Implementing clang-format and applying it to all classes

Bastiaan Olij 2018-11-24 09:09:41 +11:00
parent 0a6f5d052a
commit fc20fa3fce
49 changed files with 2923 additions and 3172 deletions

.clang-format Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
# Commented out parameters are those with the same value as base LLVM style
# We can uncomment them if we want to change their value, or enforce the
# chosen value in case the base style changes (last sync: Clang 6.0.1).
### General config, applies to all languages ###
BasedOnStyle: LLVM
AccessModifierOffset: -4
AlignAfterOpenBracket: DontAlign
# AlignConsecutiveAssignments: false
# AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: false
# AlignEscapedNewlines: Right
# AlignOperands: true
AlignTrailingComments: false
AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: false
# AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: false
AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: true
AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: Inline
AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: true
# AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false
# AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType: None
# AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: None
# AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: false
# AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: false
# BinPackArguments: true
# BinPackParameters: true
# BraceWrapping:
# AfterClass: false
# AfterControlStatement: false
# AfterEnum: false
# AfterFunction: false
# AfterNamespace: false
# AfterObjCDeclaration: false
# AfterStruct: false
# AfterUnion: false
# AfterExternBlock: false
# BeforeCatch: false
# BeforeElse: false
# IndentBraces: false
# SplitEmptyFunction: true
# SplitEmptyRecord: true
# SplitEmptyNamespace: true
# BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: None
# BreakBeforeBraces: Attach
# BreakBeforeInheritanceComma: false
BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: false
# BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: false
BreakConstructorInitializers: AfterColon
# BreakStringLiterals: true
ColumnLimit: 0
# CommentPragmas: '^ IWYU pragma:'
# CompactNamespaces: false
ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: true
ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 8
ContinuationIndentWidth: 8
Cpp11BracedListStyle: false
# DerivePointerAlignment: false
# DisableFormat: false
# ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false
# FixNamespaceComments: true
# ForEachMacros:
# - foreach
# IncludeBlocks: Preserve
- Regex: '".*"'
Priority: 1
- Regex: '^<.*\.h>'
Priority: 2
- Regex: '^<.*'
Priority: 3
# IncludeIsMainRegex: '(Test)?$'
IndentCaseLabels: true
# IndentPPDirectives: None
IndentWidth: 4
# IndentWrappedFunctionNames: false
# JavaScriptQuotes: Leave
# JavaScriptWrapImports: true
# KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: true
# MacroBlockBegin: ''
# MacroBlockEnd: ''
# MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1
# NamespaceIndentation: None
# PenaltyBreakAssignment: 2
# PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter: 19
# PenaltyBreakComment: 300
# PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess: 120
# PenaltyBreakString: 1000
# PenaltyExcessCharacter: 1000000
# PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 60
# PointerAlignment: Right
# RawStringFormats:
# - Delimiter: pb
# Language: TextProto
# BasedOnStyle: google
# ReflowComments: true
# SortIncludes: true
# SortUsingDeclarations: true
# SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false
# SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword: true
# SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true
# SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements
# SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false
# SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1
# SpacesInAngles: false
# SpacesInContainerLiterals: true
# SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false
# SpacesInParentheses: false
# SpacesInSquareBrackets: false
TabWidth: 4
UseTab: Always
### C++ specific config ###
Language: Cpp
Standard: Cpp03
### ObjC specific config ###
Language: ObjC
ObjCBlockIndentWidth: 4
# ObjCSpaceAfterProperty: false
# ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList: true
### Java specific config ###
Language: Java
# BreakAfterJavaFieldAnnotations: false

View File

@ -9,9 +9,18 @@ Version | Branch
**Godot 3.1 Nativescript 1.0** | [nativescript-1.0]( **Godot 3.1 Nativescript 1.0** | [nativescript-1.0](
Index: Index:
- [**Contributing**](#contributing)
- [**Getting Started**](#getting-started) - [**Getting Started**](#getting-started)
- [**Creating a simple class**](#creating-a-simple-class) - [**Creating a simple class**](#creating-a-simple-class)
## Contributing
We greatly appreciate help in maintaining and extending this project.
If you wish to help out ensure you have an account on Github and create a "fork" of the this repo.
Rémi "Akien" Verschelde wrote an excellent bit of documentation for the main Godot project on this:
It is advisible to also install clang-format and copy the files in `misc/hooks` into `.git/hooks` so format checking is done before your changes are submitted.
## Getting Started ## Getting Started
| **Build latest version of Godot** | [**GitHub**]( | [**Docs**]( | | **Build latest version of Godot** | [**GitHub**]( | [**Docs**]( |

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@ -17,40 +17,38 @@ public:
real_t get_area() const; /// get area real_t get_area() const; /// get area
inline bool has_no_area() const { inline bool has_no_area() const {
return (size.x<=CMP_EPSILON || size.y<=CMP_EPSILON || size.z<=CMP_EPSILON); return (size.x <= CMP_EPSILON || size.y <= CMP_EPSILON || size.z <= CMP_EPSILON);
} }
inline bool has_no_surface() const { inline bool has_no_surface() const {
return (size.x<=CMP_EPSILON && size.y<=CMP_EPSILON && size.z<=CMP_EPSILON); return (size.x <= CMP_EPSILON && size.y <= CMP_EPSILON && size.z <= CMP_EPSILON);
} }
inline const Vector3& get_position() const { return position; } inline const Vector3 &get_position() const { return position; }
inline void set_position(const Vector3& p_position) { position=p_position; } inline void set_position(const Vector3 &p_position) { position = p_position; }
inline const Vector3& get_size() const { return size; } inline const Vector3 &get_size() const { return size; }
inline void set_size(const Vector3& p_size) { size=p_size; } inline void set_size(const Vector3 &p_size) { size = p_size; }
bool operator==(const AABB &p_rval) const;
bool operator!=(const AABB &p_rval) const;
bool operator==(const AABB& p_rval) const; bool intersects(const AABB &p_aabb) const; /// Both AABBs overlap
bool operator!=(const AABB& p_rval) const; bool intersects_inclusive(const AABB &p_aabb) const; /// Both AABBs (or their faces) overlap
bool encloses(const AABB &p_aabb) const; /// p_aabb is completely inside this
bool intersects(const AABB& p_aabb) const; /// Both AABBs overlap AABB merge(const AABB &p_with) const;
bool intersects_inclusive(const AABB& p_aabb) const; /// Both AABBs (or their faces) overlap void merge_with(const AABB &p_aabb); ///merge with another AABB
bool encloses(const AABB & p_aabb) const; /// p_aabb is completely inside this AABB intersection(const AABB &p_aabb) const; ///get box where two intersect, empty if no intersection occurs
bool intersects_segment(const Vector3 &p_from, const Vector3 &p_to, Vector3 *r_clip = nullptr, Vector3 *r_normal = nullptr) const;
AABB merge(const AABB& p_with) const; bool intersects_ray(const Vector3 &p_from, const Vector3 &p_dir, Vector3 *r_clip = nullptr, Vector3 *r_normal = nullptr) const;
void merge_with(const AABB& p_aabb); ///merge with another AABB bool smits_intersect_ray(const Vector3 &from, const Vector3 &p_dir, real_t t0, real_t t1) const;
AABB intersection(const AABB& p_aabb) const; ///get box where two intersect, empty if no intersection occurs
bool intersects_segment(const Vector3& p_from, const Vector3& p_to,Vector3* r_clip=nullptr,Vector3* r_normal=nullptr) const;
bool intersects_ray(const Vector3& p_from, const Vector3& p_dir,Vector3* r_clip=nullptr,Vector3* r_normal=nullptr) const;
bool smits_intersect_ray(const Vector3 &from,const Vector3& p_dir, real_t t0, real_t t1) const;
bool intersects_convex_shape(const Plane *p_plane, int p_plane_count) const; bool intersects_convex_shape(const Plane *p_plane, int p_plane_count) const;
bool intersects_plane(const Plane &p_plane) const; bool intersects_plane(const Plane &p_plane) const;
bool has_point(const Vector3& p_point) const; bool has_point(const Vector3 &p_point) const;
Vector3 get_support(const Vector3& p_normal) const; Vector3 get_support(const Vector3 &p_normal) const;
Vector3 get_longest_axis() const; Vector3 get_longest_axis() const;
int get_longest_axis_index() const; int get_longest_axis_index() const;
@ -63,21 +61,22 @@ public:
AABB grow(real_t p_by) const; AABB grow(real_t p_by) const;
void grow_by(real_t p_amount); void grow_by(real_t p_amount);
void get_edge(int p_edge,Vector3& r_from,Vector3& r_to) const; void get_edge(int p_edge, Vector3 &r_from, Vector3 &r_to) const;
Vector3 get_endpoint(int p_point) const; Vector3 get_endpoint(int p_point) const;
AABB expand(const Vector3& p_vector) const; AABB expand(const Vector3 &p_vector) const;
void project_range_in_plane(const Plane& p_plane,real_t &r_min,real_t& r_max) const; void project_range_in_plane(const Plane &p_plane, real_t &r_min, real_t &r_max) const;
void expand_to(const Vector3& p_vector); /** expand to contain a point if necesary */ void expand_to(const Vector3 &p_vector); /** expand to contain a point if necesary */
operator String() const; operator String() const;
inline AABB() {} inline AABB() {}
inline AABB(const Vector3 &p_pos,const Vector3& p_size) { position=p_pos; size=p_size; } inline AABB(const Vector3 &p_pos, const Vector3 &p_size) {
position = p_pos;
size = p_size;
}; };
} } // namespace godot
#endif // RECT3_H #endif // RECT3_H

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@ -21,57 +21,58 @@ class Object;
class Array { class Array {
godot_array _godot_array; godot_array _godot_array;
public: public:
Array(); Array();
Array(const Array & other); Array(const Array &other);
Array & operator=(const Array & other); Array &operator=(const Array &other);
Array(const PoolByteArray& a); Array(const PoolByteArray &a);
Array(const PoolIntArray& a); Array(const PoolIntArray &a);
Array(const PoolRealArray& a); Array(const PoolRealArray &a);
Array(const PoolStringArray& a); Array(const PoolStringArray &a);
Array(const PoolVector2Array& a); Array(const PoolVector2Array &a);
Array(const PoolVector3Array& a); Array(const PoolVector3Array &a);
Array(const PoolColorArray& a); Array(const PoolColorArray &a);
template <class... Args> template <class... Args>
static Array make(Args... args) { static Array make(Args... args) {
return helpers::append_all(Array(), args...); return helpers::append_all(Array(), args...);
} }
Variant& operator [](const int idx); Variant &operator[](const int idx);
Variant operator [](const int idx) const; Variant operator[](const int idx) const;
void append(const Variant& v); void append(const Variant &v);
void clear(); void clear();
int count(const Variant& v); int count(const Variant &v);
bool empty() const; bool empty() const;
void erase(const Variant& v); void erase(const Variant &v);
Variant front() const; Variant front() const;
Variant back() const; Variant back() const;
int find(const Variant& what, const int from = 0); int find(const Variant &what, const int from = 0);
int find_last(const Variant& what); int find_last(const Variant &what);
bool has(const Variant& what) const; bool has(const Variant &what) const;
uint32_t hash() const; uint32_t hash() const;
void insert(const int pos, const Variant& value); void insert(const int pos, const Variant &value);
void invert(); void invert();
@ -81,9 +82,9 @@ public:
Variant pop_front(); Variant pop_front();
void push_back(const Variant& v); void push_back(const Variant &v);
void push_front(const Variant& v); void push_front(const Variant &v);
void remove(const int idx); void remove(const int idx);
@ -91,16 +92,15 @@ public:
void resize(const int size); void resize(const int size);
int rfind(const Variant& what, const int from = -1); int rfind(const Variant &what, const int from = -1);
void sort(); void sort();
void sort_custom(Object *obj, const String& func); void sort_custom(Object *obj, const String &func);
~Array(); ~Array();
}; };
} } // namespace godot
#endif // ARRAY_H #endif // ARRAY_H

View File

@ -16,27 +16,22 @@ public:
Vector3 x, y, z; Vector3 x, y, z;
}; };
Basis(const Quat& p_quat); // euler Basis(const Quat &p_quat); // euler
Basis(const Vector3& p_euler); // euler Basis(const Vector3 &p_euler); // euler
Basis(const Vector3& p_axis, real_t p_phi); Basis(const Vector3 &p_axis, real_t p_phi);
Basis(const Vector3& row0, const Vector3& row1, const Vector3& row2); Basis(const Vector3 &row0, const Vector3 &row1, const Vector3 &row2);
Basis(real_t xx, real_t xy, real_t xz, real_t yx, real_t yy, real_t yz, real_t zx, real_t zy, real_t zz); Basis(real_t xx, real_t xy, real_t xz, real_t yx, real_t yy, real_t yz, real_t zx, real_t zy, real_t zz);
Basis(); Basis();
const Vector3 &operator[](int axis) const;
Vector3 &operator[](int axis);
const Vector3& operator[](int axis) const;
Vector3& operator[](int axis);
void invert(); void invert();
bool isequal_approx(const Basis& a, const Basis& b) const; bool isequal_approx(const Basis &a, const Basis &b) const;
bool is_orthogonal() const; bool is_orthogonal() const;
@ -52,15 +47,15 @@ public:
Vector3 get_axis(int p_axis) const; Vector3 get_axis(int p_axis) const;
void set_axis(int p_axis, const Vector3& p_value); void set_axis(int p_axis, const Vector3 &p_value);
void rotate(const Vector3& p_axis, real_t p_phi); void rotate(const Vector3 &p_axis, real_t p_phi);
Basis rotated(const Vector3& p_axis, real_t p_phi) const; Basis rotated(const Vector3 &p_axis, real_t p_phi) const;
void scale( const Vector3& p_scale ); void scale(const Vector3 &p_scale);
Basis scaled( const Vector3& p_scale ) const; Basis scaled(const Vector3 &p_scale) const;
Vector3 get_scale() const; Vector3 get_scale() const;
@ -70,32 +65,31 @@ public:
void set_euler_yxz(const Vector3 &p_euler); void set_euler_yxz(const Vector3 &p_euler);
inline Vector3 get_euler() const { return get_euler_yxz(); } inline Vector3 get_euler() const { return get_euler_yxz(); }
inline void set_euler(const Vector3& p_euler) { set_euler_yxz(p_euler); } inline void set_euler(const Vector3 &p_euler) { set_euler_yxz(p_euler); }
// transposed dot products // transposed dot products
real_t tdotx(const Vector3& v) const; real_t tdotx(const Vector3 &v) const;
real_t tdoty(const Vector3& v) const; real_t tdoty(const Vector3 &v) const;
real_t tdotz(const Vector3& v) const; real_t tdotz(const Vector3 &v) const;
bool operator==(const Basis& p_matrix) const; bool operator==(const Basis &p_matrix) const;
bool operator!=(const Basis& p_matrix) const; bool operator!=(const Basis &p_matrix) const;
Vector3 xform(const Vector3& p_vector) const; Vector3 xform(const Vector3 &p_vector) const;
Vector3 xform_inv(const Vector3& p_vector) const; Vector3 xform_inv(const Vector3 &p_vector) const;
void operator*=(const Basis& p_matrix); void operator*=(const Basis &p_matrix);
Basis operator*(const Basis& p_matrix) const; Basis operator*(const Basis &p_matrix) const;
void operator+=(const Basis &p_matrix);
void operator+=(const Basis& p_matrix); Basis operator+(const Basis &p_matrix) const;
Basis operator+(const Basis& p_matrix) const; void operator-=(const Basis &p_matrix);
void operator-=(const Basis& p_matrix); Basis operator-(const Basis &p_matrix) const;
Basis operator-(const Basis& p_matrix) const;
void operator*=(real_t p_val); void operator*=(real_t p_val);
@ -105,14 +99,12 @@ public:
void set_orthogonal_index(int p_index); // down below void set_orthogonal_index(int p_index); // down below
operator String() const; operator String() const;
void get_axis_and_angle(Vector3 &r_axis,real_t& r_angle) const; void get_axis_and_angle(Vector3 &r_axis, real_t &r_angle) const;
/* create / set */ /* create / set */
void set(real_t xx, real_t xy, real_t xz, real_t yx, real_t yy, real_t yz, real_t zx, real_t zy, real_t zz); void set(real_t xx, real_t xy, real_t xz, real_t yx, real_t yy, real_t yz, real_t zx, real_t zy, real_t zz);
Vector3 get_column(int i) const; Vector3 get_column(int i) const;
@ -120,9 +112,9 @@ public:
Vector3 get_row(int i) const; Vector3 get_row(int i) const;
Vector3 get_main_diagonal() const; Vector3 get_main_diagonal() const;
void set_row(int i, const Vector3& p_row); void set_row(int i, const Vector3 &p_row);
Basis transpose_xform(const Basis& m) const; Basis transpose_xform(const Basis &m) const;
void orthonormalize(); void orthonormalize();
@ -133,10 +125,8 @@ public:
Basis diagonalize(); Basis diagonalize();
operator Quat() const; operator Quat() const;
}; };
} } // namespace godot
#endif // BASIS_H #endif // BASIS_H

View File

@ -9,14 +9,11 @@
namespace godot { namespace godot {
struct Color { struct Color {
private: private:
// static float _parse_col(const String& p_str, int p_ofs); // static float _parse_col(const String& p_str, int p_ofs);
public: public:
union { union {
struct { struct {
@ -28,8 +25,8 @@ public:
float components[4]; float components[4];
}; };
inline bool operator==(const Color &p_color) const { return (r==p_color.r && g==p_color.g && b==p_color.b && a==p_color.a ); } inline bool operator==(const Color &p_color) const { return (r == p_color.r && g == p_color.g && b == p_color.b && a == p_color.a); }
inline bool operator!=(const Color &p_color) const { return (r!=p_color.r || g!=p_color.g || b!=p_color.b || a!=p_color.a ); } inline bool operator!=(const Color &p_color) const { return (r != p_color.r || g != p_color.g || b != p_color.b || a != p_color.a); }
uint32_t to_32() const; uint32_t to_32() const;
@ -43,12 +40,12 @@ public:
float get_v() const; float get_v() const;
void set_hsv(float p_h, float p_s, float p_v, float p_alpha=1.0); void set_hsv(float p_h, float p_s, float p_v, float p_alpha = 1.0);
inline float& operator[](int idx) { inline float &operator[](int idx) {
return components[idx]; return components[idx];
} }
inline const float& operator[](int idx) const { inline const float &operator[](int idx) const {
return components[idx]; return components[idx];
} }
@ -60,21 +57,21 @@ public:
Color contrasted() const; Color contrasted() const;
Color linear_interpolate(const Color& p_b, float p_t) const; Color linear_interpolate(const Color &p_b, float p_t) const;
Color blend(const Color& p_over) const; Color blend(const Color &p_over) const;
Color to_linear() const; Color to_linear() const;
static Color hex(uint32_t p_hex); static Color hex(uint32_t p_hex);
static Color html(const String& p_color); static Color html(const String &p_color);
static bool html_is_valid(const String& p_color); static bool html_is_valid(const String &p_color);
String to_html(bool p_alpha=true) const; String to_html(bool p_alpha = true) const;
bool operator<(const Color& p_color) const; //used in set keys bool operator<(const Color &p_color) const; //used in set keys
operator String() const; operator String() const;
@ -82,15 +79,23 @@ public:
* No construct parameters, r=0, g=0, b=0. a=255 * No construct parameters, r=0, g=0, b=0. a=255
*/ */
inline Color() { inline Color() {
r=0; g=0; b=0; a=1.0; r = 0;
g = 0;
b = 0;
a = 1.0;
} }
/** /**
* RGB / RGBA construct parameters. Alpha is optional, but defaults to 1.0 * RGB / RGBA construct parameters. Alpha is optional, but defaults to 1.0
*/ */
inline Color(float p_r,float p_g,float p_b,float p_a=1.0) { r=p_r; g=p_g; b=p_b; a=p_a; } inline Color(float p_r, float p_g, float p_b, float p_a = 1.0) {
r = p_r;
g = p_g;
b = p_b;
a = p_a;
}; };
} } // namespace godot
#endif // COLOR_H #endif // COLOR_H

View File

@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
#include "Plane.hpp" #include "Plane.hpp"
#include "PoolArrays.hpp" #include "PoolArrays.hpp"
#include "Quat.hpp" #include "Quat.hpp"
#include "Rect2.hpp"
#include "RID.hpp" #include "RID.hpp"
#include "Rect2.hpp"
#include "String.hpp" #include "String.hpp"
#include "Transform.hpp" #include "Transform.hpp"
#include "Transform2D.hpp" #include "Transform2D.hpp"
@ -23,5 +23,4 @@
#include "Wrapped.hpp" #include "Wrapped.hpp"
#endif // CORETYPES_H #endif // CORETYPES_H

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
#ifndef DEFS_H #ifndef DEFS_H
#define DEFS_H #define DEFS_H
namespace godot { namespace godot {
enum class Error { enum class Error {
@ -58,50 +57,50 @@ enum class Error {
ERR_WTF = ERR_OMFG_THIS_IS_VERY_VERY_BAD ///< short version of the above ERR_WTF = ERR_OMFG_THIS_IS_VERY_VERY_BAD ///< short version of the above
}; };
namespace helpers { namespace helpers {
template <typename T, typename ValueT> template <typename T, typename ValueT>
T append_all (T appendable, ValueT value) { T append_all(T appendable, ValueT value) {
appendable.append(value); appendable.append(value);
return appendable; return appendable;
} }
template <typename T, typename ValueT, typename... Args> template <typename T, typename ValueT, typename... Args>
T append_all (T appendable, ValueT value, Args... args) { T append_all(T appendable, ValueT value, Args... args) {
appendable.append(value); appendable.append(value);
return append_all(appendable, args...); return append_all(appendable, args...);
} }
template <typename T> template <typename T>
T append_all (T appendable) { T append_all(T appendable) {
return appendable; return appendable;
} }
template <typename KV, typename KeyT, typename ValueT> template <typename KV, typename KeyT, typename ValueT>
KV add_all (KV kv, KeyT key, ValueT value) { KV add_all(KV kv, KeyT key, ValueT value) {
kv[key] = value; kv[key] = value;
return kv; return kv;
} }
template <typename KV, typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename... Args> template <typename KV, typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename... Args>
KV add_all (KV kv, KeyT key, ValueT value, Args... args) { KV add_all(KV kv, KeyT key, ValueT value, Args... args) {
kv[key] = value; kv[key] = value;
return add_all(kv, args...); return add_all(kv, args...);
template <typename KV>
KV add_all (KV kv) {
return kv;
} }
template <typename KV>
KV add_all(KV kv) {
return kv;
} // namespace helpers
} // namespace godot
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdio.h>
typedef float real_t; typedef float real_t;
#define CMP_EPSILON 0.00001 #define CMP_EPSILON 0.00001
#define Math_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #define Math_PI 3.14159265358979323846
#define _PLANE_EQ_DOT_EPSILON 0.999 #define _PLANE_EQ_DOT_EPSILON 0.999
@ -109,7 +108,9 @@ typedef float real_t;
// ERR/WARN macros // ERR/WARN macros
#ifndef WARN_PRINT #ifndef WARN_PRINT
#define WARN_PRINT(msg) fprintf(stdout, "ERROR: %s\n", msg); fflush(stdout) #define WARN_PRINT(msg) \
fprintf(stdout, "ERROR: %s\n", msg); \
#endif #endif
@ -129,24 +130,51 @@ typedef float real_t;
#endif #endif
#ifndef ERR_FAIL_V #ifndef ERR_FAIL_V
#define ERR_FAIL_V(a) { ERR_FAIL(); return a; } #define ERR_FAIL_V(a) \
{ \
return a; \
#endif #endif
#define ERR_FAIL_COND(a) do { if (a) { ERR_PRINT(#a); return; } } while(0) #define ERR_FAIL_COND(a) \
do { \
if (a) { \
ERR_PRINT(#a); \
return; \
} \
} while (0)
#endif #endif
#define ERR_FAIL_COND_V(cond, ret) do { if (cond) { ERR_PRINT(#cond); return ret; } } while(0) #define ERR_FAIL_COND_V(cond, ret) \
do { \
if (cond) { \
ERR_PRINT(#cond); \
return ret; \
} \
} while (0)
#endif #endif
#define ERR_FAIL_INDEX(a, b) do { if (a < 0 || a >= b) { ERR_FAIL(); return; } } while(0) #define ERR_FAIL_INDEX(a, b) \
do { \
if (a < 0 || a >= b) { \
return; \
} \
} while (0)
#endif #endif
#define ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(a, b, c) do { if (a < 0 || a >= b) { ERR_FAIL(); return c; } } while(0) #define ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(a, b, c) \
do { \
if (a < 0 || a >= b) { \
return c; \
} \
} while (0)
#endif #endif
#endif // DEFS_H #endif // DEFS_H

View File

@ -11,10 +11,11 @@ namespace godot {
class Dictionary { class Dictionary {
godot_dictionary _godot_dictionary; godot_dictionary _godot_dictionary;
public: public:
Dictionary(); Dictionary();
Dictionary(const Dictionary & other); Dictionary(const Dictionary &other);
Dictionary & operator=(const Dictionary & other); Dictionary &operator=(const Dictionary &other);
template <class... Args> template <class... Args>
static Dictionary make(Args... args) { static Dictionary make(Args... args) {
@ -25,19 +26,19 @@ public:
bool empty() const; bool empty() const;
void erase(const Variant& key); void erase(const Variant &key);
bool has(const Variant& key) const; bool has(const Variant &key) const;
bool has_all(const Array& keys) const; bool has_all(const Array &keys) const;
uint32_t hash() const; uint32_t hash() const;
Array keys() const; Array keys() const;
Variant &operator [](const Variant& key); Variant &operator[](const Variant &key);
const Variant &operator [](const Variant& key) const; const Variant &operator[](const Variant &key) const;
int size() const; int size() const;
@ -46,9 +47,8 @@ public:
Array values() const; Array values() const;
~Dictionary(); ~Dictionary();
}; };
} } // namespace godot
#endif // DICTIONARY_H #endif // DICTIONARY_H

View File

@ -9,82 +9,90 @@
#include <typeinfo> #include <typeinfo>
#include "CoreTypes.hpp" #include "CoreTypes.hpp"
#include "Variant.hpp"
#include "Ref.hpp" #include "Ref.hpp"
#include "TagDB.hpp" #include "TagDB.hpp"
#include "Variant.hpp"
#include "Object.hpp" #include "Object.hpp"
#include "GodotGlobal.hpp" #include "GodotGlobal.hpp"
#include <NativeScript.hpp>
#include <GDNativeLibrary.hpp> #include <GDNativeLibrary.hpp>
#include <NativeScript.hpp>
namespace godot { namespace godot {
template <class T>
template<class T> T *as(const Object *obj) {
T *as(const Object *obj) return (T *)godot::nativescript_api->godot_nativescript_get_userdata(obj->_owner);
return (T *) godot::nativescript_api->godot_nativescript_get_userdata(obj->_owner);
} }
template<class T> template <class T>
T *get_wrapper(godot_object *obj) T *get_wrapper(godot_object *obj) {
{ return (T *)godot::nativescript_1_1_api->godot_nativescript_get_instance_binding_data(godot::_RegisterState::language_index, obj);
return (T *) godot::nativescript_1_1_api->godot_nativescript_get_instance_binding_data(godot::_RegisterState::language_index, obj);
} }
#define GODOT_CLASS(Name, Base) \ #define GODOT_CLASS(Name, Base) \
public: inline static const char *___get_type_name() { return static_cast<const char *>(#Name); } \ \
enum { ___CLASS_IS_SCRIPT = 1, }; \ public: \
inline static Name *_new() { godot::NativeScript *script = godot::NativeScript::_new(); script->set_library(godot::get_wrapper<godot::GDNativeLibrary>((godot_object *) godot::gdnlib)); script->set_class_name(#Name); Name *instance = godot::as<Name>(script->new_()); return instance; } \ inline static const char *___get_type_name() { return static_cast<const char *>(#Name); } \
enum { ___CLASS_IS_SCRIPT = 1, \
}; \
inline static Name *_new() { \
godot::NativeScript *script = godot::NativeScript::_new(); \
script->set_library(godot::get_wrapper<godot::GDNativeLibrary>((godot_object *)godot::gdnlib)); \
script->set_class_name(#Name); \
Name *instance = godot::as<Name>(script->new_()); \
return instance; \
} \
inline static const char *___get_base_type_name() { return Base::___get_class_name(); } \ inline static const char *___get_base_type_name() { return Base::___get_class_name(); } \
inline static Object *___get_from_variant(godot::Variant a) { return (godot::Object *) godot::as<Name>(godot::Object::___get_from_variant(a)); } \ inline static Object *___get_from_variant(godot::Variant a) { return (godot::Object *)godot::as<Name>(godot::Object::___get_from_variant(a)); } \
private: \
#define GODOT_SUBCLASS(Name, Base) \ #define GODOT_SUBCLASS(Name, Base) \
public: inline static const char *___get_type_name() { return static_cast<const char *>(#Name); } \ \
enum { ___CLASS_IS_SCRIPT = 1, }; \ public: \
inline static Name *_new() { godot::NativeScript *script = godot::NativeScript::_new(); script->set_library(godot::get_wrapper<godot::GDNativeLibrary>((godot_object *) godot::gdnlib)); script->set_class_name(#Name); Name *instance = godot::as<Name>(script->new_()); return instance; } \ inline static const char *___get_type_name() { return static_cast<const char *>(#Name); } \
enum { ___CLASS_IS_SCRIPT = 1, \
}; \
inline static Name *_new() { \
godot::NativeScript *script = godot::NativeScript::_new(); \
script->set_library(godot::get_wrapper<godot::GDNativeLibrary>((godot_object *)godot::gdnlib)); \
script->set_class_name(#Name); \
Name *instance = godot::as<Name>(script->new_()); \
return instance; \
} \
inline static const char *___get_base_type_name() { return #Base; } \ inline static const char *___get_base_type_name() { return #Base; } \
inline static Object *___get_from_variant(godot::Variant a) { return (godot::Object *) godot::as<Name>(godot::Object::___get_from_variant(a)); } \ inline static Object *___get_from_variant(godot::Variant a) { return (godot::Object *)godot::as<Name>(godot::Object::___get_from_variant(a)); } \
private: \
template<class T> template <class T>
struct _ArgCast { struct _ArgCast {
static T _arg_cast(Variant a) static T _arg_cast(Variant a) {
return a; return a;
} }
}; };
template<class T> template <class T>
struct _ArgCast<T*> { struct _ArgCast<T *> {
static T *_arg_cast(Variant a) static T *_arg_cast(Variant a) {
{ return (T *)T::___get_from_variant(a);
return (T *) T::___get_from_variant(a);
} }
}; };
template<> template <>
struct _ArgCast<Variant> { struct _ArgCast<Variant> {
static Variant _arg_cast(Variant a) static Variant _arg_cast(Variant a) {
return a; return a;
} }
}; };
// instance and destroy funcs // instance and destroy funcs
template<class T> template <class T>
void *_godot_class_instance_func(godot_object *p, void *method_data) void *_godot_class_instance_func(godot_object *p, void *method_data) {
T *d = new T(); T *d = new T();
d->_owner = p; d->_owner = p;
d->_type_tag = typeid(T).hash_code(); d->_type_tag = typeid(T).hash_code();
@ -92,17 +100,14 @@ void *_godot_class_instance_func(godot_object *p, void *method_data)
return d; return d;
} }
template<class T> template <class T>
void _godot_class_destroy_func(godot_object *p, void *method_data, void *data) void _godot_class_destroy_func(godot_object *p, void *method_data, void *data) {
{ T *d = (T *)data;
T *d = (T *) data;
delete d; delete d;
} }
template <class T>
template<class T> void register_class() {
void register_class()
godot_instance_create_func create = {}; godot_instance_create_func create = {};
create.create_func = _godot_class_instance_func<T>; create.create_func = _godot_class_instance_func<T>;
@ -112,13 +117,12 @@ void register_class()
_TagDB::register_type(typeid(T).hash_code(), typeid(T).hash_code()); _TagDB::register_type(typeid(T).hash_code(), typeid(T).hash_code());
godot::nativescript_api->godot_nativescript_register_class(godot::_RegisterState::nativescript_handle, T::___get_type_name(), T::___get_base_type_name(), create, destroy); godot::nativescript_api->godot_nativescript_register_class(godot::_RegisterState::nativescript_handle, T::___get_type_name(), T::___get_base_type_name(), create, destroy);
godot::nativescript_1_1_api->godot_nativescript_set_type_tag(godot::_RegisterState::nativescript_handle, T::___get_type_name(), (const void *) typeid(T).hash_code()); godot::nativescript_1_1_api->godot_nativescript_set_type_tag(godot::_RegisterState::nativescript_handle, T::___get_type_name(), (const void *)typeid(T).hash_code());
T::_register_methods(); T::_register_methods();
} }
template<class T> template <class T>
void register_tool_class() void register_tool_class() {
godot_instance_create_func create = {}; godot_instance_create_func create = {};
create.create_func = _godot_class_instance_func<T>; create.create_func = _godot_class_instance_func<T>;
@ -128,155 +132,109 @@ void register_tool_class()
_TagDB::register_type(typeid(T).hash_code(), typeid(T).hash_code()); _TagDB::register_type(typeid(T).hash_code(), typeid(T).hash_code());
godot::nativescript_api->godot_nativescript_register_tool_class(godot::_RegisterState::nativescript_handle, T::___get_type_name(), T::___get_base_type_name(), create, destroy); godot::nativescript_api->godot_nativescript_register_tool_class(godot::_RegisterState::nativescript_handle, T::___get_type_name(), T::___get_base_type_name(), create, destroy);
godot::nativescript_1_1_api->godot_nativescript_set_type_tag(godot::_RegisterState::nativescript_handle, T::___get_type_name(), (const void *) typeid(T).hash_code()); godot::nativescript_1_1_api->godot_nativescript_set_type_tag(godot::_RegisterState::nativescript_handle, T::___get_type_name(), (const void *)typeid(T).hash_code());
T::_register_methods(); T::_register_methods();
} }
// method registering // method registering
typedef godot_variant (*__godot_wrapper_method)(godot_object *, void *, void *, int, godot_variant **); typedef godot_variant (*__godot_wrapper_method)(godot_object *, void *, void *, int, godot_variant **);
template <class T, class R, class... args>
template<class T, class R, class ...args> const char *___get_method_class_name(R (T::*p)(args... a)) {
const char *___get_method_class_name(R (T::*p)(args... a))
return T::___get_type_name(); return T::___get_type_name();
} }
template<class T, class R, class ...args> template <class T, class R, class... args>
const char *___get_method_class_name(R (T::*p)(args... a) const) const char *___get_method_class_name(R (T::*p)(args... a) const) {
return T::___get_type_name(); return T::___get_type_name();
} }
// Okay, time for some template magic. // Okay, time for some template magic.
// Many thanks to manpat from the GDL Discord Server. // Many thanks to manpat from the GDL Discord Server.
// This is stuff that's available in C++14 I think, but whatever. // This is stuff that's available in C++14 I think, but whatever.
template<int... I> template <int... I>
struct __Sequence{}; struct __Sequence {};
template<int N, int... I> template <int N, int... I>
struct __construct_sequence { struct __construct_sequence {
using type = typename __construct_sequence<N-1, N-1, I...>::type; using type = typename __construct_sequence<N - 1, N - 1, I...>::type;
}; };
template<int... I> template <int... I>
struct __construct_sequence<0, I...> { struct __construct_sequence<0, I...> {
using type = __Sequence<I...>; using type = __Sequence<I...>;
}; };
// Now the wrapping part. // Now the wrapping part.
template<class T, class R, class... As> template <class T, class R, class... As>
struct _WrappedMethod { struct _WrappedMethod {
R (T::*f)(As...); R(T::*f)
template<int... I> template <int... I>
void apply(Variant* ret, T* obj, Variant** args, __Sequence<I...>) { void apply(Variant *ret, T *obj, Variant **args, __Sequence<I...>) {
*ret = (obj->*f)( _ArgCast<As>::_arg_cast(*args[I])... ); *ret = (obj->*f)(_ArgCast<As>::_arg_cast(*args[I])...);
} }
}; };
template<class T, class... As> template <class T, class... As>
struct _WrappedMethod<T, void, As...> { struct _WrappedMethod<T, void, As...> {
void (T::*f)(As...); void (T::*f)(As...);
template<int... I> template <int... I>
void apply(Variant* ret, T* obj, Variant** args, __Sequence<I...>) { void apply(Variant *ret, T *obj, Variant **args, __Sequence<I...>) {
(obj->*f)( _ArgCast<As>::_arg_cast(*args[I])... ); (obj->*f)(_ArgCast<As>::_arg_cast(*args[I])...);
} }
}; };
template <class T, class R, class... As>
template<class T, class R, class... As> godot_variant __wrapped_method(godot_object *, void *method_data, void *user_data, int num_args, godot_variant **args) {
godot_variant __wrapped_method(godot_object *, void *method_data, void *user_data, int num_args, godot_variant **args)
godot_variant v; godot_variant v;
godot::api->godot_variant_new_nil(&v); godot::api->godot_variant_new_nil(&v);
T *obj = (T *) user_data; T *obj = (T *)user_data;
_WrappedMethod<T, R, As...> *method = (_WrappedMethod<T, R, As...>*) method_data; _WrappedMethod<T, R, As...> *method = (_WrappedMethod<T, R, As...> *)method_data;
Variant *var = (Variant *) &v; Variant *var = (Variant *)&v;
Variant **arg = (Variant **) args; Variant **arg = (Variant **)args;
method->apply(var, obj, arg, typename __construct_sequence<sizeof...(As)>::type {}); method->apply(var, obj, arg, typename __construct_sequence<sizeof...(As)>::type{});
return v; return v;
} }
template<class T, class R, class... As> template <class T, class R, class... As>
void *___make_wrapper_function(R (T::*f)(As...)) void *___make_wrapper_function(R (T::*f)(As...)) {
using MethodType = _WrappedMethod<T, R, As...>; using MethodType = _WrappedMethod<T, R, As...>;
MethodType *p = (MethodType *) godot::api->godot_alloc(sizeof(MethodType)); MethodType *p = (MethodType *)godot::api->godot_alloc(sizeof(MethodType));
p->f = f; p->f = f;
return (void *) p; return (void *)p;
} }
template<class T, class R, class... As> template <class T, class R, class... As>
__godot_wrapper_method ___get_wrapper_function(R (T::*f)(As...)) __godot_wrapper_method ___get_wrapper_function(R (T::*f)(As...)) {
{ return (__godot_wrapper_method)&__wrapped_method<T, R, As...>;
return (__godot_wrapper_method) &__wrapped_method<T, R, As...>;
} }
template <class T, class R, class... A>
void *___make_wrapper_function(R (T::*f)(A...) const) {
return ___make_wrapper_function((R(T::*)(A...))f);
template<class T, class R, class ...A>
void *___make_wrapper_function(R (T::*f)(A...) const)
return ___make_wrapper_function((R (T::*)(A...)) f);
} }
template <class T, class R, class... A>
template<class T, class R, class ...A> __godot_wrapper_method ___get_wrapper_function(R (T::*f)(A...) const) {
__godot_wrapper_method ___get_wrapper_function(R (T::*f)(A...) const) return ___get_wrapper_function((R(T::*)(A...))f);
return ___get_wrapper_function((R (T::*)(A...)) f);
} }
template <class M>
void register_method(const char *name, M method_ptr, godot_method_rpc_mode rpc_type = GODOT_METHOD_RPC_MODE_DISABLED) {
template<class M>
void register_method(const char *name, M method_ptr, godot_method_rpc_mode rpc_type = GODOT_METHOD_RPC_MODE_DISABLED)
godot_instance_method method = {}; godot_instance_method method = {};
method.method_data = ___make_wrapper_function(method_ptr); method.method_data = ___make_wrapper_function(method_ptr);
method.free_func = godot::api->godot_free; method.free_func = godot::api->godot_free;
method.method = (__godot_wrapper_method) ___get_wrapper_function(method_ptr); method.method = (__godot_wrapper_method)___get_wrapper_function(method_ptr);
godot_method_attributes attr = {}; godot_method_attributes attr = {};
attr.rpc_type = rpc_type; attr.rpc_type = rpc_type;
@ -284,34 +242,31 @@ void register_method(const char *name, M method_ptr, godot_method_rpc_mode rpc_t
godot::nativescript_api->godot_nativescript_register_method(godot::_RegisterState::nativescript_handle, ___get_method_class_name(method_ptr), name, attr, method); godot::nativescript_api->godot_nativescript_register_method(godot::_RegisterState::nativescript_handle, ___get_method_class_name(method_ptr), name, attr, method);
} }
template <class T, class P>
template<class T, class P>
struct _PropertySetFunc { struct _PropertySetFunc {
void (T::*f)(P); void (T::*f)(P);
static void _wrapped_setter(godot_object *object, void *method_data, void *user_data, godot_variant *value) static void _wrapped_setter(godot_object *object, void *method_data, void *user_data, godot_variant *value) {
{ _PropertySetFunc<T, P> *set_func = (_PropertySetFunc<T, P> *)method_data;
_PropertySetFunc<T, P> *set_func = (_PropertySetFunc<T, P> *) method_data; T *obj = (T *)user_data;
T *obj = (T *) user_data;
Variant *v = (Variant *) value; Variant *v = (Variant *)value;
(obj->*(set_func->f))(_ArgCast<P>::_arg_cast(*v)); (obj->*(set_func->f))(_ArgCast<P>::_arg_cast(*v));
} }
}; };
template<class T, class P> template <class T, class P>
struct _PropertyGetFunc { struct _PropertyGetFunc {
P (T::*f)(); P(T::*f)
static godot_variant _wrapped_getter(godot_object *object, void *method_data, void *user_data) ();
{ static godot_variant _wrapped_getter(godot_object *object, void *method_data, void *user_data) {
_PropertyGetFunc<T, P> *get_func = (_PropertyGetFunc<T, P> *) method_data; _PropertyGetFunc<T, P> *get_func = (_PropertyGetFunc<T, P> *)method_data;
T *obj = (T *) user_data; T *obj = (T *)user_data;
godot_variant var; godot_variant var;
godot::api->godot_variant_new_nil(&var); godot::api->godot_variant_new_nil(&var);
Variant *v = (Variant *) &var; Variant *v = (Variant *)&var;
*v = (obj->*(get_func->f))(); *v = (obj->*(get_func->f))();
@ -319,37 +274,30 @@ struct _PropertyGetFunc {
} }
}; };
template <class T, class P>
template<class T, class P>
struct _PropertyDefaultSetFunc { struct _PropertyDefaultSetFunc {
P (T::*f); P(T::*f);
static void _wrapped_setter(godot_object *object, void *method_data, void *user_data, godot_variant *value) static void _wrapped_setter(godot_object *object, void *method_data, void *user_data, godot_variant *value) {
{ _PropertyDefaultSetFunc<T, P> *set_func = (_PropertyDefaultSetFunc<T, P> *)method_data;
_PropertyDefaultSetFunc<T, P> *set_func = (_PropertyDefaultSetFunc<T, P> *) method_data; T *obj = (T *)user_data;
T *obj = (T *) user_data;
Variant *v = (Variant *) value; Variant *v = (Variant *)value;
(obj->*(set_func->f)) = _ArgCast<P>::_arg_cast(*v); (obj->*(set_func->f)) = _ArgCast<P>::_arg_cast(*v);
} }
}; };
template<class T, class P> template <class T, class P>
struct _PropertyDefaultGetFunc { struct _PropertyDefaultGetFunc {
P (T::*f); P(T::*f);
static godot_variant _wrapped_getter(godot_object *object, void *method_data, void *user_data) static godot_variant _wrapped_getter(godot_object *object, void *method_data, void *user_data) {
{ _PropertyDefaultGetFunc<T, P> *get_func = (_PropertyDefaultGetFunc<T, P> *)method_data;
_PropertyDefaultGetFunc<T, P> *get_func = (_PropertyDefaultGetFunc<T, P> *) method_data; T *obj = (T *)user_data;
T *obj = (T *) user_data;
godot_variant var; godot_variant var;
godot::api->godot_variant_new_nil(&var); godot::api->godot_variant_new_nil(&var);
Variant *v = (Variant *) &var; Variant *v = (Variant *)&var;
*v = (obj->*(get_func->f)); *v = (obj->*(get_func->f));
@ -357,27 +305,25 @@ struct _PropertyDefaultGetFunc {
} }
}; };
template <class T, class P>
template<class T, class P> void register_property(const char *name, P(T::*var), P default_value, godot_method_rpc_mode rpc_mode = GODOT_METHOD_RPC_MODE_DISABLED, godot_property_usage_flags usage = GODOT_PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT, godot_property_hint hint = GODOT_PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, String hint_string = "") {
void register_property(const char *name, P (T::*var), P default_value, godot_method_rpc_mode rpc_mode = GODOT_METHOD_RPC_MODE_DISABLED, godot_property_usage_flags usage = GODOT_PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT, godot_property_hint hint = GODOT_PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, String hint_string = "")
Variant def_val = default_value; Variant def_val = default_value;
usage = (godot_property_usage_flags) ((int) usage | GODOT_PROPERTY_USAGE_SCRIPT_VARIABLE); usage = (godot_property_usage_flags)((int)usage | GODOT_PROPERTY_USAGE_SCRIPT_VARIABLE);
if (def_val.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) { if (def_val.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) {
Object *o = get_wrapper<Object>(def_val.operator godot_object*()); Object *o = get_wrapper<Object>(def_val.operator godot_object *());
if (o && o->is_class("Resource")) { if (o && o->is_class("Resource")) {
hint = (godot_property_hint) ((int) hint | GODOT_PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE); hint = (godot_property_hint)((int)hint | GODOT_PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE);
hint_string = o->get_class(); hint_string = o->get_class();
} }
} }
godot_string *_hint_string = (godot_string*) &hint_string; godot_string *_hint_string = (godot_string *)&hint_string;
godot_property_attributes attr = {}; godot_property_attributes attr = {};
attr.type = def_val.get_type(); attr.type = def_val.get_type();
attr.default_value = *(godot_variant *) &def_val; attr.default_value = *(godot_variant *)&def_val;
attr.hint = hint; attr.hint = hint;
attr.rset_type = rpc_mode; attr.rset_type = rpc_mode;
attr.usage = usage; attr.usage = usage;
@ -386,75 +332,68 @@ void register_property(const char *name, P (T::*var), P default_value, godot_met
_PropertyDefaultSetFunc<T, P> *wrapped_set = (_PropertyDefaultSetFunc<T, P> *)godot::api->godot_alloc(sizeof(_PropertyDefaultSetFunc<T, P>)); _PropertyDefaultSetFunc<T, P> *wrapped_set = (_PropertyDefaultSetFunc<T, P> *)godot::api->godot_alloc(sizeof(_PropertyDefaultSetFunc<T, P>));
wrapped_set->f = var; wrapped_set->f = var;
_PropertyDefaultGetFunc<T, P> *wrapped_get = (_PropertyDefaultGetFunc<T, P> *) godot::api->godot_alloc(sizeof(_PropertyDefaultGetFunc<T, P>)); _PropertyDefaultGetFunc<T, P> *wrapped_get = (_PropertyDefaultGetFunc<T, P> *)godot::api->godot_alloc(sizeof(_PropertyDefaultGetFunc<T, P>));
wrapped_get->f = var; wrapped_get->f = var;
godot_property_set_func set_func = {}; godot_property_set_func set_func = {};
set_func.method_data = (void *) wrapped_set; set_func.method_data = (void *)wrapped_set;
set_func.free_func = godot::api->godot_free; set_func.free_func = godot::api->godot_free;
set_func.set_func = &_PropertyDefaultSetFunc<T, P>::_wrapped_setter; set_func.set_func = &_PropertyDefaultSetFunc<T, P>::_wrapped_setter;
godot_property_get_func get_func = {}; godot_property_get_func get_func = {};
get_func.method_data = (void *) wrapped_get; get_func.method_data = (void *)wrapped_get;
get_func.free_func = godot::api->godot_free; get_func.free_func = godot::api->godot_free;
get_func.get_func = &_PropertyDefaultGetFunc<T, P>::_wrapped_getter; get_func.get_func = &_PropertyDefaultGetFunc<T, P>::_wrapped_getter;
godot::nativescript_api->godot_nativescript_register_property(godot::_RegisterState::nativescript_handle, T::___get_type_name(), name, &attr, set_func, get_func); godot::nativescript_api->godot_nativescript_register_property(godot::_RegisterState::nativescript_handle, T::___get_type_name(), name, &attr, set_func, get_func);
} }
template <class T, class P>
void register_property(const char *name, void (T::*setter)(P), P (T::*getter)(), P default_value, godot_method_rpc_mode rpc_mode = GODOT_METHOD_RPC_MODE_DISABLED, godot_property_usage_flags usage = GODOT_PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT, godot_property_hint hint = GODOT_PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, String hint_string = "") {
template<class T, class P>
void register_property(const char *name, void (T::*setter)(P), P (T::*getter)(), P default_value, godot_method_rpc_mode rpc_mode = GODOT_METHOD_RPC_MODE_DISABLED, godot_property_usage_flags usage = GODOT_PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT, godot_property_hint hint = GODOT_PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, String hint_string = "")
Variant def_val = default_value; Variant def_val = default_value;
godot_property_attributes attr = {}; godot_property_attributes attr = {};
attr.type = def_val.get_type(); attr.type = def_val.get_type();
attr.default_value = *(godot_variant *) &def_val; attr.default_value = *(godot_variant *)&def_val;
attr.hint = hint; attr.hint = hint;
attr.rset_type = rpc_mode; attr.rset_type = rpc_mode;
attr.usage = usage; attr.usage = usage;
_PropertySetFunc<T, P> *wrapped_set = (_PropertySetFunc<T, P> *) godot::api->godot_alloc(sizeof(_PropertySetFunc<T, P>)); _PropertySetFunc<T, P> *wrapped_set = (_PropertySetFunc<T, P> *)godot::api->godot_alloc(sizeof(_PropertySetFunc<T, P>));
wrapped_set->f = setter; wrapped_set->f = setter;
_PropertyGetFunc<T, P> *wrapped_get = (_PropertyGetFunc<T, P> *) godot::api->godot_alloc(sizeof(_PropertyGetFunc<T, P>)); _PropertyGetFunc<T, P> *wrapped_get = (_PropertyGetFunc<T, P> *)godot::api->godot_alloc(sizeof(_PropertyGetFunc<T, P>));
wrapped_get->f = getter; wrapped_get->f = getter;
godot_property_set_func set_func = {}; godot_property_set_func set_func = {};
set_func.method_data = (void *) wrapped_set; set_func.method_data = (void *)wrapped_set;
set_func.free_func = godot::api->godot_free; set_func.free_func = godot::api->godot_free;
set_func.set_func = &_PropertySetFunc<T, P>::_wrapped_setter; set_func.set_func = &_PropertySetFunc<T, P>::_wrapped_setter;
godot_property_get_func get_func = {}; godot_property_get_func get_func = {};
get_func.method_data = (void *) wrapped_get; get_func.method_data = (void *)wrapped_get;
get_func.free_func = godot::api->godot_free; get_func.free_func = godot::api->godot_free;
get_func.get_func = &_PropertyGetFunc<T, P>::_wrapped_getter; get_func.get_func = &_PropertyGetFunc<T, P>::_wrapped_getter;
godot::nativescript_api->godot_nativescript_register_property(godot::_RegisterState::nativescript_handle, T::___get_type_name(), name, &attr, set_func, get_func); godot::nativescript_api->godot_nativescript_register_property(godot::_RegisterState::nativescript_handle, T::___get_type_name(), name, &attr, set_func, get_func);
} }
template<class T, class P> template <class T, class P>
void register_property(const char *name, void (T::*setter)(P), P (T::*getter)() const, P default_value, godot_method_rpc_mode rpc_mode = GODOT_METHOD_RPC_MODE_DISABLED, godot_property_usage_flags usage = GODOT_PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT, godot_property_hint hint = GODOT_PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, String hint_string = "") void register_property(const char *name, void (T::*setter)(P), P (T::*getter)() const, P default_value, godot_method_rpc_mode rpc_mode = GODOT_METHOD_RPC_MODE_DISABLED, godot_property_usage_flags usage = GODOT_PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT, godot_property_hint hint = GODOT_PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, String hint_string = "") {
{ register_property(name, setter, (P(T::*)())getter, default_value, rpc_mode, usage, hint, hint_string);
register_property(name, setter, (P (T::*)()) getter, default_value, rpc_mode, usage, hint, hint_string);
} }
template<class T> template <class T>
void register_signal(String name, Dictionary args = Dictionary()) void register_signal(String name, Dictionary args = Dictionary()) {
godot_signal signal = {}; godot_signal signal = {}; = *(godot_string *)&name; = *(godot_string *)&name;
signal.num_args = args.size(); signal.num_args = args.size();
signal.num_default_args = 0; signal.num_default_args = 0;
// Need to check because malloc(0) is platform-dependent. Zero arguments will leave args to nullptr. // Need to check because malloc(0) is platform-dependent. Zero arguments will leave args to nullptr.
if(signal.num_args != 0) { if (signal.num_args != 0) {
signal.args = (godot_signal_argument*) godot::api->godot_alloc(sizeof(godot_signal_argument) * signal.num_args); signal.args = (godot_signal_argument *)godot::api->godot_alloc(sizeof(godot_signal_argument) * signal.num_args);
memset((void *) signal.args, 0, sizeof(godot_signal_argument) * signal.num_args); memset((void *)signal.args, 0, sizeof(godot_signal_argument) * signal.num_args);
} }
for (int i = 0; i < signal.num_args; i++) { for (int i = 0; i < signal.num_args; i++) {
@ -476,29 +415,23 @@ void register_signal(String name, Dictionary args = Dictionary())
godot::api->godot_string_destroy(&signal.args[i].name); godot::api->godot_string_destroy(&signal.args[i].name);
} }
if(signal.args) { if (signal.args) {
godot::api->godot_free(signal.args); godot::api->godot_free(signal.args);
} }
} }
template<class T, class... Args> template <class T, class... Args>
void register_signal(String name, Args... varargs) void register_signal(String name, Args... varargs) {
register_signal<T>(name, Dictionary::make(varargs...)); register_signal<T>(name, Dictionary::make(varargs...));
} }
template<class T> template <class T>
T *Object::cast_to(const Object *obj) T *Object::cast_to(const Object *obj) {
{ size_t have_tag = (size_t)godot::nativescript_1_1_api->godot_nativescript_get_type_tag(obj->_owner);
size_t have_tag = (size_t) godot::nativescript_1_1_api->godot_nativescript_get_type_tag(obj->_owner);
if (have_tag) { if (have_tag) {
if (!godot::_TagDB::is_type_known((size_t) have_tag)) { if (!godot::_TagDB::is_type_known((size_t)have_tag)) {
have_tag = 0; have_tag = 0;
} }
} }
@ -508,14 +441,13 @@ T *Object::cast_to(const Object *obj)
} }
if (godot::_TagDB::is_type_compatible(typeid(T).hash_code(), have_tag)) { if (godot::_TagDB::is_type_compatible(typeid(T).hash_code(), have_tag)) {
return (T::___CLASS_IS_SCRIPT) ? godot::as<T>(obj) : (T *) obj; return (T::___CLASS_IS_SCRIPT) ? godot::as<T>(obj) : (T *)obj;
} else { } else {
return nullptr; return nullptr;
} }
} }
#endif #endif
} // namespace godot
#endif // GODOT_H #endif // GODOT_H

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
#include <gdnative_api_struct.gen.h>
#include "String.hpp"
#include "Array.hpp" #include "Array.hpp"
#include "String.hpp"
#include <gdnative_api_struct.gen.h>
namespace godot { namespace godot {
@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ extern "C" const void *gdnlib;
class Godot { class Godot {
public: public:
static void print(const String& message); static void print(const String &message);
static void print_warning(const String& description, const String& function, const String& file, int line); static void print_warning(const String &description, const String &function, const String &file, int line);
static void print_error(const String& description, const String& function, const String& file, int line); static void print_error(const String &description, const String &function, const String &file, int line);
static void gdnative_init(godot_gdnative_init_options *o); static void gdnative_init(godot_gdnative_init_options *o);
static void gdnative_terminate(godot_gdnative_terminate_options *o); static void gdnative_terminate(godot_gdnative_terminate_options *o);
@ -26,18 +26,16 @@ public:
static void nativescript_terminate(void *handle); static void nativescript_terminate(void *handle);
template <class... Args> template <class... Args>
static void print(const String& fmt, Args... values) { static void print(const String &fmt, Args... values) {
print(fmt.format(Array::make(values...))); print(fmt.format(Array::make(values...)));
} }
}; };
struct _RegisterState { struct _RegisterState {
static void *nativescript_handle; static void *nativescript_handle;
static int language_index; static int language_index;
}; };
} } // namespace godot
#endif #endif

View File

@ -7,16 +7,15 @@
namespace godot { namespace godot {
class NodePath {
class NodePath
godot_node_path _node_path; godot_node_path _node_path;
public: public:
NodePath(); NodePath();
NodePath(const NodePath &other); NodePath(const NodePath &other);
NodePath(const String& from); NodePath(const String &from);
NodePath(const char *contents); NodePath(const char *contents);
@ -34,15 +33,13 @@ public:
operator String() const; operator String() const;
void operator =(const NodePath& other); void operator=(const NodePath &other);
bool operator ==(const NodePath& other); bool operator==(const NodePath &other);
~NodePath(); ~NodePath();
}; };
} // namespace godot
#endif // NODEPATH_H #endif // NODEPATH_H

View File

@ -5,10 +5,8 @@
#include <cmath> #include <cmath>
namespace godot { namespace godot {
enum ClockDirection { enum ClockDirection {
@ -20,7 +18,7 @@ public:
Vector3 normal; Vector3 normal;
real_t d; real_t d;
void set_normal(const Vector3& p_normal); void set_normal(const Vector3 &p_normal);
inline Vector3 get_normal() const { return normal; } ///Point is coplanar, CMP_EPSILON for precision inline Vector3 get_normal() const { return normal; } ///Point is coplanar, CMP_EPSILON for precision
@ -30,40 +28,41 @@ public:
/* Plane-Point operations */ /* Plane-Point operations */
inline Vector3 center() const { return normal*d; } inline Vector3 center() const { return normal * d; }
Vector3 get_any_point() const; Vector3 get_any_point() const;
Vector3 get_any_perpendicular_normal() const; Vector3 get_any_perpendicular_normal() const;
bool is_point_over(const Vector3 &p_point) const; ///< Point is over plane bool is_point_over(const Vector3 &p_point) const; ///< Point is over plane
real_t distance_to(const Vector3 &p_point) const; real_t distance_to(const Vector3 &p_point) const;
bool has_point(const Vector3 &p_point,real_t _epsilon=CMP_EPSILON) const; bool has_point(const Vector3 &p_point, real_t _epsilon = CMP_EPSILON) const;
/* intersections */ /* intersections */
bool intersect_3(const Plane &p_plane1, const Plane &p_plane2, Vector3 *r_result=0) const; bool intersect_3(const Plane &p_plane1, const Plane &p_plane2, Vector3 *r_result = 0) const;
bool intersects_ray(Vector3 p_from, Vector3 p_dir, Vector3* p_intersection) const; bool intersects_ray(Vector3 p_from, Vector3 p_dir, Vector3 *p_intersection) const;
bool intersects_segment(Vector3 p_begin, Vector3 p_end, Vector3* p_intersection) const; bool intersects_segment(Vector3 p_begin, Vector3 p_end, Vector3 *p_intersection) const;
Vector3 project(const Vector3& p_point) const; Vector3 project(const Vector3 &p_point) const;
/* misc */ /* misc */
inline Plane operator-() const { return Plane(-normal,-d); } inline Plane operator-() const { return Plane(-normal, -d); }
bool is_almost_like(const Plane& p_plane) const; bool is_almost_like(const Plane &p_plane) const;
bool operator==(const Plane& p_plane) const; bool operator==(const Plane &p_plane) const;
bool operator!=(const Plane& p_plane) const; bool operator!=(const Plane &p_plane) const;
operator String() const; operator String() const;
inline Plane() { d=0; } inline Plane() { d = 0; }
inline Plane(real_t p_a, real_t p_b, real_t p_c, real_t p_d) : normal(p_a,p_b,p_c), d(p_d) { } inline Plane(real_t p_a, real_t p_b, real_t p_c, real_t p_d) :
normal(p_a, p_b, p_c),
d(p_d) {}
Plane(const Vector3 &p_normal, real_t p_d); Plane(const Vector3 &p_normal, real_t p_d);
Plane(const Vector3 &p_point, const Vector3& p_normal); Plane(const Vector3 &p_point, const Vector3 &p_normal);
Plane(const Vector3 &p_point1, const Vector3 &p_point2,const Vector3 &p_point3,ClockDirection p_dir = CLOCKWISE); Plane(const Vector3 &p_point1, const Vector3 &p_point2, const Vector3 &p_point3, ClockDirection p_dir = CLOCKWISE);
}; };
} } // namespace godot
#endif // PLANE_H #endif // PLANE_H

View File

@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
#include "Defs.hpp" #include "Defs.hpp"
#include "String.hpp"
#include "Color.hpp" #include "Color.hpp"
#include "GodotGlobal.hpp"
#include "String.hpp"
#include "Vector2.hpp" #include "Vector2.hpp"
#include "Vector3.hpp" #include "Vector3.hpp"
#include "GodotGlobal.hpp"
#include <gdnative/pool_arrays.h> #include <gdnative/pool_arrays.h>
@ -17,18 +17,19 @@ class Array;
class PoolByteArray { class PoolByteArray {
godot_pool_byte_array _godot_array; godot_pool_byte_array _godot_array;
class Read { class Read {
friend class PoolByteArray; friend class PoolByteArray;
godot_pool_byte_array_read_access *_read_access; godot_pool_byte_array_read_access *_read_access;
public: public:
inline Read() { inline Read() {
_read_access = nullptr; _read_access = nullptr;
} }
inline Read(const Read & p_other) { inline Read(const Read &p_other) {
_read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_read_access_copy(p_other._read_access); _read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_read_access_copy(p_other._read_access);
} }
@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ public:
return ptr()[p_idx]; return ptr()[p_idx];
} }
inline void operator=(const Read& p_other) { inline void operator=(const Read &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_read_access_operator_assign(_read_access, p_other._read_access); godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_read_access_operator_assign(_read_access, p_other._read_access);
} }
}; };
@ -52,12 +53,13 @@ public:
class Write { class Write {
friend class PoolByteArray; friend class PoolByteArray;
godot_pool_byte_array_write_access *_write_access; godot_pool_byte_array_write_access *_write_access;
public: public:
inline Write() { inline Write() {
_write_access = nullptr; _write_access = nullptr;
} }
inline Write(const Write & p_other) { inline Write(const Write &p_other) {
_write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_write_access_copy(p_other._write_access); _write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_write_access_copy(p_other._write_access);
} }
@ -73,16 +75,16 @@ public:
return ptr()[p_idx]; return ptr()[p_idx];
} }
inline void operator=(const Write& p_other) { inline void operator=(const Write &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_write_access_operator_assign(_write_access, p_other._write_access); godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_write_access_operator_assign(_write_access, p_other._write_access);
} }
}; };
PoolByteArray(); PoolByteArray();
PoolByteArray(const PoolByteArray &p_other); PoolByteArray(const PoolByteArray &p_other);
PoolByteArray &operator=(const PoolByteArray & p_other); PoolByteArray &operator=(const PoolByteArray &p_other);
PoolByteArray(const Array& array); PoolByteArray(const Array &array);
Read read() const; Read read() const;
@ -90,7 +92,7 @@ public:
void append(const uint8_t data); void append(const uint8_t data);
void append_array(const PoolByteArray& array); void append_array(const PoolByteArray &array);
int insert(const int idx, const uint8_t data); int insert(const int idx, const uint8_t data);
@ -104,27 +106,27 @@ public:
void set(const int idx, const uint8_t data); void set(const int idx, const uint8_t data);
uint8_t operator [](const int idx); uint8_t operator[](const int idx);
int size() const; int size() const;
~PoolByteArray(); ~PoolByteArray();
}; };
class PoolIntArray { class PoolIntArray {
godot_pool_int_array _godot_array; godot_pool_int_array _godot_array;
class Read { class Read {
friend class PoolIntArray; friend class PoolIntArray;
godot_pool_int_array_read_access *_read_access; godot_pool_int_array_read_access *_read_access;
public: public:
inline Read() { inline Read() {
_read_access = nullptr; _read_access = nullptr;
} }
inline Read(const Read & p_other) { inline Read(const Read &p_other) {
_read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_read_access_copy(p_other._read_access); _read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_read_access_copy(p_other._read_access);
} }
@ -140,7 +142,7 @@ public:
return ptr()[p_idx]; return ptr()[p_idx];
} }
inline void operator=(const Read& p_other) { inline void operator=(const Read &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_read_access_operator_assign(_read_access, p_other._read_access); godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_read_access_operator_assign(_read_access, p_other._read_access);
} }
}; };
@ -148,12 +150,13 @@ public:
class Write { class Write {
friend class PoolIntArray; friend class PoolIntArray;
godot_pool_int_array_write_access *_write_access; godot_pool_int_array_write_access *_write_access;
public: public:
inline Write() { inline Write() {
_write_access = nullptr; _write_access = nullptr;
} }
inline Write(const Write & p_other) { inline Write(const Write &p_other) {
_write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_write_access_copy(p_other._write_access); _write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_write_access_copy(p_other._write_access);
} }
@ -169,7 +172,7 @@ public:
return ptr()[p_idx]; return ptr()[p_idx];
} }
inline void operator=(const Write& p_other) { inline void operator=(const Write &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_write_access_operator_assign(_write_access, p_other._write_access); godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_write_access_operator_assign(_write_access, p_other._write_access);
} }
}; };
@ -178,7 +181,7 @@ public:
PoolIntArray(const PoolIntArray &p_other); PoolIntArray(const PoolIntArray &p_other);
PoolIntArray &operator=(const PoolIntArray &p_other); PoolIntArray &operator=(const PoolIntArray &p_other);
PoolIntArray(const Array& array); PoolIntArray(const Array &array);
Read read() const; Read read() const;
@ -186,7 +189,7 @@ public:
void append(const int data); void append(const int data);
void append_array(const PoolIntArray& array); void append_array(const PoolIntArray &array);
int insert(const int idx, const int data); int insert(const int idx, const int data);
@ -200,27 +203,27 @@ public:
void set(const int idx, const int data); void set(const int idx, const int data);
int operator [](const int idx); int operator[](const int idx);
int size() const; int size() const;
~PoolIntArray(); ~PoolIntArray();
}; };
class PoolRealArray { class PoolRealArray {
godot_pool_real_array _godot_array; godot_pool_real_array _godot_array;
class Read { class Read {
friend class PoolRealArray; friend class PoolRealArray;
godot_pool_real_array_read_access *_read_access; godot_pool_real_array_read_access *_read_access;
public: public:
inline Read() { inline Read() {
_read_access = nullptr; _read_access = nullptr;
} }
inline Read(const Read & p_other) { inline Read(const Read &p_other) {
_read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_read_access_copy(p_other._read_access); _read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_read_access_copy(p_other._read_access);
} }
@ -236,7 +239,7 @@ public:
return ptr()[p_idx]; return ptr()[p_idx];
} }
inline void operator=(const Read& p_other) { inline void operator=(const Read &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_read_access_operator_assign(_read_access, p_other._read_access); godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_read_access_operator_assign(_read_access, p_other._read_access);
} }
}; };
@ -244,12 +247,13 @@ public:
class Write { class Write {
friend class PoolRealArray; friend class PoolRealArray;
godot_pool_real_array_write_access *_write_access; godot_pool_real_array_write_access *_write_access;
public: public:
inline Write() { inline Write() {
_write_access = nullptr; _write_access = nullptr;
} }
inline Write(const Write & p_other) { inline Write(const Write &p_other) {
_write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_write_access_copy(p_other._write_access); _write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_write_access_copy(p_other._write_access);
} }
@ -265,7 +269,7 @@ public:
return ptr()[p_idx]; return ptr()[p_idx];
} }
inline void operator=(const Write& p_other) { inline void operator=(const Write &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_write_access_operator_assign(_write_access, p_other._write_access); godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_write_access_operator_assign(_write_access, p_other._write_access);
} }
}; };
@ -274,7 +278,7 @@ public:
PoolRealArray(const PoolRealArray &p_other); PoolRealArray(const PoolRealArray &p_other);
PoolRealArray &operator=(const PoolRealArray &p_other); PoolRealArray &operator=(const PoolRealArray &p_other);
PoolRealArray(const Array& array); PoolRealArray(const Array &array);
Read read() const; Read read() const;
@ -282,7 +286,7 @@ public:
void append(const real_t data); void append(const real_t data);
void append_array(const PoolRealArray& array); void append_array(const PoolRealArray &array);
int insert(const int idx, const real_t data); int insert(const int idx, const real_t data);
@ -296,27 +300,27 @@ public:
void set(const int idx, const real_t data); void set(const int idx, const real_t data);
real_t operator [](const int idx); real_t operator[](const int idx);
int size() const; int size() const;
~PoolRealArray(); ~PoolRealArray();
}; };
class PoolStringArray { class PoolStringArray {
godot_pool_string_array _godot_array; godot_pool_string_array _godot_array;
class Read { class Read {
friend class PoolStringArray; friend class PoolStringArray;
godot_pool_string_array_read_access *_read_access; godot_pool_string_array_read_access *_read_access;
public: public:
inline Read() { inline Read() {
_read_access = nullptr; _read_access = nullptr;
} }
inline Read(const Read & p_other) { inline Read(const Read &p_other) {
_read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_read_access_copy(p_other._read_access); _read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_read_access_copy(p_other._read_access);
} }
@ -325,14 +329,14 @@ public:
} }
inline const String *ptr() const { inline const String *ptr() const {
return (const String *) godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_read_access_ptr(_read_access); return (const String *)godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_read_access_ptr(_read_access);
} }
inline const String &operator[](int p_idx) const { inline const String &operator[](int p_idx) const {
return ptr()[p_idx]; return ptr()[p_idx];
} }
inline void operator=(const Read& p_other) { inline void operator=(const Read &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_read_access_operator_assign(_read_access, p_other._read_access); godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_read_access_operator_assign(_read_access, p_other._read_access);
} }
}; };
@ -340,12 +344,13 @@ public:
class Write { class Write {
friend class PoolStringArray; friend class PoolStringArray;
godot_pool_string_array_write_access *_write_access; godot_pool_string_array_write_access *_write_access;
public: public:
inline Write() { inline Write() {
_write_access = nullptr; _write_access = nullptr;
} }
inline Write(const Write & p_other) { inline Write(const Write &p_other) {
_write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_write_access_copy(p_other._write_access); _write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_write_access_copy(p_other._write_access);
} }
@ -354,14 +359,14 @@ public:
} }
inline String *ptr() const { inline String *ptr() const {
return (String *) godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_write_access_ptr(_write_access); return (String *)godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_write_access_ptr(_write_access);
} }
inline String &operator[](int p_idx) const { inline String &operator[](int p_idx) const {
return ptr()[p_idx]; return ptr()[p_idx];
} }
inline void operator=(const Write& p_other) { inline void operator=(const Write &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_write_access_operator_assign(_write_access, p_other._write_access); godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_write_access_operator_assign(_write_access, p_other._write_access);
} }
}; };
@ -370,50 +375,49 @@ public:
PoolStringArray(const PoolStringArray &p_other); PoolStringArray(const PoolStringArray &p_other);
PoolStringArray &operator=(const PoolStringArray &p_other); PoolStringArray &operator=(const PoolStringArray &p_other);
PoolStringArray(const Array& array); PoolStringArray(const Array &array);
Read read() const; Read read() const;
Write write(); Write write();
void append(const String& data); void append(const String &data);
void append_array(const PoolStringArray& array); void append_array(const PoolStringArray &array);
int insert(const int idx, const String& data); int insert(const int idx, const String &data);
void invert(); void invert();
void push_back(const String& data); void push_back(const String &data);
void remove(const int idx); void remove(const int idx);
void resize(const int size); void resize(const int size);
void set(const int idx, const String& data); void set(const int idx, const String &data);
const String operator [](const int idx); const String operator[](const int idx);
int size() const; int size() const;
~PoolStringArray(); ~PoolStringArray();
}; };
class PoolVector2Array { class PoolVector2Array {
godot_pool_vector2_array _godot_array; godot_pool_vector2_array _godot_array;
class Read { class Read {
friend class PoolVector2Array; friend class PoolVector2Array;
godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access *_read_access; godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access *_read_access;
public: public:
inline Read() { inline Read() {
_read_access = nullptr; _read_access = nullptr;
} }
inline Read(const Read & p_other) { inline Read(const Read &p_other) {
_read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access_copy(p_other._read_access); _read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access_copy(p_other._read_access);
} }
@ -422,14 +426,14 @@ public:
} }
inline const Vector2 *ptr() const { inline const Vector2 *ptr() const {
return (const Vector2 *) godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access_ptr(_read_access); return (const Vector2 *)godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access_ptr(_read_access);
} }
inline const Vector2 &operator[](int p_idx) const { inline const Vector2 &operator[](int p_idx) const {
return ptr()[p_idx]; return ptr()[p_idx];
} }
inline void operator=(const Read& p_other) { inline void operator=(const Read &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access_operator_assign(_read_access, p_other._read_access); godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access_operator_assign(_read_access, p_other._read_access);
} }
}; };
@ -437,12 +441,13 @@ public:
class Write { class Write {
friend class PoolVector2Array; friend class PoolVector2Array;
godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access *_write_access; godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access *_write_access;
public: public:
inline Write() { inline Write() {
_write_access = nullptr; _write_access = nullptr;
} }
inline Write(const Write & p_other) { inline Write(const Write &p_other) {
_write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access_copy(p_other._write_access); _write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access_copy(p_other._write_access);
} }
@ -451,14 +456,14 @@ public:
} }
inline Vector2 *ptr() const { inline Vector2 *ptr() const {
return (Vector2 *) godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access_ptr(_write_access); return (Vector2 *)godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access_ptr(_write_access);
} }
inline Vector2 &operator[](int p_idx) const { inline Vector2 &operator[](int p_idx) const {
return ptr()[p_idx]; return ptr()[p_idx];
} }
inline void operator=(const Write& p_other) { inline void operator=(const Write &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access_operator_assign(_write_access, p_other._write_access); godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access_operator_assign(_write_access, p_other._write_access);
} }
}; };
@ -467,49 +472,49 @@ public:
PoolVector2Array(const PoolVector2Array &p_other); PoolVector2Array(const PoolVector2Array &p_other);
PoolVector2Array &operator=(const PoolVector2Array &p_other); PoolVector2Array &operator=(const PoolVector2Array &p_other);
PoolVector2Array(const Array& array); PoolVector2Array(const Array &array);
Read read() const; Read read() const;
Write write(); Write write();
void append(const Vector2& data); void append(const Vector2 &data);
void append_array(const PoolVector2Array& array); void append_array(const PoolVector2Array &array);
int insert(const int idx, const Vector2& data); int insert(const int idx, const Vector2 &data);
void invert(); void invert();
void push_back(const Vector2& data); void push_back(const Vector2 &data);
void remove(const int idx); void remove(const int idx);
void resize(const int size); void resize(const int size);
void set(const int idx, const Vector2& data); void set(const int idx, const Vector2 &data);
const Vector2 operator [](const int idx); const Vector2 operator[](const int idx);
int size() const; int size() const;
~PoolVector2Array(); ~PoolVector2Array();
}; };
class PoolVector3Array { class PoolVector3Array {
godot_pool_vector3_array _godot_array; godot_pool_vector3_array _godot_array;
class Read { class Read {
friend class PoolVector3Array; friend class PoolVector3Array;
godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access *_read_access; godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access *_read_access;
public: public:
inline Read() { inline Read() {
_read_access = nullptr; _read_access = nullptr;
} }
inline Read(const Read & p_other) { inline Read(const Read &p_other) {
_read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access_copy(p_other._read_access); _read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access_copy(p_other._read_access);
} }
@ -518,14 +523,14 @@ public:
} }
inline const Vector3 *ptr() const { inline const Vector3 *ptr() const {
return (const Vector3 *) godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access_ptr(_read_access); return (const Vector3 *)godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access_ptr(_read_access);
} }
inline const Vector3 &operator[](int p_idx) const { inline const Vector3 &operator[](int p_idx) const {
return ptr()[p_idx]; return ptr()[p_idx];
} }
inline void operator=(const Read& p_other) { inline void operator=(const Read &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access_operator_assign(_read_access, p_other._read_access); godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access_operator_assign(_read_access, p_other._read_access);
} }
}; };
@ -533,12 +538,13 @@ public:
class Write { class Write {
friend class PoolVector3Array; friend class PoolVector3Array;
godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access *_write_access; godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access *_write_access;
public: public:
inline Write() { inline Write() {
_write_access = nullptr; _write_access = nullptr;
} }
inline Write(const Write & p_other) { inline Write(const Write &p_other) {
_write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access_copy(p_other._write_access); _write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access_copy(p_other._write_access);
} }
@ -547,14 +553,14 @@ public:
} }
inline Vector3 *ptr() const { inline Vector3 *ptr() const {
return (Vector3 *) godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access_ptr(_write_access); return (Vector3 *)godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access_ptr(_write_access);
} }
inline Vector3 &operator[](int p_idx) const { inline Vector3 &operator[](int p_idx) const {
return ptr()[p_idx]; return ptr()[p_idx];
} }
inline void operator=(const Write& p_other) { inline void operator=(const Write &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access_operator_assign(_write_access, p_other._write_access); godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access_operator_assign(_write_access, p_other._write_access);
} }
}; };
@ -563,49 +569,49 @@ public:
PoolVector3Array(const PoolVector3Array &p_other); PoolVector3Array(const PoolVector3Array &p_other);
PoolVector3Array &operator=(const PoolVector3Array &p_other); PoolVector3Array &operator=(const PoolVector3Array &p_other);
PoolVector3Array(const Array& array); PoolVector3Array(const Array &array);
Read read() const; Read read() const;
Write write(); Write write();
void append(const Vector3& data); void append(const Vector3 &data);
void append_array(const PoolVector3Array& array); void append_array(const PoolVector3Array &array);
int insert(const int idx, const Vector3& data); int insert(const int idx, const Vector3 &data);
void invert(); void invert();
void push_back(const Vector3& data); void push_back(const Vector3 &data);
void remove(const int idx); void remove(const int idx);
void resize(const int size); void resize(const int size);
void set(const int idx, const Vector3& data); void set(const int idx, const Vector3 &data);
const Vector3 operator [](const int idx); const Vector3 operator[](const int idx);
int size() const; int size() const;
~PoolVector3Array(); ~PoolVector3Array();
}; };
class PoolColorArray { class PoolColorArray {
godot_pool_color_array _godot_array; godot_pool_color_array _godot_array;
class Read { class Read {
friend class PoolColorArray; friend class PoolColorArray;
godot_pool_color_array_read_access *_read_access; godot_pool_color_array_read_access *_read_access;
public: public:
inline Read() { inline Read() {
_read_access = nullptr; _read_access = nullptr;
} }
inline Read(const Read & p_other) { inline Read(const Read &p_other) {
_read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_read_access_copy(p_other._read_access); _read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_read_access_copy(p_other._read_access);
} }
@ -614,14 +620,14 @@ public:
} }
inline const Color *ptr() const { inline const Color *ptr() const {
return (const Color *) godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_read_access_ptr(_read_access); return (const Color *)godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_read_access_ptr(_read_access);
} }
inline const Color &operator[](int p_idx) const { inline const Color &operator[](int p_idx) const {
return ptr()[p_idx]; return ptr()[p_idx];
} }
inline void operator=(const Read& p_other) { inline void operator=(const Read &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_read_access_operator_assign(_read_access, p_other._read_access); godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_read_access_operator_assign(_read_access, p_other._read_access);
} }
}; };
@ -629,12 +635,13 @@ public:
class Write { class Write {
friend class PoolColorArray; friend class PoolColorArray;
godot_pool_color_array_write_access *_write_access; godot_pool_color_array_write_access *_write_access;
public: public:
inline Write() { inline Write() {
_write_access = nullptr; _write_access = nullptr;
} }
inline Write(const Write & p_other) { inline Write(const Write &p_other) {
_write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_write_access_copy(p_other._write_access); _write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_write_access_copy(p_other._write_access);
} }
@ -643,14 +650,14 @@ public:
} }
inline Color *ptr() const { inline Color *ptr() const {
return (Color *) godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_write_access_ptr(_write_access); return (Color *)godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_write_access_ptr(_write_access);
} }
inline Color &operator[](int p_idx) const { inline Color &operator[](int p_idx) const {
return ptr()[p_idx]; return ptr()[p_idx];
} }
inline void operator=(const Write& p_other) { inline void operator=(const Write &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_write_access_operator_assign(_write_access, p_other._write_access); godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_write_access_operator_assign(_write_access, p_other._write_access);
} }
}; };
@ -659,38 +666,35 @@ public:
PoolColorArray(const PoolColorArray &p_other); PoolColorArray(const PoolColorArray &p_other);
PoolColorArray &operator=(const PoolColorArray &p_other); PoolColorArray &operator=(const PoolColorArray &p_other);
PoolColorArray(const Array& array); PoolColorArray(const Array &array);
Read read() const; Read read() const;
Write write(); Write write();
void append(const Color& data); void append(const Color &data);
void append_array(const PoolColorArray& array); void append_array(const PoolColorArray &array);
int insert(const int idx, const Color& data); int insert(const int idx, const Color &data);
void invert(); void invert();
void push_back(const Color& data); void push_back(const Color &data);
void remove(const int idx); void remove(const int idx);
void resize(const int size); void resize(const int size);
void set(const int idx, const Color& data); void set(const int idx, const Color &data);
const Color operator [](const int idx); const Color operator[](const int idx);
int size() const; int size() const;
~PoolColorArray(); ~PoolColorArray();
}; };
} // namespace godot
#endif // POOLARRAYS_H #endif // POOLARRAYS_H

View File

@ -9,10 +9,9 @@
namespace godot { namespace godot {
class Quat{ class Quat {
public: public:
real_t x, y, z, w;
real_t x,y,z,w;
real_t length_squared() const; real_t length_squared() const;
real_t length() const; real_t length() const;
@ -23,65 +22,68 @@ public:
Quat inverse() const; Quat inverse() const;
void set_euler_xyz(const Vector3& p_euler); void set_euler_xyz(const Vector3 &p_euler);
Vector3 get_euler_xyz() const; Vector3 get_euler_xyz() const;
void set_euler_yxz(const Vector3& p_euler); void set_euler_yxz(const Vector3 &p_euler);
Vector3 get_euler_yxz() const; Vector3 get_euler_yxz() const;
inline void set_euler(const Vector3& p_euler) { set_euler_yxz(p_euler); } inline void set_euler(const Vector3 &p_euler) { set_euler_yxz(p_euler); }
inline Vector3 get_euler() const { return get_euler_yxz(); } inline Vector3 get_euler() const { return get_euler_yxz(); }
real_t dot(const Quat& q) const; real_t dot(const Quat &q) const;
Quat slerp(const Quat& q, const real_t& t) const; Quat slerp(const Quat &q, const real_t &t) const;
Quat slerpni(const Quat& q, const real_t& t) const; Quat slerpni(const Quat &q, const real_t &t) const;
Quat cubic_slerp(const Quat& q, const Quat& prep, const Quat& postq,const real_t& t) const; Quat cubic_slerp(const Quat &q, const Quat &prep, const Quat &postq, const real_t &t) const;
void get_axis_and_angle(Vector3& r_axis, real_t &r_angle) const; void get_axis_and_angle(Vector3 &r_axis, real_t &r_angle) const;
void operator*=(const Quat& q); void operator*=(const Quat &q);
Quat operator*(const Quat& q) const; Quat operator*(const Quat &q) const;
Quat operator*(const Vector3 &v) const;
Vector3 xform(const Vector3 &v) const;
Quat operator*(const Vector3& v) const; void operator+=(const Quat &q);
void operator-=(const Quat &q);
Vector3 xform(const Vector3& v) const; void operator*=(const real_t &s);
void operator/=(const real_t &s);
Quat operator+(const Quat &q2) const;
void operator+=(const Quat& q); Quat operator-(const Quat &q2) const;
void operator-=(const Quat& q);
void operator*=(const real_t& s);
void operator/=(const real_t& s);
Quat operator+(const Quat& q2) const;
Quat operator-(const Quat& q2) const;
Quat operator-() const; Quat operator-() const;
Quat operator*(const real_t& s) const; Quat operator*(const real_t &s) const;
Quat operator/(const real_t& s) const; Quat operator/(const real_t &s) const;
bool operator==(const Quat &p_quat) const;
bool operator==(const Quat& p_quat) const; bool operator!=(const Quat &p_quat) const;
bool operator!=(const Quat& p_quat) const;
operator String() const; operator String() const;
inline void set( real_t p_x, real_t p_y, real_t p_z, real_t p_w) { inline void set(real_t p_x, real_t p_y, real_t p_z, real_t p_w) {
x=p_x; y=p_y; z=p_z; w=p_w; x = p_x;
y = p_y;
z = p_z;
w = p_w;
} }
inline Quat(real_t p_x, real_t p_y, real_t p_z, real_t p_w) { inline Quat(real_t p_x, real_t p_y, real_t p_z, real_t p_w) {
x=p_x; y=p_y; z=p_z; w=p_w; x = p_x;
y = p_y;
z = p_z;
w = p_w;
} }
Quat(const Vector3& axis, const real_t& angle); Quat(const Vector3 &axis, const real_t &angle);
Quat(const Vector3& v0, const Vector3& v1) ; Quat(const Vector3 &v0, const Vector3 &v1);
inline Quat() {x=y=z=0; w=1; }
inline Quat() {
x = y = z = 0;
w = 1;
}; };
} // namespace godot
#endif // QUAT_H #endif // QUAT_H

View File

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ class Object;
class RID { class RID {
godot_rid _godot_rid; godot_rid _godot_rid;
RID(); RID();
RID(Object *p); RID(Object *p);
@ -22,15 +22,14 @@ public:
return *this != RID(); return *this != RID();
} }
bool operator==(const RID & p_other) const; bool operator==(const RID &p_other) const;
bool operator!=(const RID & p_other) const; bool operator!=(const RID &p_other) const;
bool operator<(const RID & p_other) const; bool operator<(const RID &p_other) const;
bool operator>(const RID & p_other) const; bool operator>(const RID &p_other) const;
bool operator<=(const RID & p_other) const; bool operator<=(const RID &p_other) const;
bool operator>=(const RID & p_other) const; bool operator>=(const RID &p_other) const;
}; };
} } // namespace godot
#endif // RID_H #endif // RID_H

View File

@ -21,113 +21,115 @@ struct Rect2 {
Point2 pos; Point2 pos;
Size2 size; Size2 size;
inline const Vector2& get_pos() const { return pos; } inline const Vector2 &get_pos() const { return pos; }
inline void set_pos(const Vector2& p_pos) { pos=p_pos; } inline void set_pos(const Vector2 &p_pos) { pos = p_pos; }
inline const Vector2& get_size() const { return size; } inline const Vector2 &get_size() const { return size; }
inline void set_size(const Vector2& p_size) { size=p_size; } inline void set_size(const Vector2 &p_size) { size = p_size; }
inline real_t get_area() const { return size.width*size.height; } inline real_t get_area() const { return size.width * size.height; }
inline bool intersects(const Rect2& p_rect) const { inline bool intersects(const Rect2 &p_rect) const {
if ( pos.x >= (p_rect.pos.x + p_rect.size.width) ) if (pos.x >= (p_rect.pos.x + p_rect.size.width))
return false; return false;
if ( (pos.x+size.width) <= p_rect.pos.x ) if ((pos.x + size.width) <= p_rect.pos.x)
return false; return false;
if ( pos.y >= (p_rect.pos.y + p_rect.size.height) ) if (pos.y >= (p_rect.pos.y + p_rect.size.height))
return false; return false;
if ( (pos.y+size.height) <= p_rect.pos.y ) if ((pos.y + size.height) <= p_rect.pos.y)
return false; return false;
return true; return true;
} }
real_t distance_to(const Vector2& p_point) const; real_t distance_to(const Vector2 &p_point) const;
bool intersects_transformed(const Transform2D& p_xform, const Rect2& p_rect) const; bool intersects_transformed(const Transform2D &p_xform, const Rect2 &p_rect) const;
bool intersects_segment(const Point2& p_from, const Point2& p_to, Point2* r_pos=nullptr, Point2* r_normal=nullptr) const; bool intersects_segment(const Point2 &p_from, const Point2 &p_to, Point2 *r_pos = nullptr, Point2 *r_normal = nullptr) const;
inline bool encloses(const Rect2& p_rect) const { inline bool encloses(const Rect2 &p_rect) const {
return (p_rect.pos.x>=pos.x) && (p_rect.pos.y>=pos.y) &&
((p_rect.pos.x+p_rect.size.x)<(pos.x+size.x)) &&
return (p_rect.pos.x >= pos.x) && (p_rect.pos.y >= pos.y) &&
((p_rect.pos.x + p_rect.size.x) < (pos.x + size.x)) &&
((p_rect.pos.y + p_rect.size.y) < (pos.y + size.y));
} }
inline bool has_no_area() const { inline bool has_no_area() const {
return (size.x<=0 || size.y<=0); return (size.x <= 0 || size.y <= 0);
} }
Rect2 clip(const Rect2& p_rect) const; Rect2 clip(const Rect2 &p_rect) const;
Rect2 merge(const Rect2& p_rect) const; Rect2 merge(const Rect2 &p_rect) const;
inline bool has_point(const Point2& p_point) const { inline bool has_point(const Point2 &p_point) const {
if (p_point.x < pos.x) if (p_point.x < pos.x)
return false; return false;
if (p_point.y < pos.y) if (p_point.y < pos.y)
return false; return false;
if (p_point.x >= (pos.x+size.x) ) if (p_point.x >= (pos.x + size.x))
return false; return false;
if (p_point.y >= (pos.y+size.y) ) if (p_point.y >= (pos.y + size.y))
return false; return false;
return true; return true;
} }
inline bool no_area() const { return (size.width<=0 || size.height<=0 ); } inline bool no_area() const { return (size.width <= 0 || size.height <= 0); }
inline bool operator==(const Rect2& p_rect) const { return pos==p_rect.pos && size==p_rect.size; } inline bool operator==(const Rect2 &p_rect) const { return pos == p_rect.pos && size == p_rect.size; }
inline bool operator!=(const Rect2& p_rect) const { return pos!=p_rect.pos || size!=p_rect.size; } inline bool operator!=(const Rect2 &p_rect) const { return pos != p_rect.pos || size != p_rect.size; }
inline Rect2 grow(real_t p_by) const { inline Rect2 grow(real_t p_by) const {
Rect2 g=*this; Rect2 g = *this;
g.pos.x-=p_by; g.pos.x -= p_by;
g.pos.y-=p_by; g.pos.y -= p_by;
g.size.width+=p_by*2; g.size.width += p_by * 2;
g.size.height+=p_by*2; g.size.height += p_by * 2;
return g; return g;
} }
inline Rect2 expand(const Vector2& p_vector) const { inline Rect2 expand(const Vector2 &p_vector) const {
Rect2 r = *this; Rect2 r = *this;
r.expand_to(p_vector); r.expand_to(p_vector);
return r; return r;
} }
inline void expand_to(const Vector2& p_vector) { //in place function for speed inline void expand_to(const Vector2 &p_vector) { //in place function for speed
Vector2 begin=pos; Vector2 begin = pos;
Vector2 end=pos+size; Vector2 end = pos + size;
if (p_vector.x<begin.x) if (p_vector.x < begin.x)
begin.x=p_vector.x; begin.x = p_vector.x;
if (p_vector.y<begin.y) if (p_vector.y < begin.y)
begin.y=p_vector.y; begin.y = p_vector.y;
if (p_vector.x>end.x) if (p_vector.x > end.x)
end.x=p_vector.x; end.x = p_vector.x;
if (p_vector.y>end.y) if (p_vector.y > end.y)
end.y=p_vector.y; end.y = p_vector.y;
pos=begin; pos = begin;
size=end-begin; size = end - begin;
} }
operator String() const; operator String() const;
inline Rect2() {} inline Rect2() {}
inline Rect2( real_t p_x, real_t p_y, real_t p_width, real_t p_height) { pos=Point2(p_x,p_y); size=Size2( p_width, p_height ); } inline Rect2(real_t p_x, real_t p_y, real_t p_width, real_t p_height) {
inline Rect2( const Point2& p_pos, const Size2& p_size ) { pos=p_pos; size=p_size; } pos = Point2(p_x, p_y);
size = Size2(p_width, p_height);
inline Rect2(const Point2 &p_pos, const Size2 &p_size) {
pos = p_pos;
size = p_size;
}; };
} // namespace godot
#endif // RECT2_H #endif // RECT2_H

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
#ifndef REF_H #ifndef REF_H
#define REF_H #define REF_H
#include "Variant.hpp"
#include "GodotGlobal.hpp" #include "GodotGlobal.hpp"
#include "Reference.hpp" #include "Reference.hpp"
#include "Variant.hpp"
namespace godot { namespace godot {
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ public:
operator Variant() const { operator Variant() const {
// Note: the C API handles the cases where the object is a Reference, // Note: the C API handles the cases where the object is a Reference,
// so the Variant will be correctly constructed with a RefPtr engine-side // so the Variant will be correctly constructed with a RefPtr engine-side
return Variant((Object*)reference); return Variant((Object *)reference);
} }
void operator=(const Ref &p_from) { void operator=(const Ref &p_from) {
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public:
} }
Ref r; Ref r;
//r.reference = Object::cast_to<T>(refb); //r.reference = Object::cast_to<T>(refb);
r.reference = (T*)refb; r.reference = (T *)refb;
ref(r); ref(r);
r.reference = nullptr; r.reference = nullptr;
} }
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ public:
void operator=(const Variant &p_variant) { void operator=(const Variant &p_variant) {
// TODO We need a safe cast // TODO We need a safe cast
Reference *refb = (Reference *) T::___get_from_variant(p_variant); Reference *refb = (Reference *)T::___get_from_variant(p_variant);
if (!refb) { if (!refb) {
unref(); unref();
return; return;
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ public:
reference = nullptr; reference = nullptr;
// TODO We need a safe cast // TODO We need a safe cast
Reference *refb = (Reference *) T::___get_from_variant(p_variant); Reference *refb = (Reference *)T::___get_from_variant(p_variant);
if (!refb) { if (!refb) {
unref(); unref();
return; return;
@ -202,14 +202,13 @@ public:
// Used exclusively in the bindings to recreate the Ref Godot encapsulates in return values, // Used exclusively in the bindings to recreate the Ref Godot encapsulates in return values,
// without adding to the refcount. // without adding to the refcount.
inline static Ref<T> __internal_constructor(Object *obj) inline static Ref<T> __internal_constructor(Object *obj) {
Ref<T> r; Ref<T> r;
r.reference = (T*)obj; r.reference = (T *)obj;
return r; return r;
} }
}; };
} } // namespace godot
#endif #endif

View File

@ -132,12 +132,11 @@ public:
signed char casecmp_to(String p_str) const; signed char casecmp_to(String p_str) const;
signed char nocasecmp_to(String p_str) const; signed char nocasecmp_to(String p_str) const;
signed char naturalnocasecmp_to(String p_str) const; signed char naturalnocasecmp_to(String p_str) const;
}; };
String operator+(const char *a, const String &b); String operator+(const char *a, const String &b);
String operator+(const wchar_t *a, const String &b); String operator+(const wchar_t *a, const String &b);
} } // namespace godot
#endif // STRING_H #endif // STRING_H

View File

@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ bool is_type_known(size_t type_tag);
void register_global_type(const char *name, size_t type_tag, size_t base_type_tag); void register_global_type(const char *name, size_t type_tag, size_t base_type_tag);
bool is_type_compatible(size_t type_tag, size_t base_type_tag); bool is_type_compatible(size_t type_tag, size_t base_type_tag);
} } // namespace _TagDB
} } // namespace godot
#endif // TAGDB_HPP #endif // TAGDB_HPP

View File

@ -3,14 +3,13 @@
#include "Basis.hpp" #include "Basis.hpp"
#include "Plane.hpp"
#include "AABB.hpp" #include "AABB.hpp"
#include "Plane.hpp"
namespace godot { namespace godot {
class Transform { class Transform {
public: public:
Basis basis; Basis basis;
Vector3 origin; Vector3 origin;
@ -20,62 +19,61 @@ public:
void affine_invert(); void affine_invert();
Transform affine_inverse() const; Transform affine_inverse() const;
Transform rotated(const Vector3& p_axis,real_t p_phi) const; Transform rotated(const Vector3 &p_axis, real_t p_phi) const;
void rotate(const Vector3& p_axis,real_t p_phi); void rotate(const Vector3 &p_axis, real_t p_phi);
void rotate_basis(const Vector3& p_axis,real_t p_phi); void rotate_basis(const Vector3 &p_axis, real_t p_phi);
void set_look_at( const Vector3& p_eye, const Vector3& p_target, const Vector3& p_up ); void set_look_at(const Vector3 &p_eye, const Vector3 &p_target, const Vector3 &p_up);
Transform looking_at( const Vector3& p_target, const Vector3& p_up ) const; Transform looking_at(const Vector3 &p_target, const Vector3 &p_up) const;
void scale(const Vector3& p_scale); void scale(const Vector3 &p_scale);
Transform scaled(const Vector3& p_scale) const; Transform scaled(const Vector3 &p_scale) const;
void scale_basis(const Vector3& p_scale); void scale_basis(const Vector3 &p_scale);
void translate( real_t p_tx, real_t p_ty, real_t p_tz ); void translate(real_t p_tx, real_t p_ty, real_t p_tz);
void translate( const Vector3& p_translation ); void translate(const Vector3 &p_translation);
Transform translated( const Vector3& p_translation ) const; Transform translated(const Vector3 &p_translation) const;
inline const Basis& get_basis() const { return basis; } inline const Basis &get_basis() const { return basis; }
inline void set_basis(const Basis& p_basis) { basis=p_basis; } inline void set_basis(const Basis &p_basis) { basis = p_basis; }
inline const Vector3& get_origin() const { return origin; } inline const Vector3 &get_origin() const { return origin; }
inline void set_origin(const Vector3& p_origin) { origin=p_origin; } inline void set_origin(const Vector3 &p_origin) { origin = p_origin; }
void orthonormalize(); void orthonormalize();
Transform orthonormalized() const; Transform orthonormalized() const;
bool operator==(const Transform& p_transform) const; bool operator==(const Transform &p_transform) const;
bool operator!=(const Transform& p_transform) const; bool operator!=(const Transform &p_transform) const;
Vector3 xform(const Vector3& p_vector) const; Vector3 xform(const Vector3 &p_vector) const;
Vector3 xform_inv(const Vector3& p_vector) const; Vector3 xform_inv(const Vector3 &p_vector) const;
Plane xform(const Plane& p_plane) const; Plane xform(const Plane &p_plane) const;
Plane xform_inv(const Plane& p_plane) const; Plane xform_inv(const Plane &p_plane) const;
AABB xform(const AABB& p_aabb) const; AABB xform(const AABB &p_aabb) const;
AABB xform_inv(const AABB& p_aabb) const; AABB xform_inv(const AABB &p_aabb) const;
void operator*=(const Transform& p_transform); void operator*=(const Transform &p_transform);
Transform operator*(const Transform& p_transform) const; Transform operator*(const Transform &p_transform) const;
Transform interpolate_with(const Transform& p_transform, real_t p_c) const; Transform interpolate_with(const Transform &p_transform, real_t p_c) const;
Transform inverse_xform(const Transform& t) const; Transform inverse_xform(const Transform &t) const;
void set(real_t xx, real_t xy, real_t xz, real_t yx, real_t yy, real_t yz, real_t zx, real_t zy, real_t zz,real_t tx, real_t ty, real_t tz); void set(real_t xx, real_t xy, real_t xz, real_t yx, real_t yy, real_t yz, real_t zx, real_t zy, real_t zz, real_t tx, real_t ty, real_t tz);
operator String() const; operator String() const;
inline Transform(real_t xx, real_t xy, real_t xz, real_t yx, real_t yy, real_t yz, real_t zx, real_t zy, real_t zz,real_t tx, real_t ty, real_t tz) { inline Transform(real_t xx, real_t xy, real_t xz, real_t yx, real_t yy, real_t yz, real_t zx, real_t zy, real_t zz, real_t tx, real_t ty, real_t tz) {
set(xx, xy, xz, yx, yy, yz, zx, zy, zz,tx, ty, tz); set(xx, xy, xz, yx, yy, yz, zx, zy, zz, tx, ty, tz);
} }
Transform(const Basis& p_basis, const Vector3& p_origin=Vector3()); Transform(const Basis &p_basis, const Vector3 &p_origin = Vector3());
inline Transform() {} inline Transform() {}
}; };
} } // namespace godot
#endif // TRANSFORM_H #endif // TRANSFORM_H

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
#include "Vector2.hpp" #include "Vector2.hpp"
namespace godot { namespace godot {
typedef Vector2 Size2; typedef Vector2 Size2;
@ -24,14 +23,20 @@ struct Transform2D {
Vector2 elements[3]; Vector2 elements[3];
inline real_t tdotx(const Vector2& v) const { return elements[0][0] * v.x + elements[1][0] * v.y; } inline real_t tdotx(const Vector2 &v) const { return elements[0][0] * v.x + elements[1][0] * v.y; }
inline real_t tdoty(const Vector2& v) const { return elements[0][1] * v.x + elements[1][1] * v.y; } inline real_t tdoty(const Vector2 &v) const { return elements[0][1] * v.x + elements[1][1] * v.y; }
inline const Vector2& operator[](int p_idx) const { return elements[p_idx]; } inline const Vector2 &operator[](int p_idx) const { return elements[p_idx]; }
inline Vector2& operator[](int p_idx) { return elements[p_idx]; } inline Vector2 &operator[](int p_idx) { return elements[p_idx]; }
inline Vector2 get_axis(int p_axis) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_axis,3,Vector2()); return elements[p_axis]; } inline Vector2 get_axis(int p_axis) const {
inline void set_axis(int p_axis,const Vector2& p_vec) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_axis,3); elements[p_axis]=p_vec; } ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_axis, 3, Vector2());
return elements[p_axis];
inline void set_axis(int p_axis, const Vector2 &p_vec) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_axis, 3);
elements[p_axis] = p_vec;
void invert(); void invert();
Transform2D inverse() const; Transform2D inverse() const;
@ -41,24 +46,24 @@ struct Transform2D {
void set_rotation(real_t p_phi); void set_rotation(real_t p_phi);
real_t get_rotation() const; real_t get_rotation() const;
void set_rotation_and_scale(real_t p_phi,const Size2& p_scale); void set_rotation_and_scale(real_t p_phi, const Size2 &p_scale);
void rotate(real_t p_phi); void rotate(real_t p_phi);
void scale(const Size2& p_scale); void scale(const Size2 &p_scale);
void scale_basis(const Size2& p_scale); void scale_basis(const Size2 &p_scale);
void translate( real_t p_tx, real_t p_ty); void translate(real_t p_tx, real_t p_ty);
void translate( const Vector2& p_translation ); void translate(const Vector2 &p_translation);
real_t basis_determinant() const; real_t basis_determinant() const;
Size2 get_scale() const; Size2 get_scale() const;
inline const Vector2& get_origin() const { return elements[2]; } inline const Vector2 &get_origin() const { return elements[2]; }
inline void set_origin(const Vector2& p_origin) { elements[2]=p_origin; } inline void set_origin(const Vector2 &p_origin) { elements[2] = p_origin; }
Transform2D scaled(const Size2& p_scale) const; Transform2D scaled(const Size2 &p_scale) const;
Transform2D basis_scaled(const Size2& p_scale) const; Transform2D basis_scaled(const Size2 &p_scale) const;
Transform2D translated(const Vector2& p_offset) const; Transform2D translated(const Vector2 &p_offset) const;
Transform2D rotated(real_t p_phi) const; Transform2D rotated(real_t p_phi) const;
Transform2D untranslated() const; Transform2D untranslated() const;
@ -66,29 +71,32 @@ struct Transform2D {
void orthonormalize(); void orthonormalize();
Transform2D orthonormalized() const; Transform2D orthonormalized() const;
bool operator==(const Transform2D& p_transform) const; bool operator==(const Transform2D &p_transform) const;
bool operator!=(const Transform2D& p_transform) const; bool operator!=(const Transform2D &p_transform) const;
void operator*=(const Transform2D& p_transform); void operator*=(const Transform2D &p_transform);
Transform2D operator*(const Transform2D& p_transform) const; Transform2D operator*(const Transform2D &p_transform) const;
Transform2D interpolate_with(const Transform2D& p_transform, real_t p_c) const; Transform2D interpolate_with(const Transform2D &p_transform, real_t p_c) const;
Vector2 basis_xform(const Vector2& p_vec) const; Vector2 basis_xform(const Vector2 &p_vec) const;
Vector2 basis_xform_inv(const Vector2& p_vec) const; Vector2 basis_xform_inv(const Vector2 &p_vec) const;
Vector2 xform(const Vector2& p_vec) const; Vector2 xform(const Vector2 &p_vec) const;
Vector2 xform_inv(const Vector2& p_vec) const; Vector2 xform_inv(const Vector2 &p_vec) const;
Rect2 xform(const Rect2& p_vec) const; Rect2 xform(const Rect2 &p_vec) const;
Rect2 xform_inv(const Rect2& p_vec) const; Rect2 xform_inv(const Rect2 &p_vec) const;
operator String() const; operator String() const;
Transform2D(real_t xx, real_t xy, real_t yx, real_t yy, real_t ox, real_t oy); Transform2D(real_t xx, real_t xy, real_t yx, real_t yy, real_t ox, real_t oy);
Transform2D(real_t p_rot, const Vector2& p_pos); Transform2D(real_t p_rot, const Vector2 &p_pos);
inline Transform2D() { elements[0][0]=1.0; elements[1][1]=1.0; } inline Transform2D() {
elements[0][0] = 1.0;
elements[1][1] = 1.0;
}; };
} } // namespace godot
#endif // TRANSFORM2D_H #endif // TRANSFORM2D_H

View File

@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
#include "Plane.hpp" #include "Plane.hpp"
#include "PoolArrays.hpp" #include "PoolArrays.hpp"
#include "Quat.hpp" #include "Quat.hpp"
#include "Rect2.hpp"
#include "RID.hpp" #include "RID.hpp"
#include "Rect2.hpp"
#include "String.hpp" #include "String.hpp"
#include "Transform.hpp" #include "Transform.hpp"
#include "Transform2D.hpp" #include "Transform2D.hpp"
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ class Array;
class Variant { class Variant {
godot_variant _godot_variant; godot_variant _godot_variant;
public: public:
enum Type { enum Type {
@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ public:
Variant(); Variant();
Variant(const Variant& v); Variant(const Variant &v);
Variant(bool p_bool); Variant(bool p_bool);
@ -126,11 +127,14 @@ public:
Variant(signed short p_short); Variant(signed short p_short);
inline Variant(unsigned short p_short) : Variant((unsigned int) p_short) {} inline Variant(unsigned short p_short) :
Variant((unsigned int)p_short) {}
inline Variant(signed char p_char) : Variant((signed int) p_char) {} inline Variant(signed char p_char) :
Variant((signed int)p_char) {}
inline Variant(unsigned char p_char) : Variant((unsigned int) p_char) {} inline Variant(unsigned char p_char) :
Variant((unsigned int)p_char) {}
Variant(int64_t p_char); Variant(int64_t p_char);
Variant(uint64_t p_char); Variant(uint64_t p_char);
@ -139,64 +143,61 @@ public:
Variant(double p_double); Variant(double p_double);
Variant(const String& p_string); Variant(const String &p_string);
Variant(const char * const p_cstring); Variant(const char *const p_cstring);
Variant(const wchar_t * p_wstring); Variant(const wchar_t *p_wstring);
Variant(const Vector2& p_vector2); Variant(const Vector2 &p_vector2);
Variant(const Rect2& p_rect2); Variant(const Rect2 &p_rect2);
Variant(const Vector3& p_vector3); Variant(const Vector3 &p_vector3);
Variant(const Plane& p_plane); Variant(const Plane &p_plane);
Variant(const AABB &p_aabb);
Variant(const AABB& p_aabb); Variant(const Quat &p_quat);
Variant(const Quat& p_quat); Variant(const Basis &p_transform);
Variant(const Basis& p_transform); Variant(const Transform2D &p_transform);
Variant(const Transform2D& p_transform); Variant(const Transform &p_transform);
Variant(const Transform& p_transform); Variant(const Color &p_color);
Variant(const Color& p_color); Variant(const NodePath &p_path);
Variant(const NodePath& p_path); Variant(const RID &p_rid);
Variant(const RID& p_rid); Variant(const Object *p_object);
Variant(const Object* p_object); Variant(const Dictionary &p_dictionary);
Variant(const Dictionary& p_dictionary); Variant(const Array &p_array);
Variant(const Array& p_array); Variant(const PoolByteArray &p_raw_array);
Variant(const PoolByteArray& p_raw_array); Variant(const PoolIntArray &p_int_array);
Variant(const PoolIntArray& p_int_array); Variant(const PoolRealArray &p_real_array);
Variant(const PoolRealArray& p_real_array); Variant(const PoolStringArray &p_string_array);
Variant(const PoolStringArray& p_string_array); Variant(const PoolVector2Array &p_vector2_array);
Variant(const PoolVector2Array& p_vector2_array); Variant(const PoolVector3Array &p_vector3_array);
Variant(const PoolVector3Array& p_vector3_array); Variant(const PoolColorArray &p_color_array);
Variant(const PoolColorArray& p_color_array);
Variant &operator =(const Variant& v);
Variant &operator=(const Variant &v);
operator bool() const; operator bool() const;
operator signed int() const; operator signed int() const;
operator unsigned int() const ; operator unsigned int() const;
operator signed short() const; operator signed short() const;
operator unsigned short() const; operator unsigned short() const;
operator signed char() const; operator signed char() const;
@ -204,7 +205,6 @@ public:
operator int64_t() const; operator int64_t() const;
operator uint64_t() const; operator uint64_t() const;
operator wchar_t() const; operator wchar_t() const;
operator float() const; operator float() const;
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ public:
operator NodePath() const; operator NodePath() const;
operator RID() const; operator RID() const;
operator godot_object*() const; operator godot_object *() const;
operator Dictionary() const; operator Dictionary() const;
operator Array() const; operator Array() const;
@ -240,32 +240,29 @@ public:
Type get_type() const; Type get_type() const;
Variant call(const String &method, const Variant **args, const int arg_count);
Variant call(const String& method, const Variant **args, const int arg_count); bool has_method(const String &method);
bool has_method(const String& method); bool operator==(const Variant &b) const;
bool operator ==(const Variant& b) const; bool operator!=(const Variant &b) const;
bool operator !=(const Variant& b) const; bool operator<(const Variant &b) const;
bool operator <(const Variant& b) const; bool operator<=(const Variant &b) const;
bool operator <=(const Variant& b) const; bool operator>(const Variant &b) const;
bool operator >(const Variant& b) const; bool operator>=(const Variant &b) const;
bool operator >=(const Variant& b) const; bool hash_compare(const Variant &b) const;
bool hash_compare(const Variant& b) const;
bool booleanize() const; bool booleanize() const;
~Variant(); ~Variant();
}; };
} } // namespace godot
#endif // VARIANT_H #endif // VARIANT_H

View File

@ -20,21 +20,20 @@ struct Vector2 {
real_t height; real_t height;
}; };
inline real_t &operator[](int p_idx) {
inline real_t& operator[](int p_idx) { return p_idx ? y : x;
return p_idx?y:x;
} }
inline const real_t& operator[](int p_idx) const { inline const real_t &operator[](int p_idx) const {
return p_idx?y:x; return p_idx ? y : x;
} }
Vector2 operator+(const Vector2& p_v) const; Vector2 operator+(const Vector2 &p_v) const;
void operator+=(const Vector2& p_v); void operator+=(const Vector2 &p_v);
Vector2 operator-(const Vector2& p_v) const; Vector2 operator-(const Vector2 &p_v) const;
void operator-=(const Vector2& p_v); void operator-=(const Vector2 &p_v);
Vector2 operator*(const Vector2 &p_v1) const; Vector2 operator*(const Vector2 &p_v1) const;
@ -52,13 +51,12 @@ struct Vector2 {
Vector2 operator-() const; Vector2 operator-() const;
bool operator==(const Vector2& p_vec2) const; bool operator==(const Vector2 &p_vec2) const;
bool operator!=(const Vector2& p_vec2) const; bool operator!=(const Vector2 &p_vec2) const;
inline bool operator<(const Vector2& p_vec2) const { return (x==p_vec2.x)?(y<p_vec2.y):(x<p_vec2.x); }
inline bool operator<=(const Vector2& p_vec2) const { return (x==p_vec2.x)?(y<=p_vec2.y):(x<=p_vec2.x); }
inline bool operator<(const Vector2 &p_vec2) const { return (x == p_vec2.x) ? (y < p_vec2.y) : (x < p_vec2.x); }
inline bool operator<=(const Vector2 &p_vec2) const { return (x == p_vec2.x) ? (y <= p_vec2.y) : (x <= p_vec2.x); }
void normalize(); void normalize();
@ -67,32 +65,31 @@ struct Vector2 {
real_t length() const; real_t length() const;
real_t length_squared() const; real_t length_squared() const;
real_t distance_to(const Vector2& p_vector2) const; real_t distance_to(const Vector2 &p_vector2) const;
real_t distance_squared_to(const Vector2& p_vector2) const; real_t distance_squared_to(const Vector2 &p_vector2) const;
real_t angle_to(const Vector2& p_vector2) const; real_t angle_to(const Vector2 &p_vector2) const;
real_t angle_to_point(const Vector2& p_vector2) const; real_t angle_to_point(const Vector2 &p_vector2) const;
real_t dot(const Vector2& p_other) const; real_t dot(const Vector2 &p_other) const;
real_t cross(const Vector2& p_other) const; real_t cross(const Vector2 &p_other) const;
Vector2 cross(real_t p_other) const; Vector2 cross(real_t p_other) const;
Vector2 project(const Vector2& p_vec) const; Vector2 project(const Vector2 &p_vec) const;
Vector2 plane_project(real_t p_d, const Vector2& p_vec) const; Vector2 plane_project(real_t p_d, const Vector2 &p_vec) const;
Vector2 clamped(real_t p_len) const; Vector2 clamped(real_t p_len) const;
static Vector2 linear_interpolate(const Vector2& p_a, const Vector2& p_b,real_t p_t); static Vector2 linear_interpolate(const Vector2 &p_a, const Vector2 &p_b, real_t p_t);
Vector2 linear_interpolate(const Vector2& p_b,real_t p_t) const; Vector2 linear_interpolate(const Vector2 &p_b, real_t p_t) const;
Vector2 cubic_interpolate(const Vector2& p_b,const Vector2& p_pre_a, const Vector2& p_post_b,real_t p_t) const; Vector2 cubic_interpolate(const Vector2 &p_b, const Vector2 &p_pre_a, const Vector2 &p_post_b, real_t p_t) const;
Vector2 slide(const Vector2 &p_vec) const;
Vector2 slide(const Vector2& p_vec) const; Vector2 reflect(const Vector2 &p_vec) const;
Vector2 reflect(const Vector2& p_vec) const;
real_t angle() const; real_t angle() const;
@ -105,24 +102,25 @@ struct Vector2 {
Vector2 floor() const; Vector2 floor() const;
Vector2 snapped(const Vector2& p_by) const; Vector2 snapped(const Vector2 &p_by) const;
inline real_t aspect() const { return width/height; } inline real_t aspect() const { return width / height; }
operator String() const; operator String() const;
inline Vector2(real_t p_x,real_t p_y) { x=p_x; y=p_y; } inline Vector2(real_t p_x, real_t p_y) {
inline Vector2() { x=0; y=0; } x = p_x;
y = p_y;
inline Vector2() {
x = 0;
y = 0;
}; };
inline Vector2 operator*(real_t p_scalar, const Vector2 &p_vec) {
inline Vector2 operator*(real_t p_scalar, const Vector2& p_vec) return p_vec * p_scalar;
return p_vec*p_scalar;
} }
} // namespace godot
#endif // VECTOR2_H #endif // VECTOR2_H

View File

@ -31,68 +31,67 @@ struct Vector3 {
Vector3(); Vector3();
const real_t& operator[](int p_axis) const; const real_t &operator[](int p_axis) const;
real_t& operator[](int p_axis); real_t &operator[](int p_axis);
Vector3& operator+=(const Vector3& p_v); Vector3 &operator+=(const Vector3 &p_v);
Vector3 operator+(const Vector3& p_v) const; Vector3 operator+(const Vector3 &p_v) const;
Vector3& operator-=(const Vector3& p_v); Vector3 &operator-=(const Vector3 &p_v);
Vector3 operator-(const Vector3& p_v) const; Vector3 operator-(const Vector3 &p_v) const;
Vector3& operator*=(const Vector3& p_v); Vector3 &operator*=(const Vector3 &p_v);
Vector3 operator*(const Vector3& p_v) const; Vector3 operator*(const Vector3 &p_v) const;
Vector3& operator/=(const Vector3& p_v); Vector3 &operator/=(const Vector3 &p_v);
Vector3 operator/(const Vector3& p_v) const; Vector3 operator/(const Vector3 &p_v) const;
Vector3 &operator*=(real_t p_scalar);
Vector3& operator*=(real_t p_scalar);
Vector3 operator*(real_t p_scalar) const; Vector3 operator*(real_t p_scalar) const;
Vector3& operator/=(real_t p_scalar); Vector3 &operator/=(real_t p_scalar);
Vector3 operator/(real_t p_scalar) const; Vector3 operator/(real_t p_scalar) const;
Vector3 operator-() const; Vector3 operator-() const;
bool operator==(const Vector3& p_v) const; bool operator==(const Vector3 &p_v) const;
bool operator!=(const Vector3& p_v) const; bool operator!=(const Vector3 &p_v) const;
bool operator<(const Vector3& p_v) const; bool operator<(const Vector3 &p_v) const;
bool operator<=(const Vector3& p_v) const; bool operator<=(const Vector3 &p_v) const;
Vector3 abs() const; Vector3 abs() const;
Vector3 ceil() const; Vector3 ceil() const;
Vector3 cross(const Vector3& b) const; Vector3 cross(const Vector3 &b) const;
Vector3 linear_interpolate(const Vector3& p_b,real_t p_t) const; Vector3 linear_interpolate(const Vector3 &p_b, real_t p_t) const;
Vector3 cubic_interpolate(const Vector3& b, const Vector3& pre_a, const Vector3& post_b, const real_t t) const; Vector3 cubic_interpolate(const Vector3 &b, const Vector3 &pre_a, const Vector3 &post_b, const real_t t) const;
Vector3 bounce(const Vector3& p_normal) const; Vector3 bounce(const Vector3 &p_normal) const;
real_t length() const; real_t length() const;
real_t length_squared() const; real_t length_squared() const;
real_t distance_squared_to(const Vector3& b) const; real_t distance_squared_to(const Vector3 &b) const;
real_t distance_to(const Vector3& b) const; real_t distance_to(const Vector3 &b) const;
real_t dot(const Vector3& b) const; real_t dot(const Vector3 &b) const;
real_t angle_to(const Vector3& b) const; real_t angle_to(const Vector3 &b) const;
Vector3 floor() const; Vector3 floor() const;
@ -100,9 +99,7 @@ struct Vector3 {
bool is_normalized() const; bool is_normalized() const;
Basis outer(const Vector3& b) const; Basis outer(const Vector3 &b) const;
int max_axis() const; int max_axis() const;
@ -112,13 +109,13 @@ struct Vector3 {
Vector3 normalized() const; Vector3 normalized() const;
Vector3 reflect(const Vector3& by) const; Vector3 reflect(const Vector3 &by) const;
Vector3 rotated(const Vector3& axis, const real_t phi) const; Vector3 rotated(const Vector3 &axis, const real_t phi) const;
void rotate(const Vector3& p_axis,real_t p_phi); void rotate(const Vector3 &p_axis, real_t p_phi);
Vector3 slide(const Vector3& by) const; Vector3 slide(const Vector3 &by) const;
void snap(real_t p_val); void snap(real_t p_val);
@ -127,16 +124,15 @@ struct Vector3 {
operator String() const; operator String() const;
}; };
inline Vector3 operator*(real_t p_scalar, const Vector3& p_vec) inline Vector3 operator*(real_t p_scalar, const Vector3 &p_vec) {
return p_vec * p_scalar; return p_vec * p_scalar;
} }
inline Vector3 vec3_cross(const Vector3& p_a, const Vector3& p_b) { inline Vector3 vec3_cross(const Vector3 &p_a, const Vector3 &p_b) {
return p_a.cross(p_b); return p_a.cross(p_b);
} }
} } // namespace godot
#endif // VECTOR3_H #endif // VECTOR3_H

View File

@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ public:
size_t _type_tag; size_t _type_tag;
}; };
} } // namespace godot
#endif // WRAPPED_HPP #endif // WRAPPED_HPP

misc/hooks/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# Git hooks for Godot Engine
This folder contains git hooks meant to be installed locally by Godot Engine
contributors to make sure they comply with our requirements.
## List of hooks
- Pre-commit hook for clang-format: Applies clang-format to the staged files
before accepting a commit; blocks the commit and generates a patch if the
style is not respected.
Should work on Linux and macOS. You may need to edit the file if your
clang-format binary is not in the $PATH, or if you want to enable colored
output with pygmentize.
## Installation
Copy all the files from this folder into your .git/hooks folder, and make sure
the hooks and helper scripts are executable.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# Provide the canonicalize filename (physical filename with out any symlinks)
# like the GNU version readlink with the -f option regardless of the version of
# readlink (GNU or BSD).
# This file is part of a set of unofficial pre-commit hooks available
# at github.
# Link:
# Contact: David Martin,
# There should be no need to change anything below this line.
# Canonicalize by recursively following every symlink in every component of the
# specified filename. This should reproduce the results of the GNU version of
# readlink with the -f option.
# Reference:
canonicalize_filename () {
local target_file="$1"
local physical_directory=""
local result=""
# Need to restore the working directory after work.
local working_dir="`pwd`"
cd -- "$(dirname -- "$target_file")"
target_file="$(basename -- "$target_file")"
# Iterate down a (possible) chain of symlinks
while [ -L "$target_file" ]
target_file="$(readlink -- "$target_file")"
cd -- "$(dirname -- "$target_file")"
target_file="$(basename -- "$target_file")"
# Compute the canonicalized name by finding the physical path
# for the directory we're in and appending the target file.
physical_directory="`pwd -P`"
# restore the working directory after work.
cd -- "$working_dir"
echo "$result"

misc/hooks/pre-commit Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# Git pre-commit hook that runs multiple hooks specified in $HOOKS.
# Make sure this script is executable. Bypass hooks with git commit --no-verify.
# This file is part of a set of unofficial pre-commit hooks available
# at github.
# Link:
# Contact: David Martin,
# pre-commit hooks to be executed. They should be in the same .git/hooks/ folder
# as this script. Hooks should return 0 if successful and nonzero to cancel the
# commit. They are executed in the order in which they are listed.
#HOOKS="pre-commit-compile pre-commit-uncrustify"
# There should be no need to change anything below this line.
. "$(dirname -- "$0")/"
# exit on error
set -e
# Absolute path to this script, e.g. /home/user/bin/
SCRIPT="$(canonicalize_filename "$0")"
# Absolute path this script is in, thus /home/user/bin
SCRIPTPATH="$(dirname -- "$SCRIPT")"
for hook in $HOOKS
echo "Running hook: $hook"
# run hook if it exists
# if it returns with nonzero exit with 1 and thus abort the commit
if [ -f "$SCRIPTPATH/$hook" ]; then
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
exit 1
echo "Error: file $hook not found."
echo "Aborting commit. Make sure the hook is in $SCRIPTPATH and executable."
echo "You can disable it by removing it from the list in $SCRIPT."
echo "You can skip all pre-commit hooks with --no-verify (not recommended)."
exit 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# git pre-commit hook that runs a clang-format stylecheck.
# Features:
# - abort commit when commit does not comply with the style guidelines
# - create a patch of the proposed style changes
# Modifications for clang-format by
# This file is part of a set of unofficial pre-commit hooks available
# at github.
# Link:
# Contact: David Martin,
# Some quality of life modifications made for Godot Engine.
# Set path to clang-format binary
# CLANG_FORMAT="/usr/bin/clang-format"
CLANG_FORMAT=`which clang-format`
# Remove any older patches from previous commits. Set to true or false.
# Only parse files with the extensions in FILE_EXTS. Set to true or false.
# If false every changed file in the commit will be parsed with clang-format.
# If true only files matching one of the extensions are parsed with clang-format.
# File types to parse. Only effective when PARSE_EXTS is true.
# FILE_EXTS=".c .h .cpp .hpp"
FILE_EXTS=".c .h .cpp .hpp .cc .hh .cxx .m .mm .inc .java .glsl"
# Use pygmentize instead of cat to parse diff with highlighting.
# Install it with `pip install pygments` (Linux) or `easy_install Pygments` (Mac)
# READER="pygmentize -l diff"
# There should be no need to change anything below this line.
. "$(dirname -- "$0")/"
# exit on error
set -e
# check whether the given file matches any of the set extensions
matches_extension() {
local filename=$(basename "$1")
local extension=".${filename##*.}"
local ext
for ext in $FILE_EXTS; do [[ "$ext" == "$extension" ]] && return 0; done
return 1
# necessary check for initial commit
if git rev-parse --verify HEAD >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
# Initial commit: diff against an empty tree object
if [ ! -x "$CLANG_FORMAT" ] ; then
printf "Error: clang-format executable not found.\n"
printf "Set the correct path in $(canonicalize_filename "$0").\n"
exit 1
# create a random filename to store our generated patch
suffix="$(date +%s)"
# clean up any older clang-format patches
$DELETE_OLD_PATCHES && rm -f /tmp/$prefix*.patch
# create one patch containing all changes to the files
git diff-index --cached --diff-filter=ACMR --name-only $against -- | while read file;
# ignore thirdparty files
if grep -q "thirdparty" <<< $file; then
# ignore file if we do check for file extensions and the file
# does not match any of the extensions specified in $FILE_EXTS
if $PARSE_EXTS && ! matches_extension "$file"; then
# clang-format our sourcefile, create a patch with diff and append it to our $patch
# The sed call is necessary to transform the patch from
# --- $file timestamp
# +++ - timestamp
# to both lines working on the same file and having a/ and b/ prefix.
# Else it can not be applied with 'git apply'.
"$CLANG_FORMAT" -style=file "$file" | \
diff -u "$file" - | \
sed -e "1s|--- |--- a/|" -e "2s|+++ -|+++ b/$file|" >> "$patch"
# if no patch has been generated all is ok, clean up the file stub and exit
if [ ! -s "$patch" ] ; then
printf "Files in this commit comply with the clang-format rules.\n"
rm -f "$patch"
exit 0
# a patch has been created, notify the user and exit
printf "\nThe following differences were found between the code to commit "
printf "and the clang-format rules:\n\n"
$READER "$patch"
printf "\n"
# Allows us to read user input below, assigns stdin to keyboard
exec < /dev/tty
while true; do
read -p "Do you want to apply that patch (Y - Apply, N - Do not apply, S - Apply and stage files)? [Y/N/S] " yn
case $yn in
[Yy] ) git apply $patch;
printf "The patch was applied. You can now stage the changes and commit again.\n\n";
[Nn] ) printf "\nYou can apply these changes with:\n git apply $patch\n";
printf "(may need to be called from the root directory of your repository)\n";
printf "Aborting commit. Apply changes and commit again or skip checking with";
printf " --no-verify (not recommended).\n\n";
[Ss] ) git apply $patch;
git diff-index --cached --diff-filter=ACMR --name-only $against -- | while read file;
do git add $file;
printf "The patch was applied and the changed files staged. You can now commit.\n\n";
* ) echo "Please answer yes or no."
exit 1 # we don't commit in any case

View File

@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
#include "AABB.hpp" #include "AABB.hpp"
#include "Vector3.hpp"
#include "Plane.hpp" #include "Plane.hpp"
#include "Vector3.hpp"
#include <algorithm> #include <algorithm>
namespace godot { namespace godot {
bool AABB::intersects(const AABB& p_aabb) const { bool AABB::intersects(const AABB &p_aabb) const {
if ( position.x >= (p_aabb.position.x + p_aabb.size.x) ) if (position.x >= (p_aabb.position.x + p_aabb.size.x))
return false; return false;
if ( (position.x+size.x) <= p_aabb.position.x ) if ((position.x + size.x) <= p_aabb.position.x)
return false; return false;
if ( position.y >= (p_aabb.position.y + p_aabb.size.y) ) if (position.y >= (p_aabb.position.y + p_aabb.size.y))
return false; return false;
if ( (position.y+size.y) <= p_aabb.position.y ) if ((position.y + size.y) <= p_aabb.position.y)
return false; return false;
if ( position.z >= (p_aabb.position.z + p_aabb.size.z) ) if (position.z >= (p_aabb.position.z + p_aabb.size.z))
return false; return false;
if ( (position.z+size.z) <= p_aabb.position.z ) if ((position.z + size.z) <= p_aabb.position.z)
return false; return false;
return true; return true;
} }
bool AABB::intersects_inclusive(const AABB& p_aabb) const { bool AABB::intersects_inclusive(const AABB &p_aabb) const {
if ( position.x > (p_aabb.position.x + p_aabb.size.x) ) if (position.x > (p_aabb.position.x + p_aabb.size.x))
return false; return false;
if ( (position.x+size.x) < p_aabb.position.x ) if ((position.x + size.x) < p_aabb.position.x)
return false; return false;
if ( position.y > (p_aabb.position.y + p_aabb.size.y) ) if (position.y > (p_aabb.position.y + p_aabb.size.y))
return false; return false;
if ( (position.y+size.y) < p_aabb.position.y ) if ((position.y + size.y) < p_aabb.position.y)
return false; return false;
if ( position.z > (p_aabb.position.z + p_aabb.size.z) ) if (position.z > (p_aabb.position.z + p_aabb.size.z))
return false; return false;
if ( (position.z+size.z) < p_aabb.position.z ) if ((position.z + size.z) < p_aabb.position.z)
return false; return false;
return true; return true;
} }
bool AABB::encloses(const AABB & p_aabb) const { bool AABB::encloses(const AABB &p_aabb) const {
Vector3 src_min=position; Vector3 src_min = position;
Vector3 src_max=position+size; Vector3 src_max = position + size;
Vector3 dst_min=p_aabb.position; Vector3 dst_min = p_aabb.position;
Vector3 dst_max=p_aabb.position+p_aabb.size; Vector3 dst_max = p_aabb.position + p_aabb.size;
return ( return (
(src_min.x <= dst_min.x) && (src_min.x <= dst_min.x) &&
@ -55,34 +55,32 @@ bool AABB::encloses(const AABB & p_aabb) const {
(src_min.y <= dst_min.y) && (src_min.y <= dst_min.y) &&
(src_max.y > dst_max.y) && (src_max.y > dst_max.y) &&
(src_min.z <= dst_min.z) && (src_min.z <= dst_min.z) &&
(src_max.z > dst_max.z) ); (src_max.z > dst_max.z));
} }
Vector3 AABB::get_support(const Vector3& p_normal) const { Vector3 AABB::get_support(const Vector3 &p_normal) const {
Vector3 half_extents = size * 0.5; Vector3 half_extents = size * 0.5;
Vector3 ofs = position + half_extents; Vector3 ofs = position + half_extents;
return Vector3( return Vector3(
(p_normal.x>0) ? -half_extents.x : half_extents.x, (p_normal.x > 0) ? -half_extents.x : half_extents.x,
(p_normal.y>0) ? -half_extents.y : half_extents.y, (p_normal.y > 0) ? -half_extents.y : half_extents.y,
(p_normal.z>0) ? -half_extents.z : half_extents.z (p_normal.z > 0) ? -half_extents.z : half_extents.z) +
)+ofs; ofs;
} }
Vector3 AABB::get_endpoint(int p_point) const { Vector3 AABB::get_endpoint(int p_point) const {
switch(p_point) { switch (p_point) {
case 0: return Vector3( position.x , position.y , position.z ); case 0: return Vector3(position.x, position.y, position.z);
case 1: return Vector3( position.x , position.y , position.z+size.z ); case 1: return Vector3(position.x, position.y, position.z + size.z);
case 2: return Vector3( position.x , position.y+size.y , position.z ); case 2: return Vector3(position.x, position.y + size.y, position.z);
case 3: return Vector3( position.x , position.y+size.y , position.z+size.z ); case 3: return Vector3(position.x, position.y + size.y, position.z + size.z);
case 4: return Vector3( position.x+size.x , position.y , position.z ); case 4: return Vector3(position.x + size.x, position.y, position.z);
case 5: return Vector3( position.x+size.x , position.y , position.z+size.z ); case 5: return Vector3(position.x + size.x, position.y, position.z + size.z);
case 6: return Vector3( position.x+size.x , position.y+size.y , position.z ); case 6: return Vector3(position.x + size.x, position.y + size.y, position.z);
case 7: return Vector3( position.x+size.x , position.y+size.y , position.z+size.z ); case 7: return Vector3(position.x + size.x, position.y + size.y, position.z + size.z);
}; };
ERR_FAIL_V(Vector3()); ERR_FAIL_V(Vector3());
@ -93,14 +91,13 @@ bool AABB::intersects_convex_shape(const Plane *p_planes, int p_plane_count) con
Vector3 half_extents = size * 0.5; Vector3 half_extents = size * 0.5;
Vector3 ofs = position + half_extents; Vector3 ofs = position + half_extents;
for(int i=0;i<p_plane_count;i++) { for (int i = 0; i < p_plane_count; i++) {
const Plane &p=p_planes[i]; const Plane &p = p_planes[i];
Vector3 point( Vector3 point(
(p.normal.x>0) ? -half_extents.x : half_extents.x, (p.normal.x > 0) ? -half_extents.x : half_extents.x,
(p.normal.y>0) ? -half_extents.y : half_extents.y, (p.normal.y > 0) ? -half_extents.y : half_extents.y,
(p.normal.z>0) ? -half_extents.z : half_extents.z (p.normal.z > 0) ? -half_extents.z : half_extents.z);
); point += ofs;
if (p.is_point_over(point)) if (p.is_point_over(point))
return false; return false;
} }
@ -108,69 +105,68 @@ bool AABB::intersects_convex_shape(const Plane *p_planes, int p_plane_count) con
return true; return true;
} }
bool AABB::has_point(const Vector3& p_point) const { bool AABB::has_point(const Vector3 &p_point) const {
if (p_point.x<position.x) if (p_point.x < position.x)
return false; return false;
if (p_point.y<position.y) if (p_point.y < position.y)
return false; return false;
if (p_point.z<position.z) if (p_point.z < position.z)
return false; return false;
if (p_point.x>position.x+size.x) if (p_point.x > position.x + size.x)
return false; return false;
if (p_point.y>position.y+size.y) if (p_point.y > position.y + size.y)
return false; return false;
if (p_point.z>position.z+size.z) if (p_point.z > position.z + size.z)
return false; return false;
return true; return true;
} }
void AABB::expand_to(const Vector3 &p_vector) {
void AABB::expand_to(const Vector3& p_vector) { Vector3 begin = position;
Vector3 end = position + size;
Vector3 begin=position; if (p_vector.x < begin.x)
Vector3 end=position+size; begin.x = p_vector.x;
if (p_vector.y < begin.y)
begin.y = p_vector.y;
if (p_vector.z < begin.z)
begin.z = p_vector.z;
if (p_vector.x<begin.x) if (p_vector.x > end.x)
begin.x=p_vector.x; end.x = p_vector.x;
if (p_vector.y<begin.y) if (p_vector.y > end.y)
begin.y=p_vector.y; end.y = p_vector.y;
if (p_vector.z<begin.z) if (p_vector.z > end.z)
begin.z=p_vector.z; end.z = p_vector.z;
if (p_vector.x>end.x) position = begin;
end.x=p_vector.x; size = end - begin;
if (p_vector.y>end.y)
if (p_vector.z>end.z)
} }
void AABB::project_range_in_plane(const Plane& p_plane,real_t &r_min,real_t& r_max) const { void AABB::project_range_in_plane(const Plane &p_plane, real_t &r_min, real_t &r_max) const {
Vector3 half_extents( size.x * 0.5, size.y * 0.5, size.z * 0.5 ); Vector3 half_extents(size.x * 0.5, size.y * 0.5, size.z * 0.5);
Vector3 center( position.x + half_extents.x, position.y + half_extents.y, position.z + half_extents.z ); Vector3 center(position.x + half_extents.x, position.y + half_extents.y, position.z + half_extents.z);
real_t length = p_plane.normal.abs().dot(half_extents); real_t length = p_plane.normal.abs().dot(half_extents);
real_t distance = p_plane.distance_to( center ); real_t distance = p_plane.distance_to(center);
r_min = distance - length; r_min = distance - length;
r_max = distance + length; r_max = distance + length;
} }
real_t AABB::get_longest_axis_size() const { real_t AABB::get_longest_axis_size() const {
real_t max_size=size.x; real_t max_size = size.x;
if (size.y > max_size ) { if (size.y > max_size) {
max_size=size.y; max_size = size.y;
} }
if (size.z > max_size ) { if (size.z > max_size) {
max_size=size.z; max_size = size.z;
} }
return max_size; return max_size;
@ -178,44 +174,42 @@ real_t AABB::get_longest_axis_size() const {
real_t AABB::get_shortest_axis_size() const { real_t AABB::get_shortest_axis_size() const {
real_t max_size=size.x; real_t max_size = size.x;
if (size.y < max_size ) { if (size.y < max_size) {
max_size=size.y; max_size = size.y;
} }
if (size.z < max_size ) { if (size.z < max_size) {
max_size=size.z; max_size = size.z;
} }
return max_size; return max_size;
} }
bool AABB::smits_intersect_ray(const Vector3 &from,const Vector3& dir, real_t t0, real_t t1) const { bool AABB::smits_intersect_ray(const Vector3 &from, const Vector3 &dir, real_t t0, real_t t1) const {
real_t divx=1.0/dir.x; real_t divx = 1.0 / dir.x;
real_t divy=1.0/dir.y; real_t divy = 1.0 / dir.y;
real_t divz=1.0/dir.z; real_t divz = 1.0 / dir.z;
Vector3 upbound=position+size; Vector3 upbound = position + size;
real_t tmin, tmax, tymin, tymax, tzmin, tzmax; real_t tmin, tmax, tymin, tymax, tzmin, tzmax;
if (dir.x >= 0) { if (dir.x >= 0) {
tmin = (position.x - from.x) * divx; tmin = (position.x - from.x) * divx;
tmax = (upbound.x - from.x) * divx; tmax = (upbound.x - from.x) * divx;
} } else {
else {
tmin = (upbound.x - from.x) * divx; tmin = (upbound.x - from.x) * divx;
tmax = (position.x - from.x) * divx; tmax = (position.x - from.x) * divx;
} }
if (dir.y >= 0) { if (dir.y >= 0) {
tymin = (position.y - from.y) * divy; tymin = (position.y - from.y) * divy;
tymax = (upbound.y - from.y) * divy; tymax = (upbound.y - from.y) * divy;
} } else {
else {
tymin = (upbound.y - from.y) * divy; tymin = (upbound.y - from.y) * divy;
tymax = (position.y - from.y) * divy; tymax = (position.y - from.y) * divy;
} }
if ( (tmin > tymax) || (tymin > tmax) ) if ((tmin > tymax) || (tymin > tmax))
return false; return false;
if (tymin > tmin) if (tymin > tmin)
tmin = tymin; tmin = tymin;
@ -224,121 +218,112 @@ bool AABB::smits_intersect_ray(const Vector3 &from,const Vector3& dir, real_t t0
if (dir.z >= 0) { if (dir.z >= 0) {
tzmin = (position.z - from.z) * divz; tzmin = (position.z - from.z) * divz;
tzmax = (upbound.z - from.z) * divz; tzmax = (upbound.z - from.z) * divz;
} } else {
else {
tzmin = (upbound.z - from.z) * divz; tzmin = (upbound.z - from.z) * divz;
tzmax = (position.z - from.z) * divz; tzmax = (position.z - from.z) * divz;
} }
if ( (tmin > tzmax) || (tzmin > tmax) ) if ((tmin > tzmax) || (tzmin > tmax))
return false; return false;
if (tzmin > tmin) if (tzmin > tmin)
tmin = tzmin; tmin = tzmin;
if (tzmax < tmax) if (tzmax < tmax)
tmax = tzmax; tmax = tzmax;
return ( (tmin < t1) && (tmax > t0) ); return ((tmin < t1) && (tmax > t0));
} }
void AABB::grow_by(real_t p_amount) { void AABB::grow_by(real_t p_amount) {
position.x-=p_amount; position.x -= p_amount;
position.y-=p_amount; position.y -= p_amount;
position.z-=p_amount; position.z -= p_amount;
size.x+=2.0*p_amount; size.x += 2.0 * p_amount;
size.y+=2.0*p_amount; size.y += 2.0 * p_amount;
size.z+=2.0*p_amount; size.z += 2.0 * p_amount;
} }
real_t AABB::get_area() const { real_t AABB::get_area() const {
return size.x*size.y*size.z; return size.x * size.y * size.z;
} }
bool AABB::operator==(const AABB& p_rval) const { bool AABB::operator==(const AABB &p_rval) const {
return ((position==p_rval.position) && (size==p_rval.size));
return ((position == p_rval.position) && (size == p_rval.size));
} }
bool AABB::operator!=(const AABB& p_rval) const { bool AABB::operator!=(const AABB &p_rval) const {
return ((position!=p_rval.position) || (size!=p_rval.size));
return ((position != p_rval.position) || (size != p_rval.size));
} }
void AABB::merge_with(const AABB& p_aabb) { void AABB::merge_with(const AABB &p_aabb) {
Vector3 beg_1,beg_2; Vector3 beg_1, beg_2;
Vector3 end_1,end_2; Vector3 end_1, end_2;
Vector3 min,max; Vector3 min, max;
beg_1=position; beg_1 = position;
beg_2=p_aabb.position; beg_2 = p_aabb.position;
end_1=Vector3(size.x,size.y,size.z)+beg_1; end_1 = Vector3(size.x, size.y, size.z) + beg_1;
end_2=Vector3(p_aabb.size.x,p_aabb.size.y,p_aabb.size.z)+beg_2; end_2 = Vector3(p_aabb.size.x, p_aabb.size.y, p_aabb.size.z) + beg_2;
min.x=(beg_1.x<beg_2.x)?beg_1.x:beg_2.x; min.x = (beg_1.x < beg_2.x) ? beg_1.x : beg_2.x;
min.y=(beg_1.y<beg_2.y)?beg_1.y:beg_2.y; min.y = (beg_1.y < beg_2.y) ? beg_1.y : beg_2.y;
min.z=(beg_1.z<beg_2.z)?beg_1.z:beg_2.z; min.z = (beg_1.z < beg_2.z) ? beg_1.z : beg_2.z;
max.x=(end_1.x>end_2.x)?end_1.x:end_2.x; max.x = (end_1.x > end_2.x) ? end_1.x : end_2.x;
max.y=(end_1.y>end_2.y)?end_1.y:end_2.y; max.y = (end_1.y > end_2.y) ? end_1.y : end_2.y;
max.z=(end_1.z>end_2.z)?end_1.z:end_2.z; max.z = (end_1.z > end_2.z) ? end_1.z : end_2.z;
position=min; position = min;
size=max-min; size = max - min;
} }
AABB AABB::intersection(const AABB& p_aabb) const { AABB AABB::intersection(const AABB &p_aabb) const {
Vector3 src_min=position; Vector3 src_min = position;
Vector3 src_max=position+size; Vector3 src_max = position + size;
Vector3 dst_min=p_aabb.position; Vector3 dst_min = p_aabb.position;
Vector3 dst_max=p_aabb.position+p_aabb.size; Vector3 dst_max = p_aabb.position + p_aabb.size;
Vector3 min,max; Vector3 min, max;
if (src_min.x > dst_max.x || src_max.x < dst_min.x ) if (src_min.x > dst_max.x || src_max.x < dst_min.x)
return AABB(); return AABB();
else { else {
min.x= ( src_min.x > dst_min.x ) ? src_min.x :dst_min.x; min.x = (src_min.x > dst_min.x) ? src_min.x : dst_min.x;
max.x= ( src_max.x < dst_max.x ) ? src_max.x :dst_max.x; max.x = (src_max.x < dst_max.x) ? src_max.x : dst_max.x;
} }
if (src_min.y > dst_max.y || src_max.y < dst_min.y ) if (src_min.y > dst_max.y || src_max.y < dst_min.y)
return AABB(); return AABB();
else { else {
min.y= ( src_min.y > dst_min.y ) ? src_min.y :dst_min.y; min.y = (src_min.y > dst_min.y) ? src_min.y : dst_min.y;
max.y= ( src_max.y < dst_max.y ) ? src_max.y :dst_max.y; max.y = (src_max.y < dst_max.y) ? src_max.y : dst_max.y;
} }
if (src_min.z > dst_max.z || src_max.z < dst_min.z ) if (src_min.z > dst_max.z || src_max.z < dst_min.z)
return AABB(); return AABB();
else { else {
min.z= ( src_min.z > dst_min.z ) ? src_min.z :dst_min.z; min.z = (src_min.z > dst_min.z) ? src_min.z : dst_min.z;
max.z= ( src_max.z < dst_max.z ) ? src_max.z :dst_max.z; max.z = (src_max.z < dst_max.z) ? src_max.z : dst_max.z;
} }
return AABB(min, max - min);
return AABB( min, max-min );
} }
bool AABB::intersects_ray(const Vector3& p_from, const Vector3& p_dir,Vector3* r_clip,Vector3* r_normal) const { bool AABB::intersects_ray(const Vector3 &p_from, const Vector3 &p_dir, Vector3 *r_clip, Vector3 *r_normal) const {
Vector3 c1, c2; Vector3 c1, c2;
Vector3 end = position+size; Vector3 end = position + size;
real_t near=-1e20; real_t near = -1e20;
real_t far=1e20; real_t far = 1e20;
int axis=0; int axis = 0;
for (int i=0;i<3;i++){ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (p_dir[i] == 0){ if (p_dir[i] == 0) {
if ((p_from[i] < position[i]) || (p_from[i] > end[i])) { if ((p_from[i] < position[i]) || (p_from[i] > end[i])) {
return false; return false;
} }
@ -346,71 +331,69 @@ bool AABB::intersects_ray(const Vector3& p_from, const Vector3& p_dir,Vector3* r
c1[i] = (position[i] - p_from[i]) / p_dir[i]; c1[i] = (position[i] - p_from[i]) / p_dir[i];
c2[i] = (end[i] - p_from[i]) / p_dir[i]; c2[i] = (end[i] - p_from[i]) / p_dir[i];
if(c1[i] > c2[i]){ if (c1[i] > c2[i]) {
std::swap(c1,c2); std::swap(c1, c2);
} }
if (c1[i] > near){ if (c1[i] > near) {
near = c1[i]; near = c1[i];
axis=i; axis = i;
} }
if (c2[i] < far){ if (c2[i] < far) {
far = c2[i]; far = c2[i];
} }
if( (near > far) || (far < 0) ){ if ((near > far) || (far < 0)) {
return false; return false;
} }
} }
} }
if (r_clip) if (r_clip)
*r_clip=c1; *r_clip = c1;
if (r_normal) { if (r_normal) {
*r_normal=Vector3(); *r_normal = Vector3();
(*r_normal)[axis]=p_dir[axis]?-1:1; (*r_normal)[axis] = p_dir[axis] ? -1 : 1;
} }
return true; return true;
} }
bool AABB::intersects_segment(const Vector3 &p_from, const Vector3 &p_to, Vector3 *r_clip, Vector3 *r_normal) const {
bool AABB::intersects_segment(const Vector3& p_from, const Vector3& p_to,Vector3* r_clip,Vector3* r_normal) const { real_t min = 0, max = 1;
int axis = 0;
real_t sign = 0;
real_t min=0,max=1; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
int axis=0; real_t seg_from = p_from[i];
real_t sign=0; real_t seg_to = p_to[i];
real_t box_begin = position[i];
for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { real_t box_end = box_begin + size[i];
real_t seg_from=p_from[i]; real_t cmin, cmax;
real_t seg_to=p_to[i];
real_t box_begin=position[i];
real_t box_end=box_begin+size[i];
real_t cmin,cmax;
real_t csign; real_t csign;
if (seg_from < seg_to) { if (seg_from < seg_to) {
if (seg_from > box_end || seg_to < box_begin) if (seg_from > box_end || seg_to < box_begin)
return false; return false;
real_t length=seg_to-seg_from; real_t length = seg_to - seg_from;
cmin = (seg_from < box_begin)?((box_begin - seg_from)/length):0; cmin = (seg_from < box_begin) ? ((box_begin - seg_from) / length) : 0;
cmax = (seg_to > box_end)?((box_end - seg_from)/length):1; cmax = (seg_to > box_end) ? ((box_end - seg_from) / length) : 1;
csign=-1.0; csign = -1.0;
} else { } else {
if (seg_to > box_end || seg_from < box_begin) if (seg_to > box_end || seg_from < box_begin)
return false; return false;
real_t length=seg_to-seg_from; real_t length = seg_to - seg_from;
cmin = (seg_from > box_end)?(box_end - seg_from)/length:0; cmin = (seg_from > box_end) ? (box_end - seg_from) / length : 0;
cmax = (seg_to < box_begin)?(box_begin - seg_from)/length:1; cmax = (seg_to < box_begin) ? (box_begin - seg_from) / length : 1;
csign=1.0; csign = 1.0;
} }
if (cmin > min) { if (cmin > min) {
min = cmin; min = cmin;
axis=i; axis = i;
sign=csign; sign = csign;
} }
if (cmax < max) if (cmax < max)
max = cmax; max = cmax;
@ -418,217 +401,207 @@ bool AABB::intersects_segment(const Vector3& p_from, const Vector3& p_to,Vector3
return false; return false;
} }
Vector3 rel = p_to - p_from;
Vector3 rel=p_to-p_from;
if (r_normal) { if (r_normal) {
Vector3 normal; Vector3 normal;
normal[axis]=sign; normal[axis] = sign;
*r_normal=normal; *r_normal = normal;
} }
if (r_clip) if (r_clip)
*r_clip=p_from+rel*min; *r_clip = p_from + rel * min;
return true; return true;
} }
bool AABB::intersects_plane(const Plane &p_plane) const { bool AABB::intersects_plane(const Plane &p_plane) const {
Vector3 points[8] = { Vector3 points[8] = {
Vector3( position.x , position.y , position.z ), Vector3(position.x, position.y, position.z),
Vector3( position.x , position.y , position.z+size.z ), Vector3(position.x, position.y, position.z + size.z),
Vector3( position.x , position.y+size.y , position.z ), Vector3(position.x, position.y + size.y, position.z),
Vector3( position.x , position.y+size.y , position.z+size.z ), Vector3(position.x, position.y + size.y, position.z + size.z),
Vector3( position.x+size.x , position.y , position.z ), Vector3(position.x + size.x, position.y, position.z),
Vector3( position.x+size.x , position.y , position.z+size.z ), Vector3(position.x + size.x, position.y, position.z + size.z),
Vector3( position.x+size.x , position.y+size.y , position.z ), Vector3(position.x + size.x, position.y + size.y, position.z),
Vector3( position.x+size.x , position.y+size.y , position.z+size.z ), Vector3(position.x + size.x, position.y + size.y, position.z + size.z),
}; };
bool over=false; bool over = false;
bool under=false; bool under = false;
for (int i=0;i<8;i++) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (p_plane.distance_to(points[i])>0) if (p_plane.distance_to(points[i]) > 0)
over=true; over = true;
else else
under=true; under = true;
} }
return under && over; return under && over;
} }
Vector3 AABB::get_longest_axis() const { Vector3 AABB::get_longest_axis() const {
Vector3 axis(1,0,0); Vector3 axis(1, 0, 0);
real_t max_size=size.x; real_t max_size = size.x;
if (size.y > max_size ) { if (size.y > max_size) {
axis=Vector3(0,1,0); axis = Vector3(0, 1, 0);
max_size=size.y; max_size = size.y;
} }
if (size.z > max_size ) { if (size.z > max_size) {
axis=Vector3(0,0,1); axis = Vector3(0, 0, 1);
max_size=size.z; max_size = size.z;
} }
return axis; return axis;
} }
int AABB::get_longest_axis_index() const { int AABB::get_longest_axis_index() const {
int axis=0; int axis = 0;
real_t max_size=size.x; real_t max_size = size.x;
if (size.y > max_size ) { if (size.y > max_size) {
axis=1; axis = 1;
max_size=size.y; max_size = size.y;
} }
if (size.z > max_size ) { if (size.z > max_size) {
axis=2; axis = 2;
max_size=size.z; max_size = size.z;
} }
return axis; return axis;
} }
Vector3 AABB::get_shortest_axis() const { Vector3 AABB::get_shortest_axis() const {
Vector3 axis(1,0,0); Vector3 axis(1, 0, 0);
real_t max_size=size.x; real_t max_size = size.x;
if (size.y < max_size ) { if (size.y < max_size) {
axis=Vector3(0,1,0); axis = Vector3(0, 1, 0);
max_size=size.y; max_size = size.y;
} }
if (size.z < max_size ) { if (size.z < max_size) {
axis=Vector3(0,0,1); axis = Vector3(0, 0, 1);
max_size=size.z; max_size = size.z;
} }
return axis; return axis;
} }
int AABB::get_shortest_axis_index() const { int AABB::get_shortest_axis_index() const {
int axis=0; int axis = 0;
real_t max_size=size.x; real_t max_size = size.x;
if (size.y < max_size ) { if (size.y < max_size) {
axis=1; axis = 1;
max_size=size.y; max_size = size.y;
} }
if (size.z < max_size ) { if (size.z < max_size) {
axis=2; axis = 2;
max_size=size.z; max_size = size.z;
} }
return axis; return axis;
} }
AABB AABB::merge(const AABB& p_with) const { AABB AABB::merge(const AABB &p_with) const {
AABB aabb=*this; AABB aabb = *this;
aabb.merge_with(p_with); aabb.merge_with(p_with);
return aabb; return aabb;
} }
AABB AABB::expand(const Vector3& p_vector) const { AABB AABB::expand(const Vector3 &p_vector) const {
AABB aabb=*this; AABB aabb = *this;
aabb.expand_to(p_vector); aabb.expand_to(p_vector);
return aabb; return aabb;
} }
AABB AABB::grow(real_t p_by) const { AABB AABB::grow(real_t p_by) const {
AABB aabb=*this; AABB aabb = *this;
aabb.grow_by(p_by); aabb.grow_by(p_by);
return aabb; return aabb;
} }
void AABB::get_edge(int p_edge,Vector3& r_from,Vector3& r_to) const { void AABB::get_edge(int p_edge, Vector3 &r_from, Vector3 &r_to) const {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_edge,12); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_edge, 12);
switch(p_edge) { switch (p_edge) {
case 0:{ case 0: {
r_from=Vector3( position.x+size.x , position.y , position.z ); r_from = Vector3(position.x + size.x, position.y, position.z);
r_to=Vector3( position.x , position.y , position.z ); r_to = Vector3(position.x, position.y, position.z);
} break; } break;
case 1:{ case 1: {
r_from=Vector3( position.x+size.x , position.y , position.z+size.z ); r_from = Vector3(position.x + size.x, position.y, position.z + size.z);
r_to=Vector3( position.x+size.x , position.y , position.z ); r_to = Vector3(position.x + size.x, position.y, position.z);
} break; } break;
case 2:{ case 2: {
r_from=Vector3( position.x , position.y , position.z+size.z ); r_from = Vector3(position.x, position.y, position.z + size.z);
r_to=Vector3( position.x+size.x , position.y , position.z+size.z ); r_to = Vector3(position.x + size.x, position.y, position.z + size.z);
} break; } break;
case 3:{ case 3: {
r_from=Vector3( position.x , position.y , position.z ); r_from = Vector3(position.x, position.y, position.z);
r_to=Vector3( position.x , position.y , position.z+size.z ); r_to = Vector3(position.x, position.y, position.z + size.z);
} break; } break;
case 4:{ case 4: {
r_from=Vector3( position.x , position.y+size.y , position.z ); r_from = Vector3(position.x, position.y + size.y, position.z);
r_to=Vector3( position.x+size.x , position.y+size.y , position.z ); r_to = Vector3(position.x + size.x, position.y + size.y, position.z);
} break; } break;
case 5:{ case 5: {
r_from=Vector3( position.x+size.x , position.y+size.y , position.z ); r_from = Vector3(position.x + size.x, position.y + size.y, position.z);
r_to=Vector3( position.x+size.x , position.y+size.y , position.z+size.z ); r_to = Vector3(position.x + size.x, position.y + size.y, position.z + size.z);
} break; } break;
case 6:{ case 6: {
r_from=Vector3( position.x+size.x , position.y+size.y , position.z+size.z ); r_from = Vector3(position.x + size.x, position.y + size.y, position.z + size.z);
r_to=Vector3( position.x , position.y+size.y , position.z+size.z ); r_to = Vector3(position.x, position.y + size.y, position.z + size.z);
} break; } break;
case 7:{ case 7: {
r_from=Vector3( position.x , position.y+size.y , position.z+size.z ); r_from = Vector3(position.x, position.y + size.y, position.z + size.z);
r_to=Vector3( position.x , position.y+size.y , position.z ); r_to = Vector3(position.x, position.y + size.y, position.z);
} break; } break;
case 8:{ case 8: {
r_from=Vector3( position.x , position.y , position.z+size.z ); r_from = Vector3(position.x, position.y, position.z + size.z);
r_to=Vector3( position.x , position.y+size.y , position.z+size.z ); r_to = Vector3(position.x, position.y + size.y, position.z + size.z);
} break; } break;
case 9:{ case 9: {
r_from=Vector3( position.x , position.y , position.z ); r_from = Vector3(position.x, position.y, position.z);
r_to=Vector3( position.x , position.y+size.y , position.z ); r_to = Vector3(position.x, position.y + size.y, position.z);
} break; } break;
case 10:{ case 10: {
r_from=Vector3( position.x+size.x , position.y , position.z ); r_from = Vector3(position.x + size.x, position.y, position.z);
r_to=Vector3( position.x+size.x , position.y+size.y , position.z ); r_to = Vector3(position.x + size.x, position.y + size.y, position.z);
} break; } break;
case 11:{ case 11: {
r_from=Vector3( position.x+size.x , position.y , position.z+size.z ); r_from = Vector3(position.x + size.x, position.y, position.z + size.z);
r_to=Vector3( position.x+size.x , position.y+size.y , position.z+size.z ); r_to = Vector3(position.x + size.x, position.y + size.y, position.z + size.z);
} break; } break;
} }
} }
AABB::operator String() const { AABB::operator String() const {
@ -636,4 +609,4 @@ AABB::operator String() const {
return String() + position + " - " + size; return String() + position + " - " + size;
} }
} } // namespace godot

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include "Array.hpp" #include "Array.hpp"
#include "Variant.hpp"
#include "GodotGlobal.hpp" #include "GodotGlobal.hpp"
#include "Variant.hpp"
#include <cstdlib> #include <cstdlib>
@ -8,194 +8,158 @@ namespace godot {
class Object; class Object;
Array::Array() Array::Array() {
godot::api->godot_array_new(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_array_new(&_godot_array);
} }
Array::Array(const Array & other) Array::Array(const Array &other) {
godot::api->godot_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &other._godot_array); godot::api->godot_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &other._godot_array);
} }
Array & Array::operator=(const Array & other) Array &Array::operator=(const Array &other) {
godot::api->godot_array_destroy(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_array_destroy(&_godot_array);
godot::api->godot_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &other._godot_array); godot::api->godot_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &other._godot_array);
return *this; return *this;
} }
Array::Array(const PoolByteArray& a) Array::Array(const PoolByteArray &a) {
{ godot::api->godot_array_new_pool_byte_array(&_godot_array, (godot_pool_byte_array *)&a);
godot::api->godot_array_new_pool_byte_array(&_godot_array, (godot_pool_byte_array *) &a);
} }
Array::Array(const PoolIntArray& a) Array::Array(const PoolIntArray &a) {
{ godot::api->godot_array_new_pool_int_array(&_godot_array, (godot_pool_int_array *)&a);
godot::api->godot_array_new_pool_int_array(&_godot_array, (godot_pool_int_array *) &a);
} }
Array::Array(const PoolRealArray& a) Array::Array(const PoolRealArray &a) {
{ godot::api->godot_array_new_pool_real_array(&_godot_array, (godot_pool_real_array *)&a);
godot::api->godot_array_new_pool_real_array(&_godot_array, (godot_pool_real_array *) &a);
} }
Array::Array(const PoolStringArray& a) Array::Array(const PoolStringArray &a) {
{ godot::api->godot_array_new_pool_string_array(&_godot_array, (godot_pool_string_array *)&a);
godot::api->godot_array_new_pool_string_array(&_godot_array, (godot_pool_string_array *) &a);
} }
Array::Array(const PoolVector2Array& a) Array::Array(const PoolVector2Array &a) {
{ godot::api->godot_array_new_pool_vector2_array(&_godot_array, (godot_pool_vector2_array *)&a);
godot::api->godot_array_new_pool_vector2_array(&_godot_array, (godot_pool_vector2_array *) &a);
} }
Array::Array(const PoolVector3Array& a) Array::Array(const PoolVector3Array &a) {
{ godot::api->godot_array_new_pool_vector3_array(&_godot_array, (godot_pool_vector3_array *)&a);
godot::api->godot_array_new_pool_vector3_array(&_godot_array, (godot_pool_vector3_array *) &a);
} }
Array::Array(const PoolColorArray& a) Array::Array(const PoolColorArray &a) {
{ godot::api->godot_array_new_pool_color_array(&_godot_array, (godot_pool_color_array *)&a);
godot::api->godot_array_new_pool_color_array(&_godot_array, (godot_pool_color_array *) &a);
} }
Variant& Array::operator [](const int idx) Variant &Array::operator[](const int idx) {
godot_variant *v = godot::api->godot_array_operator_index(&_godot_array, idx); godot_variant *v = godot::api->godot_array_operator_index(&_godot_array, idx);
return *(Variant *) v; return *(Variant *)v;
} }
Variant Array::operator [](const int idx) const Variant Array::operator[](const int idx) const {
// Yes, I'm casting away the const... you can hate me now. // Yes, I'm casting away the const... you can hate me now.
// since the result is // since the result is
godot_variant *v = godot::api->godot_array_operator_index((godot_array *) &_godot_array, idx); godot_variant *v = godot::api->godot_array_operator_index((godot_array *)&_godot_array, idx);
return *(Variant *) v; return *(Variant *)v;
} }
void Array::append(const Variant& v) void Array::append(const Variant &v) {
{ godot::api->godot_array_append(&_godot_array, (godot_variant *)&v);
godot::api->godot_array_append(&_godot_array, (godot_variant *) &v);
} }
void Array::clear() void Array::clear() {
godot::api->godot_array_clear(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_array_clear(&_godot_array);
} }
int Array::count(const Variant& v) int Array::count(const Variant &v) {
{ return godot::api->godot_array_count(&_godot_array, (godot_variant *)&v);
return godot::api->godot_array_count(&_godot_array, (godot_variant *) &v);
} }
bool Array::empty() const bool Array::empty() const {
return godot::api->godot_array_empty(&_godot_array); return godot::api->godot_array_empty(&_godot_array);
} }
void Array::erase(const Variant& v) void Array::erase(const Variant &v) {
{ godot::api->godot_array_erase(&_godot_array, (godot_variant *)&v);
godot::api->godot_array_erase(&_godot_array, (godot_variant *) &v);
} }
Variant Array::front() const Variant Array::front() const {
godot_variant v = godot::api->godot_array_front(&_godot_array); godot_variant v = godot::api->godot_array_front(&_godot_array);
return *(Variant *) &v; return *(Variant *)&v;
} }
Variant Array::back() const Variant Array::back() const {
godot_variant v = godot::api->godot_array_back(&_godot_array); godot_variant v = godot::api->godot_array_back(&_godot_array);
return *(Variant *) &v; return *(Variant *)&v;
} }
int Array::find(const Variant& what, const int from) int Array::find(const Variant &what, const int from) {
{ return godot::api->godot_array_find(&_godot_array, (godot_variant *)&what, from);
return godot::api->godot_array_find(&_godot_array, (godot_variant *) &what, from);
} }
int Array::find_last(const Variant& what) int Array::find_last(const Variant &what) {
{ return godot::api->godot_array_find_last(&_godot_array, (godot_variant *)&what);
return godot::api->godot_array_find_last(&_godot_array, (godot_variant *) &what);
} }
bool Array::has(const Variant& what) const bool Array::has(const Variant &what) const {
{ return godot::api->godot_array_has(&_godot_array, (godot_variant *)&what);
return godot::api->godot_array_has(&_godot_array, (godot_variant *) &what);
} }
uint32_t Array::hash() const uint32_t Array::hash() const {
return godot::api->godot_array_hash(&_godot_array); return godot::api->godot_array_hash(&_godot_array);
} }
void Array::insert(const int pos, const Variant& value) void Array::insert(const int pos, const Variant &value) {
{ godot::api->godot_array_insert(&_godot_array, pos, (godot_variant *)&value);
godot::api->godot_array_insert(&_godot_array, pos, (godot_variant *) &value);
} }
void Array::invert() void Array::invert() {
godot::api->godot_array_invert(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_array_invert(&_godot_array);
} }
Variant Array::pop_back() Variant Array::pop_back() {
godot_variant v = godot::api->godot_array_pop_back(&_godot_array); godot_variant v = godot::api->godot_array_pop_back(&_godot_array);
return *(Variant *) &v; return *(Variant *)&v;
} }
Variant Array::pop_front() Variant Array::pop_front() {
godot_variant v = godot::api->godot_array_pop_front(&_godot_array); godot_variant v = godot::api->godot_array_pop_front(&_godot_array);
return *(Variant *) &v; return *(Variant *)&v;
} }
void Array::push_back(const Variant& v) void Array::push_back(const Variant &v) {
{ godot::api->godot_array_push_back(&_godot_array, (godot_variant *)&v);
godot::api->godot_array_push_back(&_godot_array, (godot_variant *) &v);
} }
void Array::push_front(const Variant& v) void Array::push_front(const Variant &v) {
{ godot::api->godot_array_push_front(&_godot_array, (godot_variant *)&v);
godot::api->godot_array_push_front(&_godot_array, (godot_variant *) &v);
} }
void Array::remove(const int idx) void Array::remove(const int idx) {
godot::api->godot_array_remove(&_godot_array, idx); godot::api->godot_array_remove(&_godot_array, idx);
} }
int Array::size() const int Array::size() const {
return godot::api->godot_array_size(&_godot_array); return godot::api->godot_array_size(&_godot_array);
} }
void Array::resize(const int size) void Array::resize(const int size) {
godot::api->godot_array_resize(&_godot_array, size); godot::api->godot_array_resize(&_godot_array, size);
} }
int Array::rfind(const Variant& what, const int from) int Array::rfind(const Variant &what, const int from) {
{ return godot::api->godot_array_rfind(&_godot_array, (godot_variant *)&what, from);
return godot::api->godot_array_rfind(&_godot_array, (godot_variant *) &what, from);
} }
void Array::sort() void Array::sort() {
godot::api->godot_array_sort(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_array_sort(&_godot_array);
} }
void Array::sort_custom(Object *obj, const String& func) void Array::sort_custom(Object *obj, const String &func) {
{ godot::api->godot_array_sort_custom(&_godot_array, (godot_object *)obj, (godot_string *)&func);
godot::api->godot_array_sort_custom(&_godot_array, (godot_object *) obj, (godot_string *) &func);
} }
Array::~Array() Array::~Array() {
godot::api->godot_array_destroy(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_array_destroy(&_godot_array);
} }
} } // namespace godot

View File

@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
#include "Basis.hpp" #include "Basis.hpp"
#include "Defs.hpp" #include "Defs.hpp"
#include "Vector3.hpp"
#include "Quat.hpp" #include "Quat.hpp"
#include "Vector3.hpp"
#include <algorithm> #include <algorithm>
namespace godot { namespace godot {
Basis::Basis(const Vector3 &row0, const Vector3 &row1, const Vector3 &row2) {
Basis::Basis(const Vector3& row0, const Vector3& row1, const Vector3& row2) elements[0] = row0;
{ elements[1] = row1;
elements[0]=row0; elements[2] = row2;
} }
Basis::Basis(real_t xx, real_t xy, real_t xz, real_t yx, real_t yy, real_t yz, real_t zx, real_t zy, real_t zz) { Basis::Basis(real_t xx, real_t xy, real_t xz, real_t yx, real_t yy, real_t yz, real_t zx, real_t zy, real_t zz) {
@ -22,58 +20,52 @@ Basis::Basis(real_t xx, real_t xy, real_t xz, real_t yx, real_t yy, real_t yz, r
Basis::Basis() { Basis::Basis() {
elements[0][0]=1; elements[0][0] = 1;
elements[0][1]=0; elements[0][1] = 0;
elements[0][2]=0; elements[0][2] = 0;
elements[1][0]=0; elements[1][0] = 0;
elements[1][1]=1; elements[1][1] = 1;
elements[1][2]=0; elements[1][2] = 0;
elements[2][0]=0; elements[2][0] = 0;
elements[2][1]=0; elements[2][1] = 0;
elements[2][2]=1; elements[2][2] = 1;
} }
const Vector3 &Basis::operator[](int axis) const {
const Vector3& Basis::operator[](int axis) const {
return elements[axis]; return elements[axis];
} }
Vector3&Basis:: operator[](int axis) { Vector3 &Basis::operator[](int axis) {
return elements[axis]; return elements[axis];
} }
#define cofac(row1,col1, row2, col2)\ #define cofac(row1, col1, row2, col2) \
(elements[row1][col1] * elements[row2][col2] - elements[row1][col2] * elements[row2][col1]) (elements[row1][col1] * elements[row2][col2] - elements[row1][col2] * elements[row2][col1])
void Basis::invert() void Basis::invert() {
{ real_t co[3] = {
real_t co[3]={
cofac(1, 1, 2, 2), cofac(1, 2, 2, 0), cofac(1, 0, 2, 1) cofac(1, 1, 2, 2), cofac(1, 2, 2, 0), cofac(1, 0, 2, 1)
}; };
real_t det = elements[0][0] * co[0]+ real_t det = elements[0][0] * co[0] +
elements[0][1] * co[1]+ elements[0][1] * co[1] +
elements[0][2] * co[2]; elements[0][2] * co[2];
ERR_FAIL_COND(det == 0); ERR_FAIL_COND(det == 0);
real_t s = 1.0/det; real_t s = 1.0 / det;
set( co[0]*s, cofac(0, 2, 2, 1) * s, cofac(0, 1, 1, 2) * s, set(co[0] * s, cofac(0, 2, 2, 1) * s, cofac(0, 1, 1, 2) * s,
co[1]*s, cofac(0, 0, 2, 2) * s, cofac(0, 2, 1, 0) * s, co[1] * s, cofac(0, 0, 2, 2) * s, cofac(0, 2, 1, 0) * s,
co[2]*s, cofac(0, 1, 2, 0) * s, cofac(0, 0, 1, 1) * s ); co[2] * s, cofac(0, 1, 2, 0) * s, cofac(0, 0, 1, 1) * s);
} }
#undef cofac #undef cofac
bool Basis::isequal_approx(const Basis& a, const Basis& b) const { bool Basis::isequal_approx(const Basis &a, const Basis &b) const {
for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (int j=0;j<3;j++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
if ((::fabs(a.elements[i][j]-b.elements[i][j]) < CMP_EPSILON) == false) if ((::fabs(a.elements[i][j] - b.elements[i][j]) < CMP_EPSILON) == false)
return false; return false;
} }
} }
@ -81,102 +73,89 @@ bool Basis::isequal_approx(const Basis& a, const Basis& b) const {
return true; return true;
} }
bool Basis::is_orthogonal() const {
bool Basis::is_orthogonal() const
Basis id; Basis id;
Basis m = (*this)*transposed(); Basis m = (*this) * transposed();
return isequal_approx(id,m); return isequal_approx(id, m);
} }
bool Basis::is_rotation() const bool Basis::is_rotation() const {
{ return ::fabs(determinant() - 1) < CMP_EPSILON && is_orthogonal();
return ::fabs(determinant()-1) < CMP_EPSILON && is_orthogonal();
} }
void Basis::transpose() void Basis::transpose() {
{ std::swap(elements[0][1], elements[1][0]);
std::swap(elements[0][1],elements[1][0]); std::swap(elements[0][2], elements[2][0]);
std::swap(elements[0][2],elements[2][0]); std::swap(elements[1][2], elements[2][1]);
} }
Basis Basis::inverse() const Basis Basis::inverse() const {
Basis b = *this; Basis b = *this;
b.invert(); b.invert();
return b; return b;
} }
Basis Basis::transposed() const Basis Basis::transposed() const {
Basis b = *this; Basis b = *this;
b.transpose(); b.transpose();
return b; return b;
} }
real_t Basis::determinant() const real_t Basis::determinant() const {
{ return elements[0][0] * (elements[1][1] * elements[2][2] - elements[2][1] * elements[1][2]) -
return elements[0][0]*(elements[1][1]*elements[2][2] - elements[2][1]*elements[1][2]) - elements[1][0] * (elements[0][1] * elements[2][2] - elements[2][1] * elements[0][2]) +
elements[1][0]*(elements[0][1]*elements[2][2] - elements[2][1]*elements[0][2]) + elements[2][0] * (elements[0][1] * elements[1][2] - elements[1][1] * elements[0][2]);
elements[2][0]*(elements[0][1]*elements[1][2] - elements[1][1]*elements[0][2]);
} }
Vector3 Basis::get_axis(int p_axis) const { Vector3 Basis::get_axis(int p_axis) const {
// get actual basis axis (elements is transposed for performance) // get actual basis axis (elements is transposed for performance)
return Vector3( elements[0][p_axis], elements[1][p_axis], elements[2][p_axis] ); return Vector3(elements[0][p_axis], elements[1][p_axis], elements[2][p_axis]);
} }
void Basis::set_axis(int p_axis, const Vector3& p_value) { void Basis::set_axis(int p_axis, const Vector3 &p_value) {
// get actual basis axis (elements is transposed for performance) // get actual basis axis (elements is transposed for performance)
elements[0][p_axis]=p_value.x; elements[0][p_axis] = p_value.x;
elements[1][p_axis]=p_value.y; elements[1][p_axis] = p_value.y;
elements[2][p_axis]=p_value.z; elements[2][p_axis] = p_value.z;
} }
void Basis::rotate(const Vector3& p_axis, real_t p_phi) void Basis::rotate(const Vector3 &p_axis, real_t p_phi) {
*this = rotated(p_axis, p_phi); *this = rotated(p_axis, p_phi);
} }
Basis Basis::rotated(const Vector3& p_axis, real_t p_phi) const Basis Basis::rotated(const Vector3 &p_axis, real_t p_phi) const {
return Basis(p_axis, p_phi) * (*this); return Basis(p_axis, p_phi) * (*this);
} }
void Basis::scale( const Vector3& p_scale ) void Basis::scale(const Vector3 &p_scale) {
{ elements[0][0] *= p_scale.x;
elements[0][0]*=p_scale.x; elements[0][1] *= p_scale.x;
elements[0][1]*=p_scale.x; elements[0][2] *= p_scale.x;
elements[0][2]*=p_scale.x; elements[1][0] *= p_scale.y;
elements[1][0]*=p_scale.y; elements[1][1] *= p_scale.y;
elements[1][1]*=p_scale.y; elements[1][2] *= p_scale.y;
elements[1][2]*=p_scale.y; elements[2][0] *= p_scale.z;
elements[2][0]*=p_scale.z; elements[2][1] *= p_scale.z;
elements[2][1]*=p_scale.z; elements[2][2] *= p_scale.z;
} }
Basis Basis::scaled( const Vector3& p_scale ) const Basis Basis::scaled(const Vector3 &p_scale) const {
Basis b = *this; Basis b = *this;
b.scale(p_scale); b.scale(p_scale);
return b; return b;
} }
Vector3 Basis::get_scale() const Vector3 Basis::get_scale() const {
// We are assuming M = R.S, and performing a polar decomposition to extract R and S. // We are assuming M = R.S, and performing a polar decomposition to extract R and S.
// FIXME: We eventually need a proper polar decomposition. // FIXME: We eventually need a proper polar decomposition.
// As a cheap workaround until then, to ensure that R is a proper rotation matrix with determinant +1 // As a cheap workaround until then, to ensure that R is a proper rotation matrix with determinant +1
// (such that it can be represented by a Quat or Euler angles), we absorb the sign flip into the scaling matrix. // (such that it can be represented by a Quat or Euler angles), we absorb the sign flip into the scaling matrix.
// As such, it works in conjuction with get_rotation(). // As such, it works in conjuction with get_rotation().
real_t det_sign = determinant() > 0 ? 1 : -1; real_t det_sign = determinant() > 0 ? 1 : -1;
return det_sign*Vector3( return det_sign * Vector3(
Vector3(elements[0][0],elements[1][0],elements[2][0]).length(), Vector3(elements[0][0], elements[1][0], elements[2][0]).length(),
Vector3(elements[0][1],elements[1][1],elements[2][1]).length(), Vector3(elements[0][1], elements[1][1], elements[2][1]).length(),
Vector3(elements[0][2],elements[1][2],elements[2][2]).length() Vector3(elements[0][2], elements[1][2], elements[2][2]).length());
} }
// get_euler_xyz returns a vector containing the Euler angles in the format // get_euler_xyz returns a vector containing the Euler angles in the format
@ -322,23 +301,20 @@ void Basis::set_euler_yxz(const Vector3 &p_euler) {
*this = ymat * xmat * zmat; *this = ymat * xmat * zmat;
} }
// transposed dot products // transposed dot products
real_t Basis::tdotx(const Vector3& v) const { real_t Basis::tdotx(const Vector3 &v) const {
return elements[0][0] * v[0] + elements[1][0] * v[1] + elements[2][0] * v[2]; return elements[0][0] * v[0] + elements[1][0] * v[1] + elements[2][0] * v[2];
} }
real_t Basis::tdoty(const Vector3& v) const { real_t Basis::tdoty(const Vector3 &v) const {
return elements[0][1] * v[0] + elements[1][1] * v[1] + elements[2][1] * v[2]; return elements[0][1] * v[0] + elements[1][1] * v[1] + elements[2][1] * v[2];
} }
real_t Basis::tdotz(const Vector3& v) const { real_t Basis::tdotz(const Vector3 &v) const {
return elements[0][2] * v[0] + elements[1][2] * v[1] + elements[2][2] * v[2]; return elements[0][2] * v[0] + elements[1][2] * v[1] + elements[2][2] * v[2];
} }
bool Basis::operator==(const Basis& p_matrix) const bool Basis::operator==(const Basis &p_matrix) const {
{ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
for (int j=0;j<3;j++) {
if (elements[i][j] != p_matrix.elements[i][j]) if (elements[i][j] != p_matrix.elements[i][j])
return false; return false;
} }
@ -347,69 +323,61 @@ bool Basis::operator==(const Basis& p_matrix) const
return true; return true;
} }
bool Basis::operator!=(const Basis& p_matrix) const bool Basis::operator!=(const Basis &p_matrix) const {
{ return (!(*this == p_matrix));
return (!(*this==p_matrix));
} }
Vector3 Basis::xform(const Vector3& p_vector) const { Vector3 Basis::xform(const Vector3 &p_vector) const {
return Vector3( return Vector3(
elements[0].dot(p_vector), elements[0].dot(p_vector),
elements[1].dot(p_vector), elements[1].dot(p_vector),
elements[2].dot(p_vector) elements[2].dot(p_vector));
} }
Vector3 Basis::xform_inv(const Vector3& p_vector) const { Vector3 Basis::xform_inv(const Vector3 &p_vector) const {
return Vector3( return Vector3(
(elements[0][0]*p_vector.x ) + ( elements[1][0]*p_vector.y ) + ( elements[2][0]*p_vector.z ), (elements[0][0] * p_vector.x) + (elements[1][0] * p_vector.y) + (elements[2][0] * p_vector.z),
(elements[0][1]*p_vector.x ) + ( elements[1][1]*p_vector.y ) + ( elements[2][1]*p_vector.z ), (elements[0][1] * p_vector.x) + (elements[1][1] * p_vector.y) + (elements[2][1] * p_vector.z),
(elements[0][2]*p_vector.x ) + ( elements[1][2]*p_vector.y ) + ( elements[2][2]*p_vector.z ) (elements[0][2] * p_vector.x) + (elements[1][2] * p_vector.y) + (elements[2][2] * p_vector.z));
} }
void Basis::operator*=(const Basis& p_matrix) void Basis::operator*=(const Basis &p_matrix) {
set( set(
p_matrix.tdotx(elements[0]), p_matrix.tdoty(elements[0]), p_matrix.tdotz(elements[0]), p_matrix.tdotx(elements[0]), p_matrix.tdoty(elements[0]), p_matrix.tdotz(elements[0]),
p_matrix.tdotx(elements[1]), p_matrix.tdoty(elements[1]), p_matrix.tdotz(elements[1]), p_matrix.tdotx(elements[1]), p_matrix.tdoty(elements[1]), p_matrix.tdotz(elements[1]),
p_matrix.tdotx(elements[2]), p_matrix.tdoty(elements[2]), p_matrix.tdotz(elements[2])); p_matrix.tdotx(elements[2]), p_matrix.tdoty(elements[2]), p_matrix.tdotz(elements[2]));
} }
Basis Basis::operator*(const Basis& p_matrix) const Basis Basis::operator*(const Basis &p_matrix) const {
return Basis( return Basis(
p_matrix.tdotx(elements[0]), p_matrix.tdoty(elements[0]), p_matrix.tdotz(elements[0]), p_matrix.tdotx(elements[0]), p_matrix.tdoty(elements[0]), p_matrix.tdotz(elements[0]),
p_matrix.tdotx(elements[1]), p_matrix.tdoty(elements[1]), p_matrix.tdotz(elements[1]), p_matrix.tdotx(elements[1]), p_matrix.tdoty(elements[1]), p_matrix.tdotz(elements[1]),
p_matrix.tdotx(elements[2]), p_matrix.tdoty(elements[2]), p_matrix.tdotz(elements[2]) ); p_matrix.tdotx(elements[2]), p_matrix.tdoty(elements[2]), p_matrix.tdotz(elements[2]));
} }
void Basis::operator+=(const Basis &p_matrix) {
void Basis::operator+=(const Basis& p_matrix) {
elements[0] += p_matrix.elements[0]; elements[0] += p_matrix.elements[0];
elements[1] += p_matrix.elements[1]; elements[1] += p_matrix.elements[1];
elements[2] += p_matrix.elements[2]; elements[2] += p_matrix.elements[2];
} }
Basis Basis::operator+(const Basis& p_matrix) const { Basis Basis::operator+(const Basis &p_matrix) const {
Basis ret(*this); Basis ret(*this);
ret += p_matrix; ret += p_matrix;
return ret; return ret;
} }
void Basis::operator-=(const Basis& p_matrix) { void Basis::operator-=(const Basis &p_matrix) {
elements[0] -= p_matrix.elements[0]; elements[0] -= p_matrix.elements[0];
elements[1] -= p_matrix.elements[1]; elements[1] -= p_matrix.elements[1];
elements[2] -= p_matrix.elements[2]; elements[2] -= p_matrix.elements[2];
} }
Basis Basis::operator-(const Basis& p_matrix) const { Basis Basis::operator-(const Basis &p_matrix) const {
Basis ret(*this); Basis ret(*this);
ret -= p_matrix; ret -= p_matrix;
@ -418,9 +386,9 @@ Basis Basis::operator-(const Basis& p_matrix) const {
void Basis::operator*=(real_t p_val) { void Basis::operator*=(real_t p_val) {
elements[0]*=p_val; elements[0] *= p_val;
elements[1]*=p_val; elements[1] *= p_val;
elements[2]*=p_val; elements[2] *= p_val;
} }
Basis Basis::operator*(real_t p_val) const { Basis Basis::operator*(real_t p_val) const {
@ -430,9 +398,7 @@ Basis Basis::operator*(real_t p_val) const {
return ret; return ret;
} }
Basis::operator String() const {
Basis::operator String() const
String s; String s;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
@ -449,40 +415,38 @@ Basis::operator String() const
/* create / set */ /* create / set */
void Basis::set(real_t xx, real_t xy, real_t xz, real_t yx, real_t yy, real_t yz, real_t zx, real_t zy, real_t zz) { void Basis::set(real_t xx, real_t xy, real_t xz, real_t yx, real_t yy, real_t yz, real_t zx, real_t zy, real_t zz) {
elements[0][0]=xx; elements[0][0] = xx;
elements[0][1]=xy; elements[0][1] = xy;
elements[0][2]=xz; elements[0][2] = xz;
elements[1][0]=yx; elements[1][0] = yx;
elements[1][1]=yy; elements[1][1] = yy;
elements[1][2]=yz; elements[1][2] = yz;
elements[2][0]=zx; elements[2][0] = zx;
elements[2][1]=zy; elements[2][1] = zy;
elements[2][2]=zz; elements[2][2] = zz;
} }
Vector3 Basis::get_column(int i) const { Vector3 Basis::get_column(int i) const {
return Vector3(elements[0][i],elements[1][i],elements[2][i]); return Vector3(elements[0][i], elements[1][i], elements[2][i]);
} }
Vector3 Basis::get_row(int i) const { Vector3 Basis::get_row(int i) const {
return Vector3(elements[i][0],elements[i][1],elements[i][2]); return Vector3(elements[i][0], elements[i][1], elements[i][2]);
} }
Vector3 Basis::get_main_diagonal() const { Vector3 Basis::get_main_diagonal() const {
return Vector3(elements[0][0],elements[1][1],elements[2][2]); return Vector3(elements[0][0], elements[1][1], elements[2][2]);
} }
void Basis::set_row(int i, const Vector3& p_row) { void Basis::set_row(int i, const Vector3 &p_row) {
elements[i][0]=p_row.x; elements[i][0] = p_row.x;
elements[i][1]=p_row.y; elements[i][1] = p_row.y;
elements[i][2]=p_row.z; elements[i][2] = p_row.z;
} }
Basis Basis::transpose_xform(const Basis& m) const Basis Basis::transpose_xform(const Basis &m) const {
return Basis( return Basis(
elements[0].x * m[0].x + elements[1].x * m[1].x + elements[2].x * m[2].x, elements[0].x * m[0].x + elements[1].x * m[1].x + elements[2].x * m[2].x,
elements[0].x * m[0].y + elements[1].x * m[1].y + elements[2].x * m[2].y, elements[0].x * m[0].y + elements[1].x * m[1].y + elements[2].x * m[2].y,
@ -495,36 +459,33 @@ Basis Basis::transpose_xform(const Basis& m) const
elements[0].z * m[0].z + elements[1].z * m[1].z + elements[2].z * m[2].z); elements[0].z * m[0].z + elements[1].z * m[1].z + elements[2].z * m[2].z);
} }
void Basis::orthonormalize() void Basis::orthonormalize() {
ERR_FAIL_COND(determinant() == 0); ERR_FAIL_COND(determinant() == 0);
// Gram-Schmidt Process // Gram-Schmidt Process
Vector3 x=get_axis(0); Vector3 x = get_axis(0);
Vector3 y=get_axis(1); Vector3 y = get_axis(1);
Vector3 z=get_axis(2); Vector3 z = get_axis(2);
x.normalize(); x.normalize();
y = (y-x*(; y = (y - x * (;
y.normalize(); y.normalize();
z = (z-x*(*(; z = (z - x * ( - y * (;
z.normalize(); z.normalize();
set_axis(0,x); set_axis(0, x);
set_axis(1,y); set_axis(1, y);
set_axis(2,z); set_axis(2, z);
} }
Basis Basis::orthonormalized() const Basis Basis::orthonormalized() const {
Basis b = *this; Basis b = *this;
b.orthonormalize(); b.orthonormalize();
return b; return b;
} }
bool Basis::is_symmetric() const bool Basis::is_symmetric() const {
if (::fabs(elements[0][1] - elements[1][0]) > CMP_EPSILON) if (::fabs(elements[0][1] - elements[1][0]) > CMP_EPSILON)
return false; return false;
if (::fabs(elements[0][2] - elements[2][0]) > CMP_EPSILON) if (::fabs(elements[0][2] - elements[2][0]) > CMP_EPSILON)
@ -535,8 +496,7 @@ bool Basis::is_symmetric() const
return true; return true;
} }
Basis Basis::diagonalize() Basis Basis::diagonalize() {
// I love copy paste // I love copy paste
if (!is_symmetric()) if (!is_symmetric())
@ -548,7 +508,7 @@ Basis Basis::diagonalize()
int ite = 0; int ite = 0;
Basis acc_rot; Basis acc_rot;
while (off_matrix_norm_2 > CMP_EPSILON2 && ite++ < ite_max ) { while (off_matrix_norm_2 > CMP_EPSILON2 && ite++ < ite_max) {
real_t el01_2 = elements[0][1] * elements[0][1]; real_t el01_2 = elements[0][1] * elements[0][1];
real_t el02_2 = elements[0][2] * elements[0][2]; real_t el02_2 = elements[0][2] * elements[0][2];
real_t el12_2 = elements[1][2] * elements[1][2]; real_t el12_2 = elements[1][2] * elements[1][2];
@ -583,7 +543,7 @@ Basis Basis::diagonalize()
// Compute the rotation matrix // Compute the rotation matrix
Basis rot; Basis rot;
rot.elements[i][i] = rot.elements[j][j] = ::cos(angle); rot.elements[i][i] = rot.elements[j][j] = ::cos(angle);
rot.elements[i][j] = - (rot.elements[j][i] = ::sin(angle)); rot.elements[i][j] = -(rot.elements[j][i] = ::sin(angle));
// Update the off matrix norm // Update the off matrix norm
off_matrix_norm_2 -= elements[i][j] * elements[i][j]; off_matrix_norm_2 -= elements[i][j] * elements[i][j];
@ -596,8 +556,7 @@ Basis Basis::diagonalize()
return acc_rot; return acc_rot;
} }
static const Basis _ortho_bases[24] = {
static const Basis _ortho_bases[24]={
Basis(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), Basis(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
Basis(0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), Basis(0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1),
Basis(-1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1), Basis(-1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
@ -624,62 +583,53 @@ static const Basis _ortho_bases[24]={
Basis(0, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0) Basis(0, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0)
}; };
int Basis::get_orthogonal_index() const {
int Basis::get_orthogonal_index() const
//could be sped up if i come up with a way //could be sped up if i come up with a way
Basis orth=*this; Basis orth = *this;
for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for(int j=0;j<3;j++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
real_t v = orth[i][j]; real_t v = orth[i][j];
if (v>0.5) if (v > 0.5)
v=1.0; v = 1.0;
else if (v<-0.5) else if (v < -0.5)
v=-1.0; v = -1.0;
else else
v=0; v = 0;
orth[i][j]=v; orth[i][j] = v;
} }
} }
for(int i=0;i<24;i++) { for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
if (_ortho_bases[i]==orth) if (_ortho_bases[i] == orth)
return i; return i;
} }
return 0; return 0;
} }
void Basis::set_orthogonal_index(int p_index) {
void Basis::set_orthogonal_index(int p_index){
//there only exist 24 orthogonal bases in r3 //there only exist 24 orthogonal bases in r3
ERR_FAIL_COND(p_index >= 24); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_index >= 24);
*this=_ortho_bases[p_index]; *this = _ortho_bases[p_index];
} }
Basis::Basis(const Vector3 &p_euler) {
Basis::Basis(const Vector3& p_euler) {
set_euler( p_euler );
} }
} } // namespace godot
#include "Quat.hpp" #include "Quat.hpp"
namespace godot { namespace godot {
Basis::Basis(const Quat& p_quat) { Basis::Basis(const Quat &p_quat) {
real_t d = p_quat.length_squared(); real_t d = p_quat.length_squared();
real_t s = 2.0 / d; real_t s = 2.0 / d;
@ -687,32 +637,30 @@ Basis::Basis(const Quat& p_quat) {
real_t wx = p_quat.w * xs, wy = p_quat.w * ys, wz = p_quat.w * zs; real_t wx = p_quat.w * xs, wy = p_quat.w * ys, wz = p_quat.w * zs;
real_t xx = p_quat.x * xs, xy = p_quat.x * ys, xz = p_quat.x * zs; real_t xx = p_quat.x * xs, xy = p_quat.x * ys, xz = p_quat.x * zs;
real_t yy = p_quat.y * ys, yz = p_quat.y * zs, zz = p_quat.z * zs; real_t yy = p_quat.y * ys, yz = p_quat.y * zs, zz = p_quat.z * zs;
set( 1.0 - (yy + zz), xy - wz, xz + wy, set(1.0 - (yy + zz), xy - wz, xz + wy,
xy + wz, 1.0 - (xx + zz), yz - wx, xy + wz, 1.0 - (xx + zz), yz - wx,
xz - wy, yz + wx, 1.0 - (xx + yy)) ; xz - wy, yz + wx, 1.0 - (xx + yy));
} }
Basis::Basis(const Vector3& p_axis, real_t p_phi) { Basis::Basis(const Vector3 &p_axis, real_t p_phi) {
// Rotation matrix from axis and angle, see // Rotation matrix from axis and angle, see
Vector3 axis_sq(p_axis.x*p_axis.x,p_axis.y*p_axis.y,p_axis.z*p_axis.z); Vector3 axis_sq(p_axis.x * p_axis.x, p_axis.y * p_axis.y, p_axis.z * p_axis.z);
real_t cosine= ::cos(p_phi); real_t cosine = ::cos(p_phi);
real_t sine= ::sin(p_phi); real_t sine = ::sin(p_phi);
elements[0][0] = axis_sq.x + cosine * ( 1.0 - axis_sq.x ); elements[0][0] = axis_sq.x + cosine * (1.0 - axis_sq.x);
elements[0][1] = p_axis.x * p_axis.y * ( 1.0 - cosine ) - p_axis.z * sine; elements[0][1] = p_axis.x * p_axis.y * (1.0 - cosine) - p_axis.z * sine;
elements[0][2] = p_axis.z * p_axis.x * ( 1.0 - cosine ) + p_axis.y * sine; elements[0][2] = p_axis.z * p_axis.x * (1.0 - cosine) + p_axis.y * sine;
elements[1][0] = p_axis.x * p_axis.y * ( 1.0 - cosine ) + p_axis.z * sine; elements[1][0] = p_axis.x * p_axis.y * (1.0 - cosine) + p_axis.z * sine;
elements[1][1] = axis_sq.y + cosine * ( 1.0 - axis_sq.y ); elements[1][1] = axis_sq.y + cosine * (1.0 - axis_sq.y);
elements[1][2] = p_axis.y * p_axis.z * ( 1.0 - cosine ) - p_axis.x * sine; elements[1][2] = p_axis.y * p_axis.z * (1.0 - cosine) - p_axis.x * sine;
elements[2][0] = p_axis.z * p_axis.x * ( 1.0 - cosine ) - p_axis.y * sine;
elements[2][1] = p_axis.y * p_axis.z * ( 1.0 - cosine ) + p_axis.x * sine;
elements[2][2] = axis_sq.z + cosine * ( 1.0 - axis_sq.z );
elements[2][0] = p_axis.z * p_axis.x * (1.0 - cosine) - p_axis.y * sine;
elements[2][1] = p_axis.y * p_axis.z * (1.0 - cosine) + p_axis.x * sine;
elements[2][2] = axis_sq.z + cosine * (1.0 - axis_sq.z);
} }
Basis::operator Quat() const { Basis::operator Quat() const {
@ -722,18 +670,15 @@ Basis::operator Quat() const {
real_t trace = elements[0][0] + elements[1][1] + elements[2][2]; real_t trace = elements[0][0] + elements[1][1] + elements[2][2];
real_t temp[4]; real_t temp[4];
if (trace > 0.0) if (trace > 0.0) {
real_t s = ::sqrt(trace + 1.0); real_t s = ::sqrt(trace + 1.0);
temp[3]=(s * 0.5); temp[3] = (s * 0.5);
s = 0.5 / s; s = 0.5 / s;
temp[0]=((elements[2][1] - elements[1][2]) * s); temp[0] = ((elements[2][1] - elements[1][2]) * s);
temp[1]=((elements[0][2] - elements[2][0]) * s); temp[1] = ((elements[0][2] - elements[2][0]) * s);
temp[2]=((elements[1][0] - elements[0][1]) * s); temp[2] = ((elements[1][0] - elements[0][1]) * s);
} } else {
int i = elements[0][0] < elements[1][1] ? int i = elements[0][0] < elements[1][1] ?
(elements[1][1] < elements[2][2] ? 2 : 1) : (elements[1][1] < elements[2][2] ? 2 : 1) :
(elements[0][0] < elements[2][2] ? 2 : 0); (elements[0][0] < elements[2][2] ? 2 : 0);
@ -749,11 +694,7 @@ Basis::operator Quat() const {
temp[k] = (elements[k][i] + elements[i][k]) * s; temp[k] = (elements[k][i] + elements[i][k]) * s;
} }
return Quat(temp[0],temp[1],temp[2],temp[3]); return Quat(temp[0], temp[1], temp[2], temp[3]);
} }
} // namespace godot

View File

@ -12,138 +12,128 @@ namespace godot {
static String _to_hex(float p_val); static String _to_hex(float p_val);
static float _parse_col(const String& p_str, int p_ofs) { static float _parse_col(const String &p_str, int p_ofs) {
int ig=0; int ig = 0;
for(int i=0;i<2;i++) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
int c= (int) (wchar_t) p_str[i+p_ofs]; int c = (int)(wchar_t)p_str[i + p_ofs];
int v=0; int v = 0;
if (c>='0' && c<='9') { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
v=c-'0'; v = c - '0';
} else if (c>='a' && c<='f') { } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') {
v=c-'a'; v = c - 'a';
v+=10; v += 10;
} else if (c>='A' && c<='F') { } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') {
v=c-'A'; v = c - 'A';
v+=10; v += 10;
} else { } else {
return -1; return -1;
} }
if (i==0) if (i == 0)
ig+=v*16; ig += v * 16;
else else
ig+=v; ig += v;
} }
return ig; return ig;
} }
uint32_t Color::to_32() const uint32_t Color::to_32() const {
uint32_t c=(uint8_t)(a*255); uint32_t c = (uint8_t)(a * 255);
c<<=8; c <<= 8;
c|=(uint8_t)(r*255); c |= (uint8_t)(r * 255);
c<<=8; c <<= 8;
c|=(uint8_t)(g*255); c |= (uint8_t)(g * 255);
c<<=8; c <<= 8;
c|=(uint8_t)(b*255); c |= (uint8_t)(b * 255);
return c; return c;
} }
uint32_t Color::to_ARGB32() const uint32_t Color::to_ARGB32() const {
{ uint32_t c = (uint8_t)(a * 255);
uint32_t c=(uint8_t)(a*255); c <<= 8;
c<<=8; c |= (uint8_t)(r * 255);
c|=(uint8_t)(r*255); c <<= 8;
c<<=8; c |= (uint8_t)(g * 255);
c|=(uint8_t)(g*255); c <<= 8;
c<<=8; c |= (uint8_t)(b * 255);
return c; return c;
} }
float Color::gray() const float Color::gray() const {
{ return (r + g + b) / 3.0;
return (r+g+b)/3.0;
} }
float Color::get_h() const float Color::get_h() const {
float min = MIN( r, g ); float min = MIN(r, g);
min = MIN( min, b ); min = MIN(min, b);
float max = MAX( r, g ); float max = MAX(r, g);
max = MAX( max, b ); max = MAX(max, b);
float delta = max - min; float delta = max - min;
if( delta == 0 ) if (delta == 0)
return 0; return 0;
float h; float h;
if( r == max ) if (r == max)
h = ( g - b ) / delta; // between yellow & magenta h = (g - b) / delta; // between yellow & magenta
else if( g == max ) else if (g == max)
h = 2 + ( b - r ) / delta; // between cyan & yellow h = 2 + (b - r) / delta; // between cyan & yellow
else else
h = 4 + ( r - g ) / delta; // between magenta & cyan h = 4 + (r - g) / delta; // between magenta & cyan
h/=6.0; h /= 6.0;
if (h<0) if (h < 0)
h+=1.0; h += 1.0;
return h; return h;
} }
float Color::get_s() const float Color::get_s() const {
{ float min = MIN(r, g);
float min = MIN( r, g ); min = MIN(min, b);
min = MIN( min, b ); float max = MAX(r, g);
float max = MAX( r, g ); max = MAX(max, b);
max = MAX( max, b );
float delta = max - min; float delta = max - min;
return (max!=0) ? (delta / max) : 0; return (max != 0) ? (delta / max) : 0;
} }
float Color::get_v() const float Color::get_v() const {
{ float max = MAX(r, g);
float max = MAX( r, g ); max = MAX(max, b);
max = MAX( max, b );
return max; return max;
} }
void Color::set_hsv(float p_h, float p_s, float p_v, float p_alpha) void Color::set_hsv(float p_h, float p_s, float p_v, float p_alpha) {
int i; int i;
float f, p, q, t; float f, p, q, t;
a=p_alpha; a = p_alpha;
if( p_s == 0 ) { if (p_s == 0) {
// acp_hromatic (grey) // acp_hromatic (grey)
r = g = b = p_v; r = g = b = p_v;
return; return;
} }
p_h *=6.0; p_h *= 6.0;
p_h = ::fmod(p_h,6); p_h = ::fmod(p_h, 6);
i = ::floor( p_h ); i = ::floor(p_h);
f = p_h - i; f = p_h - i;
p = p_v * ( 1 - p_s ); p = p_v * (1 - p_s);
q = p_v * ( 1 - p_s * f ); q = p_v * (1 - p_s * f);
t = p_v * ( 1 - p_s * ( 1 - f ) ); t = p_v * (1 - p_s * (1 - f));
switch( i ) { switch (i) {
case 0: // Red is the dominant color case 0: // Red is the dominant color
r = p_v; r = p_v;
g = t; g = t;
@ -177,56 +167,51 @@ void Color::set_hsv(float p_h, float p_s, float p_v, float p_alpha)
} }
} }
void Color::invert() void Color::invert() {
{ r = 1.0 - r;
r=1.0-r; g = 1.0 - g;
g=1.0-g; b = 1.0 - b;
} }
void Color::contrast() void Color::contrast() {
{ r = ::fmod(r + 0.5, 1.0);
r=::fmod(r+0.5,1.0); g = ::fmod(g + 0.5, 1.0);
g=::fmod(g+0.5,1.0); b = ::fmod(b + 0.5, 1.0);
} }
Color Color::inverted() const Color Color::inverted() const {
{ Color c = *this;
Color c=*this;
c.invert(); c.invert();
return c; return c;
} }
Color Color::contrasted() const Color Color::contrasted() const {
{ Color c = *this;
Color c=*this;
c.contrast(); c.contrast();
return c; return c;
} }
Color Color::linear_interpolate(const Color& p_b, float p_t) const { Color Color::linear_interpolate(const Color &p_b, float p_t) const {
Color res=*this; Color res = *this;
res.r+= (p_t * (p_b.r-r)); res.r += (p_t * (p_b.r - r));
res.g+= (p_t * (p_b.g-g)); res.g += (p_t * (p_b.g - g));
res.b+= (p_t * (p_b.b-b)); res.b += (p_t * (p_b.b - b));
res.a+= (p_t * (p_b.a-a)); res.a += (p_t * (p_b.a - a));
return res; return res;
} }
Color Color::blend(const Color& p_over) const { Color Color::blend(const Color &p_over) const {
Color res; Color res;
float sa = 1.0 - p_over.a; float sa = 1.0 - p_over.a;
res.a = a*sa+p_over.a; res.a = a * sa + p_over.a;
if (res.a==0) { if (res.a == 0) {
return Color(0,0,0,0); return Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
} else { } else {
res.r = (r*a*sa + p_over.r * p_over.a)/res.a; res.r = (r * a * sa + p_over.r * p_over.a) / res.a;
res.g = (g*a*sa + p_over.g * p_over.a)/res.a; res.g = (g * a * sa + p_over.g * p_over.a) / res.a;
res.b = (b*a*sa + p_over.b * p_over.a)/res.a; res.b = (b * a * sa + p_over.b * p_over.a) / res.a;
} }
return res; return res;
} }
@ -234,114 +219,110 @@ Color Color::blend(const Color& p_over) const {
Color Color::to_linear() const { Color Color::to_linear() const {
return Color( return Color(
r<0.04045 ? r * (1.0 / 12.92) : ::pow((r + 0.055) * (1.0 / (1 + 0.055)), 2.4), r < 0.04045 ? r * (1.0 / 12.92) : ::pow((r + 0.055) * (1.0 / (1 + 0.055)), 2.4),
g<0.04045 ? g * (1.0 / 12.92) : ::pow((g + 0.055) * (1.0 / (1 + 0.055)), 2.4), g < 0.04045 ? g * (1.0 / 12.92) : ::pow((g + 0.055) * (1.0 / (1 + 0.055)), 2.4),
b<0.04045 ? b * (1.0 / 12.92) : ::pow((b + 0.055) * (1.0 / (1 + 0.055)), 2.4), b < 0.04045 ? b * (1.0 / 12.92) : ::pow((b + 0.055) * (1.0 / (1 + 0.055)), 2.4),
a a);
} }
Color Color::hex(uint32_t p_hex) Color Color::hex(uint32_t p_hex) {
{ float a = (p_hex & 0xFF) / 255.0;
float a = (p_hex&0xFF)/255.0; p_hex >>= 8;
p_hex>>=8; float b = (p_hex & 0xFF) / 255.0;
float b = (p_hex&0xFF)/255.0; p_hex >>= 8;
p_hex>>=8; float g = (p_hex & 0xFF) / 255.0;
float g = (p_hex&0xFF)/255.0; p_hex >>= 8;
p_hex>>=8; float r = (p_hex & 0xFF) / 255.0;
float r = (p_hex&0xFF)/255.0;
return Color(r,g,b,a); return Color(r, g, b, a);
} }
Color Color::html(const String& p_color) Color Color::html(const String &p_color) {
String color = p_color; String color = p_color;
if (color.length()==0) if (color.length() == 0)
return Color(); return Color();
if (color[0]=='#') if (color[0] == '#')
color=color.substr(1,color.length()-1); color = color.substr(1, color.length() - 1);
bool alpha=false; bool alpha = false;
if (color.length()==8) { if (color.length() == 8) {
alpha=true; alpha = true;
} else if (color.length()==6) { } else if (color.length() == 6) {
alpha=false; alpha = false;
} else { } else {
ERR_PRINTS(String("Invalid Color Code: ") + p_color); ERR_PRINTS(String("Invalid Color Code: ") + p_color);
ERR_FAIL_V(Color()); ERR_FAIL_V(Color());
} }
int a=255; int a = 255;
if (alpha) { if (alpha) {
a=_parse_col(color,0); a = _parse_col(color, 0);
if (a<0) { if (a < 0) {
ERR_PRINTS(String("Invalid Color Code: ") + p_color); ERR_PRINTS(String("Invalid Color Code: ") + p_color);
ERR_FAIL_V(Color()); ERR_FAIL_V(Color());
} }
} }
int from=alpha?2:0; int from = alpha ? 2 : 0;
int r=_parse_col(color,from+0); int r = _parse_col(color, from + 0);
if (r<0) { if (r < 0) {
ERR_PRINTS(String("Invalid Color Code: ") + p_color); ERR_PRINTS(String("Invalid Color Code: ") + p_color);
ERR_FAIL_V(Color()); ERR_FAIL_V(Color());
} }
int g=_parse_col(color,from+2); int g = _parse_col(color, from + 2);
if (g<0) { if (g < 0) {
ERR_PRINTS(String("Invalid Color Code: ") + p_color); ERR_PRINTS(String("Invalid Color Code: ") + p_color);
ERR_FAIL_V(Color()); ERR_FAIL_V(Color());
} }
int b=_parse_col(color,from+4); int b = _parse_col(color, from + 4);
if (b<0) { if (b < 0) {
ERR_PRINTS(String("Invalid Color Code: ") + p_color); ERR_PRINTS(String("Invalid Color Code: ") + p_color);
ERR_FAIL_V(Color()); ERR_FAIL_V(Color());
} }
return Color(r/255.0,g/255.0,b/255.0,a/255.0); return Color(r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0, a / 255.0);
} }
bool Color::html_is_valid(const String& p_color) bool Color::html_is_valid(const String &p_color) {
String color = p_color; String color = p_color;
if (color.length()==0) if (color.length() == 0)
return false; return false;
if (color[0]=='#') if (color[0] == '#')
color=color.substr(1,color.length()-1); color = color.substr(1, color.length() - 1);
bool alpha=false; bool alpha = false;
if (color.length()==8) { if (color.length() == 8) {
alpha=true; alpha = true;
} else if (color.length()==6) { } else if (color.length() == 6) {
alpha=false; alpha = false;
} else { } else {
return false; return false;
} }
int a=255; int a = 255;
if (alpha) { if (alpha) {
a=_parse_col(color,0); a = _parse_col(color, 0);
if (a<0) { if (a < 0) {
return false; return false;
} }
} }
int from=alpha?2:0; int from = alpha ? 2 : 0;
int r=_parse_col(color,from+0); int r = _parse_col(color, from + 0);
if (r<0) { if (r < 0) {
return false; return false;
} }
int g=_parse_col(color,from+2); int g = _parse_col(color, from + 2);
if (g<0) { if (g < 0) {
return false; return false;
} }
int b=_parse_col(color,from+4); int b = _parse_col(color, from + 4);
if (b<0) { if (b < 0) {
return false; return false;
} }
@ -349,62 +330,57 @@ bool Color::html_is_valid(const String& p_color)
} }
#ifndef CLAMP #ifndef CLAMP
#define CLAMP(m_a,m_min,m_max) (((m_a)<(m_min))?(m_min):(((m_a)>(m_max))?m_max:m_a)) #define CLAMP(m_a, m_min, m_max) (((m_a) < (m_min)) ? (m_min) : (((m_a) > (m_max)) ? m_max : m_a))
#endif #endif
static String _to_hex(float p_val) { static String _to_hex(float p_val) {
int v = p_val * 255; int v = p_val * 255;
v = CLAMP(v,0,255); v = CLAMP(v, 0, 255);
String ret; String ret;
for(int i=0;i<2;i++) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
wchar_t c[2]={0,0}; wchar_t c[2] = { 0, 0 };
int lv = v&0xF; int lv = v & 0xF;
if (lv<10) if (lv < 10)
c[0]='0'+lv; c[0] = '0' + lv;
else else
c[0]='a'+lv-10; c[0] = 'a' + lv - 10;
v>>=4; v >>= 4;
String cs=(const wchar_t*)c; String cs = (const wchar_t *)c;
ret = cs + ret; ret = cs + ret;
} }
return ret; return ret;
} }
String Color::to_html(bool p_alpha) const String Color::to_html(bool p_alpha) const {
String txt; String txt;
txt+=_to_hex(r); txt += _to_hex(r);
txt+=_to_hex(g); txt += _to_hex(g);
txt+=_to_hex(b); txt += _to_hex(b);
if (p_alpha) if (p_alpha)
txt=_to_hex(a)+txt; txt = _to_hex(a) + txt;
return txt; return txt;
} }
Color::operator String() const Color::operator String() const {
return String::num(r) + ", " + String::num(g) + ", " + String::num(b) + ", " + String::num(a); return String::num(r) + ", " + String::num(g) + ", " + String::num(b) + ", " + String::num(a);
} }
bool Color::operator<(const Color &p_color) const {
bool Color::operator<(const Color& p_color) const { if (r == p_color.r) {
if (g == p_color.g) {
if (r==p_color.r) { if (b == p_color.b) {
if (g==p_color.g) { return (a < p_color.a);
if(b==p_color.b) {
return (a<p_color.a);
} else } else
return (b<p_color.b); return (b < p_color.b);
} else } else
return g<p_color.g; return g < p_color.g;
} else } else
return r<p_color.r; return r < p_color.r;
} }
} } // namespace godot

View File

@ -1,95 +1,78 @@
#include "Dictionary.hpp" #include "Dictionary.hpp"
#include "Variant.hpp"
#include "Array.hpp" #include "Array.hpp"
#include "GodotGlobal.hpp" #include "GodotGlobal.hpp"
#include "Variant.hpp"
namespace godot { namespace godot {
Dictionary::Dictionary() Dictionary::Dictionary() {
godot::api->godot_dictionary_new(&_godot_dictionary); godot::api->godot_dictionary_new(&_godot_dictionary);
} }
Dictionary::Dictionary(const Dictionary & other) Dictionary::Dictionary(const Dictionary &other) {
godot::api->godot_dictionary_new_copy(&_godot_dictionary, &other._godot_dictionary); godot::api->godot_dictionary_new_copy(&_godot_dictionary, &other._godot_dictionary);
} }
Dictionary & Dictionary::operator=(const Dictionary & other) Dictionary &Dictionary::operator=(const Dictionary &other) {
godot::api->godot_dictionary_destroy(&_godot_dictionary); godot::api->godot_dictionary_destroy(&_godot_dictionary);
godot::api->godot_dictionary_new_copy(&_godot_dictionary, &other._godot_dictionary); godot::api->godot_dictionary_new_copy(&_godot_dictionary, &other._godot_dictionary);
return *this; return *this;
} }
void Dictionary::clear() void Dictionary::clear() {
godot::api->godot_dictionary_clear(&_godot_dictionary); godot::api->godot_dictionary_clear(&_godot_dictionary);
} }
bool Dictionary::empty() const bool Dictionary::empty() const {
return godot::api->godot_dictionary_empty(&_godot_dictionary); return godot::api->godot_dictionary_empty(&_godot_dictionary);
} }
void Dictionary::erase(const Variant& key) void Dictionary::erase(const Variant &key) {
{ godot::api->godot_dictionary_erase(&_godot_dictionary, (godot_variant *)&key);
godot::api->godot_dictionary_erase(&_godot_dictionary, (godot_variant *) &key);
} }
bool Dictionary::has(const Variant& key) const bool Dictionary::has(const Variant &key) const {
{ return godot::api->godot_dictionary_has(&_godot_dictionary, (godot_variant *)&key);
return godot::api->godot_dictionary_has(&_godot_dictionary, (godot_variant *) &key);
} }
bool Dictionary::has_all(const Array& keys) const bool Dictionary::has_all(const Array &keys) const {
{ return godot::api->godot_dictionary_has_all(&_godot_dictionary, (godot_array *)&keys);
return godot::api->godot_dictionary_has_all(&_godot_dictionary, (godot_array *) &keys);
} }
uint32_t Dictionary::hash() const uint32_t Dictionary::hash() const {
return godot::api->godot_dictionary_hash(&_godot_dictionary); return godot::api->godot_dictionary_hash(&_godot_dictionary);
} }
Array Dictionary::keys() const Array Dictionary::keys() const {
godot_array a = godot::api->godot_dictionary_keys(&_godot_dictionary); godot_array a = godot::api->godot_dictionary_keys(&_godot_dictionary);
return *(Array *) &a; return *(Array *)&a;
} }
Variant &Dictionary::operator [](const Variant& key) Variant &Dictionary::operator[](const Variant &key) {
{ return *(Variant *)godot::api->godot_dictionary_operator_index(&_godot_dictionary, (godot_variant *)&key);
return *(Variant *) godot::api->godot_dictionary_operator_index(&_godot_dictionary, (godot_variant *) &key);
} }
const Variant &Dictionary::operator [](const Variant& key) const const Variant &Dictionary::operator[](const Variant &key) const {
// oops I did it again // oops I did it again
return *(Variant *) godot::api->godot_dictionary_operator_index((godot_dictionary *) &_godot_dictionary, (godot_variant *) &key); return *(Variant *)godot::api->godot_dictionary_operator_index((godot_dictionary *)&_godot_dictionary, (godot_variant *)&key);
} }
int Dictionary::size() const int Dictionary::size() const {
return godot::api->godot_dictionary_size(&_godot_dictionary); return godot::api->godot_dictionary_size(&_godot_dictionary);
} }
String Dictionary::to_json() const String Dictionary::to_json() const {
godot_string s = godot::api->godot_dictionary_to_json(&_godot_dictionary); godot_string s = godot::api->godot_dictionary_to_json(&_godot_dictionary);
return *(String *) &s; return *(String *)&s;
} }
Array Dictionary::values() const Array Dictionary::values() const {
godot_array a = godot::api->godot_dictionary_values(&_godot_dictionary); godot_array a = godot::api->godot_dictionary_values(&_godot_dictionary);
return *(Array *) &a; return *(Array *)&a;
} }
Dictionary::~Dictionary() Dictionary::~Dictionary() {
godot::api->godot_dictionary_destroy(&_godot_dictionary); godot::api->godot_dictionary_destroy(&_godot_dictionary);
} }
} // namespace godot

View File

@ -4,20 +4,18 @@
#include "Wrapped.hpp" #include "Wrapped.hpp"
static GDCALLINGCONV void *wrapper_create(void *data, const void *type_tag, godot_object *instance) static GDCALLINGCONV void *wrapper_create(void *data, const void *type_tag, godot_object *instance) {
{ godot::_Wrapped *wrapper_memory = (godot::_Wrapped *)godot::api->godot_alloc(sizeof(godot::_Wrapped));
godot::_Wrapped *wrapper_memory = (godot::_Wrapped *) godot::api->godot_alloc(sizeof(godot::_Wrapped));
if (!wrapper_memory) if (!wrapper_memory)
return NULL; return NULL;
wrapper_memory->_owner = instance; wrapper_memory->_owner = instance;
wrapper_memory->_type_tag = (size_t) type_tag; wrapper_memory->_type_tag = (size_t)type_tag;
return (void *) wrapper_memory; return (void *)wrapper_memory;
} }
static GDCALLINGCONV void wrapper_destroy(void *data, void *wrapper) static GDCALLINGCONV void wrapper_destroy(void *data, void *wrapper) {
if (wrapper) if (wrapper)
godot::api->godot_free(wrapper); godot::api->godot_free(wrapper);
} }
@ -32,20 +30,18 @@ const godot_gdnative_ext_nativescript_1_1_api_struct *nativescript_1_1_api = nul
const void *gdnlib = NULL; const void *gdnlib = NULL;
void Godot::print(const String& message) void Godot::print(const String &message) {
{ godot::api->godot_print((godot_string *)&message);
godot::api->godot_print((godot_string *) &message);
} }
void Godot::print_warning(const String& description, const String& function, const String& file, int line) void Godot::print_warning(const String &description, const String &function, const String &file, int line) {
int len; int len;
char * c_desc = description.alloc_c_string(); char *c_desc = description.alloc_c_string();
char * c_func = function.alloc_c_string(); char *c_func = function.alloc_c_string();
char * c_file = file.alloc_c_string(); char *c_file = file.alloc_c_string();
if (c_desc != nullptr && c_func !=nullptr && c_file != nullptr) { if (c_desc != nullptr && c_func != nullptr && c_file != nullptr) {
godot::api->godot_print_warning(c_desc, c_func, c_file, line); godot::api->godot_print_warning(c_desc, c_func, c_file, line);
}; };
@ -54,15 +50,14 @@ void Godot::print_warning(const String& description, const String& function, con
if (c_file != nullptr) godot::api->godot_free(c_file); if (c_file != nullptr) godot::api->godot_free(c_file);
} }
void Godot::print_error(const String& description, const String& function, const String& file, int line) void Godot::print_error(const String &description, const String &function, const String &file, int line) {
int len; int len;
char * c_desc = description.alloc_c_string(); char *c_desc = description.alloc_c_string();
char * c_func = function.alloc_c_string(); char *c_func = function.alloc_c_string();
char * c_file = file.alloc_c_string(); char *c_file = file.alloc_c_string();
if (c_desc != nullptr && c_func !=nullptr && c_file != nullptr) { if (c_desc != nullptr && c_func != nullptr && c_file != nullptr) {
godot::api->godot_print_error(c_desc, c_func, c_file, line); godot::api->godot_print_error(c_desc, c_func, c_file, line);
}; };
@ -73,8 +68,7 @@ void Godot::print_error(const String& description, const String& function, const
void ___register_types(); void ___register_types();
void Godot::gdnative_init(godot_gdnative_init_options *options) void Godot::gdnative_init(godot_gdnative_init_options *options) {
godot::api = options->api_struct; godot::api = options->api_struct;
godot::gdnlib = options->gd_native_library; godot::gdnlib = options->gd_native_library;
@ -88,7 +82,7 @@ void Godot::gdnative_init(godot_gdnative_init_options *options)
while (extension) { while (extension) {
if (extension->version.major == 1 && extension->version.minor == 1) { if (extension->version.major == 1 && extension->version.minor == 1) {
godot::nativescript_1_1_api = (const godot_gdnative_ext_nativescript_1_1_api_struct *) extension; godot::nativescript_1_1_api = (const godot_gdnative_ext_nativescript_1_1_api_struct *)extension;
} }
extension = extension->next; extension = extension->next;
@ -97,16 +91,13 @@ void Godot::gdnative_init(godot_gdnative_init_options *options)
default: break; default: break;
} }
} }
} }
void Godot::gdnative_terminate(godot_gdnative_terminate_options *options) void Godot::gdnative_terminate(godot_gdnative_terminate_options *options) {
// reserved for future use. // reserved for future use.
} }
void Godot::nativescript_init(void *handle) void Godot::nativescript_init(void *handle) {
godot::_RegisterState::nativescript_handle = handle; godot::_RegisterState::nativescript_handle = handle;
godot_instance_binding_functions binding_funcs = {}; godot_instance_binding_functions binding_funcs = {};
@ -118,9 +109,8 @@ void Godot::nativescript_init(void *handle)
___register_types(); ___register_types();
} }
void Godot::nativescript_terminate(void *handle) void Godot::nativescript_terminate(void *handle) {
godot::nativescript_1_1_api->godot_nativescript_unregister_instance_binding_data_functions(godot::_RegisterState::language_index); godot::nativescript_1_1_api->godot_nativescript_unregister_instance_binding_data_functions(godot::_RegisterState::language_index);
} }
} } // namespace godot

View File

@ -1,94 +1,77 @@
#include "NodePath.hpp" #include "NodePath.hpp"
#include "String.hpp"
#include "GodotGlobal.hpp" #include "GodotGlobal.hpp"
#include "String.hpp"
#include <gdnative/node_path.h> #include <gdnative/node_path.h>
namespace godot { namespace godot {
NodePath::NodePath() {
String from = ""; String from = "";
godot::api->godot_node_path_new(&_node_path, (godot_string *) &from); godot::api->godot_node_path_new(&_node_path, (godot_string *)&from);
} }
NodePath::NodePath(const NodePath &other) NodePath::NodePath(const NodePath &other) {
String from = other; String from = other;
godot::api->godot_node_path_new(&_node_path, (godot_string *) &from); godot::api->godot_node_path_new(&_node_path, (godot_string *)&from);
} }
NodePath::NodePath(const String &from) NodePath::NodePath(const String &from) {
{ godot::api->godot_node_path_new(&_node_path, (godot_string *)&from);
godot::api->godot_node_path_new(&_node_path, (godot_string *) &from);
} }
NodePath::NodePath(const char *contents) NodePath::NodePath(const char *contents) {
String from = contents; String from = contents;
godot::api->godot_node_path_new(&_node_path, (godot_string *) &from); godot::api->godot_node_path_new(&_node_path, (godot_string *)&from);
} }
String NodePath::get_name(const int idx) const String NodePath::get_name(const int idx) const {
godot_string str = godot::api->godot_node_path_get_name(&_node_path, idx); godot_string str = godot::api->godot_node_path_get_name(&_node_path, idx);
return *(String *) &str; return *(String *)&str;
} }
int NodePath::get_name_count() const int NodePath::get_name_count() const {
return godot::api->godot_node_path_get_name_count(&_node_path); return godot::api->godot_node_path_get_name_count(&_node_path);
} }
String NodePath::get_subname(const int idx) const String NodePath::get_subname(const int idx) const {
godot_string str = godot::api->godot_node_path_get_subname(&_node_path, idx); godot_string str = godot::api->godot_node_path_get_subname(&_node_path, idx);
return *(String *) &str; return *(String *)&str;
} }
int NodePath::get_subname_count() const int NodePath::get_subname_count() const {
return godot::api->godot_node_path_get_subname_count(&_node_path); return godot::api->godot_node_path_get_subname_count(&_node_path);
} }
bool NodePath::is_absolute() const bool NodePath::is_absolute() const {
return godot::api->godot_node_path_is_absolute(&_node_path); return godot::api->godot_node_path_is_absolute(&_node_path);
} }
bool NodePath::is_empty() const bool NodePath::is_empty() const {
return godot::api->godot_node_path_is_empty(&_node_path); return godot::api->godot_node_path_is_empty(&_node_path);
} }
NodePath::operator String() const NodePath::operator String() const {
godot_string str = godot::api->godot_node_path_as_string(&_node_path); godot_string str = godot::api->godot_node_path_as_string(&_node_path);
return *(String *) &str; return *(String *)&str;
} }
bool NodePath::operator ==(const NodePath& other) bool NodePath::operator==(const NodePath &other) {
return godot::api->godot_node_path_operator_equal(&_node_path, &other._node_path); return godot::api->godot_node_path_operator_equal(&_node_path, &other._node_path);
} }
void NodePath::operator =(const NodePath& other) void NodePath::operator=(const NodePath &other) {
godot::api->godot_node_path_destroy(&_node_path); godot::api->godot_node_path_destroy(&_node_path);
String other_string = (String) other; String other_string = (String)other;
godot::api->godot_node_path_new(&_node_path, (godot_string *) &other_string); godot::api->godot_node_path_new(&_node_path, (godot_string *)&other_string);
} }
NodePath::~NodePath() NodePath::~NodePath() {
godot::api->godot_node_path_destroy(&_node_path); godot::api->godot_node_path_destroy(&_node_path);
} }
} // namespace godot

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@ -5,27 +5,24 @@
namespace godot { namespace godot {
void Plane::set_normal(const Vector3 &p_normal) {
void Plane::set_normal(const Vector3& p_normal)
this->normal = p_normal; this->normal = p_normal;
} }
Vector3 Plane::project(const Vector3& p_point) const { Vector3 Plane::project(const Vector3 &p_point) const {
return p_point - normal * distance_to(p_point); return p_point - normal * distance_to(p_point);
} }
void Plane::normalize() { void Plane::normalize() {
real_t l = normal.length(); real_t l = normal.length();
if (l==0) { if (l == 0) {
*this=Plane(0,0,0,0); *this = Plane(0, 0, 0, 0);
return; return;
} }
normal/=l; normal /= l;
d/=l; d /= l;
} }
Plane Plane::normalized() const { Plane Plane::normalized() const {
@ -37,96 +34,95 @@ Plane Plane::normalized() const {
Vector3 Plane::get_any_point() const { Vector3 Plane::get_any_point() const {
return get_normal()*d; return get_normal() * d;
} }
Vector3 Plane::get_any_perpendicular_normal() const { Vector3 Plane::get_any_perpendicular_normal() const {
static const Vector3 p1 = Vector3(1,0,0); static const Vector3 p1 = Vector3(1, 0, 0);
static const Vector3 p2 = Vector3(0,1,0); static const Vector3 p2 = Vector3(0, 1, 0);
Vector3 p; Vector3 p;
if (::fabs( > 0.99) // if too similar to p1 if (::fabs( > 0.99) // if too similar to p1
p=p2; // use p2 p = p2; // use p2
else else
p=p1; // use p1 p = p1; // use p1
p-=normal *; p -= normal *;
p.normalize(); p.normalize();
return p; return p;
} }
/* intersections */ /* intersections */
bool Plane::intersect_3(const Plane &p_plane1, const Plane &p_plane2, Vector3 *r_result) const { bool Plane::intersect_3(const Plane &p_plane1, const Plane &p_plane2, Vector3 *r_result) const {
const Plane &p_plane0=*this; const Plane &p_plane0 = *this;
Vector3 normal0=p_plane0.normal; Vector3 normal0 = p_plane0.normal;
Vector3 normal1=p_plane1.normal; Vector3 normal1 = p_plane1.normal;
Vector3 normal2=p_plane2.normal; Vector3 normal2 = p_plane2.normal;
real_t denom=vec3_cross(normal0,normal1).dot(normal2); real_t denom = vec3_cross(normal0, normal1).dot(normal2);
if (::fabs(denom)<=CMP_EPSILON) if (::fabs(denom) <= CMP_EPSILON)
return false; return false;
if (r_result) { if (r_result) {
*r_result = ( (vec3_cross(normal1, normal2) * p_plane0.d) + *r_result = ((vec3_cross(normal1, normal2) * p_plane0.d) +
(vec3_cross(normal2, normal0) * p_plane1.d) + (vec3_cross(normal2, normal0) * p_plane1.d) +
(vec3_cross(normal0, normal1) * p_plane2.d) )/denom; (vec3_cross(normal0, normal1) * p_plane2.d)) /
} }
return true; return true;
} }
bool Plane::intersects_ray(Vector3 p_from, Vector3 p_dir, Vector3 *p_intersection) const {
bool Plane::intersects_ray(Vector3 p_from, Vector3 p_dir, Vector3* p_intersection) const { Vector3 segment = p_dir;
real_t den =;
Vector3 segment=p_dir;
real_t segment );
//printf("den is %i\n",den); //printf("den is %i\n",den);
if (::fabs(den)<=CMP_EPSILON) { if (::fabs(den) <= CMP_EPSILON) {
return false; return false;
} }
real_t dist=( p_from ) - d) / den; real_t dist = ( - d) / den;
//printf("dist is %i\n",dist); //printf("dist is %i\n",dist);
if (dist>CMP_EPSILON) { //this is a ray, before the emiting pos (p_from) doesnt exist if (dist > CMP_EPSILON) { //this is a ray, before the emiting pos (p_from) doesnt exist
return false; return false;
} }
dist=-dist; dist = -dist;
*p_intersection = p_from + segment * dist; *p_intersection = p_from + segment * dist;
return true; return true;
} }
bool Plane::intersects_segment(Vector3 p_begin, Vector3 p_end, Vector3* p_intersection) const { bool Plane::intersects_segment(Vector3 p_begin, Vector3 p_end, Vector3 *p_intersection) const {
Vector3 segment= p_begin - p_end; Vector3 segment = p_begin - p_end;
real_t segment ); real_t den =;
//printf("den is %i\n",den); //printf("den is %i\n",den);
if (::fabs(den)<=CMP_EPSILON) { if (::fabs(den) <= CMP_EPSILON) {
return false; return false;
} }
real_t dist=( p_begin ) - d) / den; real_t dist = ( - d) / den;
//printf("dist is %i\n",dist); //printf("dist is %i\n",dist);
if (dist<-CMP_EPSILON || dist > (1.0 +CMP_EPSILON)) { if (dist < -CMP_EPSILON || dist > (1.0 + CMP_EPSILON)) {
return false; return false;
} }
dist=-dist; dist = -dist;
*p_intersection = p_begin + segment * dist; *p_intersection = p_begin + segment * dist;
return true; return true;
@ -134,20 +130,17 @@ bool Plane::intersects_segment(Vector3 p_begin, Vector3 p_end, Vector3* p_inters
/* misc */ /* misc */
bool Plane::is_almost_like(const Plane& p_plane) const { bool Plane::is_almost_like(const Plane &p_plane) const {
return ( p_plane.normal ) > _PLANE_EQ_DOT_EPSILON && ::fabs(d-p_plane.d) < _PLANE_EQ_D_EPSILON); return ( > _PLANE_EQ_DOT_EPSILON && ::fabs(d - p_plane.d) < _PLANE_EQ_D_EPSILON);
} }
Plane::operator String() const { Plane::operator String() const {
// return normal.operator String() + ", " + rtos(d); // return normal.operator String() + ", " + rtos(d);
return String(); // @Todo return String(); // @Todo
} }
bool Plane::is_point_over(const Vector3 &p_point) const { bool Plane::is_point_over(const Vector3 &p_point) const {
return ( > d); return ( > d);
@ -155,55 +148,47 @@ bool Plane::is_point_over(const Vector3 &p_point) const {
real_t Plane::distance_to(const Vector3 &p_point) const { real_t Plane::distance_to(const Vector3 &p_point) const {
return (; return ( - d);
} }
bool Plane::has_point(const Vector3 &p_point,real_t _epsilon) const { bool Plane::has_point(const Vector3 &p_point, real_t _epsilon) const {
real_t - d;
return ( dist <= _epsilon);
real_t dist = - d;
dist = ::fabs(dist);
return (dist <= _epsilon);
} }
Plane::Plane(const Vector3 &p_normal, real_t p_d) { Plane::Plane(const Vector3 &p_normal, real_t p_d) {
normal=p_normal; normal = p_normal;
d=p_d; d = p_d;
} }
Plane::Plane(const Vector3 &p_point, const Vector3& p_normal) { Plane::Plane(const Vector3 &p_point, const Vector3 &p_normal) {
normal=p_normal; normal = p_normal;; d =;
} }
Plane::Plane(const Vector3 &p_point1, const Vector3 &p_point2, const Vector3 &p_point3,ClockDirection p_dir) { Plane::Plane(const Vector3 &p_point1, const Vector3 &p_point2, const Vector3 &p_point3, ClockDirection p_dir) {
if (p_dir == CLOCKWISE) if (p_dir == CLOCKWISE)
normal=(p_point1-p_point3).cross(p_point1-p_point2); normal = (p_point1 - p_point3).cross(p_point1 - p_point2);
else else
normal=(p_point1-p_point2).cross(p_point1-p_point3); normal = (p_point1 - p_point2).cross(p_point1 - p_point3);
normal.normalize(); normal.normalize();
d =; d =;
} }
bool Plane::operator==(const Plane& p_plane) const { bool Plane::operator==(const Plane &p_plane) const {
return normal==p_plane.normal && d == p_plane.d; return normal == p_plane.normal && d == p_plane.d;
} }
bool Plane::operator!=(const Plane& p_plane) const { bool Plane::operator!=(const Plane &p_plane) const {
return normal!=p_plane.normal || d != p_plane.d;
return normal != p_plane.normal || d != p_plane.d;
} }
} // namespace godot

View File

@ -1,679 +1,541 @@
#include "PoolArrays.hpp" #include "PoolArrays.hpp"
#include "Defs.hpp"
#include "String.hpp"
#include "Color.hpp" #include "Color.hpp"
#include "Defs.hpp"
#include "GodotGlobal.hpp"
#include "String.hpp"
#include "Vector2.hpp" #include "Vector2.hpp"
#include "Vector3.hpp" #include "Vector3.hpp"
#include "GodotGlobal.hpp"
#include <gdnative/pool_arrays.h> #include <gdnative/pool_arrays.h>
namespace godot { namespace godot {
PoolByteArray::PoolByteArray() PoolByteArray::PoolByteArray() {
godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_new(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_new(&_godot_array);
} }
PoolByteArray::PoolByteArray(const PoolByteArray &p_other) PoolByteArray::PoolByteArray(const PoolByteArray &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array);
} }
PoolByteArray &PoolByteArray::operator=(const PoolByteArray & p_other) PoolByteArray &PoolByteArray::operator=(const PoolByteArray &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_destroy(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_destroy(&_godot_array);
godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array);
return *this; return *this;
} }
PoolByteArray::PoolByteArray(const Array& array) PoolByteArray::PoolByteArray(const Array &array) {
{ godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_new_with_array(&_godot_array, (godot_array *)&array);
godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_new_with_array(&_godot_array, (godot_array *) &array);
} }
PoolByteArray::Read PoolByteArray::read() const PoolByteArray::Read PoolByteArray::read() const {
Read read; Read read;
read._read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_read(&_godot_array); read._read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_read(&_godot_array);
return read; return read;
} }
PoolByteArray::Write PoolByteArray::write() PoolByteArray::Write PoolByteArray::write() {
Write write; Write write;
write._write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_write(&_godot_array); write._write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_write(&_godot_array);
return write; return write;
} }
void PoolByteArray::append(const uint8_t data) void PoolByteArray::append(const uint8_t data) {
godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_append(&_godot_array, data); godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_append(&_godot_array, data);
} }
void PoolByteArray::append_array(const PoolByteArray& array) void PoolByteArray::append_array(const PoolByteArray &array) {
godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_append_array(&_godot_array, &array._godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_append_array(&_godot_array, &array._godot_array);
} }
int PoolByteArray::insert(const int idx, const uint8_t data) int PoolByteArray::insert(const int idx, const uint8_t data) {
return godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_insert(&_godot_array, idx, data); return godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_insert(&_godot_array, idx, data);
} }
void PoolByteArray::invert() void PoolByteArray::invert() {
godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_invert(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_invert(&_godot_array);
} }
void PoolByteArray::push_back(const uint8_t data) void PoolByteArray::push_back(const uint8_t data) {
godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_push_back(&_godot_array, data); godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_push_back(&_godot_array, data);
} }
void PoolByteArray::remove(const int idx) void PoolByteArray::remove(const int idx) {
godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_remove(&_godot_array, idx); godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_remove(&_godot_array, idx);
} }
void PoolByteArray::resize(const int size) void PoolByteArray::resize(const int size) {
godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_resize(&_godot_array, size); godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_resize(&_godot_array, size);
} }
void PoolByteArray::set(const int idx, const uint8_t data) void PoolByteArray::set(const int idx, const uint8_t data) {
godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_set(&_godot_array, idx, data); godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_set(&_godot_array, idx, data);
} }
uint8_t PoolByteArray::operator [](const int idx) uint8_t PoolByteArray::operator[](const int idx) {
return godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_get(&_godot_array, idx); return godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_get(&_godot_array, idx);
} }
int PoolByteArray::size() const int PoolByteArray::size() const {
return godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_size(&_godot_array); return godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_size(&_godot_array);
} }
PoolByteArray::~PoolByteArray() {
godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_destroy(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_byte_array_destroy(&_godot_array);
} }
PoolIntArray::PoolIntArray() {
godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_new(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_new(&_godot_array);
} }
PoolIntArray::PoolIntArray(const PoolIntArray &p_other) PoolIntArray::PoolIntArray(const PoolIntArray &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array);
} }
PoolIntArray &PoolIntArray::operator=(const PoolIntArray &p_other) PoolIntArray &PoolIntArray::operator=(const PoolIntArray &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_destroy(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_destroy(&_godot_array);
godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array);
return *this; return *this;
} }
PoolIntArray::PoolIntArray(const Array& array) PoolIntArray::PoolIntArray(const Array &array) {
{ godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_new_with_array(&_godot_array, (godot_array *)&array);
godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_new_with_array(&_godot_array, (godot_array *) &array);
} }
PoolIntArray::Read PoolIntArray::read() const PoolIntArray::Read PoolIntArray::read() const {
Read read; Read read;
read._read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_read(&_godot_array); read._read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_read(&_godot_array);
return read; return read;
} }
PoolIntArray::Write PoolIntArray::write() PoolIntArray::Write PoolIntArray::write() {
Write write; Write write;
write._write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_write(&_godot_array); write._write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_write(&_godot_array);
return write; return write;
} }
void PoolIntArray::append(const int data) void PoolIntArray::append(const int data) {
godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_append(&_godot_array, data); godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_append(&_godot_array, data);
} }
void PoolIntArray::append_array(const PoolIntArray& array) void PoolIntArray::append_array(const PoolIntArray &array) {
godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_append_array(&_godot_array, &array._godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_append_array(&_godot_array, &array._godot_array);
} }
int PoolIntArray::insert(const int idx, const int data) int PoolIntArray::insert(const int idx, const int data) {
return godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_insert(&_godot_array, idx, data); return godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_insert(&_godot_array, idx, data);
} }
void PoolIntArray::invert() void PoolIntArray::invert() {
godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_invert(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_invert(&_godot_array);
} }
void PoolIntArray::push_back(const int data) void PoolIntArray::push_back(const int data) {
godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_push_back(&_godot_array, data); godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_push_back(&_godot_array, data);
} }
void PoolIntArray::remove(const int idx) void PoolIntArray::remove(const int idx) {
godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_remove(&_godot_array, idx); godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_remove(&_godot_array, idx);
} }
void PoolIntArray::resize(const int size) void PoolIntArray::resize(const int size) {
godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_resize(&_godot_array, size); godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_resize(&_godot_array, size);
} }
void PoolIntArray::set(const int idx, const int data) void PoolIntArray::set(const int idx, const int data) {
godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_set(&_godot_array, idx, data); godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_set(&_godot_array, idx, data);
} }
int PoolIntArray::operator [](const int idx) int PoolIntArray::operator[](const int idx) {
return godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_get(&_godot_array, idx); return godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_get(&_godot_array, idx);
} }
int PoolIntArray::size() const int PoolIntArray::size() const {
return godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_size(&_godot_array); return godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_size(&_godot_array);
} }
PoolIntArray::~PoolIntArray() {
godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_destroy(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_int_array_destroy(&_godot_array);
} }
PoolRealArray::PoolRealArray() {
godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_new(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_new(&_godot_array);
} }
PoolRealArray::PoolRealArray(const PoolRealArray &p_other) PoolRealArray::PoolRealArray(const PoolRealArray &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array);
} }
PoolRealArray &PoolRealArray::operator=(const PoolRealArray &p_other) PoolRealArray &PoolRealArray::operator=(const PoolRealArray &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_destroy(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_destroy(&_godot_array);
godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array);
return *this; return *this;
} }
PoolRealArray::Read PoolRealArray::read() const PoolRealArray::Read PoolRealArray::read() const {
Read read; Read read;
read._read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_read(&_godot_array); read._read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_read(&_godot_array);
return read; return read;
} }
PoolRealArray::Write PoolRealArray::write() PoolRealArray::Write PoolRealArray::write() {
Write write; Write write;
write._write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_write(&_godot_array); write._write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_write(&_godot_array);
return write; return write;
} }
PoolRealArray::PoolRealArray(const Array& array) PoolRealArray::PoolRealArray(const Array &array) {
{ godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_new_with_array(&_godot_array, (godot_array *)&array);
godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_new_with_array(&_godot_array, (godot_array *) &array);
} }
void PoolRealArray::append(const real_t data) void PoolRealArray::append(const real_t data) {
godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_append(&_godot_array, data); godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_append(&_godot_array, data);
} }
void PoolRealArray::append_array(const PoolRealArray& array) void PoolRealArray::append_array(const PoolRealArray &array) {
godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_append_array(&_godot_array, &array._godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_append_array(&_godot_array, &array._godot_array);
} }
int PoolRealArray::insert(const int idx, const real_t data) int PoolRealArray::insert(const int idx, const real_t data) {
return godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_insert(&_godot_array, idx, data); return godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_insert(&_godot_array, idx, data);
} }
void PoolRealArray::invert() void PoolRealArray::invert() {
godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_invert(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_invert(&_godot_array);
} }
void PoolRealArray::push_back(const real_t data) void PoolRealArray::push_back(const real_t data) {
godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_push_back(&_godot_array, data); godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_push_back(&_godot_array, data);
} }
void PoolRealArray::remove(const int idx) void PoolRealArray::remove(const int idx) {
godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_remove(&_godot_array, idx); godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_remove(&_godot_array, idx);
} }
void PoolRealArray::resize(const int size) void PoolRealArray::resize(const int size) {
godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_resize(&_godot_array, size); godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_resize(&_godot_array, size);
} }
void PoolRealArray::set(const int idx, const real_t data) void PoolRealArray::set(const int idx, const real_t data) {
godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_set(&_godot_array, idx, data); godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_set(&_godot_array, idx, data);
} }
real_t PoolRealArray::operator [](const int idx) real_t PoolRealArray::operator[](const int idx) {
return godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_get(&_godot_array, idx); return godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_get(&_godot_array, idx);
} }
int PoolRealArray::size() const int PoolRealArray::size() const {
return godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_size(&_godot_array); return godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_size(&_godot_array);
} }
PoolRealArray::~PoolRealArray() {
godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_destroy(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_real_array_destroy(&_godot_array);
} }
PoolStringArray::PoolStringArray() {
godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_new(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_new(&_godot_array);
} }
PoolStringArray::PoolStringArray(const PoolStringArray &p_other) PoolStringArray::PoolStringArray(const PoolStringArray &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array);
} }
PoolStringArray &PoolStringArray::operator=(const PoolStringArray &p_other) PoolStringArray &PoolStringArray::operator=(const PoolStringArray &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_destroy(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_destroy(&_godot_array);
godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array);
return *this; return *this;
} }
PoolStringArray::PoolStringArray(const Array& array) PoolStringArray::PoolStringArray(const Array &array) {
{ godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_new_with_array(&_godot_array, (godot_array *)&array);
godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_new_with_array(&_godot_array, (godot_array *) &array);
} }
PoolStringArray::Read PoolStringArray::read() const PoolStringArray::Read PoolStringArray::read() const {
Read read; Read read;
read._read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_read(&_godot_array); read._read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_read(&_godot_array);
return read; return read;
} }
PoolStringArray::Write PoolStringArray::write() PoolStringArray::Write PoolStringArray::write() {
Write write; Write write;
write._write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_write(&_godot_array); write._write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_write(&_godot_array);
return write; return write;
} }
void PoolStringArray::append(const String& data) void PoolStringArray::append(const String &data) {
{ godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_append(&_godot_array, (godot_string *)&data);
godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_append(&_godot_array, (godot_string *) &data);
} }
void PoolStringArray::append_array(const PoolStringArray& array) void PoolStringArray::append_array(const PoolStringArray &array) {
godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_append_array(&_godot_array, &array._godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_append_array(&_godot_array, &array._godot_array);
} }
int PoolStringArray::insert(const int idx, const String& data) int PoolStringArray::insert(const int idx, const String &data) {
{ return godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_insert(&_godot_array, idx, (godot_string *)&data);
return godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_insert(&_godot_array, idx, (godot_string *) &data);
} }
void PoolStringArray::invert() void PoolStringArray::invert() {
godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_invert(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_invert(&_godot_array);
} }
void PoolStringArray::push_back(const String& data) void PoolStringArray::push_back(const String &data) {
{ godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_push_back(&_godot_array, (godot_string *)&data);
godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_push_back(&_godot_array, (godot_string *) &data);
} }
void PoolStringArray::remove(const int idx) void PoolStringArray::remove(const int idx) {
godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_remove(&_godot_array, idx); godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_remove(&_godot_array, idx);
} }
void PoolStringArray::resize(const int size) void PoolStringArray::resize(const int size) {
godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_resize(&_godot_array, size); godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_resize(&_godot_array, size);
} }
void PoolStringArray::set(const int idx, const String& data) void PoolStringArray::set(const int idx, const String &data) {
{ godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_set(&_godot_array, idx, (godot_string *)&data);
godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_set(&_godot_array, idx, (godot_string *) &data);
} }
const String PoolStringArray::operator [](const int idx) const String PoolStringArray::operator[](const int idx) {
String s; String s;
godot_string str = godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_get(&_godot_array, idx); godot_string str = godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_get(&_godot_array, idx);
godot::api->godot_string_new_copy((godot_string *) &s, &str); godot::api->godot_string_new_copy((godot_string *)&s, &str);
godot::api->godot_string_destroy(&str); godot::api->godot_string_destroy(&str);
return s; return s;
} }
int PoolStringArray::size() const int PoolStringArray::size() const {
return godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_size(&_godot_array); return godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_size(&_godot_array);
} }
PoolStringArray::~PoolStringArray() {
godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_destroy(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_string_array_destroy(&_godot_array);
} }
PoolVector2Array::PoolVector2Array() {
godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_new(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_new(&_godot_array);
} }
PoolVector2Array::PoolVector2Array(const PoolVector2Array &p_other) PoolVector2Array::PoolVector2Array(const PoolVector2Array &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array);
} }
PoolVector2Array &PoolVector2Array::operator=(const PoolVector2Array &p_other) PoolVector2Array &PoolVector2Array::operator=(const PoolVector2Array &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_destroy(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_destroy(&_godot_array);
godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array);
return *this; return *this;
} }
PoolVector2Array::PoolVector2Array(const Array& array) PoolVector2Array::PoolVector2Array(const Array &array) {
{ godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_new_with_array(&_godot_array, (godot_array *)&array);
godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_new_with_array(&_godot_array, (godot_array *) &array);
} }
PoolVector2Array::Read PoolVector2Array::read() const PoolVector2Array::Read PoolVector2Array::read() const {
Read read; Read read;
read._read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_read(&_godot_array); read._read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_read(&_godot_array);
return read; return read;
} }
PoolVector2Array::Write PoolVector2Array::write() PoolVector2Array::Write PoolVector2Array::write() {
Write write; Write write;
write._write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_write(&_godot_array); write._write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_write(&_godot_array);
return write; return write;
} }
void PoolVector2Array::append(const Vector2& data) void PoolVector2Array::append(const Vector2 &data) {
{ godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_append(&_godot_array, (godot_vector2 *)&data);
godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_append(&_godot_array, (godot_vector2 *) &data);
} }
void PoolVector2Array::append_array(const PoolVector2Array& array) void PoolVector2Array::append_array(const PoolVector2Array &array) {
godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_append_array(&_godot_array, &array._godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_append_array(&_godot_array, &array._godot_array);
} }
int PoolVector2Array::insert(const int idx, const Vector2& data) int PoolVector2Array::insert(const int idx, const Vector2 &data) {
{ return godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_insert(&_godot_array, idx, (godot_vector2 *)&data);
return godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_insert(&_godot_array, idx, (godot_vector2 *) &data);
} }
void PoolVector2Array::invert() void PoolVector2Array::invert() {
godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_invert(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_invert(&_godot_array);
} }
void PoolVector2Array::push_back(const Vector2& data) void PoolVector2Array::push_back(const Vector2 &data) {
{ godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_push_back(&_godot_array, (godot_vector2 *)&data);
godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_push_back(&_godot_array, (godot_vector2 *) &data);
} }
void PoolVector2Array::remove(const int idx) void PoolVector2Array::remove(const int idx) {
godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_remove(&_godot_array, idx); godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_remove(&_godot_array, idx);
} }
void PoolVector2Array::resize(const int size) void PoolVector2Array::resize(const int size) {
godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_resize(&_godot_array, size); godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_resize(&_godot_array, size);
} }
void PoolVector2Array::set(const int idx, const Vector2& data) void PoolVector2Array::set(const int idx, const Vector2 &data) {
{ godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_set(&_godot_array, idx, (godot_vector2 *)&data);
godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_set(&_godot_array, idx, (godot_vector2 *) &data);
} }
const Vector2 PoolVector2Array::operator [](const int idx) const Vector2 PoolVector2Array::operator[](const int idx) {
Vector2 v; Vector2 v;
*(godot_vector2 *) &v = godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_get(&_godot_array, idx); *(godot_vector2 *)&v = godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_get(&_godot_array, idx);
return v; return v;
} }
int PoolVector2Array::size() const int PoolVector2Array::size() const {
return godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_size(&_godot_array); return godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_size(&_godot_array);
} }
PoolVector2Array::~PoolVector2Array() {
godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_destroy(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_vector2_array_destroy(&_godot_array);
} }
PoolVector3Array::PoolVector3Array() {
godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_new(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_new(&_godot_array);
} }
PoolVector3Array::PoolVector3Array(const PoolVector3Array &p_other) PoolVector3Array::PoolVector3Array(const PoolVector3Array &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array);
} }
PoolVector3Array &PoolVector3Array::operator=(const PoolVector3Array &p_other) PoolVector3Array &PoolVector3Array::operator=(const PoolVector3Array &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_destroy(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_destroy(&_godot_array);
godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array);
return *this; return *this;
} }
PoolVector3Array::PoolVector3Array(const Array& array) PoolVector3Array::PoolVector3Array(const Array &array) {
{ godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_new_with_array(&_godot_array, (godot_array *)&array);
godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_new_with_array(&_godot_array, (godot_array *) &array);
} }
PoolVector3Array::Read PoolVector3Array::read() const PoolVector3Array::Read PoolVector3Array::read() const {
Read read; Read read;
read._read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_read(&_godot_array); read._read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_read(&_godot_array);
return read; return read;
} }
PoolVector3Array::Write PoolVector3Array::write() PoolVector3Array::Write PoolVector3Array::write() {
Write write; Write write;
write._write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_write(&_godot_array); write._write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_write(&_godot_array);
return write; return write;
} }
void PoolVector3Array::append(const Vector3& data) void PoolVector3Array::append(const Vector3 &data) {
{ godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_append(&_godot_array, (godot_vector3 *)&data);
godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_append(&_godot_array, (godot_vector3 *) &data);
} }
void PoolVector3Array::append_array(const PoolVector3Array& array) void PoolVector3Array::append_array(const PoolVector3Array &array) {
godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_append_array(&_godot_array, &array._godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_append_array(&_godot_array, &array._godot_array);
} }
int PoolVector3Array::insert(const int idx, const Vector3& data) int PoolVector3Array::insert(const int idx, const Vector3 &data) {
{ return godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_insert(&_godot_array, idx, (godot_vector3 *)&data);
return godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_insert(&_godot_array, idx, (godot_vector3 *) &data);
} }
void PoolVector3Array::invert() void PoolVector3Array::invert() {
godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_invert(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_invert(&_godot_array);
} }
void PoolVector3Array::push_back(const Vector3& data) void PoolVector3Array::push_back(const Vector3 &data) {
{ godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_push_back(&_godot_array, (godot_vector3 *)&data);
godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_push_back(&_godot_array, (godot_vector3 *) &data);
} }
void PoolVector3Array::remove(const int idx) void PoolVector3Array::remove(const int idx) {
godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_remove(&_godot_array, idx); godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_remove(&_godot_array, idx);
} }
void PoolVector3Array::resize(const int size) void PoolVector3Array::resize(const int size) {
godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_resize(&_godot_array, size); godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_resize(&_godot_array, size);
} }
void PoolVector3Array::set(const int idx, const Vector3& data) void PoolVector3Array::set(const int idx, const Vector3 &data) {
{ godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_set(&_godot_array, idx, (godot_vector3 *)&data);
godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_set(&_godot_array, idx, (godot_vector3 *) &data);
} }
const Vector3 PoolVector3Array::operator [](const int idx) const Vector3 PoolVector3Array::operator[](const int idx) {
Vector3 v; Vector3 v;
*(godot_vector3 *) &v = godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_get(&_godot_array, idx); *(godot_vector3 *)&v = godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_get(&_godot_array, idx);
return v; return v;
} }
int PoolVector3Array::size() const int PoolVector3Array::size() const {
return godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_size(&_godot_array); return godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_size(&_godot_array);
} }
PoolVector3Array::~PoolVector3Array() {
godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_destroy(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_vector3_array_destroy(&_godot_array);
} }
PoolColorArray::PoolColorArray() {
godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_new(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_new(&_godot_array);
} }
PoolColorArray::PoolColorArray(const PoolColorArray &p_other) PoolColorArray::PoolColorArray(const PoolColorArray &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array);
} }
PoolColorArray &PoolColorArray::operator=(const PoolColorArray &p_other) PoolColorArray &PoolColorArray::operator=(const PoolColorArray &p_other) {
godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_destroy(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_destroy(&_godot_array);
godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_new_copy(&_godot_array, &p_other._godot_array);
return *this; return *this;
} }
PoolColorArray::PoolColorArray(const Array& array) PoolColorArray::PoolColorArray(const Array &array) {
{ godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_new_with_array(&_godot_array, (godot_array *)&array);
godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_new_with_array(&_godot_array, (godot_array *) &array);
} }
PoolColorArray::Read PoolColorArray::read() const PoolColorArray::Read PoolColorArray::read() const {
Read read; Read read;
read._read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_read(&_godot_array); read._read_access = godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_read(&_godot_array);
return read; return read;
} }
PoolColorArray::Write PoolColorArray::write() PoolColorArray::Write PoolColorArray::write() {
Write write; Write write;
write._write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_write(&_godot_array); write._write_access = godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_write(&_godot_array);
return write; return write;
} }
void PoolColorArray::append(const Color& data) void PoolColorArray::append(const Color &data) {
{ godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_append(&_godot_array, (godot_color *)&data);
godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_append(&_godot_array, (godot_color *) &data);
} }
void PoolColorArray::append_array(const PoolColorArray& array) void PoolColorArray::append_array(const PoolColorArray &array) {
godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_append_array(&_godot_array, &array._godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_append_array(&_godot_array, &array._godot_array);
} }
int PoolColorArray::insert(const int idx, const Color& data) int PoolColorArray::insert(const int idx, const Color &data) {
{ return godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_insert(&_godot_array, idx, (godot_color *)&data);
return godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_insert(&_godot_array, idx, (godot_color *) &data);
} }
void PoolColorArray::invert() void PoolColorArray::invert() {
godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_invert(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_invert(&_godot_array);
} }
void PoolColorArray::push_back(const Color& data) void PoolColorArray::push_back(const Color &data) {
{ godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_push_back(&_godot_array, (godot_color *)&data);
godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_push_back(&_godot_array, (godot_color *) &data);
} }
void PoolColorArray::remove(const int idx) void PoolColorArray::remove(const int idx) {
godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_remove(&_godot_array, idx); godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_remove(&_godot_array, idx);
} }
void PoolColorArray::resize(const int size) void PoolColorArray::resize(const int size) {
godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_resize(&_godot_array, size); godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_resize(&_godot_array, size);
} }
void PoolColorArray::set(const int idx, const Color& data) void PoolColorArray::set(const int idx, const Color &data) {
{ godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_set(&_godot_array, idx, (godot_color *)&data);
godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_set(&_godot_array, idx, (godot_color *) &data);
} }
const Color PoolColorArray::operator [](const int idx) const Color PoolColorArray::operator[](const int idx) {
Color v; Color v;
*(godot_color *) &v = godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_get(&_godot_array, idx); *(godot_color *)&v = godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_get(&_godot_array, idx);
return v; return v;
} }
int PoolColorArray::size() const int PoolColorArray::size() const {
return godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_size(&_godot_array); return godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_size(&_godot_array);
} }
PoolColorArray::~PoolColorArray() {
godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_destroy(&_godot_array); godot::api->godot_pool_color_array_destroy(&_godot_array);
} }
} // namespace godot

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#include "Quat.hpp" #include "Quat.hpp"
#include "Basis.hpp"
#include "Defs.hpp" #include "Defs.hpp"
#include "Vector3.hpp" #include "Vector3.hpp"
#include "Basis.hpp"
#include <cmath> #include <cmath>
@ -77,42 +77,37 @@ Vector3 Quat::get_euler_yxz() const {
return m.get_euler_yxz(); return m.get_euler_yxz();
} }
real_t Quat::length() const real_t Quat::length() const {
return ::sqrt(length_squared()); return ::sqrt(length_squared());
} }
void Quat::normalize() void Quat::normalize() {
*this /= length(); *this /= length();
} }
Quat Quat::normalized() const Quat Quat::normalized() const {
return *this / length(); return *this / length();
} }
Quat Quat::inverse() const Quat Quat::inverse() const {
{ return Quat(-x, -y, -z, w);
return Quat( -x, -y, -z, w );
} }
Quat Quat::slerp(const Quat& q, const real_t& t) const { Quat Quat::slerp(const Quat &q, const real_t &t) const {
Quat to1; Quat to1;
real_t omega, cosom, sinom, scale0, scale1; real_t omega, cosom, sinom, scale0, scale1;
// calc cosine // calc cosine
cosom = dot(q); cosom = dot(q);
// adjust signs (if necessary) // adjust signs (if necessary)
if ( cosom <0.0 ) { if (cosom < 0.0) {
cosom = -cosom; cosom = -cosom;
to1.x = - q.x; to1.x = -q.x;
to1.y = - q.y; to1.y = -q.y;
to1.z = - q.z; to1.z = -q.z;
to1.w = - q.w; to1.w = -q.w;
} else { } else {
to1.x = q.x; to1.x = q.x;
to1.y = q.y; to1.y = q.y;
@ -120,10 +115,9 @@ Quat Quat::slerp(const Quat& q, const real_t& t) const {
to1.w = q.w; to1.w = q.w;
} }
// calculate coefficients // calculate coefficients
if ( (1.0 - cosom) > CMP_EPSILON ) { if ((1.0 - cosom) > CMP_EPSILON) {
// standard case (slerp) // standard case (slerp)
omega = ::acos(cosom); omega = ::acos(cosom);
sinom = ::sin(omega); sinom = ::sin(omega);
@ -140,11 +134,10 @@ Quat Quat::slerp(const Quat& q, const real_t& t) const {
scale0 * x + scale1 * to1.x, scale0 * x + scale1 * to1.x,
scale0 * y + scale1 * to1.y, scale0 * y + scale1 * to1.y,
scale0 * z + scale1 * to1.z, scale0 * z + scale1 * to1.z,
scale0 * w + scale1 * to1.w scale0 * w + scale1 * to1.w);
} }
Quat Quat::slerpni(const Quat& q, const real_t& t) const { Quat Quat::slerpni(const Quat &q, const real_t &t) const {
const Quat &from = *this; const Quat &from = *this;
@ -163,51 +156,43 @@ Quat Quat::slerpni(const Quat& q, const real_t& t) const {
invFactor * from.w + newFactor * q.w); invFactor * from.w + newFactor * q.w);
} }
Quat Quat::cubic_slerp(const Quat& q, const Quat& prep, const Quat& postq,const real_t& t) const Quat Quat::cubic_slerp(const Quat &q, const Quat &prep, const Quat &postq, const real_t &t) const {
//the only way to do slerp :| //the only way to do slerp :|
real_t t2 = (1.0-t)*t*2; real_t t2 = (1.0 - t) * t * 2;
Quat sp = this->slerp(q,t); Quat sp = this->slerp(q, t);
Quat sq = prep.slerpni(postq,t); Quat sq = prep.slerpni(postq, t);
return sp.slerpni(sq,t2); return sp.slerpni(sq, t2);
} }
void Quat::get_axis_and_angle(Vector3& r_axis, real_t &r_angle) const { void Quat::get_axis_and_angle(Vector3 &r_axis, real_t &r_angle) const {
r_angle = 2 * ::acos(w); r_angle = 2 * ::acos(w);
r_axis.x = x / ::sqrt(1-w*w); r_axis.x = x / ::sqrt(1 - w * w);
r_axis.y = y / ::sqrt(1-w*w); r_axis.y = y / ::sqrt(1 - w * w);
r_axis.z = z / ::sqrt(1-w*w); r_axis.z = z / ::sqrt(1 - w * w);
} }
Quat Quat::operator*(const Vector3 &v) const {
return Quat(w * v.x + y * v.z - z * v.y,
Quat Quat::operator*(const Vector3& v) const
return Quat( w * v.x + y * v.z - z * v.y,
w * v.y + z * v.x - x * v.z, w * v.y + z * v.x - x * v.z,
w * v.z + x * v.y - y * v.x, w * v.z + x * v.y - y * v.x,
-x * v.x - y * v.y - z * v.z); -x * v.x - y * v.y - z * v.z);
} }
Vector3 Quat::xform(const Vector3& v) const { Vector3 Quat::xform(const Vector3 &v) const {
Quat q = *this * v; Quat q = *this * v;
q *= this->inverse(); q *= this->inverse();
return Vector3(q.x,q.y,q.z); return Vector3(q.x, q.y, q.z);
} }
Quat::operator String() const {
Quat::operator String() const
return String(); // @Todo return String(); // @Todo
} }
Quat::Quat(const Vector3 &axis, const real_t &angle) {
Quat::Quat(const Vector3& axis, const real_t& angle)
real_t d = axis.length(); real_t d = axis.length();
if (d==0) if (d == 0)
set(0,0,0,0); set(0, 0, 0, 0);
else { else {
real_t sin_angle = ::sin(angle * 0.5); real_t sin_angle = ::sin(angle * 0.5);
real_t cos_angle = ::cos(angle * 0.5); real_t cos_angle = ::cos(angle * 0.5);
@ -217,97 +202,104 @@ Quat::Quat(const Vector3& axis, const real_t& angle)
} }
} }
Quat::Quat(const Vector3& v0, const Vector3& v1) // shortest arc Quat::Quat(const Vector3 &v0, const Vector3 &v1) // shortest arc
{ {
Vector3 c = v0.cross(v1); Vector3 c = v0.cross(v1);
real_t d =; real_t d =;
if (d < -1.0 + CMP_EPSILON) { if (d < -1.0 + CMP_EPSILON) {
x=0; x = 0;
y=1; y = 1;
z=0; z = 0;
w=0; w = 0;
} else { } else {
real_t s = ::sqrt((1.0 + d) * 2.0); real_t s = ::sqrt((1.0 + d) * 2.0);
real_t rs = 1.0 / s; real_t rs = 1.0 / s;
x=c.x*rs; x = c.x * rs;
y=c.y*rs; y = c.y * rs;
z=c.z*rs; z = c.z * rs;
w=s * 0.5; w = s * 0.5;
} }
} }
real_t Quat::dot(const Quat &q) const {
real_t Quat::dot(const Quat& q) const { return x * q.x + y * q.y + z * q.z + w * q.w;
return x * q.x+y * q.y+z * q.z+w * q.w;
} }
real_t Quat::length_squared() const { real_t Quat::length_squared() const {
return dot(*this); return dot(*this);
} }
void Quat::operator+=(const Quat& q) { void Quat::operator+=(const Quat &q) {
x += q.x; y += q.y; z += q.z; w += q.w; x += q.x;
y += q.y;
z += q.z;
w += q.w;
} }
void Quat::operator-=(const Quat& q) { void Quat::operator-=(const Quat &q) {
x -= q.x; y -= q.y; z -= q.z; w -= q.w; x -= q.x;
y -= q.y;
z -= q.z;
w -= q.w;
} }
void Quat::operator*=(const Quat& q) { void Quat::operator*=(const Quat &q) {
x *= q.x; y *= q.y; z *= q.z; w *= q.w; x *= q.x;
y *= q.y;
z *= q.z;
w *= q.w;
} }
void Quat::operator*=(const real_t &s) {
void Quat::operator*=(const real_t& s) { x *= s;
x *= s; y *= s; z *= s; w *= s; y *= s;
z *= s;
w *= s;
} }
void Quat::operator/=(const real_t &s) {
void Quat::operator/=(const real_t& s) {
*this *= 1.0 / s; *this *= 1.0 / s;
} }
Quat Quat::operator+(const Quat& q2) const { Quat Quat::operator+(const Quat &q2) const {
const Quat& q1 = *this; const Quat &q1 = *this;
return Quat( q1.x+q2.x, q1.y+q2.y, q1.z+q2.z, q1.w+q2.w ); return Quat(q1.x + q2.x, q1.y + q2.y, q1.z + q2.z, q1.w + q2.w);
} }
Quat Quat::operator-(const Quat& q2) const { Quat Quat::operator-(const Quat &q2) const {
const Quat& q1 = *this; const Quat &q1 = *this;
return Quat( q1.x-q2.x, q1.y-q2.y, q1.z-q2.z, q1.w-q2.w); return Quat(q1.x - q2.x, q1.y - q2.y, q1.z - q2.z, q1.w - q2.w);
} }
Quat Quat::operator*(const Quat& q2) const { Quat Quat::operator*(const Quat &q2) const {
Quat q1 = *this; Quat q1 = *this;
q1 *= q2; q1 *= q2;
return q1; return q1;
} }
Quat Quat::operator-() const { Quat Quat::operator-() const {
const Quat& q2 = *this; const Quat &q2 = *this;
return Quat( -q2.x, -q2.y, -q2.z, -q2.w); return Quat(-q2.x, -q2.y, -q2.z, -q2.w);
} }
Quat Quat::operator*(const real_t& s) const { Quat Quat::operator*(const real_t &s) const {
return Quat(x * s, y * s, z * s, w * s); return Quat(x * s, y * s, z * s, w * s);
} }
Quat Quat::operator/(const real_t& s) const { Quat Quat::operator/(const real_t &s) const {
return *this * (1.0 / s); return *this * (1.0 / s);
} }
bool Quat::operator==(const Quat &p_quat) const {
bool Quat::operator==(const Quat& p_quat) const { return x == p_quat.x && y == p_quat.y && z == p_quat.z && w == p_quat.w;
return x==p_quat.x && y==p_quat.y && z==p_quat.z && w==p_quat.w;
} }
bool Quat::operator!=(const Quat& p_quat) const { bool Quat::operator!=(const Quat &p_quat) const {
return x!=p_quat.x || y!=p_quat.y || z!=p_quat.z || w!=p_quat.w; return x != p_quat.x || y != p_quat.y || z != p_quat.z || w != p_quat.w;
} }
} } // namespace godot

View File

@ -6,50 +6,40 @@
namespace godot { namespace godot {
godot::api->godot_rid_new(&_godot_rid); godot::api->godot_rid_new(&_godot_rid);
} }
RID::RID(Object *p) RID::RID(Object *p) {
{ godot::api->godot_rid_new_with_resource(&_godot_rid, (const godot_object *)p);
godot::api->godot_rid_new_with_resource(&_godot_rid, (const godot_object *) p);
} }
int32_t RID::get_rid() const int32_t RID::get_rid() const {
return godot::api->godot_rid_get_id(&_godot_rid); return godot::api->godot_rid_get_id(&_godot_rid);
} }
bool RID::operator==(const RID & p_other) const bool RID::operator==(const RID &p_other) const {
return godot::api->godot_rid_operator_equal(&_godot_rid, &p_other._godot_rid); return godot::api->godot_rid_operator_equal(&_godot_rid, &p_other._godot_rid);
} }
bool RID::operator!=(const RID & p_other) const bool RID::operator!=(const RID &p_other) const {
return !(*this == p_other); return !(*this == p_other);
} }
bool RID::operator<(const RID & p_other) const bool RID::operator<(const RID &p_other) const {
return godot::api->godot_rid_operator_less(&_godot_rid, &p_other._godot_rid); return godot::api->godot_rid_operator_less(&_godot_rid, &p_other._godot_rid);
} }
bool RID::operator>(const RID & p_other) const bool RID::operator>(const RID &p_other) const {
return !(*this < p_other) && *this != p_other; return !(*this < p_other) && *this != p_other;
} }
bool RID::operator<=(const RID & p_other) const bool RID::operator<=(const RID &p_other) const {
return (*this < p_other) || *this == p_other; return (*this < p_other) || *this == p_other;
} }
bool RID::operator>=(const RID & p_other) const bool RID::operator>=(const RID &p_other) const {
return !(*this < p_other); return !(*this < p_other);
} }
} // namespace godot

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#include "Rect2.hpp" #include "Rect2.hpp"
#include "Vector2.hpp"
#include "String.hpp" #include "String.hpp"
#include "Transform2D.hpp" #include "Transform2D.hpp"
#include "Vector2.hpp"
#include <cmath> #include <cmath>
@ -15,110 +15,104 @@ namespace godot {
#define MIN(a, b) (a < b ? a : b) #define MIN(a, b) (a < b ? a : b)
#endif #endif
real_t Rect2::distance_to(const Vector2 &p_point) const {
real_t Rect2::distance_to(const Vector2& p_point) const {
real_t dist = 1e20; real_t dist = 1e20;
if (p_point.x < pos.x) { if (p_point.x < pos.x) {
dist=MIN(dist,pos.x-p_point.x); dist = MIN(dist, pos.x - p_point.x);
} }
if (p_point.y < pos.y) { if (p_point.y < pos.y) {
dist=MIN(dist,pos.y-p_point.y); dist = MIN(dist, pos.y - p_point.y);
} }
if (p_point.x >= (pos.x+size.x) ) { if (p_point.x >= (pos.x + size.x)) {
dist=MIN(p_point.x-(pos.x+size.x),dist); dist = MIN(p_point.x - (pos.x + size.x), dist);
} }
if (p_point.y >= (pos.y+size.y) ) { if (p_point.y >= (pos.y + size.y)) {
dist=MIN(p_point.y-(pos.y+size.y),dist); dist = MIN(p_point.y - (pos.y + size.y), dist);
} }
if (dist==1e20) if (dist == 1e20)
return 0; return 0;
else else
return dist; return dist;
} }
Rect2 Rect2::clip(const Rect2& p_rect) const { /// return a clipped rect Rect2 Rect2::clip(const Rect2 &p_rect) const { /// return a clipped rect
Rect2 new_rect=p_rect; Rect2 new_rect = p_rect;
if (!intersects( new_rect )) if (!intersects(new_rect))
return Rect2(); return Rect2();
new_rect.pos.x = MAX( p_rect.pos.x , pos.x ); new_rect.pos.x = MAX(p_rect.pos.x, pos.x);
new_rect.pos.y = MAX( p_rect.pos.y , pos.y ); new_rect.pos.y = MAX(p_rect.pos.y, pos.y);
Point2 p_rect_end=p_rect.pos+p_rect.size; Point2 p_rect_end = p_rect.pos + p_rect.size;
Point2 end=pos+size; Point2 end = pos + size;
new_rect.size.x=MIN(p_rect_end.x,end.x) - new_rect.pos.x; new_rect.size.x = MIN(p_rect_end.x, end.x) - new_rect.pos.x;
new_rect.size.y=MIN(p_rect_end.y,end.y) - new_rect.pos.y; new_rect.size.y = MIN(p_rect_end.y, end.y) - new_rect.pos.y;
return new_rect; return new_rect;
} }
Rect2 Rect2::merge(const Rect2& p_rect) const { ///< return a merged rect Rect2 Rect2::merge(const Rect2 &p_rect) const { ///< return a merged rect
Rect2 new_rect; Rect2 new_rect;
new_rect.pos.x=MIN( p_rect.pos.x , pos.x ); new_rect.pos.x = MIN(p_rect.pos.x, pos.x);
new_rect.pos.y=MIN( p_rect.pos.y , pos.y ); new_rect.pos.y = MIN(p_rect.pos.y, pos.y);
new_rect.size.x = MAX(p_rect.pos.x + p_rect.size.x, pos.x + size.x);
new_rect.size.x = MAX( p_rect.pos.x+p_rect.size.x , pos.x+size.x ); new_rect.size.y = MAX(p_rect.pos.y + p_rect.size.y, pos.y + size.y);
new_rect.size.y = MAX( p_rect.pos.y+p_rect.size.y , pos.y+size.y );
new_rect.size = new_rect.size - new_rect.pos; //make relative again new_rect.size = new_rect.size - new_rect.pos; //make relative again
return new_rect; return new_rect;
} }
Rect2::operator String() const {
return String(pos) + ", " + String(size);
Rect2::operator String() const
return String(pos)+", "+String(size);
} }
bool Rect2::intersects_segment(const Point2 &p_from, const Point2 &p_to, Point2 *r_pos, Point2 *r_normal) const {
bool Rect2::intersects_segment(const Point2& p_from, const Point2& p_to, Point2* r_pos,Point2* r_normal) const { real_t min = 0, max = 1;
int axis = 0;
real_t sign = 0;
real_t min=0,max=1; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
int axis=0; real_t seg_from = p_from[i];
real_t sign=0; real_t seg_to = p_to[i];
real_t box_begin = pos[i];
for(int i=0;i<2;i++) { real_t box_end = box_begin + size[i];
real_t seg_from=p_from[i]; real_t cmin, cmax;
real_t seg_to=p_to[i];
real_t box_begin=pos[i];
real_t box_end=box_begin+size[i];
real_t cmin,cmax;
real_t csign; real_t csign;
if (seg_from < seg_to) { if (seg_from < seg_to) {
if (seg_from > box_end || seg_to < box_begin) if (seg_from > box_end || seg_to < box_begin)
return false; return false;
real_t length=seg_to-seg_from; real_t length = seg_to - seg_from;
cmin = (seg_from < box_begin)?((box_begin - seg_from)/length):0; cmin = (seg_from < box_begin) ? ((box_begin - seg_from) / length) : 0;
cmax = (seg_to > box_end)?((box_end - seg_from)/length):1; cmax = (seg_to > box_end) ? ((box_end - seg_from) / length) : 1;
csign=-1.0; csign = -1.0;
} else { } else {
if (seg_to > box_end || seg_from < box_begin) if (seg_to > box_end || seg_from < box_begin)
return false; return false;
real_t length=seg_to-seg_from; real_t length = seg_to - seg_from;
cmin = (seg_from > box_end)?(box_end - seg_from)/length:0; cmin = (seg_from > box_end) ? (box_end - seg_from) / length : 0;
cmax = (seg_to < box_begin)?(box_begin - seg_from)/length:1; cmax = (seg_to < box_begin) ? (box_begin - seg_from) / length : 1;
csign=1.0; csign = 1.0;
} }
if (cmin > min) { if (cmin > min) {
min = cmin; min = cmin;
axis=i; axis = i;
sign=csign; sign = csign;
} }
if (cmax < max) if (cmax < max)
max = cmax; max = cmax;
@ -126,175 +120,169 @@ bool Rect2::intersects_segment(const Point2& p_from, const Point2& p_to, Point2*
return false; return false;
} }
Vector2 rel = p_to - p_from;
Vector2 rel=p_to-p_from;
if (r_normal) { if (r_normal) {
Vector2 normal; Vector2 normal;
normal[axis]=sign; normal[axis] = sign;
*r_normal=normal; *r_normal = normal;
} }
if (r_pos) if (r_pos)
*r_pos=p_from+rel*min; *r_pos = p_from + rel * min;
return true; return true;
} }
bool Rect2::intersects_transformed(const Transform2D &p_xform, const Rect2 &p_rect) const {
bool Rect2::intersects_transformed(const Transform2D& p_xform, const Rect2& p_rect) const {
//SAT intersection between local and transformed rect2 //SAT intersection between local and transformed rect2
Vector2 xf_points[4]={ Vector2 xf_points[4] = {
p_xform.xform(p_rect.pos), p_xform.xform(p_rect.pos),
p_xform.xform(Vector2(p_rect.pos.x+p_rect.size.x,p_rect.pos.y)), p_xform.xform(Vector2(p_rect.pos.x + p_rect.size.x, p_rect.pos.y)),
p_xform.xform(Vector2(p_rect.pos.x,p_rect.pos.y+p_rect.size.y)), p_xform.xform(Vector2(p_rect.pos.x, p_rect.pos.y + p_rect.size.y)),
p_xform.xform(Vector2(p_rect.pos.x+p_rect.size.x,p_rect.pos.y+p_rect.size.y)), p_xform.xform(Vector2(p_rect.pos.x + p_rect.size.x, p_rect.pos.y + p_rect.size.y)),
}; };
real_t low_limit; real_t low_limit;
//base rect2 first (faster) //base rect2 first (faster)
if (xf_points[0].y>pos.y) if (xf_points[0].y > pos.y)
goto next1; goto next1;
if (xf_points[1].y>pos.y) if (xf_points[1].y > pos.y)
goto next1; goto next1;
if (xf_points[2].y>pos.y) if (xf_points[2].y > pos.y)
goto next1; goto next1;
if (xf_points[3].y>pos.y) if (xf_points[3].y > pos.y)
goto next1; goto next1;
return false; return false;
next1: next1:
low_limit=pos.y+size.y; low_limit = pos.y + size.y;
if (xf_points[0].y<low_limit) if (xf_points[0].y < low_limit)
goto next2; goto next2;
if (xf_points[1].y<low_limit) if (xf_points[1].y < low_limit)
goto next2; goto next2;
if (xf_points[2].y<low_limit) if (xf_points[2].y < low_limit)
goto next2; goto next2;
if (xf_points[3].y<low_limit) if (xf_points[3].y < low_limit)
goto next2; goto next2;
return false; return false;
next2: next2:
if (xf_points[0].x>pos.x) if (xf_points[0].x > pos.x)
goto next3; goto next3;
if (xf_points[1].x>pos.x) if (xf_points[1].x > pos.x)
goto next3; goto next3;
if (xf_points[2].x>pos.x) if (xf_points[2].x > pos.x)
goto next3; goto next3;
if (xf_points[3].x>pos.x) if (xf_points[3].x > pos.x)
goto next3; goto next3;
return false; return false;
next3: next3:
low_limit=pos.x+size.x; low_limit = pos.x + size.x;
if (xf_points[0].x<low_limit) if (xf_points[0].x < low_limit)
goto next4; goto next4;
if (xf_points[1].x<low_limit) if (xf_points[1].x < low_limit)
goto next4; goto next4;
if (xf_points[2].x<low_limit) if (xf_points[2].x < low_limit)
goto next4; goto next4;
if (xf_points[3].x<low_limit) if (xf_points[3].x < low_limit)
goto next4; goto next4;
return false; return false;
next4: next4:
Vector2 xf_points2[4]={ Vector2 xf_points2[4] = {
pos, pos,
Vector2(pos.x+size.x,pos.y), Vector2(pos.x + size.x, pos.y),
Vector2(pos.x,pos.y+size.y), Vector2(pos.x, pos.y + size.y),
Vector2(pos.x+size.x,pos.y+size.y), Vector2(pos.x + size.x, pos.y + size.y),
}; };
real_t maxa=p_xform.elements[0].dot(xf_points2[0]); real_t maxa = p_xform.elements[0].dot(xf_points2[0]);
real_t mina=maxa; real_t mina = maxa;
real_t dp = p_xform.elements[0].dot(xf_points2[1]); real_t dp = p_xform.elements[0].dot(xf_points2[1]);
maxa=MAX(dp,maxa); maxa = MAX(dp, maxa);
mina=MIN(dp,mina); mina = MIN(dp, mina);
dp = p_xform.elements[0].dot(xf_points2[2]); dp = p_xform.elements[0].dot(xf_points2[2]);
maxa=MAX(dp,maxa); maxa = MAX(dp, maxa);
mina=MIN(dp,mina); mina = MIN(dp, mina);
dp = p_xform.elements[0].dot(xf_points2[3]); dp = p_xform.elements[0].dot(xf_points2[3]);
maxa=MAX(dp,maxa); maxa = MAX(dp, maxa);
mina=MIN(dp,mina); mina = MIN(dp, mina);
real_t maxb=p_xform.elements[0].dot(xf_points[0]); real_t maxb = p_xform.elements[0].dot(xf_points[0]);
real_t minb=maxb; real_t minb = maxb;
dp = p_xform.elements[0].dot(xf_points[1]); dp = p_xform.elements[0].dot(xf_points[1]);
maxb=MAX(dp,maxb); maxb = MAX(dp, maxb);
minb=MIN(dp,minb); minb = MIN(dp, minb);
dp = p_xform.elements[0].dot(xf_points[2]); dp = p_xform.elements[0].dot(xf_points[2]);
maxb=MAX(dp,maxb); maxb = MAX(dp, maxb);
minb=MIN(dp,minb); minb = MIN(dp, minb);
dp = p_xform.elements[0].dot(xf_points[3]); dp = p_xform.elements[0].dot(xf_points[3]);
maxb=MAX(dp,maxb); maxb = MAX(dp, maxb);
minb=MIN(dp,minb); minb = MIN(dp, minb);
if (mina > maxb)
if ( mina > maxb )
return false; return false;
if ( minb > maxa ) if (minb > maxa)
return false; return false;
maxa=p_xform.elements[1].dot(xf_points2[0]); maxa = p_xform.elements[1].dot(xf_points2[0]);
mina=maxa; mina = maxa;
dp = p_xform.elements[1].dot(xf_points2[1]); dp = p_xform.elements[1].dot(xf_points2[1]);
maxa=MAX(dp,maxa); maxa = MAX(dp, maxa);
mina=MIN(dp,mina); mina = MIN(dp, mina);
dp = p_xform.elements[1].dot(xf_points2[2]); dp = p_xform.elements[1].dot(xf_points2[2]);
maxa=MAX(dp,maxa); maxa = MAX(dp, maxa);
mina=MIN(dp,mina); mina = MIN(dp, mina);
dp = p_xform.elements[1].dot(xf_points2[3]); dp = p_xform.elements[1].dot(xf_points2[3]);
maxa=MAX(dp,maxa); maxa = MAX(dp, maxa);
mina=MIN(dp,mina); mina = MIN(dp, mina);
maxb=p_xform.elements[1].dot(xf_points[0]); maxb = p_xform.elements[1].dot(xf_points[0]);
minb=maxb; minb = maxb;
dp = p_xform.elements[1].dot(xf_points[1]); dp = p_xform.elements[1].dot(xf_points[1]);
maxb=MAX(dp,maxb); maxb = MAX(dp, maxb);
minb=MIN(dp,minb); minb = MIN(dp, minb);
dp = p_xform.elements[1].dot(xf_points[2]); dp = p_xform.elements[1].dot(xf_points[2]);
maxb=MAX(dp,maxb); maxb = MAX(dp, maxb);
minb=MIN(dp,minb); minb = MIN(dp, minb);
dp = p_xform.elements[1].dot(xf_points[3]); dp = p_xform.elements[1].dot(xf_points[3]);
maxb=MAX(dp,maxb); maxb = MAX(dp, maxb);
minb=MIN(dp,minb); minb = MIN(dp, minb);
if (mina > maxb)
if ( mina > maxb )
return false; return false;
if ( minb > maxa ) if (minb > maxa)
return false; return false;
return true; return true;
} }
} } // namespace godot

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
#include "String.hpp" #include "String.hpp"
#include "Array.hpp" #include "Array.hpp"
#include "GodotGlobal.hpp"
#include "NodePath.hpp" #include "NodePath.hpp"
#include "PoolArrays.hpp" #include "PoolArrays.hpp"
#include "Variant.hpp" #include "Variant.hpp"
#include "GodotGlobal.hpp"
#include <gdnative/string.h> #include <gdnative/string.h>
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ char *String::alloc_c_string() const {
int length = godot::api->godot_char_string_length(&contents); int length = godot::api->godot_char_string_length(&contents);
char *result = (char *) godot::api->godot_alloc(length + 1); char *result = (char *)godot::api->godot_alloc(length + 1);
if (result) { if (result) {
memcpy(result, godot::api->godot_char_string_get_data(&contents), length + 1); memcpy(result, godot::api->godot_char_string_get_data(&contents), length + 1);
@ -549,11 +549,10 @@ signed char String::casecmp_to(String p_str) const {
signed char String::nocasecmp_to(String p_str) const { signed char String::nocasecmp_to(String p_str) const {
return godot::api->godot_string_nocasecmp_to(&_godot_string, &p_str._godot_string); return godot::api->godot_string_nocasecmp_to(&_godot_string, &p_str._godot_string);
} }
signed char String::naturalnocasecmp_to(String p_str) const { signed char String::naturalnocasecmp_to(String p_str) const {
return godot::api->godot_string_naturalnocasecmp_to(&_godot_string, &p_str._godot_string); return godot::api->godot_string_naturalnocasecmp_to(&_godot_string, &p_str._godot_string);
} }
} } // namespace godot

View File

@ -10,29 +10,25 @@ namespace _TagDB {
std::unordered_map<size_t, size_t> parent_to; std::unordered_map<size_t, size_t> parent_to;
void register_type(size_t type_tag, size_t base_type_tag) void register_type(size_t type_tag, size_t base_type_tag) {
if (type_tag == base_type_tag) { if (type_tag == base_type_tag) {
return; return;
} }
parent_to[type_tag] = base_type_tag; parent_to[type_tag] = base_type_tag;
} }
bool is_type_known(size_t type_tag) bool is_type_known(size_t type_tag) {
return parent_to.find(type_tag) != parent_to.end(); return parent_to.find(type_tag) != parent_to.end();
} }
void register_global_type(const char *name, size_t type_tag, size_t base_type_tag) void register_global_type(const char *name, size_t type_tag, size_t base_type_tag) {
godot::nativescript_1_1_api->godot_nativescript_set_global_type_tag(godot::_RegisterState::language_index, name, (const void *) type_tag); godot::nativescript_1_1_api->godot_nativescript_set_global_type_tag(godot::_RegisterState::language_index, name, (const void *)type_tag);
register_type(type_tag, base_type_tag); register_type(type_tag, base_type_tag);
} }
bool is_type_compatible(size_t ask_tag, size_t have_tag) bool is_type_compatible(size_t ask_tag, size_t have_tag) {
if (have_tag == 0) if (have_tag == 0)
return false; return false;
@ -49,7 +45,6 @@ bool is_type_compatible(size_t ask_tag, size_t have_tag)
return false; return false;
} }
} } // namespace _TagDB
} // namespace godot

View File

@ -2,134 +2,122 @@
#include "Basis.hpp" #include "Basis.hpp"
#include "Plane.hpp"
#include "AABB.hpp" #include "AABB.hpp"
#include "Plane.hpp"
#include "Quat.hpp" #include "Quat.hpp"
namespace godot { namespace godot {
Transform Transform::inverse_xform(const Transform &t) const {
Transform Transform::inverse_xform(const Transform& t) const {
Vector3 v = t.origin - origin; Vector3 v = t.origin - origin;
return Transform(basis.transpose_xform(t.basis), return Transform(basis.transpose_xform(t.basis),
basis.xform(v)); basis.xform(v));
} }
void Transform::set(real_t xx, real_t xy, real_t xz, real_t yx, real_t yy, real_t yz, real_t zx, real_t zy, real_t zz,real_t tx, real_t ty, real_t tz) { void Transform::set(real_t xx, real_t xy, real_t xz, real_t yx, real_t yy, real_t yz, real_t zx, real_t zy, real_t zz, real_t tx, real_t ty, real_t tz) {
basis.elements[0][0]=xx; basis.elements[0][0] = xx;
basis.elements[0][1]=xy; basis.elements[0][1] = xy;
basis.elements[0][2]=xz; basis.elements[0][2] = xz;
basis.elements[1][0]=yx; basis.elements[1][0] = yx;
basis.elements[1][1]=yy; basis.elements[1][1] = yy;
basis.elements[1][2]=yz; basis.elements[1][2] = yz;
basis.elements[2][0]=zx; basis.elements[2][0] = zx;
basis.elements[2][1]=zy; basis.elements[2][1] = zy;
basis.elements[2][2]=zz; basis.elements[2][2] = zz;
origin.x=tx; origin.x = tx;
origin.y=ty; origin.y = ty;
origin.z=tz; origin.z = tz;
} }
Vector3 Transform::xform(const Vector3 &p_vector) const {
Vector3 Transform::xform(const Vector3& p_vector) const {
return Vector3( return Vector3(
basis[0].dot(p_vector)+origin.x, basis[0].dot(p_vector) + origin.x,
basis[1].dot(p_vector)+origin.y, basis[1].dot(p_vector) + origin.y,
basis[2].dot(p_vector)+origin.z basis[2].dot(p_vector) + origin.z);
} }
Vector3 Transform::xform_inv(const Vector3& p_vector) const { Vector3 Transform::xform_inv(const Vector3 &p_vector) const {
Vector3 v = p_vector - origin; Vector3 v = p_vector - origin;
return Vector3( return Vector3(
(basis.elements[0][0]*v.x ) + ( basis.elements[1][0]*v.y ) + ( basis.elements[2][0]*v.z ), (basis.elements[0][0] * v.x) + (basis.elements[1][0] * v.y) + (basis.elements[2][0] * v.z),
(basis.elements[0][1]*v.x ) + ( basis.elements[1][1]*v.y ) + ( basis.elements[2][1]*v.z ), (basis.elements[0][1] * v.x) + (basis.elements[1][1] * v.y) + (basis.elements[2][1] * v.z),
(basis.elements[0][2]*v.x ) + ( basis.elements[1][2]*v.y ) + ( basis.elements[2][2]*v.z ) (basis.elements[0][2] * v.x) + (basis.elements[1][2] * v.y) + (basis.elements[2][2] * v.z));
} }
Plane Transform::xform(const Plane& p_plane) const { Plane Transform::xform(const Plane &p_plane) const {
Vector3 point = p_plane.normal * p_plane.d;
Vector3 point_dir = point + p_plane.normal;
point = xform(point);
point_dir = xform(point_dir);
Vector3 point=p_plane.normal*p_plane.d; Vector3 normal = point_dir - point;
Vector3 point_dir=point+p_plane.normal;
Vector3 normal=point_dir-point;
normal.normalize(); normal.normalize();
real_t; real_t d =;
return Plane(normal,d);
return Plane(normal, d);
} }
Plane Transform::xform_inv(const Plane& p_plane) const { Plane Transform::xform_inv(const Plane &p_plane) const {
Vector3 point=p_plane.normal*p_plane.d; Vector3 point = p_plane.normal * p_plane.d;
Vector3 point_dir=point+p_plane.normal; Vector3 point_dir = point + p_plane.normal;
point=xform_inv(point); point = xform_inv(point);
point_dir=xform_inv(point_dir); point_dir = xform_inv(point_dir);
Vector3 normal=point_dir-point; Vector3 normal = point_dir - point;
normal.normalize(); normal.normalize();
real_t; real_t d =;
return Plane(normal,d);
return Plane(normal, d);
} }
AABB Transform::xform(const AABB& p_aabb) const { AABB Transform::xform(const AABB &p_aabb) const {
/* define vertices */ /* define vertices */
Vector3 x=basis.get_axis(0)*p_aabb.size.x; Vector3 x = basis.get_axis(0) * p_aabb.size.x;
Vector3 y=basis.get_axis(1)*p_aabb.size.y; Vector3 y = basis.get_axis(1) * p_aabb.size.y;
Vector3 z=basis.get_axis(2)*p_aabb.size.z; Vector3 z = basis.get_axis(2) * p_aabb.size.z;
Vector3 pos = xform( p_aabb.position ); Vector3 pos = xform(p_aabb.position);
//could be even further optimized //could be even further optimized
AABB new_aabb; AABB new_aabb;
new_aabb.position=pos; new_aabb.position = pos;
new_aabb.expand_to( pos+x ); new_aabb.expand_to(pos + x);
new_aabb.expand_to( pos+y ); new_aabb.expand_to(pos + y);
new_aabb.expand_to( pos+z ); new_aabb.expand_to(pos + z);
new_aabb.expand_to( pos+x+y ); new_aabb.expand_to(pos + x + y);
new_aabb.expand_to( pos+x+z ); new_aabb.expand_to(pos + x + z);
new_aabb.expand_to( pos+y+z ); new_aabb.expand_to(pos + y + z);
new_aabb.expand_to( pos+x+y+z ); new_aabb.expand_to(pos + x + y + z);
return new_aabb; return new_aabb;
} }
AABB Transform::xform_inv(const AABB& p_aabb) const { AABB Transform::xform_inv(const AABB &p_aabb) const {
/* define vertices */ /* define vertices */
Vector3 vertices[8]={ Vector3 vertices[8] = {
Vector3(p_aabb.position.x+p_aabb.size.x, p_aabb.position.y+p_aabb.size.y, p_aabb.position.z+p_aabb.size.z), Vector3(p_aabb.position.x + p_aabb.size.x, p_aabb.position.y + p_aabb.size.y, p_aabb.position.z + p_aabb.size.z),
Vector3(p_aabb.position.x+p_aabb.size.x, p_aabb.position.y+p_aabb.size.y, p_aabb.position.z), Vector3(p_aabb.position.x + p_aabb.size.x, p_aabb.position.y + p_aabb.size.y, p_aabb.position.z),
Vector3(p_aabb.position.x+p_aabb.size.x, p_aabb.position.y, p_aabb.position.z+p_aabb.size.z), Vector3(p_aabb.position.x + p_aabb.size.x, p_aabb.position.y, p_aabb.position.z + p_aabb.size.z),
Vector3(p_aabb.position.x+p_aabb.size.x, p_aabb.position.y, p_aabb.position.z), Vector3(p_aabb.position.x + p_aabb.size.x, p_aabb.position.y, p_aabb.position.z),
Vector3(p_aabb.position.x, p_aabb.position.y+p_aabb.size.y, p_aabb.position.z+p_aabb.size.z), Vector3(p_aabb.position.x, p_aabb.position.y + p_aabb.size.y, p_aabb.position.z + p_aabb.size.z),
Vector3(p_aabb.position.x, p_aabb.position.y+p_aabb.size.y, p_aabb.position.z), Vector3(p_aabb.position.x, p_aabb.position.y + p_aabb.size.y, p_aabb.position.z),
Vector3(p_aabb.position.x, p_aabb.position.y, p_aabb.position.z+p_aabb.size.z), Vector3(p_aabb.position.x, p_aabb.position.y, p_aabb.position.z + p_aabb.size.z),
Vector3(p_aabb.position.x, p_aabb.position.y, p_aabb.position.z) Vector3(p_aabb.position.x, p_aabb.position.y, p_aabb.position.z)
}; };
AABB ret; AABB ret;
ret.position=xform_inv(vertices[0]); ret.position = xform_inv(vertices[0]);
for (int i=1;i<8;i++) { for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
ret.expand_to( xform_inv(vertices[i]) ); ret.expand_to(xform_inv(vertices[i]));
} }
return ret; return ret;
} }
void Transform::affine_invert() { void Transform::affine_invert() {
@ -140,13 +128,11 @@ void Transform::affine_invert() {
Transform Transform::affine_inverse() const { Transform Transform::affine_inverse() const {
Transform ret=*this; Transform ret = *this;
ret.affine_invert(); ret.affine_invert();
return ret; return ret;
} }
void Transform::invert() { void Transform::invert() {
basis.transpose(); basis.transpose();
@ -156,35 +142,34 @@ void Transform::invert() {
Transform Transform::inverse() const { Transform Transform::inverse() const {
// FIXME: this function assumes the basis is a rotation matrix, with no scaling. // FIXME: this function assumes the basis is a rotation matrix, with no scaling.
// Transform::affine_inverse can handle matrices with scaling, so GDScript should eventually use that. // Transform::affine_inverse can handle matrices with scaling, so GDScript should eventually use that.
Transform ret=*this; Transform ret = *this;
ret.invert(); ret.invert();
return ret; return ret;
} }
void Transform::rotate(const Vector3 &p_axis, real_t p_phi) {
void Transform::rotate(const Vector3& p_axis,real_t p_phi) {
*this = rotated(p_axis, p_phi); *this = rotated(p_axis, p_phi);
} }
Transform Transform::rotated(const Vector3& p_axis,real_t p_phi) const{ Transform Transform::rotated(const Vector3 &p_axis, real_t p_phi) const {
return Transform(Basis( p_axis, p_phi ), Vector3()) * (*this); return Transform(Basis(p_axis, p_phi), Vector3()) * (*this);
} }
void Transform::rotate_basis(const Vector3& p_axis,real_t p_phi) { void Transform::rotate_basis(const Vector3 &p_axis, real_t p_phi) {
basis.rotate(p_axis,p_phi); basis.rotate(p_axis, p_phi);
} }
Transform Transform::looking_at( const Vector3& p_target, const Vector3& p_up ) const { Transform Transform::looking_at(const Vector3 &p_target, const Vector3 &p_up) const {
Transform t = *this; Transform t = *this;
t.set_look_at(origin,p_target,p_up); t.set_look_at(origin, p_target, p_up);
return t; return t;
} }
void Transform::set_look_at( const Vector3& p_eye, const Vector3& p_target, const Vector3& p_up ) { void Transform::set_look_at(const Vector3 &p_eye, const Vector3 &p_target, const Vector3 &p_up) {
// Reference: MESA source code // Reference: MESA source code
Vector3 v_x, v_y, v_z; Vector3 v_x, v_y, v_z;
@ -198,23 +183,21 @@ void Transform::set_look_at( const Vector3& p_eye, const Vector3& p_target, cons
v_y = p_up; v_y = p_up;
v_x = v_y.cross(v_z);
/* Recompute Y = Z cross X */ /* Recompute Y = Z cross X */
v_y=v_z.cross(v_x); v_y = v_z.cross(v_x);
v_x.normalize(); v_x.normalize();
v_y.normalize(); v_y.normalize();
basis.set_axis(0,v_x); basis.set_axis(0, v_x);
basis.set_axis(1,v_y); basis.set_axis(1, v_y);
basis.set_axis(2,v_z); basis.set_axis(2, v_z);
origin=p_eye; origin = p_eye;
} }
Transform Transform::interpolate_with(const Transform& p_transform, real_t p_c) const { Transform Transform::interpolate_with(const Transform &p_transform, real_t p_c) const {
/* not sure if very "efficient" but good enough? */ /* not sure if very "efficient" but good enough? */
@ -227,45 +210,44 @@ Transform Transform::interpolate_with(const Transform& p_transform, real_t p_c)
Vector3 dst_loc = p_transform.origin; Vector3 dst_loc = p_transform.origin;
Transform dst; Transform dst;
dst.basis=src_rot.slerp(dst_rot,p_c); dst.basis = src_rot.slerp(dst_rot, p_c);
dst.basis.scale(src_scale.linear_interpolate(dst_scale,p_c)); dst.basis.scale(src_scale.linear_interpolate(dst_scale, p_c));
dst.origin=src_loc.linear_interpolate(dst_loc,p_c); dst.origin = src_loc.linear_interpolate(dst_loc, p_c);
return dst; return dst;
} }
void Transform::scale(const Vector3& p_scale) { void Transform::scale(const Vector3 &p_scale) {
basis.scale(p_scale); basis.scale(p_scale);
origin*=p_scale; origin *= p_scale;
} }
Transform Transform::scaled(const Vector3& p_scale) const { Transform Transform::scaled(const Vector3 &p_scale) const {
Transform t = *this; Transform t = *this;
t.scale(p_scale); t.scale(p_scale);
return t; return t;
} }
void Transform::scale_basis(const Vector3& p_scale) { void Transform::scale_basis(const Vector3 &p_scale) {
basis.scale(p_scale); basis.scale(p_scale);
} }
void Transform::translate( real_t p_tx, real_t p_ty, real_t p_tz) { void Transform::translate(real_t p_tx, real_t p_ty, real_t p_tz) {
translate( Vector3(p_tx,p_ty,p_tz) ); translate(Vector3(p_tx, p_ty, p_tz));
} }
void Transform::translate( const Vector3& p_translation ) { void Transform::translate(const Vector3 &p_translation) {
for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
origin[i] += basis[i].dot(p_translation); origin[i] += basis[i].dot(p_translation);
} }
} }
Transform Transform::translated( const Vector3& p_translation ) const { Transform Transform::translated(const Vector3 &p_translation) const {
Transform t=*this; Transform t = *this;
t.translate(p_translation); t.translate(p_translation);
return t; return t;
} }
@ -282,25 +264,25 @@ Transform Transform::orthonormalized() const {
return _copy; return _copy;
} }
bool Transform::operator==(const Transform& p_transform) const { bool Transform::operator==(const Transform &p_transform) const {
return (basis==p_transform.basis && origin==p_transform.origin); return (basis == p_transform.basis && origin == p_transform.origin);
} }
bool Transform::operator!=(const Transform& p_transform) const { bool Transform::operator!=(const Transform &p_transform) const {
return (basis!=p_transform.basis || origin!=p_transform.origin); return (basis != p_transform.basis || origin != p_transform.origin);
} }
void Transform::operator*=(const Transform& p_transform) { void Transform::operator*=(const Transform &p_transform) {
origin=xform(p_transform.origin); origin = xform(p_transform.origin);
basis*=p_transform.basis; basis *= p_transform.basis;
} }
Transform Transform::operator*(const Transform& p_transform) const { Transform Transform::operator*(const Transform &p_transform) const {
Transform t=*this; Transform t = *this;
t*=p_transform; t *= p_transform;
return t; return t;
} }
@ -309,11 +291,10 @@ Transform::operator String() const {
return basis.operator String() + " - " + origin.operator String(); return basis.operator String() + " - " + origin.operator String();
} }
Transform::Transform(const Basis &p_basis, const Vector3 &p_origin) {
Transform::Transform(const Basis& p_basis, const Vector3& p_origin) { basis = p_basis;
origin = p_origin;
} }
} } // namespace godot

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#include "Transform2D.hpp" #include "Transform2D.hpp"
#include "Vector2.hpp"
#include "String.hpp"
#include "Rect2.hpp" #include "Rect2.hpp"
#include "String.hpp"
#include "Vector2.hpp"
#include <algorithm> #include <algorithm>
@ -17,75 +17,68 @@ Transform2D::Transform2D(real_t xx, real_t xy, real_t yx, real_t yy, real_t ox,
elements[2][1] = oy; elements[2][1] = oy;
} }
Vector2 Transform2D::basis_xform(const Vector2 &v) const {
Vector2 Transform2D::basis_xform(const Vector2& v) const {
return Vector2( return Vector2(
tdotx(v), tdotx(v),
tdoty(v) tdoty(v));
} }
Vector2 Transform2D::basis_xform_inv(const Vector2& v) const{ Vector2 Transform2D::basis_xform_inv(const Vector2 &v) const {
return Vector2( return Vector2(
elements[0].dot(v), elements[0].dot(v),
elements[1].dot(v) elements[1].dot(v));
} }
Vector2 Transform2D::xform(const Vector2& v) const { Vector2 Transform2D::xform(const Vector2 &v) const {
return Vector2( return Vector2(
tdotx(v), tdotx(v),
tdoty(v) tdoty(v)) +
) + elements[2]; elements[2];
} }
Vector2 Transform2D::xform_inv(const Vector2& p_vec) const { Vector2 Transform2D::xform_inv(const Vector2 &p_vec) const {
Vector2 v = p_vec - elements[2]; Vector2 v = p_vec - elements[2];
return Vector2( return Vector2(
elements[0].dot(v), elements[0].dot(v),
elements[1].dot(v) elements[1].dot(v));
} }
Rect2 Transform2D::xform(const Rect2& p_rect) const { Rect2 Transform2D::xform(const Rect2 &p_rect) const {
Vector2 x=elements[0]*p_rect.size.x; Vector2 x = elements[0] * p_rect.size.x;
Vector2 y=elements[1]*p_rect.size.y; Vector2 y = elements[1] * p_rect.size.y;
Vector2 pos = xform( p_rect.pos ); Vector2 pos = xform(p_rect.pos);
Rect2 new_rect; Rect2 new_rect;
new_rect.pos=pos; new_rect.pos = pos;
new_rect.expand_to( pos+x ); new_rect.expand_to(pos + x);
new_rect.expand_to( pos+y ); new_rect.expand_to(pos + y);
new_rect.expand_to( pos+x+y ); new_rect.expand_to(pos + x + y);
return new_rect; return new_rect;
} }
void Transform2D::set_rotation_and_scale(real_t p_rot,const Size2& p_scale) { void Transform2D::set_rotation_and_scale(real_t p_rot, const Size2 &p_scale) {
elements[0][0] = ::cos(p_rot) * p_scale.x;
elements[1][1] = ::cos(p_rot) * p_scale.y;
elements[1][0] = -::sin(p_rot) * p_scale.y;
elements[0][1] = ::sin(p_rot) * p_scale.x;
} }
Rect2 Transform2D::xform_inv(const Rect2& p_rect) const { Rect2 Transform2D::xform_inv(const Rect2 &p_rect) const {
Vector2 ends[4]={ Vector2 ends[4] = {
xform_inv( p_rect.pos ), xform_inv(p_rect.pos),
xform_inv( Vector2(p_rect.pos.x,p_rect.pos.y+p_rect.size.y ) ), xform_inv(Vector2(p_rect.pos.x, p_rect.pos.y + p_rect.size.y)),
xform_inv( Vector2(p_rect.pos.x+p_rect.size.x,p_rect.pos.y+p_rect.size.y ) ), xform_inv(Vector2(p_rect.pos.x + p_rect.size.x, p_rect.pos.y + p_rect.size.y)),
xform_inv( Vector2(p_rect.pos.x+p_rect.size.x,p_rect.pos.y ) ) xform_inv(Vector2(p_rect.pos.x + p_rect.size.x, p_rect.pos.y))
}; };
Rect2 new_rect; Rect2 new_rect;
new_rect.pos=ends[0]; new_rect.pos = ends[0];
new_rect.expand_to(ends[1]); new_rect.expand_to(ends[1]);
new_rect.expand_to(ends[2]); new_rect.expand_to(ends[2]);
new_rect.expand_to(ends[3]); new_rect.expand_to(ends[3]);
@ -96,205 +89,194 @@ Rect2 Transform2D::xform_inv(const Rect2& p_rect) const {
void Transform2D::invert() { void Transform2D::invert() {
// FIXME: this function assumes the basis is a rotation matrix, with no scaling. // FIXME: this function assumes the basis is a rotation matrix, with no scaling.
// Transform2D::affine_inverse can handle matrices with scaling, so GDScript should eventually use that. // Transform2D::affine_inverse can handle matrices with scaling, so GDScript should eventually use that.
std::swap(elements[0][1],elements[1][0]); std::swap(elements[0][1], elements[1][0]);
elements[2] = basis_xform(-elements[2]); elements[2] = basis_xform(-elements[2]);
} }
Transform2D Transform2D::inverse() const { Transform2D Transform2D::inverse() const {
Transform2D inv=*this; Transform2D inv = *this;
inv.invert(); inv.invert();
return inv; return inv;
} }
void Transform2D::affine_invert() { void Transform2D::affine_invert() {
real_t det = basis_determinant(); real_t det = basis_determinant();
ERR_FAIL_COND(det==0); ERR_FAIL_COND(det == 0);
real_t idet = 1.0 / det; real_t idet = 1.0 / det;
std::swap( elements[0][0],elements[1][1] ); std::swap(elements[0][0], elements[1][1]);
elements[0]*=Vector2(idet,-idet); elements[0] *= Vector2(idet, -idet);
elements[1]*=Vector2(-idet,idet); elements[1] *= Vector2(-idet, idet);
elements[2] = basis_xform(-elements[2]); elements[2] = basis_xform(-elements[2]);
} }
Transform2D Transform2D::affine_inverse() const { Transform2D Transform2D::affine_inverse() const {
Transform2D inv=*this; Transform2D inv = *this;
inv.affine_invert(); inv.affine_invert();
return inv; return inv;
} }
void Transform2D::rotate(real_t p_phi) { void Transform2D::rotate(real_t p_phi) {
*this = Transform2D(p_phi,Vector2()) * (*this); *this = Transform2D(p_phi, Vector2()) * (*this);
} }
real_t Transform2D::get_rotation() const { real_t Transform2D::get_rotation() const {
real_t det = basis_determinant(); real_t det = basis_determinant();
Transform2D m = orthonormalized(); Transform2D m = orthonormalized();
if (det < 0) { if (det < 0) {
m.scale_basis(Size2(-1,-1)); m.scale_basis(Size2(-1, -1));
} }
return ::atan2(m[0].y,m[0].x); return ::atan2(m[0].y, m[0].x);
} }
void Transform2D::set_rotation(real_t p_rot) { void Transform2D::set_rotation(real_t p_rot) {
real_t cr = ::cos(p_rot); real_t cr = ::cos(p_rot);
real_t sr = ::sin(p_rot); real_t sr = ::sin(p_rot);
elements[0][0]=cr; elements[0][0] = cr;
elements[0][1]=sr; elements[0][1] = sr;
elements[1][0]=-sr; elements[1][0] = -sr;
elements[1][1]=cr; elements[1][1] = cr;
} }
Transform2D::Transform2D(real_t p_rot, const Vector2& p_pos) { Transform2D::Transform2D(real_t p_rot, const Vector2 &p_pos) {
real_t cr = ::cos(p_rot); real_t cr = ::cos(p_rot);
real_t sr = ::sin(p_rot); real_t sr = ::sin(p_rot);
elements[0][0]=cr; elements[0][0] = cr;
elements[0][1]=sr; elements[0][1] = sr;
elements[1][0]=-sr; elements[1][0] = -sr;
elements[1][1]=cr; elements[1][1] = cr;
elements[2]=p_pos; elements[2] = p_pos;
} }
Size2 Transform2D::get_scale() const { Size2 Transform2D::get_scale() const {
real_t det_sign = basis_determinant() > 0 ? 1 : -1; real_t det_sign = basis_determinant() > 0 ? 1 : -1;
return det_sign * Size2( elements[0].length(), elements[1].length() ); return det_sign * Size2(elements[0].length(), elements[1].length());
} }
void Transform2D::scale(const Size2& p_scale) { void Transform2D::scale(const Size2 &p_scale) {
scale_basis(p_scale); scale_basis(p_scale);
elements[2]*=p_scale; elements[2] *= p_scale;
} }
void Transform2D::scale_basis(const Size2& p_scale) { void Transform2D::scale_basis(const Size2 &p_scale) {
elements[0][0] *= p_scale.x;
elements[0][1] *= p_scale.y;
elements[1][0] *= p_scale.x;
elements[1][1] *= p_scale.y;
} }
void Transform2D::translate( real_t p_tx, real_t p_ty) { void Transform2D::translate(real_t p_tx, real_t p_ty) {
translate(Vector2(p_tx,p_ty)); translate(Vector2(p_tx, p_ty));
} }
void Transform2D::translate( const Vector2& p_translation ) { void Transform2D::translate(const Vector2 &p_translation) {
elements[2]+=basis_xform(p_translation); elements[2] += basis_xform(p_translation);
} }
void Transform2D::orthonormalize() { void Transform2D::orthonormalize() {
// Gram-Schmidt Process // Gram-Schmidt Process
Vector2 x=elements[0]; Vector2 x = elements[0];
Vector2 y=elements[1]; Vector2 y = elements[1];
x.normalize(); x.normalize();
y = (y-x*(; y = (y - x * (;
y.normalize(); y.normalize();
elements[0]=x; elements[0] = x;
elements[1]=y; elements[1] = y;
} }
Transform2D Transform2D::orthonormalized() const { Transform2D Transform2D::orthonormalized() const {
Transform2D on=*this; Transform2D on = *this;
on.orthonormalize(); on.orthonormalize();
return on; return on;
} }
bool Transform2D::operator==(const Transform2D& p_transform) const { bool Transform2D::operator==(const Transform2D &p_transform) const {
for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (elements[i]!=p_transform.elements[i]) if (elements[i] != p_transform.elements[i])
return false; return false;
} }
return true; return true;
} }
bool Transform2D::operator!=(const Transform2D& p_transform) const { bool Transform2D::operator!=(const Transform2D &p_transform) const {
for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (elements[i]!=p_transform.elements[i]) if (elements[i] != p_transform.elements[i])
return true; return true;
} }
return false; return false;
} }
void Transform2D::operator*=(const Transform2D& p_transform) { void Transform2D::operator*=(const Transform2D &p_transform) {
elements[2] = xform(p_transform.elements[2]); elements[2] = xform(p_transform.elements[2]);
real_t x0,x1,y0,y1; real_t x0, x1, y0, y1;
x0 = tdotx(p_transform.elements[0]); x0 = tdotx(p_transform.elements[0]);
x1 = tdoty(p_transform.elements[0]); x1 = tdoty(p_transform.elements[0]);
y0 = tdotx(p_transform.elements[1]); y0 = tdotx(p_transform.elements[1]);
y1 = tdoty(p_transform.elements[1]); y1 = tdoty(p_transform.elements[1]);
elements[0][0]=x0; elements[0][0] = x0;
elements[0][1]=x1; elements[0][1] = x1;
elements[1][0]=y0; elements[1][0] = y0;
elements[1][1]=y1; elements[1][1] = y1;
} }
Transform2D Transform2D::operator*(const Transform2D &p_transform) const {
Transform2D Transform2D::operator*(const Transform2D& p_transform) const {
Transform2D t = *this; Transform2D t = *this;
t*=p_transform; t *= p_transform;
return t; return t;
} }
Transform2D Transform2D::scaled(const Size2& p_scale) const { Transform2D Transform2D::scaled(const Size2 &p_scale) const {
Transform2D copy=*this; Transform2D copy = *this;
copy.scale(p_scale); copy.scale(p_scale);
return copy; return copy;
} }
Transform2D Transform2D::basis_scaled(const Size2& p_scale) const { Transform2D Transform2D::basis_scaled(const Size2 &p_scale) const {
Transform2D copy=*this; Transform2D copy = *this;
copy.scale_basis(p_scale); copy.scale_basis(p_scale);
return copy; return copy;
} }
Transform2D Transform2D::untranslated() const { Transform2D Transform2D::untranslated() const {
Transform2D copy=*this; Transform2D copy = *this;
copy.elements[2]=Vector2(); copy.elements[2] = Vector2();
return copy; return copy;
} }
Transform2D Transform2D::translated(const Vector2& p_offset) const { Transform2D Transform2D::translated(const Vector2 &p_offset) const {
Transform2D copy=*this; Transform2D copy = *this;
copy.translate(p_offset); copy.translate(p_offset);
return copy; return copy;
} }
Transform2D Transform2D::rotated(real_t p_phi) const { Transform2D Transform2D::rotated(real_t p_phi) const {
Transform2D copy=*this; Transform2D copy = *this;
copy.rotate(p_phi); copy.rotate(p_phi);
return copy; return copy;
} }
real_t Transform2D::basis_determinant() const { real_t Transform2D::basis_determinant() const {
@ -302,7 +284,7 @@ real_t Transform2D::basis_determinant() const {
return elements[0].x * elements[1].y - elements[0].y * elements[1].x; return elements[0].x * elements[1].y - elements[0].y * elements[1].x;
} }
Transform2D Transform2D::interpolate_with(const Transform2D& p_transform, real_t p_c) const { Transform2D Transform2D::interpolate_with(const Transform2D &p_transform, real_t p_c) const {
//extract parameters //extract parameters
Vector2 p1 = get_origin(); Vector2 p1 = get_origin();
@ -327,9 +309,9 @@ Transform2D Transform2D::interpolate_with(const Transform2D& p_transform, real_t
if (dot > 0.9995) { if (dot > 0.9995) {
v = Vector2::linear_interpolate(v1, v2, p_c).normalized(); //linearly interpolate to avoid numerical precision issues v = Vector2::linear_interpolate(v1, v2, p_c).normalized(); //linearly interpolate to avoid numerical precision issues
} else { } else {
real_t angle = p_c*::acos(dot); real_t angle = p_c * ::acos(dot);
Vector2 v3 = (v2 - v1*dot).normalized(); Vector2 v3 = (v2 - v1 * dot).normalized();
v = v1*::cos(angle) + v3*::sin(angle); v = v1 * ::cos(angle) + v3 * ::sin(angle);
} }
//construct matrix //construct matrix
@ -343,4 +325,4 @@ Transform2D::operator String() const {
return String(String() + elements[0] + ", " + elements[1] + ", " + elements[2]); return String(String() + elements[0] + ", " + elements[1] + ", " + elements[2]);
} }
} } // namespace godot

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
#include <gdnative/variant.h> #include <gdnative/variant.h>
#include "Defs.hpp"
#include "CoreTypes.hpp" #include "CoreTypes.hpp"
#include "Defs.hpp"
#include "GodotGlobal.hpp" #include "GodotGlobal.hpp"
#include "Object.hpp" #include "Object.hpp"
@ -11,18 +11,15 @@
namespace godot { namespace godot {
Variant::Variant() Variant::Variant() {
godot::api->godot_variant_new_nil(&_godot_variant); godot::api->godot_variant_new_nil(&_godot_variant);
} }
Variant::Variant(const Variant& v) Variant::Variant(const Variant &v) {
godot::api->godot_variant_new_copy(&_godot_variant, &v._godot_variant); godot::api->godot_variant_new_copy(&_godot_variant, &v._godot_variant);
} }
Variant::Variant(bool p_bool) Variant::Variant(bool p_bool) {
godot::api->godot_variant_new_bool(&_godot_variant, p_bool); godot::api->godot_variant_new_bool(&_godot_variant, p_bool);
} }
@ -31,410 +28,326 @@ Variant::Variant(signed int p_int) // real one
godot::api->godot_variant_new_int(&_godot_variant, p_int); godot::api->godot_variant_new_int(&_godot_variant, p_int);
} }
Variant::Variant(unsigned int p_int) Variant::Variant(unsigned int p_int) {
godot::api->godot_variant_new_uint(&_godot_variant, p_int); godot::api->godot_variant_new_uint(&_godot_variant, p_int);
} }
Variant::Variant(signed short p_short) // real one Variant::Variant(signed short p_short) // real one
{ {
godot::api->godot_variant_new_int(&_godot_variant, (int) p_short); godot::api->godot_variant_new_int(&_godot_variant, (int)p_short);
} }
Variant::Variant(int64_t p_char) // real one Variant::Variant(int64_t p_char) // real one
{ {
godot::api->godot_variant_new_int(&_godot_variant, p_char); godot::api->godot_variant_new_int(&_godot_variant, p_char);
} }
Variant::Variant(uint64_t p_char) Variant::Variant(uint64_t p_char) {
godot::api->godot_variant_new_uint(&_godot_variant, p_char); godot::api->godot_variant_new_uint(&_godot_variant, p_char);
} }
Variant::Variant(float p_float) Variant::Variant(float p_float) {
godot::api->godot_variant_new_real(&_godot_variant, p_float); godot::api->godot_variant_new_real(&_godot_variant, p_float);
} }
Variant::Variant(double p_double) Variant::Variant(double p_double) {
godot::api->godot_variant_new_real(&_godot_variant, p_double); godot::api->godot_variant_new_real(&_godot_variant, p_double);
} }
Variant::Variant(const String& p_string) Variant::Variant(const String &p_string) {
{ godot::api->godot_variant_new_string(&_godot_variant, (godot_string *)&p_string);
godot::api->godot_variant_new_string(&_godot_variant, (godot_string *) &p_string);
} }
Variant::Variant(const char * const p_cstring) Variant::Variant(const char *const p_cstring) {
String s = String(p_cstring); String s = String(p_cstring);
godot::api->godot_variant_new_string(&_godot_variant, (godot_string *) &s); godot::api->godot_variant_new_string(&_godot_variant, (godot_string *)&s);
} }
Variant::Variant(const wchar_t * p_wstring) Variant::Variant(const wchar_t *p_wstring) {
String s = p_wstring; String s = p_wstring;
godot::api->godot_variant_new_string(&_godot_variant, (godot_string *) &s); godot::api->godot_variant_new_string(&_godot_variant, (godot_string *)&s);
} }
Variant::Variant(const Vector2& p_vector2) Variant::Variant(const Vector2 &p_vector2) {
{ godot::api->godot_variant_new_vector2(&_godot_variant, (godot_vector2 *)&p_vector2);
godot::api->godot_variant_new_vector2(&_godot_variant, (godot_vector2 *) &p_vector2);
} }
Variant::Variant(const Rect2& p_rect2) Variant::Variant(const Rect2 &p_rect2) {
{ godot::api->godot_variant_new_rect2(&_godot_variant, (godot_rect2 *)&p_rect2);
godot::api->godot_variant_new_rect2(&_godot_variant, (godot_rect2 *) &p_rect2);
} }
Variant::Variant(const Vector3& p_vector3) Variant::Variant(const Vector3 &p_vector3) {
{ godot::api->godot_variant_new_vector3(&_godot_variant, (godot_vector3 *)&p_vector3);
godot::api->godot_variant_new_vector3(&_godot_variant, (godot_vector3 *) &p_vector3);
} }
Variant::Variant(const Plane& p_plane) Variant::Variant(const Plane &p_plane) {
{ godot::api->godot_variant_new_plane(&_godot_variant, (godot_plane *)&p_plane);
godot::api->godot_variant_new_plane(&_godot_variant, (godot_plane *) &p_plane);
} }
Variant::Variant(const AABB &p_aabb) {
Variant::Variant(const AABB& p_aabb) godot::api->godot_variant_new_aabb(&_godot_variant, (godot_aabb *)&p_aabb);
godot::api->godot_variant_new_aabb(&_godot_variant, (godot_aabb *) &p_aabb);
} }
Variant::Variant(const Quat& p_quat) Variant::Variant(const Quat &p_quat) {
{ godot::api->godot_variant_new_quat(&_godot_variant, (godot_quat *)&p_quat);
godot::api->godot_variant_new_quat(&_godot_variant, (godot_quat *) &p_quat);
} }
Variant::Variant(const Basis& p_transform) Variant::Variant(const Basis &p_transform) {
{ godot::api->godot_variant_new_basis(&_godot_variant, (godot_basis *)&p_transform);
godot::api->godot_variant_new_basis(&_godot_variant, (godot_basis *) &p_transform);
} }
Variant::Variant(const Transform2D& p_transform) Variant::Variant(const Transform2D &p_transform) {
{ godot::api->godot_variant_new_transform2d(&_godot_variant, (godot_transform2d *)&p_transform);
godot::api->godot_variant_new_transform2d(&_godot_variant, (godot_transform2d *) &p_transform);
} }
Variant::Variant(const Transform& p_transform) Variant::Variant(const Transform &p_transform) {
{ godot::api->godot_variant_new_transform(&_godot_variant, (godot_transform *)&p_transform);
godot::api->godot_variant_new_transform(&_godot_variant, (godot_transform *) &p_transform);
} }
Variant::Variant(const Color& p_color) Variant::Variant(const Color &p_color) {
{ godot::api->godot_variant_new_color(&_godot_variant, (godot_color *)&p_color);
godot::api->godot_variant_new_color(&_godot_variant, (godot_color *) &p_color);
} }
Variant::Variant(const NodePath& p_path) Variant::Variant(const NodePath &p_path) {
{ godot::api->godot_variant_new_node_path(&_godot_variant, (godot_node_path *)&p_path);
godot::api->godot_variant_new_node_path(&_godot_variant, (godot_node_path *) &p_path);
} }
Variant::Variant(const RID& p_rid) Variant::Variant(const RID &p_rid) {
{ godot::api->godot_variant_new_rid(&_godot_variant, (godot_rid *)&p_rid);
godot::api->godot_variant_new_rid(&_godot_variant, (godot_rid *) &p_rid);
} }
Variant::Variant(const Object* p_object) Variant::Variant(const Object *p_object) {
if (p_object) if (p_object)
godot::api->godot_variant_new_object(&_godot_variant, p_object->_owner); godot::api->godot_variant_new_object(&_godot_variant, p_object->_owner);
else else
godot::api->godot_variant_new_nil(&_godot_variant); godot::api->godot_variant_new_nil(&_godot_variant);
} }
Variant::Variant(const Dictionary& p_dictionary) Variant::Variant(const Dictionary &p_dictionary) {
{ godot::api->godot_variant_new_dictionary(&_godot_variant, (godot_dictionary *)&p_dictionary);
godot::api->godot_variant_new_dictionary(&_godot_variant, (godot_dictionary *) &p_dictionary);
} }
Variant::Variant(const Array& p_array) Variant::Variant(const Array &p_array) {
{ godot::api->godot_variant_new_array(&_godot_variant, (godot_array *)&p_array);
godot::api->godot_variant_new_array(&_godot_variant, (godot_array *) &p_array);
} }
Variant::Variant(const PoolByteArray& p_raw_array) Variant::Variant(const PoolByteArray &p_raw_array) {
{ godot::api->godot_variant_new_pool_byte_array(&_godot_variant, (godot_pool_byte_array *)&p_raw_array);
godot::api->godot_variant_new_pool_byte_array(&_godot_variant, (godot_pool_byte_array *) &p_raw_array);
} }
Variant::Variant(const PoolIntArray& p_int_array) Variant::Variant(const PoolIntArray &p_int_array) {
{ godot::api->godot_variant_new_pool_int_array(&_godot_variant, (godot_pool_int_array *)&p_int_array);
godot::api->godot_variant_new_pool_int_array(&_godot_variant, (godot_pool_int_array *) &p_int_array);
} }
Variant::Variant(const PoolRealArray& p_real_array) Variant::Variant(const PoolRealArray &p_real_array) {
{ godot::api->godot_variant_new_pool_real_array(&_godot_variant, (godot_pool_real_array *)&p_real_array);
godot::api->godot_variant_new_pool_real_array(&_godot_variant, (godot_pool_real_array *) &p_real_array);
} }
Variant::Variant(const PoolStringArray& p_string_array) Variant::Variant(const PoolStringArray &p_string_array) {
{ godot::api->godot_variant_new_pool_string_array(&_godot_variant, (godot_pool_string_array *)&p_string_array);
godot::api->godot_variant_new_pool_string_array(&_godot_variant, (godot_pool_string_array *) &p_string_array);
} }
Variant::Variant(const PoolVector2Array& p_vector2_array) Variant::Variant(const PoolVector2Array &p_vector2_array) {
{ godot::api->godot_variant_new_pool_vector2_array(&_godot_variant, (godot_pool_vector2_array *)&p_vector2_array);
godot::api->godot_variant_new_pool_vector2_array(&_godot_variant, (godot_pool_vector2_array *) &p_vector2_array);
} }
Variant::Variant(const PoolVector3Array& p_vector3_array) Variant::Variant(const PoolVector3Array &p_vector3_array) {
{ godot::api->godot_variant_new_pool_vector3_array(&_godot_variant, (godot_pool_vector3_array *)&p_vector3_array);
godot::api->godot_variant_new_pool_vector3_array(&_godot_variant, (godot_pool_vector3_array *) &p_vector3_array);
} }
Variant::Variant(const PoolColorArray& p_color_array) Variant::Variant(const PoolColorArray &p_color_array) {
{ godot::api->godot_variant_new_pool_color_array(&_godot_variant, (godot_pool_color_array *)&p_color_array);
godot::api->godot_variant_new_pool_color_array(&_godot_variant, (godot_pool_color_array *) &p_color_array);
} }
Variant &Variant::operator=(const Variant &v) {
Variant &Variant::operator =(const Variant& v)
godot::api->godot_variant_new_copy(&_godot_variant, &v._godot_variant); godot::api->godot_variant_new_copy(&_godot_variant, &v._godot_variant);
return *this; return *this;
} }
Variant::operator bool() const {
Variant::operator bool() const
return booleanize(); return booleanize();
} }
Variant::operator signed int() const Variant::operator signed int() const {
return godot::api->godot_variant_as_int(&_godot_variant); return godot::api->godot_variant_as_int(&_godot_variant);
} }
Variant::operator unsigned int() const // this is the real one Variant::operator unsigned int() const // this is the real one
{ {
return godot::api->godot_variant_as_uint(&_godot_variant); return godot::api->godot_variant_as_uint(&_godot_variant);
} }
Variant::operator signed short() const Variant::operator signed short() const {
return godot::api->godot_variant_as_int(&_godot_variant); return godot::api->godot_variant_as_int(&_godot_variant);
} }
Variant::operator unsigned short() const Variant::operator unsigned short() const {
return godot::api->godot_variant_as_uint(&_godot_variant); return godot::api->godot_variant_as_uint(&_godot_variant);
} }
Variant::operator signed char() const Variant::operator signed char() const {
return godot::api->godot_variant_as_int(&_godot_variant); return godot::api->godot_variant_as_int(&_godot_variant);
} }
Variant::operator unsigned char() const Variant::operator unsigned char() const {
return godot::api->godot_variant_as_uint(&_godot_variant); return godot::api->godot_variant_as_uint(&_godot_variant);
} }
Variant::operator int64_t() const Variant::operator int64_t() const {
return godot::api->godot_variant_as_int(&_godot_variant); return godot::api->godot_variant_as_int(&_godot_variant);
} }
Variant::operator uint64_t() const Variant::operator uint64_t() const {
return godot::api->godot_variant_as_uint(&_godot_variant); return godot::api->godot_variant_as_uint(&_godot_variant);
} }
Variant::operator wchar_t() const {
Variant::operator wchar_t() const
return godot::api->godot_variant_as_int(&_godot_variant); return godot::api->godot_variant_as_int(&_godot_variant);
} }
Variant::operator float() const Variant::operator float() const {
return godot::api->godot_variant_as_real(&_godot_variant); return godot::api->godot_variant_as_real(&_godot_variant);
} }
Variant::operator double() const Variant::operator double() const {
return godot::api->godot_variant_as_real(&_godot_variant); return godot::api->godot_variant_as_real(&_godot_variant);
} }
Variant::operator String() const Variant::operator String() const {
godot_string s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_string(&_godot_variant); godot_string s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_string(&_godot_variant);
return *(String *) &s; return *(String *)&s;
} }
Variant::operator Vector2() const Variant::operator Vector2() const {
godot_vector2 s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_vector2(&_godot_variant); godot_vector2 s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_vector2(&_godot_variant);
return *(Vector2 *) &s; return *(Vector2 *)&s;
} }
Variant::operator Rect2() const Variant::operator Rect2() const {
godot_rect2 s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_rect2(&_godot_variant); godot_rect2 s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_rect2(&_godot_variant);
return *(Rect2 *) &s; return *(Rect2 *)&s;
} }
Variant::operator Vector3() const Variant::operator Vector3() const {
godot_vector3 s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_vector3(&_godot_variant); godot_vector3 s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_vector3(&_godot_variant);
return *(Vector3 *) &s; return *(Vector3 *)&s;
} }
Variant::operator Plane() const Variant::operator Plane() const {
godot_plane s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_plane(&_godot_variant); godot_plane s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_plane(&_godot_variant);
return *(Plane *) &s; return *(Plane *)&s;
} }
Variant::operator AABB() const Variant::operator AABB() const {
godot_aabb s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_aabb(&_godot_variant); godot_aabb s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_aabb(&_godot_variant);
return *(AABB *) &s; return *(AABB *)&s;
} }
Variant::operator Quat() const Variant::operator Quat() const {
godot_quat s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_quat(&_godot_variant); godot_quat s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_quat(&_godot_variant);
return *(Quat *) &s; return *(Quat *)&s;
} }
Variant::operator Basis() const Variant::operator Basis() const {
godot_basis s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_basis(&_godot_variant); godot_basis s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_basis(&_godot_variant);
return *(Basis *) &s; return *(Basis *)&s;
} }
Variant::operator Transform() const Variant::operator Transform() const {
godot_transform s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_transform(&_godot_variant); godot_transform s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_transform(&_godot_variant);
return *(Transform *) &s; return *(Transform *)&s;
} }
Variant::operator Transform2D() const Variant::operator Transform2D() const {
godot_transform2d s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_transform2d(&_godot_variant); godot_transform2d s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_transform2d(&_godot_variant);
return *(Transform2D *) &s; return *(Transform2D *)&s;
} }
Variant::operator Color() const Variant::operator Color() const {
godot_color s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_color(&_godot_variant); godot_color s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_color(&_godot_variant);
return *(Color *) &s; return *(Color *)&s;
} }
Variant::operator NodePath() const Variant::operator NodePath() const {
godot_node_path s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_node_path(&_godot_variant); godot_node_path s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_node_path(&_godot_variant);
return *(NodePath *) &s; return *(NodePath *)&s;
} }
Variant::operator RID() const Variant::operator RID() const {
godot_rid s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_rid(&_godot_variant); godot_rid s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_rid(&_godot_variant);
return *(RID *) &s; return *(RID *)&s;
} }
Variant::operator Dictionary() const Variant::operator Dictionary() const {
godot_dictionary d = godot::api->godot_variant_as_dictionary(&_godot_variant); godot_dictionary d = godot::api->godot_variant_as_dictionary(&_godot_variant);
return *(Dictionary *) &d; return *(Dictionary *)&d;
} }
Variant::operator Array() const Variant::operator Array() const {
godot_array s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_array(&_godot_variant); godot_array s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_array(&_godot_variant);
return *(Array *) &s; return *(Array *)&s;
} }
Variant::operator PoolByteArray() const Variant::operator PoolByteArray() const {
godot_pool_byte_array s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_pool_byte_array(&_godot_variant); godot_pool_byte_array s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_pool_byte_array(&_godot_variant);
return *(PoolByteArray *) &s; return *(PoolByteArray *)&s;
} }
Variant::operator PoolIntArray() const Variant::operator PoolIntArray() const {
godot_pool_int_array s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_pool_int_array(&_godot_variant); godot_pool_int_array s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_pool_int_array(&_godot_variant);
return *(PoolIntArray *) &s; return *(PoolIntArray *)&s;
} }
Variant::operator PoolRealArray() const Variant::operator PoolRealArray() const {
godot_pool_real_array s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_pool_real_array(&_godot_variant); godot_pool_real_array s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_pool_real_array(&_godot_variant);
return *(PoolRealArray *) &s; return *(PoolRealArray *)&s;
} }
Variant::operator PoolStringArray() const Variant::operator PoolStringArray() const {
godot_pool_string_array s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_pool_string_array(&_godot_variant); godot_pool_string_array s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_pool_string_array(&_godot_variant);
return *(PoolStringArray *) &s; return *(PoolStringArray *)&s;
} }
Variant::operator PoolVector2Array() const Variant::operator PoolVector2Array() const {
godot_pool_vector2_array s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_pool_vector2_array(&_godot_variant); godot_pool_vector2_array s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_pool_vector2_array(&_godot_variant);
return *(PoolVector2Array *) &s; return *(PoolVector2Array *)&s;
} }
Variant::operator PoolVector3Array() const Variant::operator PoolVector3Array() const {
godot_pool_vector3_array s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_pool_vector3_array(&_godot_variant); godot_pool_vector3_array s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_pool_vector3_array(&_godot_variant);
return *(PoolVector3Array *) &s; return *(PoolVector3Array *)&s;
} }
Variant::operator PoolColorArray() const Variant::operator PoolColorArray() const {
godot_pool_color_array s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_pool_color_array(&_godot_variant); godot_pool_color_array s = godot::api->godot_variant_as_pool_color_array(&_godot_variant);
return *(PoolColorArray *) &s; return *(PoolColorArray *)&s;
} }
Variant::operator godot_object*() const { Variant::operator godot_object *() const {
return godot::api->godot_variant_as_object(&_godot_variant); return godot::api->godot_variant_as_object(&_godot_variant);
} }
Variant::Type Variant::get_type() const Variant::Type Variant::get_type() const {
{ return (Type)godot::api->godot_variant_get_type(&_godot_variant);
return (Type) godot::api->godot_variant_get_type(&_godot_variant);
} }
Variant Variant::call(const String &method, const Variant **args, const int arg_count) {
Variant Variant::call(const String& method, const Variant **args, const int arg_count)
Variant v; Variant v;
*(godot_variant *) &v = godot::api->godot_variant_call(&_godot_variant, (godot_string *) &method, (const godot_variant **)args, arg_count, nullptr); *(godot_variant *)&v = godot::api->godot_variant_call(&_godot_variant, (godot_string *)&method, (const godot_variant **)args, arg_count, nullptr);
return v; return v;
} }
bool Variant::has_method(const String& method) bool Variant::has_method(const String &method) {
{ return godot::api->godot_variant_has_method(&_godot_variant, (godot_string *)&method);
return godot::api->godot_variant_has_method(&_godot_variant, (godot_string *) &method);
} }
bool Variant::operator ==(const Variant& b) const bool Variant::operator==(const Variant &b) const {
return godot::api->godot_variant_operator_equal(&_godot_variant, &b._godot_variant); return godot::api->godot_variant_operator_equal(&_godot_variant, &b._godot_variant);
} }
bool Variant::operator !=(const Variant& b) const bool Variant::operator!=(const Variant &b) const {
return !(*this == b); return !(*this == b);
} }
bool Variant::operator <(const Variant& b) const bool Variant::operator<(const Variant &b) const {
return godot::api->godot_variant_operator_less(&_godot_variant, &b._godot_variant); return godot::api->godot_variant_operator_less(&_godot_variant, &b._godot_variant);
} }
bool Variant::operator <=(const Variant& b) const bool Variant::operator<=(const Variant &b) const {
return (*this < b) || (*this == b); return (*this < b) || (*this == b);
} }
bool Variant::operator >(const Variant& b) const bool Variant::operator>(const Variant &b) const {
return !(*this <= b); return !(*this <= b);
} }
bool Variant::operator >=(const Variant& b) const bool Variant::operator>=(const Variant &b) const {
return !(*this < b); return !(*this < b);
} }
bool Variant::hash_compare(const Variant& b) const bool Variant::hash_compare(const Variant &b) const {
return godot::api->godot_variant_hash_compare(&_godot_variant, &b._godot_variant); return godot::api->godot_variant_hash_compare(&_godot_variant, &b._godot_variant);
} }
bool Variant::booleanize() const bool Variant::booleanize() const {
return godot::api->godot_variant_booleanize(&_godot_variant); return godot::api->godot_variant_booleanize(&_godot_variant);
} }
Variant::~Variant() Variant::~Variant() {
godot::api->godot_variant_destroy(&_godot_variant); godot::api->godot_variant_destroy(&_godot_variant);
} }
} // namespace godot

View File

@ -8,78 +8,64 @@
namespace godot { namespace godot {
Vector2 Vector2::operator+(const Vector2& p_v) const Vector2 Vector2::operator+(const Vector2 &p_v) const {
return Vector2(x + p_v.x, y + p_v.y); return Vector2(x + p_v.x, y + p_v.y);
} }
void Vector2::operator+=(const Vector2& p_v) void Vector2::operator+=(const Vector2 &p_v) {
x += p_v.x; x += p_v.x;
y += p_v.y; y += p_v.y;
} }
Vector2 Vector2::operator-(const Vector2& p_v) const Vector2 Vector2::operator-(const Vector2 &p_v) const {
return Vector2(x - p_v.x, y - p_v.y); return Vector2(x - p_v.x, y - p_v.y);
} }
void Vector2::operator-=(const Vector2& p_v) void Vector2::operator-=(const Vector2 &p_v) {
x -= p_v.x; x -= p_v.x;
y -= p_v.y; y -= p_v.y;
} }
Vector2 Vector2::operator*(const Vector2 &p_v1) const Vector2 Vector2::operator*(const Vector2 &p_v1) const {
return Vector2(x * p_v1.x, y * p_v1.y); return Vector2(x * p_v1.x, y * p_v1.y);
} }
Vector2 Vector2::operator*(const real_t &rvalue) const Vector2 Vector2::operator*(const real_t &rvalue) const {
return Vector2(x * rvalue, y * rvalue); return Vector2(x * rvalue, y * rvalue);
} }
void Vector2::operator*=(const real_t &rvalue) void Vector2::operator*=(const real_t &rvalue) {
x *= rvalue; x *= rvalue;
y *= rvalue; y *= rvalue;
} }
Vector2 Vector2::operator/(const Vector2 &p_v1) const Vector2 Vector2::operator/(const Vector2 &p_v1) const {
return Vector2(x / p_v1.x, y / p_v1.y); return Vector2(x / p_v1.x, y / p_v1.y);
} }
Vector2 Vector2::operator/(const real_t &rvalue) const Vector2 Vector2::operator/(const real_t &rvalue) const {
return Vector2(x / rvalue, y / rvalue); return Vector2(x / rvalue, y / rvalue);
} }
void Vector2::operator/=(const real_t &rvalue) void Vector2::operator/=(const real_t &rvalue) {
x /= rvalue; x /= rvalue;
y /= rvalue; y /= rvalue;
} }
Vector2 Vector2::operator-() const Vector2 Vector2::operator-() const {
return Vector2(-x, -y); return Vector2(-x, -y);
} }
bool Vector2::operator==(const Vector2& p_vec2) const bool Vector2::operator==(const Vector2 &p_vec2) const {
return x == p_vec2.x && y == p_vec2.y; return x == p_vec2.x && y == p_vec2.y;
} }
bool Vector2::operator!=(const Vector2& p_vec2) const bool Vector2::operator!=(const Vector2 &p_vec2) const {
return x != p_vec2.x || y != p_vec2.y; return x != p_vec2.x || y != p_vec2.y;
} }
void Vector2::normalize() void Vector2::normalize() {
{ real_t l = x * x + y * y;
real_t l = x*x + y*y;
if (l != 0) { if (l != 0) {
l = sqrt(l); l = sqrt(l);
x /= l; x /= l;
@ -87,71 +73,58 @@ void Vector2::normalize()
} }
} }
Vector2 Vector2::normalized() const Vector2 Vector2::normalized() const {
Vector2 v = *this; Vector2 v = *this;
v.normalize(); v.normalize();
return v; return v;
} }
real_t Vector2::length() const real_t Vector2::length() const {
{ return sqrt(x * x + y * y);
return sqrt(x*x + y*y);
} }
real_t Vector2::length_squared() const real_t Vector2::length_squared() const {
{ return x * x + y * y;
return x*x + y*y;
} }
real_t Vector2::distance_to(const Vector2& p_vector2) const real_t Vector2::distance_to(const Vector2 &p_vector2) const {
return sqrt((x - p_vector2.x) * (x - p_vector2.x) + (y - p_vector2.y) * (y - p_vector2.y)); return sqrt((x - p_vector2.x) * (x - p_vector2.x) + (y - p_vector2.y) * (y - p_vector2.y));
} }
real_t Vector2::distance_squared_to(const Vector2& p_vector2) const real_t Vector2::distance_squared_to(const Vector2 &p_vector2) const {
return (x - p_vector2.x) * (x - p_vector2.x) + (y - p_vector2.y) * (y - p_vector2.y); return (x - p_vector2.x) * (x - p_vector2.x) + (y - p_vector2.y) * (y - p_vector2.y);
} }
real_t Vector2::angle_to(const Vector2& p_vector2) const real_t Vector2::angle_to(const Vector2 &p_vector2) const {
return atan2(cross(p_vector2), dot(p_vector2)); return atan2(cross(p_vector2), dot(p_vector2));
} }
real_t Vector2::angle_to_point(const Vector2& p_vector2) const real_t Vector2::angle_to_point(const Vector2 &p_vector2) const {
{ return atan2(y - p_vector2.y, x - p_vector2.x);
return atan2(y - p_vector2.y, x-p_vector2.x);
} }
real_t Vector2::dot(const Vector2& p_other) const real_t Vector2::dot(const Vector2 &p_other) const {
return x * p_other.x + y * p_other.y; return x * p_other.x + y * p_other.y;
} }
real_t Vector2::cross(const Vector2& p_other) const real_t Vector2::cross(const Vector2 &p_other) const {
return x * p_other.y - y * p_other.x; return x * p_other.y - y * p_other.x;
} }
Vector2 Vector2::cross(real_t p_other) const Vector2 Vector2::cross(real_t p_other) const {
return Vector2(p_other * y, -p_other * x); return Vector2(p_other * y, -p_other * x);
} }
Vector2 Vector2::project(const Vector2& p_vec) const Vector2 Vector2::project(const Vector2 &p_vec) const {
Vector2 v1 = p_vec; Vector2 v1 = p_vec;
Vector2 v2 = *this; Vector2 v2 = *this;
return v2 * ( /; return v2 * ( /;
} }
Vector2 Vector2::plane_project(real_t p_d, const Vector2& p_vec) const Vector2 Vector2::plane_project(real_t p_d, const Vector2 &p_vec) const {
{ return p_vec - *this * (dot(p_vec) - p_d);
return p_vec - *this * ( dot(p_vec) -p_d);
} }
Vector2 Vector2::clamped(real_t p_len) const Vector2 Vector2::clamped(real_t p_len) const {
real_t l = length(); real_t l = length();
Vector2 v = *this; Vector2 v = *this;
if (l > 0 && p_len < l) { if (l > 0 && p_len < l) {
@ -161,55 +134,48 @@ Vector2 Vector2::clamped(real_t p_len) const
return v; return v;
} }
Vector2 Vector2::linear_interpolate(const Vector2& p_a, const Vector2& p_b,real_t p_t) Vector2 Vector2::linear_interpolate(const Vector2 &p_a, const Vector2 &p_b, real_t p_t) {
{ Vector2 res = p_a;
Vector2 res=p_a; res.x += (p_t * (p_b.x - p_a.x));
res.x+= (p_t * (p_b.x-p_a.x)); res.y += (p_t * (p_b.y - p_a.y));
res.y+= (p_t * (p_b.y-p_a.y));
return res; return res;
} }
Vector2 Vector2::linear_interpolate(const Vector2& p_b,real_t p_t) const Vector2 Vector2::linear_interpolate(const Vector2 &p_b, real_t p_t) const {
{ Vector2 res = *this;
Vector2 res=*this; res.x += (p_t * (p_b.x - x));
res.x+= (p_t * (p_b.x-x)); res.y += (p_t * (p_b.y - y));
res.y+= (p_t * (p_b.y-y));
return res; return res;
} }
Vector2 Vector2::cubic_interpolate(const Vector2& p_b,const Vector2& p_pre_a, const Vector2& p_post_b,real_t p_t) const Vector2 Vector2::cubic_interpolate(const Vector2 &p_b, const Vector2 &p_pre_a, const Vector2 &p_post_b, real_t p_t) const {
{ Vector2 p0 = p_pre_a;
Vector2 p0=p_pre_a; Vector2 p1 = *this;
Vector2 p1=*this; Vector2 p2 = p_b;
Vector2 p2=p_b; Vector2 p3 = p_post_b;
Vector2 p3=p_post_b;
real_t t = p_t; real_t t = p_t;
real_t t2 = t * t; real_t t2 = t * t;
real_t t3 = t2 * t; real_t t3 = t2 * t;
Vector2 out; Vector2 out;
out = ( ( p1 * 2.0) + out = ((p1 * 2.0) +
( -p0 + p2 ) * t + (-p0 + p2) * t +
( p0 * 2.0 - p1 * 5.0 + p2 * 4 - p3 ) * t2 + (p0 * 2.0 - p1 * 5.0 + p2 * 4 - p3) * t2 +
( -p0 + p1 * 3.0 - p2 * 3.0 + p3 ) * t3 ) * 0.5; (-p0 + p1 * 3.0 - p2 * 3.0 + p3) * t3) *
return out; return out;
} }
Vector2 Vector2::slide(const Vector2 &p_vec) const {
Vector2 Vector2::slide(const Vector2& p_vec) const
return p_vec - *this * this->dot(p_vec); return p_vec - *this * this->dot(p_vec);
} }
Vector2 Vector2::reflect(const Vector2& p_vec) const Vector2 Vector2::reflect(const Vector2 &p_vec) const {
return p_vec - *this * this->dot(p_vec) * 2.0; return p_vec - *this * this->dot(p_vec) * 2.0;
} }
real_t Vector2::angle() const real_t Vector2::angle() const {
return atan2(y, x); return atan2(y, x);
} }
@ -221,11 +187,10 @@ void Vector2::set_rotation(real_t p_radians) {
Vector2 Vector2::abs() const { Vector2 Vector2::abs() const {
return Vector2( fabs(x), fabs(y) ); return Vector2(fabs(x), fabs(y));
} }
Vector2 Vector2::rotated(real_t p_by) const Vector2 Vector2::rotated(real_t p_by) const {
Vector2 v; Vector2 v;
v.set_rotation(angle() + p_by); v.set_rotation(angle() + p_by);
v *= length(); v *= length();
@ -234,26 +199,21 @@ Vector2 Vector2::rotated(real_t p_by) const
Vector2 Vector2::tangent() const { Vector2 Vector2::tangent() const {
return Vector2(y,-x); return Vector2(y, -x);
} }
Vector2 Vector2::floor() const Vector2 Vector2::floor() const {
return Vector2(::floor(x), ::floor(y)); return Vector2(::floor(x), ::floor(y));
} }
Vector2 Vector2::snapped(const Vector2& p_by) const Vector2 Vector2::snapped(const Vector2 &p_by) const {
return Vector2( return Vector2(
p_by.x != 0 ? ::floor(x / p_by.x + 0.5) * p_by.x : x, p_by.x != 0 ? ::floor(x / p_by.x + 0.5) * p_by.x : x,
p_by.y != 0 ? ::floor(y / p_by.y + 0.5) * p_by.y : y p_by.y != 0 ? ::floor(y / p_by.y + 0.5) * p_by.y : y);
} }
Vector2::operator String() const Vector2::operator String() const {
return String::num(x) + ", " + String::num(y); return String::num(x) + ", " + String::num(y);
} }
} // namespace godot

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@ -10,346 +10,293 @@
namespace godot { namespace godot {
Vector3::Vector3(real_t x, real_t y, real_t z) Vector3::Vector3(real_t x, real_t y, real_t z) {
this->x = x; this->x = x;
this->y = y; this->y = y;
this->z = z; this->z = z;
} }
Vector3::Vector3() Vector3::Vector3() {
this->x = 0; this->x = 0;
this->y = 0; this->y = 0;
this->z = 0; this->z = 0;
} }
const real_t& Vector3::operator[](int p_axis) const const real_t &Vector3::operator[](int p_axis) const {
return coord[p_axis]; return coord[p_axis];
} }
real_t& Vector3::operator[](int p_axis) real_t &Vector3::operator[](int p_axis) {
return coord[p_axis]; return coord[p_axis];
} }
Vector3& Vector3::operator+=(const Vector3& p_v) Vector3 &Vector3::operator+=(const Vector3 &p_v) {
x += p_v.x; x += p_v.x;
y += p_v.y; y += p_v.y;
z += p_v.z; z += p_v.z;
return *this; return *this;
} }
Vector3 Vector3::operator+(const Vector3& p_v) const Vector3 Vector3::operator+(const Vector3 &p_v) const {
Vector3 v = *this; Vector3 v = *this;
v += p_v; v += p_v;
return v; return v;
} }
Vector3& Vector3::operator-=(const Vector3& p_v) Vector3 &Vector3::operator-=(const Vector3 &p_v) {
x -= p_v.x; x -= p_v.x;
y -= p_v.y; y -= p_v.y;
z -= p_v.z; z -= p_v.z;
return *this; return *this;
} }
Vector3 Vector3::operator-(const Vector3& p_v) const Vector3 Vector3::operator-(const Vector3 &p_v) const {
Vector3 v = *this; Vector3 v = *this;
v -= p_v; v -= p_v;
return v; return v;
} }
Vector3& Vector3::operator*=(const Vector3& p_v) Vector3 &Vector3::operator*=(const Vector3 &p_v) {
x *= p_v.x; x *= p_v.x;
y *= p_v.y; y *= p_v.y;
z *= p_v.z; z *= p_v.z;
return *this; return *this;
} }
Vector3 Vector3::operator*(const Vector3& p_v) const Vector3 Vector3::operator*(const Vector3 &p_v) const {
Vector3 v = *this; Vector3 v = *this;
v *= p_v; v *= p_v;
return v; return v;
} }
Vector3& Vector3::operator/=(const Vector3& p_v) Vector3 &Vector3::operator/=(const Vector3 &p_v) {
x /= p_v.x; x /= p_v.x;
y /= p_v.y; y /= p_v.y;
z /= p_v.z; z /= p_v.z;
return *this; return *this;
} }
Vector3 Vector3::operator/(const Vector3& p_v) const Vector3 Vector3::operator/(const Vector3 &p_v) const {
Vector3 v = *this; Vector3 v = *this;
v /= p_v; v /= p_v;
return v; return v;
} }
Vector3 &Vector3::operator*=(real_t p_scalar) {
Vector3& Vector3::operator*=(real_t p_scalar)
*this *= Vector3(p_scalar, p_scalar, p_scalar); *this *= Vector3(p_scalar, p_scalar, p_scalar);
return *this; return *this;
} }
Vector3 Vector3::operator*(real_t p_scalar) const Vector3 Vector3::operator*(real_t p_scalar) const {
Vector3 v = *this; Vector3 v = *this;
v *= p_scalar; v *= p_scalar;
return v; return v;
} }
Vector3& Vector3::operator/=(real_t p_scalar) Vector3 &Vector3::operator/=(real_t p_scalar) {
*this /= Vector3(p_scalar, p_scalar, p_scalar); *this /= Vector3(p_scalar, p_scalar, p_scalar);
return *this; return *this;
} }
Vector3 Vector3::operator/(real_t p_scalar) const Vector3 Vector3::operator/(real_t p_scalar) const {
Vector3 v = *this; Vector3 v = *this;
v /= p_scalar; v /= p_scalar;
return v; return v;
} }
Vector3 Vector3::operator-() const Vector3 Vector3::operator-() const {
return Vector3(-x, -y, -z); return Vector3(-x, -y, -z);
} }
bool Vector3::operator==(const Vector3& p_v) const bool Vector3::operator==(const Vector3 &p_v) const {
{ return (x == p_v.x && y == p_v.y && z == p_v.z);
return (x==p_v.x && y==p_v.y && z==p_v.z);
} }
bool Vector3::operator!=(const Vector3& p_v) const bool Vector3::operator!=(const Vector3 &p_v) const {
{ return (x != p_v.x || y != p_v.y || z != p_v.z);
return (x!=p_v.x || y!=p_v.y || z!=p_v.z);
} }
bool Vector3::operator<(const Vector3& p_v) const bool Vector3::operator<(const Vector3 &p_v) const {
{ if (x == p_v.x) {
if (x==p_v.x) { if (y == p_v.y)
if (y==p_v.y) return z < p_v.z;
return z<p_v.z;
else else
return y<p_v.y; return y < p_v.y;
} else { } else {
return x<p_v.x; return x < p_v.x;
} }
} }
bool Vector3::operator<=(const Vector3& p_v) const bool Vector3::operator<=(const Vector3 &p_v) const {
{ if (x == p_v.x) {
if (x==p_v.x) { if (y == p_v.y)
if (y==p_v.y) return z <= p_v.z;
return z<=p_v.z;
else else
return y<p_v.y; return y < p_v.y;
} else { } else {
return x<p_v.x; return x < p_v.x;
} }
} }
Vector3 Vector3::abs() const Vector3 Vector3::abs() const {
return Vector3(::fabs(x), ::fabs(y), ::fabs(z)); return Vector3(::fabs(x), ::fabs(y), ::fabs(z));
} }
Vector3 Vector3::ceil() const Vector3 Vector3::ceil() const {
return Vector3(::ceil(x), ::ceil(y), ::ceil(z)); return Vector3(::ceil(x), ::ceil(y), ::ceil(z));
} }
Vector3 Vector3::cross(const Vector3& b) const Vector3 Vector3::cross(const Vector3 &b) const {
{ Vector3 ret(
Vector3 ret (
(y * b.z) - (z * b.y), (y * b.z) - (z * b.y),
(z * b.x) - (x * b.z), (z * b.x) - (x * b.z),
(x * b.y) - (y * b.x) (x * b.y) - (y * b.x));
return ret; return ret;
} }
Vector3 Vector3::linear_interpolate(const Vector3& p_b,real_t p_t) const Vector3 Vector3::linear_interpolate(const Vector3 &p_b, real_t p_t) const {
return Vector3( return Vector3(
x+(p_t * (p_b.x-x)), x + (p_t * (p_b.x - x)),
y+(p_t * (p_b.y-y)), y + (p_t * (p_b.y - y)),
z+(p_t * (p_b.z-z)) z + (p_t * (p_b.z - z)));
} }
Vector3 Vector3::cubic_interpolate(const Vector3& b, const Vector3& pre_a, const Vector3& post_b, const real_t t) const Vector3 Vector3::cubic_interpolate(const Vector3 &b, const Vector3 &pre_a, const Vector3 &post_b, const real_t t) const {
{ Vector3 p0 = pre_a;
Vector3 p0=pre_a; Vector3 p1 = *this;
Vector3 p1=*this; Vector3 p2 = b;
Vector3 p2=b; Vector3 p3 = post_b;
Vector3 p3=post_b;
real_t t2 = t * t; real_t t2 = t * t;
real_t t3 = t2 * t; real_t t3 = t2 * t;
Vector3 out; Vector3 out;
out = ( ( p1 * 2.0) + out = ((p1 * 2.0) +
( -p0 + p2 ) * t + (-p0 + p2) * t +
( p0 * 2.0 - p1 * 5.0 + p2 * 4 - p3 ) * t2 + (p0 * 2.0 - p1 * 5.0 + p2 * 4 - p3) * t2 +
( -p0 + p1 * 3.0 - p2 * 3.0 + p3 ) * t3 ) * 0.5; (-p0 + p1 * 3.0 - p2 * 3.0 + p3) * t3) *
return out; return out;
} }
Vector3 Vector3::bounce(const Vector3& p_normal) const Vector3 Vector3::bounce(const Vector3 &p_normal) const {
return -reflect(p_normal); return -reflect(p_normal);
} }
real_t Vector3::length() const real_t Vector3::length() const {
{ real_t x2 = x * x;
real_t x2=x*x; real_t y2 = y * y;
real_t y2=y*y; real_t z2 = z * z;
real_t z2=z*z;
return ::sqrt(x2+y2+z2); return ::sqrt(x2 + y2 + z2);
} }
real_t Vector3::length_squared() const real_t Vector3::length_squared() const {
{ real_t x2 = x * x;
real_t x2=x*x; real_t y2 = y * y;
real_t y2=y*y; real_t z2 = z * z;
real_t z2=z*z;
return x2+y2+z2; return x2 + y2 + z2;
} }
real_t Vector3::distance_squared_to(const Vector3& b) const real_t Vector3::distance_squared_to(const Vector3 &b) const {
{ return (b - *this).length_squared();
return (b-*this).length_squared();
} }
real_t Vector3::distance_to(const Vector3& b) const real_t Vector3::distance_to(const Vector3 &b) const {
{ return (b - *this).length();
return (b-*this).length();
} }
real_t Vector3::dot(const Vector3& b) const real_t Vector3::dot(const Vector3 &b) const {
{ return x * b.x + y * b.y + z * b.z;
return x*b.x + y*b.y + z*b.z;
} }
real_t Vector3::angle_to(const Vector3& b) const real_t Vector3::angle_to(const Vector3 &b) const {
return std::atan2(cross(b).length(), dot(b)); return std::atan2(cross(b).length(), dot(b));
} }
Vector3 Vector3::floor() const Vector3 Vector3::floor() const {
return Vector3(::floor(x), ::floor(y), ::floor(z)); return Vector3(::floor(x), ::floor(y), ::floor(z));
} }
Vector3 Vector3::inverse() const Vector3 Vector3::inverse() const {
{ return Vector3(1.0 / x, 1.0 / y, 1.0 / z);
return Vector3( 1.0/x, 1.0/y, 1.0/z );
} }
bool Vector3::is_normalized() const bool Vector3::is_normalized() const {
return std::abs(length_squared() - 1.0) < 0.00001; return std::abs(length_squared() - 1.0) < 0.00001;
} }
Basis Vector3::outer(const Vector3& b) const Basis Vector3::outer(const Vector3 &b) const {
Vector3 row0(x * b.x, x * b.y, x * b.z); Vector3 row0(x * b.x, x * b.y, x * b.z);
Vector3 row1(y * b.x, y * b.y, y * b.z); Vector3 row1(y * b.x, y * b.y, y * b.z);
Vector3 row2(z * b.x, z * b.y, z * b.z); Vector3 row2(z * b.x, z * b.y, z * b.z);
return Basis(row0, row1, row2); return Basis(row0, row1, row2);
} }
int Vector3::max_axis() const {
int Vector3::max_axis() const
return x < y ? (y < z ? 2 : 1) : (x < z ? 2 : 0); return x < y ? (y < z ? 2 : 1) : (x < z ? 2 : 0);
} }
int Vector3::min_axis() const int Vector3::min_axis() const {
return x < y ? (x < z ? 0 : 2) : (y < z ? 1 : 2); return x < y ? (x < z ? 0 : 2) : (y < z ? 1 : 2);
} }
void Vector3::normalize() void Vector3::normalize() {
{ real_t l = length();
real_t l=length(); if (l == 0) {
if (l==0) { x = y = z = 0;
} else { } else {
x/=l; x /= l;
y/=l; y /= l;
z/=l; z /= l;
} }
} }
Vector3 Vector3::normalized() const Vector3 Vector3::normalized() const {
Vector3 v = *this; Vector3 v = *this;
v.normalize(); v.normalize();
return v; return v;
} }
Vector3 Vector3::reflect(const Vector3& by) const Vector3 Vector3::reflect(const Vector3 &by) const {
return by - *this * this->dot(by) * 2.0; return by - *this * this->dot(by) * 2.0;
} }
Vector3 Vector3::rotated(const Vector3& axis, const real_t phi) const Vector3 Vector3::rotated(const Vector3 &axis, const real_t phi) const {
Vector3 v = *this; Vector3 v = *this;
v.rotate(axis, phi); v.rotate(axis, phi);
return v; return v;
} }
void Vector3::rotate(const Vector3& p_axis,real_t p_phi) void Vector3::rotate(const Vector3 &p_axis, real_t p_phi) {
{ *this = Basis(p_axis, p_phi).xform(*this);
} }
Vector3 Vector3::slide(const Vector3& by) const Vector3 Vector3::slide(const Vector3 &by) const {
return by - *this * this->dot(by); return by - *this * this->dot(by);
} }
// this is ugly as well, but hey, I'm a simple man // this is ugly as well, but hey, I'm a simple man
#define _ugly_stepify(val, step) (step != 0 ? ::floor(val / step + 0.5) * step : val) #define _ugly_stepify(val, step) (step != 0 ? ::floor(val / step + 0.5) * step : val)
void Vector3::snap(real_t p_val) void Vector3::snap(real_t p_val) {
{ x = _ugly_stepify(x, p_val);
x = _ugly_stepify(x,p_val); y = _ugly_stepify(y, p_val);
y = _ugly_stepify(y,p_val); z = _ugly_stepify(z, p_val);
z = _ugly_stepify(z,p_val);
} }
#undef _ugly_stepify #undef _ugly_stepify
Vector3 Vector3::snapped(const float by) Vector3 Vector3::snapped(const float by) {
Vector3 v = *this; Vector3 v = *this;
v.snap(by); v.snap(by);
return v; return v;
} }
Vector3::operator String() const Vector3::operator String() const {
return String::num(x) + ", " + String::num(y) + ", " + String::num(z); return String::num(x) + ", " + String::num(y) + ", " + String::num(z);
} }
} // namespace godot