/**************************************************************************/ /* object.cpp */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "object.h" #include "object.compat.inc" #include "core/extension/gdextension_manager.h" #include "core/io/resource.h" #include "core/object/class_db.h" #include "core/object/message_queue.h" #include "core/object/script_language.h" #include "core/os/os.h" #include "core/string/print_string.h" #include "core/string/translation.h" #include "core/templates/local_vector.h" #include "core/variant/typed_array.h" #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED struct _ObjectDebugLock { Object *obj; _ObjectDebugLock(Object *p_obj) { obj = p_obj; obj->_lock_index.ref(); } ~_ObjectDebugLock() { obj->_lock_index.unref(); } }; #define OBJ_DEBUG_LOCK _ObjectDebugLock _debug_lock(this); #else #define OBJ_DEBUG_LOCK #endif PropertyInfo::operator Dictionary() const { Dictionary d; d["name"] = name; d["class_name"] = class_name; d["type"] = type; d["hint"] = hint; d["hint_string"] = hint_string; d["usage"] = usage; return d; } PropertyInfo PropertyInfo::from_dict(const Dictionary &p_dict) { PropertyInfo pi; if (p_dict.has("type")) { pi.type = Variant::Type(int(p_dict["type"])); } if (p_dict.has("name")) { pi.name = p_dict["name"]; } if (p_dict.has("class_name")) { pi.class_name = p_dict["class_name"]; } if (p_dict.has("hint")) { pi.hint = PropertyHint(int(p_dict["hint"])); } if (p_dict.has("hint_string")) { pi.hint_string = p_dict["hint_string"]; } if (p_dict.has("usage")) { pi.usage = p_dict["usage"]; } return pi; } TypedArray<Dictionary> convert_property_list(const List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) { TypedArray<Dictionary> va; for (const List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = p_list->front(); E; E = E->next()) { va.push_back(Dictionary(E->get())); } return va; } MethodInfo::operator Dictionary() const { Dictionary d; d["name"] = name; d["args"] = convert_property_list(&arguments); Array da; for (int i = 0; i < default_arguments.size(); i++) { da.push_back(default_arguments[i]); } d["default_args"] = da; d["flags"] = flags; d["id"] = id; Dictionary r = return_val; d["return"] = r; return d; } MethodInfo MethodInfo::from_dict(const Dictionary &p_dict) { MethodInfo mi; if (p_dict.has("name")) { mi.name = p_dict["name"]; } Array args; if (p_dict.has("args")) { args = p_dict["args"]; } for (const Variant &arg : args) { Dictionary d = arg; mi.arguments.push_back(PropertyInfo::from_dict(d)); } Array defargs; if (p_dict.has("default_args")) { defargs = p_dict["default_args"]; } for (const Variant &defarg : defargs) { mi.default_arguments.push_back(defarg); } if (p_dict.has("return")) { mi.return_val = PropertyInfo::from_dict(p_dict["return"]); } if (p_dict.has("flags")) { mi.flags = p_dict["flags"]; } return mi; } Object::Connection::operator Variant() const { Dictionary d; d["signal"] = signal; d["callable"] = callable; d["flags"] = flags; return d; } bool Object::Connection::operator<(const Connection &p_conn) const { if (signal == p_conn.signal) { return callable < p_conn.callable; } else { return signal < p_conn.signal; } } Object::Connection::Connection(const Variant &p_variant) { Dictionary d = p_variant; if (d.has("signal")) { signal = d["signal"]; } if (d.has("callable")) { callable = d["callable"]; } if (d.has("flags")) { flags = d["flags"]; } } bool Object::_predelete() { _predelete_ok = 1; notification(NOTIFICATION_PREDELETE, true); if (_predelete_ok) { _class_name_ptr = nullptr; // Must restore, so constructors/destructors have proper class name access at each stage. notification(NOTIFICATION_PREDELETE_CLEANUP, true); } return _predelete_ok; } void Object::cancel_free() { _predelete_ok = false; } void Object::_postinitialize() { _class_name_ptr = _get_class_namev(); // Set the direct pointer, which is much faster to obtain, but can only happen after postinitialize. _initialize_classv(); _class_name_ptr = nullptr; // May have been called from a constructor. notification(NOTIFICATION_POSTINITIALIZE); } void Object::get_valid_parents_static(List<String> *p_parents) { } void Object::_get_valid_parents_static(List<String> *p_parents) { } void Object::set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value, bool *r_valid) { #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED _edited = true; #endif if (script_instance) { if (script_instance->set(p_name, p_value)) { if (r_valid) { *r_valid = true; } return; } } if (_extension && _extension->set) { if (_extension->set(_extension_instance, (GDExtensionConstStringNamePtr)&p_name, (GDExtensionConstVariantPtr)&p_value)) { if (r_valid) { *r_valid = true; } return; } } // Try built-in setter. { if (ClassDB::set_property(this, p_name, p_value, r_valid)) { return; } } if (p_name == CoreStringName(script)) { set_script(p_value); if (r_valid) { *r_valid = true; } return; } else { Variant **V = metadata_properties.getptr(p_name); if (V) { **V = p_value; if (r_valid) { *r_valid = true; } return; } else if (p_name.operator String().begins_with("metadata/")) { // Must exist, otherwise duplicate() will not work. set_meta(p_name.operator String().replace_first("metadata/", ""), p_value); if (r_valid) { *r_valid = true; } return; } } #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED if (script_instance) { bool valid; script_instance->property_set_fallback(p_name, p_value, &valid); if (valid) { if (r_valid) { *r_valid = true; } return; } } #endif // Something inside the object... :| bool success = _setv(p_name, p_value); if (success) { if (r_valid) { *r_valid = true; } return; } if (r_valid) { *r_valid = false; } } Variant Object::get(const StringName &p_name, bool *r_valid) const { Variant ret; if (script_instance) { if (script_instance->get(p_name, ret)) { if (r_valid) { *r_valid = true; } return ret; } } if (_extension && _extension->get) { if (_extension->get(_extension_instance, (GDExtensionConstStringNamePtr)&p_name, (GDExtensionVariantPtr)&ret)) { if (r_valid) { *r_valid = true; } return ret; } } // Try built-in getter. { if (ClassDB::get_property(const_cast<Object *>(this), p_name, ret)) { if (r_valid) { *r_valid = true; } return ret; } } if (p_name == CoreStringName(script)) { ret = get_script(); if (r_valid) { *r_valid = true; } return ret; } const Variant *const *V = metadata_properties.getptr(p_name); if (V) { ret = **V; if (r_valid) { *r_valid = true; } return ret; } else { #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED if (script_instance) { bool valid; ret = script_instance->property_get_fallback(p_name, &valid); if (valid) { if (r_valid) { *r_valid = true; } return ret; } } #endif // Something inside the object... :| bool success = _getv(p_name, ret); if (success) { if (r_valid) { *r_valid = true; } return ret; } if (r_valid) { *r_valid = false; } return Variant(); } } void Object::set_indexed(const Vector<StringName> &p_names, const Variant &p_value, bool *r_valid) { if (p_names.is_empty()) { if (r_valid) { *r_valid = false; } return; } if (p_names.size() == 1) { set(p_names[0], p_value, r_valid); return; } bool valid = false; if (!r_valid) { r_valid = &valid; } List<Variant> value_stack; value_stack.push_back(get(p_names[0], r_valid)); if (!*r_valid) { value_stack.clear(); return; } for (int i = 1; i < p_names.size() - 1; i++) { value_stack.push_back(value_stack.back()->get().get_named(p_names[i], valid)); if (r_valid) { *r_valid = valid; } if (!valid) { value_stack.clear(); return; } } value_stack.push_back(p_value); // p_names[p_names.size() - 1] for (int i = p_names.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) { value_stack.back()->prev()->get().set_named(p_names[i], value_stack.back()->get(), valid); value_stack.pop_back(); if (r_valid) { *r_valid = valid; } if (!valid) { value_stack.clear(); return; } } set(p_names[0], value_stack.back()->get(), r_valid); value_stack.pop_back(); ERR_FAIL_COND(!value_stack.is_empty()); } Variant Object::get_indexed(const Vector<StringName> &p_names, bool *r_valid) const { if (p_names.is_empty()) { if (r_valid) { *r_valid = false; } return Variant(); } bool valid = false; Variant current_value = get(p_names[0], &valid); for (int i = 1; i < p_names.size(); i++) { current_value = current_value.get_named(p_names[i], valid); if (!valid) { break; } } if (r_valid) { *r_valid = valid; } return current_value; } void Object::get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list, bool p_reversed) const { if (script_instance && p_reversed) { script_instance->get_property_list(p_list); } if (_extension) { const ObjectGDExtension *current_extension = _extension; while (current_extension) { p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, current_extension->class_name, PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, current_extension->class_name, PROPERTY_USAGE_CATEGORY)); ClassDB::get_property_list(current_extension->class_name, p_list, true, this); if (current_extension->get_property_list) { #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED // If this is a placeholder, we can't call into the GDExtension on the parent class, // because we don't have a real instance of the class to give it. if (likely(!_extension->is_placeholder)) { #endif uint32_t pcount; const GDExtensionPropertyInfo *pinfo = current_extension->get_property_list(_extension_instance, &pcount); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pcount; i++) { p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(pinfo[i])); } if (current_extension->free_property_list2) { current_extension->free_property_list2(_extension_instance, pinfo, pcount); } #ifndef DISABLE_DEPRECATED else if (current_extension->free_property_list) { current_extension->free_property_list(_extension_instance, pinfo); } #endif // DISABLE_DEPRECATED #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED } #endif } current_extension = current_extension->parent; } } _get_property_listv(p_list, p_reversed); if (!is_class("Script")) { // can still be set, but this is for user-friendliness p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "script", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Script", PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT | PROPERTY_USAGE_NEVER_DUPLICATE)); } if (script_instance && !p_reversed) { script_instance->get_property_list(p_list); } for (const KeyValue<StringName, Variant> &K : metadata) { PropertyInfo pi = PropertyInfo(K.value.get_type(), "metadata/" + K.key.operator String()); if (K.value.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) { pi.hint = PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE; pi.hint_string = "Resource"; } p_list->push_back(pi); } } void Object::validate_property(PropertyInfo &p_property) const { _validate_propertyv(p_property); if (_extension && _extension->validate_property) { // GDExtension uses a StringName rather than a String for property name. StringName prop_name = p_property.name; GDExtensionPropertyInfo gdext_prop = { (GDExtensionVariantType)p_property.type, &prop_name, &p_property.class_name, (uint32_t)p_property.hint, &p_property.hint_string, p_property.usage, }; if (_extension->validate_property(_extension_instance, &gdext_prop)) { p_property.type = (Variant::Type)gdext_prop.type; p_property.name = *reinterpret_cast<StringName *>(gdext_prop.name); p_property.class_name = *reinterpret_cast<StringName *>(gdext_prop.class_name); p_property.hint = (PropertyHint)gdext_prop.hint; p_property.hint_string = *reinterpret_cast<String *>(gdext_prop.hint_string); p_property.usage = gdext_prop.usage; }; } if (script_instance) { // Call it last to allow user altering already validated properties. script_instance->validate_property(p_property); } } bool Object::property_can_revert(const StringName &p_name) const { if (script_instance) { if (script_instance->property_can_revert(p_name)) { return true; } } if (_extension && _extension->property_can_revert) { if (_extension->property_can_revert(_extension_instance, (GDExtensionConstStringNamePtr)&p_name)) { return true; } } return _property_can_revertv(p_name); } Variant Object::property_get_revert(const StringName &p_name) const { Variant ret; if (script_instance) { if (script_instance->property_get_revert(p_name, ret)) { return ret; } } if (_extension && _extension->property_get_revert) { if (_extension->property_get_revert(_extension_instance, (GDExtensionConstStringNamePtr)&p_name, (GDExtensionVariantPtr)&ret)) { return ret; } } if (_property_get_revertv(p_name, ret)) { return ret; } return Variant(); } void Object::get_method_list(List<MethodInfo> *p_list) const { ClassDB::get_method_list(get_class_name(), p_list); if (script_instance) { script_instance->get_method_list(p_list); } } Variant Object::_call_bind(const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount, Callable::CallError &r_error) { if (p_argcount < 1) { r_error.error = Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_TOO_FEW_ARGUMENTS; r_error.expected = 1; return Variant(); } if (p_args[0]->get_type() != Variant::STRING_NAME && p_args[0]->get_type() != Variant::STRING) { r_error.error = Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; r_error.argument = 0; r_error.expected = Variant::STRING_NAME; return Variant(); } StringName method = *p_args[0]; return callp(method, &p_args[1], p_argcount - 1, r_error); } Variant Object::_call_deferred_bind(const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount, Callable::CallError &r_error) { if (p_argcount < 1) { r_error.error = Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_TOO_FEW_ARGUMENTS; r_error.expected = 1; return Variant(); } if (p_args[0]->get_type() != Variant::STRING_NAME && p_args[0]->get_type() != Variant::STRING) { r_error.error = Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; r_error.argument = 0; r_error.expected = Variant::STRING_NAME; return Variant(); } r_error.error = Callable::CallError::CALL_OK; StringName method = *p_args[0]; MessageQueue::get_singleton()->push_callp(get_instance_id(), method, &p_args[1], p_argcount - 1, true); return Variant(); } bool Object::has_method(const StringName &p_method) const { if (p_method == CoreStringName(free_)) { return true; } if (script_instance && script_instance->has_method(p_method)) { return true; } MethodBind *method = ClassDB::get_method(get_class_name(), p_method); if (method != nullptr) { return true; } const Script *scr = Object::cast_to<Script>(this); if (scr != nullptr) { return scr->has_static_method(p_method); } return false; } int Object::_get_method_argument_count_bind(const StringName &p_method) const { return get_method_argument_count(p_method); } int Object::get_method_argument_count(const StringName &p_method, bool *r_is_valid) const { if (p_method == CoreStringName(free_)) { if (r_is_valid) { *r_is_valid = true; } return 0; } if (script_instance) { bool valid = false; int ret = script_instance->get_method_argument_count(p_method, &valid); if (valid) { if (r_is_valid) { *r_is_valid = true; } return ret; } } { bool valid = false; int ret = ClassDB::get_method_argument_count(get_class_name(), p_method, &valid); if (valid) { if (r_is_valid) { *r_is_valid = true; } return ret; } } const Script *scr = Object::cast_to<Script>(this); while (scr != nullptr) { bool valid = false; int ret = scr->get_script_method_argument_count(p_method, &valid); if (valid) { if (r_is_valid) { *r_is_valid = true; } return ret; } scr = scr->get_base_script().ptr(); } if (r_is_valid) { *r_is_valid = false; } return 0; } Variant Object::getvar(const Variant &p_key, bool *r_valid) const { if (r_valid) { *r_valid = false; } if (p_key.get_type() == Variant::STRING_NAME || p_key.get_type() == Variant::STRING) { return get(p_key, r_valid); } return Variant(); } void Object::setvar(const Variant &p_key, const Variant &p_value, bool *r_valid) { if (r_valid) { *r_valid = false; } if (p_key.get_type() == Variant::STRING_NAME || p_key.get_type() == Variant::STRING) { return set(p_key, p_value, r_valid); } } Variant Object::callv(const StringName &p_method, const Array &p_args) { const Variant **argptrs = nullptr; if (p_args.size() > 0) { argptrs = (const Variant **)alloca(sizeof(Variant *) * p_args.size()); for (int i = 0; i < p_args.size(); i++) { argptrs[i] = &p_args[i]; } } Callable::CallError ce; Variant ret = callp(p_method, argptrs, p_args.size(), ce); if (ce.error != Callable::CallError::CALL_OK) { ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(Variant(), "Error calling method from 'callv': " + Variant::get_call_error_text(this, p_method, argptrs, p_args.size(), ce) + "."); } return ret; } Variant Object::callp(const StringName &p_method, const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount, Callable::CallError &r_error) { r_error.error = Callable::CallError::CALL_OK; if (p_method == CoreStringName(free_)) { //free must be here, before anything, always ready #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (p_argcount != 0) { r_error.error = Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS; r_error.expected = 0; return Variant(); } if (is_ref_counted()) { r_error.error = Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_METHOD; ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(Variant(), "Can't free a RefCounted object."); } if (_lock_index.get() > 1) { r_error.argument = 0; r_error.error = Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_METHOD; ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(Variant(), "Object is locked and can't be freed."); } #endif //must be here, must be before everything, memdelete(this); r_error.error = Callable::CallError::CALL_OK; return Variant(); } Variant ret; OBJ_DEBUG_LOCK if (script_instance) { ret = script_instance->callp(p_method, p_args, p_argcount, r_error); //force jumptable switch (r_error.error) { case Callable::CallError::CALL_OK: return ret; case Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_METHOD: break; case Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: case Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS: case Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_TOO_FEW_ARGUMENTS: case Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_METHOD_NOT_CONST: return ret; case Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INSTANCE_IS_NULL: { } } } //extension does not need this, because all methods are registered in MethodBind MethodBind *method = ClassDB::get_method(get_class_name(), p_method); if (method) { ret = method->call(this, p_args, p_argcount, r_error); } else { r_error.error = Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_METHOD; } return ret; } Variant Object::call_const(const StringName &p_method, const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount, Callable::CallError &r_error) { r_error.error = Callable::CallError::CALL_OK; if (p_method == CoreStringName(free_)) { // Free is not const, so fail. r_error.error = Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_METHOD_NOT_CONST; return Variant(); } Variant ret; OBJ_DEBUG_LOCK if (script_instance) { ret = script_instance->call_const(p_method, p_args, p_argcount, r_error); //force jumptable switch (r_error.error) { case Callable::CallError::CALL_OK: return ret; case Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_METHOD: break; case Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_METHOD_NOT_CONST: break; case Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: case Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS: case Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_TOO_FEW_ARGUMENTS: return ret; case Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INSTANCE_IS_NULL: { } } } //extension does not need this, because all methods are registered in MethodBind MethodBind *method = ClassDB::get_method(get_class_name(), p_method); if (method) { if (!method->is_const()) { r_error.error = Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_METHOD_NOT_CONST; return ret; } ret = method->call(this, p_args, p_argcount, r_error); } else { r_error.error = Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_METHOD; } return ret; } void Object::notification(int p_notification, bool p_reversed) { if (p_reversed) { if (script_instance) { script_instance->notification(p_notification, p_reversed); } } else { _notificationv(p_notification, p_reversed); } if (_extension) { if (_extension->notification2) { _extension->notification2(_extension_instance, p_notification, static_cast<GDExtensionBool>(p_reversed)); #ifndef DISABLE_DEPRECATED } else if (_extension->notification) { _extension->notification(_extension_instance, p_notification); #endif // DISABLE_DEPRECATED } } if (p_reversed) { _notificationv(p_notification, p_reversed); } else { if (script_instance) { script_instance->notification(p_notification, p_reversed); } } } String Object::to_string() { // Keep this method in sync with `Node::to_string`. if (script_instance) { bool valid; String ret = script_instance->to_string(&valid); if (valid) { return ret; } } if (_extension && _extension->to_string) { String ret; GDExtensionBool is_valid; _extension->to_string(_extension_instance, &is_valid, &ret); return ret; } return "<" + get_class() + "#" + itos(get_instance_id()) + ">"; } void Object::set_script_and_instance(const Variant &p_script, ScriptInstance *p_instance) { //this function is not meant to be used in any of these ways ERR_FAIL_COND(p_script.is_null()); ERR_FAIL_NULL(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND(script_instance != nullptr || !script.is_null()); script = p_script; script_instance = p_instance; } void Object::set_script(const Variant &p_script) { if (script == p_script) { return; } Ref<Script> s = p_script; if (!p_script.is_null()) { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(s.is_null(), "Cannot set object script. Parameter should be null or a reference to a valid script."); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(s->is_abstract(), vformat("Cannot set object script. Script '%s' should not be abstract.", s->get_path())); } script = p_script; if (script_instance) { memdelete(script_instance); script_instance = nullptr; } if (!s.is_null()) { if (s->can_instantiate()) { OBJ_DEBUG_LOCK script_instance = s->instance_create(this); } else if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) { OBJ_DEBUG_LOCK script_instance = s->placeholder_instance_create(this); } } notify_property_list_changed(); //scripts may add variables, so refresh is desired emit_signal(CoreStringName(script_changed)); } void Object::set_script_instance(ScriptInstance *p_instance) { if (script_instance == p_instance) { return; } if (script_instance) { memdelete(script_instance); } script_instance = p_instance; if (p_instance) { script = p_instance->get_script(); } else { script = Variant(); } } Variant Object::get_script() const { return script; } bool Object::has_meta(const StringName &p_name) const { return metadata.has(p_name); } void Object::set_meta(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) { if (p_value.get_type() == Variant::NIL) { if (metadata.has(p_name)) { metadata.erase(p_name); const String &sname = p_name; metadata_properties.erase("metadata/" + sname); if (!sname.begins_with("_")) { // Metadata starting with _ don't show up in the inspector, so no need to update. notify_property_list_changed(); } } return; } HashMap<StringName, Variant>::Iterator E = metadata.find(p_name); if (E) { E->value = p_value; } else { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!p_name.operator String().is_valid_identifier(), "Invalid metadata identifier: '" + p_name + "'."); Variant *V = &metadata.insert(p_name, p_value)->value; const String &sname = p_name; metadata_properties["metadata/" + sname] = V; if (!sname.begins_with("_")) { notify_property_list_changed(); } } } Variant Object::get_meta(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_default) const { if (!metadata.has(p_name)) { if (p_default != Variant()) { return p_default; } else { ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(Variant(), "The object does not have any 'meta' values with the key '" + p_name + "'."); } } return metadata[p_name]; } void Object::remove_meta(const StringName &p_name) { set_meta(p_name, Variant()); } TypedArray<Dictionary> Object::_get_property_list_bind() const { List<PropertyInfo> lpi; get_property_list(&lpi); return convert_property_list(&lpi); } TypedArray<Dictionary> Object::_get_method_list_bind() const { List<MethodInfo> ml; get_method_list(&ml); TypedArray<Dictionary> ret; for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = ml.front(); E; E = E->next()) { Dictionary d = E->get(); //va.push_back(d); ret.push_back(d); } return ret; } TypedArray<StringName> Object::_get_meta_list_bind() const { TypedArray<StringName> _metaret; for (const KeyValue<StringName, Variant> &K : metadata) { _metaret.push_back(K.key); } return _metaret; } void Object::get_meta_list(List<StringName> *p_list) const { for (const KeyValue<StringName, Variant> &K : metadata) { p_list->push_back(K.key); } } void Object::add_user_signal(const MethodInfo &p_signal) { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(p_signal.name.is_empty(), "Signal name cannot be empty."); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(ClassDB::has_signal(get_class_name(), p_signal.name), "User signal's name conflicts with a built-in signal of '" + get_class_name() + "'."); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(signal_map.has(p_signal.name), "Trying to add already existing signal '" + p_signal.name + "'."); SignalData s; s.user = p_signal; signal_map[p_signal.name] = s; } bool Object::_has_user_signal(const StringName &p_name) const { if (!signal_map.has(p_name)) { return false; } return signal_map[p_name].user.name.length() > 0; } void Object::_remove_user_signal(const StringName &p_name) { SignalData *s = signal_map.getptr(p_name); ERR_FAIL_NULL_MSG(s, "Provided signal does not exist."); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!s->removable, "Signal is not removable (not added with add_user_signal)."); for (const KeyValue<Callable, SignalData::Slot> &slot_kv : s->slot_map) { Object *target = slot_kv.key.get_object(); if (likely(target)) { target->connections.erase(slot_kv.value.cE); } } signal_map.erase(p_name); } Error Object::_emit_signal(const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount, Callable::CallError &r_error) { if (unlikely(p_argcount < 1)) { r_error.error = Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_TOO_FEW_ARGUMENTS; r_error.expected = 1; ERR_FAIL_V(Error::ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } if (unlikely(p_args[0]->get_type() != Variant::STRING_NAME && p_args[0]->get_type() != Variant::STRING)) { r_error.error = Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; r_error.argument = 0; r_error.expected = Variant::STRING_NAME; ERR_FAIL_V(Error::ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } r_error.error = Callable::CallError::CALL_OK; StringName signal = *p_args[0]; const Variant **args = nullptr; int argc = p_argcount - 1; if (argc) { args = &p_args[1]; } return emit_signalp(signal, args, argc); } Error Object::emit_signalp(const StringName &p_name, const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount) { if (_block_signals) { return ERR_CANT_ACQUIRE_RESOURCE; //no emit, signals blocked } SignalData *s = signal_map.getptr(p_name); if (!s) { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED bool signal_is_valid = ClassDB::has_signal(get_class_name(), p_name); //check in script ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!signal_is_valid && !script.is_null() && !Ref<Script>(script)->has_script_signal(p_name), ERR_UNAVAILABLE, "Can't emit non-existing signal " + String("\"") + p_name + "\"."); #endif //not connected? just return return ERR_UNAVAILABLE; } // If this is a ref-counted object, prevent it from being destroyed during signal emission, // which is needed in certain edge cases; e.g., https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/73889. Ref<RefCounted> rc = Ref<RefCounted>(Object::cast_to<RefCounted>(this)); // Ensure that disconnecting the signal or even deleting the object // will not affect the signal calling. Callable *slot_callables = (Callable *)alloca(sizeof(Callable) * s->slot_map.size()); uint32_t *slot_flags = (uint32_t *)alloca(sizeof(uint32_t) * s->slot_map.size()); uint32_t slot_count = 0; for (const KeyValue<Callable, SignalData::Slot> &slot_kv : s->slot_map) { memnew_placement(&slot_callables[slot_count], Callable(slot_kv.value.conn.callable)); slot_flags[slot_count] = slot_kv.value.conn.flags; ++slot_count; } DEV_ASSERT(slot_count == s->slot_map.size()); // Disconnect all one-shot connections before emitting to prevent recursion. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < slot_count; ++i) { bool disconnect = slot_flags[i] & CONNECT_ONE_SHOT; #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED if (disconnect && (slot_flags[i] & CONNECT_PERSIST) && Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) { // This signal was connected from the editor, and is being edited. Just don't disconnect for now. disconnect = false; } #endif if (disconnect) { _disconnect(p_name, slot_callables[i]); } } OBJ_DEBUG_LOCK Error err = OK; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < slot_count; ++i) { const Callable &callable = slot_callables[i]; const uint32_t &flags = slot_flags[i]; if (!callable.is_valid()) { // Target might have been deleted during signal callback, this is expected and OK. continue; } const Variant **args = p_args; int argc = p_argcount; if (flags & CONNECT_DEFERRED) { MessageQueue::get_singleton()->push_callablep(callable, args, argc, true); } else { Callable::CallError ce; _emitting = true; Variant ret; callable.callp(args, argc, ret, ce); _emitting = false; if (ce.error != Callable::CallError::CALL_OK) { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (flags & CONNECT_PERSIST && Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint() && (script.is_null() || !Ref<Script>(script)->is_tool())) { continue; } #endif Object *target = callable.get_object(); if (ce.error == Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_METHOD && target && !ClassDB::class_exists(target->get_class_name())) { //most likely object is not initialized yet, do not throw error. } else { ERR_PRINT("Error calling from signal '" + String(p_name) + "' to callable: " + Variant::get_callable_error_text(callable, args, argc, ce) + "."); err = ERR_METHOD_NOT_FOUND; } } } } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < slot_count; ++i) { slot_callables[i].~Callable(); } return err; } void Object::_add_user_signal(const String &p_name, const Array &p_args) { // this version of add_user_signal is meant to be used from scripts or external apis // without access to ADD_SIGNAL in bind_methods // added events are per instance, as opposed to the other ones, which are global MethodInfo mi; mi.name = p_name; for (const Variant &arg : p_args) { Dictionary d = arg; PropertyInfo param; if (d.has("name")) { param.name = d["name"]; } if (d.has("type")) { param.type = (Variant::Type)(int)d["type"]; } mi.arguments.push_back(param); } add_user_signal(mi); if (signal_map.has(p_name)) { signal_map.getptr(p_name)->removable = true; } } TypedArray<Dictionary> Object::_get_signal_list() const { List<MethodInfo> signal_list; get_signal_list(&signal_list); TypedArray<Dictionary> ret; for (const MethodInfo &E : signal_list) { ret.push_back(Dictionary(E)); } return ret; } TypedArray<Dictionary> Object::_get_signal_connection_list(const StringName &p_signal) const { List<Connection> conns; get_all_signal_connections(&conns); TypedArray<Dictionary> ret; for (const Connection &c : conns) { if (c.signal.get_name() == p_signal) { ret.push_back(c); } } return ret; } TypedArray<Dictionary> Object::_get_incoming_connections() const { TypedArray<Dictionary> ret; for (const Object::Connection &connection : connections) { ret.push_back(connection); } return ret; } bool Object::has_signal(const StringName &p_name) const { if (!script.is_null()) { Ref<Script> scr = script; if (scr.is_valid() && scr->has_script_signal(p_name)) { return true; } } if (ClassDB::has_signal(get_class_name(), p_name)) { return true; } if (_has_user_signal(p_name)) { return true; } return false; } void Object::get_signal_list(List<MethodInfo> *p_signals) const { if (!script.is_null()) { Ref<Script> scr = script; if (scr.is_valid()) { scr->get_script_signal_list(p_signals); } } ClassDB::get_signal_list(get_class_name(), p_signals); //find maybe usersignals? for (const KeyValue<StringName, SignalData> &E : signal_map) { if (!E.value.user.name.is_empty()) { //user signal p_signals->push_back(E.value.user); } } } void Object::get_all_signal_connections(List<Connection> *p_connections) const { for (const KeyValue<StringName, SignalData> &E : signal_map) { const SignalData *s = &E.value; for (const KeyValue<Callable, SignalData::Slot> &slot_kv : s->slot_map) { p_connections->push_back(slot_kv.value.conn); } } } void Object::get_signal_connection_list(const StringName &p_signal, List<Connection> *p_connections) const { const SignalData *s = signal_map.getptr(p_signal); if (!s) { return; //nothing } for (const KeyValue<Callable, SignalData::Slot> &slot_kv : s->slot_map) { p_connections->push_back(slot_kv.value.conn); } } int Object::get_persistent_signal_connection_count() const { int count = 0; for (const KeyValue<StringName, SignalData> &E : signal_map) { const SignalData *s = &E.value; for (const KeyValue<Callable, SignalData::Slot> &slot_kv : s->slot_map) { if (slot_kv.value.conn.flags & CONNECT_PERSIST) { count += 1; } } } return count; } void Object::get_signals_connected_to_this(List<Connection> *p_connections) const { for (const Connection &E : connections) { p_connections->push_back(E); } } Error Object::connect(const StringName &p_signal, const Callable &p_callable, uint32_t p_flags) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_callable.is_null(), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Cannot connect to '" + p_signal + "': the provided callable is null."); if (p_callable.is_standard()) { // FIXME: This branch should probably removed in favor of the `is_valid()` branch, but there exist some classes // that call `connect()` before they are fully registered with ClassDB. Until all such classes can be found // and registered soon enough this branch is needed to allow `connect()` to succeed. ERR_FAIL_NULL_V_MSG(p_callable.get_object(), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Cannot connect to '" + p_signal + "' to callable '" + p_callable + "': the callable object is null."); } else { ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!p_callable.is_valid(), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Cannot connect to '" + p_signal + "': the provided callable is not valid: " + p_callable); } SignalData *s = signal_map.getptr(p_signal); if (!s) { bool signal_is_valid = ClassDB::has_signal(get_class_name(), p_signal); //check in script if (!signal_is_valid && !script.is_null()) { if (Ref<Script>(script)->has_script_signal(p_signal)) { signal_is_valid = true; } #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED else { //allow connecting signals anyway if script is invalid, see issue #17070 if (!Ref<Script>(script)->is_valid()) { signal_is_valid = true; } } #endif } ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!signal_is_valid, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "In Object of type '" + String(get_class()) + "': Attempt to connect nonexistent signal '" + p_signal + "' to callable '" + p_callable + "'."); signal_map[p_signal] = SignalData(); s = &signal_map[p_signal]; } //compare with the base callable, so binds can be ignored if (s->slot_map.has(*p_callable.get_base_comparator())) { if (p_flags & CONNECT_REFERENCE_COUNTED) { s->slot_map[*p_callable.get_base_comparator()].reference_count++; return OK; } else { ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Signal '" + p_signal + "' is already connected to given callable '" + p_callable + "' in that object."); } } Object *target_object = p_callable.get_object(); SignalData::Slot slot; Connection conn; conn.callable = p_callable; conn.signal = ::Signal(this, p_signal); conn.flags = p_flags; slot.conn = conn; if (target_object) { slot.cE = target_object->connections.push_back(conn); } if (p_flags & CONNECT_REFERENCE_COUNTED) { slot.reference_count = 1; } //use callable version as key, so binds can be ignored s->slot_map[*p_callable.get_base_comparator()] = slot; return OK; } bool Object::is_connected(const StringName &p_signal, const Callable &p_callable) const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_callable.is_null(), false, "Cannot determine if connected to '" + p_signal + "': the provided callable is null."); // Should use `is_null`, see note in `connect` about the use of `is_valid`. const SignalData *s = signal_map.getptr(p_signal); if (!s) { bool signal_is_valid = ClassDB::has_signal(get_class_name(), p_signal); if (signal_is_valid) { return false; } if (!script.is_null() && Ref<Script>(script)->has_script_signal(p_signal)) { return false; } ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(false, "Nonexistent signal: " + p_signal + "."); } return s->slot_map.has(*p_callable.get_base_comparator()); } void Object::disconnect(const StringName &p_signal, const Callable &p_callable) { _disconnect(p_signal, p_callable); } bool Object::_disconnect(const StringName &p_signal, const Callable &p_callable, bool p_force) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_callable.is_null(), false, "Cannot disconnect from '" + p_signal + "': the provided callable is null."); // Should use `is_null`, see note in `connect` about the use of `is_valid`. SignalData *s = signal_map.getptr(p_signal); if (!s) { bool signal_is_valid = ClassDB::has_signal(get_class_name(), p_signal) || (!script.is_null() && Ref<Script>(script)->has_script_signal(p_signal)); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(signal_is_valid, false, "Attempt to disconnect a nonexistent connection from '" + to_string() + "'. Signal: '" + p_signal + "', callable: '" + p_callable + "'."); } ERR_FAIL_NULL_V_MSG(s, false, vformat("Disconnecting nonexistent signal '%s' in %s.", p_signal, to_string())); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!s->slot_map.has(*p_callable.get_base_comparator()), false, "Attempt to disconnect a nonexistent connection from '" + to_string() + "'. Signal: '" + p_signal + "', callable: '" + p_callable + "'."); SignalData::Slot *slot = &s->slot_map[*p_callable.get_base_comparator()]; if (!p_force) { slot->reference_count--; // by default is zero, if it was not referenced it will go below it if (slot->reference_count > 0) { return false; } } if (slot->cE) { Object *target_object = p_callable.get_object(); if (target_object) { target_object->connections.erase(slot->cE); } } s->slot_map.erase(*p_callable.get_base_comparator()); if (s->slot_map.is_empty() && ClassDB::has_signal(get_class_name(), p_signal)) { //not user signal, delete signal_map.erase(p_signal); } return true; } void Object::_set_bind(const StringName &p_set, const Variant &p_value) { set(p_set, p_value); } Variant Object::_get_bind(const StringName &p_name) const { return get(p_name); } void Object::_set_indexed_bind(const NodePath &p_name, const Variant &p_value) { set_indexed(p_name.get_as_property_path().get_subnames(), p_value); } Variant Object::_get_indexed_bind(const NodePath &p_name) const { return get_indexed(p_name.get_as_property_path().get_subnames()); } void Object::initialize_class() { static bool initialized = false; if (initialized) { return; } ClassDB::_add_class<Object>(); _bind_methods(); _bind_compatibility_methods(); initialized = true; } String Object::tr(const StringName &p_message, const StringName &p_context) const { if (!_can_translate || !TranslationServer::get_singleton()) { return p_message; } if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint() || Engine::get_singleton()->is_project_manager_hint()) { String tr_msg = TranslationServer::get_singleton()->extractable_translate(p_message, p_context); if (!tr_msg.is_empty() && tr_msg != p_message) { return tr_msg; } return TranslationServer::get_singleton()->tool_translate(p_message, p_context); } return TranslationServer::get_singleton()->translate(p_message, p_context); } String Object::tr_n(const StringName &p_message, const StringName &p_message_plural, int p_n, const StringName &p_context) const { if (!_can_translate || !TranslationServer::get_singleton()) { // Return message based on English plural rule if translation is not possible. if (p_n == 1) { return p_message; } return p_message_plural; } if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint() || Engine::get_singleton()->is_project_manager_hint()) { String tr_msg = TranslationServer::get_singleton()->extractable_translate_plural(p_message, p_message_plural, p_n, p_context); if (!tr_msg.is_empty() && tr_msg != p_message && tr_msg != p_message_plural) { return tr_msg; } return TranslationServer::get_singleton()->tool_translate_plural(p_message, p_message_plural, p_n, p_context); } return TranslationServer::get_singleton()->translate_plural(p_message, p_message_plural, p_n, p_context); } void Object::_clear_internal_resource_paths(const Variant &p_var) { switch (p_var.get_type()) { case Variant::OBJECT: { Ref<Resource> r = p_var; if (!r.is_valid()) { return; } if (!r->is_built_in()) { return; //not an internal resource } Object *object = p_var; if (!object) { return; } r->set_path(""); r->clear_internal_resource_paths(); } break; case Variant::ARRAY: { Array a = p_var; for (const Variant &var : a) { _clear_internal_resource_paths(var); } } break; case Variant::DICTIONARY: { Dictionary d = p_var; List<Variant> keys; d.get_key_list(&keys); for (const Variant &E : keys) { _clear_internal_resource_paths(E); _clear_internal_resource_paths(d[E]); } } break; default: { } } } #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED void Object::editor_set_section_unfold(const String &p_section, bool p_unfolded) { set_edited(true); if (p_unfolded) { editor_section_folding.insert(p_section); } else { editor_section_folding.erase(p_section); } } bool Object::editor_is_section_unfolded(const String &p_section) { return editor_section_folding.has(p_section); } #endif void Object::clear_internal_resource_paths() { List<PropertyInfo> pinfo; get_property_list(&pinfo); for (const PropertyInfo &E : pinfo) { _clear_internal_resource_paths(get(E.name)); } } void Object::notify_property_list_changed() { emit_signal(CoreStringName(property_list_changed)); } void Object::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_class"), &Object::get_class); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_class", "class"), &Object::is_class); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set", "property", "value"), &Object::_set_bind); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get", "property"), &Object::_get_bind); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_indexed", "property_path", "value"), &Object::_set_indexed_bind); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_indexed", "property_path"), &Object::_get_indexed_bind); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_property_list"), &Object::_get_property_list_bind); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_method_list"), &Object::_get_method_list_bind); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("property_can_revert", "property"), &Object::property_can_revert); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("property_get_revert", "property"), &Object::property_get_revert); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("notification", "what", "reversed"), &Object::notification, DEFVAL(false)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("to_string"), &Object::to_string); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_instance_id"), &Object::get_instance_id); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_script", "script"), &Object::set_script); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_script"), &Object::get_script); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_meta", "name", "value"), &Object::set_meta); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_meta", "name"), &Object::remove_meta); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_meta", "name", "default"), &Object::get_meta, DEFVAL(Variant())); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("has_meta", "name"), &Object::has_meta); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_meta_list"), &Object::_get_meta_list_bind); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_user_signal", "signal", "arguments"), &Object::_add_user_signal, DEFVAL(Array())); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("has_user_signal", "signal"), &Object::_has_user_signal); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_user_signal", "signal"), &Object::_remove_user_signal); { MethodInfo mi; mi.name = "emit_signal"; mi.arguments.push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING_NAME, "signal")); ClassDB::bind_vararg_method(METHOD_FLAGS_DEFAULT, "emit_signal", &Object::_emit_signal, mi, varray(), false); } { MethodInfo mi; mi.name = "call"; mi.arguments.push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING_NAME, "method")); ClassDB::bind_vararg_method(METHOD_FLAGS_DEFAULT, "call", &Object::_call_bind, mi); } { MethodInfo mi; mi.name = "call_deferred"; mi.arguments.push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING_NAME, "method")); ClassDB::bind_vararg_method(METHOD_FLAGS_DEFAULT, "call_deferred", &Object::_call_deferred_bind, mi, varray(), false); } ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_deferred", "property", "value"), &Object::set_deferred); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("callv", "method", "arg_array"), &Object::callv); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("has_method", "method"), &Object::has_method); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_method_argument_count", "method"), &Object::_get_method_argument_count_bind); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("has_signal", "signal"), &Object::has_signal); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_signal_list"), &Object::_get_signal_list); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_signal_connection_list", "signal"), &Object::_get_signal_connection_list); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_incoming_connections"), &Object::_get_incoming_connections); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("connect", "signal", "callable", "flags"), &Object::connect, DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("disconnect", "signal", "callable"), &Object::disconnect); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_connected", "signal", "callable"), &Object::is_connected); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_block_signals", "enable"), &Object::set_block_signals); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_blocking_signals"), &Object::is_blocking_signals); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("notify_property_list_changed"), &Object::notify_property_list_changed); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_message_translation", "enable"), &Object::set_message_translation); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("can_translate_messages"), &Object::can_translate_messages); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("tr", "message", "context"), &Object::tr, DEFVAL(StringName())); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("tr_n", "message", "plural_message", "n", "context"), &Object::tr_n, DEFVAL(StringName())); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_queued_for_deletion"), &Object::is_queued_for_deletion); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("cancel_free"), &Object::cancel_free); ClassDB::add_virtual_method("Object", MethodInfo("free"), false); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("script_changed")); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("property_list_changed")); #define BIND_OBJ_CORE_METHOD(m_method) \ ::ClassDB::add_virtual_method(get_class_static(), m_method, true, Vector<String>(), true); MethodInfo notification_mi("_notification", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "what")); notification_mi.arguments_metadata.push_back(GodotTypeInfo::Metadata::METADATA_INT_IS_INT32); BIND_OBJ_CORE_METHOD(notification_mi); BIND_OBJ_CORE_METHOD(MethodInfo(Variant::BOOL, "_set", PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING_NAME, "property"), PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, "value"))); #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED MethodInfo miget("_get", PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING_NAME, "property")); miget.return_val.name = "Variant"; miget.return_val.usage |= PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT; BIND_OBJ_CORE_METHOD(miget); MethodInfo plget("_get_property_list"); plget.return_val.type = Variant::ARRAY; plget.return_val.hint = PROPERTY_HINT_ARRAY_TYPE; plget.return_val.hint_string = "Dictionary"; BIND_OBJ_CORE_METHOD(plget); BIND_OBJ_CORE_METHOD(MethodInfo(Variant::NIL, "_validate_property", PropertyInfo(Variant::DICTIONARY, "property"))); BIND_OBJ_CORE_METHOD(MethodInfo(Variant::BOOL, "_property_can_revert", PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING_NAME, "property"))); MethodInfo mipgr("_property_get_revert", PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING_NAME, "property")); mipgr.return_val.name = "Variant"; mipgr.return_val.usage |= PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT; BIND_OBJ_CORE_METHOD(mipgr); #endif BIND_OBJ_CORE_METHOD(MethodInfo("_init")); BIND_OBJ_CORE_METHOD(MethodInfo(Variant::STRING, "_to_string")); BIND_CONSTANT(NOTIFICATION_POSTINITIALIZE); BIND_CONSTANT(NOTIFICATION_PREDELETE); BIND_CONSTANT(NOTIFICATION_EXTENSION_RELOADED); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(CONNECT_DEFERRED); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(CONNECT_PERSIST); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(CONNECT_ONE_SHOT); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(CONNECT_REFERENCE_COUNTED); } void Object::set_deferred(const StringName &p_property, const Variant &p_value) { MessageQueue::get_singleton()->push_set(this, p_property, p_value); } void Object::set_block_signals(bool p_block) { _block_signals = p_block; } bool Object::is_blocking_signals() const { return _block_signals; } Variant::Type Object::get_static_property_type(const StringName &p_property, bool *r_valid) const { bool valid; Variant::Type t = ClassDB::get_property_type(get_class_name(), p_property, &valid); if (valid) { if (r_valid) { *r_valid = true; } return t; } if (get_script_instance()) { return get_script_instance()->get_property_type(p_property, r_valid); } if (r_valid) { *r_valid = false; } return Variant::NIL; } Variant::Type Object::get_static_property_type_indexed(const Vector<StringName> &p_path, bool *r_valid) const { if (p_path.size() == 0) { if (r_valid) { *r_valid = false; } return Variant::NIL; } bool valid = false; Variant::Type t = get_static_property_type(p_path[0], &valid); if (!valid) { if (r_valid) { *r_valid = false; } return Variant::NIL; } Callable::CallError ce; Variant check; Variant::construct(t, check, nullptr, 0, ce); for (int i = 1; i < p_path.size(); i++) { if (check.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT || check.get_type() == Variant::DICTIONARY || check.get_type() == Variant::ARRAY) { // We cannot be sure about the type of properties this type can have if (r_valid) { *r_valid = false; } return Variant::NIL; } check = check.get_named(p_path[i], valid); if (!valid) { if (r_valid) { *r_valid = false; } return Variant::NIL; } } if (r_valid) { *r_valid = true; } return check.get_type(); } bool Object::is_queued_for_deletion() const { return _is_queued_for_deletion; } #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED void Object::set_edited(bool p_edited) { _edited = p_edited; _edited_version++; } bool Object::is_edited() const { return _edited; } uint32_t Object::get_edited_version() const { return _edited_version; } #endif StringName Object::get_class_name_for_extension(const GDExtension *p_library) const { #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED // If this is the library this extension comes from and it's a placeholder, we // have to return the closest native parent's class name, so that it doesn't try to // use this like the real object. if (unlikely(_extension && _extension->library == p_library && _extension->is_placeholder)) { const StringName *class_name = _get_class_namev(); return *class_name; } #endif // Only return the class name per the extension if it matches the given p_library. if (_extension && _extension->library == p_library) { return _extension->class_name; } // Extensions only have wrapper classes for classes exposed in ClassDB. const StringName *class_name = _get_class_namev(); if (ClassDB::is_class_exposed(*class_name)) { return *class_name; } // Find the nearest parent class that's exposed. StringName parent_class = ClassDB::get_parent_class(*class_name); while (parent_class != StringName()) { if (ClassDB::is_class_exposed(parent_class)) { return parent_class; } parent_class = ClassDB::get_parent_class(parent_class); } return SNAME("Object"); } void Object::set_instance_binding(void *p_token, void *p_binding, const GDExtensionInstanceBindingCallbacks *p_callbacks) { // This is only meant to be used on creation by the binder, but we also // need to account for reloading (where the 'binding' will be cleared). ERR_FAIL_COND(_instance_bindings != nullptr && _instance_bindings[0].binding != nullptr); if (_instance_bindings == nullptr) { _instance_bindings = (InstanceBinding *)memalloc(sizeof(InstanceBinding)); _instance_binding_count = 1; } _instance_bindings[0].binding = p_binding; _instance_bindings[0].free_callback = p_callbacks->free_callback; _instance_bindings[0].reference_callback = p_callbacks->reference_callback; _instance_bindings[0].token = p_token; } void *Object::get_instance_binding(void *p_token, const GDExtensionInstanceBindingCallbacks *p_callbacks) { void *binding = nullptr; _instance_binding_mutex.lock(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _instance_binding_count; i++) { if (_instance_bindings[i].token == p_token) { binding = _instance_bindings[i].binding; break; } } if (unlikely(!binding && p_callbacks)) { uint32_t current_size = next_power_of_2(_instance_binding_count); uint32_t new_size = next_power_of_2(_instance_binding_count + 1); if (current_size == 0 || new_size > current_size) { _instance_bindings = (InstanceBinding *)memrealloc(_instance_bindings, new_size * sizeof(InstanceBinding)); } _instance_bindings[_instance_binding_count].free_callback = p_callbacks->free_callback; _instance_bindings[_instance_binding_count].reference_callback = p_callbacks->reference_callback; _instance_bindings[_instance_binding_count].token = p_token; binding = p_callbacks->create_callback(p_token, this); _instance_bindings[_instance_binding_count].binding = binding; #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED if (!_extension && Engine::get_singleton()->is_extension_reloading_enabled()) { GDExtensionManager::get_singleton()->track_instance_binding(p_token, this); } #endif _instance_binding_count++; } _instance_binding_mutex.unlock(); return binding; } bool Object::has_instance_binding(void *p_token) { bool found = false; _instance_binding_mutex.lock(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _instance_binding_count; i++) { if (_instance_bindings[i].token == p_token) { found = true; break; } } _instance_binding_mutex.unlock(); return found; } void Object::free_instance_binding(void *p_token) { bool found = false; _instance_binding_mutex.lock(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _instance_binding_count; i++) { if (!found && _instance_bindings[i].token == p_token) { if (_instance_bindings[i].free_callback) { _instance_bindings[i].free_callback(_instance_bindings[i].token, this, _instance_bindings[i].binding); } found = true; } if (found) { if (i + 1 < _instance_binding_count) { _instance_bindings[i] = _instance_bindings[i + 1]; } else { _instance_bindings[i] = { nullptr }; } } } if (found) { _instance_binding_count--; } _instance_binding_mutex.unlock(); } #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED void Object::clear_internal_extension() { ERR_FAIL_NULL(_extension); // Free the instance inside the GDExtension. if (_extension->free_instance) { _extension->free_instance(_extension->class_userdata, _extension_instance); } _extension = nullptr; _extension_instance = nullptr; // Clear the instance bindings. _instance_binding_mutex.lock(); if (_instance_bindings) { if (_instance_bindings[0].free_callback) { _instance_bindings[0].free_callback(_instance_bindings[0].token, this, _instance_bindings[0].binding); } _instance_bindings[0].binding = nullptr; _instance_bindings[0].token = nullptr; _instance_bindings[0].free_callback = nullptr; _instance_bindings[0].reference_callback = nullptr; } _instance_binding_mutex.unlock(); // Clear the virtual methods. while (virtual_method_list) { (*virtual_method_list->method) = nullptr; (*virtual_method_list->initialized) = false; virtual_method_list = virtual_method_list->next; } } void Object::reset_internal_extension(ObjectGDExtension *p_extension) { ERR_FAIL_COND(_extension != nullptr); if (p_extension) { _extension_instance = p_extension->recreate_instance ? p_extension->recreate_instance(p_extension->class_userdata, (GDExtensionObjectPtr)this) : nullptr; ERR_FAIL_NULL_MSG(_extension_instance, "Unable to recreate GDExtension instance - does this extension support hot reloading?"); _extension = p_extension; } } #endif void Object::_construct_object(bool p_reference) { type_is_reference = p_reference; _instance_id = ObjectDB::add_instance(this); #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED _lock_index.init(1); #endif } Object::Object(bool p_reference) { _construct_object(p_reference); } Object::Object() { _construct_object(false); } void Object::detach_from_objectdb() { if (_instance_id != ObjectID()) { ObjectDB::remove_instance(this); _instance_id = ObjectID(); } } Object::~Object() { if (script_instance) { memdelete(script_instance); } script_instance = nullptr; if (_extension) { #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED if (_extension->untrack_instance) { _extension->untrack_instance(_extension->tracking_userdata, this); } #endif if (_extension->free_instance) { _extension->free_instance(_extension->class_userdata, _extension_instance); } _extension = nullptr; _extension_instance = nullptr; } #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED else if (_instance_bindings != nullptr) { Engine *engine = Engine::get_singleton(); GDExtensionManager *gdextension_manager = GDExtensionManager::get_singleton(); if (engine && gdextension_manager && engine->is_extension_reloading_enabled()) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _instance_binding_count; i++) { gdextension_manager->untrack_instance_binding(_instance_bindings[i].token, this); } } } #endif if (_emitting) { //@todo this may need to actually reach the debugger prioritarily somehow because it may crash before ERR_PRINT("Object " + to_string() + " was freed or unreferenced while a signal is being emitted from it. Try connecting to the signal using 'CONNECT_DEFERRED' flag, or use queue_free() to free the object (if this object is a Node) to avoid this error and potential crashes."); } // Drop all connections to the signals of this object. while (signal_map.size()) { // Avoid regular iteration so erasing is safe. KeyValue<StringName, SignalData> &E = *signal_map.begin(); SignalData *s = &E.value; for (const KeyValue<Callable, SignalData::Slot> &slot_kv : s->slot_map) { Object *target = slot_kv.value.conn.callable.get_object(); if (likely(target)) { target->connections.erase(slot_kv.value.cE); } } signal_map.erase(E.key); } // Disconnect signals that connect to this object. while (connections.size()) { Connection c = connections.front()->get(); bool disconnected = c.signal.get_object()->_disconnect(c.signal.get_name(), c.callable, true); if (unlikely(!disconnected)) { // If the disconnect has failed, abandon the connection to avoid getting trapped in an infinite loop here. connections.pop_front(); } } if (_instance_id != ObjectID()) { ObjectDB::remove_instance(this); _instance_id = ObjectID(); } _predelete_ok = 2; if (_instance_bindings != nullptr) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _instance_binding_count; i++) { if (_instance_bindings[i].free_callback) { _instance_bindings[i].free_callback(_instance_bindings[i].token, this, _instance_bindings[i].binding); } } memfree(_instance_bindings); } } bool predelete_handler(Object *p_object) { return p_object->_predelete(); } void postinitialize_handler(Object *p_object) { p_object->_postinitialize(); } void ObjectDB::debug_objects(DebugFunc p_func) { spin_lock.lock(); for (uint32_t i = 0, count = slot_count; i < slot_max && count != 0; i++) { if (object_slots[i].validator) { p_func(object_slots[i].object); count--; } } spin_lock.unlock(); } #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED void Object::get_argument_options(const StringName &p_function, int p_idx, List<String> *r_options) const { const String pf = p_function; if (p_idx == 0) { if (pf == "connect" || pf == "is_connected" || pf == "disconnect" || pf == "emit_signal" || pf == "has_signal") { List<MethodInfo> signals; get_signal_list(&signals); for (const MethodInfo &E : signals) { r_options->push_back(E.name.quote()); } } else if (pf == "call" || pf == "call_deferred" || pf == "callv" || pf == "has_method") { List<MethodInfo> methods; get_method_list(&methods); for (const MethodInfo &E : methods) { if (E.name.begins_with("_") && !(E.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VIRTUAL)) { continue; } r_options->push_back(E.name.quote()); } } else if (pf == "set" || pf == "set_deferred" || pf == "get") { List<PropertyInfo> properties; get_property_list(&properties); for (const PropertyInfo &E : properties) { if (E.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT && !(E.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_INTERNAL)) { r_options->push_back(E.name.quote()); } } } else if (pf == "set_meta" || pf == "get_meta" || pf == "has_meta" || pf == "remove_meta") { for (const KeyValue<StringName, Variant> &K : metadata) { r_options->push_back(String(K.key).quote()); } } } else if (p_idx == 2) { if (pf == "connect") { // Ideally, the constants should be inferred by the parameter. // But a parameter's PropertyInfo does not store the enum they come from, so this will do for now. List<StringName> constants; ClassDB::get_enum_constants("Object", "ConnectFlags", &constants); for (const StringName &E : constants) { r_options->push_back(String(E)); } } } } #endif SpinLock ObjectDB::spin_lock; uint32_t ObjectDB::slot_count = 0; uint32_t ObjectDB::slot_max = 0; ObjectDB::ObjectSlot *ObjectDB::object_slots = nullptr; uint64_t ObjectDB::validator_counter = 0; int ObjectDB::get_object_count() { return slot_count; } ObjectID ObjectDB::add_instance(Object *p_object) { spin_lock.lock(); if (unlikely(slot_count == slot_max)) { CRASH_COND(slot_count == (1 << OBJECTDB_SLOT_MAX_COUNT_BITS)); uint32_t new_slot_max = slot_max > 0 ? slot_max * 2 : 1; object_slots = (ObjectSlot *)memrealloc(object_slots, sizeof(ObjectSlot) * new_slot_max); for (uint32_t i = slot_max; i < new_slot_max; i++) { object_slots[i].object = nullptr; object_slots[i].is_ref_counted = false; object_slots[i].next_free = i; object_slots[i].validator = 0; } slot_max = new_slot_max; } uint32_t slot = object_slots[slot_count].next_free; if (object_slots[slot].object != nullptr) { spin_lock.unlock(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(object_slots[slot].object != nullptr, ObjectID()); } object_slots[slot].object = p_object; object_slots[slot].is_ref_counted = p_object->is_ref_counted(); validator_counter = (validator_counter + 1) & OBJECTDB_VALIDATOR_MASK; if (unlikely(validator_counter == 0)) { validator_counter = 1; } object_slots[slot].validator = validator_counter; uint64_t id = validator_counter; id <<= OBJECTDB_SLOT_MAX_COUNT_BITS; id |= uint64_t(slot); if (p_object->is_ref_counted()) { id |= OBJECTDB_REFERENCE_BIT; } slot_count++; spin_lock.unlock(); return ObjectID(id); } void ObjectDB::remove_instance(Object *p_object) { uint64_t t = p_object->get_instance_id(); uint32_t slot = t & OBJECTDB_SLOT_MAX_COUNT_MASK; //slot is always valid on valid object spin_lock.lock(); #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (object_slots[slot].object != p_object) { spin_lock.unlock(); ERR_FAIL_COND(object_slots[slot].object != p_object); } { uint64_t validator = (t >> OBJECTDB_SLOT_MAX_COUNT_BITS) & OBJECTDB_VALIDATOR_MASK; if (object_slots[slot].validator != validator) { spin_lock.unlock(); ERR_FAIL_COND(object_slots[slot].validator != validator); } } #endif //decrease slot count slot_count--; //set the free slot properly object_slots[slot_count].next_free = slot; //invalidate, so checks against it fail object_slots[slot].validator = 0; object_slots[slot].is_ref_counted = false; object_slots[slot].object = nullptr; spin_lock.unlock(); } void ObjectDB::setup() { //nothing to do now } void ObjectDB::cleanup() { spin_lock.lock(); if (slot_count > 0) { WARN_PRINT("ObjectDB instances leaked at exit (run with --verbose for details)."); if (OS::get_singleton()->is_stdout_verbose()) { // Ensure calling the native classes because if a leaked instance has a script // that overrides any of those methods, it'd not be OK to call them at this point, // now the scripting languages have already been terminated. MethodBind *node_get_name = ClassDB::get_method("Node", "get_name"); MethodBind *resource_get_path = ClassDB::get_method("Resource", "get_path"); Callable::CallError call_error; for (uint32_t i = 0, count = slot_count; i < slot_max && count != 0; i++) { if (object_slots[i].validator) { Object *obj = object_slots[i].object; String extra_info; if (obj->is_class("Node")) { extra_info = " - Node name: " + String(node_get_name->call(obj, nullptr, 0, call_error)); } if (obj->is_class("Resource")) { extra_info = " - Resource path: " + String(resource_get_path->call(obj, nullptr, 0, call_error)); } uint64_t id = uint64_t(i) | (uint64_t(object_slots[i].validator) << OBJECTDB_SLOT_MAX_COUNT_BITS) | (object_slots[i].is_ref_counted ? OBJECTDB_REFERENCE_BIT : 0); DEV_ASSERT(id == (uint64_t)obj->get_instance_id()); // We could just use the id from the object, but this check may help catching memory corruption catastrophes. print_line("Leaked instance: " + String(obj->get_class()) + ":" + uitos(id) + extra_info); count--; } } print_line("Hint: Leaked instances typically happen when nodes are removed from the scene tree (with `remove_child()`) but not freed (with `free()` or `queue_free()`)."); } } if (object_slots) { memfree(object_slots); } spin_lock.unlock(); }