/**************************************************************************/ /* packed_scene.h */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifndef PACKED_SCENE_H #define PACKED_SCENE_H #include "core/io/resource.h" #include "scene/main/node.h" class SceneState : public RefCounted { GDCLASS(SceneState, RefCounted); Vector<StringName> names; Vector<Variant> variants; Vector<NodePath> node_paths; Vector<NodePath> editable_instances; mutable HashMap<NodePath, int> node_path_cache; mutable HashMap<int, int> base_scene_node_remap; int base_scene_idx = -1; enum { NO_PARENT_SAVED = 0x7FFFFFFF, NAME_INDEX_BITS = 18, NAME_MASK = (1 << NAME_INDEX_BITS) - 1, }; struct NodeData { int parent = 0; int owner = 0; int type = 0; int name = 0; int instance = 0; int index = 0; struct Property { int name = 0; int value = 0; }; Vector<Property> properties; Vector<int> groups; }; struct DeferredNodePathProperties { Node *base = nullptr; StringName property; Variant value; }; Vector<NodeData> nodes; struct ConnectionData { int from = 0; int to = 0; int signal = 0; int method = 0; int flags = 0; int unbinds = 0; Vector<int> binds; }; Vector<ConnectionData> connections; Error _parse_node(Node *p_owner, Node *p_node, int p_parent_idx, HashMap<StringName, int> &name_map, HashMap<Variant, int, VariantHasher, VariantComparator> &variant_map, HashMap<Node *, int> &node_map, HashMap<Node *, int> &nodepath_map); Error _parse_connections(Node *p_owner, Node *p_node, HashMap<StringName, int> &name_map, HashMap<Variant, int, VariantHasher, VariantComparator> &variant_map, HashMap<Node *, int> &node_map, HashMap<Node *, int> &nodepath_map); String path; uint64_t last_modified_time = 0; static bool disable_placeholders; Vector<String> _get_node_groups(int p_idx) const; int _find_base_scene_node_remap_key(int p_idx) const; #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED public: typedef void (*InstantiationWarningNotify)(const String &p_warning); private: static InstantiationWarningNotify instantiation_warn_notify; #endif protected: static void _bind_methods(); public: enum { FLAG_ID_IS_PATH = (1 << 30), TYPE_INSTANTIATED = 0x7FFFFFFF, FLAG_INSTANCE_IS_PLACEHOLDER = (1 << 30), FLAG_PATH_PROPERTY_IS_NODE = (1 << 30), FLAG_PROP_NAME_MASK = FLAG_PATH_PROPERTY_IS_NODE - 1, FLAG_MASK = (1 << 24) - 1, }; enum GenEditState { GEN_EDIT_STATE_DISABLED, GEN_EDIT_STATE_INSTANCE, GEN_EDIT_STATE_MAIN, GEN_EDIT_STATE_MAIN_INHERITED, }; struct PackState { Ref<SceneState> state; int node = -1; }; static void set_disable_placeholders(bool p_disable); static Ref<Resource> get_remap_resource(const Ref<Resource> &p_resource, HashMap<Ref<Resource>, Ref<Resource>> &remap_cache, const Ref<Resource> &p_fallback, Node *p_for_scene); int find_node_by_path(const NodePath &p_node) const; Variant get_property_value(int p_node, const StringName &p_property, bool &r_found, bool &r_node_deferred) const; bool is_node_in_group(int p_node, const StringName &p_group) const; bool is_connection(int p_node, const StringName &p_signal, int p_to_node, const StringName &p_to_method) const; void set_bundled_scene(const Dictionary &p_dictionary); Dictionary get_bundled_scene() const; Error pack(Node *p_scene); void set_path(const String &p_path); String get_path() const; void clear(); Error copy_from(const Ref<SceneState> &p_scene_state); bool can_instantiate() const; Node *instantiate(GenEditState p_edit_state) const; Array setup_resources_in_array(Array &array_to_scan, const SceneState::NodeData &n, HashMap<Ref<Resource>, Ref<Resource>> &resources_local_to_sub_scene, Node *node, const StringName sname, HashMap<Ref<Resource>, Ref<Resource>> &resources_local_to_scene, int i, Node **ret_nodes, SceneState::GenEditState p_edit_state) const; Variant make_local_resource(Variant &value, const SceneState::NodeData &p_node_data, HashMap<Ref<Resource>, Ref<Resource>> &p_resources_local_to_sub_scene, Node *p_node, const StringName p_sname, HashMap<Ref<Resource>, Ref<Resource>> &p_resources_local_to_scene, int p_i, Node **p_ret_nodes, SceneState::GenEditState p_edit_state) const; bool has_local_resource(const Array &p_array) const; Ref<SceneState> get_base_scene_state() const; void update_instance_resource(String p_path, Ref<PackedScene> p_packed_scene); //unbuild API int get_node_count() const; StringName get_node_type(int p_idx) const; StringName get_node_name(int p_idx) const; NodePath get_node_path(int p_idx, bool p_for_parent = false) const; NodePath get_node_owner_path(int p_idx) const; Ref<PackedScene> get_node_instance(int p_idx) const; String get_node_instance_placeholder(int p_idx) const; bool is_node_instance_placeholder(int p_idx) const; Vector<StringName> get_node_groups(int p_idx) const; int get_node_index(int p_idx) const; int get_node_property_count(int p_idx) const; StringName get_node_property_name(int p_idx, int p_prop) const; Variant get_node_property_value(int p_idx, int p_prop) const; Vector<String> get_node_deferred_nodepath_properties(int p_idx) const; int get_connection_count() const; NodePath get_connection_source(int p_idx) const; StringName get_connection_signal(int p_idx) const; NodePath get_connection_target(int p_idx) const; StringName get_connection_method(int p_idx) const; int get_connection_flags(int p_idx) const; int get_connection_unbinds(int p_idx) const; Array get_connection_binds(int p_idx) const; bool has_connection(const NodePath &p_node_from, const StringName &p_signal, const NodePath &p_node_to, const StringName &p_method, bool p_no_inheritance = false); Vector<NodePath> get_editable_instances() const; //build API int add_name(const StringName &p_name); int add_value(const Variant &p_value); int add_node_path(const NodePath &p_path); int add_node(int p_parent, int p_owner, int p_type, int p_name, int p_instance, int p_index); void add_node_property(int p_node, int p_name, int p_value, bool p_deferred_node_path = false); void add_node_group(int p_node, int p_group); void set_base_scene(int p_idx); void add_connection(int p_from, int p_to, int p_signal, int p_method, int p_flags, int p_unbinds, const Vector<int> &p_binds); void add_editable_instance(const NodePath &p_path); bool remove_group_references(const StringName &p_name); bool rename_group_references(const StringName &p_old_name, const StringName &p_new_name); HashSet<StringName> get_all_groups(); virtual void set_last_modified_time(uint64_t p_time) { last_modified_time = p_time; } uint64_t get_last_modified_time() const { return last_modified_time; } // Used when saving pointers (saves a path property instead). static String get_meta_pointer_property(const String &p_property); #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED static void set_instantiation_warning_notify_func(InstantiationWarningNotify p_warn_notify) { instantiation_warn_notify = p_warn_notify; } #endif SceneState(); }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(SceneState::GenEditState) class PackedScene : public Resource { GDCLASS(PackedScene, Resource); RES_BASE_EXTENSION("scn"); Ref<SceneState> state; void _set_bundled_scene(const Dictionary &p_scene); Dictionary _get_bundled_scene() const; protected: virtual bool editor_can_reload_from_file() override { return false; } // this is handled by editor better static void _bind_methods(); virtual void reset_state() override; public: enum GenEditState { GEN_EDIT_STATE_DISABLED, GEN_EDIT_STATE_INSTANCE, GEN_EDIT_STATE_MAIN, GEN_EDIT_STATE_MAIN_INHERITED, }; Error pack(Node *p_scene); void clear(); bool can_instantiate() const; Node *instantiate(GenEditState p_edit_state = GEN_EDIT_STATE_DISABLED) const; void recreate_state(); void replace_state(Ref<SceneState> p_by); virtual void reload_from_file() override; virtual void set_path(const String &p_path, bool p_take_over = false) override; virtual void set_path_cache(const String &p_path) override; #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED virtual void set_last_modified_time(uint64_t p_time) override { Resource::set_last_modified_time(p_time); state->set_last_modified_time(p_time); } static HashSet<StringName> get_scene_groups(const String &p_path); #endif Ref<SceneState> get_state() const; PackedScene(); }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(PackedScene::GenEditState) #endif // PACKED_SCENE_H