#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys from methods import print_error def normalize_path(val, env): return val if os.path.isabs(val) else os.path.join(env.Dir("#").abspath, val) def validate_parent_dir(key, val, env): if not os.path.isdir(normalize_path(os.path.dirname(val), env)): raise UserError("'%s' is not a directory: %s" % (key, os.path.dirname(val))) libname = "EXTENSION-NAME" projectdir = "demo" localEnv = Environment(tools=["default"], PLATFORM="") customs = ["custom.py"] customs = [os.path.abspath(path) for path in customs] opts = Variables(customs, ARGUMENTS) opts.Add( BoolVariable( key="compiledb", help="Generate compilation DB (`compile_commands.json`) for external tools", default=localEnv.get("compiledb", False), ) ) opts.Add( PathVariable( key="compiledb_file", help="Path to a custom `compile_commands.json` file", default=localEnv.get("compiledb_file", "compile_commands.json"), validator=validate_parent_dir, ) ) opts.Update(localEnv) Help(opts.GenerateHelpText(localEnv)) env = localEnv.Clone() env["compiledb"] = False env.Tool("compilation_db") compilation_db = env.CompilationDatabase( normalize_path(localEnv["compiledb_file"], localEnv) ) env.Alias("compiledb", compilation_db) submodule_initialized = False dir_name = 'godot-cpp' if os.path.isdir(dir_name): if os.listdir(dir_name): submodule_initialized = True if not submodule_initialized: print_error("""godot-cpp is not available within this folder, as Git submodules haven't been initialized. Run the following command to download godot-cpp: git submodule update --init --recursive""") sys.exit(1) env = SConscript("godot-cpp/SConstruct", {"env": env, "customs": customs}) env.Append(CPPPATH=["src/"]) sources = Glob("src/*.cpp") if env["target"] in ["editor", "template_debug"]: try: doc_data = env.GodotCPPDocData("src/gen/doc_data.gen.cpp", source=Glob("doc_classes/*.xml")) sources.append(doc_data) except AttributeError: print("Not including class reference as we're targeting a pre-4.3 baseline.") lib_filename = "{}{}{}{}".format(env.subst("$SHLIBPREFIX"), libname, env["suffix"], env.subst("$SHLIBSUFFIX")) lib_filepath = "" if env["platform"] == "macos" or env["platform"] == "ios": # By default, the above code generates .dylib files on macOS and iOS. # The App Store rejects entries containing .dylib files, requiring a .framework structure instead. # Details about the .framework structure are described Framework Programming Guide: # https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPFrameworks/Concepts/FrameworkAnatomy.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20002253-BAJEJJAB framework_name = "{}{}".format(libname, env["suffix"]) lib_filename = framework_name lib_filepath = "{}.framework/".format(framework_name) # Prevents the binary from getting a prefix / suffix automatically env["SHLIBPREFIX"] = "" env["SHLIBSUFFIX"] = "" libraryfile = "bin/{}/{}{}".format(env["platform"], lib_filepath, lib_filename) library = env.SharedLibrary( libraryfile, source=sources, ) copy = env.Install("{}/bin/{}/{}".format(projectdir, env["platform"], lib_filepath), library), default_args = [library, copy] if localEnv.get("compiledb", False): default_args += [compilation_db] Default(*default_args)