# Add warnings based on compiler & version # Set some helper variables for readability set( compiler_is_clang "$,$>" ) set( compiler_is_gnu "$" ) set( compiler_is_msvc "$" ) set( compiler_less_than_v8 "$,8>" ) set( compiler_greater_than_or_equal_v9 "$,9>" ) set( compiler_greater_than_or_equal_v11 "$,11>" ) set( compiler_less_than_v11 "$,11>" ) set( compiler_greater_than_or_equal_v12 "$,12>" ) # These compiler options reflect what is in godot/SConstruct. target_compile_options( ${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE # MSVC only $<${compiler_is_msvc}: /W4 # Disable warnings which we don't plan to fix. /wd4100 # C4100 (unreferenced formal parameter): Doesn't play nice with polymorphism. /wd4127 # C4127 (conditional expression is constant) /wd4201 # C4201 (non-standard nameless struct/union): Only relevant for C89. /wd4244 # C4244 C4245 C4267 (narrowing conversions): Unavoidable at this scale. /wd4245 /wd4267 /wd4305 # C4305 (truncation): double to float or real_t, too hard to avoid. /wd4514 # C4514 (unreferenced inline function has been removed) /wd4714 # C4714 (function marked as __forceinline not inlined) /wd4820 # C4820 (padding added after construct) > # Clang and GNU common options $<$: -Wall -Wctor-dtor-privacy -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Wwrite-strings > # Clang only $<${compiler_is_clang}: -Wimplicit-fallthrough -Wno-ordered-compare-function-pointers > # GNU only $<${compiler_is_gnu}: -Walloc-zero -Wduplicated-branches -Wduplicated-cond -Wno-misleading-indentation -Wplacement-new=1 -Wshadow-local -Wstringop-overflow=4 > $<$: # Bogus warning fixed in 8+. -Wno-strict-overflow > $<$: -Wattribute-alias=2 > $<$: # Broke on MethodBind templates before GCC 11. -Wlogical-op > $<$: # Regression in GCC 9/10, spams so much in our variadic templates that we need to outright disable it. -Wno-type-limits > $<$: # False positives in our error macros, see GH-58747. -Wno-return-type > ) # Treat warnings as errors function( set_warning_as_error ) message( STATUS "[${PROJECT_NAME}] Treating warnings as errors") if ( CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "3.24" ) set_target_properties( ${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES COMPILE_WARNING_AS_ERROR ON ) else() target_compile_options( ${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE $<${compiler_is_msvc}:/WX> $<$:-Werror> ) endif() endfunction() if ( GODOT_CPP_WARNING_AS_ERROR ) set_warning_as_error() endif()