/**************************************************************************/ /* vector.hpp */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifndef GODOT_VECTOR_HPP #define GODOT_VECTOR_HPP /** * @class Vector * Vector container. Regular Vector Container. Use with care and for smaller arrays when possible. Use Vector for large arrays. */ #include <godot_cpp/core/error_macros.hpp> #include <godot_cpp/core/memory.hpp> #include <godot_cpp/templates/cowdata.hpp> #include <godot_cpp/templates/search_array.hpp> #include <godot_cpp/templates/sort_array.hpp> #include <climits> #include <initializer_list> namespace godot { template <typename T> class VectorWriteProxy { public: _FORCE_INLINE_ T &operator[](typename CowData<T>::Size p_index) { CRASH_BAD_INDEX(p_index, ((Vector<T> *)(this))->_cowdata.size()); return ((Vector<T> *)(this))->_cowdata.ptrw()[p_index]; } }; template <typename T> class Vector { friend class VectorWriteProxy<T>; public: VectorWriteProxy<T> write; typedef typename CowData<T>::Size Size; private: CowData<T> _cowdata; public: bool push_back(T p_elem); _FORCE_INLINE_ bool append(const T &p_elem) { return push_back(p_elem); } //alias void fill(T p_elem); void remove_at(Size p_index) { _cowdata.remove_at(p_index); } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool erase(const T &p_val) { Size idx = find(p_val); if (idx >= 0) { remove_at(idx); return true; } return false; } void reverse(); _FORCE_INLINE_ T *ptrw() { return _cowdata.ptrw(); } _FORCE_INLINE_ const T *ptr() const { return _cowdata.ptr(); } _FORCE_INLINE_ void clear() { resize(0); } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_empty() const { return _cowdata.is_empty(); } _FORCE_INLINE_ T get(Size p_index) { return _cowdata.get(p_index); } _FORCE_INLINE_ const T &get(Size p_index) const { return _cowdata.get(p_index); } _FORCE_INLINE_ void set(Size p_index, const T &p_elem) { _cowdata.set(p_index, p_elem); } _FORCE_INLINE_ Size size() const { return _cowdata.size(); } Error resize(Size p_size) { return _cowdata.resize(p_size); } Error resize_zeroed(Size p_size) { return _cowdata.template resize<true>(p_size); } _FORCE_INLINE_ const T &operator[](Size p_index) const { return _cowdata.get(p_index); } Error insert(Size p_pos, T p_val) { return _cowdata.insert(p_pos, p_val); } Size find(const T &p_val, Size p_from = 0) const { return _cowdata.find(p_val, p_from); } Size rfind(const T &p_val, Size p_from = -1) const { return _cowdata.rfind(p_val, p_from); } Size count(const T &p_val) const { return _cowdata.count(p_val); } void append_array(Vector<T> p_other); _FORCE_INLINE_ bool has(const T &p_val) const { return find(p_val) != -1; } void sort() { sort_custom<_DefaultComparator<T>>(); } template <typename Comparator, bool Validate = SORT_ARRAY_VALIDATE_ENABLED, typename... Args> void sort_custom(Args &&...args) { Size len = _cowdata.size(); if (len == 0) { return; } T *data = ptrw(); SortArray<T, Comparator, Validate> sorter{ args... }; sorter.sort(data, len); } Size bsearch(const T &p_value, bool p_before) { return bsearch_custom<_DefaultComparator<T>>(p_value, p_before); } template <typename Comparator, typename Value, typename... Args> Size bsearch_custom(const Value &p_value, bool p_before, Args &&...args) { SearchArray<T, Comparator> search{ args... }; return search.bisect(ptrw(), size(), p_value, p_before); } Vector<T> duplicate() { return *this; } void ordered_insert(const T &p_val) { Size i; for (i = 0; i < _cowdata.size(); i++) { if (p_val < operator[](i)) { break; } } insert(i, p_val); } inline void operator=(const Vector &p_from) { _cowdata._ref(p_from._cowdata); } Vector<uint8_t> to_byte_array() const { Vector<uint8_t> ret; if (is_empty()) { return ret; } ret.resize(size() * sizeof(T)); memcpy(ret.ptrw(), ptr(), sizeof(T) * size()); return ret; } Vector<T> slice(Size p_begin, Size p_end = CowData<T>::MAX_INT) const { Vector<T> result; const Size s = size(); Size begin = CLAMP(p_begin, -s, s); if (begin < 0) { begin += s; } Size end = CLAMP(p_end, -s, s); if (end < 0) { end += s; } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(begin > end, result); Size result_size = end - begin; result.resize(result_size); const T *const r = ptr(); T *const w = result.ptrw(); for (Size i = 0; i < result_size; ++i) { w[i] = r[begin + i]; } return result; } bool operator==(const Vector<T> &p_arr) const { Size s = size(); if (s != p_arr.size()) { return false; } for (Size i = 0; i < s; i++) { if (operator[](i) != p_arr[i]) { return false; } } return true; } bool operator!=(const Vector<T> &p_arr) const { Size s = size(); if (s != p_arr.size()) { return true; } for (Size i = 0; i < s; i++) { if (operator[](i) != p_arr[i]) { return true; } } return false; } struct Iterator { _FORCE_INLINE_ T &operator*() const { return *elem_ptr; } _FORCE_INLINE_ T *operator->() const { return elem_ptr; } _FORCE_INLINE_ Iterator &operator++() { elem_ptr++; return *this; } _FORCE_INLINE_ Iterator &operator--() { elem_ptr--; return *this; } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator==(const Iterator &b) const { return elem_ptr == b.elem_ptr; } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator!=(const Iterator &b) const { return elem_ptr != b.elem_ptr; } Iterator(T *p_ptr) { elem_ptr = p_ptr; } Iterator() {} Iterator(const Iterator &p_it) { elem_ptr = p_it.elem_ptr; } private: T *elem_ptr = nullptr; }; struct ConstIterator { _FORCE_INLINE_ const T &operator*() const { return *elem_ptr; } _FORCE_INLINE_ const T *operator->() const { return elem_ptr; } _FORCE_INLINE_ ConstIterator &operator++() { elem_ptr++; return *this; } _FORCE_INLINE_ ConstIterator &operator--() { elem_ptr--; return *this; } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator==(const ConstIterator &b) const { return elem_ptr == b.elem_ptr; } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator!=(const ConstIterator &b) const { return elem_ptr != b.elem_ptr; } ConstIterator(const T *p_ptr) { elem_ptr = p_ptr; } ConstIterator() {} ConstIterator(const ConstIterator &p_it) { elem_ptr = p_it.elem_ptr; } private: const T *elem_ptr = nullptr; }; _FORCE_INLINE_ Iterator begin() { return Iterator(ptrw()); } _FORCE_INLINE_ Iterator end() { return Iterator(ptrw() + size()); } _FORCE_INLINE_ ConstIterator begin() const { return ConstIterator(ptr()); } _FORCE_INLINE_ ConstIterator end() const { return ConstIterator(ptr() + size()); } _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector() {} _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector(std::initializer_list<T> p_init) { Error err = _cowdata.resize(p_init.size()); ERR_FAIL_COND(err); Size i = 0; for (const T &element : p_init) { _cowdata.set(i++, element); } } _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector(const Vector &p_from) { _cowdata._ref(p_from._cowdata); } _FORCE_INLINE_ ~Vector() {} }; template <typename T> void Vector<T>::reverse() { for (Size i = 0; i < size() / 2; i++) { T *p = ptrw(); SWAP(p[i], p[size() - i - 1]); } } template <typename T> void Vector<T>::append_array(Vector<T> p_other) { const Size ds = p_other.size(); if (ds == 0) { return; } const Size bs = size(); resize(bs + ds); for (Size i = 0; i < ds; ++i) { ptrw()[bs + i] = p_other[i]; } } template <typename T> bool Vector<T>::push_back(T p_elem) { Error err = resize(size() + 1); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err, true); set(size() - 1, p_elem); return false; } template <typename T> void Vector<T>::fill(T p_elem) { T *p = ptrw(); for (Size i = 0; i < size(); i++) { p[i] = p_elem; } } } // namespace godot #endif // GODOT_VECTOR_HPP