_{method["name"]}, '
if "is_static" in method and method["is_static"]:
method_call += "nullptr"
method_call += "(GDExtensionTypePtr)&opaque"
if "arguments" in method:
arguments = []
method_call += ", "
for argument in method["arguments"]:
(encode, arg_name) = get_encoded_arg(
argument["meta"] if "meta" in argument else None,
result += encode
method_call += ", ".join(arguments)
if is_ref:
method_call += ")" # Close Ref<> constructor.
method_call += ");"
if "members" in builtin_api:
for member in builtin_api["members"]:
if f'get_{member["name"]}' not in method_list:
result.append(f'{correct_type(member["type"])} {class_name}::get_{member["name"]}() const {{')
f'\treturn internal::_call_builtin_ptr_getter<{correct_type(member["type"])}>(_method_bindings.member_{member["name"]}_getter, (GDExtensionConstTypePtr)&opaque);'
if f'set_{member["name"]}' not in method_list:
result.append(f'void {class_name}::set_{member["name"]}({type_for_parameter(member["type"])}value) {{')
(encode, arg_name) = get_encoded_arg("value", member["type"], None)
result += encode
f'\t_method_bindings.member_{member["name"]}_setter((GDExtensionConstTypePtr)&opaque, (GDExtensionConstTypePtr){arg_name});'
if "operators" in builtin_api:
for operator in builtin_api["operators"]:
if is_valid_cpp_operator(operator["name"]):
if "right_type" in operator:
f'{correct_type(operator["return_type"])} {class_name}::operator{get_operator_cpp_name(operator["name"])}({type_for_parameter(operator["right_type"])}p_other) const {{'
(encode, arg_name) = get_encoded_arg("other", operator["right_type"], None)
result += encode
f'\treturn internal::_call_builtin_operator_ptr<{get_gdextension_type(correct_type(operator["return_type"]))}>(_method_bindings.operator_{get_operator_id_name(operator["name"])}_{operator["right_type"]}, (GDExtensionConstTypePtr)&opaque, (GDExtensionConstTypePtr){arg_name});'
f'{correct_type(operator["return_type"])} {class_name}::operator{get_operator_cpp_name(operator["name"])}() const {{'
f'\treturn internal::_call_builtin_operator_ptr<{get_gdextension_type(correct_type(operator["return_type"]))}>(_method_bindings.operator_{get_operator_id_name(operator["name"])}, (GDExtensionConstTypePtr)&opaque, (GDExtensionConstTypePtr)nullptr);'
# Copy assignment.
if copy_constructor_index >= 0:
result.append(f"{class_name} &{class_name}::operator=(const {class_name} &p_other) {{")
if builtin_api["has_destructor"]:
(encode, arg_name) = get_encoded_arg(
result += encode
f"\tinternal::_call_builtin_constructor(_method_bindings.constructor_{copy_constructor_index}, &opaque, {arg_name});"
result.append("\treturn *this;")
# Move assignment.
result.append(f"{class_name} &{class_name}::operator=({class_name} &&p_other) {{")
2021-11-18 03:05:14 +00:00
if needs_copy_instead_of_move(class_name) and copy_constructor_index >= 0:
f"\tinternal::_call_builtin_constructor(_method_bindings.constructor_{copy_constructor_index}, &opaque, &p_other);"
2021-11-18 03:05:14 +00:00
result.append("\tstd::swap(opaque, p_other.opaque);")
result.append("\treturn *this;")
result.append("} //namespace godot")
return "\n".join(result)
def generate_engine_classes_bindings(api, output_dir, use_template_get_node):
global engine_classes
global singletons
global native_structures
include_gen_folder = Path(output_dir) / "include" / "godot_cpp" / "classes"
source_gen_folder = Path(output_dir) / "src" / "classes"
include_gen_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
source_gen_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# First create map of classes and singletons.
for class_api in api["classes"]:
# Generate code for the ClassDB singleton under a different name.
if class_api["name"] in CLASS_ALIASES:
class_api["alias_for"] = class_api["name"]
class_api["name"] = CLASS_ALIASES[class_api["alias_for"]]
engine_classes[class_api["name"]] = class_api["is_refcounted"]
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
for native_struct in api["native_structures"]:
if native_struct["name"] == "ObjectID":
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
engine_classes[native_struct["name"]] = False
for singleton in api["singletons"]:
# Generate code for the ClassDB singleton under a different name.
if singleton["name"] in CLASS_ALIASES:
singleton["alias_for"] = singleton["name"]
singleton["name"] = CLASS_ALIASES[singleton["name"]]
for class_api in api["classes"]:
# Check used classes for header include.
used_classes = set()
fully_used_classes = set()
class_name = class_api["name"]
header_filename = include_gen_folder / (camel_to_snake(class_api["name"]) + ".hpp")
source_filename = source_gen_folder / (camel_to_snake(class_api["name"]) + ".cpp")
if "methods" in class_api:
for method in class_api["methods"]:
if "arguments" in method:
for argument in method["arguments"]:
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
type_name = argument["type"]
2022-02-16 09:35:13 +00:00
if type_name.startswith("const "):
type_name = type_name[6:]
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
if type_name.endswith("*"):
type_name = type_name[:-1]
if is_included(type_name, class_name):
2022-09-15 07:33:07 +00:00
if type_name.startswith("typedarray::"):
array_type_name = type_name.replace("typedarray::", "")
if array_type_name.startswith("const "):
array_type_name = array_type_name[6:]
if array_type_name.endswith("*"):
array_type_name = array_type_name[:-1]
if is_included(array_type_name, class_name):
if is_enum(array_type_name):
elif "default_value" in argument:
elif is_enum(type_name):
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
elif "default_value" in argument:
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
if is_refcounted(type_name):
if "return_value" in method:
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
type_name = method["return_value"]["type"]
2022-02-16 09:35:13 +00:00
if type_name.startswith("const "):
type_name = type_name[6:]
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
if type_name.endswith("*"):
type_name = type_name[:-1]
if is_included(type_name, class_name):
2022-09-15 07:33:07 +00:00
if type_name.startswith("typedarray::"):
array_type_name = type_name.replace("typedarray::", "")
if array_type_name.startswith("const "):
array_type_name = array_type_name[6:]
if array_type_name.endswith("*"):
array_type_name = array_type_name[:-1]
if is_included(array_type_name, class_name):
if is_enum(array_type_name):
elif is_variant(array_type_name):
elif is_enum(type_name):
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
elif is_variant(type_name):
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
if is_refcounted(type_name):
if "members" in class_api:
for member in class_api["members"]:
if is_included(member["type"], class_name):
if is_enum(member["type"]):
if is_refcounted(member["type"]):
if "inherits" in class_api:
if is_included(class_api["inherits"], class_name):
if is_refcounted(class_api["name"]):
# In order to ensure that PtrToArg specializations for native structs are
# always used, let's move any of them into 'fully_used_classes'.
for type_name in used_classes:
if is_struct_type(type_name) and not is_included_struct_type(type_name):
for type_name in fully_used_classes:
if type_name in used_classes:
used_classes = list(used_classes)
fully_used_classes = list(fully_used_classes)
with header_filename.open("w+", encoding="utf-8") as header_file:
generate_engine_class_header(class_api, used_classes, fully_used_classes, use_template_get_node)
with source_filename.open("w+", encoding="utf-8") as source_file:
generate_engine_class_source(class_api, used_classes, fully_used_classes, use_template_get_node)
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
for native_struct in api["native_structures"]:
struct_name = native_struct["name"]
if struct_name == "ObjectID":
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
snake_struct_name = camel_to_snake(struct_name)
header_filename = include_gen_folder / (snake_struct_name + ".hpp")
result = []
add_header(f"{snake_struct_name}.hpp", result)
header_guard = f"GODOT_CPP_{snake_struct_name.upper()}_HPP"
result.append(f"#ifndef {header_guard}")
result.append(f"#define {header_guard}")
used_classes = []
expanded_format = native_struct["format"].replace("(", " ").replace(")", ";").replace(",", ";")
for field in expanded_format.split(";"):
field_type = field.strip().split(" ")[0].split("::")[0]
if field_type != "" and not is_included_type(field_type) and not is_pod_type(field_type):
2024-06-24 17:20:55 +00:00
if field_type not in used_classes:
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
for included in used_classes:
result.append(f"#include <godot_cpp/{get_include_path(included)}>")
if len(used_classes) == 0:
result.append("#include <godot_cpp/core/method_ptrcall.hpp>")
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
result.append("namespace godot {")
result.append(f"struct {struct_name} {{")
for field in native_struct["format"].split(";"):
if field != "":
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
result.append("} // namespace godot")
result.append(f"#endif // ! {header_guard}")
with header_filename.open("w+", encoding="utf-8") as header_file:
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
Generate godot compat for dual build generate compat generate compat Update ci.yml Update binding_generator.py generate compat generate compat lint python files Update compat_generator.py update docs Update binding_generator.py Update module_converter.py also collect defines Add module converter file that converts module based projects to godot_compat Update ci.yml update docs Update compat_generator.py lint python files generate compat generate compat generate compat generate compat Update ci.yml fix path issue when caling from outside Update binding_generator.py update to also take missing classes/structs Update binding_generator.py Generate godot compat for dual build generate compat generate compat Update ci.yml Update binding_generator.py generate compat generate compat lint python files Update compat_generator.py update docs Update binding_generator.py Update module_converter.py also collect defines Add module converter file that converts module based projects to godot_compat Update ci.yml update docs Update compat_generator.py lint python files generate compat generate compat generate compat generate compat Update ci.yml fix path issue when caling from outside Add support for build profiles. Allow enabling or disabling specific classes (which will not be built). Allow forwarding from `ClassDB` to `ClassDBSingleton` to support enumerations update to also take missing classes/structs Update binding_generator.py update update naming of files add godot mappings. update and run output_header_mapping.json Update README.md make godot_compat work without a file generated fix the test Update binding_generator.py Update binding_generator.py Update binding_generator.py use files from include too Update README.md lint lint lint Update CMakeLists.txt update to use all. fix linting a bit update wip fix posix path Update CMakeLists.txt Update binding_generator.py add using namespace godot; everywhere to includes fix includes Try fixes. generate new include files 123 Update binding_generator.py Update binding_generator.py Update binding_generator.py Update binding_generator.py update fix GODOT_MODULE_COMPAT fix manual includes to match. Update godot.hpp Update color_names.inc.hpp
2024-03-15 08:57:36 +00:00
def generate_compat_includes(godot_repo: Path, target_dir: Path):
file_types_mapping_godot_cpp_gen = map_header_files(target_dir)
file_types_mapping_godot = map_header_files(godot_repo)
# Match the headers
file_types_mapping = match_headers(file_types_mapping_godot_cpp_gen, file_types_mapping_godot)
for file_godot_cpp_name, file_godot_names in file_types_mapping.items():
result = []
with (Path(target_dir) / Path(file_godot_cpp_name)).open("r", encoding="utf-8") as header_file:
content = header_file.readlines()
# Find the last line (#endif guard)
last_endif_idx = len(content) - 1
# Look for the marker for the header guard (usually #define)
marker_pos = next((i for i, line in enumerate(content) if line.startswith("#define")), -1)
if marker_pos != -1:
# Add content before the last #endif
before_marker = content[: marker_pos + 1] # Include up to the marker line
after_marker = content[marker_pos + 1 : last_endif_idx] # Content excluding the final #endif
result.extend(before_marker) # Append original content up to marker
result.append("\n") # Blank line for separation
# Insert the #ifdef block
result.append("#ifdef GODOT_MODULE\n")
if len(file_godot_names) == 0:
print("No header found for", file_godot_cpp_name)
for file_godot_name in file_godot_names:
result.append(f'#include "{Path(file_godot_name).as_posix()}"\n')
# Add the namespace and endif
# Finally, append the original final #endif line
print(f"Marker not found in {file_godot_cpp_name}")
with (Path(target_dir) / Path(file_godot_cpp_name)).open("w+", encoding="utf-8") as header_file:
def generate_engine_class_header(class_api, used_classes, fully_used_classes, use_template_get_node):
global singletons
result = []
class_name = class_api["name"]
snake_class_name = camel_to_snake(class_name).upper()
is_singleton = class_name in singletons
add_header(f"{snake_class_name.lower()}.hpp", result)
header_guard = f"GODOT_CPP_{snake_class_name}_HPP"
result.append(f"#ifndef {header_guard}")
result.append(f"#define {header_guard}")
for included in fully_used_classes:
2022-09-15 07:33:07 +00:00
if included == "TypedArray":
result.append("#include <godot_cpp/variant/typed_array.hpp>")
result.append(f"#include <godot_cpp/{get_include_path(included)}>")
if class_name == "EditorPlugin":
result.append("#include <godot_cpp/classes/editor_plugin_registration.hpp>")
if len(fully_used_classes) > 0:
if class_name != "Object" and class_name != "ClassDBSingleton":
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
result.append("#include <godot_cpp/core/class_db.hpp>")
result.append("#include <type_traits>")
if class_name == "ClassDBSingleton":
result.append("#include <godot_cpp/core/binder_common.hpp>")
result.append("namespace godot {")
for type_name in used_classes:
if is_struct_type(type_name):
result.append(f"struct {type_name};")
result.append(f"class {type_name};")
if len(used_classes) > 0:
inherits = class_api["inherits"] if "inherits" in class_api else "Wrapped"
result.append(f"class {class_name} : public {inherits} {{")
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
if "alias_for" in class_api:
result.append(f"\tGDEXTENSION_CLASS_ALIAS({class_name}, {class_api['alias_for']}, {inherits})")
result.append(f"\tGDEXTENSION_CLASS({class_name}, {inherits})")
if is_singleton:
result.append(f"\tstatic {class_name} *singleton;")
if "enums" in class_api:
for enum_api in class_api["enums"]:
if enum_api["is_bitfield"]:
result.append(f'\tenum {enum_api["name"]} : uint64_t {{')
result.append(f'\tenum {enum_api["name"]} {{')
for value in enum_api["values"]:
result.append(f'\t\t{value["name"]} = {value["value"]},')
if "constants" in class_api:
for value in class_api["constants"]:
if "type" not in value:
value["type"] = "int"
2022-09-18 19:58:44 +00:00
result.append(f'\tstatic const {value["type"]} {value["name"]} = {value["value"]};')
if is_singleton:
result.append(f"\tstatic {class_name} *get_singleton();")
if "methods" in class_api:
for method in class_api["methods"]:
if method["is_virtual"]:
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
# Will be done later.
Nativescript 1.1 implemented instance binding data usage This commit changes the way C++ wrapper classes work. Previously, wrapper classes were merely wrapper *interfaces*. They used the `this` pointer to store the actual foreign Godot Object. With the NativeScript 1.1 extension it is now possible to have low-overhead language binding data attached to Objects. The C++ bindings use that feature to implement *proper* wrappers and enable regular C++ inheritance usage that way. Some things might still be buggy and untested, but the C++ SimpleDemo works with those changes. new and free change, custom free will crash engine, be wary fix exporting of non-object types fix free() crash with custom resources added type tags and safe object casting fix global type registration order fix cast_to changed build system to be more self contained updated .gitignore use typeid() for type tags now fix indentation in bindings generator remove accidentally added files fix gitignore Fixed up registering tool and updated godot_headers Fix crash when calling String::split/split_floats Was casting to the wrong object type. Also adds parse_ints function to String with the same logic Better warning/error macros Change gitignore so we get our gen folders New documentation based on nativescript 1.1 Fixed GODOT_SUBCLASS macro Preventing crash when function returned null ptr Adds needed include <typeinfo> Solves this issue #168 due to not having the include of typeinfo Fix compile error of 'WARN_PRINT' and 'ERR_PRINT'. cannot pass non-trivial object of type 'godot::String' to variadic function; expected type from format string was 'char *' [-Wnon-pod-varargs] update vector3::distance_to Remove godot_api.json as its now in the godot_headers submodule (api.json)
2018-02-11 14:50:01 +00:00
vararg = "is_vararg" in method and method["is_vararg"]
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
method_signature = "\t"
method_signature += make_signature(
class_name, method, for_header=True, use_template_get_node=use_template_get_node
result.append(method_signature + ";")
if vararg:
# Add templated version.
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
result += make_varargs_template(method)
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
# Virtuals now.
for method in class_api["methods"]:
if not method["is_virtual"]:
Nativescript 1.1 implemented instance binding data usage This commit changes the way C++ wrapper classes work. Previously, wrapper classes were merely wrapper *interfaces*. They used the `this` pointer to store the actual foreign Godot Object. With the NativeScript 1.1 extension it is now possible to have low-overhead language binding data attached to Objects. The C++ bindings use that feature to implement *proper* wrappers and enable regular C++ inheritance usage that way. Some things might still be buggy and untested, but the C++ SimpleDemo works with those changes. new and free change, custom free will crash engine, be wary fix exporting of non-object types fix free() crash with custom resources added type tags and safe object casting fix global type registration order fix cast_to changed build system to be more self contained updated .gitignore use typeid() for type tags now fix indentation in bindings generator remove accidentally added files fix gitignore Fixed up registering tool and updated godot_headers Fix crash when calling String::split/split_floats Was casting to the wrong object type. Also adds parse_ints function to String with the same logic Better warning/error macros Change gitignore so we get our gen folders New documentation based on nativescript 1.1 Fixed GODOT_SUBCLASS macro Preventing crash when function returned null ptr Adds needed include <typeinfo> Solves this issue #168 due to not having the include of typeinfo Fix compile error of 'WARN_PRINT' and 'ERR_PRINT'. cannot pass non-trivial object of type 'godot::String' to variadic function; expected type from format string was 'char *' [-Wnon-pod-varargs] update vector3::distance_to Remove godot_api.json as its now in the godot_headers submodule (api.json)
2018-02-11 14:50:01 +00:00
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
method_signature = "\t"
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
method_signature += make_signature(
class_name, method, for_header=True, use_template_get_node=use_template_get_node
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
result.append(method_signature + ";")
# T is the custom class we want to register (from which the call initiates, going up the inheritance chain),
# B is its base class (can be a custom class too, that's why we pass it).
result.append("\ttemplate <typename T, typename B>")
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
result.append("\tstatic void register_virtuals() {")
if class_name != "Object":
result.append(f"\t\t{inherits}::register_virtuals<T, B>();")
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
if "methods" in class_api:
for method in class_api["methods"]:
if not method["is_virtual"]:
method_name = escape_identifier(method["name"])
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
# If the method is different from the base class, it means T overrides it, so it needs to be bound.
# Note that with an `if constexpr`, the code inside the `if` will not even be compiled if the
# condition returns false (in such cases it can't compile due to ambiguity).
f"\t\tif constexpr (!std::is_same_v<decltype(&B::{method_name}),decltype(&T::{method_name})>) {{"
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
result.append(f"\t\t\tBIND_VIRTUAL_METHOD(T, {method_name});")
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
if is_singleton:
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
# Special cases.
if class_name == "XMLParser":
result.append("\tError _open_buffer(const uint8_t *p_buffer, size_t p_size);")
if class_name == "Image":
result.append("\tuint8_t *ptrw();")
result.append("\tconst uint8_t *ptr();")
if class_name == "FileAccess":
result.append("\tuint64_t get_buffer(uint8_t *p_dst, uint64_t p_length) const;")
result.append("\tvoid store_buffer(const uint8_t *p_src, uint64_t p_length);")
if class_name == "WorkerThreadPool":
result.append("\tenum {")
result.append("\tINVALID_TASK_ID = -1")
result.append("\ttypedef int64_t TaskID;")
result.append("\ttypedef int64_t GroupID;")
"\tTaskID add_native_task(void (*p_func)(void *), void *p_userdata, bool p_high_priority = false, const String &p_description = String());"
"\tGroupID add_native_group_task(void (*p_func)(void *, uint32_t), void *p_userdata, int p_elements, int p_tasks = -1, bool p_high_priority = false, const String &p_description = String());"
if class_name == "Object":
2024-03-27 12:54:05 +00:00
result.append("\ttemplate <typename T>")
result.append("\tstatic T *cast_to(Object *p_object);")
2021-09-21 14:40:57 +00:00
2024-03-27 12:54:05 +00:00
result.append("\ttemplate <typename T>")
result.append("\tstatic const T *cast_to(const Object *p_object);")
2021-09-27 17:24:14 +00:00
result.append("\tvirtual ~Object() = default;")
elif use_template_get_node and class_name == "Node":
2024-03-27 12:54:05 +00:00
result.append("\ttemplate <typename T>")
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
"\tT *get_node(const NodePath &p_path) const { return Object::cast_to<T>(get_node_internal(p_path)); }"
result.append("} // namespace godot")
if "enums" in class_api and class_name != "Object":
for enum_api in class_api["enums"]:
if enum_api["is_bitfield"]:
if class_name == "ClassDBSingleton":
result.append("#define CLASSDB_SINGLETON_FORWARD_METHODS \\")
if "enums" in class_api:
for enum_api in class_api["enums"]:
if enum_api["is_bitfield"]:
result.append(f'\tenum {enum_api["name"]} : uint64_t {{ \\')
result.append(f'\tenum {enum_api["name"]} {{ \\')
for value in enum_api["values"]:
result.append(f'\t\t{value["name"]} = {value["value"]}, \\')
result.append("\t}; \\")
result.append("\t \\")
for method in class_api["methods"]:
# ClassDBSingleton shouldn't have any static methods, but if some appear later, lets skip them.
if "is_static" in method and method["is_static"]:
vararg = "is_vararg" in method and method["is_vararg"]
if vararg:
2024-03-27 12:54:05 +00:00
method_signature = "\ttemplate <typename... Args> static "
method_signature = "\tstatic "
return_type = None
if "return_type" in method:
return_type = correct_type(method["return_type"].replace("ClassDBSingleton", "ClassDB"), None, False)
elif "return_value" in method:
return_type = correct_type(
method["return_value"]["type"].replace("ClassDBSingleton", "ClassDB"),
method["return_value"].get("meta", None),
if return_type is not None:
2024-03-27 12:54:05 +00:00
method_signature += return_type
if not method_signature.endswith("*"):
method_signature += " "
method_signature += "void "
method_signature += f'{method["name"]}('
method_arguments = []
if "arguments" in method:
method_arguments = method["arguments"]
method_signature += make_function_parameters(
method_arguments, include_default=True, for_builtin=True, is_vararg=vararg
method_signature += ") { \\"
method_body = "\t\t"
if return_type is not None:
method_body += "return "
if "alias_for" in class_api and return_type.startswith(class_api["alias_for"] + "::"):
method_body += f"({return_type})"
method_body += f'ClassDBSingleton::get_singleton()->{method["name"]}('
method_body += ", ".join(map(lambda x: escape_argument(x["name"]), method_arguments))
if vararg:
method_body += ", p_args..."
method_body += "); \\"
result.append("\t} \\")
result.append("#define CLASSDB_SINGLETON_VARIANT_CAST \\")
if "enums" in class_api:
for enum_api in class_api["enums"]:
if enum_api["is_bitfield"]:
result.append(f'\tVARIANT_BITFIELD_CAST({class_api["alias_for"]}::{enum_api["name"]}); \\')
result.append(f'\tVARIANT_ENUM_CAST({class_api["alias_for"]}::{enum_api["name"]}); \\')
result.append(f"#endif // ! {header_guard}")
return "\n".join(result)
Nativescript 1.1 implemented instance binding data usage This commit changes the way C++ wrapper classes work. Previously, wrapper classes were merely wrapper *interfaces*. They used the `this` pointer to store the actual foreign Godot Object. With the NativeScript 1.1 extension it is now possible to have low-overhead language binding data attached to Objects. The C++ bindings use that feature to implement *proper* wrappers and enable regular C++ inheritance usage that way. Some things might still be buggy and untested, but the C++ SimpleDemo works with those changes. new and free change, custom free will crash engine, be wary fix exporting of non-object types fix free() crash with custom resources added type tags and safe object casting fix global type registration order fix cast_to changed build system to be more self contained updated .gitignore use typeid() for type tags now fix indentation in bindings generator remove accidentally added files fix gitignore Fixed up registering tool and updated godot_headers Fix crash when calling String::split/split_floats Was casting to the wrong object type. Also adds parse_ints function to String with the same logic Better warning/error macros Change gitignore so we get our gen folders New documentation based on nativescript 1.1 Fixed GODOT_SUBCLASS macro Preventing crash when function returned null ptr Adds needed include <typeinfo> Solves this issue #168 due to not having the include of typeinfo Fix compile error of 'WARN_PRINT' and 'ERR_PRINT'. cannot pass non-trivial object of type 'godot::String' to variadic function; expected type from format string was 'char *' [-Wnon-pod-varargs] update vector3::distance_to Remove godot_api.json as its now in the godot_headers submodule (api.json)
2018-02-11 14:50:01 +00:00
def generate_engine_class_source(class_api, used_classes, fully_used_classes, use_template_get_node):
global singletons
result = []
class_name = class_api["name"]
snake_class_name = camel_to_snake(class_name)
is_singleton = class_name in singletons
add_header(f"{snake_class_name}.cpp", result)
result.append(f"#include <godot_cpp/classes/{snake_class_name}.hpp>")
result.append("#include <godot_cpp/core/class_db.hpp>")
result.append("#include <godot_cpp/core/engine_ptrcall.hpp>")
result.append("#include <godot_cpp/core/error_macros.hpp>")
for included in used_classes:
result.append(f"#include <godot_cpp/{get_include_path(included)}>")
Nativescript 1.1 implemented instance binding data usage This commit changes the way C++ wrapper classes work. Previously, wrapper classes were merely wrapper *interfaces*. They used the `this` pointer to store the actual foreign Godot Object. With the NativeScript 1.1 extension it is now possible to have low-overhead language binding data attached to Objects. The C++ bindings use that feature to implement *proper* wrappers and enable regular C++ inheritance usage that way. Some things might still be buggy and untested, but the C++ SimpleDemo works with those changes. new and free change, custom free will crash engine, be wary fix exporting of non-object types fix free() crash with custom resources added type tags and safe object casting fix global type registration order fix cast_to changed build system to be more self contained updated .gitignore use typeid() for type tags now fix indentation in bindings generator remove accidentally added files fix gitignore Fixed up registering tool and updated godot_headers Fix crash when calling String::split/split_floats Was casting to the wrong object type. Also adds parse_ints function to String with the same logic Better warning/error macros Change gitignore so we get our gen folders New documentation based on nativescript 1.1 Fixed GODOT_SUBCLASS macro Preventing crash when function returned null ptr Adds needed include <typeinfo> Solves this issue #168 due to not having the include of typeinfo Fix compile error of 'WARN_PRINT' and 'ERR_PRINT'. cannot pass non-trivial object of type 'godot::String' to variadic function; expected type from format string was 'char *' [-Wnon-pod-varargs] update vector3::distance_to Remove godot_api.json as its now in the godot_headers submodule (api.json)
2018-02-11 14:50:01 +00:00
if len(used_classes) > 0:
Nativescript 1.1 implemented instance binding data usage This commit changes the way C++ wrapper classes work. Previously, wrapper classes were merely wrapper *interfaces*. They used the `this` pointer to store the actual foreign Godot Object. With the NativeScript 1.1 extension it is now possible to have low-overhead language binding data attached to Objects. The C++ bindings use that feature to implement *proper* wrappers and enable regular C++ inheritance usage that way. Some things might still be buggy and untested, but the C++ SimpleDemo works with those changes. new and free change, custom free will crash engine, be wary fix exporting of non-object types fix free() crash with custom resources added type tags and safe object casting fix global type registration order fix cast_to changed build system to be more self contained updated .gitignore use typeid() for type tags now fix indentation in bindings generator remove accidentally added files fix gitignore Fixed up registering tool and updated godot_headers Fix crash when calling String::split/split_floats Was casting to the wrong object type. Also adds parse_ints function to String with the same logic Better warning/error macros Change gitignore so we get our gen folders New documentation based on nativescript 1.1 Fixed GODOT_SUBCLASS macro Preventing crash when function returned null ptr Adds needed include <typeinfo> Solves this issue #168 due to not having the include of typeinfo Fix compile error of 'WARN_PRINT' and 'ERR_PRINT'. cannot pass non-trivial object of type 'godot::String' to variadic function; expected type from format string was 'char *' [-Wnon-pod-varargs] update vector3::distance_to Remove godot_api.json as its now in the godot_headers submodule (api.json)
2018-02-11 14:50:01 +00:00
result.append("namespace godot {")
if is_singleton:
result.append(f"{class_name} *{class_name}::singleton = nullptr;")
result.append(f"{class_name} *{class_name}::get_singleton() {{")
# We assume multi-threaded access is OK because each assignment will assign the same value every time
result.append("\tif (unlikely(singleton == nullptr)) {")
f"\t\tGDExtensionObjectPtr singleton_obj = internal::gdextension_interface_global_get_singleton({class_name}::get_class_static()._native_ptr());"
result.append("#ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED")
result.append("\t\tERR_FAIL_NULL_V(singleton_obj, nullptr);")
result.append("#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED")
f"\t\tsingleton = reinterpret_cast<{class_name} *>(internal::gdextension_interface_object_get_instance_binding(singleton_obj, internal::token, &{class_name}::_gde_binding_callbacks));"
result.append("#ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED")
result.append("\t\tERR_FAIL_NULL_V(singleton, nullptr);")
result.append("#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED")
result.append("\t\tif (likely(singleton)) {")
result.append(f"\t\t\tClassDB::_register_engine_singleton({class_name}::get_class_static(), singleton);")
result.append("\treturn singleton;")
result.append(f"{class_name}::~{class_name}() {{")
result.append("\tif (singleton == this) {")
result.append("\t\tsingleton = nullptr;")
if "methods" in class_api:
for method in class_api["methods"]:
if method["is_virtual"]:
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
# Will be done later
vararg = "is_vararg" in method and method["is_vararg"]
# Method signature.
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
method_signature = make_signature(class_name, method, use_template_get_node=use_template_get_node)
result.append(method_signature + " {")
# Method body.
f'\tstatic GDExtensionMethodBindPtr _gde_method_bind = internal::gdextension_interface_classdb_get_method_bind({class_name}::get_class_static()._native_ptr(), StringName("{method["name"]}")._native_ptr(), {method["hash"]});'
method_call = "\t"
has_return = "return_value" in method and method["return_value"]["type"] != "void"
if has_return:
f'\tCHECK_METHOD_BIND_RET(_gde_method_bind, {get_default_value_for_type(method["return_value"]["type"])});'
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
is_ref = False
if not vararg:
if has_return:
return_type = method["return_value"]["type"]
meta_type = method["return_value"]["meta"] if "meta" in method["return_value"] else None
2023-01-06 22:48:40 +00:00
if is_enum(return_type):
if method["is_static"]:
method_call += f"return ({get_gdextension_type(correct_type(return_type, meta_type))})internal::_call_native_mb_ret<int64_t>(_gde_method_bind, nullptr"
2023-01-06 22:48:40 +00:00
method_call += f"return ({get_gdextension_type(correct_type(return_type, meta_type))})internal::_call_native_mb_ret<int64_t>(_gde_method_bind, _owner"
2023-01-06 22:48:40 +00:00
elif is_pod_type(return_type) or is_variant(return_type):
if method["is_static"]:
method_call += f"return internal::_call_native_mb_ret<{get_gdextension_type(correct_type(return_type, meta_type))}>(_gde_method_bind, nullptr"
method_call += f"return internal::_call_native_mb_ret<{get_gdextension_type(correct_type(return_type, meta_type))}>(_gde_method_bind, _owner"
elif is_refcounted(return_type):
if method["is_static"]:
method_call += f"return Ref<{return_type}>::_gde_internal_constructor(internal::_call_native_mb_ret_obj<{return_type}>(_gde_method_bind, nullptr"
method_call += f"return Ref<{return_type}>::_gde_internal_constructor(internal::_call_native_mb_ret_obj<{return_type}>(_gde_method_bind, _owner"
is_ref = True
if method["is_static"]:
method_call += (
f"return internal::_call_native_mb_ret_obj<{return_type}>(_gde_method_bind, nullptr"
method_call += (
f"return internal::_call_native_mb_ret_obj<{return_type}>(_gde_method_bind, _owner"
if method["is_static"]:
method_call += "internal::_call_native_mb_no_ret(_gde_method_bind, nullptr"
method_call += "internal::_call_native_mb_no_ret(_gde_method_bind, _owner"
if "arguments" in method:
method_call += ", "
arguments = []
for argument in method["arguments"]:
(encode, arg_name) = get_encoded_arg(
argument["meta"] if "meta" in argument else None,
result += encode
method_call += ", ".join(arguments)
else: # vararg.
result.append("\tGDExtensionCallError error;")
result.append("\tVariant ret;")
method_call += "internal::gdextension_interface_object_method_bind_call(_gde_method_bind, _owner, reinterpret_cast<GDExtensionConstVariantPtr *>(p_args), p_arg_count, &ret, &error"
if is_ref:
method_call += ")" # Close Ref<> constructor.
method_call += ");"
if vararg and ("return_value" in method and method["return_value"]["type"] != "void"):
return_type = get_enum_fullname(method["return_value"]["type"])
if return_type != "Variant":
result.append(f"\treturn VariantCaster<{return_type}>::cast(ret);")
result.append("\treturn ret;")
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
# Virtuals now.
for method in class_api["methods"]:
if not method["is_virtual"]:
method_signature = make_signature(class_name, method, use_template_get_node=use_template_get_node)
method_signature += " {"
if "return_value" in method and correct_type(method["return_value"]["type"]) != "void":
result.append(f'\treturn {get_default_value_for_type(method["return_value"]["type"])};')
method_signature += "}"
result.append("} // namespace godot ")
return "\n".join(result)
def generate_global_constants(api, output_dir):
include_gen_folder = Path(output_dir) / "include" / "godot_cpp" / "classes"
source_gen_folder = Path(output_dir) / "src" / "classes"
include_gen_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
source_gen_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Generate header
header = []
add_header("global_constants.hpp", header)
header_filename = include_gen_folder / "global_constants.hpp"
header.append(f"#ifndef {header_guard}")
header.append(f"#define {header_guard}")
header.append("#include <cstdint>")
header.append("namespace godot {")
for constant in api["global_constants"]:
2024-01-10 13:30:24 +00:00
header.append(f'\tconst int64_t {escape_identifier(constant["name"])} = {constant["value"]};')
for enum_def in api["global_enums"]:
if enum_def["name"].startswith("Variant."):
if enum_def["is_bitfield"]:
header.append(f'\tenum {enum_def["name"]} : uint64_t {{')
header.append(f'\tenum {enum_def["name"]} {{')
for value in enum_def["values"]:
header.append(f'\t\t{value["name"]} = {value["value"]},')
header.append("} // namespace godot")
header.append(f"#endif // ! {header_guard}")
with header_filename.open("w+", encoding="utf-8") as header_file:
2023-07-26 22:16:46 +00:00
def generate_version_header(api, output_dir):
header = []
header_filename = "version.hpp"
add_header(header_filename, header)
include_gen_folder = Path(output_dir) / "include" / "godot_cpp" / "core"
include_gen_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
header_file_path = include_gen_folder / header_filename
header_guard = "GODOT_CPP_VERSION_HPP"
header.append(f"#ifndef {header_guard}")
header.append(f"#define {header_guard}")
header.append(f"#define GODOT_VERSION_MAJOR {api['header']['version_major']}")
header.append(f"#define GODOT_VERSION_MINOR {api['header']['version_minor']}")
header.append(f"#define GODOT_VERSION_PATCH {api['header']['version_patch']}")
header.append(f"#define GODOT_VERSION_STATUS \"{api['header']['version_status']}\"")
header.append(f"#define GODOT_VERSION_BUILD \"{api['header']['version_build']}\"")
header.append(f"#endif // {header_guard}")
with header_file_path.open("w+", encoding="utf-8") as header_file:
def generate_global_constant_binds(api, output_dir):
include_gen_folder = Path(output_dir) / "include" / "godot_cpp" / "classes"
source_gen_folder = Path(output_dir) / "src" / "classes"
include_gen_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
source_gen_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Generate header
header = []
add_header("global_constants_binds.hpp", header)
header_filename = include_gen_folder / "global_constants_binds.hpp"
header.append(f"#ifndef {header_guard}")
header.append(f"#define {header_guard}")
header.append("#include <godot_cpp/classes/global_constants.hpp>")
for enum_def in api["global_enums"]:
if enum_def["name"].startswith("Variant."):
if enum_def["is_bitfield"]:
# Variant::Type is not a global enum, but only one line, it is worth to place in this file instead of creating new file.
2024-06-24 17:20:55 +00:00
header.append(f"#endif // ! {header_guard}")
with header_filename.open("w+", encoding="utf-8") as header_file:
def generate_utility_functions(api, output_dir):
include_gen_folder = Path(output_dir) / "include" / "godot_cpp" / "variant"
source_gen_folder = Path(output_dir) / "src" / "variant"
include_gen_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
source_gen_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
Nativescript 1.1 implemented instance binding data usage This commit changes the way C++ wrapper classes work. Previously, wrapper classes were merely wrapper *interfaces*. They used the `this` pointer to store the actual foreign Godot Object. With the NativeScript 1.1 extension it is now possible to have low-overhead language binding data attached to Objects. The C++ bindings use that feature to implement *proper* wrappers and enable regular C++ inheritance usage that way. Some things might still be buggy and untested, but the C++ SimpleDemo works with those changes. new and free change, custom free will crash engine, be wary fix exporting of non-object types fix free() crash with custom resources added type tags and safe object casting fix global type registration order fix cast_to changed build system to be more self contained updated .gitignore use typeid() for type tags now fix indentation in bindings generator remove accidentally added files fix gitignore Fixed up registering tool and updated godot_headers Fix crash when calling String::split/split_floats Was casting to the wrong object type. Also adds parse_ints function to String with the same logic Better warning/error macros Change gitignore so we get our gen folders New documentation based on nativescript 1.1 Fixed GODOT_SUBCLASS macro Preventing crash when function returned null ptr Adds needed include <typeinfo> Solves this issue #168 due to not having the include of typeinfo Fix compile error of 'WARN_PRINT' and 'ERR_PRINT'. cannot pass non-trivial object of type 'godot::String' to variadic function; expected type from format string was 'char *' [-Wnon-pod-varargs] update vector3::distance_to Remove godot_api.json as its now in the godot_headers submodule (api.json)
2018-02-11 14:50:01 +00:00
# Generate header.
header = []
add_header("utility_functions.hpp", header)
header_filename = include_gen_folder / "utility_functions.hpp"
header.append(f"#ifndef {header_guard}")
header.append(f"#define {header_guard}")
header.append("#include <godot_cpp/variant/builtin_types.hpp>")
header.append("#include <godot_cpp/variant/variant.hpp>")
header.append("#include <array>")
header.append("namespace godot {")
header.append("class UtilityFunctions {")
for function in api["utility_functions"]:
vararg = "is_vararg" in function and function["is_vararg"]
function_signature = "\t"
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
function_signature += make_signature("UtilityFunctions", function, for_header=True, static=True)
header.append(function_signature + ";")
if vararg:
# Add templated version.
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
header += make_varargs_template(function, static=True)
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
header.append("} // namespace godot")
header.append(f"#endif // ! {header_guard}")
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
with header_filename.open("w+", encoding="utf-8") as header_file:
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
# Generate source.
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
source = []
add_header("utility_functions.cpp", source)
source_filename = source_gen_folder / "utility_functions.cpp"
source.append("#include <godot_cpp/variant/utility_functions.hpp>")
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
source.append("#include <godot_cpp/core/error_macros.hpp>")
source.append("#include <godot_cpp/core/engine_ptrcall.hpp>")
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
2017-05-13 11:55:04 +00:00
source.append("namespace godot {")
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
for function in api["utility_functions"]:
vararg = "is_vararg" in function and function["is_vararg"]
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
function_signature = make_signature("UtilityFunctions", function)
source.append(function_signature + " {")
# Function body.
f'\tstatic GDExtensionPtrUtilityFunction _gde_function = internal::gdextension_interface_variant_get_ptr_utility_function(StringName("{function["name"]}")._native_ptr(), {function["hash"]});'
has_return = "return_type" in function and function["return_type"] != "void"
if has_return:
f'\tCHECK_METHOD_BIND_RET(_gde_function, {get_default_value_for_type(function["return_type"])});'
function_call = "\t"
if not vararg:
if has_return:
function_call += "return "
if function["return_type"] == "Object":
function_call += "internal::_call_utility_ret_obj(_gde_function"
function_call += f'internal::_call_utility_ret<{get_gdextension_type(correct_type(function["return_type"]))}>(_gde_function'
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
function_call += "internal::_call_utility_no_ret(_gde_function"
if "arguments" in function:
function_call += ", "
arguments = []
for argument in function["arguments"]:
(encode, arg_name) = get_encoded_arg(
argument["meta"] if "meta" in argument else None,
source += encode
function_call += ", ".join(arguments)
if has_return:
source.append(f'\t{get_gdextension_type(correct_type(function["return_type"]))} ret;')
source.append("\tVariant ret;")
function_call += "_gde_function(&ret, reinterpret_cast<GDExtensionConstVariantPtr *>(p_args), p_arg_count"
function_call += ");"
if vararg and has_return:
source.append("\treturn ret;")
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
source.append("} // namespace godot")
Nativescript 1.1 implemented instance binding data usage This commit changes the way C++ wrapper classes work. Previously, wrapper classes were merely wrapper *interfaces*. They used the `this` pointer to store the actual foreign Godot Object. With the NativeScript 1.1 extension it is now possible to have low-overhead language binding data attached to Objects. The C++ bindings use that feature to implement *proper* wrappers and enable regular C++ inheritance usage that way. Some things might still be buggy and untested, but the C++ SimpleDemo works with those changes. new and free change, custom free will crash engine, be wary fix exporting of non-object types fix free() crash with custom resources added type tags and safe object casting fix global type registration order fix cast_to changed build system to be more self contained updated .gitignore use typeid() for type tags now fix indentation in bindings generator remove accidentally added files fix gitignore Fixed up registering tool and updated godot_headers Fix crash when calling String::split/split_floats Was casting to the wrong object type. Also adds parse_ints function to String with the same logic Better warning/error macros Change gitignore so we get our gen folders New documentation based on nativescript 1.1 Fixed GODOT_SUBCLASS macro Preventing crash when function returned null ptr Adds needed include <typeinfo> Solves this issue #168 due to not having the include of typeinfo Fix compile error of 'WARN_PRINT' and 'ERR_PRINT'. cannot pass non-trivial object of type 'godot::String' to variadic function; expected type from format string was 'char *' [-Wnon-pod-varargs] update vector3::distance_to Remove godot_api.json as its now in the godot_headers submodule (api.json)
2018-02-11 14:50:01 +00:00
with source_filename.open("w+", encoding="utf-8") as source_file:
Nativescript 1.1 implemented instance binding data usage This commit changes the way C++ wrapper classes work. Previously, wrapper classes were merely wrapper *interfaces*. They used the `this` pointer to store the actual foreign Godot Object. With the NativeScript 1.1 extension it is now possible to have low-overhead language binding data attached to Objects. The C++ bindings use that feature to implement *proper* wrappers and enable regular C++ inheritance usage that way. Some things might still be buggy and untested, but the C++ SimpleDemo works with those changes. new and free change, custom free will crash engine, be wary fix exporting of non-object types fix free() crash with custom resources added type tags and safe object casting fix global type registration order fix cast_to changed build system to be more self contained updated .gitignore use typeid() for type tags now fix indentation in bindings generator remove accidentally added files fix gitignore Fixed up registering tool and updated godot_headers Fix crash when calling String::split/split_floats Was casting to the wrong object type. Also adds parse_ints function to String with the same logic Better warning/error macros Change gitignore so we get our gen folders New documentation based on nativescript 1.1 Fixed GODOT_SUBCLASS macro Preventing crash when function returned null ptr Adds needed include <typeinfo> Solves this issue #168 due to not having the include of typeinfo Fix compile error of 'WARN_PRINT' and 'ERR_PRINT'. cannot pass non-trivial object of type 'godot::String' to variadic function; expected type from format string was 'char *' [-Wnon-pod-varargs] update vector3::distance_to Remove godot_api.json as its now in the godot_headers submodule (api.json)
2018-02-11 14:50:01 +00:00
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
# Helper functions.
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
Nativescript 1.1 implemented instance binding data usage This commit changes the way C++ wrapper classes work. Previously, wrapper classes were merely wrapper *interfaces*. They used the `this` pointer to store the actual foreign Godot Object. With the NativeScript 1.1 extension it is now possible to have low-overhead language binding data attached to Objects. The C++ bindings use that feature to implement *proper* wrappers and enable regular C++ inheritance usage that way. Some things might still be buggy and untested, but the C++ SimpleDemo works with those changes. new and free change, custom free will crash engine, be wary fix exporting of non-object types fix free() crash with custom resources added type tags and safe object casting fix global type registration order fix cast_to changed build system to be more self contained updated .gitignore use typeid() for type tags now fix indentation in bindings generator remove accidentally added files fix gitignore Fixed up registering tool and updated godot_headers Fix crash when calling String::split/split_floats Was casting to the wrong object type. Also adds parse_ints function to String with the same logic Better warning/error macros Change gitignore so we get our gen folders New documentation based on nativescript 1.1 Fixed GODOT_SUBCLASS macro Preventing crash when function returned null ptr Adds needed include <typeinfo> Solves this issue #168 due to not having the include of typeinfo Fix compile error of 'WARN_PRINT' and 'ERR_PRINT'. cannot pass non-trivial object of type 'godot::String' to variadic function; expected type from format string was 'char *' [-Wnon-pod-varargs] update vector3::distance_to Remove godot_api.json as its now in the godot_headers submodule (api.json)
2018-02-11 14:50:01 +00:00
def camel_to_snake(name):
name = re.sub("(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)", r"\1_\2", name)
name = re.sub("([a-z0-9])([A-Z])", r"\1_\2", name)
return name.replace("2_D", "2D").replace("3_D", "3D").lower()
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
def make_function_parameters(parameters, include_default=False, for_builtin=False, is_vararg=False):
signature = []
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
for index, par in enumerate(parameters):
parameter = type_for_parameter(par["type"], par["meta"] if "meta" in par else None)
parameter_name = escape_argument(par["name"])
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
if len(parameter_name) == 0:
parameter_name = "p_arg_" + str(index + 1)
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
parameter += parameter_name
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
if include_default and "default_value" in par and (not for_builtin or par["type"] != "Variant"):
parameter += " = "
if is_enum(par["type"]):
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
parameter_type = correct_type(par["type"])
if parameter_type == "void":
parameter_type = "Variant"
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
parameter += f"({parameter_type})"
parameter += correct_default_value(par["default_value"], par["type"])
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
if is_vararg:
signature.append("const Args&... p_args")
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
return ", ".join(signature)
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
def type_for_parameter(type_name, meta=None):
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
if type_name == "void":
return "Variant "
elif is_pod_type(type_name) and type_name != "Nil" or is_enum(type_name):
return f"{correct_type(type_name, meta)} "
elif is_variant(type_name) or is_refcounted(type_name):
return f"const {correct_type(type_name)} &"
return f"{correct_type(type_name)}"
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
def get_include_path(type_name):
base_dir = ""
if type_name == "Object":
base_dir = "core"
elif is_variant(type_name):
base_dir = "variant"
base_dir = "classes"
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
return f"{base_dir}/{camel_to_snake(type_name)}.hpp"
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
def get_encoded_arg(arg_name, type_name, type_meta):
result = []
name = escape_argument(arg_name)
arg_type = correct_type(type_name)
if is_pod_type(arg_type):
result.append(f"\t{get_gdextension_type(arg_type)} {name}_encoded;")
2021-08-28 13:41:50 +00:00
result.append(f"\tPtrToArg<{correct_type(type_name)}>::encode({name}, &{name}_encoded);")
name = f"&{name}_encoded"
elif is_engine_class(type_name):
# `{name}` is a C++ wrapper, it contains a field which is the object's pointer Godot expects.
# We have to check `nullptr` because when the caller sends `nullptr`, the wrapper itself will be null.
name = f"({name} != nullptr ? &{name}->_owner : nullptr)"
name = f"&{name}"
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
return (result, name)
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
def make_signature(
class_name, function_data, for_header=False, use_template_get_node=True, for_builtin=False, static=False
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
function_signature = ""
is_vararg = "is_vararg" in function_data and function_data["is_vararg"]
if for_header:
if "is_virtual" in function_data and function_data["is_virtual"]:
function_signature += "virtual "
if is_vararg:
function_signature += "private: "
if static:
function_signature += "static "
return_type = "void"
return_meta = None
if "return_type" in function_data:
return_type = correct_type(function_data["return_type"])
elif "return_value" in function_data:
return_type = function_data["return_value"]["type"]
return_meta = function_data["return_value"]["meta"] if "meta" in function_data["return_value"] else None
function_signature += correct_type(
if not function_signature.endswith("*"):
function_signature += " "
if not for_header:
function_signature += f"{class_name}::"
function_signature += escape_identifier(function_data["name"])
if is_vararg or (
not for_builtin and use_template_get_node and class_name == "Node" and function_data["name"] == "get_node"
function_signature += "_internal"
function_signature += "("
arguments = function_data["arguments"] if "arguments" in function_data else []
if not is_vararg:
function_signature += make_function_parameters(arguments, for_header, for_builtin, is_vararg)
function_signature += "const Variant **p_args, GDExtensionInt p_arg_count"
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
function_signature += ")"
if "is_static" in function_data and function_data["is_static"] and for_header:
function_signature = "static " + function_signature
elif "is_const" in function_data and function_data["is_const"]:
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
function_signature += " const"
return function_signature
def make_varargs_template(
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
result = []
function_signature = ""
if with_public_declare:
function_signature = "public: "
2024-03-27 12:54:05 +00:00
function_signature += "template <typename... Args> "
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
if static:
function_signature += "static "
return_type = "void"
return_meta = None
if "return_type" in function_data:
return_type = correct_type(function_data["return_type"])
elif "return_value" in function_data:
return_type = function_data["return_value"]["type"]
return_meta = function_data["return_value"]["meta"] if "meta" in function_data["return_value"] else None
function_signature += correct_type(
if not function_signature.endswith("*"):
function_signature += " "
if len(class_befor_signature) > 0:
function_signature += class_befor_signature + "::"
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
function_signature += f'{escape_identifier(function_data["name"])}'
method_arguments = []
if "arguments" in function_data:
method_arguments = function_data["arguments"]
function_signature += "("
is_vararg = "is_vararg" in function_data and function_data["is_vararg"]
function_signature += make_function_parameters(method_arguments, include_default=True, is_vararg=is_vararg)
function_signature += ")"
if "is_const" in function_data and function_data["is_const"]:
function_signature += " const"
function_signature += " {"
args_array = f"\tstd::array<Variant, {len(method_arguments)} + sizeof...(Args)> variant_args {{ "
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
for argument in method_arguments:
if argument["type"] == "Variant":
args_array += escape_argument(argument["name"])
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
args_array += f'Variant({escape_argument(argument["name"])})'
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
args_array += ", "
args_array += "Variant(p_args)... };"
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
result.append(f"\tstd::array<const Variant *, {len(method_arguments)} + sizeof...(Args)> call_args;")
2024-03-27 12:54:05 +00:00
result.append("\tfor (size_t i = 0; i < variant_args.size(); i++) {")
result.append("\t\tcall_args[i] = &variant_args[i];")
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
call_line = "\t"
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
if not for_builtin_classes:
if return_type != "void":
call_line += "return "
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
call_line += f'{escape_identifier(function_data["name"])}_internal(call_args.data(), variant_args.size());'
base = "(GDExtensionTypePtr)&opaque"
if static:
base = "nullptr"
ret = "nullptr"
if return_type != "void":
ret = "&ret"
result.append(f'\t{correct_type(function_data["return_type"])} ret;')
function_name = function_data["name"]
f"\t_method_bindings.method_{function_name}({base}, reinterpret_cast<GDExtensionConstTypePtr *>(call_args.data()), {ret}, {len(method_arguments)} + sizeof...(Args));"
if return_type != "void":
result.append("\treturn ret;")
if with_indent:
for i in range(len(result)):
result[i] = "\t" + result[i]
2021-08-19 23:03:11 +00:00
return result
# Engine idiosyncrasies.
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
def is_pod_type(type_name):
Those are types for which no class should be generated.
return type_name in [
2021-08-28 13:41:50 +00:00
2021-08-28 13:41:50 +00:00
2021-09-08 18:11:12 +00:00
def is_included_type(type_name):
# Types which we already have implemented.
return is_included_struct_type(type_name) or type_name in ["ObjectID"]
def is_included_struct_type(type_name):
# Struct types which we already have implemented.
return type_name in [
2021-09-08 18:11:12 +00:00
def is_packed_array(type_name):
Those are types for which we add our extra packed array functions.
return type_name in [
2024-05-06 19:09:35 +00:00
2021-11-18 03:05:14 +00:00
def needs_copy_instead_of_move(type_name):
2024-06-24 17:20:55 +00:00
Those are types which need initialized data or we'll get warning spam so need a copy instead of move.
2021-11-18 03:05:14 +00:00
return type_name in [
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
def is_enum(type_name):
return type_name.startswith("enum::") or type_name.startswith("bitfield::")
def is_bitfield(type_name):
return type_name.startswith("bitfield::")
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
def get_enum_class(enum_name: str):
if "." in enum_name:
if is_bitfield(enum_name):
return enum_name.replace("bitfield::", "").split(".")[0]
return enum_name.replace("enum::", "").split(".")[0]
return "GlobalConstants"
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
def get_enum_fullname(enum_name: str):
if is_bitfield(enum_name):
return enum_name.replace("bitfield::", "BitField<") + ">"
return enum_name.replace("enum::", "")
def get_enum_name(enum_name: str):
if is_bitfield(enum_name):
return enum_name.replace("bitfield::", "").split(".")[-1]
return enum_name.replace("enum::", "").split(".")[-1]
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
2017-09-11 19:34:20 +00:00
def is_variant(type_name):
2022-09-15 07:33:07 +00:00
return (
type_name == "Variant"
or type_name in builtin_classes
or type_name == "Nil"
or type_name.startswith("typedarray::")
2017-09-11 19:34:20 +00:00
def is_engine_class(type_name):
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
global engine_classes
return type_name == "Object" or type_name in engine_classes
2017-09-11 19:34:20 +00:00
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
def is_struct_type(type_name):
# This is used to determine which keyword to use for forward declarations.
global native_structures
return is_included_struct_type(type_name) or type_name in native_structures
def is_refcounted(type_name):
return type_name in engine_classes and engine_classes[type_name]
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
def is_class_included(class_name, build_profile):
Check if an engine class should be included.
This removes classes according to a build profile of enabled or disabled classes.
included = build_profile.get("enabled_classes", [])
excluded = build_profile.get("disabled_classes", [])
if included:
return class_name in included
if excluded:
return class_name not in excluded
return True
def is_included(type_name, current_type):
Check if a builtin type should be included.
This removes Variant and POD types from inclusion, and the current type.
2022-09-15 07:33:07 +00:00
if type_name.startswith("typedarray::"):
return True
to_include = get_enum_class(type_name) if is_enum(type_name) else type_name
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
if to_include == current_type or is_pod_type(to_include):
return False
if to_include == "GlobalConstants" or to_include == "UtilityFunctions":
return True
return is_engine_class(to_include) or is_variant(to_include)
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
def correct_default_value(value, type_name):
value_map = {
"null": "nullptr",
'""': "String()",
'&""': "StringName()",
'^""': "NodePath()",
"[]": "Array()",
"{}": "Dictionary()",
"Transform2D(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)": "Transform2D()", # Default transform.
"Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)": "Transform3D()", # Default transform.
if value in value_map:
return value_map[value]
if value == "":
return f"{type_name}()"
if value.startswith("Array["):
2024-06-24 17:20:55 +00:00
return "{}"
if value.startswith("&"):
return value[1::]
if value.startswith("^"):
return value[1::]
return value
2022-09-15 07:33:07 +00:00
def correct_typed_array(type_name):
if type_name.startswith("typedarray::"):
return type_name.replace("typedarray::", "TypedArray<") + ">"
return type_name
def correct_type(type_name, meta=None, use_alias=True):
type_conversion = {"float": "double", "int": "int64_t", "Nil": "Variant"}
2024-06-24 17:20:55 +00:00
if meta is not None:
if "int" in meta:
return f"{meta}_t"
elif "char" in meta:
return f"{meta}_t"
return meta
if type_name in type_conversion:
return type_conversion[type_name]
2022-09-15 07:33:07 +00:00
if type_name.startswith("typedarray::"):
return type_name.replace("typedarray::", "TypedArray<") + ">"
if is_enum(type_name):
if is_bitfield(type_name):
base_class = get_enum_class(type_name)
if use_alias and base_class in CLASS_ALIASES:
base_class = CLASS_ALIASES[base_class]
if base_class == "GlobalConstants":
return f"BitField<{get_enum_name(type_name)}>"
return f"BitField<{base_class}::{get_enum_name(type_name)}>"
base_class = get_enum_class(type_name)
if use_alias and base_class in CLASS_ALIASES:
base_class = CLASS_ALIASES[base_class]
if base_class == "GlobalConstants":
return f"{get_enum_name(type_name)}"
return f"{base_class}::{get_enum_name(type_name)}"
if is_refcounted(type_name):
return f"Ref<{type_name}>"
if type_name == "Object" or is_engine_class(type_name):
return f"{type_name} *"
2024-03-27 12:54:05 +00:00
if type_name.endswith("*") and not type_name.endswith("**") and not type_name.endswith(" *"):
2021-08-24 13:50:36 +00:00
return f"{type_name[:-1]} *"
return type_name
def get_gdextension_type(type_name):
type_conversion_map = {
2022-03-09 10:37:48 +00:00
"bool": "int8_t",
"uint8_t": "int64_t",
"int8_t": "int64_t",
"uint16_t": "int64_t",
"int16_t": "int64_t",
"uint32_t": "int64_t",
"int32_t": "int64_t",
"int": "int64_t",
"float": "double",
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
if type_name.startswith("BitField<"):
return "int64_t"
if type_name in type_conversion_map:
return type_conversion_map[type_name]
return type_name
def escape_identifier(id):
cpp_keywords_map = {
"class": "_class",
"char": "_char",
"short": "_short",
"bool": "_bool",
"int": "_int",
"default": "_default",
"case": "_case",
"switch": "_switch",
"export": "_export",
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
"template": "_template",
"new": "new_",
"operator": "_operator",
"typeof": "type_of",
"typename": "type_name",
"enum": "_enum",
if id in cpp_keywords_map:
return cpp_keywords_map[id]
return id
def escape_argument(id):
if id.startswith("p_") or id.startswith("r_"):
return id
return "p_" + id
def get_operator_id_name(op):
op_id_map = {
"==": "equal",
"!=": "not_equal",
"<": "less",
"<=": "less_equal",
">": "greater",
">=": "greater_equal",
"+": "add",
"-": "subtract",
"*": "multiply",
"/": "divide",
"unary-": "negate",
"unary+": "positive",
"%": "module",
"**": "power",
"<<": "shift_left",
">>": "shift_right",
"&": "bit_and",
"|": "bit_or",
"^": "bit_xor",
"~": "bit_negate",
"and": "and",
"or": "or",
"xor": "xor",
"not": "not",
"in": "in",
2017-05-12 19:53:07 +00:00
return op_id_map[op]
def get_operator_cpp_name(op):
op_cpp_map = {
"==": "==",
"!=": "!=",
"<": "<",
"<=": "<=",
">": ">",
">=": ">=",
"+": "+",
"-": "-",
"*": "*",
"/": "/",
"unary-": "-",
"unary+": "+",
"%": "%",
"<<": "<<",
">>": ">>",
"&": "&",
"|": "|",
"^": "^",
"~": "~",
"and": "&&",
"or": "||",
"not": "!",
return op_cpp_map[op]
def is_valid_cpp_operator(op):
return op not in ["**", "xor", "in"]
def get_default_value_for_type(type_name):
if type_name == "int":
return "0"
if type_name == "float":
return "0.0"
if type_name == "bool":
return "false"
2022-09-15 07:33:07 +00:00
if type_name.startswith("typedarray::"):
return f"{correct_type(type_name)}()"
if is_enum(type_name):
return f"{correct_type(type_name)}(0)"
if is_variant(type_name):
return f"{type_name}()"
if is_refcounted(type_name):
return f"Ref<{type_name}>()"
return "nullptr"
header = """\
/* $filename */
/* This file is part of: */
/* https://godotengine.org */
/* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */
/* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
/* */
/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
/* the following conditions: */
/* */
/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
/* */
def add_header(filename, lines):
desired_length = len(header.split("\n")[0])
pad_spaces = desired_length - 6 - len(filename)
for num, line in enumerate(header.split("\n")):
if num == 1:
new_line = f"/* {filename}{' ' * pad_spaces}*/"