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 * Copyright 2019-2020 The Khronos Group Inc.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

 * @internal
 * @file texture1.h
 * @~English
 * @brief Declare internal ktxTexture1 functions for sharing between
 *        compilation units.
 * These functions are private and should not be used outside the library.

#ifndef _TEXTURE1_H_
#define _TEXTURE1_H_

#include "texture.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define CLASS ktxTexture1
#include "texture_funcs.inl"
#undef CLASS

ktxTexture1_constructFromStreamAndHeader(ktxTexture1* This, ktxStream* pStream,
                                         KTX_header* pHeader,
                                         ktxTextureCreateFlags createFlags);

ktx_uint64_t ktxTexture1_calcDataSizeTexture(ktxTexture1* This);
ktx_size_t ktxTexture1_calcLevelOffset(ktxTexture1* This, ktx_uint32_t level);
ktx_uint32_t ktxTexture1_glTypeSize(ktxTexture1* This);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* _TEXTURE1_H_ */