// This file is part of meshoptimizer library; see meshoptimizer.h for version/license details #include "meshoptimizer.h" #include <assert.h> unsigned short meshopt_quantizeHalf(float v) { union { float f; unsigned int ui; } u = {v}; unsigned int ui = u.ui; int s = (ui >> 16) & 0x8000; int em = ui & 0x7fffffff; // bias exponent and round to nearest; 112 is relative exponent bias (127-15) int h = (em - (112 << 23) + (1 << 12)) >> 13; // underflow: flush to zero; 113 encodes exponent -14 h = (em < (113 << 23)) ? 0 : h; // overflow: infinity; 143 encodes exponent 16 h = (em >= (143 << 23)) ? 0x7c00 : h; // NaN; note that we convert all types of NaN to qNaN h = (em > (255 << 23)) ? 0x7e00 : h; return (unsigned short)(s | h); } float meshopt_quantizeFloat(float v, int N) { assert(N >= 0 && N <= 23); union { float f; unsigned int ui; } u = {v}; unsigned int ui = u.ui; const int mask = (1 << (23 - N)) - 1; const int round = (1 << (23 - N)) >> 1; int e = ui & 0x7f800000; unsigned int rui = (ui + round) & ~mask; // round all numbers except inf/nan; this is important to make sure nan doesn't overflow into -0 ui = e == 0x7f800000 ? ui : rui; // flush denormals to zero ui = e == 0 ? 0 : ui; u.ui = ui; return u.f; } float meshopt_dequantizeHalf(unsigned short h) { unsigned int s = unsigned(h & 0x8000) << 16; int em = h & 0x7fff; // bias exponent and pad mantissa with 0; 112 is relative exponent bias (127-15) int r = (em + (112 << 10)) << 13; // denormal: flush to zero r = (em < (1 << 10)) ? 0 : r; // infinity/NaN; note that we preserve NaN payload as a byproduct of unifying inf/nan cases // 112 is an exponent bias fixup; since we already applied it once, applying it twice converts 31 to 255 r += (em >= (31 << 10)) ? (112 << 23) : 0; union { float f; unsigned int ui; } u; u.ui = s | r; return u.f; }