 *  Copyright The Mbed TLS Contributors
 *  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later

 * \file mps_reader.h
 * \brief This file defines reader objects, which together with their
 *        sibling writer objects form the basis for the communication
 *        between the various layers of the Mbed TLS messaging stack,
 *        as well as the communication between the messaging stack and
 *        the (D)TLS handshake protocol implementation.
 * Readers provide a means of transferring incoming data from
 * a 'producer' providing it in chunks of arbitrary size, to
 * a 'consumer' which fetches and processes it in chunks of
 * again arbitrary, and potentially different, size.
 * Readers can thus be seen as datagram-to-stream converters,
 * and they abstract away the following two tasks from the user:
 * 1. The pointer arithmetic of stepping through a producer-
 *    provided chunk in smaller chunks.
 * 2. The merging of incoming data chunks in case the
 *    consumer requests data in larger chunks than what the
 *    producer provides.
 * The basic abstract flow of operation is the following:
 * - Initially, the reader is in 'producing mode'.
 * - The producer hands an incoming data buffer to the reader,
 *   moving it from 'producing' to 'consuming' mode.
 * - The consumer subsequently fetches and processes the buffer
 *   content. Once that's done -- or partially done and a consumer's
 *   request can't be fulfilled -- the producer revokes the reader's
 *   access to the incoming data buffer, putting the reader back to
 *   producing mode.
 * - The producer subsequently gathers more incoming data and hands
 *   it to the reader until it switches back to consuming mode
 *   if enough data is available for the last consumer request to
 *   be satisfiable.
 * - Repeat the above.
 * The abstract states of the reader from the producer's and
 * consumer's perspective are as follows:
 * - From the perspective of the consumer, the state of the
 *   reader consists of the following:
 *   - A byte stream representing (concatenation of) the data
 *     received through calls to mbedtls_mps_reader_get(),
 *   - A marker within that byte stream indicating which data
 *     can be considered processed, and hence need not be retained,
 *     when the reader is passed back to the producer via
 *     mbedtls_mps_reader_reclaim().
 *     The marker is set via mbedtls_mps_reader_commit()
 *     which places it at the end of the current byte stream.
 *   The consumer need not be aware of the distinction between consumer
 *   and producer mode, because it only interfaces with the reader
 *   when the latter is in consuming mode.
 * - From the perspective of the producer, the reader's state is one of:
 *   - Attached: The reader is in consuming mode.
 *   - Unset: No incoming data buffer is currently managed by the reader,
 *            and all previously handed incoming data buffers have been
 *            fully processed. More data needs to be fed into the reader
 *            via mbedtls_mps_reader_feed().
 *   - Accumulating: No incoming data buffer is currently managed by the
 *                   reader, but some data from the previous incoming data
 *                   buffer hasn't been processed yet and is internally
 *                   held back.
 *   The Attached state belongs to consuming mode, while the Unset and
 *   Accumulating states belong to producing mode.
 * Transitioning from the Unset or Accumulating state to Attached is
 * done via successful calls to mbedtls_mps_reader_feed(), while
 * transitioning from Attached to either Unset or Accumulating (depending
 * on what has been processed) is done via mbedtls_mps_reader_reclaim().
 * The following diagram depicts the producer-state progression:
 *        +------------------+             reclaim
 *        |      Unset       +<-------------------------------------+       get
 *        +--------|---------+                                      |   +------+
 *                 |                                                |   |      |
 *                 |                                                |   |      |
 *                 |                feed                  +---------+---+--+   |
 *                 +-------------------------------------->                <---+
 *                                                        |    Attached    |
 *                 +-------------------------------------->                <---+
 *                 |     feed, enough data available      +---------+---+--+   |
 *                 |     to serve previous consumer request         |   |      |
 *                 |                                                |   |      |
 *        +--------+---------+                                      |   +------+
 *   +---->   Accumulating   |<-------------------------------------+    commit
 *   |    +---+--------------+      reclaim, previous read request
 *   |        |                        couldn't be fulfilled
 *   |        |
 *   +--------+
 *     feed, need more data to serve
 *     previous consumer request
 *                                         |
 *                                         |
 *               producing mode            |           consuming mode
 *                                         |


#include <stdio.h>

#include "mps_common.h"
#include "mps_error.h"

struct mbedtls_mps_reader;
typedef struct mbedtls_mps_reader mbedtls_mps_reader;

 * Structure definitions

struct mbedtls_mps_reader {
    unsigned char *frag;  /*!< The fragment of incoming data managed by
                           *   the reader; it is provided to the reader
                           *   through mbedtls_mps_reader_feed(). The reader
                           *   does not own the fragment and does not
                           *   perform any allocation operations on it,
                           *   but does have read and write access to it.
                           *   The reader is in consuming mode if
                           *   and only if \c frag is not \c NULL.          */
    mbedtls_mps_stored_size_t frag_len;
    /*!< The length of the current fragment.
     *   Must be 0 if \c frag == \c NULL.             */
    mbedtls_mps_stored_size_t commit;
    /*!< The offset of the last commit, relative
     *   to the first byte in the fragment, if
     *   no accumulator is present. If an accumulator
     *   is present, it is viewed as a prefix to the
     *   current fragment, and this variable contains
     *   an offset from the beginning of the accumulator.
     *   This is only used when the reader is in
     *   consuming mode, i.e. \c frag != \c NULL;
     *   otherwise, its value is \c 0.                */
    mbedtls_mps_stored_size_t end;
    /*!< The offset of the end of the last chunk
     *   passed to the user through a call to
     *   mbedtls_mps_reader_get(), relative to the first
     *   byte in the fragment, if no accumulator is
     *   present. If an accumulator is present, it is
     *   viewed as a prefix to the current fragment, and
     *   this variable contains an offset from the
     *   beginning of the accumulator.
     *   This is only used when the reader is in
     *   consuming mode, i.e. \c frag != \c NULL;
     *   otherwise, its value is \c 0.                */
    mbedtls_mps_stored_size_t pending;
    /*!< The amount of incoming data missing on the
     *   last call to mbedtls_mps_reader_get().
     *   In particular, it is \c 0 if the last call
     *   was successful.
     *   If a reader is reclaimed after an
     *   unsuccessful call to mbedtls_mps_reader_get(),
     *   this variable is used to have the reader
     *   remember how much data should be accumulated
     *   so that the call to mbedtls_mps_reader_get()
     *   succeeds next time.
     *   This is only used when the reader is in
     *   consuming mode, i.e. \c frag != \c NULL;
     *   otherwise, its value is \c 0.                */

    /* The accumulator is only needed if we need to be able to pause
     * the reader. A few bytes could be saved by moving this to a
     * separate struct and using a pointer here. */

    unsigned char *acc;   /*!< The accumulator is used to gather incoming
                           *   data if a read-request via mbedtls_mps_reader_get()
                           *   cannot be served from the current fragment.   */
    mbedtls_mps_stored_size_t acc_len;
    /*!< The total size of the accumulator.           */
    mbedtls_mps_stored_size_t acc_available;
    /*!< The number of bytes currently gathered in
     *   the accumulator. This is both used in
     *   producing and in consuming mode:
     *   While producing, it is increased until
     *   it reaches the value of \c acc_remaining below.
     *   While consuming, it is used to judge if a
     *   get request can be served from the
     *   accumulator or not.
     *   Must not be larger than \c acc_len.           */
    union {
        mbedtls_mps_stored_size_t acc_remaining;
        /*!< This indicates the amount of data still
         *   to be gathered in the accumulator. It is
         *   only used in producing mode.
         *   Must be at most acc_len - acc_available.  */
        mbedtls_mps_stored_size_t frag_offset;
        /*!< If an accumulator is present and in use, this
         *   field indicates the offset of the current
         *   fragment from the beginning of the
         *   accumulator. If no accumulator is present
         *   or the accumulator is not in use, this is \c 0.
         *   It is only used in consuming mode.
         *   Must not be larger than \c acc_available. */
    } acc_share;

 * API organization:
 * A reader object is usually prepared and maintained
 * by some lower layer and passed for usage to an upper
 * layer, and the API naturally splits according to which
 * layer is supposed to use the respective functions.

 * Maintenance API (Lower layer)

 * \brief           Initialize a reader object
 * \param reader    The reader to be initialized.
 * \param acc       The buffer to be used as a temporary accumulator
 *                  in case get requests through mbedtls_mps_reader_get()
 *                  exceed the buffer provided by mbedtls_mps_reader_feed().
 *                  This buffer is owned by the caller and exclusive use
 *                  for reading and writing is given to the reader for the
 *                  duration of the reader's lifetime. It is thus the caller's
 *                  responsibility to maintain (and not touch) the buffer for
 *                  the lifetime of the reader, and to properly zeroize and
 *                  free the memory after the reader has been destroyed.
 * \param acc_len   The size in Bytes of \p acc.
 * \return          \c 0 on success.
 * \return          A negative \c MBEDTLS_ERR_READER_XXX error code on failure.
int mbedtls_mps_reader_init(mbedtls_mps_reader *reader,
                            unsigned char *acc,
                            mbedtls_mps_size_t acc_len);

 * \brief           Free a reader object
 * \param reader    The reader to be freed.
 * \return          \c 0 on success.
 * \return          A negative \c MBEDTLS_ERR_READER_XXX error code on failure.
int mbedtls_mps_reader_free(mbedtls_mps_reader *reader);

 * \brief           Pass chunk of data for the reader to manage.
 * \param reader    The reader context to use. The reader must be
 *                  in producing mode.
 * \param buf       The buffer to be managed by the reader.
 * \param buflen    The size in Bytes of \p buffer.
 * \return          \c 0 on success. In this case, the reader will be
 *                  moved to consuming mode and obtains read access
 *                  of \p buf until mbedtls_mps_reader_reclaim()
 *                  is called. It is the responsibility of the caller
 *                  to ensure that the \p buf persists and is not changed
 *                  between successful calls to mbedtls_mps_reader_feed()
 *                  and mbedtls_mps_reader_reclaim().
 * \return          \c MBEDTLS_ERR_MPS_READER_NEED_MORE if more input data is
 *                  required to fulfill a previous request to mbedtls_mps_reader_get().
 *                  In this case, the reader remains in producing mode and
 *                  takes no ownership of the provided buffer (an internal copy
 *                  is made instead).
 * \return          Another negative \c MBEDTLS_ERR_READER_XXX error code on
 *                  different kinds of failures.
int mbedtls_mps_reader_feed(mbedtls_mps_reader *reader,
                            unsigned char *buf,
                            mbedtls_mps_size_t buflen);

 * \brief           Reclaim reader's access to the current input buffer.
 * \param reader    The reader context to use. The reader must be
 *                  in consuming mode.
 * \param paused    If not \c NULL, the integer at address \p paused will be
 *                  modified to indicate whether the reader has been paused
 *                  (value \c 1) or not (value \c 0). Pausing happens if there
 *                  is uncommitted data and a previous request to
 *                  mbedtls_mps_reader_get() has exceeded the bounds of the
 *                  input buffer.
 * \return          \c 0 on success.
 * \return          A negative \c MBEDTLS_ERR_READER_XXX error code on failure.
int mbedtls_mps_reader_reclaim(mbedtls_mps_reader *reader,
                               int *paused);

 * Usage API (Upper layer)

 * \brief           Request data from the reader.
 * \param reader    The reader context to use. The reader must
 *                  be in consuming mode.
 * \param desired   The desired amount of data to be read, in Bytes.
 * \param buffer    The address to store the buffer pointer in.
 *                  This must not be \c NULL.
 * \param buflen    The address to store the actual buffer
 *                  length in, or \c NULL.
 * \return          \c 0 on success. In this case, \c *buf holds the
 *                  address of a buffer of size \c *buflen
 *                  (if \c buflen != \c NULL) or \c desired
 *                  (if \c buflen == \c NULL). The user has read access
 *                  to the buffer and guarantee of stability of the data
 *                  until the next call to mbedtls_mps_reader_reclaim().
 * \return          #MBEDTLS_ERR_MPS_READER_OUT_OF_DATA if there is not enough
 *                  data available to serve the get request. In this case, the
 *                  reader remains intact and in consuming mode, and the consumer
 *                  should retry the call after a successful cycle of
 *                  mbedtls_mps_reader_reclaim() and mbedtls_mps_reader_feed().
 *                  If, after such a cycle, the consumer requests a different
 *                  amount of data, the result is implementation-defined;
 *                  progress is guaranteed only if the same amount of data
 *                  is requested after a mbedtls_mps_reader_reclaim() and
 *                  mbedtls_mps_reader_feed() cycle.
 * \return          Another negative \c MBEDTLS_ERR_READER_XXX error
 *                  code for different kinds of failure.
 * \note            Passing \c NULL as \p buflen is a convenient way to
 *                  indicate that fragmentation is not tolerated.
 *                  It's functionally equivalent to passing a valid
 *                  address as buflen and checking \c *buflen == \c desired
 *                  afterwards.
int mbedtls_mps_reader_get(mbedtls_mps_reader *reader,
                           mbedtls_mps_size_t desired,
                           unsigned char **buffer,
                           mbedtls_mps_size_t *buflen);

 * \brief         Mark data obtained from mbedtls_mps_reader_get() as processed.
 *                This call indicates that all data received from prior calls to
 *                mbedtls_mps_reader_get() has been or will have been
 *                processed when mbedtls_mps_reader_reclaim() is called,
 *                and thus need not be backed up.
 *                This function has no user observable effect until
 *                mbedtls_mps_reader_reclaim() is called. In particular,
 *                buffers received from mbedtls_mps_reader_get() remain
 *                valid until mbedtls_mps_reader_reclaim() is called.
 * \param reader  The reader context to use.
 * \return        \c 0 on success.
 * \return        A negative \c MBEDTLS_ERR_READER_XXX error code on failure.
int mbedtls_mps_reader_commit(mbedtls_mps_reader *reader);

#endif /* MBEDTLS_READER_H */