/**************************************************************************/ /* resource_importer.cpp */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "resource_importer.h" #include "core/config/project_settings.h" #include "core/io/config_file.h" #include "core/os/os.h" #include "core/variant/variant_parser.h" bool ResourceFormatImporter::SortImporterByName::operator()(const Ref<ResourceImporter> &p_a, const Ref<ResourceImporter> &p_b) const { return p_a->get_importer_name() < p_b->get_importer_name(); } Error ResourceFormatImporter::_get_path_and_type(const String &p_path, PathAndType &r_path_and_type, bool *r_valid) const { Error err; Ref<FileAccess> f = FileAccess::open(p_path + ".import", FileAccess::READ, &err); if (f.is_null()) { if (r_valid) { *r_valid = false; } return err; } VariantParser::StreamFile stream; stream.f = f; String assign; Variant value; VariantParser::Tag next_tag; if (r_valid) { *r_valid = true; } int lines = 0; String error_text; bool path_found = false; //first match must have priority while (true) { assign = Variant(); next_tag.fields.clear(); next_tag.name = String(); err = VariantParser::parse_tag_assign_eof(&stream, lines, error_text, next_tag, assign, value, nullptr, true); if (err == ERR_FILE_EOF) { return OK; } else if (err != OK) { ERR_PRINT("ResourceFormatImporter::load - " + p_path + ".import:" + itos(lines) + " error: " + error_text); return err; } if (!assign.is_empty()) { if (!path_found && assign.begins_with("path.") && r_path_and_type.path.is_empty()) { String feature = assign.get_slicec('.', 1); if (OS::get_singleton()->has_feature(feature)) { r_path_and_type.path = value; path_found = true; //first match must have priority } } else if (!path_found && assign == "path") { r_path_and_type.path = value; path_found = true; //first match must have priority } else if (assign == "type") { r_path_and_type.type = ClassDB::get_compatibility_remapped_class(value); } else if (assign == "importer") { r_path_and_type.importer = value; } else if (assign == "uid") { r_path_and_type.uid = ResourceUID::get_singleton()->text_to_id(value); } else if (assign == "group_file") { r_path_and_type.group_file = value; } else if (assign == "metadata") { r_path_and_type.metadata = value; } else if (assign == "valid") { if (r_valid) { *r_valid = value; } } } else if (next_tag.name != "remap") { break; } } #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED if (r_path_and_type.metadata && !r_path_and_type.path.is_empty()) { Dictionary meta = r_path_and_type.metadata; if (meta.has("has_editor_variant")) { r_path_and_type.path = r_path_and_type.path.get_basename() + ".editor." + r_path_and_type.path.get_extension(); } } #endif if (r_path_and_type.type.is_empty()) { return ERR_FILE_CORRUPT; } if (r_path_and_type.path.is_empty()) { // Some importers may not write files to the .godot folder, so the path can be empty. if (r_path_and_type.importer.is_empty()) { return ERR_FILE_CORRUPT; } // It's only invalid if the extension for the importer is not empty. Ref<ResourceImporter> importer = get_importer_by_name(r_path_and_type.importer); if (importer.is_null() || !importer->get_save_extension().is_empty()) { return ERR_FILE_CORRUPT; } } return OK; } Ref<Resource> ResourceFormatImporter::load(const String &p_path, const String &p_original_path, Error *r_error, bool p_use_sub_threads, float *r_progress, CacheMode p_cache_mode) { PathAndType pat; Error err = _get_path_and_type(p_path, pat); if (err != OK) { if (r_error) { *r_error = err; } return Ref<Resource>(); } Ref<Resource> res = ResourceLoader::_load(pat.path, p_path, pat.type, p_cache_mode, r_error, p_use_sub_threads, r_progress); #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED if (res.is_valid()) { res->set_import_last_modified_time(res->get_last_modified_time()); //pass this, if used res->set_import_path(pat.path); } #endif return res; } void ResourceFormatImporter::get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const { HashSet<String> found; for (int i = 0; i < importers.size(); i++) { List<String> local_exts; importers[i]->get_recognized_extensions(&local_exts); for (const String &F : local_exts) { if (!found.has(F)) { p_extensions->push_back(F); found.insert(F); } } } } void ResourceFormatImporter::get_recognized_extensions_for_type(const String &p_type, List<String> *p_extensions) const { if (p_type.is_empty()) { get_recognized_extensions(p_extensions); return; } HashSet<String> found; for (int i = 0; i < importers.size(); i++) { String res_type = importers[i]->get_resource_type(); if (res_type.is_empty()) { continue; } if (!ClassDB::is_parent_class(res_type, p_type)) { continue; } List<String> local_exts; importers[i]->get_recognized_extensions(&local_exts); for (const String &F : local_exts) { if (!found.has(F)) { p_extensions->push_back(F); found.insert(F); } } } } bool ResourceFormatImporter::exists(const String &p_path) const { return FileAccess::exists(p_path + ".import"); } bool ResourceFormatImporter::recognize_path(const String &p_path, const String &p_for_type) const { return FileAccess::exists(p_path + ".import"); } Error ResourceFormatImporter::get_import_order_threads_and_importer(const String &p_path, int &r_order, bool &r_can_threads, String &r_importer) const { r_order = 0; r_importer = ""; r_can_threads = false; Ref<ResourceImporter> importer; if (FileAccess::exists(p_path + ".import")) { PathAndType pat; Error err = _get_path_and_type(p_path, pat); if (err == OK) { importer = get_importer_by_name(pat.importer); } } else { importer = get_importer_by_extension(p_path.get_extension().to_lower()); } if (importer.is_valid()) { r_order = importer->get_import_order(); r_importer = importer->get_importer_name(); r_can_threads = importer->can_import_threaded(); return OK; } else { return ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } int ResourceFormatImporter::get_import_order(const String &p_path) const { Ref<ResourceImporter> importer; if (FileAccess::exists(p_path + ".import")) { PathAndType pat; Error err = _get_path_and_type(p_path, pat); if (err == OK) { importer = get_importer_by_name(pat.importer); } } else { importer = get_importer_by_extension(p_path.get_extension().to_lower()); } if (importer.is_valid()) { return importer->get_import_order(); } return 0; } bool ResourceFormatImporter::handles_type(const String &p_type) const { for (int i = 0; i < importers.size(); i++) { String res_type = importers[i]->get_resource_type(); if (res_type.is_empty()) { continue; } if (ClassDB::is_parent_class(res_type, p_type)) { return true; } } return true; } String ResourceFormatImporter::get_internal_resource_path(const String &p_path) const { PathAndType pat; Error err = _get_path_and_type(p_path, pat); if (err != OK) { return String(); } return pat.path; } void ResourceFormatImporter::get_internal_resource_path_list(const String &p_path, List<String> *r_paths) { Error err; Ref<FileAccess> f = FileAccess::open(p_path + ".import", FileAccess::READ, &err); if (f.is_null()) { return; } VariantParser::StreamFile stream; stream.f = f; String assign; Variant value; VariantParser::Tag next_tag; int lines = 0; String error_text; while (true) { assign = Variant(); next_tag.fields.clear(); next_tag.name = String(); err = VariantParser::parse_tag_assign_eof(&stream, lines, error_text, next_tag, assign, value, nullptr, true); if (err == ERR_FILE_EOF) { return; } else if (err != OK) { ERR_PRINT("ResourceFormatImporter::get_internal_resource_path_list - " + p_path + ".import:" + itos(lines) + " error: " + error_text); return; } if (!assign.is_empty()) { if (assign.begins_with("path.")) { r_paths->push_back(value); } else if (assign == "path") { r_paths->push_back(value); } } else if (next_tag.name != "remap") { break; } } } String ResourceFormatImporter::get_import_group_file(const String &p_path) const { bool valid = true; PathAndType pat; _get_path_and_type(p_path, pat, &valid); return valid ? pat.group_file : String(); } bool ResourceFormatImporter::is_import_valid(const String &p_path) const { bool valid = true; PathAndType pat; _get_path_and_type(p_path, pat, &valid); return valid; } String ResourceFormatImporter::get_resource_type(const String &p_path) const { PathAndType pat; Error err = _get_path_and_type(p_path, pat); if (err != OK) { return ""; } return pat.type; } ResourceUID::ID ResourceFormatImporter::get_resource_uid(const String &p_path) const { PathAndType pat; Error err = _get_path_and_type(p_path, pat); if (err != OK) { return ResourceUID::INVALID_ID; } return pat.uid; } Variant ResourceFormatImporter::get_resource_metadata(const String &p_path) const { PathAndType pat; Error err = _get_path_and_type(p_path, pat); if (err != OK) { return Variant(); } return pat.metadata; } void ResourceFormatImporter::get_classes_used(const String &p_path, HashSet<StringName> *r_classes) { PathAndType pat; Error err = _get_path_and_type(p_path, pat); if (err != OK) { return; } ResourceLoader::get_classes_used(pat.path, r_classes); } void ResourceFormatImporter::get_dependencies(const String &p_path, List<String> *p_dependencies, bool p_add_types) { PathAndType pat; Error err = _get_path_and_type(p_path, pat); if (err != OK) { return; } ResourceLoader::get_dependencies(pat.path, p_dependencies, p_add_types); } Ref<ResourceImporter> ResourceFormatImporter::get_importer_by_name(const String &p_name) const { for (int i = 0; i < importers.size(); i++) { if (importers[i]->get_importer_name() == p_name) { return importers[i]; } } return Ref<ResourceImporter>(); } void ResourceFormatImporter::add_importer(const Ref<ResourceImporter> &p_importer, bool p_first_priority) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_importer.is_null()); if (p_first_priority) { importers.insert(0, p_importer); } else { importers.push_back(p_importer); } } void ResourceFormatImporter::get_importers_for_extension(const String &p_extension, List<Ref<ResourceImporter>> *r_importers) { for (int i = 0; i < importers.size(); i++) { List<String> local_exts; importers[i]->get_recognized_extensions(&local_exts); for (const String &F : local_exts) { if (p_extension.to_lower() == F) { r_importers->push_back(importers[i]); break; } } } } void ResourceFormatImporter::get_importers(List<Ref<ResourceImporter>> *r_importers) { for (int i = 0; i < importers.size(); i++) { r_importers->push_back(importers[i]); } } Ref<ResourceImporter> ResourceFormatImporter::get_importer_by_extension(const String &p_extension) const { Ref<ResourceImporter> importer; float priority = 0; for (int i = 0; i < importers.size(); i++) { List<String> local_exts; importers[i]->get_recognized_extensions(&local_exts); for (const String &F : local_exts) { if (p_extension.to_lower() == F && importers[i]->get_priority() > priority) { importer = importers[i]; priority = importers[i]->get_priority(); } } } return importer; } String ResourceFormatImporter::get_import_base_path(const String &p_for_file) const { return ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_imported_files_path().path_join(p_for_file.get_file() + "-" + p_for_file.md5_text()); } bool ResourceFormatImporter::are_import_settings_valid(const String &p_path) const { bool valid = true; PathAndType pat; _get_path_and_type(p_path, pat, &valid); if (!valid) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < importers.size(); i++) { if (importers[i]->get_importer_name() == pat.importer) { if (!importers[i]->are_import_settings_valid(p_path)) { //importer thinks this is not valid return false; } } } return true; } String ResourceFormatImporter::get_import_settings_hash() const { Vector<Ref<ResourceImporter>> sorted_importers = importers; sorted_importers.sort_custom<SortImporterByName>(); String hash; for (int i = 0; i < sorted_importers.size(); i++) { hash += ":" + sorted_importers[i]->get_importer_name() + ":" + sorted_importers[i]->get_import_settings_string(); } return hash.md5_text(); } ResourceFormatImporter *ResourceFormatImporter::singleton = nullptr; ResourceFormatImporter::ResourceFormatImporter() { singleton = this; } ////////////// void ResourceImporter::_bind_methods() { BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(IMPORT_ORDER_DEFAULT); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(IMPORT_ORDER_SCENE); } ///// Error ResourceFormatImporterSaver::set_uid(const String &p_path, ResourceUID::ID p_uid) { Ref<ConfigFile> cf; cf.instantiate(); Error err = cf->load(p_path + ".import"); if (err != OK) { return err; } cf->set_value("remap", "uid", ResourceUID::get_singleton()->id_to_text(p_uid)); cf->save(p_path + ".import"); return OK; }