@ -0,0 +1,624 @@
# Game Math/C++/Calculating The Future
Sara Gerretsen
# Game Style
Speed racer (with full 2d motion).
# Math
Other than all the basic binary vector operations, my `Vecf` 2d vector class implements the following:
Only thing particularly of-note is the SDL_FPoint conversion operator. Used to simplify interaction with the `SDL_Render` API. Most of this was copied from my [previous 2d vector implementation]([cutes/vmath.h at main - cutes - Sara's Gitea](https://git.saragerretsen.nl/Sara/cutes/src/branch/main/vmath.h), with some minor modifications and updates as well as translating it to be C++ rather than C.
struct Vecf {
float x{0.f}, y{0.f};
operator SDL_FPoint();
//! squared distance between two vectors as points. Use for comparing distances efficiently.
static float sqr_distance(Vecf const &from, Vecf const &to);
//! distance between two vectors as points
static float distance(Vecf const &from, Vecf const &to);
//! compare within an epsilon
static bool equals_approximate(Vecf const &lhs, Vecf const &rhs);
//! scalar member-wise multiplication product
static float dot(Vecf const &lhs, Vecf const &rhs);
//! unsigned angle difference in radians between lhs and rhs
static float angle_between(Vecf const &lhs, Vecf const &rhs);
//! interpolate linearly between two points
static Vecf lerp(Vecf const &from, Vecf const &to, float t);
//! move towards a point by a set unit distance
static Vecf move_towards(Vecf const &from, Vecf const &to, float delta);
//! calculate the outgoing velocity of an object reflecting against a surface
static Vecf reflect(Vecf const &in, Vecf const &normal);
//! magnitude (a.k.a length or absolute) of this vector
float magnitude() const;
//! square of the magnitude, use for comparing lengths of vectors efficiently
float sqr_magnitude() const;
//! vector perpendicular to this one
Vecf perpendicular() const;
//! rotate vector by t Radians
Vecf rotated(float t) const;
//! vector pointing in the same direction with a length of 1. Or, vector divided by it's magnitude
Vecf normalized() const;
//! reverse scale of vector
Vecf reciprocal() const;
//! returns true if either the x or y element is NaN
bool is_nan() const;
Vecf clamp_magnitude(float max) const;
//! scale vector member-wise
void scale(float x, float y);
//! scale vector member-wise
void scale(Vecf const &factors);
Vecf scaled(Vecf const &factor) const;
static Vecf const RIGHT;
static Vecf const UP;
static Vecf const ONE;
static Vecf const POSITIVE_INFINITY;
static Vecf const ZERO;
# General Structure:
The core systems of the project make extensive use of C++ smart pointers for memory management. There are no *owning* raw pointers. Though many raw pointers are used to access smart-pointer-managed memory. Basically everything in the `core/` directory will be part of the `ce` namespace, short for `CanvasEngine`.
I decided to try writing purely C++20 as standardised. (Hence no `#pragma`, oops)
## CanvasEngine
Named after the (now-discontinued) "engine" used for teaching C# basics at GLU.
Represents the main application state and provides an interface to the engine subsystems.
void CanvasEngine::run(std::unique_ptr<Level> &level) {
assert(CanvasEngine::singleton_instance == nullptr && "Engine singleton instance already assigned, starting another instance is invalid");
// register as singleton
CanvasEngine::singleton_instance = this;
// take ownership of and instantiate level
this->level = std::move(level);
// start tracking time
this->frame_start_time = this->last_frame_start_time = SDL_GetTicks64();
// main application loop
while(stay_open) {
// track frame time
this->frame_start_time = SDL_GetTicks64();
this->delta_time = double(this->frame_start_time - this->last_frame_start_time) / 1000.f;
// process events
// update application implementation
if(this->delta_time > this->target_delta_time) {
this->last_frame_start_time = this->frame_start_time;
} else {
if(this->next_level) {
this->level = std::move(this->next_level);
assert(CanvasEngine::singleton_instance == this && "Engine singleton instance changed while game was running");
CanvasEngine::singleton_instance = nullptr;
## Hierarchy
The world is made up of instances of, or inheriting from, `Node`. `Node` defines the interface required for gameplay functionality and rendering, without implementing it.
The majority of actual functionality in `Node` is in the `propagate_` functions. As they're responsible for pushing notifications like _tick and _added to child objects.
class Node {
friend class Level;
typedef std::unique_ptr<Node> OwnedPtr;
typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Node::OwnedPtr>> ChildrenVector;
Node *parent{nullptr};
bool inside_tree{false};
bool request_deletion{false};
bool has_ticked{false};
std::string name{};
ChildrenVector children{};
bool visible{true};
bool tick{true};
ce::Level *level{nullptr};
Signal<> destroyed{}; //!< Signal invoked by the destructor
Signal<Node*> child_removed{}; //!< Signal invoked when a child is removed.
Signal<Node*> child_added{}; //!< Signal invoked when a child is added.
Node(std::string name);
virtual ~Node();
virtual void _added() {} //!< called the moment after the object is added as a child to another node
virtual void _first_tick() {} //!< called the first frame this object is active
virtual void _tick(double delta_time [[maybe_unused]]) {} //!< called every frame
virtual void _removed() {} //!< called the moment before the object is removed as a child to another node
virtual void _draw(SDL_Renderer *render [[maybe_unused]], ce::Transform const &view_transform [[maybe_unused]]) {}
virtual void _draw_ui(SDL_Renderer *render [[maybe_unused]], ce::Transform const &ui_transform [[maybe_unused]]) {}
virtual void _update_transform() {}
template <class TNode> TNode *get_child(std::string const &name); //!< get a non-owning pointer to a child
template <class TNode, typename... Args> TNode *create_child(Args... cargs);
void add_child(Node::OwnedPtr &child); //!< add a child, the caller must own the pointer
void set_parent(Node *new_parent);
Node *get_parent() const; //!< get the parent.
std::string const &get_name() const; //!< get the name of this node.
void set_name(std::string const &name); //!< change the name of this node.
void flag_for_deletion(); //!< request deletion at the end of the frame.
bool requests_deletion() const; //!< returns whether or not the node is flagged for deletion.
void set_visible(bool value); //!< enable or disable _draw for this object and all children
bool is_visible() const;
void set_tick(bool value);
bool is_ticking() const;
ce::Level *get_level() const;
bool is_inside_tree() const;
ChildrenVector &get_children();
void set_level(ce::Level *level);
void set_is_inside_tree(bool value);
std::optional<Node::OwnedPtr> remove_child(Node *child); //!< remove a child, the caller now owns the pointer
void propagate_tick(double delta_time);
void propagate_post_tick();
void propagate_added();
void propagate_removed();
void propagate_draw(SDL_Renderer *render, ce::Transform const &view_transform);
void propagate_draw_ui(SDL_Renderer *renderer, ce::Transform const &ui_transform);
bool rename_child(std::string const &old_name, std::string const &new_name);
`Node2D` provides transformation and transform hierarchy through `Transform`. `Transform` is a simple struct with a `position`, `rotation` and `scale`. As SDL_render (the media library i used instead of SFML) doesn't support using matrix transformations.
void Node2D::_update_transform() {
if(this->parent_node2d != nullptr)
this->global_transform = this->transform * this->parent_node2d->get_global_transform();
this->global_transform = this->transform;
for(ChildrenVector::value_type &pair : this->get_children())
void Node2D::set_transform(Transform const &transform) {
this->transform = transform;
void Node2D::set_global_transform(Transform transform) {
this->global_transform = transform;
if(this->parent_node2d) {
Transform parent = this->parent_node2d->get_global_transform();
transform.position -= parent.position.rotated(-parent.rotation);
assert(transform.scale.x != 0.f || transform.scale.y != 0.f);
transform.rotation -= parent.rotation;
this->transform = transform;
## Collision Subsystem
Accessed through the `CollisionWorld` object, available on the `CanvasEngine` singleton through `ce::CanvasEngine::get_singleton()->get_collision_world()`. The collision world is a simple list of all currently active `CollidableNodes`. It loops over every pair, every tick. And notifies them if they overlapped. `RigidBody` inherits from `CollidableNode` and implements very rudimentary collision solving. As well as velocity, forces, and drag.
class CollidableNode : public Node2D {
CollisionMask mask{~0x0u /* all layers by default */};
CollisionMask layers{0x1u /* only the first layer is enabled by default */};
Signal<CollisionShape*, CollidableNode*, CollisionShape*> overlap_enter{};
CollidableNode(std::string const &name, CollisionMask layers, CollisionMask mask);
void add_overlap(CollisionShape *shape, CollisionShape *other);
void set_mask(CollisionMask mask);
CollisionMask get_mask() const;
void set_layers(CollisionMask layers);
CollisionMask get_layers() const;
`CollidableNode`s on their own cannot collide with anything. They need one or more shapes as their children to function. `CollisionShape`s are also nodes that will automatically register as part of a parent `CollidableNode`. `CollisionShape` is just a circle with a transform. Of the transform, only position applies, as rotation doesn't matter, and scaling would require implementing actually complicated overlap and escape vector detection.
class CollisionShape : public Node2D {
CollidableNode *owner{nullptr};
float radius;
CollisionWorld &world;
bool is_registered{false};
float bounce{0.5f};
CollisionShape(std::string const &name, float radius, float bounce);
virtual void _added() override;
virtual void _removed() override;
virtual void _draw(SDL_Renderer *render, ce::Transform const &view_transform) override;
// return true if either of these objects could receive a notification for colliding with the other
static bool can_collide(CollisionShape const *lhs, CollisionShape const *rhs);
static bool shapes_overlap(CollisionShape const *lhs, CollisionShape const *rhs);
// get the motion lhs will have to make to fully disconnect from rhs.
static Vecf get_escape_vector(CollisionShape const *lhs, CollisionShape const *rhs);
CollidableNode *get_owner() const;
float get_radius() const;
CollisionMask get_layers() const;
CollisionMask get_mask() const;
float get_bounce() const;
void register_with_world();
void deregister_with_world();
void RigidBody::_tick(double delta) {
Vecf next_velocity{
this->linear_velocity * (1.f - drag * delta)
+ this->acceleration * delta
+ this->impulse
.translated((next_velocity + this->linear_velocity) * 0.5f * delta + this->motion)
this->linear_velocity = next_velocity;
this->motion = this->acceleration = this->impulse = Vecf::ZERO;
void RigidBody::on_collision(CollisionShape *shape, CollidableNode *other, CollisionShape *other_shape) {
Transform const shape_transform{shape->get_global_transform()};
Transform const other_transform{other_shape->get_global_transform()};
Vecf escape_vector{CollisionShape::get_escape_vector(shape, other_shape)};
// we do this because there's no collision object to maintain a static physics state for different body's resolution steps.
// (if we were to directly modify the transform here, the escape vector for the other body would be completely off)
this->motion = escape_vector;
float const bounce{shape->get_bounce() * other_shape->get_bounce()};
if(RigidBody *other_rb{dynamic_cast<RigidBody*>(other)}) {
Vecf const relative_velocity{other_rb->linear_velocity - this->linear_velocity};
float const relative_mass{other_rb->mass / (other_rb->mass + this->mass)};
this->add_impulse(escape_vector.normalized() * relative_velocity.magnitude() * bounce * relative_mass);
} else {
this->add_impulse(Vecf::reflect(this->linear_velocity, escape_vector.normalized()) * bounce);
void CollisionWorld::check_collisions() {
for(int i{0}; i < this->shapes.size(); ++i) {
CollisionShape *shape{this->shapes[i]};
this->check_collisions_for(shape, i);
void CollisionWorld::check_collisions_for(CollisionShape *shape, size_t begin) {
// check all shapes *after* this one in the shapes list.
// (As the shapes *before* have already been checked, guaranteeing that each pair will only be checked once)
for(size_t i{begin+1}; i < this->shapes.size(); ++i) {
CollisionShape *other{this->shapes[i]};
if(other != shape && other->get_owner() != shape->get_owner() && CollisionShape::shapes_overlap(shape, other)) {
if((shape->get_mask() & other->get_layers()) != 0x0u)
shape->get_owner()->add_overlap(shape, other);
if((shape->get_layers() & other->get_mask()) != 0x0u)
other->get_owner()->add_overlap(other, shape);
Collision detection uses masks to minimize checks. Though I didn't end up using those in the final version. It uses sqr_magnitude instead of magnitude to avoid a sqrt. Though it's a minor optimization that isn't really needed for a project this size.
bool CollisionShape::can_collide(CollisionShape const *lhs, CollisionShape const *rhs) {
return lhs->owner != nullptr && rhs->owner != nullptr
&& lhs->owner != rhs->owner
&& ((lhs->get_mask() & rhs->get_layers()) != 0x0u
|| (rhs->get_mask() & lhs->get_layers()) != 0x0u);
bool CollisionShape::shapes_overlap(CollisionShape const *lhs, CollisionShape const *rhs) {
float const rad_sum{lhs->radius + rhs->radius};
return (lhs->get_global_transform().position - rhs->get_global_transform().position).sqr_magnitude() < rad_sum * rad_sum;
Vecf CollisionShape::get_escape_vector(CollisionShape const *lhs, CollisionShape const *rhs) {
Vecf const difference{lhs->get_global_transform().position - rhs->get_global_transform().position};
float const diff_mag{difference.magnitude()};
return diff_mag < (lhs->radius + rhs->radius)
? (difference / diff_mag) * (lhs->radius + rhs->radius - diff_mag)
: Vecf::ZERO;
# Signals
Notifications are carried between objects using Signals. An implementation of the Observer pattern intended to provide generic, typesafe, anonymous callbacks.
/*! Observer-listener implementation
template <class... Args>
class Signal {
std::vector<Callable<void, Args...>> listeners{};
void connect(Callable<void, Args...> callable);
void disconnect(Callable<void, Args...> callable);
void invoke(Args...);
template <class... Args> void Signal<Args...>::connect(Callable<void, Args...> callable) {
template <class... Args> void Signal<Args...>::disconnect(Callable<void, Args...> callable) {
[&callable](Callable<void, Args...> &listener) -> bool {
return listener == callable;
template <class... Args> void Signal<Args...>::invoke(Args... args) {
for(Callable<void, Args...> &listener : this->listeners) {
#ifdef DEBUG
static inline
void TEST_signals() {
struct A {inline void f(int val) {
std::printf("A: %d\n", val);
struct B { inline void f(int val) {
std::printf("B: %d\n", val);
A a_object;
B b_object;
Signal<int> signal;
Callable<void, int> a_callable{Callable<void, int>::make(&a_object, &A::f)};
Callable<void, int> b_callable{Callable<void, int>::make(&b_object, &B::f)};
This is achieved using the custom Callable template class. It's made up of an end-programmer-facing `Callable` wrapper. And a `HiddenCallable` to enable the end-programmer to use a very simple stack-allocated interface, while behind the scenes it can do polymorphism as required to make `Callable` anonymous (so not requiring the caller to know the type of the target).
/* Base interface template for a member function pointer object
template <class Return, class... Args>
struct HiddenCallableBase {
virtual ~HiddenCallableBase() = default;
virtual Return call(Args... args) const = 0;
virtual bool equals(HiddenCallableBase<Return, Args...> const &other) const;
template <class Return, class... Args> bool HiddenCallableBase<Return, Args...>::equals(HiddenCallableBase<Return, Args...> const &other) const {
return &other == this;
/* Hidden component of a Callable, specialized for a specific target object
template <class Target, class Return, class... Args>
struct HiddenCallable : public HiddenCallableBase<Return, Args...> {
typedef Return (Target::*Signature)(Args...);
HiddenCallable(Target *target, Signature function);
Target *target{nullptr};
Signature function{nullptr};
virtual void call(Args...) const override;
virtual bool equals(HiddenCallableBase<Return, Args...> const &other) const override;
template <class Target, class Return, class... Args> bool HiddenCallable<Target, Return, Args...>::equals(HiddenCallableBase<Return, Args...> const &other) const {
HiddenCallable<Target, Return, Args...> const *cast{dynamic_cast<HiddenCallable<Target, Return, Args...> const *>(&other)};
return cast != nullptr && &other == this && cast->target == this->target && cast->function == this->function;
template <class Target, class Return, class... Args> HiddenCallable<Target, Return, Args...>::HiddenCallable(Target *target, Signature function) : target{target}, function{function} {}
template <class Target, class Return, class... Args> void HiddenCallable<Target, Return, Args...>::call(Args... args) const {
std::invoke(this->function, this->target, args...);
/* Class for referring to a callable pointer to a member function.
template <class Return, class... Args>
class Callable {
std::shared_ptr<HiddenCallableBase<Return, Args...> const> hidden;
template <class Target> static Callable<Return, Args...> make(Target *target, Return (Target::*function)(Args...));
Return call(Args... args);
template <class Return, class... Args> template <class Target> Callable<Return, Args...>
Callable<Return, Args...>::make(Target *target, Return (Target::*function)(Args...)) {
Callable<Return, Args...> callable;
callable.hidden = std::make_unique<HiddenCallable<Target, Return, Args...>>(target, function);
return callable;
template <class Return, class... Args> Return Callable<Return, Args...>::call(Args... args) {
return this->hidden->call(args...);
template <class Return, class... Args> bool operator==(Callable<Return, Args...> const &lhs, Callable<Return, Args...> const &rhs) {
return lhs.hidden->equals(*rhs.hidden.get());
The general concept of this is based on Godot's concepts of the same names (the exposed/hidden layers and function pointers). Though heavily modified, as I don't need to support a custom scripting language. Which then allowed me to use compile-time type checking. Rather than having to do that using a variant type at runtime. It also lets me avoid `void*` sorcery. However much I may love myself a `void*`, it's best to avoid them where needed.
These are then exposed in classes as such:
class CollidableNode : public Node2D {
Signal<CollisionShape*, CollidableNode*, CollisionShape*> overlap_enter{};
and listened to like this:
this->overlap_enter.connect(ce::Callable<void, ce::CollisionShape *, ce::CollidableNode *, ce::CollisionShape *>::make(
this, &Player::_on_overlap_enter
# Input
The input subsystem is rather simple to use. It has three concepts. The `InputMap` being the simplest.
/*! Map input bindings to functions.
class InputMap {
std::map<std::string, InputAction> bindings{};
InputAction &bind_input(std::string const &name, std::vector<InputEffect*> &&binds);
InputAction &get_action(std::string const &action_id);
void process_event(SDL_Event const &evt);
The input map can be acquired from the `CanvasEngine`. Input actions are then registered. Which expose a `changed` `Signal`. That can be listened for as described in the relevant section.
An input Action is built of `InputEffect`s. Which are objects that receive SDL events, filter them, and transform them, to produce a signal whenever they want. Containing whatever data they want.
For example a `KeyboardKey` effect will wait for a specific key to be pressed. And mark itself as changed. So that the `InputAction` will notify it's listeners.
More complex effects are also possible. For example a `ButtonAxis` combines two `InputEffects` and maps one to -1 and one to +1. Giving an easy 2-directional axis.
/*! Represents a collection of bindings.
class InputAction {
std::vector<InputEffect::Ptr> effects{}; //!< list of all effects used to produce final result
Signal<InputValue> changed{};
InputAction() = default;
InputAction(InputEffect::Ptr &effect);
InputAction(std::vector<InputEffect*> &effects);
void process_event(SDL_Event const &evt); //!< process an incoming OS event
template <class Effect> Effect *get_effect_of_type(); //!< get the first effect from the effects list that is of type Effect
The part of the `Player` constructor that sets up input looks like this:
ce::InputMap &map{ce::CanvasEngine::get_singleton()->get_input_map()};
map.bind_input("horizontal", {
new ce::ButtonAxis(
new ce::KeyboardScancode(SDL_SCANCODE_A),
new ce::KeyboardScancode(SDL_SCANCODE_D)
}).changed.connect(ce::Callable<void, ce::InputValue>::make(
this, &Player::_input_horizontal_movement)
map.bind_input("vertical", {
new ce::ButtonAxis(
new ce::KeyboardScancode(SDL_SCANCODE_W),
new ce::KeyboardScancode(SDL_SCANCODE_S)
}).changed.connect(ce::Callable<void, ce::InputValue>::make(
this, &Player::_input_vertical_movement)
It uses a `ButtonAxis` to combine two scancodes into an axis with a range of `-1` to `1`. Making input tracking slightly easier.
# Levels
Levels are relatively tiny objects. Only really existing to have somewhere to construct the node hierarchy. Though also useful for storing level-local data.
class Level1 : public ce::Level {
unsigned score{0};
unsigned lives{3};
ce::Signal<unsigned> score_added{};
ce::Signal<unsigned> life_lost{};
void add_score();
void lose_life();
virtual ce::Node::OwnedPtr construct() override;
Although they can be constructed anywhere. Only the `CanvasEngine` should call `instantiate` to actually construct and instantiate the scene when the level becomes the new primary level.
# External resources used:
Game Engine Architecture by Jason Gregory
Game Physics by David H. Eberly
Many hours on [Desmos.com](desmos.com) to check my math.
So so so much [cppreference.com](cppreference.com) (though i downloaded it so i could check it on the train).