#[=======================================================================[.rst: GodotCPPModule.cmake --------------------- This file contains functions and tests which may be needed by consumers. * Generate Trimmed API * Generate File List * Generate Bindings If you want to use these functions in your project extend the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH by adding these two lines into your CMakeLists.txt after the inclusion godot-cpp .. highlight:: cmake list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${godot-cpp_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake") include( GodotCPPModule ) ]=======================================================================] find_package(Python3 3.4 REQUIRED) # pathlib should be present #[[ Generate Trimmed API The build_profile.py has a __main__ and is used as a tool Its usage is listed as: $ python build_profile.py BUILD_PROFILE INPUT_JSON [OUTPUT_JSON] ]] function( build_profile_generate_trimmed_api BUILD_PROFILE INPUT_JSON OUTPUT_JSON ) execute_process( COMMAND "${Python3_EXECUTABLE}" "${godot-cpp_SOURCE_DIR}/build_profile.py" "${BUILD_PROFILE}" "${INPUT_JSON}" "${OUTPUT_JSON}" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${godot-cpp_SOURCE_DIR} ) endfunction( ) #[[ Generate File List Use the binding_generator.py Python script to determine the list of files that will be passed to the code generator using extension_api.json. NOTE: This happens for every configure.]] function( binding_generator_get_file_list OUT_VAR_NAME API_FILEPATH OUTPUT_DIR ) # This code snippet will be squashed into a single line # The two strings make this a list, in CMake lists are semicolon delimited strings. set( PYTHON_SCRIPT "from binding_generator import print_file_list" "print_file_list( api_filepath='${API_FILEPATH}', output_dir='${OUTPUT_DIR}', headers=True, sources=True)") message( DEBUG "Python:\n${PYTHON_SCRIPT}" ) # Strip newlines and whitespace to make it a one-liner. string( REGEX REPLACE "\n *" " " PYTHON_SCRIPT "${PYTHON_SCRIPT}" ) execute_process( COMMAND "${Python3_EXECUTABLE}" "-c" "${PYTHON_SCRIPT}" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${godot-cpp_SOURCE_DIR}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE GENERATED_FILES_LIST OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) # Debug output message( DEBUG "FileList-Begin" ) foreach( PATH ${GENERATED_FILES_LIST} ) message( DEBUG ${PATH} ) endforeach() # Error out if the file list generator returned no files. list( LENGTH GENERATED_FILES_LIST LIST_LENGTH ) if( NOT LIST_LENGTH GREATER 0 ) message( FATAL_ERROR "File List Generation Failed") endif() message( STATUS "There are ${LIST_LENGTH} Files to generate" ) set( ${OUT_VAR_NAME} ${GENERATED_FILES_LIST} PARENT_SCOPE ) endfunction( ) #[[ Generate Bindings Using the generated file list, use the binding_generator.py to generate the godot-cpp bindings. This will run at build time only if there are files missing. ]] function( binding_generator_generate_bindings API_FILE USE_TEMPLATE_GET_NODE, BITS, PRECISION, OUTPUT_DIR ) # This code snippet will be squashed into a single line set( PYTHON_SCRIPT "from binding_generator import generate_bindings" "generate_bindings( api_filepath='${API_FILE}', use_template_get_node='${USE_TEMPLATE_GET_NODE}', bits='${BITS}', precision='${PRECISION}', output_dir='${OUTPUT_DIR}')") message( DEBUG "Python:\n${PYTHON_SCRIPT}" ) # Strip newlines and whitespace to make it a one-liner. string( REGEX REPLACE "\n *" " " PYTHON_SCRIPT "${PYTHON_SCRIPT}" ) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${GENERATED_FILES_LIST} COMMAND "${Python3_EXECUTABLE}" "-c" "${PYTHON_SCRIPT}" VERBATIM WORKING_DIRECTORY ${godot-cpp_SOURCE_DIR} MAIN_DEPENDENCY ${GODOTCPP_GDEXTENSION_API_FILE} DEPENDS ${godot-cpp_SOURCE_DIR}/binding_generator.py COMMENT "Generating bindings" ) endfunction( ) #[[ Generate doc_data.cpp The documentation displayed in the Godot editor is compiled into the extension. It takes a list of XML source files, and transforms them into a cpp file that is added to the sources list.]] function( generate_doc_source OUTPUT_PATH SOURCES ) # Transform SOURCES CMake LIST # quote each path with '' # join with , to transform into a python list minus the surrounding [] set( PYTHON_LIST "${SOURCES}") list( TRANSFORM PYTHON_LIST REPLACE "(.*\.xml)" "'\\1'" ) list( JOIN PYTHON_LIST "," PYTHON_LIST ) get_filename_component(OUTPUT_DIR "${OUTPUT_PATH}" DIRECTORY) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${OUTPUT_DIR} ) # Python one-liner to run our command # lists in CMake are just strings delimited by ';', so this works. set( PYTHON_SCRIPT "from doc_source_generator import generate_doc_source" "generate_doc_source( '${OUTPUT_PATH}', [${PYTHON_LIST}] )" ) add_custom_command( OUTPUT "${OUTPUT_PATH}" COMMAND "${Python3_EXECUTABLE}" "-c" "${PYTHON_SCRIPT}" VERBATIM WORKING_DIRECTORY "${godot-cpp_SOURCE_DIR}" DEPENDS "${godot-cpp_SOURCE_DIR}/doc_source_generator.py" "${SOURCES}" COMMENT "Generating: ${OUTPUT_PATH}" ) endfunction() #[[ target_doc_sources A simpler interface to add xml files as doc source to a output target. TARGET: The gdexension library target SOURCES: a list of xml files to use for source generation and inclusion. This function also adds a doc_gen target to test source generation.]] function( target_doc_sources TARGET SOURCES ) # set the generated file name set( DOC_SOURCE_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/gen/doc_source.cpp" ) # Create the file generation target, this won't be triggered unless a target # that depends on DOC_SOURCE_FILE is built generate_doc_source( "${DOC_SOURCE_FILE}" ${SOURCES} ) # Add DOC_SOURCE_FILE as a dependency to TARGET target_sources( ${TARGET} PRIVATE "${DOC_SOURCE_FILE}" ) # Create a dummy target that depends on the source so that users can # test the file generation task. if( TARGET doc_gen ) else() add_custom_target( doc_gen ) endif() target_sources( doc_gen PRIVATE "${DOC_SOURCE_FILE}" ) endfunction()