#!/usr/bin/env python import json # comment. # Convenience function for using template get_node def correct_method_name(method_list): for method in method_list: if method["name"] == "get_node": method["name"] = "get_node_internal" classes = [] def generate_bindings(path, use_template_get_node): global classes classes = json.load(open(path)) icalls = set() for c in classes: # print c['name'] used_classes = get_used_classes(c) if use_template_get_node and c["name"] == "Node": correct_method_name(c["methods"]) header = generate_class_header(used_classes, c, use_template_get_node) impl = generate_class_implementation(icalls, used_classes, c, use_template_get_node) header_file = open("include/gen/" + strip_name(c["name"]) + ".hpp", "w+") header_file.write(header) source_file = open("src/gen/" + strip_name(c["name"]) + ".cpp", "w+") source_file.write(impl) icall_header_file = open("include/gen/__icalls.hpp", "w+") icall_header_file.write(generate_icall_header(icalls)) register_types_file = open("src/gen/__register_types.cpp", "w+") register_types_file.write(generate_type_registry(classes)) init_method_bindings_file = open("src/gen/__init_method_bindings.cpp", "w+") init_method_bindings_file.write(generate_init_method_bindings(classes)) def is_reference_type(t): for c in classes: if c['name'] != t: continue if c['is_reference']: return True return False def make_gdnative_type(t, ref_allowed): if is_enum(t): return remove_enum_prefix(t) + " " elif is_class_type(t): if is_reference_type(t) and ref_allowed: return "Ref<" + strip_name(t) + "> " else: return strip_name(t) + " *" else: if t == "int": return "int64_t " if t == "float" or t == "real": return "real_t " return strip_name(t) + " " def generate_class_header(used_classes, c, use_template_get_node): source = [] source.append("#ifndef GODOT_CPP_" + strip_name(c["name"]).upper() + "_HPP") source.append("#define GODOT_CPP_" + strip_name(c["name"]).upper() + "_HPP") source.append("") source.append("") source.append("#include <gdnative_api_struct.gen.h>") source.append("#include <stdint.h>") source.append("") source.append("#include <core/CoreTypes.hpp>") class_name = strip_name(c["name"]) # Ref<T> is not included in object.h in Godot either, # so don't include it here because it's not needed if class_name != "Object" and class_name != "Reference": source.append("#include <core/Ref.hpp>") ref_allowed = True else: source.append("#include <core/TagDB.hpp>") ref_allowed = False included = [] for used_class in used_classes: if is_enum(used_class) and is_nested_type(used_class): used_class_name = remove_enum_prefix(extract_nested_type(used_class)) if used_class_name not in included: included.append(used_class_name) source.append("#include \"" + used_class_name + ".hpp\"") elif is_enum(used_class) and is_nested_type(used_class) and not is_nested_type(used_class, class_name): used_class_name = remove_enum_prefix(used_class) if used_class_name not in included: included.append(used_class_name) source.append("#include \"" + used_class_name + ".hpp\"") source.append("") if c["base_class"] != "": source.append("#include \"" + strip_name(c["base_class"]) + ".hpp\"") source.append("namespace godot {") source.append("") for used_type in used_classes: if is_enum(used_type) or is_nested_type(used_type, class_name): continue else: source.append("class " + strip_name(used_type) + ";") source.append("") vararg_templates = "" # generate the class definition here source.append("class " + class_name + (" : public _Wrapped" if c["base_class"] == "" else (" : public " + strip_name(c["base_class"])) ) + " {") if c["base_class"] == "": source.append("public: enum { ___CLASS_IS_SCRIPT = 0, };") source.append("") source.append("private:") if c["singleton"]: source.append("\tstatic " + class_name + " *_singleton;") source.append("") source.append("\t" + class_name + "();") source.append("") # Generate method table source.append("\tstruct ___method_bindings {") for method in c["methods"]: source.append("\t\tgodot_method_bind *mb_" + method["name"] + ";") source.append("\t};") source.append("\tstatic ___method_bindings ___mb;") source.append("\tstatic void *_detail_class_tag;") source.append("") source.append("public:") source.append("\tstatic void ___init_method_bindings();") # class id from core engine for casting source.append("\tinline static size_t ___get_id() { return (size_t)_detail_class_tag; }") source.append("") if c["singleton"]: source.append("\tstatic inline " + class_name + " *get_singleton()") source.append("\t{") source.append("\t\tif (!" + class_name + "::_singleton) {") source.append("\t\t\t" + class_name + "::_singleton = new " + class_name + ";") source.append("\t\t}") source.append("\t\treturn " + class_name + "::_singleton;") source.append("\t}") source.append("") # godot::api->godot_global_get_singleton((char *) \"" + strip_name(c["name"]) + "\");" # class name: # Two versions needed needed because when the user implements a custom class, # we want to override `___get_class_name` while `___get_godot_class_name` can keep returning the base name source.append("\tstatic inline const char *___get_class_name() { return (const char *) \"" + strip_name(c["name"]) + "\"; }") source.append("\tstatic inline const char *___get_godot_class_name() { return (const char *) \"" + strip_name(c["name"]) + "\"; }") source.append("\tstatic inline Object *___get_from_variant(Variant a) { godot_object *o = (godot_object*) a; return (o) ? (Object *) godot::nativescript_1_1_api->godot_nativescript_get_instance_binding_data(godot::_RegisterState::language_index, o) : nullptr; }") enum_values = [] source.append("\n\t// enums") for enum in c["enums"]: source.append("\tenum " + strip_name(enum["name"]) + " {") for value in enum["values"]: source.append("\t\t" + remove_nested_type_prefix(value) + " = " + str(enum["values"][value]) + ",") enum_values.append(value) source.append("\t};") source.append("\n\t// constants") for name in c["constants"]: if name not in enum_values: source.append("\tconst static int " + name + " = " + str(c["constants"][name]) + ";") if c["instanciable"]: source.append("") source.append("") source.append("\tstatic " + class_name + " *_new();") source.append("\n\t// methods") if class_name == "Object": source.append("#ifndef GODOT_CPP_NO_OBJECT_CAST") source.append("\ttemplate<class T>") source.append("\tstatic T *cast_to(const Object *obj);") source.append("#endif") source.append("") for method in c["methods"]: method_signature = "" # TODO decide what to do about virtual methods # method_signature += "virtual " if method["is_virtual"] else "" method_signature += make_gdnative_type(method["return_type"], ref_allowed) method_name = escape_cpp(method["name"]) method_signature += method_name + "(" has_default_argument = False method_arguments = "" for i, argument in enumerate(method["arguments"]): method_signature += "const " + make_gdnative_type(argument["type"], ref_allowed) argument_name = escape_cpp(argument["name"]) method_signature += argument_name method_arguments += argument_name # default arguments def escape_default_arg(_type, default_value): if _type == "Color": return "Color(" + default_value + ")" if _type == "bool" or _type == "int": return default_value.lower() if _type == "Array": return "Array()" if _type in ["PoolVector2Array", "PoolStringArray", "PoolVector3Array", "PoolColorArray", "PoolIntArray", "PoolRealArray"]: return _type + "()" if _type == "Vector2": return "Vector2" + default_value if _type == "Vector3": return "Vector3" + default_value if _type == "Transform": return "Transform()" if _type == "Transform2D": return "Transform2D()" if _type == "Rect2": return "Rect2" + default_value if _type == "Variant": return "Variant()" if default_value == "Null" else default_value if _type == "String": return "\"" + default_value + "\"" if _type == "RID": return "RID()" if default_value == "Null" or default_value == "[Object:null]": return "nullptr" return default_value if argument["has_default_value"] or has_default_argument: method_signature += " = " + escape_default_arg(argument["type"], argument["default_value"]) has_default_argument = True if i != len(method["arguments"]) - 1: method_signature += ", " method_arguments += "," if method["has_varargs"]: if len(method["arguments"]) > 0: method_signature += ", " method_arguments += ", " vararg_templates += "\ttemplate <class... Args> " + method_signature + "Args... args){\n\t\treturn " + method_name + "(" + method_arguments + "Array::make(args...));\n\t}\n""" method_signature += "const Array& __var_args = Array()" method_signature += ")" + (" const" if method["is_const"] else "") source.append("\t" + method_signature + ";") source.append(vararg_templates) if use_template_get_node and class_name == "Node": # Extra definition for template get_node that calls the renamed get_node_internal; has a default template parameter for backwards compatibility. source.append("\ttemplate <class T = Node>") source.append("\tT *get_node(const NodePath path) const {") source.append("\t\treturn Object::cast_to<T>(get_node_internal(path));") source.append("\t}") source.append("};") source.append("") # ...And a specialized version so we don't unnecessarily cast when using the default. source.append("template <>") source.append("inline Node *Node::get_node<Node>(const NodePath path) const {") source.append("\treturn get_node_internal(path);") source.append("}") source.append("") else: source.append("};") source.append("") source.append("}") source.append("") source.append("#endif") return "\n".join(source) def generate_class_implementation(icalls, used_classes, c, use_template_get_node): class_name = strip_name(c["name"]) ref_allowed = class_name != "Object" and class_name != "Reference" source = [] source.append("#include \"" + class_name + ".hpp\"") source.append("") source.append("") source.append("#include <core/GodotGlobal.hpp>") source.append("#include <core/CoreTypes.hpp>") source.append("#include <core/Ref.hpp>") source.append("#include <core/Godot.hpp>") source.append("") source.append("#include \"__icalls.hpp\"") source.append("") source.append("") for used_class in used_classes: if is_enum(used_class): continue else: source.append("#include \"" + strip_name(used_class) + ".hpp\"") source.append("") source.append("") source.append("namespace godot {") core_object_name = "this" source.append("") source.append("") if c["singleton"]: source.append("" + class_name + " *" + class_name + "::_singleton = NULL;") source.append("") source.append("") # FIXME Test if inlining has a huge impact on binary size source.append(class_name + "::" + class_name + "() {") source.append("\t_owner = godot::api->godot_global_get_singleton((char *) \"" + strip_name(c["name"]) + "\");") source.append("}") source.append("") source.append("") # Method table initialization source.append(class_name + "::___method_bindings " + class_name + "::___mb = {};") source.append("") source.append("void *" + class_name + "::_detail_class_tag = nullptr;") source.append("") source.append("void " + class_name + "::___init_method_bindings() {") for method in c["methods"]: source.append("\t___mb.mb_" + method["name"] + " = godot::api->godot_method_bind_get_method(\"" + c["name"] + "\", \"" + ("get_node" if use_template_get_node and method["name"] == "get_node_internal" else method["name"]) + "\");") source.append("\tgodot_string_name class_name;") source.append("\tgodot::api->godot_string_name_new_data(&class_name, \"" + c["name"] + "\");") source.append("\t_detail_class_tag = godot::core_1_2_api->godot_get_class_tag(&class_name);") source.append("\tgodot::api->godot_string_name_destroy(&class_name);") source.append("}") source.append("") if c["instanciable"]: source.append(class_name + " *" + strip_name(c["name"]) + "::_new()") source.append("{") source.append("\treturn (" + class_name + " *) godot::nativescript_1_1_api->godot_nativescript_get_instance_binding_data(godot::_RegisterState::language_index, godot::api->godot_get_class_constructor((char *)\"" + c["name"] + "\")());") source.append("}") for method in c["methods"]: method_signature = "" method_signature += make_gdnative_type(method["return_type"], ref_allowed) method_signature += strip_name(c["name"]) + "::" + escape_cpp(method["name"]) + "(" for i, argument in enumerate(method["arguments"]): method_signature += "const " + make_gdnative_type(argument["type"], ref_allowed) method_signature += escape_cpp(argument["name"]) if i != len(method["arguments"]) - 1: method_signature += ", " if method["has_varargs"]: if len(method["arguments"]) > 0: method_signature += ", " method_signature += "const Array& __var_args" method_signature += ")" + (" const" if method["is_const"] else "") source.append(method_signature + " {") if method["name"] == "free": # dirty hack because Object::free is marked virtual but doesn't actually exist... source.append("\tgodot::api->godot_object_destroy(_owner);") source.append("}") source.append("") continue return_statement = "" return_type_is_ref = is_reference_type(method["return_type"]) and ref_allowed if method["return_type"] != "void": if is_class_type(method["return_type"]): if is_enum(method["return_type"]): return_statement += "return (" + remove_enum_prefix(method["return_type"]) + ") " elif return_type_is_ref: return_statement += "return Ref<" + strip_name(method["return_type"]) + ">::__internal_constructor(" else: return_statement += "return " + ("(" + strip_name(method["return_type"]) + " *) " if is_class_type(method["return_type"]) else "") else: return_statement += "return " def get_icall_type_name(name): if is_enum(name): return "int" if is_class_type(name): return "Object" return name if method["has_varargs"]: if len(method["arguments"]) != 0: source.append("\tVariant __given_args[" + str(len(method["arguments"])) + "];") for i, argument in enumerate(method["arguments"]): source.append("\tgodot::api->godot_variant_new_nil((godot_variant *) &__given_args[" + str(i) + "]);") source.append("") for i, argument in enumerate(method["arguments"]): source.append("\t__given_args[" + str(i) + "] = " + escape_cpp(argument["name"]) + ";") source.append("") size = "" if method["has_varargs"]: size = "(__var_args.size() + " + str(len(method["arguments"])) + ")" else: size = "(" + str(len(method["arguments"])) + ")" source.append("\tgodot_variant **__args = (godot_variant **) alloca(sizeof(godot_variant *) * " + size + ");") source.append("") for i, argument in enumerate(method["arguments"]): source.append("\t__args[" + str(i) + "] = (godot_variant *) &__given_args[" + str(i) + "];") source.append("") if method["has_varargs"]: source.append("\tfor (int i = 0; i < __var_args.size(); i++) {") source.append("\t\t__args[i + " + str(len(method["arguments"])) + "] = (godot_variant *) &((Array &) __var_args)[i];") source.append("\t}") source.append("") source.append("\tVariant __result;") source.append("\t*(godot_variant *) &__result = godot::api->godot_method_bind_call(___mb.mb_" + method["name"] + ", ((const Object *) " + core_object_name + ")->_owner, (const godot_variant **) __args, " + size + ", nullptr);") source.append("") if is_class_type(method["return_type"]): source.append("\tObject *obj = Object::___get_from_variant(__result);") source.append("\tif (obj->has_method(\"reference\"))") source.append("\t\tobj->callv(\"reference\", Array());") source.append("") for i, argument in enumerate(method["arguments"]): source.append("\tgodot::api->godot_variant_destroy((godot_variant *) &__given_args[" + str(i) + "]);") source.append("") if method["return_type"] != "void": cast = "" if is_class_type(method["return_type"]): if return_type_is_ref: cast += "Ref<" + strip_name(method["return_type"]) + ">::__internal_constructor(__result);" else: cast += "(" + strip_name(method["return_type"]) + " *) " + strip_name(method["return_type"] + "::___get_from_variant(") + "__result);" else: cast += "__result;" source.append("\treturn " + cast) else: args = [] for arg in method["arguments"]: args.append(get_icall_type_name(arg["type"])) icall_ret_type = get_icall_type_name(method["return_type"]) icall_sig = tuple((icall_ret_type, tuple(args))) icalls.add(icall_sig) icall_name = get_icall_name(icall_sig) return_statement += icall_name + "(___mb.mb_" + method["name"] + ", (const Object *) " + core_object_name for arg in method["arguments"]: arg_is_ref = is_reference_type(arg["type"]) and ref_allowed return_statement += ", " + escape_cpp(arg["name"]) + (".ptr()" if arg_is_ref else "") return_statement += ")" if return_type_is_ref: return_statement += ")" source.append("\t" + return_statement + ";") source.append("}") source.append("") source.append("}") return "\n".join(source) def generate_icall_header(icalls): source = [] source.append("#ifndef GODOT_CPP__ICALLS_HPP") source.append("#define GODOT_CPP__ICALLS_HPP") source.append("") source.append("#include <gdnative_api_struct.gen.h>") source.append("#include <stdint.h>") source.append("") source.append("#include <core/GodotGlobal.hpp>") source.append("#include <core/CoreTypes.hpp>") source.append("#include \"Object.hpp\"") source.append("") source.append("") source.append("namespace godot {") source.append("") for icall in icalls: ret_type = icall[0] args = icall[1] method_signature = "static inline " method_signature += get_icall_return_type(ret_type) + get_icall_name(icall) + "(godot_method_bind *mb, const Object *inst" for i, arg in enumerate(args): method_signature += ", const " if is_core_type(arg): method_signature += arg + "&" elif arg == "int": method_signature += "int64_t " elif arg == "float": method_signature += "double " elif is_primitive(arg): method_signature += arg + " " else: method_signature += "Object *" method_signature += "arg" + str(i) method_signature += ")" source.append(method_signature + " {") if ret_type != "void": source.append("\t" + ("godot_object *" if is_class_type(ret_type) else get_icall_return_type(ret_type)) + "ret;") if is_class_type(ret_type): source.append("\tret = nullptr;") source.append("\tconst void *args[" + ("1" if len(args) == 0 else "") + "] = {") for i, arg in enumerate(args): wrapped_argument = "\t\t" if is_primitive(arg) or is_core_type(arg): wrapped_argument += "(void *) &arg" + str(i) else: wrapped_argument += "(void *) (arg" + str(i) + ") ? arg" + str(i) + "->_owner : nullptr" wrapped_argument += "," source.append(wrapped_argument) source.append("\t};") source.append("") source.append("\tgodot::api->godot_method_bind_ptrcall(mb, inst->_owner, args, " + ("nullptr" if ret_type == "void" else "&ret") + ");") if ret_type != "void": if is_class_type(ret_type): source.append("\tif (ret) {") source.append("\t\treturn (Object *) godot::nativescript_1_1_api->godot_nativescript_get_instance_binding_data(godot::_RegisterState::language_index, ret);") source.append("\t}") source.append("") source.append("\treturn (Object *) ret;") else: source.append("\treturn ret;") source.append("}") source.append("") source.append("}") source.append("") source.append("#endif") return "\n".join(source) def generate_type_registry(classes): source = [] source.append("#include \"TagDB.hpp\"") source.append("#include <typeinfo>") source.append("\n") for c in classes: source.append("#include <" + strip_name(c["name"]) + ".hpp>") source.append("") source.append("") source.append("namespace godot {") source.append("void ___register_types()") source.append("{") for c in classes: class_name = strip_name(c["name"]) base_class_name = strip_name(c["base_class"]) class_type_hash = "typeid(" + class_name + ").hash_code()" base_class_type_hash = "typeid(" + base_class_name + ").hash_code()" if base_class_name == "": base_class_type_hash = "0" source.append("\tgodot::_TagDB::register_global_type(\"" + c["name"] + "\", " + class_type_hash + ", " + base_class_type_hash + ");") source.append("}") source.append("") source.append("}") return "\n".join(source) def generate_init_method_bindings(classes): source = [] for c in classes: source.append("#include <" + strip_name(c["name"]) + ".hpp>") source.append("") source.append("") source.append("namespace godot {") source.append("void ___init_method_bindings()") source.append("{") for c in classes: source.append("\t" + strip_name(c["name"]) + "::___init_method_bindings();") source.append("}") source.append("") source.append("}") return "\n".join(source) def get_icall_return_type(t): if is_class_type(t): return "Object *" if t == "int": return "int64_t " if t == "float" or t == "real": return "double " return t + " " def get_icall_name(sig): ret_type = sig[0] args = sig[1] name = "___godot_icall_" name += strip_name(ret_type) for arg in args: name += "_" + strip_name(arg) return name def get_used_classes(c): classes = [] for method in c["methods"]: if is_class_type(method["return_type"]) and not (method["return_type"] in classes): classes.append(method["return_type"]) for arg in method["arguments"]: if is_class_type(arg["type"]) and not (arg["type"] in classes): classes.append(arg["type"]) return classes def strip_name(name): if len(name) == 0: return name if name[0] == '_': return name[1:] return name def extract_nested_type(nested_type): return strip_name(nested_type[:nested_type.find("::")]) def remove_nested_type_prefix(name): return name if name.find("::") == -1 else strip_name(name[name.find("::") + 2:]) def remove_enum_prefix(name): return strip_name(name[name.find("enum.") + 5:]) def is_nested_type(name, type = ""): return name.find(type + "::") != -1 def is_enum(name): return name.find("enum.") == 0 def is_class_type(name): return not is_core_type(name) and not is_primitive(name) def is_core_type(name): core_types = ["Array", "Basis", "Color", "Dictionary", "Error", "NodePath", "Plane", "PoolByteArray", "PoolIntArray", "PoolRealArray", "PoolStringArray", "PoolVector2Array", "PoolVector3Array", "PoolColorArray", "PoolIntArray", "PoolRealArray", "Quat", "Rect2", "AABB", "RID", "String", "Transform", "Transform2D", "Variant", "Vector2", "Vector3"] return name in core_types def is_primitive(name): core_types = ["int", "bool", "real", "float", "void"] return name in core_types def escape_cpp(name): escapes = { "class": "_class", "char": "_char", "short": "_short", "bool": "_bool", "int": "_int", "default": "_default", "case": "_case", "switch": "_switch", "export": "_export", "template": "_template", "new": "new_", "operator": "_operator", "typename": "_typename" } if name in escapes: return escapes[name] return name