#!/usr/bin/env python import os import platform import sys import subprocess from binding_generator import scons_generate_bindings, scons_emit_files from SCons.Errors import UserError EnsureSConsVersion(4, 0) def add_sources(sources, dir, extension): for f in os.listdir(dir): if f.endswith("." + extension): sources.append(dir + "/" + f) def normalize_path(val): return val if os.path.isabs(val) else os.path.join(env.Dir("#").abspath, val) def validate_file(key, val, env): if not os.path.isfile(normalize_path(val)): raise UserError("'%s' is not a file: %s" % (key, val)) def validate_dir(key, val, env): if not os.path.isdir(normalize_path(val)): raise UserError("'%s' is not a directory: %s" % (key, val)) def validate_parent_dir(key, val, env): if not os.path.isdir(normalize_path(os.path.dirname(val))): raise UserError("'%s' is not a directory: %s" % (key, os.path.dirname(val))) def get_gdextension_dir(env): return normalize_path(env.get("gdextension_dir", env.Dir("gdextension").abspath)) def get_api_file(env): return normalize_path(env.get("custom_api_file", os.path.join(get_gdextension_dir(env), "extension_api.json"))) # Try to detect the host platform automatically. # This is used if no `platform` argument is passed if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): default_platform = "linux" elif sys.platform == "darwin": default_platform = "macos" elif sys.platform == "win32" or sys.platform == "msys": default_platform = "windows" elif ARGUMENTS.get("platform", ""): default_platform = ARGUMENTS.get("platform") else: raise ValueError("Could not detect platform automatically, please specify with platform=<platform>") try: Import("env") except: # Default tools with no platform defaults to gnu toolchain. # We apply platform specific toolchains via our custom tools. env = Environment(tools=["default"], PLATFORM="") env.PrependENVPath("PATH", os.getenv("PATH")) # Default num_jobs to local cpu count if not user specified. # SCons has a peculiarity where user-specified options won't be overridden # by SetOption, so we can rely on this to know if we should use our default. initial_num_jobs = env.GetOption("num_jobs") altered_num_jobs = initial_num_jobs + 1 env.SetOption("num_jobs", altered_num_jobs) if env.GetOption("num_jobs") == altered_num_jobs: cpu_count = os.cpu_count() if cpu_count is None: print("Couldn't auto-detect CPU count to configure build parallelism. Specify it with the -j argument.") else: safer_cpu_count = cpu_count if cpu_count <= 4 else cpu_count - 1 print( "Auto-detected %d CPU cores available for build parallelism. Using %d cores by default. You can override it with the -j argument." % (cpu_count, safer_cpu_count) ) env.SetOption("num_jobs", safer_cpu_count) # Custom options and profile flags. customs = ["custom.py"] profile = ARGUMENTS.get("profile", "") if profile: if os.path.isfile(profile): customs.append(profile) elif os.path.isfile(profile + ".py"): customs.append(profile + ".py") opts = Variables(customs, ARGUMENTS) platforms = ("linux", "macos", "windows", "android", "ios", "javascript") opts.Add( EnumVariable( key="platform", help="Target platform", default=env.get("platform", default_platform), allowed_values=platforms, ignorecase=2, ) ) # Editor and template_debug are compatible (i.e. you can use the same binary for Godot editor builds and Godot debug templates). # Godot release templates are only compatible with "template_release" builds. # For this reason, we default to template_debug builds, unlike Godot which defaults to editor builds. opts.Add( EnumVariable( key="target", help="Compilation target", default=env.get("target", "template_debug"), allowed_values=("editor", "template_release", "template_debug"), ) ) opts.Add( PathVariable( key="gdextension_dir", help="Path to a custom directory containing GDExtension interface header and API JSON file", default=env.get("gdextension_dir", None), validator=validate_dir, ) ) opts.Add( PathVariable( key="custom_api_file", help="Path to a custom GDExtension API JSON file (takes precedence over `gdextension_dir`)", default=env.get("custom_api_file", None), validator=validate_file, ) ) opts.Add( BoolVariable( key="generate_bindings", help="Force GDExtension API bindings generation. Auto-detected by default.", default=env.get("generate_bindings", False), ) ) opts.Add( BoolVariable( key="generate_template_get_node", help="Generate a template version of the Node class's get_node.", default=env.get("generate_template_get_node", True), ) ) opts.Add(BoolVariable(key="build_library", help="Build the godot-cpp library.", default=env.get("build_library", True))) opts.Add( EnumVariable( key="precision", help="Set the floating-point precision level", default=env.get("precision", "single"), allowed_values=("single", "double"), ) ) # compiledb opts.Add( BoolVariable( key="compiledb", help="Generate compilation DB (`compile_commands.json`) for external tools", default=env.get("compiledb", False), ) ) opts.Add( PathVariable( key="compiledb_file", help="Path to a custom `compile_commands.json` file", default=env.get("compiledb_file", "compile_commands.json"), validator=validate_parent_dir, ) ) # Add platform options tools = {} for pl in platforms: tool = Tool(pl, toolpath=["tools"]) if hasattr(tool, "options"): tool.options(opts) tools[pl] = tool # CPU architecture options. architecture_array = ["", "universal", "x86_32", "x86_64", "arm32", "arm64", "rv64", "ppc32", "ppc64", "wasm32"] architecture_aliases = { "x64": "x86_64", "amd64": "x86_64", "armv7": "arm32", "armv8": "arm64", "arm64v8": "arm64", "aarch64": "arm64", "rv": "rv64", "riscv": "rv64", "riscv64": "rv64", "ppcle": "ppc32", "ppc": "ppc32", "ppc64le": "ppc64", } opts.Add( EnumVariable( key="arch", help="CPU architecture", default=env.get("arch", ""), allowed_values=architecture_array, map=architecture_aliases, ) ) # Targets flags tool (optimizations, debug symbols) target_tool = Tool("targets", toolpath=["tools"]) target_tool.options(opts) opts.Update(env) Help(opts.GenerateHelpText(env)) # Process CPU architecture argument. if env["arch"] == "": # No architecture specified. Default to arm64 if building for Android, # universal if building for macOS or iOS, wasm32 if building for web, # otherwise default to the host architecture. if env["platform"] in ["macos", "ios"]: env["arch"] = "universal" elif env["platform"] == "android": env["arch"] = "arm64" elif env["platform"] == "javascript": env["arch"] = "wasm32" else: host_machine = platform.machine().lower() if host_machine in architecture_array: env["arch"] = host_machine elif host_machine in architecture_aliases.keys(): env["arch"] = architecture_aliases[host_machine] elif "86" in host_machine: # Catches x86, i386, i486, i586, i686, etc. env["arch"] = "x86_32" else: print("Unsupported CPU architecture: " + host_machine) Exit() tool = Tool(env["platform"], toolpath=["tools"]) if tool is None or not tool.exists(env): raise ValueError("Required toolchain not found for platform " + env["platform"]) tool.generate(env) target_tool.generate(env) # Detect and print a warning listing unknown SCons variables to ease troubleshooting. unknown = opts.UnknownVariables() if unknown: print("WARNING: Unknown SCons variables were passed and will be ignored:") for item in unknown.items(): print(" " + item[0] + "=" + item[1]) print("Building for architecture " + env["arch"] + " on platform " + env["platform"]) # Require C++17 if env.get("is_msvc", False): env.Append(CXXFLAGS=["/std:c++17"]) else: env.Append(CXXFLAGS=["-std=c++17"]) if env["precision"] == "double": env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["REAL_T_IS_DOUBLE"]) # compile_commands.json if env.get("compiledb", False): env.Tool("compilation_db") env.Alias("compiledb", env.CompilationDatabase(normalize_path(env["compiledb_file"]))) # Generate bindings env.Append(BUILDERS={"GenerateBindings": Builder(action=scons_generate_bindings, emitter=scons_emit_files)}) bindings = env.GenerateBindings( env.Dir("."), [get_api_file(env), os.path.join(get_gdextension_dir(env), "gdextension_interface.h"), "binding_generator.py"], ) scons_cache_path = os.environ.get("SCONS_CACHE") if scons_cache_path is not None: CacheDir(scons_cache_path) Decider("MD5") # Forces bindings regeneration. if env["generate_bindings"]: AlwaysBuild(bindings) NoCache(bindings) # Includes env.Append(CPPPATH=[[env.Dir(d) for d in [get_gdextension_dir(env), "include", os.path.join("gen", "include")]]]) # Sources to compile sources = [] add_sources(sources, "src", "cpp") add_sources(sources, "src/classes", "cpp") add_sources(sources, "src/core", "cpp") add_sources(sources, "src/variant", "cpp") sources.extend([f for f in bindings if str(f).endswith(".cpp")]) suffix = ".{}.{}".format(env["platform"], env["target"]) if env.dev_build: suffix += ".dev" if env["precision"] == "double": suffix += ".double" suffix += "." + env["arch"] if env["ios_simulator"]: suffix += ".simulator" # Expose it when included from another project env["suffix"] = suffix library = None env["OBJSUFFIX"] = suffix + env["OBJSUFFIX"] library_name = "libgodot-cpp{}{}".format(suffix, env["LIBSUFFIX"]) if env["build_library"]: library = env.StaticLibrary(target=env.File("bin/%s" % library_name), source=sources) Default(library) env.Append(LIBPATH=[env.Dir("bin")]) env.Append(LIBS=library_name) Return("env")