## Prep

Introduction: Chase, the [[Private Investigator]]
Chase approaches [[Johan 't Hof]] right as [[Oriann du Toit]] exits a classroom.

>The man is wearing a long, heavy looking coat. Like ones you see the soldiers wear in the newspapers.
>(**test presence/alertness**) He has an odd-looking streak along his neck.
>(**test presence/alertness**) The man has a revolver hidden in his coat.

Chase wants to ask Johan about what happened in the library.
He does not yet know about the party's involvement in the incident. He does however suspect that Oriann may be somehow be involved. He does not elaborate on why.

If the players explain to him the truth of the library, he will offer/ask to have them along in the next step of his investigation.

>If you have any interest, you should be able to find me at the bar here -he pulls out a notebook and writes down the address of a bar tears out the page and hands it to you-.

* Note to self: Make sure to remind the players of the factory. Especially Johan, who has personal attachment to the situation there.

## End
The party has:
Met the [[Private Investigator]],
Freed the factory workers of the effects of a statue.
Chase has invited the party to meet at the bar.