103 lines
3.5 KiB
103 lines
3.5 KiB
import os
import sys
import my_spawn
from SCons.Script import ARGUMENTS
def options(opts):
"Target Android API level",
"18" if "32" in ARGUMENTS.get("arch", "arm64") else "21",
"Path to your Android NDK installation. By default, uses ANDROID_NDK_ROOT from your defined environment variables.",
os.environ.get("ANDROID_NDK_ROOT", None),
def exists(env):
return "ANDROID_NDK_ROOT" in os.environ or "ANDROID_NDK_ROOT" in ARGUMENTS
def generate(env):
if "ANDROID_NDK_ROOT" not in env:
raise ValueError(
"To build for Android, ANDROID_NDK_ROOT must be defined. Please set ANDROID_NDK_ROOT to the root folder of your Android NDK installation."
if env["arch"] not in ("arm64", "x86_64", "arm32", "x86_32"):
print("Only arm64, x86_64, arm32, and x86_32 are supported on Android. Exiting.")
if sys.platform == "win32" or sys.platform == "msys":
# Validate API level
api_level = int(env["android_api_level"])
if "64" in env["arch"] and api_level < 21:
print("WARN: 64-bit Android architectures require an API level of at least 21; setting android_api_level=21")
env["android_api_level"] = "21"
api_level = 21
# Setup toolchain
toolchain = env["ANDROID_NDK_ROOT"] + "/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/"
if sys.platform == "win32" or sys.platform == "msys":
toolchain += "windows"
import platform as pltfm
if pltfm.machine().endswith("64"):
toolchain += "-x86_64"
elif sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
toolchain += "linux-x86_64"
elif sys.platform == "darwin":
toolchain += "darwin-x86_64"
env.PrependENVPath("PATH", toolchain + "/bin") # This does nothing half of the time, but we'll put it here anyways
# Get architecture info
arch_info_table = {
"arm32": {
"march": "armv7-a",
"target": "armv7a-linux-androideabi",
"compiler_path": "armv7a-linux-androideabi",
"ccflags": ["-mfpu=neon"],
"arm64": {
"march": "armv8-a",
"target": "aarch64-linux-android",
"compiler_path": "aarch64-linux-android",
"ccflags": [],
"x86_32": {
"march": "i686",
"target": "i686-linux-android",
"compiler_path": "i686-linux-android",
"ccflags": ["-mstackrealign"],
"x86_64": {
"march": "x86-64",
"target": "x86_64-linux-android",
"compiler_path": "x86_64-linux-android",
"ccflags": [],
arch_info = arch_info_table[env["arch"]]
# Setup tools
env["CC"] = toolchain + "/bin/clang"
env["CXX"] = toolchain + "/bin/clang++"
env["LINK"] = toolchain + "/bin/clang++"
env["AR"] = toolchain + "/bin/llvm-ar"
env["AS"] = toolchain + "/bin/llvm-as"
env["STRIP"] = toolchain + "/bin/llvm-strip"
env["RANLIB"] = toolchain + "/bin/llvm-ranlib"
env["SHLIBSUFFIX"] = ".so"
CCFLAGS=["--target=" + arch_info["target"] + env["android_api_level"], "-march=" + arch_info["march"], "-fPIC"]
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["--target=" + arch_info["target"] + env["android_api_level"], "-march=" + arch_info["march"]])