require'startup'.setup({ keygen_church = { type = 'text', title = 'PRAISE THE CODE', oldfiles_directory = false, fold_section = false, default_color = '#FF0000', highlight = '', margin = 5, align = 'center', content = { " ▓ ▓ ▓ ", " ▒ ▒ ▒ ", "▓ ░░░▒░░░ ▓", "▒ ▒ ▒", "░░░░▒▒▒▒▒░░░░", " ▒ ", " ▓▒░░▒░░▒▓ ", " ▒ ▒ ", " ▒ ▒ ", " ▒ ▒ ", " ▒▒▒ " }, oldfiles_amount = 0 }, praise = { type = 'text', content = {'PRAISE THE CODE'}, align = 'center', highlight = '', default_color = '#CCCCCC', }, body = { type = 'mapping', oldfiles_directory = false, align = 'center', fold_section = false, title = 'Commands', margin = 0, content = { {'File picker', 'Telescope find_files', 'f'}, -- requires telescope {'Recent files', 'Telescope oldfiles', 'r'}, -- requires telescope {'File browser', 'Telescope file_browser', 'b'}, -- requires telescope and file_browser {'New file', "lua require'startup'.new_file()", 'n'}, {'Git status', 'Telescope git_status', 's'}, -- requires telescope {'Git log', 'Telescope git_commits', 'l'}, -- requires telescope }, highlight = '', default_color = '#BF0000', oldfiles_amount = 0 }, options = { mapping_keys = true, disable_statuslines = true, cursor_column = 0.5, paddings = { 10, 2, 5, 0} }, mappings = { execute_command = '', open_file = 'o', open_file_split = '', open_section = '', open_help = '?', }, colors = { background = '#00000000' }, parts = {'keygen_church', 'praise', 'body'} })