#[=======================================================================[.rst: godotcpp.cmake -------------- As godot-cpp is a C++ project, there are no C files, and detection of a C compiler is unnecessary. When CMake performs the configure process, if a C compiler is specified, like in a toolchain, or from an IDE, then it will print a warning stating that the CMAKE_C_COMPILER compiler is unused. This if statement simply silences that warning. ]=======================================================================] if( CMAKE_C_COMPILER ) endif () #[=======================================================================[.rst: Include Platform Files ---------------------- Because these files are included into the top level CMakelists.txt before the project directive, it means that * ``CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR`` is the location of godot-cpp's CMakeLists.txt * ``CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR`` is the location where any prior ``project(...)`` directive was ]=======================================================================] include( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/GodotCPPModule.cmake) include( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/common_compiler_flags.cmake) include( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/android.cmake) include( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/ios.cmake) include( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/linux.cmake) include( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/macos.cmake) include( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/web.cmake) include( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/windows.cmake) # Detect number of processors include(ProcessorCount) ProcessorCount(PROC_MAX) message( "Auto-detected ${PROC_MAX} CPU cores available for build parallelism." ) # List of known platforms set( PLATFORM_LIST linux macos windows android ios web ) # List of known architectures set( ARCH_LIST x86_32 x86_64 arm32 arm64 rv64 ppc32 ppc64 wasm32 ) # Function to map processors to known architectures function( godot_arch_name OUTVAR ) # Special case for macos universal builds that target both x86_64 and arm64 if( DEFINED CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES) if( "x86_64" IN_LIST CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES AND "arm64" IN_LIST CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES) set(${OUTVAR} "universal" PARENT_SCOPE ) return() endif() endif() # Direct match early out. string( TOLOWER "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}" ARCH ) if( ARCH IN_LIST ARCH_LIST ) set( ${OUTVAR} "${ARCH}" PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() # Known aliases set( x86_64 "w64;amd64;x86-64" ) set( arm32 "armv7;armv7-a" ) set( arm64 "armv8;arm64v8;aarch64;armv8-a" ) set( rv64 "rv;riscv;riscv64" ) set( ppc32 "ppcle;ppc" ) set( ppc64 "ppc64le" ) if( ARCH IN_LIST x86_64 ) set(${OUTVAR} "x86_64" PARENT_SCOPE ) elseif( ARCH IN_LIST arm32 ) set(${OUTVAR} "arm32" PARENT_SCOPE ) elseif( ARCH IN_LIST arm64 ) set(${OUTVAR} "arm64" PARENT_SCOPE ) elseif( ARCH IN_LIST rv64 ) set(${OUTVAR} "rv64" PARENT_SCOPE ) elseif( ARCH IN_LIST ppc32 ) set(${OUTVAR} "ppc32" PARENT_SCOPE ) elseif( ARCH IN_LIST ppc64 ) set(${OUTVAR} "ppc64" PARENT_SCOPE ) elseif( ARCH MATCHES "86") # Catches x86, i386, i486, i586, i686, etc. set(${OUTVAR} "x86_32" PARENT_SCOPE ) else() # Default value is whatever the processor is. set(${OUTVAR} ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} PARENT_SCOPE ) endif () endfunction() # Function to define all the options. function( godotcpp_options ) #NOTE: platform is managed using toolchain files. #NOTE: arch is managed by using toolchain files. # Except for macos universal, which can be set by GODOTCPP_MACOS_UNIVERSAL=YES # Input from user for GDExtension interface header and the API JSON file set( GODOTCPP_GDEXTENSION_DIR "gdextension" CACHE PATH "Path to a custom directory containing GDExtension interface header and API JSON file ( /path/to/gdextension_dir )" ) set( GODOTCPP_CUSTOM_API_FILE "" CACHE FILEPATH "Path to a custom GDExtension API JSON file (takes precedence over `GODOTCPP_GDEXTENSION_DIR`) ( /path/to/custom_api_file )") #TODO generate_bindings option( GODOTCPP_GENERATE_TEMPLATE_GET_NODE "Generate a template version of the Node class's get_node. (ON|OFF)" ON) #TODO build_library set( GODOTCPP_PRECISION "single" CACHE STRING "Set the floating-point precision level (single|double)") set( GODOTCPP_THREADS ON CACHE BOOL "Enable threading support" ) #TODO compiledb #TODO compiledb_file set( GODOTCPP_BUILD_PROFILE "" CACHE PATH "Path to a file containing a feature build profile" ) set( GODOTCPP_USE_HOT_RELOAD "" CACHE BOOL "Enable the extra accounting required to support hot reload. (ON|OFF)") # Disable exception handling. Godot doesn't use exceptions anywhere, and this # saves around 20% of binary size and very significant build time (GH-80513). option( GODOTCPP_DISABLE_EXCEPTIONS "Force disabling exception handling code (ON|OFF)" ON ) set( GODOTCPP_SYMBOL_VISIBILITY "hidden" CACHE STRING "Symbols visibility on GNU platforms. Use 'auto' to apply the default value. (auto|visible|hidden)") set_property( CACHE GODOTCPP_SYMBOL_VISIBILITY PROPERTY STRINGS "auto;visible;hidden" ) #TODO optimize option( GODOTCPP_DEV_BUILD "Developer build with dev-only debugging code (DEV_ENABLED)" OFF ) #[[ debug_symbols Debug symbols are enabled by using the Debug or RelWithDebInfo build configurations. Single Config Generator is set at configure time cmake ../ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug Multi-Config Generator is set at build time cmake --build . --config Debug ]] # FIXME These options are not present in SCons, and perhaps should be added there. option( GODOTCPP_SYSTEM_HEADERS "Expose headers as SYSTEM." OFF ) option( GODOTCPP_WARNING_AS_ERROR "Treat warnings as errors" OFF ) # Enable Testing option( GODOTCPP_ENABLE_TESTING "Enable the godot-cpp.test. integration testing targets" OFF ) #[[ Target Platform Options ]] android_options() ios_options() linux_options() macos_options() web_options() windows_options() endfunction() # Function to configure and generate the targets function( godotcpp_generate ) #[[ Multi-Threaded MSVC Compilation When using the MSVC compiler the build command -j only specifies parallel jobs or targets, and not multi-threaded compilation To speed up compile times on msvc, the /MP flag can be set. But we need to set it at configure time. MSVC is true when the compiler is some version of Microsoft Visual C++ or another compiler simulating the Visual C++ cl command-line syntax. ]] if( MSVC ) math( EXPR PROC_N "(${PROC_MAX}-1) | (${X}-2)>>31 & 1" ) message( "Using ${PROC_N} cores for multi-threaded compilation.") # TODO You can override it at configure time with ...." ) else () message( "Using ${CMAKE_BUILD_PARALLEL_LEVEL} cores, You can override" " it at configure time by using -j or --parallel on the build" " command.") message( " eg. cmake --build . -j 7 ...") endif () #[[ GODOTCPP_SYMBOL_VISIBLITY To match the SCons options, the allowed values are "auto", "visible", and "hidden" This effects the compiler flag_ -fvisibility=[default|internal|hidden|protected] The corresponding target option CXX_VISIBILITY_PRESET accepts the compiler values. TODO: It is probably worth a pull request which changes both to use the compiler values .. _flag:https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Code-Gen-Options.html#index-fvisibility ]] if( ${GODOTCPP_SYMBOL_VISIBILITY} STREQUAL "auto" OR ${GODOTCPP_SYMBOL_VISIBILITY} STREQUAL "visible" ) set( GODOTCPP_SYMBOL_VISIBILITY "default" ) endif () # Setup variable to optionally mark headers as SYSTEM set( GODOTCPP_SYSTEM_HEADERS_ATTRIBUTE "") if( GODOTCPP_SYSTEM_HEADERS) set( GODOTCPP_SYSTEM_HEADERS_ATTRIBUTE SYSTEM) endif () #[[ Configure Binding Variables ]] # Generate Binding Parameters (True|False) set( USE_TEMPLATE_GET_NODE "False" ) if( GODOTCPP_GENERATE_TEMPLATE_GET_NODE ) set( USE_TEMPLATE_GET_NODE "True" ) endif() # Bits (32|64) math( EXPR BITS "${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P} * 8" ) # CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P refers to target architecture. # API json File set( GODOTCPP_GDEXTENSION_API_FILE "${GODOTCPP_GDEXTENSION_DIR}/extension_api.json") if( GODOTCPP_CUSTOM_API_FILE ) # User-defined override. set( GODOTCPP_GDEXTENSION_API_FILE "${GODOTCPP_CUSTOM_API_FILE}") endif() # Build Profile if( GODOTCPP_BUILD_PROFILE ) message( STATUS "Using build profile to trim api file") message( "\tBUILD_PROFILE = '${GODOTCPP_BUILD_PROFILE}'") message( "\tAPI_SOURCE = '${GODOTCPP_GDEXTENSION_API_FILE}'") build_profile_generate_trimmed_api( "${GODOTCPP_BUILD_PROFILE}" "${GODOTCPP_GDEXTENSION_API_FILE}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/extension_api.json" ) set( GODOTCPP_GDEXTENSION_API_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/extension_api.json" ) endif() message( STATUS "GODOTCPP_GDEXTENSION_API_FILE = '${GODOTCPP_GDEXTENSION_API_FILE}'") # generate the file list to use binding_generator_get_file_list( GENERATED_FILES_LIST "${GODOTCPP_GDEXTENSION_API_FILE}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" ) binding_generator_generate_bindings( "${GODOTCPP_GDEXTENSION_API_FILE}" "${USE_TEMPLATE_GET_NODE}" "${BITS}" "${GODOTCPP_PRECISION}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" ) add_custom_target( godot-cpp.generate_bindings DEPENDS ${GENERATED_FILES_LIST} ) set_target_properties( godot-cpp.generate_bindings PROPERTIES FOLDER "godot-cpp" ) ### Platform is derived from the toolchain target # See GeneratorExpressions PLATFORM_ID and CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME string( CONCAT SYSTEM_NAME "$<$:android.${ANDROID_ABI}>" "$<$:ios>" "$<$:linux>" "$<$:macos>" "$<$:web>" "$<$:windows>" "$<$:windows>" ) # Process CPU architecture argument. godot_arch_name( ARCH_NAME ) # Transform options into generator expressions set( HOT_RELOAD-UNSET "$") set( DISABLE_EXCEPTIONS "$") set( THREADS_ENABLED "$" ) # GODOTCPP_DEV_BUILD set( RELEASE_TYPES "Release;MinSizeRel") get_property( IS_MULTI_CONFIG GLOBAL PROPERTY GENERATOR_IS_MULTI_CONFIG ) if( IS_MULTI_CONFIG ) message( NOTICE "=> Default build type is Debug. For other build types add --config to build command") elseif( GODOTCPP_DEV_BUILD AND CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE IN_LIST RELEASE_TYPES ) message( WARNING "=> GODOTCPP_DEV_BUILD implies a Debug-like build but CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is '${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}'") endif () set( IS_DEV_BUILD "$") ### Define our godot-cpp library targets foreach ( TARGET_ALIAS template_debug template_release editor ) set( TARGET_NAME "godot-cpp.${TARGET_ALIAS}" ) # Generator Expressions that rely on the target set( DEBUG_FEATURES "$>" ) set( HOT_RELOAD "$>" ) # Suffix string( CONCAT GODOTCPP_SUFFIX "$<1:.${SYSTEM_NAME}>" "$<1:.${TARGET_ALIAS}>" "$<${IS_DEV_BUILD}:.dev>" "$<$:.double>" "$<1:.${ARCH_NAME}>" # TODO IOS_SIMULATOR "$<$:.nothreads>" ) # the godot-cpp.* library targets add_library( ${TARGET_NAME} STATIC EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ) add_library( godot-cpp::${TARGET_ALIAS} ALIAS ${TARGET_NAME} ) file( GLOB_RECURSE GODOTCPP_SOURCES LIST_DIRECTORIES NO CONFIGURE_DEPENDS src/*.cpp ) target_sources( ${TARGET_NAME} PRIVATE ${GODOTCPP_SOURCES} ${GENERATED_FILES_LIST} ) target_include_directories( ${TARGET_NAME} ${GODOTCPP_SYSTEM_HEADERS_ATTRIBUTE} PUBLIC include ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/gen/include ${GODOTCPP_GDEXTENSION_DIR} ) set_target_properties( ${TARGET_NAME} PROPERTIES CXX_STANDARD 17 CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF CXX_VISIBILITY_PRESET ${GODOTCPP_SYMBOL_VISIBILITY} COMPILE_WARNING_AS_ERROR ${GODOTCPP_WARNING_AS_ERROR} POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN ON PREFIX "lib" OUTPUT_NAME "${PROJECT_NAME}${GODOTCPP_SUFFIX}" ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "$<1:${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin>" # Things that are handy to know for dependent targets GODOTCPP_PLATFORM "${SYSTEM_NAME}" GODOTCPP_TARGET "${TARGET_ALIAS}" GODOTCPP_ARCH "${ARCH_NAME}" GODOTCPP_PRECISION "${GODOTCPP_PRECISION}" GODOTCPP_SUFFIX "${GODOTCPP_SUFFIX}" # Some IDE's respect this property to logically group targets FOLDER "godot-cpp" ) if( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL Android ) android_generate() elseif ( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL iOS ) ios_generate() elseif ( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL Linux ) linux_generate() elseif ( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL Darwin ) macos_generate() elseif ( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL Emscripten ) web_generate() elseif ( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL Windows ) windows_generate() endif () endforeach () # Added for backwards compatibility with prior cmake solution so that builds dont immediately break # from a missing target. add_library( godot::cpp ALIAS godot-cpp.template_debug ) endfunction()