/**************************************************************************/ /* project_list.cpp */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "project_list.h" #include "core/config/project_settings.h" #include "core/io/dir_access.h" #include "core/os/time.h" #include "core/version.h" #include "editor/editor_paths.h" #include "editor/editor_settings.h" #include "editor/editor_string_names.h" #include "editor/project_manager.h" #include "editor/project_manager/project_tag.h" #include "editor/themes/editor_scale.h" #include "scene/gui/button.h" #include "scene/gui/label.h" #include "scene/gui/line_edit.h" #include "scene/gui/texture_button.h" #include "scene/gui/texture_rect.h" #include "scene/resources/image_texture.h" void ProjectListItemControl::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_THEME_CHANGED: { if (icon_needs_reload) { // The project icon may not be loaded by the time the control is displayed, // so use a loading placeholder. project_icon->set_texture(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("ProjectIconLoading"))); } project_title->begin_bulk_theme_override(); project_title->add_theme_font_override(SceneStringName(font), get_theme_font(SNAME("title"), EditorStringName(EditorFonts))); project_title->add_theme_font_size_override(SceneStringName(font_size), get_theme_font_size(SNAME("title_size"), EditorStringName(EditorFonts))); project_title->add_theme_color_override(SceneStringName(font_color), get_theme_color(SceneStringName(font_color), SNAME("Tree"))); project_title->end_bulk_theme_override(); project_path->add_theme_color_override(SceneStringName(font_color), get_theme_color(SceneStringName(font_color), SNAME("Tree"))); project_unsupported_features->set_texture(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("NodeWarning"))); favorite_button->set_texture_normal(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("Favorites"))); if (project_is_missing) { explore_button->set_icon(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("FileBroken"))); } else { explore_button->set_icon(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("Load"))); } } break; case NOTIFICATION_MOUSE_ENTER: { is_hovering = true; queue_redraw(); } break; case NOTIFICATION_MOUSE_EXIT: { is_hovering = false; queue_redraw(); } break; case NOTIFICATION_DRAW: { if (is_selected) { draw_style_box(get_theme_stylebox(SNAME("selected"), SNAME("Tree")), Rect2(Point2(), get_size())); } if (is_hovering) { draw_style_box(get_theme_stylebox(SNAME("hover"), SNAME("Tree")), Rect2(Point2(), get_size())); } draw_line(Point2(0, get_size().y + 1), Point2(get_size().x, get_size().y + 1), get_theme_color(SNAME("guide_color"), SNAME("Tree"))); } break; } } void ProjectListItemControl::_favorite_button_pressed() { emit_signal(SNAME("favorite_pressed")); } void ProjectListItemControl::_explore_button_pressed() { emit_signal(SNAME("explore_pressed")); } void ProjectListItemControl::set_project_title(const String &p_title) { project_title->set_text(p_title); } void ProjectListItemControl::set_project_path(const String &p_path) { project_path->set_text(p_path); } void ProjectListItemControl::set_tags(const PackedStringArray &p_tags, ProjectList *p_parent_list) { for (const String &tag : p_tags) { ProjectTag *tag_control = memnew(ProjectTag(tag)); tag_container->add_child(tag_control); tag_control->connect_button_to(callable_mp(p_parent_list, &ProjectList::add_search_tag).bind(tag)); } } void ProjectListItemControl::set_project_icon(const Ref<Texture2D> &p_icon) { icon_needs_reload = false; // The default project icon is 128×128 to look crisp on hiDPI displays, // but we want the actual displayed size to be 64×64 on loDPI displays. project_icon->set_expand_mode(TextureRect::EXPAND_IGNORE_SIZE); project_icon->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(64, 64) * EDSCALE); project_icon->set_stretch_mode(TextureRect::STRETCH_KEEP_ASPECT_CENTERED); project_icon->set_texture(p_icon); } void ProjectListItemControl::set_last_edited_info(const String &p_info) { last_edited_info->set_text(p_info); } void ProjectListItemControl::set_project_version(const String &p_info) { project_version->set_text(p_info); } void ProjectListItemControl::set_unsupported_features(PackedStringArray p_features) { if (p_features.size() > 0) { String tooltip_text = ""; for (int i = 0; i < p_features.size(); i++) { if (ProjectList::project_feature_looks_like_version(p_features[i])) { PackedStringArray project_version_split = p_features[i].split("."); int project_version_major = 0, project_version_minor = 0; if (project_version_split.size() >= 2) { project_version_major = project_version_split[0].to_int(); project_version_minor = project_version_split[1].to_int(); } if (VERSION_MAJOR != project_version_major || VERSION_MINOR <= project_version_minor) { // Don't show a warning if the project was last edited in a previous minor version. tooltip_text += TTR("This project was last edited in a different Godot version: ") + p_features[i] + "\n"; } p_features.remove_at(i); i--; } } if (p_features.size() > 0) { String unsupported_features_str = String(", ").join(p_features); tooltip_text += TTR("This project uses features unsupported by the current build:") + "\n" + unsupported_features_str; } if (tooltip_text.is_empty()) { return; } project_version->set_tooltip_text(tooltip_text); project_unsupported_features->set_tooltip_text(tooltip_text); project_unsupported_features->show(); } else { project_unsupported_features->hide(); } } bool ProjectListItemControl::should_load_project_icon() const { return icon_needs_reload; } void ProjectListItemControl::set_selected(bool p_selected) { is_selected = p_selected; queue_redraw(); } void ProjectListItemControl::set_is_favorite(bool p_favorite) { favorite_button->set_modulate(p_favorite ? Color(1, 1, 1, 1) : Color(1, 1, 1, 0.2)); } void ProjectListItemControl::set_is_missing(bool p_missing) { if (project_is_missing == p_missing) { return; } project_is_missing = p_missing; if (project_is_missing) { project_icon->set_modulate(Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5)); explore_button->set_icon(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("FileBroken"))); explore_button->set_tooltip_text(TTR("Error: Project is missing on the filesystem.")); } else { project_icon->set_modulate(Color(1, 1, 1, 1.0)); explore_button->set_icon(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("Load"))); #if !defined(ANDROID_ENABLED) && !defined(WEB_ENABLED) explore_button->set_tooltip_text(TTR("Show in File Manager")); #else // Opening the system file manager is not supported on the Android and web editors. explore_button->hide(); #endif } } void ProjectListItemControl::set_is_grayed(bool p_grayed) { if (p_grayed) { main_vbox->set_modulate(Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5)); // Don't make the icon less prominent if the parent is already grayed out. explore_button->set_modulate(Color(1, 1, 1, 1.0)); } else { main_vbox->set_modulate(Color(1, 1, 1, 1.0)); explore_button->set_modulate(Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5)); } } void ProjectListItemControl::_bind_methods() { ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("favorite_pressed")); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("explore_pressed")); } ProjectListItemControl::ProjectListItemControl() { set_focus_mode(FocusMode::FOCUS_ALL); VBoxContainer *favorite_box = memnew(VBoxContainer); favorite_box->set_alignment(BoxContainer::ALIGNMENT_CENTER); add_child(favorite_box); favorite_button = memnew(TextureButton); favorite_button->set_name("FavoriteButton"); // This makes the project's "hover" style display correctly when hovering the favorite icon. favorite_button->set_mouse_filter(MOUSE_FILTER_PASS); favorite_box->add_child(favorite_button); favorite_button->connect(SceneStringName(pressed), callable_mp(this, &ProjectListItemControl::_favorite_button_pressed)); project_icon = memnew(TextureRect); project_icon->set_name("ProjectIcon"); project_icon->set_v_size_flags(SIZE_SHRINK_CENTER); add_child(project_icon); main_vbox = memnew(VBoxContainer); main_vbox->set_h_size_flags(Control::SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); add_child(main_vbox); Control *ec = memnew(Control); ec->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(0, 1)); ec->set_mouse_filter(MOUSE_FILTER_PASS); main_vbox->add_child(ec); // Top half, title, tags and unsupported features labels. { HBoxContainer *title_hb = memnew(HBoxContainer); main_vbox->add_child(title_hb); project_title = memnew(Label); project_title->set_auto_translate_mode(AUTO_TRANSLATE_MODE_DISABLED); project_title->set_name("ProjectName"); project_title->set_h_size_flags(Control::SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); project_title->set_clip_text(true); title_hb->add_child(project_title); tag_container = memnew(HBoxContainer); title_hb->add_child(tag_container); Control *spacer = memnew(Control); spacer->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(10, 10)); title_hb->add_child(spacer); } // Bottom half, containing the path and view folder button. { HBoxContainer *path_hb = memnew(HBoxContainer); path_hb->set_h_size_flags(Control::SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); main_vbox->add_child(path_hb); explore_button = memnew(Button); explore_button->set_name("ExploreButton"); explore_button->set_flat(true); path_hb->add_child(explore_button); explore_button->connect(SceneStringName(pressed), callable_mp(this, &ProjectListItemControl::_explore_button_pressed)); project_path = memnew(Label); project_path->set_name("ProjectPath"); project_path->set_structured_text_bidi_override(TextServer::STRUCTURED_TEXT_FILE); project_path->set_clip_text(true); project_path->set_h_size_flags(Control::SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); project_path->set_modulate(Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5)); path_hb->add_child(project_path); project_unsupported_features = memnew(TextureRect); project_unsupported_features->set_name("ProjectUnsupportedFeatures"); project_unsupported_features->set_stretch_mode(TextureRect::STRETCH_KEEP_CENTERED); path_hb->add_child(project_unsupported_features); project_unsupported_features->hide(); project_version = memnew(Label); project_version->set_name("ProjectVersion"); project_version->set_mouse_filter(Control::MOUSE_FILTER_PASS); path_hb->add_child(project_version); last_edited_info = memnew(Label); last_edited_info->set_name("LastEditedInfo"); last_edited_info->set_mouse_filter(Control::MOUSE_FILTER_PASS); last_edited_info->set_tooltip_text(TTR("Last edited timestamp")); last_edited_info->set_modulate(Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5)); path_hb->add_child(last_edited_info); Control *spacer = memnew(Control); spacer->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(10, 10)); path_hb->add_child(spacer); } } struct ProjectListComparator { ProjectList::FilterOption order_option = ProjectList::FilterOption::EDIT_DATE; // operator< _FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator()(const ProjectList::Item &a, const ProjectList::Item &b) const { if (a.favorite && !b.favorite) { return true; } if (b.favorite && !a.favorite) { return false; } switch (order_option) { case ProjectList::PATH: return a.path < b.path; case ProjectList::EDIT_DATE: return a.last_edited > b.last_edited; case ProjectList::TAGS: return a.tag_sort_string < b.tag_sort_string; default: return a.project_name < b.project_name; } } }; const char *ProjectList::SIGNAL_LIST_CHANGED = "list_changed"; const char *ProjectList::SIGNAL_SELECTION_CHANGED = "selection_changed"; const char *ProjectList::SIGNAL_PROJECT_ASK_OPEN = "project_ask_open"; // Helpers. bool ProjectList::project_feature_looks_like_version(const String &p_feature) { return p_feature.contains(".") && p_feature.substr(0, 3).is_numeric(); } // Notifications. void ProjectList::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_PROCESS: { // Load icons as a coroutine to speed up launch when you have hundreds of projects if (_icon_load_index < _projects.size()) { Item &item = _projects.write[_icon_load_index]; if (item.control->should_load_project_icon()) { _load_project_icon(_icon_load_index); } _icon_load_index++; } else { set_process(false); } } break; } } // Initialization & loading. void ProjectList::_migrate_config() { // Proposal #1637 moved the project list from editor settings to a separate config file // If the new config file doesn't exist, populate it from EditorSettings if (FileAccess::exists(_config_path)) { return; } List<PropertyInfo> properties; EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_property_list(&properties); for (const PropertyInfo &E : properties) { // This is actually something like "projects/C:::Documents::Godot::Projects::MyGame" String property_key = E.name; if (!property_key.begins_with("projects/")) { continue; } String path = EDITOR_GET(property_key); print_line("Migrating legacy project '" + path + "'."); String favoriteKey = "favorite_projects/" + property_key.get_slice("/", 1); bool favorite = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->has_setting(favoriteKey); add_project(path, favorite); if (favorite) { EditorSettings::get_singleton()->erase(favoriteKey); } EditorSettings::get_singleton()->erase(property_key); } save_config(); } void ProjectList::save_config() { _config.save(_config_path); } // Load project data from p_property_key and return it in a ProjectList::Item. // p_favorite is passed directly into the Item. ProjectList::Item ProjectList::load_project_data(const String &p_path, bool p_favorite) { String conf = p_path.path_join("project.godot"); bool grayed = false; bool missing = false; Ref<ConfigFile> cf = memnew(ConfigFile); Error cf_err = cf->load(conf); int config_version = 0; String project_name = TTR("Unnamed Project"); if (cf_err == OK) { String cf_project_name = cf->get_value("application", "config/name", ""); if (!cf_project_name.is_empty()) { project_name = cf_project_name.xml_unescape(); } config_version = (int)cf->get_value("", "config_version", 0); } if (config_version > ProjectSettings::CONFIG_VERSION) { // Comes from an incompatible (more recent) Godot version, gray it out. grayed = true; } const String description = cf->get_value("application", "config/description", ""); const PackedStringArray tags = cf->get_value("application", "config/tags", PackedStringArray()); const String icon = cf->get_value("application", "config/icon", ""); const String main_scene = cf->get_value("application", "run/main_scene", ""); PackedStringArray project_features = cf->get_value("application", "config/features", PackedStringArray()); PackedStringArray unsupported_features = ProjectSettings::get_unsupported_features(project_features); String project_version = "?"; for (int i = 0; i < project_features.size(); i++) { if (ProjectList::project_feature_looks_like_version(project_features[i])) { project_version = project_features[i]; break; } } if (config_version < ProjectSettings::CONFIG_VERSION) { // Previous versions may not have unsupported features. if (config_version == 4) { unsupported_features.push_back("3.x"); project_version = "3.x"; } else { unsupported_features.push_back("Unknown version"); } } uint64_t last_edited = 0; if (cf_err == OK) { // The modification date marks the date the project was last edited. // This is because the `project.godot` file will always be modified // when editing a project (but not when running it). last_edited = FileAccess::get_modified_time(conf); String fscache = p_path.path_join(".fscache"); if (FileAccess::exists(fscache)) { uint64_t cache_modified = FileAccess::get_modified_time(fscache); if (cache_modified > last_edited) { last_edited = cache_modified; } } } else { grayed = true; missing = true; print_line("Project is missing: " + conf); } for (const String &tag : tags) { ProjectManager::get_singleton()->add_new_tag(tag); } return Item(project_name, description, project_version, tags, p_path, icon, main_scene, unsupported_features, last_edited, p_favorite, grayed, missing, config_version); } void ProjectList::_update_icons_async() { _icon_load_index = 0; set_process(true); } void ProjectList::_load_project_icon(int p_index) { Item &item = _projects.write[p_index]; Ref<Texture2D> default_icon = get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("DefaultProjectIcon")); Ref<Texture2D> icon; if (!item.icon.is_empty()) { Ref<Image> img; img.instantiate(); Error err = img->load(item.icon.replace_first("res://", item.path + "/")); if (err == OK) { img->resize(default_icon->get_width(), default_icon->get_height(), Image::INTERPOLATE_LANCZOS); icon = ImageTexture::create_from_image(img); } } if (icon.is_null()) { icon = default_icon; } item.control->set_project_icon(icon); } // Project list updates. void ProjectList::update_project_list() { // This is a full, hard reload of the list. Don't call this unless really required, it's expensive. // If you have 150 projects, it may read through 150 files on your disk at once + load 150 icons. // FIXME: Does it really have to be a full, hard reload? Runtime updates should be made much cheaper. if (ProjectManager::get_singleton()->is_initialized()) { // Clear whole list for (int i = 0; i < _projects.size(); ++i) { Item &project = _projects.write[i]; CRASH_COND(project.control == nullptr); memdelete(project.control); // Why not queue_free()? } _projects.clear(); _last_clicked = ""; _selected_project_paths.clear(); load_project_list(); } // Create controls for (int i = 0; i < _projects.size(); ++i) { _create_project_item_control(i); } sort_projects(); _update_icons_async(); update_dock_menu(); set_v_scroll(0); emit_signal(SNAME(SIGNAL_LIST_CHANGED)); } void ProjectList::sort_projects() { SortArray<Item, ProjectListComparator> sorter; sorter.compare.order_option = _order_option; sorter.sort(_projects.ptrw(), _projects.size()); String search_term; PackedStringArray tags; if (!_search_term.is_empty()) { PackedStringArray search_parts = _search_term.split(" "); if (search_parts.size() > 1 || search_parts[0].begins_with("tag:")) { PackedStringArray remaining; for (const String &part : search_parts) { if (part.begins_with("tag:")) { tags.push_back(part.get_slice(":", 1)); } else { remaining.append(part); } } search_term = String(" ").join(remaining); // Search term without tags. } else { search_term = _search_term; } } for (int i = 0; i < _projects.size(); ++i) { Item &item = _projects.write[i]; bool item_visible = true; if (!_search_term.is_empty()) { String search_path; if (search_term.contains("/")) { // Search path will match the whole path search_path = item.path; } else { // Search path will only match the last path component to make searching more strict search_path = item.path.get_file(); } bool missing_tags = false; for (const String &tag : tags) { if (!item.tags.has(tag)) { missing_tags = true; break; } } // When searching, display projects whose name or path contain the search term and whose tags match the searched tags. item_visible = !missing_tags && (search_term.is_empty() || item.project_name.containsn(search_term) || search_path.containsn(search_term)); } item.control->set_visible(item_visible); } for (int i = 0; i < _projects.size(); ++i) { Item &item = _projects.write[i]; item.control->get_parent()->move_child(item.control, i); } // Rewind the coroutine because order of projects changed _update_icons_async(); update_dock_menu(); } int ProjectList::get_project_count() const { return _projects.size(); } void ProjectList::find_projects(const String &p_path) { PackedStringArray paths = { p_path }; find_projects_multiple(paths); } void ProjectList::find_projects_multiple(const PackedStringArray &p_paths) { List<String> projects; for (int i = 0; i < p_paths.size(); i++) { const String &base_path = p_paths.get(i); print_verbose(vformat("Scanning for projects in \"%s\".", base_path)); _scan_folder_recursive(base_path, &projects); print_verbose(vformat("Found %d project(s).", projects.size())); } for (const String &E : projects) { add_project(E, false); } save_config(); if (ProjectManager::get_singleton()->is_initialized()) { update_project_list(); } } void ProjectList::load_project_list() { List<String> sections; _config.load(_config_path); _config.get_sections(§ions); for (const String &path : sections) { bool favorite = _config.get_value(path, "favorite", false); _projects.push_back(load_project_data(path, favorite)); } } void ProjectList::_scan_folder_recursive(const String &p_path, List<String> *r_projects) { Ref<DirAccess> da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM); Error error = da->change_dir(p_path); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(error != OK, vformat("Failed to open the path \"%s\" for scanning (code %d).", p_path, error)); da->list_dir_begin(); String n = da->get_next(); while (!n.is_empty()) { if (da->current_is_dir() && n[0] != '.') { _scan_folder_recursive(da->get_current_dir().path_join(n), r_projects); } else if (n == "project.godot") { r_projects->push_back(da->get_current_dir()); } n = da->get_next(); } da->list_dir_end(); } // Project list items. void ProjectList::add_project(const String &dir_path, bool favorite) { if (!_config.has_section(dir_path)) { _config.set_value(dir_path, "favorite", favorite); } } void ProjectList::set_project_version(const String &p_project_path, int p_version) { for (ProjectList::Item &E : _projects) { if (E.path == p_project_path) { E.version = p_version; break; } } } int ProjectList::refresh_project(const String &dir_path) { // Reloads information about a specific project. // If it wasn't loaded and should be in the list, it is added (i.e new project). // If it isn't in the list anymore, it is removed. // If it is in the list but doesn't exist anymore, it is marked as missing. bool should_be_in_list = _config.has_section(dir_path); bool is_favourite = _config.get_value(dir_path, "favorite", false); bool was_selected = _selected_project_paths.has(dir_path); // Remove item in any case for (int i = 0; i < _projects.size(); ++i) { const Item &existing_item = _projects[i]; if (existing_item.path == dir_path) { _remove_project(i, false); break; } } int index = -1; if (should_be_in_list) { // Recreate it with updated info Item item = load_project_data(dir_path, is_favourite); _projects.push_back(item); _create_project_item_control(_projects.size() - 1); sort_projects(); for (int i = 0; i < _projects.size(); ++i) { if (_projects[i].path == dir_path) { if (was_selected) { select_project(i); ensure_project_visible(i); } _load_project_icon(i); index = i; break; } } } return index; } void ProjectList::ensure_project_visible(int p_index) { const Item &item = _projects[p_index]; ensure_control_visible(item.control); } void ProjectList::_create_project_item_control(int p_index) { // Will be added last in the list, so make sure indexes match ERR_FAIL_COND(p_index != project_list_vbox->get_child_count()); Item &item = _projects.write[p_index]; ERR_FAIL_COND(item.control != nullptr); // Already created ProjectListItemControl *hb = memnew(ProjectListItemControl); hb->add_theme_constant_override("separation", 10 * EDSCALE); hb->set_project_title(!item.missing ? item.project_name : TTR("Missing Project")); hb->set_project_path(item.path); hb->set_tooltip_text(item.description); hb->set_tags(item.tags, this); hb->set_unsupported_features(item.unsupported_features.duplicate()); hb->set_project_version(item.project_version); hb->set_last_edited_info(Time::get_singleton()->get_datetime_string_from_unix_time(item.last_edited, true)); hb->set_is_favorite(item.favorite); hb->set_is_missing(item.missing); hb->set_is_grayed(item.grayed); hb->connect(SceneStringName(gui_input), callable_mp(this, &ProjectList::_list_item_input).bind(hb)); hb->connect("favorite_pressed", callable_mp(this, &ProjectList::_on_favorite_pressed).bind(hb)); #if !defined(ANDROID_ENABLED) && !defined(WEB_ENABLED) hb->connect("explore_pressed", callable_mp(this, &ProjectList::_on_explore_pressed).bind(item.path)); #endif project_list_vbox->add_child(hb); item.control = hb; } void ProjectList::_toggle_project(int p_index) { // This methods adds to the selection or removes from the // selection. Item &item = _projects.write[p_index]; if (_selected_project_paths.has(item.path)) { _deselect_project_nocheck(p_index); } else { _select_project_nocheck(p_index); } } void ProjectList::_remove_project(int p_index, bool p_update_config) { const Item item = _projects[p_index]; // Take a copy _selected_project_paths.erase(item.path); if (_last_clicked == item.path) { _last_clicked = ""; } memdelete(item.control); _projects.remove_at(p_index); if (p_update_config) { _config.erase_section(item.path); // Not actually saving the file, in case you are doing more changes to settings } update_dock_menu(); } void ProjectList::_list_item_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_ev, Node *p_hb) { Ref<InputEventMouseButton> mb = p_ev; int clicked_index = p_hb->get_index(); const Item &clicked_project = _projects[clicked_index]; if (mb.is_valid() && mb->is_pressed() && mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::LEFT) { if (mb->is_shift_pressed() && _selected_project_paths.size() > 0 && !_last_clicked.is_empty() && clicked_project.path != _last_clicked) { int anchor_index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < _projects.size(); ++i) { const Item &p = _projects[i]; if (p.path == _last_clicked) { anchor_index = p.control->get_index(); break; } } CRASH_COND(anchor_index == -1); _select_project_range(anchor_index, clicked_index); } else if (mb->is_command_or_control_pressed()) { _toggle_project(clicked_index); } else { _last_clicked = clicked_project.path; select_project(clicked_index); } emit_signal(SNAME(SIGNAL_SELECTION_CHANGED)); // Do not allow opening a project more than once using a single project manager instance. // Opening the same project in several editor instances at once can lead to various issues. if (!mb->is_command_or_control_pressed() && mb->is_double_click() && !project_opening_initiated) { emit_signal(SNAME(SIGNAL_PROJECT_ASK_OPEN)); } } } void ProjectList::_on_favorite_pressed(Node *p_hb) { ProjectListItemControl *control = Object::cast_to<ProjectListItemControl>(p_hb); int index = control->get_index(); Item item = _projects.write[index]; // Take copy item.favorite = !item.favorite; _config.set_value(item.path, "favorite", item.favorite); save_config(); _projects.write[index] = item; control->set_is_favorite(item.favorite); sort_projects(); if (item.favorite) { for (int i = 0; i < _projects.size(); ++i) { if (_projects[i].path == item.path) { ensure_project_visible(i); break; } } } update_dock_menu(); } void ProjectList::_on_explore_pressed(const String &p_path) { OS::get_singleton()->shell_show_in_file_manager(p_path, true); } // Project list selection. void ProjectList::_clear_project_selection() { Vector<Item> previous_selected_items = get_selected_projects(); _selected_project_paths.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < previous_selected_items.size(); ++i) { previous_selected_items[i].control->set_selected(false); } } void ProjectList::_select_project_nocheck(int p_index) { Item &item = _projects.write[p_index]; _selected_project_paths.insert(item.path); item.control->set_selected(true); } void ProjectList::_deselect_project_nocheck(int p_index) { Item &item = _projects.write[p_index]; _selected_project_paths.erase(item.path); item.control->set_selected(false); } inline void _sort_project_range(int &a, int &b) { if (a > b) { int temp = a; a = b; b = temp; } } void ProjectList::_select_project_range(int p_begin, int p_end) { _clear_project_selection(); _sort_project_range(p_begin, p_end); for (int i = p_begin; i <= p_end; ++i) { _select_project_nocheck(i); } } void ProjectList::select_project(int p_index) { // This method keeps only one project selected. _clear_project_selection(); _select_project_nocheck(p_index); } void ProjectList::select_first_visible_project() { _clear_project_selection(); for (int i = 0; i < _projects.size(); i++) { if (_projects[i].control->is_visible()) { _select_project_nocheck(i); break; } } } Vector<ProjectList::Item> ProjectList::get_selected_projects() const { Vector<Item> items; if (_selected_project_paths.size() == 0) { return items; } items.resize(_selected_project_paths.size()); int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _projects.size(); ++i) { const Item &item = _projects[i]; if (_selected_project_paths.has(item.path)) { items.write[j++] = item; } } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(j != items.size(), items); return items; } const HashSet<String> &ProjectList::get_selected_project_keys() const { // Faster if that's all you need return _selected_project_paths; } int ProjectList::get_single_selected_index() const { if (_selected_project_paths.size() == 0) { // Default selection return 0; } String key; if (_selected_project_paths.size() == 1) { // Only one selected key = *_selected_project_paths.begin(); } else { // Multiple selected, consider the last clicked one as "main" key = _last_clicked; } for (int i = 0; i < _projects.size(); ++i) { if (_projects[i].path == key) { return i; } } return 0; } void ProjectList::erase_selected_projects(bool p_delete_project_contents) { if (_selected_project_paths.size() == 0) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < _projects.size(); ++i) { Item &item = _projects.write[i]; if (_selected_project_paths.has(item.path) && item.control->is_visible()) { _config.erase_section(item.path); // Comment out for now until we have a better warning system to // ensure users delete their project only. //if (p_delete_project_contents) { // OS::get_singleton()->move_to_trash(item.path); //} memdelete(item.control); _projects.remove_at(i); --i; } } save_config(); _selected_project_paths.clear(); _last_clicked = ""; update_dock_menu(); } // Missing projects. bool ProjectList::is_any_project_missing() const { for (int i = 0; i < _projects.size(); ++i) { if (_projects[i].missing) { return true; } } return false; } void ProjectList::erase_missing_projects() { if (_projects.is_empty()) { return; } int deleted_count = 0; int remaining_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _projects.size(); ++i) { const Item &item = _projects[i]; if (item.missing) { _remove_project(i, true); --i; ++deleted_count; } else { ++remaining_count; } } print_line("Removed " + itos(deleted_count) + " projects from the list, remaining " + itos(remaining_count) + " projects"); save_config(); } // Project list sorting and filtering. void ProjectList::set_search_term(String p_search_term) { _search_term = p_search_term; } void ProjectList::add_search_tag(const String &p_tag) { const String tag_string = "tag:" + p_tag; int exists = _search_term.find(tag_string); if (exists > -1) { _search_term = _search_term.erase(exists, tag_string.length() + 1); } else if (_search_term.is_empty() || _search_term.ends_with(" ")) { _search_term += tag_string; } else { _search_term += " " + tag_string; } ProjectManager::get_singleton()->get_search_box()->set_text(_search_term); sort_projects(); } void ProjectList::set_order_option(int p_option) { FilterOption selected = (FilterOption)p_option; EditorSettings::get_singleton()->set("project_manager/sorting_order", p_option); EditorSettings::get_singleton()->save(); _order_option = selected; sort_projects(); } // Global menu integration. void ProjectList::update_dock_menu() { if (!NativeMenu::get_singleton()->has_feature(NativeMenu::FEATURE_GLOBAL_MENU)) { return; } RID dock_rid = NativeMenu::get_singleton()->get_system_menu(NativeMenu::DOCK_MENU_ID); NativeMenu::get_singleton()->clear(dock_rid); int favs_added = 0; int total_added = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _projects.size(); ++i) { if (!_projects[i].grayed && !_projects[i].missing) { if (_projects[i].favorite) { favs_added++; } else { if (favs_added != 0) { NativeMenu::get_singleton()->add_separator(dock_rid); } favs_added = 0; } NativeMenu::get_singleton()->add_item(dock_rid, _projects[i].project_name + " ( " + _projects[i].path + " )", callable_mp(this, &ProjectList::_global_menu_open_project), Callable(), i); total_added++; } } if (total_added != 0) { NativeMenu::get_singleton()->add_separator(dock_rid); } NativeMenu::get_singleton()->add_item(dock_rid, TTR("New Window"), callable_mp(this, &ProjectList::_global_menu_new_window)); } void ProjectList::_global_menu_new_window(const Variant &p_tag) { List<String> args; args.push_back("-p"); OS::get_singleton()->create_instance(args); } void ProjectList::_global_menu_open_project(const Variant &p_tag) { int idx = (int)p_tag; if (idx >= 0 && idx < _projects.size()) { String conf = _projects[idx].path.path_join("project.godot"); List<String> args; args.push_back(conf); OS::get_singleton()->create_instance(args); } } // Object methods. void ProjectList::_bind_methods() { ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo(SIGNAL_LIST_CHANGED)); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo(SIGNAL_SELECTION_CHANGED)); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo(SIGNAL_PROJECT_ASK_OPEN)); } ProjectList::ProjectList() { project_list_vbox = memnew(VBoxContainer); project_list_vbox->set_h_size_flags(Control::SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); add_child(project_list_vbox); _config_path = EditorPaths::get_singleton()->get_data_dir().path_join("projects.cfg"); _migrate_config(); }