#[=======================================================================[.rst: Integration Testing ------------------- The Test target used to validate changes in the GitHub CI. ]=======================================================================] message( STATUS "Testing Integration targets are enabled.") # Generate Doc Data file( GLOB_RECURSE DOC_XML LIST_DIRECTORIES NO CONFIGURE_DEPENDS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/doc_classes/*.xml" ) set( DOC_DATA_SOURCE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/src/gen/doc_data.gen.cpp" ) generate_doc_source( "${DOC_DATA_SOURCE}" "${DOC_XML}" ) foreach( TARGET_ALIAS template_debug template_release editor ) set( TARGET_NAME "godot-cpp.test.${TARGET_ALIAS}" ) set( LINK_TARGET "godot-cpp::${TARGET_ALIAS}" ) ### Get useful properties of the library get_target_property( GODOT_SUFFIX ${LINK_TARGET} GODOT_SUFFIX ) get_target_property( OSX_ARCH ${LINK_TARGET} OSX_ARCHITECTURES ) set( OUTPUT_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/project/bin/" ) add_library( ${TARGET_NAME} SHARED EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ) target_sources( ${TARGET_NAME} PRIVATE src/example.cpp src/example.h src/register_types.cpp src/register_types.h src/tests.h ) # conditionally add doc data to compile output if( TARGET_ALIAS MATCHES "editor|template_debug" ) target_sources( ${TARGET_NAME} PRIVATE "${DOC_DATA_SOURCE}" ) endif( ) target_link_libraries( ${TARGET_NAME} PRIVATE ${LINK_TARGET} ) set_target_properties( ${TARGET_NAME} PROPERTIES CXX_STANDARD 17 CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF CXX_VISIBILITY_PRESET ${GODOT_SYMBOL_VISIBILITY} # This flag adds the runtime path at build time BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN ON # Try to ensure only static libraries are selected to be linked to. LINK_SEARCH_START_STATIC ON LINK_SEARCH_END_STATIC ON # NOTE: Wrapping the output variables inside a generator expression # prevents msvc generator from adding addition Config Directories LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "$<1:${OUTPUT_DIR}>" RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "$<1:${OUTPUT_DIR}>" PDB_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "$<1:${OUTPUT_DIR}>" #MSVC Only, ignored on other platforms PREFIX "lib" OUTPUT_NAME "gdexample${GODOT_SUFFIX}" #macos options, ignored on other platforms OSX_ARCHITECTURES "${OSX_ARCH}" # enable RPATH on MACOS, with the BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN # this should allow loading libraries from relative paths on macos. MACOSX_RPATH ON # Some IDE's respect this property to logically group targets FOLDER "godot-cpp" ) target_compile_options( ${TARGET_NAME} PRIVATE # The test project uses utf-8 characters in its source files: # example.h:282.283, and example.cpp:774,8775,778 # which require interpretation of source files as utf-8 by MSVC $<${IS_MSVC}:/utf-8> ) # Only blank the suffix on osx to match SCons if( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL Darwin ) set_target_properties( ${TARGET_NAME} PROPERTIES SUFFIX "" OUTPUT_DIR "${OUTPUT_DIR}/libgdexample.macos.${TARGET_ALIAS}.framework" ) endif () endforeach()