
122 lines
3.4 KiB

/* clang-format off */
mode_default =
MODE_3D = false
#include "stdlib_inc.glsl"
// ParticleData
layout(location = 0) in highp vec4 color;
layout(location = 1) in highp vec4 velocity_flags;
layout(location = 2) in highp vec4 custom;
layout(location = 3) in highp vec4 xform_1;
layout(location = 4) in highp vec4 xform_2;
#ifdef MODE_3D
layout(location = 5) in highp vec4 xform_3;
/* clang-format on */
out highp vec4 out_xform_1; //tfb:
out highp vec4 out_xform_2; //tfb:
#ifdef MODE_3D
out highp vec4 out_xform_3; //tfb:MODE_3D
flat out highp uvec4 instance_color_custom_data; //tfb:
uniform lowp vec3 sort_direction;
uniform highp float frame_remainder;
uniform highp vec3 align_up;
uniform highp uint align_mode;
uniform highp mat4 inv_emission_transform;
#define PARTICLE_FLAG_ACTIVE uint(1)
#define FLT_MAX float(3.402823466e+38)
void main() {
// Set scale to zero and translate to -INF so particle will be invisible
// even for materials that ignore rotation/scale (i.e. billboards).
mat4 txform = mat4(vec4(0.0), vec4(0.0), vec4(0.0), vec4(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, 0.0));
if (bool(floatBitsToUint(velocity_flags.w) & PARTICLE_FLAG_ACTIVE)) {
#ifdef MODE_3D
txform = transpose(mat4(xform_1, xform_2, xform_3, vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)));
txform = transpose(mat4(xform_1, xform_2, vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)));
if (align_mode == TRANSFORM_ALIGN_DISABLED) {
// nothing
} else if (align_mode == TRANSFORM_ALIGN_Z_BILLBOARD) {
mat3 local = mat3(normalize(cross(align_up, sort_direction)), align_up, sort_direction);
local = local * mat3(txform);
txform[0].xyz = local[0];
txform[1].xyz = local[1];
txform[2].xyz = local[2];
} else if (align_mode == TRANSFORM_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY) {
vec3 v = velocity_flags.xyz;
float s = (length(txform[0]) + length(txform[1]) + length(txform[2])) / 3.0;
if (length(v) > 0.0) {
txform[1].xyz = normalize(v);
} else {
txform[1].xyz = normalize(txform[1].xyz);
txform[0].xyz = normalize(cross(txform[1].xyz, txform[2].xyz));
txform[2].xyz = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) * s;
txform[0].xyz *= s;
txform[1].xyz *= s;
vec3 sv = velocity_flags.xyz - sort_direction * dot(sort_direction, velocity_flags.xyz); //screen velocity
if (length(sv) == 0.0) {
sv = align_up;
sv = normalize(sv);
txform[0].xyz = normalize(cross(sv, sort_direction)) * length(txform[0]);
txform[1].xyz = sv * length(txform[1]);
txform[2].xyz = sort_direction * length(txform[2]);
txform[3].xyz += velocity_flags.xyz * frame_remainder;
#ifndef MODE_3D
// In global mode, bring 2D particles to local coordinates
// as they will be drawn with the node position as origin.
txform = inv_emission_transform * txform;
txform = transpose(txform);
instance_color_custom_data.x = packHalf2x16(color.xy);
instance_color_custom_data.y = packHalf2x16(color.zw);
instance_color_custom_data.z = packHalf2x16(custom.xy);
instance_color_custom_data.w = packHalf2x16(custom.zw);
out_xform_1 = txform[0];
out_xform_2 = txform[1];
#ifdef MODE_3D
out_xform_3 = txform[2];
/* clang-format off */
void main() {
/* clang-format on */