name: Continuous integration on: [push, pull_request] env: # Only used for the cache key. Increment version to force clean build. GODOT_BASE_BRANCH: master # Used to select the version of Godot to run the tests with. GODOT_TEST_VERSION: master concurrency: group: ci-${{}}-${{github.head_ref || github.run_number}}-${{github.ref}} cancel-in-progress: true jobs: build: name: "${{ }} (${{ }}, ${{matrix.platform.description}})" runs-on: ${{ matrix.platform.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: # TODO: remove after CMake IOS config is ready exclude: - builder: name: CMake platform: name: 🍏 iOS builder: - name: SCons generate_sources: | scons {0} build_library=no verbose=yes scons -c build_godot_cpp_debug: | scons {0} target=template_debug verbose=yes build_debug: | cd test scons {0} target=template_debug build_library=no debug_symbols=yes optimize=debug verbose=yes build_release: | cd test scons {0} target=template_release verbose=yes - name: CMake generate_sources: | cmake {0} -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache -B build test build_godot_cpp_debug: | cmake --build build --config Debug --target godot-cpp -v build_debug: | cmake --build build --config Debug -v build_release: | cmake {0} -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache -DGODOT_TARGET=TEMPLATE_RELEASE -B build_release test cmake --build build_release --config Release -v platform: - name: 🐧 Linux description: 'GCC' os: ubuntu-20.04 platform: linux artifact-name: godot-cpp-linux-glibc2.27-x86_64-release artifact-path: SCons: bin/libgodot-cpp.linux.template_release.x86_64.a CMake: build_release/godot-cpp/bin/Release/libgodot-cpp.linux.template_release.x86_64.a flags: SCons: platform=linux CMake: -G "Ninja Multi-Config" run-tests: true cache-name: linux-x86_64 - name: 🐧 Linux description: 'GCC, Double Precision' os: ubuntu-20.04 platform: linux artifact-name: godot-cpp-linux-glibc2.27-x86_64-double-release artifact-path: SCons: bin/libgodot-cpp.linux.template_release.double.x86_64.a CMake: build_release/godot-cpp/bin/Release/libgodot-cpp.linux.template_release.double.x86_64.a flags: SCons: platform=linux precision=double CMake: -G "Ninja Multi-Config" -DGODOT_PRECISION=DOUBLE run-tests: false cache-name: linux-x86_64-f64 - name: 🏁 Windows description: 'x86_64, MSVC' os: windows-2019 platform: windows artifact-name: godot-cpp-windows-msvc2019-x86_64-release artifact-path: SCons: bin/ CMake: build_release/godot-cpp/bin/Release/ flags: Scons: platform=windows CMake: '-G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64' run-tests: false cache-name: windows-x86_64-msvc - name: 🏁 Windows description: 'x86_64, MinGW' os: windows-2019 platform: windows artifact-name: godot-cpp-linux-mingw-x86_64-release artifact-path: SCons: bin/ CMake: build_release/godot-cpp/bin/Release/ flags: SCons: platform=windows use_mingw=yes CMake: -G "Ninja Multi-Config" use-mingw: true run-tests: false cache-name: windows-x86_64-mingw - name: 🍎 macOS description: 'universal' os: macos-latest platform: macos artifact-name: godot-cpp-macos-universal-release artifact-path: SCons: bin/libgodot-cpp.macos.template_release.universal.a CMake: build_release/godot-cpp/bin/Release/libgodot-cpp.macos.template_release.a flags: SCons: platform=macos arch=universal CMake: -G Xcode -DCMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=NO run-tests: false cache-name: macos-universal - name: 🤖 Android description: 'arm64' os: ubuntu-20.04 platform: android artifact-name: godot-cpp-android-arm64-release artifact-path: SCons: bin/ CMake: build_release/godot-cpp/bin/Release/ flags: SCons: platform=android arch=arm64 CMake: --toolchain ${ANDROID_HOME}/ndk/23.2.8568313/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake -G "Ninja Multi-Config" -DANDROID_PLATFORM=21 run-tests: false cache-name: android-arm64 - name: 🍏 iOS description: 'arm64' os: macos-latest platform: ios artifact-name: godot-cpp-ios-arm64-release artifact-path: SCons: bin/libgodot-cpp.ios.template_release.arm64.a CMake: build_release/godot-cpp/bin/Release/Release/libgodot-cpp.ios.template_release.a flags: SCons: platform=ios arch=arm64 CMake: -G Xcode -DCMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=NO run-tests: false cache-name: ios-arm64 - name: 🌐 Web description: 'wasm32' os: ubuntu-20.04 platform: web artifact-name: godot-cpp-web-wasm32-release artifact-path: SCons: bin/libgodot-cpp.web.template_release.wasm32.a CMake: build_release/godot-cpp/bin/Release/libgodot-cpp.web.template_release.wasm32.a flags: SCons: platform=web CMake: --toolchain ${EMSDK}/upstream/emscripten/cmake/Modules/Platform/Emscripten.cmake -G "Ninja Multi-Config" run-tests: false cache-name: web-wasm32 env: SCONS_CACHE: ${{ github.workspace }}/.scons-cache/ EM_VERSION: 3.1.39 EM_CACHE_FOLDER: "emsdk-cache" steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: submodules: recursive - name: Restore Godot build cache if: ${{ == 'SCons' }} uses: ./.github/actions/godot-cache-restore with: cache-name: ${{ matrix.platform.cache-name }} continue-on-error: true - name: Set up Python (for SCons) if: ${{ == 'SCons' }} uses: actions/setup-python@v5 with: python-version: '3.x' - name: Android dependencies if: ${{ matrix.platform.platform == 'android' }} uses: nttld/setup-ndk@v1 with: ndk-version: r23c link-to-sdk: true - name: Web dependencies if: ${{ matrix.platform.platform == 'web' }} uses: mymindstorm/setup-emsdk@v14 with: version: ${{env.EM_VERSION}} actions-cache-folder: ${{env.EM_CACHE_FOLDER}} - name: Setup MinGW for Windows/MinGW build if: ${{ matrix.platform.use-mingw }} uses: egor-tensin/setup-mingw@v2 with: version: 12.2.0 - name: Install scons if: ${{ == 'SCons' }} run: | python -m pip install scons==4.0.0 - name: Install CMake if: ${{ == 'CMake' }} uses: jwlawson/actions-setup-cmake@v2 - name: Install ccache if: ${{ == 'CMake' }} uses: hendrikmuhs/ccache-action@v1.2 with: key: ${{ matrix.platform.cache-name }} - name: Install Ninja if: ${{ == 'CMake' }} uses: ashutoshvarma/setup-ninja@master - name: Generate godot-cpp sources only run: ${{ format(matrix.builder.generate_sources, matrix.platform.flags[]) }} - name: Build godot-cpp (debug) run: ${{ format(matrix.builder.build_godot_cpp_debug, matrix.platform.flags[]) }} - name: Build test without rebuilding godot-cpp (debug) run: ${{ format(matrix.builder.build_debug, matrix.platform.flags[]) }} - name: Build test and godot-cpp (release) run: ${{ format(matrix.builder.build_release, matrix.platform.flags[]) }} - name: Save Godot build cache if: ${{ == 'SCons' }} uses: ./.github/actions/godot-cache-save with: cache-name: ${{ matrix.builder.cache-name }} continue-on-error: true - name: Download latest Godot artifacts uses: dsnopek/action-download-artifact@1322f74e2dac9feed2ee76a32d9ae1ca3b4cf4e9 if: ${{ && env.GODOT_TEST_VERSION == 'master' }} with: repo: godotengine/godot branch: master event: push workflow: linux_builds.yml workflow_conclusion: success name: linux-editor-mono search_artifacts: true check_artifacts: true ensure_latest: true path: godot-artifacts - name: Prepare Godot artifacts for testing if: ${{ && env.GODOT_TEST_VERSION == 'master' }} run: | chmod +x ./godot-artifacts/godot.linuxbsd.editor.x86_64.mono echo "GODOT=$(pwd)/godot-artifacts/godot.linuxbsd.editor.x86_64.mono" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Download requested Godot version for testing if: ${{ && env.GODOT_TEST_VERSION != 'master' }} run: | wget "${GODOT_TEST_VERSION}/Godot_v${GODOT_TEST_VERSION}" -O unzip -a chmod +x "Godot_v${GODOT_TEST_VERSION}_linux.x86_64" echo "GODOT=$(pwd)/Godot_v${GODOT_TEST_VERSION}_linux.x86_64" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Run tests if: ${{ }} run: | $GODOT --headless --version cd test # Need to run the editor so .godot is generated... but it crashes! Ignore that :-) (cd project && (timeout 30 $GODOT --import --headless >/dev/null 2>&1 || true)) ./ - name: Upload artifact uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: ${{ matrix.platform.artifact-name }}-${{ }} path: ${{ matrix.platform.artifact-path[] }} if-no-files-found: error