/**************************************************************************/ /* gdscript_test_runner.cpp */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "gdscript_test_runner.h" #include "../gdscript.h" #include "../gdscript_analyzer.h" #include "../gdscript_compiler.h" #include "../gdscript_parser.h" #include "../gdscript_tokenizer_buffer.h" #include "core/config/project_settings.h" #include "core/core_globals.h" #include "core/io/dir_access.h" #include "core/io/file_access_pack.h" #include "core/os/os.h" #include "core/string/string_builder.h" #include "scene/resources/packed_scene.h" #include "tests/test_macros.h" namespace GDScriptTests { void init_autoloads() { HashMap<StringName, ProjectSettings::AutoloadInfo> autoloads = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_autoload_list(); // First pass, add the constants so they exist before any script is loaded. for (const KeyValue<StringName, ProjectSettings::AutoloadInfo> &E : ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_autoload_list()) { const ProjectSettings::AutoloadInfo &info = E.value; if (info.is_singleton) { for (int i = 0; i < ScriptServer::get_language_count(); i++) { ScriptServer::get_language(i)->add_global_constant(info.name, Variant()); } } } // Second pass, load into global constants. for (const KeyValue<StringName, ProjectSettings::AutoloadInfo> &E : ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_autoload_list()) { const ProjectSettings::AutoloadInfo &info = E.value; if (!info.is_singleton) { // Skip non-singletons since we don't have a scene tree here anyway. continue; } Node *n = nullptr; if (ResourceLoader::get_resource_type(info.path) == "PackedScene") { // Cache the scene reference before loading it (for cyclic references) Ref<PackedScene> scn; scn.instantiate(); scn->set_path(info.path); scn->reload_from_file(); ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(!scn.is_valid(), vformat("Failed to instantiate an autoload, can't load from path: %s.", info.path)); if (scn.is_valid()) { n = scn->instantiate(); } } else { Ref<Resource> res = ResourceLoader::load(info.path); ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(res.is_null(), vformat("Failed to instantiate an autoload, can't load from path: %s.", info.path)); Ref<Script> scr = res; if (scr.is_valid()) { StringName ibt = scr->get_instance_base_type(); bool valid_type = ClassDB::is_parent_class(ibt, "Node"); ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(!valid_type, vformat("Failed to instantiate an autoload, script '%s' does not inherit from 'Node'.", info.path)); Object *obj = ClassDB::instantiate(ibt); ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(!obj, vformat("Failed to instantiate an autoload, cannot instantiate '%s'.", ibt)); n = Object::cast_to<Node>(obj); n->set_script(scr); } } ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(!n, vformat("Failed to instantiate an autoload, path is not pointing to a scene or a script: %s.", info.path)); n->set_name(info.name); for (int i = 0; i < ScriptServer::get_language_count(); i++) { ScriptServer::get_language(i)->add_global_constant(info.name, n); } } } void init_language(const String &p_base_path) { // Setup project settings since it's needed by the languages to get the global scripts. // This also sets up the base resource path. Error err = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->setup(p_base_path, String(), true); if (err) { print_line("Could not load project settings."); // Keep going since some scripts still work without this. } // Initialize the language for the test routine. GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->init(); init_autoloads(); } void finish_language() { GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->finish(); ScriptServer::global_classes_clear(); } StringName GDScriptTestRunner::test_function_name; GDScriptTestRunner::GDScriptTestRunner(const String &p_source_dir, bool p_init_language, bool p_print_filenames, bool p_use_binary_tokens) { test_function_name = StaticCString::create("test"); do_init_languages = p_init_language; print_filenames = p_print_filenames; binary_tokens = p_use_binary_tokens; source_dir = p_source_dir; if (!source_dir.ends_with("/")) { source_dir += "/"; } if (do_init_languages) { init_language(p_source_dir); } #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED // Set all warning levels to "Warn" in order to test them properly, even the ones that default to error. ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_setting("debug/gdscript/warnings/enable", true); for (int i = 0; i < (int)GDScriptWarning::WARNING_MAX; i++) { if (i == GDScriptWarning::UNTYPED_DECLARATION || i == GDScriptWarning::INFERRED_DECLARATION) { // TODO: Add ability for test scripts to specify which warnings to enable/disable for testing. continue; } String warning_setting = GDScriptWarning::get_settings_path_from_code((GDScriptWarning::Code)i); ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_setting(warning_setting, (int)GDScriptWarning::WARN); } #endif // Enable printing to show results CoreGlobals::print_line_enabled = true; CoreGlobals::print_error_enabled = true; } GDScriptTestRunner::~GDScriptTestRunner() { test_function_name = StringName(); if (do_init_languages) { finish_language(); } } #ifndef DEBUG_ENABLED static String strip_warnings(const String &p_expected) { // On release builds we don't have warnings. Here we remove them from the output before comparison // so it doesn't fail just because of difference in warnings. String expected_no_warnings; for (String line : p_expected.split("\n")) { if (line.begins_with(">> ")) { continue; } expected_no_warnings += line + "\n"; } return expected_no_warnings.strip_edges() + "\n"; } #endif int GDScriptTestRunner::run_tests() { if (!make_tests()) { FAIL("An error occurred while making the tests."); return -1; } if (!generate_class_index()) { FAIL("An error occurred while generating class index."); return -1; } int failed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tests.size(); i++) { GDScriptTest test = tests[i]; if (print_filenames) { print_line(test.get_source_relative_filepath()); } GDScriptTest::TestResult result = test.run_test(); String expected = FileAccess::get_file_as_string(test.get_output_file()); #ifndef DEBUG_ENABLED expected = strip_warnings(expected); #endif INFO(test.get_source_file()); if (!result.passed) { INFO(expected); failed++; } CHECK_MESSAGE(result.passed, (result.passed ? String() : result.output)); } return failed; } bool GDScriptTestRunner::generate_outputs() { is_generating = true; if (!make_tests()) { print_line("Failed to generate a test output."); return false; } if (!generate_class_index()) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < tests.size(); i++) { GDScriptTest test = tests[i]; if (print_filenames) { print_line(test.get_source_relative_filepath()); } else { OS::get_singleton()->print("."); } bool result = test.generate_output(); if (!result) { print_line("\nCould not generate output for " + test.get_source_file()); return false; } } print_line("\nGenerated output files for " + itos(tests.size()) + " tests successfully."); return true; } bool GDScriptTestRunner::make_tests_for_dir(const String &p_dir) { Error err = OK; Ref<DirAccess> dir(DirAccess::open(p_dir, &err)); if (err != OK) { return false; } String current_dir = dir->get_current_dir(); dir->list_dir_begin(); String next = dir->get_next(); while (!next.is_empty()) { if (dir->current_is_dir()) { if (next == "." || next == ".." || next == "completion" || next == "lsp") { next = dir->get_next(); continue; } if (!make_tests_for_dir(current_dir.path_join(next))) { return false; } } else { if (next.ends_with(".notest.gd")) { next = dir->get_next(); continue; } else if (binary_tokens && next.ends_with(".textonly.gd")) { next = dir->get_next(); continue; } else if (next.get_extension().to_lower() == "gd") { #ifndef DEBUG_ENABLED // On release builds, skip tests marked as debug only. Error open_err = OK; Ref<FileAccess> script_file(FileAccess::open(current_dir.path_join(next), FileAccess::READ, &open_err)); if (open_err != OK) { ERR_PRINT(vformat(R"(Couldn't open test file "%s".)", next)); next = dir->get_next(); continue; } else { if (script_file->get_line() == "#debug-only") { next = dir->get_next(); continue; } } #endif String out_file = next.get_basename() + ".out"; ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!is_generating && !dir->file_exists(out_file), false, "Could not find output file for " + next); if (next.ends_with(".bin.gd")) { // Test text mode first. GDScriptTest text_test(current_dir.path_join(next), current_dir.path_join(out_file), source_dir); tests.push_back(text_test); // Test binary mode even without `--use-binary-tokens`. GDScriptTest bin_test(current_dir.path_join(next), current_dir.path_join(out_file), source_dir); bin_test.set_tokenizer_mode(GDScriptTest::TOKENIZER_BUFFER); tests.push_back(bin_test); } else { GDScriptTest test(current_dir.path_join(next), current_dir.path_join(out_file), source_dir); if (binary_tokens) { test.set_tokenizer_mode(GDScriptTest::TOKENIZER_BUFFER); } tests.push_back(test); } } } next = dir->get_next(); } dir->list_dir_end(); return true; } bool GDScriptTestRunner::make_tests() { Error err = OK; Ref<DirAccess> dir(DirAccess::open(source_dir, &err)); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err != OK, false, "Could not open specified test directory."); source_dir = dir->get_current_dir() + "/"; // Make it absolute path. return make_tests_for_dir(dir->get_current_dir()); } static bool generate_class_index_recursive(const String &p_dir) { Error err = OK; Ref<DirAccess> dir(DirAccess::open(p_dir, &err)); if (err != OK) { return false; } String current_dir = dir->get_current_dir(); dir->list_dir_begin(); String next = dir->get_next(); StringName gdscript_name = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_name(); while (!next.is_empty()) { if (dir->current_is_dir()) { if (next == "." || next == ".." || next == "completion" || next == "lsp") { next = dir->get_next(); continue; } if (!generate_class_index_recursive(current_dir.path_join(next))) { return false; } } else { if (!next.ends_with(".gd")) { next = dir->get_next(); continue; } String base_type; String source_file = current_dir.path_join(next); String class_name = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_class_name(source_file, &base_type); if (class_name.is_empty()) { next = dir->get_next(); continue; } ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(ScriptServer::is_global_class(class_name), false, "Class name '" + class_name + "' from " + source_file + " is already used in " + ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(class_name)); ScriptServer::add_global_class(class_name, base_type, gdscript_name, source_file); } next = dir->get_next(); } dir->list_dir_end(); return true; } bool GDScriptTestRunner::generate_class_index() { Error err = OK; Ref<DirAccess> dir(DirAccess::open(source_dir, &err)); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err != OK, false, "Could not open specified test directory."); source_dir = dir->get_current_dir() + "/"; // Make it absolute path. return generate_class_index_recursive(dir->get_current_dir()); } GDScriptTest::GDScriptTest(const String &p_source_path, const String &p_output_path, const String &p_base_dir) { source_file = p_source_path; output_file = p_output_path; base_dir = p_base_dir; _print_handler.printfunc = print_handler; _error_handler.errfunc = error_handler; } void GDScriptTestRunner::handle_cmdline() { List<String> cmdline_args = OS::get_singleton()->get_cmdline_args(); for (List<String>::Element *E = cmdline_args.front(); E; E = E->next()) { String &cmd = E->get(); if (cmd == "--gdscript-generate-tests") { String path; if (E->next()) { path = E->next()->get(); } else { path = "modules/gdscript/tests/scripts"; } GDScriptTestRunner runner(path, false, cmdline_args.find("--print-filenames") != nullptr); bool completed = runner.generate_outputs(); int failed = completed ? 0 : -1; exit(failed); } } } void GDScriptTest::enable_stdout() { // TODO: this could likely be handled by doctest or `tests/test_macros.h`. OS::get_singleton()->set_stdout_enabled(true); OS::get_singleton()->set_stderr_enabled(true); } void GDScriptTest::disable_stdout() { // TODO: this could likely be handled by doctest or `tests/test_macros.h`. OS::get_singleton()->set_stdout_enabled(false); OS::get_singleton()->set_stderr_enabled(false); } void GDScriptTest::print_handler(void *p_this, const String &p_message, bool p_error, bool p_rich) { TestResult *result = (TestResult *)p_this; result->output += p_message + "\n"; } void GDScriptTest::error_handler(void *p_this, const char *p_function, const char *p_file, int p_line, const char *p_error, const char *p_explanation, bool p_editor_notify, ErrorHandlerType p_type) { ErrorHandlerData *data = (ErrorHandlerData *)p_this; GDScriptTest *self = data->self; TestResult *result = data->result; result->status = GDTEST_RUNTIME_ERROR; StringBuilder builder; builder.append(">> "); // Only include the function, file and line for script errors, otherwise the // test outputs changes based on the platform/compiler. bool include_source_info = false; switch (p_type) { case ERR_HANDLER_ERROR: builder.append("ERROR"); break; case ERR_HANDLER_WARNING: builder.append("WARNING"); break; case ERR_HANDLER_SCRIPT: builder.append("SCRIPT ERROR"); include_source_info = true; break; case ERR_HANDLER_SHADER: builder.append("SHADER ERROR"); break; default: builder.append("Unknown error type"); break; } if (include_source_info) { builder.append("\n>> on function: "); builder.append(String::utf8(p_function)); builder.append("()\n>> "); builder.append(String::utf8(p_file).trim_prefix(self->base_dir).replace("\\", "/")); builder.append("\n>> "); builder.append(itos(p_line)); } builder.append("\n>> "); builder.append(String::utf8(p_error)); if (strlen(p_explanation) > 0) { builder.append("\n>> "); builder.append(String::utf8(p_explanation)); } builder.append("\n"); result->output = builder.as_string(); } bool GDScriptTest::check_output(const String &p_output) const { Error err = OK; String expected = FileAccess::get_file_as_string(output_file, &err); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err != OK, false, "Error when opening the output file."); String got = p_output.strip_edges(); // TODO: may be hacky. got += "\n"; // Make sure to insert newline for CI static checks. #ifndef DEBUG_ENABLED expected = strip_warnings(expected); #endif return got == expected; } String GDScriptTest::get_text_for_status(GDScriptTest::TestStatus p_status) const { switch (p_status) { case GDTEST_OK: return "GDTEST_OK"; case GDTEST_LOAD_ERROR: return "GDTEST_LOAD_ERROR"; case GDTEST_PARSER_ERROR: return "GDTEST_PARSER_ERROR"; case GDTEST_ANALYZER_ERROR: return "GDTEST_ANALYZER_ERROR"; case GDTEST_COMPILER_ERROR: return "GDTEST_COMPILER_ERROR"; case GDTEST_RUNTIME_ERROR: return "GDTEST_RUNTIME_ERROR"; } return ""; } GDScriptTest::TestResult GDScriptTest::execute_test_code(bool p_is_generating) { disable_stdout(); TestResult result; result.status = GDTEST_OK; result.output = String(); result.passed = false; Error err = OK; // Create script. Ref<GDScript> script; script.instantiate(); script->set_path(source_file); if (tokenizer_mode == TOKENIZER_TEXT) { err = script->load_source_code(source_file); } else { String code = FileAccess::get_file_as_string(source_file, &err); if (!err) { Vector<uint8_t> buffer = GDScriptTokenizerBuffer::parse_code_string(code, GDScriptTokenizerBuffer::COMPRESS_ZSTD); script->set_binary_tokens_source(buffer); } } if (err != OK) { enable_stdout(); result.status = GDTEST_LOAD_ERROR; result.passed = false; ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(result, "\nCould not load source code for: '" + source_file + "'"); } // Test parsing. GDScriptParser parser; if (tokenizer_mode == TOKENIZER_TEXT) { err = parser.parse(script->get_source_code(), source_file, false); } else { err = parser.parse_binary(script->get_binary_tokens_source(), source_file); } if (err != OK) { enable_stdout(); result.status = GDTEST_PARSER_ERROR; result.output = get_text_for_status(result.status) + "\n"; const List<GDScriptParser::ParserError> &errors = parser.get_errors(); if (!errors.is_empty()) { // Only the first error since the following might be cascading. result.output += errors.front()->get().message + "\n"; // TODO: line, column? } if (!p_is_generating) { result.passed = check_output(result.output); } return result; } // Test type-checking. GDScriptAnalyzer analyzer(&parser); err = analyzer.analyze(); if (err != OK) { enable_stdout(); result.status = GDTEST_ANALYZER_ERROR; result.output = get_text_for_status(result.status) + "\n"; const List<GDScriptParser::ParserError> &errors = parser.get_errors(); if (!errors.is_empty()) { // Only the first error since the following might be cascading. result.output += errors.front()->get().message + "\n"; // TODO: line, column? } if (!p_is_generating) { result.passed = check_output(result.output); } return result; } #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED StringBuilder warning_string; for (const GDScriptWarning &E : parser.get_warnings()) { const GDScriptWarning warning = E; warning_string.append(">> WARNING"); warning_string.append("\n>> Line: "); warning_string.append(itos(warning.start_line)); warning_string.append("\n>> "); warning_string.append(warning.get_name()); warning_string.append("\n>> "); warning_string.append(warning.get_message()); warning_string.append("\n"); } result.output += warning_string.as_string(); #endif // Test compiling. GDScriptCompiler compiler; err = compiler.compile(&parser, script.ptr(), false); if (err != OK) { enable_stdout(); result.status = GDTEST_COMPILER_ERROR; result.output = get_text_for_status(result.status) + "\n"; result.output += compiler.get_error() + "\n"; if (!p_is_generating) { result.passed = check_output(result.output); } return result; } // Script files matching this pattern are allowed to not contain a test() function. if (source_file.match("*.notest.gd")) { enable_stdout(); result.passed = check_output(result.output); return result; } // Test running. const HashMap<StringName, GDScriptFunction *>::ConstIterator test_function_element = script->get_member_functions().find(GDScriptTestRunner::test_function_name); if (!test_function_element) { enable_stdout(); result.status = GDTEST_LOAD_ERROR; result.output = ""; result.passed = false; ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(result, "\nCould not find test function on: '" + source_file + "'"); } // Setup output handlers. ErrorHandlerData error_data(&result, this); _print_handler.userdata = &result; _error_handler.userdata = &error_data; add_print_handler(&_print_handler); add_error_handler(&_error_handler); err = script->reload(); if (err) { enable_stdout(); result.status = GDTEST_LOAD_ERROR; result.output = ""; result.passed = false; ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(result, "\nCould not reload script: '" + source_file + "'"); } // Create object instance for test. Object *obj = ClassDB::instantiate(script->get_native()->get_name()); Ref<RefCounted> obj_ref; if (obj->is_ref_counted()) { obj_ref = Ref<RefCounted>(Object::cast_to<RefCounted>(obj)); } obj->set_script(script); GDScriptInstance *instance = static_cast<GDScriptInstance *>(obj->get_script_instance()); // Call test function. Callable::CallError call_err; instance->callp(GDScriptTestRunner::test_function_name, nullptr, 0, call_err); // Tear down output handlers. remove_print_handler(&_print_handler); remove_error_handler(&_error_handler); // Check results. if (call_err.error != Callable::CallError::CALL_OK) { enable_stdout(); result.status = GDTEST_LOAD_ERROR; result.passed = false; ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(result, "\nCould not call test function on: '" + source_file + "'"); } result.output = get_text_for_status(result.status) + "\n" + result.output; if (!p_is_generating) { result.passed = check_output(result.output); } if (obj_ref.is_null()) { memdelete(obj); } enable_stdout(); GDScriptCache::remove_script(script->get_path()); return result; } GDScriptTest::TestResult GDScriptTest::run_test() { return execute_test_code(false); } bool GDScriptTest::generate_output() { TestResult result = execute_test_code(true); if (result.status == GDTEST_LOAD_ERROR) { return false; } Error err = OK; Ref<FileAccess> out_file = FileAccess::open(output_file, FileAccess::WRITE, &err); if (err != OK) { return false; } String output = result.output.strip_edges(); // TODO: may be hacky. output += "\n"; // Make sure to insert newline for CI static checks. out_file->store_string(output); return true; } } // namespace GDScriptTests