// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 #pragma once #include "bbox.h" #include "range.h" namespace embree { template<typename T> __forceinline std::pair<T,T> globalLinear(const std::pair<T,T>& v, const BBox1f& dt) { const float rcp_dt_size = float(1.0f)/dt.size(); const T g0 = lerp(v.first,v.second,-dt.lower*rcp_dt_size); const T g1 = lerp(v.first,v.second,(1.0f-dt.lower)*rcp_dt_size); return std::make_pair(g0,g1); } template<typename T> struct LBBox { public: __forceinline LBBox () {} template<typename T1> __forceinline LBBox ( const LBBox<T1>& other ) : bounds0(other.bounds0), bounds1(other.bounds1) {} __forceinline LBBox& operator= ( const LBBox& other ) { bounds0 = other.bounds0; bounds1 = other.bounds1; return *this; } __forceinline LBBox (EmptyTy) : bounds0(EmptyTy()), bounds1(EmptyTy()) {} __forceinline explicit LBBox ( const BBox<T>& bounds) : bounds0(bounds), bounds1(bounds) { } __forceinline LBBox ( const BBox<T>& bounds0, const BBox<T>& bounds1) : bounds0(bounds0), bounds1(bounds1) { } LBBox ( const avector<BBox<T>>& bounds ) { assert(bounds.size()); BBox<T> b0 = bounds.front(); BBox<T> b1 = bounds.back(); for (size_t i=1; i<bounds.size()-1; i++) { const float f = float(i)/float(bounds.size()-1); const BBox<T> bt = lerp(b0,b1,f); const T dlower = min(bounds[i].lower-bt.lower,T(zero)); const T dupper = max(bounds[i].upper-bt.upper,T(zero)); b0.lower += dlower; b1.lower += dlower; b0.upper += dupper; b1.upper += dupper; } bounds0 = b0; bounds1 = b1; } /*! calculates the linear bounds of a primitive for the specified time range */ template<typename BoundsFunc> __forceinline LBBox(const BoundsFunc& bounds, const BBox1f& time_range, float numTimeSegments) { const float lower = time_range.lower*numTimeSegments; const float upper = time_range.upper*numTimeSegments; const float ilowerf = floor(lower); const float iupperf = ceil(upper); const int ilower = (int)ilowerf; const int iupper = (int)iupperf; const BBox<T> blower0 = bounds(ilower); const BBox<T> bupper1 = bounds(iupper); if (iupper-ilower == 1) { bounds0 = lerp(blower0, bupper1, lower-ilowerf); bounds1 = lerp(bupper1, blower0, iupperf-upper); return; } const BBox<T> blower1 = bounds(ilower+1); const BBox<T> bupper0 = bounds(iupper-1); BBox<T> b0 = lerp(blower0, blower1, lower-ilowerf); BBox<T> b1 = lerp(bupper1, bupper0, iupperf-upper); for (int i = ilower+1; i < iupper; i++) { const float f = (float(i)/numTimeSegments - time_range.lower) / time_range.size(); const BBox<T> bt = lerp(b0, b1, f); const BBox<T> bi = bounds(i); const T dlower = min(bi.lower-bt.lower, T(zero)); const T dupper = max(bi.upper-bt.upper, T(zero)); b0.lower += dlower; b1.lower += dlower; b0.upper += dupper; b1.upper += dupper; } bounds0 = b0; bounds1 = b1; } /*! calculates the linear bounds of a primitive for the specified time range */ template<typename BoundsFunc> __forceinline LBBox(const BoundsFunc& bounds, const BBox1f& time_range_in, const BBox1f& geom_time_range, float geom_time_segments) { /* normalize global time_range_in to local geom_time_range */ const BBox1f time_range((time_range_in.lower-geom_time_range.lower)/geom_time_range.size(), (time_range_in.upper-geom_time_range.lower)/geom_time_range.size()); const float lower = time_range.lower*geom_time_segments; const float upper = time_range.upper*geom_time_segments; const float ilowerf = floor(lower); const float iupperf = ceil(upper); const float ilowerfc = max(0.0f,ilowerf); const float iupperfc = min(iupperf,geom_time_segments); const int ilowerc = (int)ilowerfc; const int iupperc = (int)iupperfc; assert(iupperc-ilowerc > 0); /* this larger iteration range guarantees that we process borders of geom_time_range is (partially) inside time_range_in */ const int ilower_iter = max(-1,(int)ilowerf); const int iupper_iter = min((int)iupperf,(int)geom_time_segments+1); const BBox<T> blower0 = bounds(ilowerc); const BBox<T> bupper1 = bounds(iupperc); if (iupper_iter-ilower_iter == 1) { bounds0 = lerp(blower0, bupper1, max(0.0f,lower-ilowerfc)); bounds1 = lerp(bupper1, blower0, max(0.0f,iupperfc-upper)); return; } const BBox<T> blower1 = bounds(ilowerc+1); const BBox<T> bupper0 = bounds(iupperc-1); BBox<T> b0 = lerp(blower0, blower1, max(0.0f,lower-ilowerfc)); BBox<T> b1 = lerp(bupper1, bupper0, max(0.0f,iupperfc-upper)); for (int i = ilower_iter+1; i < iupper_iter; i++) { const float f = (float(i)/geom_time_segments - time_range.lower) / time_range.size(); const BBox<T> bt = lerp(b0, b1, f); const BBox<T> bi = bounds(i); const T dlower = min(bi.lower-bt.lower, T(zero)); const T dupper = max(bi.upper-bt.upper, T(zero)); b0.lower += dlower; b1.lower += dlower; b0.upper += dupper; b1.upper += dupper; } bounds0 = b0; bounds1 = b1; } /*! calculates the linear bounds of a primitive for the specified time range */ template<typename BoundsFunc> __forceinline LBBox(const BoundsFunc& bounds, const range<int>& time_range, int numTimeSegments) { const int ilower = time_range.begin(); const int iupper = time_range.end(); BBox<T> b0 = bounds(ilower); BBox<T> b1 = bounds(iupper); if (iupper-ilower == 1) { bounds0 = b0; bounds1 = b1; return; } for (int i = ilower+1; i<iupper; i++) { const float f = float(i - time_range.begin()) / float(time_range.size()); const BBox<T> bt = lerp(b0, b1, f); const BBox<T> bi = bounds(i); const T dlower = min(bi.lower-bt.lower, T(zero)); const T dupper = max(bi.upper-bt.upper, T(zero)); b0.lower += dlower; b1.lower += dlower; b0.upper += dupper; b1.upper += dupper; } bounds0 = b0; bounds1 = b1; } /*! calculates the linear bounds for target_time_range of primitive with it's time_range_in and bounds */ __forceinline LBBox(const BBox1f& time_range_in, const LBBox<T> lbounds, const BBox1f& target_time_range) { const BBox3f bounds0 = lbounds.bounds0; const BBox3f bounds1 = lbounds.bounds1; /* normalize global target_time_range to local time_range_in */ const BBox1f time_range((target_time_range.lower-time_range_in.lower)/time_range_in.size(), (target_time_range.upper-time_range_in.lower)/time_range_in.size()); const BBox1f clipped_time_range(max(0.0f,time_range.lower), min(1.0f,time_range.upper)); /* compute bounds at begin and end of clipped time range */ BBox<T> b0 = lerp(bounds0,bounds1,clipped_time_range.lower); BBox<T> b1 = lerp(bounds0,bounds1,clipped_time_range.upper); /* make sure that b0 is properly bounded at time_range_in.lower */ { const BBox<T> bt = lerp(b0, b1, (0.0f - time_range.lower) / time_range.size()); const T dlower = min(bounds0.lower-bt.lower, T(zero)); const T dupper = max(bounds0.upper-bt.upper, T(zero)); b0.lower += dlower; b1.lower += dlower; b0.upper += dupper; b1.upper += dupper; } /* make sure that b1 is properly bounded at time_range_in.upper */ { const BBox<T> bt = lerp(b0, b1, (1.0f - time_range.lower) / time_range.size()); const T dlower = min(bounds1.lower-bt.lower, T(zero)); const T dupper = max(bounds1.upper-bt.upper, T(zero)); b0.lower += dlower; b1.lower += dlower; b0.upper += dupper; b1.upper += dupper; } this->bounds0 = b0; this->bounds1 = b1; } /*! calculates the linear bounds for target_time_range of primitive with it's time_range_in and bounds */ __forceinline LBBox(const BBox1f& time_range_in, const BBox<T>& bounds0, const BBox<T>& bounds1, const BBox1f& target_time_range) : LBBox(time_range_in,LBBox(bounds0,bounds1),target_time_range) {} public: __forceinline bool empty() const { return bounds().empty(); } __forceinline BBox<T> bounds () const { return merge(bounds0,bounds1); } __forceinline BBox<T> interpolate( const float t ) const { return lerp(bounds0,bounds1,t); } __forceinline LBBox<T> interpolate( const BBox1f& dt ) const { return LBBox<T>(interpolate(dt.lower),interpolate(dt.upper)); } __forceinline void extend( const LBBox& other ) { bounds0.extend(other.bounds0); bounds1.extend(other.bounds1); } __forceinline float expectedHalfArea() const; __forceinline float expectedHalfArea(const BBox1f& dt) const { return interpolate(dt).expectedHalfArea(); } __forceinline float expectedApproxHalfArea() const { return 0.5f*(halfArea(bounds0) + halfArea(bounds1)); } /* calculates bounds for [0,1] time range from bounds in dt time range */ __forceinline LBBox global(const BBox1f& dt) const { const float rcp_dt_size = 1.0f/dt.size(); const BBox<T> b0 = interpolate(-dt.lower*rcp_dt_size); const BBox<T> b1 = interpolate((1.0f-dt.lower)*rcp_dt_size); return LBBox(b0,b1); } /*! Comparison Operators */ //template<typename TT> friend __forceinline bool operator==( const LBBox<TT>& a, const LBBox<TT>& b ) { return a.bounds0 == b.bounds0 && a.bounds1 == b.bounds1; } //template<typename TT> friend __forceinline bool operator!=( const LBBox<TT>& a, const LBBox<TT>& b ) { return a.bounds0 != b.bounds0 || a.bounds1 != b.bounds1; } friend __forceinline bool operator==( const LBBox& a, const LBBox& b ) { return a.bounds0 == b.bounds0 && a.bounds1 == b.bounds1; } friend __forceinline bool operator!=( const LBBox& a, const LBBox& b ) { return a.bounds0 != b.bounds0 || a.bounds1 != b.bounds1; } /*! output operator */ friend __forceinline embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const LBBox& box) { return cout << "LBBox { " << box.bounds0 << "; " << box.bounds1 << " }"; } public: BBox<T> bounds0, bounds1; }; /*! tests if box is finite */ template<typename T> __forceinline bool isvalid( const LBBox<T>& v ) { return isvalid(v.bounds0) && isvalid(v.bounds1); } template<typename T> __forceinline bool isvalid_non_empty( const LBBox<T>& v ) { return isvalid_non_empty(v.bounds0) && isvalid_non_empty(v.bounds1); } template<typename T> __forceinline T expectedArea(const T& a0, const T& a1, const T& b0, const T& b1) { const T da = a1-a0; const T db = b1-b0; return a0*b0+(a0*db+da*b0)*T(0.5f) + da*db*T(1.0f/3.0f); } template<> __forceinline float LBBox<Vec3fa>::expectedHalfArea() const { const Vec3fa d0 = bounds0.size(); const Vec3fa d1 = bounds1.size(); return reduce_add(expectedArea(Vec3fa(d0.x,d0.y,d0.z), Vec3fa(d1.x,d1.y,d1.z), Vec3fa(d0.y,d0.z,d0.x), Vec3fa(d1.y,d1.z,d1.x))); } template<typename T> __forceinline float expectedApproxHalfArea(const LBBox<T>& box) { return box.expectedApproxHalfArea(); } template<typename T> __forceinline LBBox<T> merge(const LBBox<T>& a, const LBBox<T>& b) { return LBBox<T>(merge(a.bounds0, b.bounds0), merge(a.bounds1, b.bounds1)); } /*! subset relation */ template<typename T> __inline bool subset( const LBBox<T>& a, const LBBox<T>& b ) { return subset(a.bounds0,b.bounds0) && subset(a.bounds1,b.bounds1); } /*! default template instantiations */ typedef LBBox<float> LBBox1f; typedef LBBox<Vec2f> LBBox2f; typedef LBBox<Vec3f> LBBox3f; typedef LBBox<Vec3fa> LBBox3fa; typedef LBBox<Vec3fx> LBBox3fx; }