/**************************************************************************/ /* nav_region.cpp */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "nav_region.h" #include "nav_map.h" void NavRegion::set_map(NavMap *p_map) { if (map == p_map) { return; } if (map) { map->remove_region(this); } map = p_map; polygons_dirty = true; connections.clear(); if (map) { map->add_region(this); } } void NavRegion::set_enabled(bool p_enabled) { if (enabled == p_enabled) { return; } enabled = p_enabled; // TODO: This should not require a full rebuild as the region has not really changed. polygons_dirty = true; }; void NavRegion::set_use_edge_connections(bool p_enabled) { if (use_edge_connections != p_enabled) { use_edge_connections = p_enabled; polygons_dirty = true; } } void NavRegion::set_transform(Transform3D p_transform) { if (transform == p_transform) { return; } transform = p_transform; polygons_dirty = true; #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (map && Math::rad_to_deg(map->get_up().angle_to(transform.basis.get_column(1))) >= 90.0f) { ERR_PRINT_ONCE("Attempted to update a navigation region transform rotated 90 degrees or more away from the current navigation map UP orientation."); } #endif // DEBUG_ENABLED } void NavRegion::set_navigation_mesh(Ref<NavigationMesh> p_navigation_mesh) { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (map && p_navigation_mesh.is_valid() && !Math::is_equal_approx(double(map->get_cell_size()), double(p_navigation_mesh->get_cell_size()))) { ERR_PRINT_ONCE(vformat("Attempted to update a navigation region with a navigation mesh that uses a `cell_size` of %s while assigned to a navigation map set to a `cell_size` of %s. The cell size for navigation maps can be changed by using the NavigationServer map_set_cell_size() function. The cell size for default navigation maps can also be changed in the ProjectSettings.", double(p_navigation_mesh->get_cell_size()), double(map->get_cell_size()))); } if (map && p_navigation_mesh.is_valid() && !Math::is_equal_approx(double(map->get_cell_height()), double(p_navigation_mesh->get_cell_height()))) { ERR_PRINT_ONCE(vformat("Attempted to update a navigation region with a navigation mesh that uses a `cell_height` of %s while assigned to a navigation map set to a `cell_height` of %s. The cell height for navigation maps can be changed by using the NavigationServer map_set_cell_height() function. The cell height for default navigation maps can also be changed in the ProjectSettings.", double(p_navigation_mesh->get_cell_height()), double(map->get_cell_height()))); } #endif // DEBUG_ENABLED RWLockWrite write_lock(navmesh_rwlock); pending_navmesh_vertices.clear(); pending_navmesh_polygons.clear(); if (p_navigation_mesh.is_valid()) { p_navigation_mesh->get_data(pending_navmesh_vertices, pending_navmesh_polygons); } polygons_dirty = true; } int NavRegion::get_connections_count() const { if (!map) { return 0; } return connections.size(); } Vector3 NavRegion::get_connection_pathway_start(int p_connection_id) const { ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(map, Vector3()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_connection_id, connections.size(), Vector3()); return connections[p_connection_id].pathway_start; } Vector3 NavRegion::get_connection_pathway_end(int p_connection_id) const { ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(map, Vector3()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_connection_id, connections.size(), Vector3()); return connections[p_connection_id].pathway_end; } Vector3 NavRegion::get_random_point(uint32_t p_navigation_layers, bool p_uniformly) const { if (!get_enabled()) { return Vector3(); } const LocalVector<gd::Polygon> ®ion_polygons = get_polygons(); if (region_polygons.is_empty()) { return Vector3(); } if (p_uniformly) { real_t accumulated_area = 0; RBMap<real_t, uint32_t> region_area_map; for (uint32_t rp_index = 0; rp_index < region_polygons.size(); rp_index++) { const gd::Polygon ®ion_polygon = region_polygons[rp_index]; real_t polyon_area = region_polygon.surface_area; if (polyon_area == 0.0) { continue; } region_area_map[accumulated_area] = rp_index; accumulated_area += polyon_area; } if (region_area_map.is_empty() || accumulated_area == 0) { // All polygons have no real surface / no area. return Vector3(); } real_t region_area_map_pos = Math::random(real_t(0), accumulated_area); RBMap<real_t, uint32_t>::Iterator region_E = region_area_map.find_closest(region_area_map_pos); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!region_E, Vector3()); uint32_t rrp_polygon_index = region_E->value; ERR_FAIL_UNSIGNED_INDEX_V(rrp_polygon_index, region_polygons.size(), Vector3()); const gd::Polygon &rr_polygon = region_polygons[rrp_polygon_index]; real_t accumulated_polygon_area = 0; RBMap<real_t, uint32_t> polygon_area_map; for (uint32_t rpp_index = 2; rpp_index < rr_polygon.points.size(); rpp_index++) { real_t face_area = Face3(rr_polygon.points[0].pos, rr_polygon.points[rpp_index - 1].pos, rr_polygon.points[rpp_index].pos).get_area(); if (face_area == 0.0) { continue; } polygon_area_map[accumulated_polygon_area] = rpp_index; accumulated_polygon_area += face_area; } if (polygon_area_map.is_empty() || accumulated_polygon_area == 0) { // All faces have no real surface / no area. return Vector3(); } real_t polygon_area_map_pos = Math::random(real_t(0), accumulated_polygon_area); RBMap<real_t, uint32_t>::Iterator polygon_E = polygon_area_map.find_closest(polygon_area_map_pos); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!polygon_E, Vector3()); uint32_t rrp_face_index = polygon_E->value; ERR_FAIL_UNSIGNED_INDEX_V(rrp_face_index, rr_polygon.points.size(), Vector3()); const Face3 face(rr_polygon.points[0].pos, rr_polygon.points[rrp_face_index - 1].pos, rr_polygon.points[rrp_face_index].pos); Vector3 face_random_position = face.get_random_point_inside(); return face_random_position; } else { uint32_t rrp_polygon_index = Math::random(int(0), region_polygons.size() - 1); const gd::Polygon &rr_polygon = region_polygons[rrp_polygon_index]; uint32_t rrp_face_index = Math::random(int(2), rr_polygon.points.size() - 1); const Face3 face(rr_polygon.points[0].pos, rr_polygon.points[rrp_face_index - 1].pos, rr_polygon.points[rrp_face_index].pos); Vector3 face_random_position = face.get_random_point_inside(); return face_random_position; } } bool NavRegion::sync() { bool something_changed = polygons_dirty /* || something_dirty? */; update_polygons(); return something_changed; } void NavRegion::update_polygons() { if (!polygons_dirty) { return; } polygons.clear(); surface_area = 0.0; polygons_dirty = false; if (map == nullptr) { return; } RWLockRead read_lock(navmesh_rwlock); if (pending_navmesh_vertices.is_empty() || pending_navmesh_polygons.is_empty()) { return; } int len = pending_navmesh_vertices.size(); if (len == 0) { return; } const Vector3 *vertices_r = pending_navmesh_vertices.ptr(); polygons.resize(pending_navmesh_polygons.size()); real_t _new_region_surface_area = 0.0; // Build int navigation_mesh_polygon_index = 0; for (gd::Polygon &polygon : polygons) { polygon.owner = this; polygon.surface_area = 0.0; Vector<int> navigation_mesh_polygon = pending_navmesh_polygons[navigation_mesh_polygon_index]; navigation_mesh_polygon_index += 1; int navigation_mesh_polygon_size = navigation_mesh_polygon.size(); if (navigation_mesh_polygon_size < 3) { continue; } const int *indices = navigation_mesh_polygon.ptr(); bool valid(true); polygon.points.resize(navigation_mesh_polygon_size); polygon.edges.resize(navigation_mesh_polygon_size); real_t _new_polygon_surface_area = 0.0; for (int j(2); j < navigation_mesh_polygon_size; j++) { const Face3 face = Face3( transform.xform(vertices_r[indices[0]]), transform.xform(vertices_r[indices[j - 1]]), transform.xform(vertices_r[indices[j]])); _new_polygon_surface_area += face.get_area(); } polygon.surface_area = _new_polygon_surface_area; _new_region_surface_area += _new_polygon_surface_area; for (int j(0); j < navigation_mesh_polygon_size; j++) { int idx = indices[j]; if (idx < 0 || idx >= len) { valid = false; break; } Vector3 point_position = transform.xform(vertices_r[idx]); polygon.points[j].pos = point_position; polygon.points[j].key = map->get_point_key(point_position); } if (!valid) { ERR_BREAK_MSG(!valid, "The navigation mesh set in this region is not valid!"); } } surface_area = _new_region_surface_area; }