/**************************************************************************/ /* editor_file_dialog.h */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifndef EDITOR_FILE_DIALOG_H #define EDITOR_FILE_DIALOG_H #include "core/io/dir_access.h" #include "scene/gui/dialogs.h" #include "scene/property_list_helper.h" class GridContainer; class DependencyRemoveDialog; class HSplitContainer; class ItemList; class OptionButton; class PopupMenu; class TextureRect; class EditorFileDialog : public ConfirmationDialog { GDCLASS(EditorFileDialog, ConfirmationDialog); public: enum DisplayMode { DISPLAY_THUMBNAILS, DISPLAY_LIST }; enum Access { ACCESS_RESOURCES, ACCESS_USERDATA, ACCESS_FILESYSTEM }; enum FileMode { FILE_MODE_OPEN_FILE, FILE_MODE_OPEN_FILES, FILE_MODE_OPEN_DIR, FILE_MODE_OPEN_ANY, FILE_MODE_SAVE_FILE }; typedef Ref<Texture2D> (*GetIconFunc)(const String &); typedef void (*RegisterFunc)(EditorFileDialog *); static GetIconFunc get_icon_func; static GetIconFunc get_thumbnail_func; static RegisterFunc register_func; static RegisterFunc unregister_func; private: enum ItemMenu { ITEM_MENU_COPY_PATH, ITEM_MENU_DELETE, ITEM_MENU_REFRESH, ITEM_MENU_NEW_FOLDER, ITEM_MENU_SHOW_IN_EXPLORER }; ConfirmationDialog *makedialog = nullptr; LineEdit *makedirname = nullptr; Button *makedir = nullptr; Access access = ACCESS_RESOURCES; GridContainer *grid_options = nullptr; VBoxContainer *vbox = nullptr; FileMode mode = FILE_MODE_SAVE_FILE; bool can_create_dir = false; LineEdit *dir = nullptr; Button *dir_prev = nullptr; Button *dir_next = nullptr; Button *dir_up = nullptr; HBoxContainer *drives_container = nullptr; HBoxContainer *shortcuts_container = nullptr; OptionButton *drives = nullptr; ItemList *item_list = nullptr; PopupMenu *item_menu = nullptr; TextureRect *preview = nullptr; VBoxContainer *preview_vb = nullptr; HSplitContainer *body_hsplit = nullptr; HSplitContainer *list_hb = nullptr; HBoxContainer *file_box = nullptr; LineEdit *file = nullptr; OptionButton *filter = nullptr; AcceptDialog *error_dialog = nullptr; Ref<DirAccess> dir_access; ConfirmationDialog *confirm_save = nullptr; DependencyRemoveDialog *dep_remove_dialog = nullptr; ConfirmationDialog *global_remove_dialog = nullptr; VBoxContainer *side_vbox = nullptr; VBoxContainer *vbc = nullptr; HBoxContainer *pathhb = nullptr; Button *mode_thumbnails = nullptr; Button *mode_list = nullptr; Button *refresh = nullptr; Button *favorite = nullptr; Button *show_hidden = nullptr; Button *fav_up = nullptr; Button *fav_down = nullptr; ItemList *favorites = nullptr; ItemList *recent = nullptr; Vector<String> local_history; int local_history_pos = 0; void _push_history(); Vector<String> filters; bool previews_enabled = true; bool preview_waiting = false; int preview_wheel_index = 0; float preview_wheel_timeout = 0.0f; static bool default_show_hidden_files; static DisplayMode default_display_mode; bool show_hidden_files; DisplayMode display_mode; bool disable_overwrite_warning = false; bool is_invalidating = false; struct ThemeCache { Ref<Texture2D> parent_folder; Ref<Texture2D> forward_folder; Ref<Texture2D> back_folder; Ref<Texture2D> reload; Ref<Texture2D> toggle_hidden; Ref<Texture2D> favorite; Ref<Texture2D> mode_thumbnails; Ref<Texture2D> mode_list; Ref<Texture2D> create_folder; Ref<Texture2D> favorites_up; Ref<Texture2D> favorites_down; Ref<Texture2D> folder; Color folder_icon_color; Ref<Texture2D> action_copy; Ref<Texture2D> action_delete; Ref<Texture2D> filesystem; Ref<Texture2D> folder_medium_thumbnail; Ref<Texture2D> file_medium_thumbnail; Ref<Texture2D> folder_big_thumbnail; Ref<Texture2D> file_big_thumbnail; Ref<Texture2D> progress[8]{}; } theme_cache; struct Option { String name; Vector<String> values; int default_idx = 0; }; static inline PropertyListHelper base_property_helper; PropertyListHelper property_helper; Vector<Option> options; Dictionary selected_options; bool options_dirty = false; void update_dir(); void update_file_name(); void update_file_list(); void update_filters(); void _focus_file_text(); void _update_favorites(); void _favorite_pressed(); void _favorite_selected(int p_idx); void _favorite_move_up(); void _favorite_move_down(); void _update_recent(); void _recent_selected(int p_idx); void _item_selected(int p_item); void _multi_selected(int p_item, bool p_selected); void _items_clear_selection(const Vector2 &p_pos, MouseButton p_mouse_button_index); void _item_dc_selected(int p_item); void _item_list_item_rmb_clicked(int p_item, const Vector2 &p_pos, MouseButton p_mouse_button_index); void _item_list_empty_clicked(const Vector2 &p_pos, MouseButton p_mouse_button_index); void _item_menu_id_pressed(int p_option); void _select_drive(int p_idx); void _dir_submitted(const String &p_dir); void _action_pressed(); void _save_confirm_pressed(); void _cancel_pressed(); void _filter_selected(int); void _make_dir(); void _make_dir_confirm(); void _delete_items(); void _delete_files_global(); void _update_drives(bool p_select = true); void _update_icons(); void _go_up(); void _go_back(); void _go_forward(); void _invalidate(); virtual void _post_popup() override; void _save_to_recent(); // Callback function is callback(String p_path,Ref<Texture2D> preview,Variant udata) preview null if could not load. void _thumbnail_result(const String &p_path, const Ref<Texture2D> &p_preview, const Ref<Texture2D> &p_small_preview, const Variant &p_udata); void _thumbnail_done(const String &p_path, const Ref<Texture2D> &p_preview, const Ref<Texture2D> &p_small_preview, const Variant &p_udata); void _request_single_thumbnail(const String &p_path); virtual void shortcut_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) override; bool _is_open_should_be_disabled(); void _update_side_menu_visibility(bool p_native_dlg); void _native_popup(); void _native_dialog_cb(bool p_ok, const Vector<String> &p_files, int p_filter, const Dictionary &p_selected_options); TypedArray<Dictionary> _get_options() const; void _update_option_controls(); void _option_changed_checkbox_toggled(bool p_pressed, const String &p_name); void _option_changed_item_selected(int p_idx, const String &p_name); protected: virtual void _update_theme_item_cache() override; void _notification(int p_what); bool _set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) { return property_helper.property_set_value(p_name, p_value); } bool _get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const { return property_helper.property_get_value(p_name, r_ret); } void _get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const { property_helper.get_property_list(p_list); } bool _property_can_revert(const StringName &p_name) const { return property_helper.property_can_revert(p_name); } bool _property_get_revert(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_property) const { return property_helper.property_get_revert(p_name, r_property); } static void _bind_methods(); public: Color get_dir_icon_color(const String &p_dir_path); virtual void set_visible(bool p_visible) override; virtual void popup(const Rect2i &p_rect = Rect2i()) override; // Public for use with callable_mp. void _file_submitted(const String &p_file); void popup_file_dialog(); void clear_filters(); void add_filter(const String &p_filter, const String &p_description = ""); void set_filters(const Vector<String> &p_filters); Vector<String> get_filters() const; void set_enable_multiple_selection(bool p_enable); Vector<String> get_selected_files() const; String get_current_dir() const; String get_current_file() const; String get_current_path() const; void set_current_dir(const String &p_dir); void set_current_file(const String &p_file); void set_current_path(const String &p_path); String get_option_name(int p_option) const; Vector<String> get_option_values(int p_option) const; int get_option_default(int p_option) const; void set_option_name(int p_option, const String &p_name); void set_option_values(int p_option, const Vector<String> &p_values); void set_option_default(int p_option, int p_index); void add_option(const String &p_name, const Vector<String> &p_values, int p_index); void set_option_count(int p_count); int get_option_count() const; Dictionary get_selected_options() const; void set_display_mode(DisplayMode p_mode); DisplayMode get_display_mode() const; void set_file_mode(FileMode p_mode); FileMode get_file_mode() const; VBoxContainer *get_vbox(); LineEdit *get_line_edit() { return file; } void set_access(Access p_access); Access get_access() const; static void set_default_show_hidden_files(bool p_show); static void set_default_display_mode(DisplayMode p_mode); void set_show_hidden_files(bool p_show); bool is_showing_hidden_files() const; void invalidate(); void set_disable_overwrite_warning(bool p_disable); bool is_overwrite_warning_disabled() const; void set_previews_enabled(bool p_enabled); bool are_previews_enabled(); void add_side_menu(Control *p_menu, const String &p_title = ""); EditorFileDialog(); ~EditorFileDialog(); }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(EditorFileDialog::FileMode); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(EditorFileDialog::Access); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(EditorFileDialog::DisplayMode); #endif // EDITOR_FILE_DIALOG_H