diff --git a/godot/boot.tscn b/godot/boot.tscn index 11ca337..a85969d 100644 --- a/godot/boot.tscn +++ b/godot/boot.tscn @@ -19,10 +19,8 @@ size = Vector3(3.69043, 1, 8.0553) [node name="Boot" type="Node3D"] -[node name="Environment" parent="." instance=ExtResource("2_og5hb")] - [node name="Enemy" parent="." instance=ExtResource("3_ppe0x")] -transform = Transform3D(-0.388047, -3.32609e-06, -0.92164, 7.28825e-07, 1, -3.91574e-06, 0.92164, -2.1912e-06, -0.388047, 5.68389, 0.50111, -12.4121) +transform = Transform3D(0.0069285, -3.53762e-06, -0.999976, 2.87661e-06, 1, -3.51777e-06, 0.999976, -2.85216e-06, 0.0069285, 6.41735, 0.415662, -14.5241) [node name="Area3D" type="Area3D" parent="."] transform = Transform3D(0.734015, 0, -0.679134, 0, 1, 0, 0.679134, 0, 0.734015, 2.09421, 0.536154, -14.1446) @@ -39,4 +37,6 @@ transform = Transform3D(0.470242, 0, -0.882538, 0, 1, 0, 0.882538, 0, 0.470242, [node name="Player" parent="." instance=ExtResource("1_7kr4i")] transform = Transform3D(0.0816776, 0, 0.996659, 0, 1, 0, -0.996659, 0, 0.0816776, -2.58966, 0.717546, -2.77265) +[node name="Environment" parent="." instance=ExtResource("2_og5hb")] + [connection signal="body_entered" from="Area3D" to="Area3D" method="_on_body_entered"] diff --git a/godot/lighting/section_2.exr b/godot/lighting/section_2.exr index 09d3118..d4f1bcb 100644 Binary files a/godot/lighting/section_2.exr and b/godot/lighting/section_2.exr differ diff --git a/godot/lighting/section_2.lmbake b/godot/lighting/section_2.lmbake index 53587f6..71ed6ed 100644 Binary files a/godot/lighting/section_2.lmbake and b/godot/lighting/section_2.lmbake differ diff --git a/godot/models/props/dirtpile_large.glb.import b/godot/models/props/dirtpile_large.glb.import index 939a6c8..bda3dda 100644 --- a/godot/models/props/dirtpile_large.glb.import +++ b/godot/models/props/dirtpile_large.glb.import @@ -37,6 +37,11 @@ _subresources={ "use_external/enabled": true, "use_external/path": "res://models/props/materials/Mud.tres" } +}, +"nodes": { +"PATH:dirtpile_large": { +"mesh_instance/layers": 5 +} } } gltf/naming_version=1 diff --git a/godot/models/props/trenchfloor.glb.import b/godot/models/props/trenchfloor.glb.import index 66339ee..7a359c4 100644 --- a/godot/models/props/trenchfloor.glb.import +++ b/godot/models/props/trenchfloor.glb.import @@ -37,6 +37,11 @@ _subresources={ "use_external/enabled": true, "use_external/path": "res://models/props/materials/Mud.tres" } +}, +"nodes": { +"PATH:trenchfloor": { +"mesh_instance/layers": 5 +} } } gltf/naming_version=1 diff --git a/godot/objects/section_2.tscn b/godot/objects/section_2.tscn index 4351347..b1176f0 100644 --- a/godot/objects/section_2.tscn +++ b/godot/objects/section_2.tscn @@ -17,12 +17,11 @@ [sub_resource type="CameraAttributesPractical" id="CameraAttributesPractical_ikuna"] [sub_resource type="NavigationMesh" id="NavigationMesh_e0njj"] -vertices = PackedVector3Array(3.61544, 3.12735, -22.6676, 0.615438, 3.12735, -22.6676, 1.11544, 3.12735, -22.1676, 1.11544, 3.12735, -19.9176, 3.61544, 3.12735, -20.1676, -2.38456, 0.877347, -21.1676, -1.38456, 0.877347, -21.9176, -2.13456, 0.877347, -22.1676, -2.63456, 0.877347, -21.6676, 8.61544, 0.877347, -20.4176, 8.36544, 1.12735, -18.6676, 8.86544, 1.12735, -18.6676, 9.61544, 1.12735, -20.1676, 1.36544, 0.877347, -14.6676, 0.115438, 0.877347, -15.1676, 0.365438, 0.877347, -13.6676, 8.86544, 1.12735, -21.6676, 7.86544, 1.12735, -22.1676, 7.61544, 0.877347, -21.1676, 1.61544, 0.877347, -14.4176, 2.86544, 0.877347, -14.4176, 2.86544, 1.37735, -15.9176, -0.384562, 0.877347, -17.6676, -1.38456, 1.37735, -18.4176, -0.884562, 1.37735, -15.9176, 9.61544, 1.12735, -14.4176, 9.36544, 1.12735, -17.9176, 7.36544, 0.877347, -16.6676, -0.384562, 1.37735, -2.91757, -4.13456, 1.12735, -2.91757, -4.13456, 1.12735, -2.16757, 1.11544, 1.12735, -2.41757, 0.865438, 0.877347, -13.6676, 0.365438, 0.877347, -3.41757, 3.86544, 1.12735, -22.1676, 3.61544, 0.877347, -21.6676, 0.865438, 0.877347, -21.1676, 0.615438, 1.12735, -21.9176, -0.884562, 1.12735, -21.1676, -0.384562, 0.877347, -19.9176, -2.13456, 3.12735, -21.1676, -2.13456, 3.12735, -20.4176, -1.63456, 3.12735, -20.9176, -2.88456, 0.877347, -19.9176, -2.38456, 0.877347, -19.6676, -2.38456, 0.877347, -20.4176, -2.88456, 0.877347, -20.6676, 1.11544, 3.12735, -16.4176, 0.615438, 3.12735, -16.6676, 0.865438, 3.12735, -15.9176, 6.36544, 2.87735, -17.6676, 7.11544, 3.12735, -17.6676, 7.11544, 2.87735, -18.1676, 4.11544, 2.87735, -17.1676, 6.11544, 2.87735, -17.1676, 2.36544, 3.12735, -17.9176, 3.86544, 2.87735, -17.6676, 7.36544, 3.12735, -18.4176, 10.6154, 3.12735, -18.1676, 10.3654, 3.12735, -20.6676, 9.86544, 3.12735, -20.6676, 7.61544, 3.37735, -20.1676, 1.36544, 0.877347, -19.1676, 2.36544, 0.877347, -19.6676, 1.36544, 0.877347, -19.9176, 0.865438, 0.877347, -19.1676, 0.865438, 0.877347, -16.4176, 1.36544, 0.877347, -16.1676, 12.3654, 0.377347, 4.33243, 15.6154, 0.377347, 5.08243, 15.6154, 0.377347, 4.08243, 12.1154, 0.377347, 3.83243, 8.86544, 0.627347, 2.58243, 10.6154, 0.627347, 3.83243, 9.86544, 0.377347, 2.58243, 7.61544, 0.627347, -10.6676, 8.61544, 0.627347, -9.91757, 8.94877, 0.627347, -13.1676, 8.36544, 0.877347, -2.16757, 8.86544, 0.377347, -0.917568, 9.36544, 0.377347, 1.83243, 4.11544, 1.37735, -11.6676, 6.87545, 0.627347, -13.1816, 9.56998, 0.627347, -11.463, 4.36544, 2.87735, -7.66757, 4.11544, 2.37735, -6.91757, 4.61544, 2.62735, -6.66757, 6.61544, 3.12735, -8.91757, 7.61544, 3.12735, -8.91757, 7.61544, 3.12735, -9.41757, 4.61544, 3.12735, -10.4176, 4.86544, 3.12735, -9.66757, 3.86544, 2.87735, -11.1676, 3.36544, 3.12735, -10.9176, 6.86544, 2.87735, 1.33243, 6.61544, 3.12735, 3.08243, 7.61544, 3.12735, 3.08243, 5.61544, 2.87735, 3.08243, 6.36544, 3.12735, 3.08243, 6.36544, 3.12735, 1.08243, 5.11544, 2.62735, -5.91757, 5.61544, 2.87735, -6.16757, 7.36544, 2.87735, -5.66757, 4.36544, 3.12735, -9.41757, 2.36544, 3.12735, -10.6676, 2.61544, 2.87735, -9.41757, 10.3654, 3.12735, -6.16757, 10.3654, 3.12735, -8.91757, 7.61544, 3.12735, -7.16757, 7.86544, 3.12735, -6.41757, 2.61544, 2.87735, -13.1676, 1.61544, 3.12735, -13.6676, 1.61544, 3.12735, -10.6676, 6.36544, 3.12735, -6.66757, 4.36544, 2.37735, 2.58243, 5.11544, 2.62735, 2.58243, 7.44877, 2.62735, -2.7509, 1.86544, 1.87735, 6.58243, 1.86544, 1.87735, 7.33243, 2.61544, 2.12735, 7.08243, 4.36544, 2.37735, 3.83243, 3.36544, 2.12735, 4.33243, 10.3654, 3.37735, 6.08243, 12.1154, 3.12735, 6.08243, 10.6154, 3.12735, 5.08243, 9.11544, 3.12735, 4.33243, 7.86544, 3.37735, 4.58243, 4.86544, 2.87735, 4.33243, 10.8654, 3.12735, 4.58243, 3.11544, 2.62735, 7.08243, 4.36544, 2.87735, 6.33243, 4.86544, 2.87735, 5.08243, 4.28211, 2.37735, 5.2491, 5.61544, 3.12735, 5.83243, 7.11544, 3.12735, 5.83243, 3.86544, 2.12735, 2.33243, 3.36544, 2.12735, -6.91757, -5.88456, 3.37735, -1.41757, -4.88456, 3.37735, -1.41757, -5.38456, 3.37735, -1.91757, -5.88456, 3.37735, -3.66757, -5.13456, 3.37735, -3.66757, 10.6154, 0.377347, -0.167568, 10.6154, 0.377347, 1.08243, 11.3654, 0.377347, 1.58243, 4.11544, 3.12735, 7.33243, 4.11544, 3.12735, 8.08243, 4.86544, 3.12735, 7.33243) -polygons = [PackedInt32Array(2, 1, 0), PackedInt32Array(3, 2, 4), PackedInt32Array(4, 2, 0), PackedInt32Array(8, 7, 5), PackedInt32Array(5, 7, 6), PackedInt32Array(10, 9, 11), PackedInt32Array(11, 9, 12), PackedInt32Array(15, 14, 13), PackedInt32Array(17, 16, 18), PackedInt32Array(18, 16, 9), PackedInt32Array(9, 16, 12), PackedInt32Array(21, 20, 19), PackedInt32Array(15, 24, 14), PackedInt32Array(14, 24, 22), PackedInt32Array(22, 24, 23), PackedInt32Array(27, 26, 25), PackedInt32Array(29, 28, 30), PackedInt32Array(30, 28, 31), PackedInt32Array(32, 15, 19), PackedInt32Array(19, 15, 13), PackedInt32Array(19, 13, 21), PackedInt32Array(33, 31, 28), PackedInt32Array(35, 34, 18), PackedInt32Array(18, 34, 17), PackedInt32Array(21, 27, 20), PackedInt32Array(20, 27, 25), PackedInt32Array(37, 35, 36), PackedInt32Array(36, 35, 18), PackedInt32Array(15, 32, 33), PackedInt32Array(33, 32, 31), PackedInt32Array(37, 36, 38), PackedInt32Array(38, 36, 39), PackedInt32Array(22, 23, 39), PackedInt32Array(39, 23, 38), PackedInt32Array(42, 41, 40), PackedInt32Array(46, 45, 43), PackedInt32Array(43, 45, 44), PackedInt32Array(49, 48, 47), PackedInt32Array(52, 51, 50), PackedInt32Array(50, 54, 53), PackedInt32Array(56, 53, 55), PackedInt32Array(55, 53, 47), PackedInt32Array(47, 53, 49), PackedInt32Array(58, 52, 57), PackedInt32Array(52, 50, 57), PackedInt32Array(57, 50, 53), PackedInt32Array(57, 53, 56), PackedInt32Array(60, 59, 61), PackedInt32Array(61, 59, 57), PackedInt32Array(57, 59, 58), PackedInt32Array(65, 64, 62), PackedInt32Array(62, 64, 63), PackedInt32Array(65, 62, 66), PackedInt32Array(66, 62, 67), PackedInt32Array(71, 70, 68), PackedInt32Array(68, 70, 69), PackedInt32Array(72, 74, 73), PackedInt32Array(73, 74, 71), PackedInt32Array(75, 77, 76), PackedInt32Array(76, 77, 25), PackedInt32Array(74, 70, 71), PackedInt32Array(79, 78, 76), PackedInt32Array(80, 74, 72), PackedInt32Array(80, 72, 79), PackedInt32Array(77, 82, 25), PackedInt32Array(25, 82, 20), PackedInt32Array(20, 82, 81), PackedInt32Array(81, 82, 75), PackedInt32Array(75, 82, 77), PackedInt32Array(25, 83, 76), PackedInt32Array(76, 83, 79), PackedInt32Array(79, 83, 80), PackedInt32Array(84, 86, 85), PackedInt32Array(88, 87, 89), PackedInt32Array(89, 87, 91), PackedInt32Array(89, 91, 90), PackedInt32Array(92, 90, 93), PackedInt32Array(96, 95, 94), PackedInt32Array(99, 98, 97), PackedInt32Array(86, 101, 100), PackedInt32Array(102, 94, 99), PackedInt32Array(91, 103, 90), PackedInt32Array(90, 103, 93), PackedInt32Array(93, 103, 104), PackedInt32Array(104, 103, 105), PackedInt32Array(108, 88, 109), PackedInt32Array(109, 88, 107), PackedInt32Array(109, 107, 106), PackedInt32Array(104, 112, 93), PackedInt32Array(93, 112, 110), PackedInt32Array(110, 112, 111), PackedInt32Array(102, 99, 101), PackedInt32Array(101, 99, 97), PackedInt32Array(109, 102, 108), 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121), PackedInt32Array(95, 96, 126), PackedInt32Array(126, 96, 125), PackedInt32Array(85, 135, 136), PackedInt32Array(136, 135, 121), PackedInt32Array(139, 138, 137), PackedInt32Array(141, 139, 140), PackedInt32Array(140, 139, 137), PackedInt32Array(144, 143, 142), PackedInt32Array(147, 146, 145)] -sample_partition_type = 1 -agent_height = 1.75 -agent_radius = 0.25 -agent_max_slope = 24.58 +vertices = PackedVector3Array(7.38748, 2.87735, -23.0676, 8.28748, 3.12735, -22.9676, 8.08748, 3.12735, -23.1676, 8.98748, 3.12735, -22.5676, 9.68748, 3.12735, -22.0676, 9.38748, 3.12735, -22.6676, -2.11252, 0.877347, -21.6676, -1.61252, 0.877347, -22.0676, -1.91252, 0.877347, -22.1676, -2.21252, 0.877347, -21.8676, 8.38748, 0.877347, -20.4676, 9.48748, 1.12735, -19.7676, 9.48748, 0.877347, -20.7676, 8.88748, 0.877347, -21.5676, 7.78748, 1.12735, -22.1676, 7.78748, 0.877347, -20.9676, 9.68748, 1.37735, -17.6676, 9.68748, 1.37735, -19.7676, 8.48748, 1.12735, -17.6676, 2.78748, 0.877347, -21.9676, 2.78748, 0.877347, -20.9676, 0.38748, 0.877347, -21.5676, -0.41252, 0.877347, -21.3676, -1.31252, 0.877347, -20.6676, -0.11252, 0.877347, -20.4676, 0.58748, 0.877347, -20.8676, 0.38748, 1.12735, -21.7676, -0.31252, 0.877347, -19.8676, -1.41252, 0.877347, -19.0676, -0.81252, 0.877347, -16.0676, -0.11252, 0.877347, -16.1676, -1.91252, 3.12735, -20.9676, -1.91252, 3.12735, -21.2676, -2.31252, 3.12735, -21.0676, -2.21252, 3.12735, -20.5676, -2.31252, 3.12735, -18.6676, 10.3875, 3.12735, 0.532433, 10.5875, 3.12735, 0.532433, 10.4875, 3.12735, -21.0676, 10.2875, 3.12735, -21.2676, 2.58748, 3.12735, -20.1676, 2.58748, 3.12735, -19.9676, 2.88748, 3.12735, -19.9676, 5.98748, 3.12735, -20.0676, 6.38748, 3.12735, -20.0676, 5.68748, 3.12735, -20.1676, 5.58748, 3.12735, -19.9676, 5.08748, 3.12735, -19.9676, 5.88748, 3.12735, -19.8676, 0.78748, 3.12735, -15.8676, 1.08748, 3.12735, -15.6676, 1.18748, 2.87735, -16.0676, 1.18748, 3.12735, -16.5676, 0.78748, 3.12735, -16.6676, 6.78748, 2.62735, -17.4676, 7.08748, 2.87735, -17.5676, 7.18748, 3.12735, -17.8676, 2.68748, 3.12735, -17.8676, 1.88748, 3.12735, -17.3676, 2.18748, 2.87735, -16.4676, 3.78748, 2.87735, -17.6676, 7.58748, 3.12735, -20.1676, 7.38748, 3.12735, -20.0676, 7.38748, 3.12735, -18.3676, 7.68748, 3.12735, -17.8676, 1.68748, 2.87735, -15.9676, 5.88748, 2.87735, -18.2676, 0.48748, 3.12735, -19.9676, 0.58748, 3.12735, -19.2676, 0.78748, 3.12735, -19.8676, 1.48748, 0.877347, -19.4676, 1.78748, 0.877347, -19.4676, 1.08748, 0.877347, -19.5676, 1.28748, 0.877347, -19.0676, 1.28748, 0.877347, -18.2676, 1.18748, 0.877347, -16.1676, 1.48748, 0.877347, -15.9676, 1.58748, 0.877347, -17.8676, 6.98748, 0.877347, -17.6676, 6.98748, 0.877347, -17.9676, 6.78748, 0.877347, -17.9676, 6.48748, 0.877347, -17.6676, 9.48748, 1.12735, -15.4676, 9.68748, 1.37735, -15.5676, 9.48748, 1.12735, -15.5676, 1.98748, 0.877347, -15.1676, 1.58748, 0.877347, -15.1676, 1.48748, 0.877347, -14.9676, 1.68748, 0.877347, -14.1676, 3.48748, 1.37735, -12.4676, 3.58748, 1.37735, -12.1676, 3.88748, 0.877347, -12.0676, 2.48748, 0.877347, -15.4676, 2.08748, 1.37735, -15.4676, 2.68748, 0.877347, -14.2676, 7.58748, 0.627347, -10.4676, 7.88748, 0.627347, -10.0676, 8.38748, 0.627347, -9.96757, 2.68748, 1.37735, -14.0676, 3.38748, 0.627347, -13.5676, 9.48748, 0.627347, -9.46757, 9.48748, 1.12735, -15.9676, 8.38748, 0.627347, -9.36757, 7.28748, 0.877347, -16.8676, 3.68748, 0.877347, -15.9676, 2.58748, 1.37735, -15.9676, 5.58748, 0.877347, -11.1676, 9.68748, 1.37735, -15.9676, 3.88748, 1.12735, -11.6676, 3.68748, 0.877347, -16.1676, 5.58748, 1.12735, -10.9676, -0.11252, 0.877347, -15.6676, -0.71252, 0.877347, -15.4676, 0.18748, 0.877347, -4.26757, 0.98748, 0.877347, -4.26757, 0.98748, 0.877347, -13.6676, 0.18748, 0.877347, -13.7676, 0.18748, 0.877347, -15.5676, 0.58748, 0.877347, -14.9676, -0.91252, 3.12735, -3.96757, -0.91252, 3.12735, -3.76757, -0.61252, 3.12735, -3.66757, -0.71252, 3.12735, -13.4676, 7.38748, 3.12735, -9.16757, 7.48748, 3.12735, -7.56757, 7.68748, 3.12735, -7.66757, 7.68748, 3.12735, -9.56757, 7.08748, 3.12735, -9.76757, 3.28748, 2.87735, -11.1676, 4.08748, 3.12735, -9.86757, 5.88748, 3.12735, -9.16757, 7.18748, 3.12735, -9.56757, 2.38748, 3.12735, -10.2676, 3.98748, 3.12735, -9.46757, 1.88748, 3.12735, -10.2676, 2.58748, 2.87735, -13.1676, 1.78748, 3.12735, -13.4676, 4.48748, 2.87735, -7.46757, 5.48748, 2.87735, -7.66757, 2.28748, 0.877347, -12.2676, 2.78748, 0.877347, -12.2676, 2.78748, 0.877347, -12.4676, 2.28748, 0.877347, -12.5676, 3.98748, 0.877347, -10.5676, 4.38748, 0.877347, -10.6676, 4.08748, 0.877347, -10.8676, 3.88748, 0.877347, -10.7676, 4.98748, 0.627347, -10.4676, 5.08748, 0.627347, -10.2676, 5.48748, 0.627347, -10.2676, 8.48748, 0.627347, -1.96757, 8.48748, 0.627347, -1.06757, 9.48748, 0.377347, -1.16757, 8.08748, 0.627347, -2.46757, 8.38748, 0.627347, -5.66757, 8.48748, 0.627347, -7.16757, 8.08748, 0.877347, -5.46757, 3.68748, 2.12735, -6.96757, 3.48748, 2.12735, -7.16757, 2.98748, 2.12735, -6.76757, 4.48748, 2.62735, -6.96757, 5.88748, 2.87735, -6.96757, 4.95415, 2.87735, -6.96757, 7.48748, 2.87735, -6.96757, 3.08748, 2.12735, -1.66757, 7.28748, 2.87735, -1.66757, 4.14748, 2.12735, -6.84757, 4.13748, 2.12735, -1.66757, 6.76248, 3.12735, -1.66757, 5.38549, 2.87735, -6.26878, 4.79149, 2.37735, -6.27317, -4.31252, 1.12735, -3.06757, -4.31252, 1.12735, -2.16757, -4.21252, 1.37735, -1.96757, 0.88748, 1.37735, -1.96757, -0.41252, 1.12735, -2.96757, 0.454146, 0.877347, -2.3009, 0.18748, 0.877347, -3.46757, 0.91248, 0.877347, -2.54257, 0.654147, 0.877347, -2.46757, 1.68748, 3.12735, -1.46757, 1.58748, 3.12735, -1.76757, 1.28748, 3.12735, -1.26757, 1.48748, 3.12735, -1.16757, -4.71252, 3.12735, -1.26757, -5.51252, 3.37735, -1.36757, -6.21252, 3.12735, -1.26757, -5.01252, 3.12735, -1.66757, -5.11252, 3.12735, -3.86757, -5.71252, 3.37735, -3.86757, -5.71252, 3.37735, -2.06757, 10.1875, 0.377347, -1.76757, 10.3875, 0.377347, -1.66757, 10.3875, 0.627347, -3.16757, 2.98748, 2.12735, 1.93243, 7.48748, 2.87735, 1.83243, 4.11248, 2.12735, 1.90743, 5.79998, 2.87735, 1.86993, 8.58748, 0.877347, 2.33243, 8.68748, 1.12735, 2.73243, 9.08748, 0.627347, 2.93243, 9.78748, 0.377347, 2.23243, 9.48748, 0.377347, 1.83243, 8.68748, 0.627347, 1.03243, 15.8875, 0.377347, 5.43243, 16.1875, 0.377347, 4.03243, 15.6875, 0.377347, 4.13243, 9.08748, 1.12735, 3.33243, 9.65415, 0.377347, 3.50743, 10.1875, 0.377347, -1.16757, 10.1875, 0.377347, -0.767569, 10.3875, 0.377347, -0.767569, 10.3875, 0.377347, -1.16757, 10.8875, 0.377347, 0.732431, 10.8875, 0.377347, 1.13243, 11.1875, 0.377347, 1.23243, 11.5875, 3.37735, 6.33243, 11.9875, 3.12735, 6.23243, 11.8875, 3.12735, 5.33243, 10.8875, 3.37735, 6.13243, 8.28748, 3.37735, 4.63243, 9.78748, 3.12735, 4.53243, 8.28748, 3.12735, 3.73243, 6.58748, 3.12735, 5.83243, 7.18748, 3.12735, 5.93243, 7.78748, 3.12735, 5.33243, 7.78748, 3.12735, 4.73243, 12.0875, 3.12735, 5.13243, 7.58748, 2.87735, 2.73243, 7.73748, 3.37735, 4.23243, 3.08748, 1.87735, 4.23243, 5.58748, 3.12735, 5.37529, 2.78748, 1.87735, 4.73243, 5.50177, 3.12735, 5.51815, 3.88748, 3.12735, 8.23243, 4.38748, 2.87735, 8.83243, 4.88748, 2.87735, 8.63243, 1.78748, 1.87735, 6.33243, 1.58748, 1.87735, 7.03243, 1.88748, 1.87735, 7.43243, 2.78748, 2.37735, 7.63243, 2.98748, 2.37735, 8.03243, 6.28748, 2.87735, 6.03243, 5.28748, 3.12735, 5.661, 4.19153, 3.12735, 7.53078) +polygons = [PackedInt32Array(0, 2, 1), PackedInt32Array(5, 4, 3), PackedInt32Array(9, 8, 6), PackedInt32Array(6, 8, 7), PackedInt32Array(11, 10, 12), PackedInt32Array(12, 10, 13), PackedInt32Array(13, 10, 15), PackedInt32Array(13, 15, 14), PackedInt32Array(11, 17, 16), PackedInt32Array(16, 18, 11), PackedInt32Array(11, 18, 10), PackedInt32Array(20, 19, 15), PackedInt32Array(15, 19, 14), PackedInt32Array(21, 25, 22), PackedInt32Array(22, 25, 24), PackedInt32Array(22, 24, 23), PackedInt32Array(21, 26, 25), PackedInt32Array(25, 26, 20), PackedInt32Array(20, 26, 19), PackedInt32Array(23, 27, 28), 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parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(-4.36474e-08, 0.0540965, -0.998536, 2.36463e-09, 0.998536, 0.0540965, 1, -2.76951e-16, -4.37114e-08, -3.34102, 0.745026, -2.43765) - -[node name="trenchfloor3" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(-4.36474e-08, 0.0540965, -0.998536, 2.36463e-09, 0.998536, 0.0540965, 1, -2.76951e-16, -4.37114e-08, -1.34394, 0.636834, -2.43765) - -[node name="trenchfloor4" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.6897, 0.502504, -4.77713) - -[node name="trenchfloor27" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(-4.37114e-08, 0, -1, 0.0999623, 0.994991, -4.36949e-09, 0.994991, -0.0999623, -4.34924e-08, 0.6897, 0.502504, -2.57668) - -[node name="trenchfloor5" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.6897, 0.502504, -6.77713) - -[node name="trenchfloor6" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.6897, 0.502504, -8.77713) - -[node name="trenchfloor7" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.6897, 0.502504, -10.7771) - -[node name="trenchfloor8" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.6897, 0.502504, -12.7771) - -[node name="trenchfloor30" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(0.727331, 0.0632634, -0.683365, 0.00127361, 0.995616, 0.0935263, 0.686286, -0.0688944, 0.724062, 4.13014, 0.32145, -12.3986) - -[node name="trenchfloor33" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(-0.795115, 0.0133116, 0.606313, 0.0224584, 0.999719, 0.00750234, -0.606043, 0.0195818, -0.795191, 5.61923, 0.401438, -15.5874) - -[node name="trenchfloor29" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(1, 0, -1.06581e-14, 0, 1, 0, 1.06581e-14, 0, 1, 0.102167, 0.502503, -16.9068) - -[node name="trenchfloor34" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(0.995476, 3.43942e-07, 0.0950118, -3.43942e-07, 1, -1.63764e-08, -0.0950118, -1.63764e-08, 0.995476, -0.194781, 0.502381, -18.8103) - -[node name="trenchfloor35" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(0.963378, -9.70688e-07, -0.268147, 9.70687e-07, 1, -1.32571e-07, 0.268147, -1.32571e-07, 0.963378, 0.128155, 0.502381, -20.1159) - -[node name="trenchfloor36" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(0.264058, -3.49151e-06, -0.964507, 3.49151e-06, 1, -2.6641e-06, 0.964507, -2.6641e-06, 0.264058, 2.29016, 0.502381, -21.1561) - -[node name="trenchfloor37" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(0.0179934, -3.61941e-06, -0.999838, 3.61941e-06, 1, -3.55485e-06, 0.999838, -3.55486e-06, 0.0179934, 3.8865, 0.502381, -21.3492) - -[node name="trenchfloor38" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(0.0179934, -3.61941e-06, -0.999838, 3.61941e-06, 1, -3.55485e-06, 0.999838, -3.55486e-06, 0.0179934, 5.94263, 0.502381, -21.3573) - -[node name="trenchfloor39" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(0.0179934, -3.61941e-06, -0.999838, 3.61941e-06, 1, -3.55485e-06, 0.999838, -3.55486e-06, 0.0179934, 7.91722, 0.502381, -21.409) - -[node name="trenchfloor40" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(-0.745476, -2.41284e-06, -0.666533, 2.41284e-06, 1, -6.31861e-06, 0.666533, -6.31861e-06, -0.745476, 8.93058, 0.502381, -20.3743) - -[node name="trenchfloor28" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(0.242955, 8.79494e-07, -0.970038, -1.08463e-07, 1, 8.79494e-07, 0.970038, -1.08463e-07, 0.242955, 0.375111, 0.502504, -14.6214) - -[node name="trenchfloor12" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(0.999036, -0.0390482, -0.0200945, 0.0373617, 0.996223, -0.0783852, 0.0230794, 0.0775588, 0.996721, 9.10567, 0.472966, -14.5855) - -[node name="trenchfloor41" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(0.99962, -0.0171433, -0.02159, 0.0151519, 0.995895, -0.0892457, 0.0230313, 0.0888847, 0.995776, 9.08643, 0.311359, -12.7145) - -[node name="trenchfloor13" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(-1, 0, 8.74228e-08, 0, 1, 0, -8.74228e-08, 0, -1, 9.23828, -2.38419e-07, -12.465) - [node name="trenchwall_2m66" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("4_hbo2r")] transform = Transform3D(0.990693, -0.136113, -2.11179e-14, 0.136113, 0.990693, -2.90142e-15, 2.13163e-14, 0, 1, 7.23394, -0.0176902, -8.5763) [node name="trenchwall_2m67" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("4_hbo2r")] transform = Transform3D(0.979747, -0.20024, -2.08846e-14, 0.20024, 0.979747, -4.26837e-15, 2.13163e-14, 0, 1, 7.42873, 0.0783378, -18.7594) -[node name="trenchfloor16" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(-1, 0, 8.74228e-08, 0, 1, 0, -8.74228e-08, 0, -1, 9.23828, 0.189088, -10.465) - [node name="trenchwall_2m29" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("4_hbo2r")] transform = Transform3D(1, 0, -1.74845e-07, 0, 1, 0, 1.74845e-07, 0, 1, 9.62828, 0, -8.38144) [node name="trenchwall_2m31" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("4_hbo2r")] transform = Transform3D(-1, 0, 8.74228e-08, 0, 1, 0, -8.74228e-08, 0, -1, 8.30548, -2.38419e-07, -8.51721) -[node name="trenchfloor17" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(-1, 0, 8.74228e-08, 0, 1, 0, -8.74228e-08, 0, -1, 9.23828, 0.189088, -8.46501) - [node name="trenchwall_2m32" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("4_hbo2r")] transform = Transform3D(1, 0, -1.74845e-07, 0, 1, 0, 1.74845e-07, 0, 1, 9.62828, 0, -6.38144) @@ -309,44 +236,11 @@ transform = Transform3D(-0.294608, 0, -0.955618, 0, 1, 0, 0.955618, 0, -0.294608 [node name="trenchwall_2m33" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("4_hbo2r")] transform = Transform3D(-0.997805, -0.0149854, 0.0645022, -0.0121901, 0.998978, 0.0435134, -0.0650885, 0.0426316, -0.996969, 8.28078, -0.0569355, -6.8019) -[node name="trenchfloor18" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(-1, 0, 8.74228e-08, 0, 1, 0, -8.74228e-08, 0, -1, 9.23828, 0.189088, -6.46502) - -[node name="trenchfloor19" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(-1, 0, 8.74228e-08, 0, 1, 0, -8.74228e-08, 0, -1, 9.23828, 0.189088, -4.465) - -[node name="trenchfloor20" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(-1, -9.5948e-09, 8.68947e-08, -2.69874e-09, 0.996873, 0.0790159, -8.73811e-08, 0.0790159, -0.996873, 9.23828, 0.108246, -2.51264) - -[node name="trenchfloor21" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(-1, 0, 8.74228e-08, 0, 1, 0, -8.74228e-08, 0, -1, 9.23828, -2.38419e-07, -0.534533) - -[node name="trenchfloor22" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(-0.917185, 0, -0.398461, 0, 1, 0, 0.398461, 0, -0.917185, 9.62699, -0.0401146, 1.20087) - -[node name="trenchfloor26" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(-0.765472, 0, -0.643469, 0, 1, 0, 0.643469, 0, -0.765472, 9.99257, -0.00441432, 2.57248) - -[node name="trenchfloor24" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(-0.188376, 0, -0.982097, 0, 1, 0, 0.982097, 0, -0.188376, 12.8151, -2.38419e-07, 3.8382) - -[node name="trenchfloor25" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(-0.188376, 0, -0.982097, 0, 1, 0, 0.982097, 0, -0.188376, 14.7793, -2.38419e-07, 4.215) - -[node name="trenchfloor23" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(-0.251698, 0, -0.967806, 0, 1, 0, 0.967806, 0, -0.251698, 11.3509, -0.0373774, 3.4911) - -[node name="trenchfloor14" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(-0.99452, -0.0848907, 0.0610269, -0.077975, 0.991095, 0.107938, -0.0696463, 0.102588, -0.992283, 9.14388, 0.575037, -16.4858) - -[node name="trenchfloor15" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] -transform = Transform3D(-1, 0, 8.74228e-08, 0, 1, 0, -8.74228e-08, 0, -1, 9.16158, 0.598945, -18.6672) - [node name="wooden_bar_large" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("10_r53rh")] transform = Transform3D(0.57707, 0.0101483, -0.816632, -0.00080363, 0.999929, 0.0118582, 0.816694, -0.00618675, 0.577037, 10.1047, -0.256461, 1.7068) [node name="wooden_bar_large2" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("10_r53rh")] -transform = Transform3D(0.714546, 0, 0.699589, 0, 1, 0, -0.699589, 0, 0.714546, 7.69112, -0.242578, -17.6495) +transform = Transform3D(0.714546, 0, 0.699589, 0, 1, 0, -0.699589, 0, 0.714546, 7.71187, -0.242578, -17.6313) [node name="wooden_bar_large3" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("10_r53rh")] transform = Transform3D(-0.993322, -0.102175, -0.0535815, -0.0964711, 0.990302, -0.0999826, 0.0632779, -0.0941458, -0.993545, 7.89379, -0.259672, -9.5068) @@ -426,6 +320,15 @@ transform = Transform3D(-0.888689, 0.0167756, -0.458203, 1.39326e-06, 0.999331, [node name="dirtpile_wall_large" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("9_y6ebv")] transform = Transform3D(0.439103, -0.100271, -0.892824, 0.125113, 0.990894, -0.049753, 0.889683, -0.0898574, 0.44765, 2.57891, 0.829828, -13.7665) +[node name="walkover4" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("13_bq7v3")] +transform = Transform3D(-0.999999, -0.00108211, 8.7263e-08, -0.00108211, 0.999999, 3.73369e-09, -8.7267e-08, 3.63926e-09, -1, 8.97338, 0.315681, -7.50491) + +[node name="walkover5" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("13_bq7v3")] +transform = Transform3D(0.0610112, 0.00142651, 0.998136, -0.0172848, 0.99985, -0.000372429, -0.997987, -0.0172299, 0.0610267, 2.1965, 0.279988, -21.3234) + +[node name="walkover6" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("13_bq7v3")] +transform = Transform3D(-0.992974, 0.0306176, -0.114305, 0.0271223, 0.999119, 0.0320095, 0.115184, 0.0286844, -0.99293, 8.92164, 0.329272, -19.2989) + [node name="dirtpile_large" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("14_c2meq")] transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 5.47735, 0.447742, -13.561) @@ -459,14 +362,110 @@ transform = Transform3D(0.999455, 0.0329982, 0, -0.0329982, 0.999455, 0, 0, 0, 1 [node name="dirtpile_large9" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("14_c2meq")] transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 4.26991, 0.464068, -15.0431) -[node name="walkover4" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("13_bq7v3")] -transform = Transform3D(-0.999999, -0.00108211, 8.7263e-08, -0.00108211, 0.999999, 3.73369e-09, -8.7267e-08, 3.63926e-09, -1, 8.97338, 0.315681, -7.50491) +[node name="trenchfloor2" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(-4.36474e-08, 0.0540965, -0.998536, 2.36463e-09, 0.998536, 0.0540965, 1, -2.76951e-16, -4.37114e-08, -3.34102, 0.745026, -2.43765) -[node name="walkover5" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("13_bq7v3")] -transform = Transform3D(0.0610112, 0.00142651, 0.998136, -0.0172848, 0.99985, -0.000372429, -0.997987, -0.0172299, 0.0610267, 2.1965, 0.279988, -21.3234) +[node name="trenchfloor3" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(-4.36474e-08, 0.0540965, -0.998536, 2.36463e-09, 0.998536, 0.0540965, 1, -2.76951e-16, -4.37114e-08, -1.34394, 0.636834, -2.43765) -[node name="walkover6" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("13_bq7v3")] -transform = Transform3D(-0.992974, 0.0306176, -0.114305, 0.0271223, 0.999119, 0.0320095, 0.115184, 0.0286844, -0.99293, 8.92164, 0.329272, -19.2989) +[node name="trenchfloor4" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.6897, 0.502504, -4.77713) + +[node name="trenchfloor27" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(-4.37114e-08, 0, -1, 0.0999623, 0.994991, -4.36949e-09, 0.994991, -0.0999623, -4.34924e-08, 0.6897, 0.502504, -2.57668) + +[node name="trenchfloor5" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.6897, 0.502504, -6.77713) + +[node name="trenchfloor6" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.6897, 0.502504, -8.77713) + +[node name="trenchfloor7" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.6897, 0.502504, -10.7771) + +[node name="trenchfloor8" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.6897, 0.502504, -12.7771) + +[node name="trenchfloor30" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(0.727331, 0.0632634, -0.683365, 0.00127361, 0.995616, 0.0935263, 0.686286, -0.0688944, 0.724062, 4.13014, 0.32145, -12.3986) + +[node name="trenchfloor33" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(-0.795115, 0.0133116, 0.606313, 0.0224584, 0.999719, 0.00750234, -0.606043, 0.0195818, -0.795191, 5.61923, 0.401438, -15.5874) + +[node name="trenchfloor29" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(1, 0, -1.06581e-14, 0, 1, 0, 1.06581e-14, 0, 1, 0.102167, 0.502503, -16.9068) + +[node name="trenchfloor34" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(0.995476, 3.43942e-07, 0.0950118, -3.43942e-07, 1, -1.63764e-08, -0.0950118, -1.63764e-08, 0.995476, -0.194781, 0.502381, -18.8103) + +[node name="trenchfloor35" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(0.963378, -9.70688e-07, -0.268147, 9.70687e-07, 1, -1.32571e-07, 0.268147, -1.32571e-07, 0.963378, 0.128155, 0.502381, -20.1159) + +[node name="trenchfloor36" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(0.264058, -3.49151e-06, -0.964507, 3.49151e-06, 1, -2.6641e-06, 0.964507, -2.6641e-06, 0.264058, 2.29016, 0.502381, -21.1561) + +[node name="trenchfloor37" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(0.0179934, -3.61941e-06, -0.999838, 3.61941e-06, 1, -3.55485e-06, 0.999838, -3.55486e-06, 0.0179934, 3.8865, 0.502381, -21.3492) + +[node name="trenchfloor38" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(0.0179934, -3.61941e-06, -0.999838, 3.61941e-06, 1, -3.55485e-06, 0.999838, -3.55486e-06, 0.0179934, 5.94263, 0.502381, -21.3573) + +[node name="trenchfloor39" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(0.0179934, -3.61941e-06, -0.999838, 3.61941e-06, 1, -3.55485e-06, 0.999838, -3.55486e-06, 0.0179934, 7.91722, 0.502381, -21.409) + +[node name="trenchfloor40" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(-0.745476, -2.41284e-06, -0.666533, 2.41284e-06, 1, -6.31861e-06, 0.666533, -6.31861e-06, -0.745476, 8.93058, 0.502381, -20.3743) + +[node name="trenchfloor28" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(0.242955, 8.79494e-07, -0.970038, -1.08463e-07, 1, 8.79494e-07, 0.970038, -1.08463e-07, 0.242955, 0.375111, 0.502504, -14.6214) + +[node name="trenchfloor12" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(0.999036, -0.0390482, -0.0200945, 0.0373617, 0.996223, -0.0783852, 0.0230794, 0.0775588, 0.996721, 9.10567, 0.472966, -14.5855) + +[node name="trenchfloor41" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(0.99962, -0.0171433, -0.02159, 0.0151519, 0.995895, -0.0892457, 0.0230313, 0.0888847, 0.995776, 9.08643, 0.311359, -12.7145) + +[node name="trenchfloor13" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(-1, 0, 8.74228e-08, 0, 1, 0, -8.74228e-08, 0, -1, 9.23828, -2.38419e-07, -12.465) + +[node name="trenchfloor16" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(-1, 0, 8.74228e-08, 0, 1, 0, -8.74228e-08, 0, -1, 9.23828, 0.189088, -10.465) + +[node name="trenchfloor17" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(-1, 0, 8.74228e-08, 0, 1, 0, -8.74228e-08, 0, -1, 9.23828, 0.189088, -8.46501) + +[node name="trenchfloor18" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(-1, 0, 8.74228e-08, 0, 1, 0, -8.74228e-08, 0, -1, 9.23828, 0.189088, -6.46502) + +[node name="trenchfloor19" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(-1, 0, 8.74228e-08, 0, 1, 0, -8.74228e-08, 0, -1, 9.23828, 0.189088, -4.465) + +[node name="trenchfloor20" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(-1, -9.5948e-09, 8.68947e-08, -2.69874e-09, 0.996873, 0.0790159, -8.73811e-08, 0.0790159, -0.996873, 9.23828, 0.108246, -2.51264) + +[node name="trenchfloor21" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(-1, 0, 8.74228e-08, 0, 1, 0, -8.74228e-08, 0, -1, 9.23828, -2.38419e-07, -0.534533) + +[node name="trenchfloor22" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(-0.917185, 0, -0.398461, 0, 1, 0, 0.398461, 0, -0.917185, 9.62699, -0.0401146, 1.20087) + +[node name="trenchfloor26" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(-0.765472, 0, -0.643469, 0, 1, 0, 0.643469, 0, -0.765472, 9.99257, -0.00441432, 2.57248) + +[node name="trenchfloor24" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(-0.188376, 0, -0.982097, 0, 1, 0, 0.982097, 0, -0.188376, 12.8151, -2.38419e-07, 3.8382) + +[node name="trenchfloor25" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(-0.188376, 0, -0.982097, 0, 1, 0, 0.982097, 0, -0.188376, 14.7793, -2.38419e-07, 4.215) + +[node name="trenchfloor23" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(-0.251698, 0, -0.967806, 0, 1, 0, 0.967806, 0, -0.251698, 11.3509, -0.0373774, 3.4911) + +[node name="trenchfloor14" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(-0.99452, -0.0848907, 0.0610269, -0.077975, 0.991095, 0.107938, -0.0696463, 0.102588, -0.992283, 9.14388, 0.575037, -16.4858) + +[node name="trenchfloor15" parent="NavigationRegion3D" instance=ExtResource("8_14rhs")] +transform = Transform3D(-1, 0, 8.74228e-08, 0, 1, 0, -8.74228e-08, 0, -1, 9.16158, 0.598945, -18.6672) [node name="ArtilleryTarget" parent="." instance=ExtResource("13_rl1f8")] transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.965554, 2.51555, 4.10178) diff --git a/godot/occlusion/boot.occ b/godot/occlusion/boot.occ index 4ad6788..021d7f3 100644 Binary files a/godot/occlusion/boot.occ and b/godot/occlusion/boot.occ differ diff --git a/godot/project.godot b/godot/project.godot index 097a950..07f1c4c 100644 --- a/godot/project.godot +++ b/godot/project.godot @@ -88,6 +88,16 @@ switch_shoulder={ ] } +[layer_names] + +3d_render/layer_1="Default" +3d_render/layer_3="NavMesh" + +[navigation] + +3d/default_cell_size=0.1 +3d/merge_rasterizer_cell_scale=0.333 + [physics] 2d/run_on_separate_thread=true diff --git a/models/modules.blend b/models/modules.blend index 9d3ec43..c246ba1 100644 --- a/models/modules.blend +++ b/models/modules.blend @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 -oid sha256:0382bc3c86aedd91837ba4a09409f64c226c3d31ee61ef21dcf6d02f51e820f0 +oid sha256:fd90b44a9f730235e4027fad3344b91060b25fb6a8db4b675084d88c33777a85 size 1163820 diff --git a/models/modules.blend1 b/models/modules.blend1 index baf0834..5f9d609 100644 Binary files a/models/modules.blend1 and b/models/modules.blend1 differ